The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 19, 1845, Image 4

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    l rut u4ulvU for ruutiu in Ilie
i Spring.
' wi ich ire in general ml its
(too miy be considered tt dividinjt
inemiclven into two cl.ies; mon- met.
j ra (eimed runners, nd such it'ow,
i only to ihi licighlh cf li lo 18 luchf,
j und support themselves by ilieir o-
giicnuih, whre Itie former mju r
; itiificial iili to support iln m while i!e
Ttloping their orin ml mitiinnj.
I their (eriL
IlCJrsEni Fj''imlc nf Sorts.- Tho
Iribs incluili'i m vf ml vnfinits. Tho
; most generally cultivated ire tin
Lima lleans, lha Csse Knife, ill.
! Pole Cranberry, and ihw Scarlet Kuu-
These son are subdivided by anoth
cr charcieri.iiiC ihoso whee potlt hi
used in like manner with (he dwai'.v
and those produce is shelled like ihe
Pes, and seeds only used for culinary
jiU' poses.
The Lima Hem surpasses all oihn
beans, in poinl of xct llt-ncf, buih at.
respects quali'y und productive -s and
may according to Wilson, be 'cmsidei
! ed without a rival in the veipubli
world,' The Case knife and Pole
Cranberry are in more jrnml cultiva
tion, but ore decidedly inferior to tlx
Lima Bean.
! Cultivation. The whole tribe rt-
quire Rood licit soil, and planted in
elifthtly raised hills sbout 15 or 18 inch
I n in diameter, and at distance of Si
feet apart to the row, fiom centre t
I , centre of earh hill, and the same J i s-j
( lance fiom be ween each row, arrang
inn the hills s that they would inter-
; ,ect each olhor. Five or six beam-
hcMild be planted at equal distances a
round the centre of the hill, and covet
S the beans from half an inch to three
quarters of an inch with fine soil. Aftei
ins beans have grown an inch or two,
select three of the best, and draw the
others. A pole of 6 or eight feel Ion
should be placed in lha very centre ol
each hill, and fixed in the ground at
' least 15 iuchel deep, for the plants to
run on,
( Dwaif Siring Bush or Snap Hearts,
are itry productive a delicious vege
i ihle easy in cultivation, and peculurly
ml.'r.tfd for this country.
Cultivation. These beans require
a rich son. ihoioughly broken. Plant
in diill an inch and a half deep and
from 2 feet to two and a half apart.,
planting the beans two and a half inch
es distant fro ii each other in the drill.
Cover tin m with very liht soil. Plant
8t regular succession in the months of
May, June, July, and the last crop in
about the first of August.
) CCCCMDEIH This vegplable, so un-
ivtrsally cultivated, tdiould be plai ted in
t he same manner as diiected lor the
Lima bean. The sirne distatiee npirt,
and the same number of seed planted in
each h:l!,'hiiiiiingihem likewise to three
of the strongest plan's when they hav.
put for t h Ilieir ArCoud louh leaf. C'u
cumbers, when coming through tin
trounil, an- viry apt in this country, to
suffer from the dcpiedaiious of an inseci
which completely destroys ihe eotyel
dons or seed leaves, and consequently
ruins the crop. 1 have s-en a plan
adopted by a liicnd of mine in the viciti
ily i.f Koeliester, which hasenabl- d him
to set tin !"' destroy eis a' dt finance,
merely by j 1 c n r a covering of raw
cotton ovu 'lie hills sufficiently thick I.
prevent the ingiess of any insect. Such
hills as weie I' ll exposed, the plant),
weie completely desMoyed, while thus
whiclt were covered with Hie cot
ton, escaped free from the smallest in
Peach TnEEs. Plant tansy aioiiml
' ilif loots of peain irei. The peach
svoin will nut Double t'lem alter
Wii ids
A ihankful man is a haipy nun; am
avc liave always rtason lo tie thankful
Vhenyu hieak your arm, you in.
(j. 1 tl it not your neck; and abnvi
nil ttmpnial blessings, a sober man n
m.tlter how poor otiaht lo be Ihmklu
he don't gft diunli; lor this unfits hui.
firri'lici giving or leOMVing pleasuie.
An.!, I" jnnil al'. evi ry nieehaiiieinight
he i, i.l. f.i! 'hat l,.s K t is c,
Ill II, I-
jilenufj' ',!.
;iny '.
t'y. I t even ttmucti I..
! " ' ; .her than a j in -
' a lie who is a u..n.
.. t-c ' ' per, and in a
! ' as n'i..'uuu.
I l Pi luces H
m-.v on the Mveat am!
utiiN slaves.
t T 1
Ic .11 iiy is a ,t ;tiid commend.ilih
i':u A mi' nt tigniy is a man,
r .! - ! .-. . . ady in.ii.; i.
s :; ' .j;.- No bribe ran
"' ' ' , 1 1. it- i' unl him; his
W .!! - w 't (it ul Mile JI
shim s hi li'M -t i
know what he 'i
('" jikI Jus friend
1 lie hates f it-,
tery and tenipi.rNinj; in oihers. He
unswith truth ami nnt v.ith the times
Kilh right und not with might.
M wart lo know il you believe in thn
bonk farming?' ssid a neighbor, a h
walked into the room where 1 sal reading
the Cult'vaur.
He suie I do,' was the reply.
'Well, I don't; I never look an agri
e'lhurd piper in my lilo. 'l'here is IJ.
S. ol VV , who eame into this conn
try Hycais 'go.auJ had to buy 50 acre
of Uud on ci-di'. lie has cluaicJ that
op ti ii J ,id. lei fiom lime to time, tih
lie iinw owns two humlred aeies ha
good tm hlinii4, and considerable money
t luieiest. ile li always good einps.
IIh has sveiacid 21 buxhes of wheal
o ihe acre for several years it is the
name wi h all h i other ciop.s while hi.
leighbor, L. YV ., has not isiseil tnoit
than seven bushels of wheat lo ihe ( re,
nd some of his other crops he nevei
pietends to harvest. Nuw, I would
ive mure lot the experience of B S
han torall the book-firming and farming
by rule in ihe vut Id. '
Very well, sir ; now let me have a
word. 1 hii 'exjiei ieuce of H. S ol
which you speak, (i. e. the meth
od hi adopin to raise twenty-live
bushels ol wheal to the acie to
where his ne ghbor raises sevei.
bushels of wheat, and other crons in
proonijii,) if written out ami published
wouhsbe ihe miy essence ol booi film-
ng, which you so much despisn ami
might bemfit o'tiers as well .5 )ou.
And then, secondly, I know this B. S
1 Iso, and it gives me p easure to iuloru
you that he is a tegular subscribe! to,
ikI constant reader of three stuudini
igricultuial papers-r-the CoItiValor, the
New Geiiesiee Farmer, 8nd the Ve'-
ni Farmer, while this same E. VV.
will not have an agricultural paper in
his house, paitly because he does no1
believe in book-farming, and partly
because he cannot aOoid lo take such a
Here the man suddenly remembered
his errand, which was to borrow un
improved hsnow, a plan which I found
11 my paper, sod which he was pleased
o say, 'did the woik so much heller
han mine,' (his) o the subject win-
.hopped. I intend to speak lo him a
gam, ere long.
Cull ivu tor.
By virtue of sundiy writs of levari facial.
10 me uireuleu, will be exposed at public
sale at the Court lluuae in Danville, on
Monday ihe 2 hi of April, 1815 at 12 u'
clock, noon, lha follow imj described pr. per
iv, 10 wii :
'1U that certain out lot or piece of
leiml situalotl in M lioiiiii; tuvrmhin, Co.
liKiibia county, and in the pint of said mil
lots, numbered 'live: le;iiiiiiii u a post, a
cimicr of lot number four, now of John
l)en, thenee north lliinv six degrees ivesi
twenty two and 11 ne tenths perches to a
post; iheuce by an a'doy north fifty ciylit
degrees east, twenty perches 10 a post a
corner ol lol 11 11 in tier six, of James l.oiii'h
head; south thirty four degrees easi
twenty to and nine lendis peri'bea to a posi
thence hy lots innnlier llwee and r.vii, nou
of Willni'ii Donaldson and the said Thonno
Woodsides, sontli lifiy eiflil decrees west
Uveniy eiuhi perches lo Ihe place nfbeuin
111111', enniaiiiiiig four acrct be the fcjint
more or lees.
SeiZ' d, laken in execution and to be sold
as the property ol Thomas Wondside.
Ikam I)i:rk, Slarijj'.
Shkriff's Ofiice, Ihuville
March 1U 18 45.
Era ndreth?s Tills.
FT EA1J' is tliuterisid in an indivirtsl U
j Hie atisoncf ol ill pain, fiilloriiiL', or tlii-( linn
in any paitut'hia hotlv; by the free and regular ex
ereiHo of hi functions w itlunit miy exemitioii.
I'liry in having a good appetite at meal
nine i, an easy dlvestum, liee nucuations, VMtlioiil
looseners or coativcni'ds at Irnatoncc in every twenty-four
houra, mid without lieat.diyness, or burning
at I ho paxsajre, the lire iUi of ihu water itlmiil
icriinoiiy or burning, and without a reddi.-h n di.
merit w hich i always a h'ii of a present or an
liroaching puiii; ipiiet hltep without agitation or
iiuolilc'iioine drcannj no taste of bile or nf!;cr bail
idatc in the mouth upon rising in the looming; m,
lotirnessi or disuyreHable rising of the Ktomaeh; n
Jlenn longue; a nwtet biealh; no ilcliiny , j-imple-i 01
puU on the i.kiu; no pikp; 110 burning heal upon
my part of the body; no rxcruivc thirst when 1111.
expired to labor or other known cause; no intrr
.ujiiion to 10 iv natural evacuation, nor pain at their
ji iiioilicul reiuru.
U'liere the state of the system does not haunon
izc with the above picture of health, it is of ll.i
realCkl importance that no tiriiu te lost in sceiln (
ir a doctor, or in the use of foolinh n medics U i
'fen the result of Kpcouhilinn; instead of thiscourEi
lc a dose of I'KAMJKL'I H'B TILLS be tiiliin
which will not deceive, o:it will ot once rcston
liealih to the oryan or pal ! rf quirea it.
Alt who wish to preserve their heulth, ell whi
are determined lo defuir4 -'ii '.il'c Huuiiibt the en
croai-hmentsof disease w 1, light send them pre
iiimm-i to tiietrravc. win, w ittiout hesitation, buw
recourse to the raiid.eth HilU, when Ihe Biatc 01
the sysicm docs not harmoniaa with ths above nic
uiic of houlth,
Those wholive in a country wherp contagious m
otber diseases prevail, should often think of this
true pidure of health, uud observe himself with pur
ticul ir attention, in order to act nccoiding'y. Tin
wisouiid rii'litly dincled willfolinw this s lvicc
the unwise arc left to their own destruction.
A (1 13 N T 8.
VVra.shin,;ton Kubcrt M'Kay.
.leraeytown L. & A. T. igtla
Danville E. U.Iieyriolds & Co.
Cattawissa C. U. WroliBt.
lJIoonisburg J. Ii. Mover.
Limestone Uubbiifii M 'Ninth.
Uutkhorii .V. U. Shoemaker.
Lime KidsfB Andre 4. .Villcr
Jerwiek J V Atilea
M jv 4, IS41 2.
IIY vinos nf t nndry writs nf ven, expo
ins, lo me directed, will beexrinsed 10 nub
ic sale til the Court House, in Danville, nn
Monday, the 2lsi day of Aprd, I8ll.ii,
l-l ..'.I....I. tr .1.- r.n . i . .
i u iiui , n, m, inn ioiiowiiijj noeilot'o
properly, 10 wu :
A certain lot of ground shinned in ilie vil
age of Orailjieville, eonlainilig one half sere
whereon is creeled
Hiitf on Main street, iiuiiitorei) n, ihn plan
of h ihI in w n; adjoiuinj; lands of Isaac Kline
find others.
Seized laken in exeeuiion and lo be told
as the properly ol 0. Ii MtPherson.
A certain plantation or Unci of land hiu
UleU in lircenu oiiil township, ( 'oluiiilmestlcssiich and inabilily lo sleep; wiind in the sto-
.'uuuiy, containing
117 AC 15!;.
more or less, about eighty acres nf which
lb cleared luuil. Hounded by IiiuiIh nf Ii
phraim Parker. Jacob livans' .Vilhniu I,e
nous und others, whereon is erected a
ind oihei out buildings with the appnrle
Seized taken in exeeuiion and lo be sold
dS ihe property of Joseph !,enioi).
A certain lot- ol land situiite m Fishiir
reek townslii),Coluriibia rounty.coniainiii
more nr less, about seventy five mr. .i
which are beared land adjoining landsi ol
Daniel Smith Udward Mcllenrv Jusenh
Fullmer Philip Apple-nan and others
wlier. .(in is erected I V 0 DUUIJdNf;
.lOUSUS; one P.AUN and a sn.all TA.
YAUU; wul the appurtenances,
Seized laken in exeeuiion and to be sold
is ihe properly of Peter a!k.
A eertain lol of ground situa'.e in Liherh
township Columbia coiinfy coniaining six
teres more or less bounded hy lauds o1
William Carter, George Ilaiimeu, am
Abel Cadwelleder, whereon is rietlcd n
frame d welting Iioihc, and an apple orchard
with llie r.piurtenances.
Seized taken in execution, and to be soli!
is the property ol Frederick Hoyer.
Liaji I i; un , " Sheriff,
Sheriffs Office. Uaoviile
March 101815
TO all leoaiee, credaors, and other per
nous intriesleil in ihu estate nf the ri.fpeci
iivo ill in'ili ins mid minus, ilmt ihe aiiminis
iraiioii and guaidian neeonnis ui' the tan)
estate have Lteit lilltd in the oliiee of the
Uegtster of the county of Columbia, and
will be presented lor eotilirmntiiiii and h!
lowanee lo die Oi pliarib' Court, o he held
al lianviUe, in and lor the county af.ire.viid,
on Wednesday, on 23J day of Aj-nl next
al 2'clork, P. Al.
1 The ii'Touni of John D itesman, l'-r;r
dmr, of die esime i f Caihaiine Leie
late (d MahuiiiiiJ township dacei.5ed.
2 The aei uuiii ol ' icr (iinon and !n
idicl ! 1 a i i ai 1 1 , Admrs. ur ihe esiale ol
i'Ii.icI lli.i ituhii, la e i f Jai 1,-on 1 1 v r t-lii,
drt eased,
it The account of Samuel 1!. W Kri
lireaned, !a'e Adinr. id Maiy p. A'traw
irulee, drri used, so fur as he in Ins life tiini
nlininimercd ihe ;t 1 1 1 1 , fihd Ly Uii W ihm
Admr. of said S li Wiisou,
4 The account of the tidininistrMiun nt
P.zra S Hay huist as the administrator M
Cieoig'- , rr, dectatt d.
5 J he ficcouiil id Gcnrje liners am!
George II Willns, Admrs. nf tin i state
W illiatn Clark, late ol !iwi:o!ii
C The supplemi nlary ar count of John
Fry and Jacob Fry Uxecuiors id li r; Li.
Will and Testament of Uaiid Fry, l .te ol
lll'llllixk tOAtlsllip, tVlClsl ll
7 The supplemental' accnunt nfS l,un
llciitlncksiiii and William 15 Hi ndncksou,
IJxrciltois ol the Last ill and TcsUim m
nl 'Abraham Hendrickson, late of Libiriv
tow iisbiji, di ceased.
8 The account of illiain ij. Hendru k
sun'. Execmor of die Last Will and I'cMa
nietil ol Chiisiiati Shelh late if Lib,rt
township, deceased.
J The account ol Ualilel l ollmcr, (iiiai
lieii of Iii'i j in. in f Jiiuger, minor child u
William Gougtr, late of I imfslone
nhip, dei eased.
10 The account of Jonathan Fidlmrr,
Admr id' die estate of Plnbp Lisher, laii
d Lituriy lownchip, decei.s.'il.
1 1 The account of Cabrl Thomas, Admr.
if the ft tale of Samuel .Moore, hue ol .Mad
, i
imiii ti ribliip, ueceaseu.
li The accounl ol Peter S'lndtz. Kxecu
. i . . ,r o . .i 'i'. . i ,.,
or ei me i.abi . in auu i m.uiii ih ui ..".
lei of lir iiiaiii; late of Derry low nt-hip;
CM A USES ("ON NEH, 1,'cUtcr. i i r's Oihi k ?
DariMlle, March 21 1813 y
All perrons indebled lo die subscribers,
n note, book account or nihinviss ofovei!
tyicyty ji
ilie ears Mtaildiug, ere rt (pit Blcd to ( all andjimd in theiratteudaiice, u,'eeal'ly to their imlicn
-elite the same in (,'nsh or Gum, on or be
ore the 1: t day i f February next. 'J'bosi
neeleciing ibis nnnce, niay expect lo pa
cost an we are determined tu have our old
husiui ss settled.
W.M. M'KELYY i Co.
Dlooms'itirg, Dec, US 1641.
. vv,
Thia Hair Tonic bus nroilucail he intil'ul New
Hair in the bends of humlrcds who lunt l.c.-u Imlit
.for years It ulso piuiric tho heul from Uaudrull'i"'"".'cd h''op, and is nnw ready iind prepared t.
I 'ui es diseases of tho scalp ('reserves th hair
" or ''"""Ug permaiiently gray
IS a pertain, safe ami etlectual remedy forth
rntery, 1 liarilnua or looseness, cholera inorbus.siun
mer compliiinl, colic; giiping pains; Hour Htoinnch;
sirk and in rvous headaeh, hearlburn, wsiurbrash;
pain or sicluicis of the stomach; vomiliug; spitting
up of food afler eating and also where it pusses
through the body unchanged j want of appetite;
I much and bow els; cramp; ucrvous tremors ami
tw Ui'liiuijs; seasickness; tainting,: oielancholy ami
low ness of spirits, fretting and crying of infants
and fcrull bowel ullcclioiiHund lu rvoinr Jiaeusvs.
Which is perfectly safo and so plennnlit that
ihildien will not rcl'uso to lake it' It cfpctuallv
lestrovs worms: neutralizes ncidily or sou rness of
U"-stomueli; iocieases upictito and ails as a gene
ral anil perni.inent 1 uuie and is tlu ielorc exrviu
iuuly bcuelii ial in in'ermitlent niidlieiniucnt ftnts
and iialigi srionj iVc and is a certain and permanent
cure for the fever unu auc.
They may be laken at all times and in
most diseases In InlLimmaioiy, iniernit
taut, liemiueiil, llilious, and every oilier
form of Fever Jaundice and Liver Com
plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really an
invaluable artit Ic , gradually changing the
Mtiated secretions of the tiornach and liwr,
mil produciiiji healthy (coon in those ini
ooriaui urcans. Tliev are very valuable
or diseases id lb
okin, anil lor what
omiiionlv eallcil impurity ol l!ie blood;
also lor l einaie l ompiaiiHs, uosiiveness
&e.,and in fuel every ili.-eas0 where an
pancnt, Alterative, or Purgative Meiliciiie's..Mn thai can be procured in this vicinity
nay be requited
It always cures Asthma two or tliree;l,,! '-'i1''"i,;d in as handsome a style as r
J It ' . ' i I i' li
'arm) doses wi I cure the Ciouo or ives I
Children, in from iiluen minutes to an
murs. lime II immediately subdues the
violence of Hooping Cough, and effects a
speedy cure. Hundreds who have been
i ven up by ihetr physicians ss inctirralili
n idi 'Consurnpiion,' liavt been rcslorct!t
rieilc.ri health, by it.
In fact, as a remedy in Puhnonr.ry Dis
;ascs, no medicine has ever obtained a more deserved reputation.
tJThe above Aledieine are all for sale
it tho store, of JOHN li. AIOYE:!.
IJIonmsburg. Hu
r t 'i ijri y Afr- n
11 G'J 2
r-yy.V. VyC. tl.,. rl:.ei:t epporluni'v o!
'J epiei:.'S his llisiiikfidue tiihi.-; frieuii.i,io.i!
die pi;!, lie generally, for the liherul pationaire he
lias heretofore ri reive, I. int'orri,.- hi.; fi u iu!s iuj.l l!:e
pel 'ic in f,e:;eral,t!it he : till continucato i n
'he i ll; incri ,il u'.l e; l.iiilh lil (1 htai.ll, (
lli3 cuner ol Main Kat t-tu'c'.s v.l.eiu I
iiopi;;, !iy . tiict :.l',; lil;(,n to l n.-inis, to receive
mil nieri! a :.!i.iie ol puhiic i ;c;c sik lieretntnre.
I le iheiiiK it unriri e. -ary l i v into ihe i!;o,,e of
rave. or in u.-e :mv .; ,!'l i'.l ,' n!.i:it l.i-s .vi'.'II.l. in
.he i i. ;; e: k'iX (: t;.' :.n ,r t i ttim;
w hi-, sl.ep i.i cf ,i;:.4 it'iiulil; uml Lis .w..k l.c
hii.k will iipc.-.k lor ii -iif, lar iiiore Inu'er
hall v.or.l-'. U'.it. he wnnlil men !v -; thul. he
.viii rants hi:
.lie villi ncatiir
hi'.' le l..;n,rn r,
mil in il'C
all tt ('.
anil will
n e a a I ! in ;.
.A. j. I liai'js mot
l;T:,n r l raill l!w liawu
kimiij (,!i. I'liahice laken in
A Of k. !lt 111.0 "1 't il ' -i.
I)!i, on, .sIhii, iNin, I) " I I.
i . - 'v ' .". .....
TT THKIiRAS, tho Hun. Jokkiui II. An ciuim
V V IVsidentol 'the Court of Oyr and Ti"
in i ii tr li. I Generil Jail Dcliwry, Court, cl IJurcli r
'essoins of the l'caco.und Court of (V.nuuuii I'h-a;-
ind llriilian,' Culiit ill the ei'oilli nilieial ci.-iiiel
en.iij om',1 of thu counties of .'.'ortluiniherlioii'
'.'i.inii, Coluinhia and l.ycoininp; and ihe J I m .
'.i'. utiim i:nw!ttxoii and litoyti .Vi.t.', K,
ipilies, Asoci .lc Jiiilires in Cohinil.iii county. havi
is.c.i;! Jnir pfcept he t'iiin;j dale the ?r'tll llay ol
Ian. ill the year of our Lord one thoiie i.i!
eiyl.t hundred anil for,v-lie, and tome directed, ki
.1 Court of fhjrr inul Ttriiiintr, and (Jm
crtil Jail lUt'tcrry, General (limrlii
Sa slow of the 1'iace, Couuon Etcu)
and Uriliiiu's Court.
IS DAN VILLI?, in tho County of Cohiinl in
jOii the third V.ond.iy ofApil, iheiny tin
1 si ,l., I mill ilium ui; viii iiixa .
vf),rejs therefore hereby eiven to
Notice is therefore hereby
. (;Jll, , the Justices of t! ie I'eace, and Con
Mahlea of the HaiJ cuuiity of Culumhia. thai lhe
'1 then ami theio in their linger i.ersons, at Id
'o'cI.m!; in the foiciiouli of taiil ilav. with their
in ;:ur,ls, iinpiisitiorm unci other r, meialiraneea, t,,
'those rhinos which to their oUiies appeitain ti
il edone. And those that ae hound l.y reconi
jiiinces, to prosecute Jgainst the pruiiers that iilc
or n.av I c in the Jail of said conntv of ('oliimliia.
i nr to I ,i: then and there lo proseeulv iu;ainl them
nt. shall be just, Jurou are ri'ipiettrd lo he ptinc
JJulCil at lianviue, ine ;ui nay ol Jan. in
the year of our Lord one thousand eic,ln
hiuidied and forty-lie and in l!ic (is year
of the Independence of the l liited tal(.
of America.
Sntmrf' Orritr, Danville
Jan. S. ISIS
hia it in;.
' ' ' t.'LLY infurins the cil'ucns o
jrJB t.'olunibin county, mid the public gencrnlljl
' U bus loculed binisell in Ulminmliiirg in Man.
I""1'1'1 opposite !Sl. Puul's Church, where ho hie
" i ive a xi-eiiio un worn in nisunrni nusiness
'.villi disptlch uud in a woikiiianhke uiiinuer.
clocks & Watches
of the best quality, can be had at his eslublishmciii
on very reasonable tenm .
inor.irKixG & cleamxg
w ill 'jo done to the satisfaction of l!io customer, ar
well of Clocks and Watches as of Jewelny, mid he
wiil further, warrant his work lute cxculel it
well as nny in this section of Iho iiia'.e. He will
also make to order
or pocket, and in short, will do all otliPrwork Usu
ally done in a well regelated respectable rstnldish
incut. He liopes by stiict utlt nlion to busines
and a desire to please, to icceive ii liberal share o
imtronage. ('ountry I'roduco taken in puymen
for woik at the market prices.
Uloomsburg, November 15, 1 81-1 30.t
3IAE5fa!'a YAKJ).
The subscribers have established al tf
above place, a new MJ1IIDLE YAM)
and will always be ready, al the shortest
notice, lo furnish to order,
is'0r avv other work in ibeir line. Tbev an
aso prepared to lurnisi WINDOW CAI
f-hher of Ala.ble. Lime or anv kind o!
J j" Having had 'mnsiiler
ble cxperienr
in il.r busitifss, tney pledge their wurk
r.nnisncu irum f.ny yaru tuner in t
city or conntri ; and on as reasrruhe lerms
Hlnomshvrg, Nov. I), 1813. ly 28
Chai'Fi. anufactoy,
Til E suSscriber continues to carry
C II A I II M N U F A C T 0 i I N G
icms at ih2 old stand of D- & S. I i 2 r
, where he u i'I lie ready at
to luruiali Fancy & Windsor (Jliairs,
f et
lies, Dostou Kueking Chairs l:v, of even
desertptioti, which may be called fnr,
short tioiiiv and on the tiu-'it rcahoiiatd
terms. He will also execute Iloure, Sin &
Ornamei:! al Piiinting, ami House Pujieriuij
in a superi'..r inannur,
i . . t -. : : . . t. . r .
rioui nri. e. pci ieuce in rue oii!;ine?s,:itii
ai.s I'aeiliticv of riianiifacluring the variou
uiii li'S i;f liis luif, fie l:.lVf.- hansel' ih
lie sl'.all he able to luriiinh as rood work
and upon as n-aionahle terms as can
done in the coiiipi v, all of which lie w
depose of lor CASH ur COL'NTI.Y
N. P.- C.dtTf from a distance will !.
" sliicily pu.'ii'lu,;!! v attended In,
Ploouial urn, Doc yo, I8i:i
For April Term, 1'Jlj
liloom hphraim Luiz t'a;ii;ud liar
Di-ier.n ek John 1 1 ill Hubert McL'urdi
Jo'ili iW,
()atij'.vis,i Lt wis Ynllrr
D. rry illiam Carnahau
l'laokliu John V'ought
Jackson George Alliger
Limcfctoue John S. Dye
Liheriy William Dale
Milllin Jjhti Grover Christain Shu
i i i i t-ii' ii , ,
,U Jllllllllie JIJIIII IillM&ei Xll l IISOI)
lohll (i J'houi:,SOU
Mi. Pleasant U illicm Miller David Vig
Montour James liartoti John ILcbart!
D.ivnl Ch.ik
M .diso:i Hi i j .ruin Winteistecn
Orange John ('rouse
Iviui inger'.'tk John Davia
1 S 13
Pdnom Eli Ci iveling
Lrn rcrcek William McMicliae' M. V
I i, si nil. lo. F Laiis Frederick Ncieely
('uiiavvawissa Jesse Monroe John Hit
n r jr
Deny Ncal ,Mi Coy John Jilee Jaeol
ieidie Pen r Shnhz
Franklin John Low John Mencb Geurgi
Ileoiliiik--Kohert Moore.
Lion siuiie Sum hen Ilallirt Sauinr l
Ca'dwcll Philip Kuny.iii John Flood.
ALiboning William Schuyler Coriulu.
('oinelisiin Madison Thomas Uarber Jacob Dcmof
Jacob Driize!iue John Kelner
Ml. I'lem !:nl John II Yundersliee
William Kclley
Oranue Ahuer Wilsch
Hoarinocreek Daniel Lerau Sahaslinf
llower Nathan Diicsbaeh Suloman Feller
ii a ii
Sugarloaf j.imur 1 Loan Lenjainii
Valley Jacob Siditr Atubew Cliilds
AMI MltllDK lltlt.M).
Xciifml in I'olilh-N si ii d lCilliou
Sow in the ten nick of time to uulsoiie
fur the New I ear I,s l..
Tin: iMi i la 1)1:1,1' n a
Willi the largest Subscription List in,
the World.
Tor the purpose of facilitating the formation of
CIih, ol nkw or iiL Kulmcrihera nut in urnursMu
,,H','ilithc following
I'hreo copies f of the Saturday Couricr,t year,
or one cojiy for three years
veu tipi olhc fcatuuluy Courier, I year
Twelve, do
Seventeen do
Two do and 1
copy of either of the 3 Magazines
Five copies of the .Saturday Courier, and 2 co
pies of either of the f.i Magazine
Five copies ol the (Saturday l.'ourier.aiid I co
py ol Frost's i.ew J'ietoiial JiibUry of A
lucrica, a 5 hook,
(T j In fact, whatever oiler ia made, hv anv other
Family Journal, at all approaching in worth. heauly
jr pretensions, lo the fculurdiiy Courier, will he fur
nisheil hy us.
The Coulier has hccoinc so well and favorably
know n thiiiugh a tiiuinphantly popular course lit'
t'lUiteen years, (hut it wmilil tic Mipe, llnmis lo say
much oil that suhject here. e inuy
ever, that to the industry, tali nl eii:crpiisc,
A hieh have foi years kept this paper a Lrht e.xern
plar fur rill its imitators, will coiinlanlly he added
the productions of every available w riter, and con
tinued judicious and hl'cial expenditure will con
tinuully he made, as well in the Litirary ns the 'I'y.
pogruphical dcpartincrils. Our means will ulways
eiialdu us to he in advance of all othcis,and we shull
hu so..
Histories nf Modem Republics.
A new and important announcement for the com
ing year, in addition lo our already numerous pop
ular features, will he a scries of Condensed Histo
ries of ,1odcrn Republics, hy a fresh and vigorous
writer' who will impart a world of important in
structiou to the rising generation, in this new and
entertaining Romance of Ilisiury.
Eiograp hies und notices of Disin
ruhlicd Literary und Scientific Men.
Amonc! the interesting essays and sketches of
value, whieh we shall coiiliinii! to present in thu
f'ourier.will he a full and inleresting account of the
rise, pingrcss. and present elevated standing of ul!
'linlhanthii, of the l'ast and 1'ie. cut. Cat
home or aluoad,) in all ilepaitnient.s of Ait.Sdciiecj
(literature, iStalesinnn!iip, Poetry, Mechanics,
Planting, Agriculture, Printing, Merchandize, elc.
This will be a very interesting leatuie for thu
Voting. It will he u department ol Ilie (.'miiier,
which it has ever been our uim to render of incsti
nnible value lo those for w hoin wefiel eo deep mi
interest as we do lor the Young den of our peat
and crowing Couutiy. 'I he hues of Llhlinnuishcd
Mm are oi ininh value to llinnc w bo are el I, rni
in;; lln ir own clnira, tcrsj lor the purpose of enact
ing their ar!.i, correctly, on the Great Stage of
Human l.ilc.
Indeed, uc hepethat this department of the
'.'ouiiei' will l.o worth morn (each year) to eveiy
family w ho have tons and daughters to be le.reii,
han live limes tin amount wc a.-k for a gear's .-u!
'Criptiuii lo iho Ciaiurday t'ouiicri
liiiidcnts, lliatoriei Scenes, li'iUle
UroitnuH, tyc, vj the American and alt
other Uivolutiona,
Tinier Ibis head, which is, by the way, not at all
iow in the ( 'ouriei, wcsbiill hi n alter give giapbic
md i'iiei.vtiiig acciiuiils p.cciisioii.vlU iciioliliilly
llii.lrati il j of ihe .hrilliliis il:i'iilenls. i-o jiroli;.-ey
iuddtil l!tr..!:'h the deeply iiuoiiant l.irli.rv f
he An ciicau i!i vuhition, iii.d nf all mher revoln-
,,,ns liiat we may revai'il ot Ilie enst mleie-i n.
alue the rcadc. s of the Philadelphia tv.lllulav (mi
iier. jliis will I eel i.ccp cui:j.i ui.em e, ub-n, to
vi ry mi'inbi r of any family of the Ann rieori re.
iiblii', who ii. ay cIioip; e lo do iheiiiMlvis and ns
ihe Ijvor ol 'icniing. regularly, the Moils of Ihe
1,'M.rier at iheir Family Fireside.
JVl'L I.AI! T(iPl;(jRAI'llY. To gralitv the
;rowing appetite for a belli r know ledrje of ihe im-
lorlant n atures tl our grca; auu gbniMiis country,
mi past ei",'tii'iis bhiill tic redi'iibleil in I it! u rt- I,,
levi nt mvu! pictures ot ;nicik;n cilns, town..,
inuunlains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, elc.
Our urui'miil i!unif.-ic ViiAs, .',,,,, Pixm.-;
etc. w ill continue regularly to be fa.nisbed b (bo
miiiils and pens in the country. '1 I esc ch.ii-lo
irodia'i-oiis are acknow Icdgi d lo be the best, U r
Useliil in.-'trucli.iil at toe t.inilly bresnlc, that appear
n anv pcrb,dical.
Uta Lm. in vinos comprise scioecis in a.l liran
ics of Ait and Nature, suitable for the family tir
e, :un! appear in rapid sueeession.
Ul II 'i 1! V i l.I.FK is cme-taiitly traversing
he woild, ill search ol the weiiderlol and Inslicc
ive. tlcn Aniiicri.TriirST occupies wcikly an mi
oi'.'ant space, wih all mi-ltcr.-. f intciist for the
,,,',e .'' r of Htf ."ilk
Our IJttrouail i'l.rrn j i.iulnitn. in Liverpool,
.i, nib in, Ireland, the Fasi, keep lis regularly
idviseil of all inteicst.
(lur Maihcls and I rices ( iirrenl. embrace all tho
irliest advices ill reference to the prices of all kinds
f Grain. Produce, etc., ihe state of .Nock s. Hanks.
Moiie v.anil Fanes, and our extensive ariaimi u cnK
ill hcrciiller render our 'ike I nrrent el ieesli-
nable value to ihe 1 ravellcr, 1' ai tner, and ad Uu-
iness Glasses whatever.
M'MAKIN .V IlI'l.Fl .V
I'niirhr I'uildiug, 'Ji l.'belilil slircl, I'hii.i
I'lic SElociKhkiU'ff K- ! V.
W"W7I(.L krep constantly on hand, a largo
y y soiti.ient ol
biihthev will tell hy WTIOI.I AI K and FC
I'AII,. nrf n it CMl linns (ia tit crtulea
ii. i lie i Incline jiitnlitt irt. Mi u hiuils and
hers, innv r'rul it to their interest tondl .Ml
kinds ol grain received in avmci.t.
......... . . . .I-, . i .
jDM.rri i.uiua, i niMi'txr
srT Justirpsll auk EXECUTIONS anp
SlMMi'NS ju.-t priuud and for sale ai