The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 19, 1845, Image 3
DOUR WILL LIBERATED. The recent lorious tiiumph of prin ciple in Uhode Hand will gie liberi) to (he patnol 1))R. Thin object har ried! consummated after long and dent contest on ihe put of ihe friend' of liberal principles ihroughout Iht Union. Who does not recoiled, du i jl Ihe Lie political campaign, tho denun ciaiioni hurled at the whig, by lh tlemoiiaiic press, for their iniietroleii' sympathy with the oppressors of Gov. Doir, id iti eflect upon their ensi bililiec? Although their hypocritical benevolence, and seaied consciences might not have been effected, still their neicenlions were alive to ihetiutha thai ihf hiitorv of the Rhode Island affju were beinii made familiar lo the woilo nd that the popular mind was receiving lesson in the workings ol the Amen can whig principle which must result in instilling permanent prejudice a gainst their general cause. But tin stripe so freely inflicted by the dem uciaiic press did not heal thoe to whom they were applied. iMaddenecl by con ' tinued, they forgot that th impulses of humanly sui vive the ex citeuient of a day to pay n unwelcom viail to oppressor; and they retorted uoon their accusers the same want o' benevolence which constituted a void in their own hearts. They proclaimed ii idle taunt, 'you will hear no more abou I)nrr after ihe e ectton.' How etreai- ously have they been mistaken! 'Truth ciush'd to eaith will nra again.' The true friends of domocratic prin ciples have other great objects in view than the mere elevation of men lo office. They seek to establish & maintain good government among men; and lo uestro) ereiv form of tyranny over ihe human mind; and while, these objects are un accomplished, they will have a work lo do. The election of president Polk did not end the mention of Dorr. But hii wrongs have daily rune in the ears of the people, until liberty is proclaimed to the capitve. Dem. Union. A SINGULAR CASE. The April number of ihe American Journal of the Medical Sciences records an interesting case of a man who lived twenly-five years with a thick linen patch, in which a bullet had been envel oped, remaining in his left lung. He had been wounded on a hunting expedi tion, and Ihe ball had been extracted. The patch, however, remained , un known to Ihe physician, and was not discovered till the man's death, twenty five years after. Ii is stated that some eminent capitalism ol Boston, are now building in ilut city, a Lrre ocean fteimer, lo run between New York and Liverpool. The Dublin Evening mail asserts that Sir Robert Peel has a million sterling embark ed in trade, and thus accounts for his free trade movements. Shad was selling at ihe wharves in Wash ington City, on Saturday last, at seven dol lars per hundred, and herrings al four dol Urs pet thousand, James K. Camp, Esq , a retired merchant of f armington, Conn.; committed suicide in that place, on Saturday last by hanging himself. Mr. Chiles of llarrodshure Ky, lost 70 wool breading ewes recently in one night by dogs. A valuable species of maible has been discovered in Roxbury in Vermont, on tin line of the Central Railroad. II I l Lit The expense of the Slate Government in Florida, is $22,509 per annum. The Harrisbure Pa Mililaiy Insiitutt will be opened on the 15th of the presen month, under the most favorable auspi ces. Al georgetown, D. C on Saturday last, shad were selling al six dollars pe hundred, Mrs. Thomson of Troy New York the wife of a laboring man, was delivered of three fine childiea on Thursday week last. On luesilay morning. Mr. Wilcox, re signed the Speakershtp.snd upon the eighth ballot, Mr. fciengeie, was elected, The latest accounts from Pittsburg, rend er it almost certain, that al least seven per ons were fumed during ihe late fire. Fivt women and two men. Governor Shunk has vetoed a bill, grant ing a charier to the North Branch Rail Itoad mid Coal Company, of liradford County. His reasons ate soundj and con vineinir. and we hone have nul a stop lo - - - - O ' , . this universal chartering of companies for mere speiulalion puiposes. Mr. Jackson the newly elected Gover nor of Rhode Island, says in a letter that until Dorr is released neither party nor ihe State itself, will be tranquilized. Afoordinjf lo the recent census there are 4,793 negroes in St. Louis, Mo., 1,070 of whom are slaves. The New York Canal Commissioners, have reaolved not lo luake any change in he ralet u( lolls as established for 1814, i until the 1st of July ncxi. A Chinese conjuror named Ye-Wang, tins recently arrived in this country, from Canton WHAT HAS CAUSED THIS GREAT COMMOTION OUR COUNTRY I'll ROUGH. -Ii is Sherman's Medicated Lozenges, the fame of which has spread from Main lo Georgia, and from the Allan do to the Rocky Mountains all over the land wherever a mother has a noisy and troublesome child Dr. Sherman's Worm Destroyei is enquired alter and resorted lo the trouble is lemoved.the child becomes endurable, and whenever a child is sutler ing from worms when it gels a taste of the Lozenge, and feels the relief it produces i begins to ciy for more. The very worms themselves kick up a dust about ihem when ever they are used, whenever Sherman s Cougn Lozenges are known, no medcine s sj earnestly sought after, because it costs ml little money and gives great relief even in the most inveterate lasses. Rev. Mr. l)e Fasimond, Rev. Mr. Steeter, and a host of persons of the first respectability have given in their testimony concerning ihem, and they say there is no medicine ike them, and the Camphor Lszengea are equally surprising! who ever heard of iht most severe canes of headache being cured in a few minutes. Yel such is the fact when Sherman's Camphor Lozenges are tided. Palpitations also ate quieted nervous diseases and depressions of spirits removed 4 nd affections of the bowels permanent!) cured, and Itheumaiiistn. Pain and weak less in the back, chest! side, lejja. arms, and various parts of the body is cuied by Sherman's Poor Man's Piaster which i not only a friend lo the poor but also to the rich, and as it ia only Vl els is width the reach of all. For sale by JOHN R. MOYER.RIooms burg. .VARRIEDTn Fishingcreek, on the 6th hint. by A. W. Kline, Esq. Mr JOSEPH O. HEMS t Miss ELIZA A.N.N SHULTZ, both of Sugarloul township. Bv the same, on the lOtb insr. Mr. Jl'ySE B LANCE, uf Briercrcek, lo Miss NANCY RUN- VA.N, of Sugarloul" township. THE 1845, Wheat, 75 Rye, 50 Corn, 40 Cloverseed, 3 25 Flaxseed, 1 25 Butter, 12J Oats, 25 Ean, 8 Tallow 10 Lird 7 Dried Apples, 50 White .'eans 50 Beeswax 25 T HE subscriber informs the citizens of Blooms- bur), anil vicinity, that in consequence if the indisposition of Mr. Phillips, he has coiiiiiigncud running a waggon to the several Mills in the neighborhood, and intends continuing until Mr. Phillips is able lo resume his business, and will arry and brimi Crista to or troin any Mill that Ills ustomers may select, upon the same, terms it has heretofore been done, and he hnpts with Ihe same punctuality. 11 1 HAM THO KN TON. pril 19. NOTICE TO T A X A 1$ L E S fWHE County Coininigsioncia hereby give no tice, that in accordance with the nrovisions ot an act of the Uenerul Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 15th day of pril, A. U. 1834. An appeal will be held al their office in Danville, in Monday, the 6th day of May next, when and where all may aftend if they think proper. By order of Ihe commissioners KLIAS MEN DEN HALL; Clerk. CcMKISSIONKKg OFFICK, Dauville.April 9, 845 TO COUNTRY M KUCHA NTS riHE subscril)cr disirous of quilting business JL on account ol big healtli, will liENT HIS STORE, property to any person on favourable terms, who will ITRCHASE HIS STOCK OK COODS, remaining on hand. His situation fordoing business be considers, the best in the county. QjHe also iciuegtes all those indebted to him to come aud make payniei t before the 1st, of April, after that time, every account nut paid, will be sued without respect to person. . H, BIGGS. Jan. 261845. A POCKET BOOK 1-OST. About two weeks sito between Blooms burg and Northumberland, a large leather rOCKET nooK, containing promisorv INntes lo the amount of about two hundred dollars, and other pa pers of no value to any person but the own er. The finder will be liberally rewarded by handing il lo ihe subscriber, or giving him information where it may be had. ROBERT G. HENRY. B'.oomsburg, March 14, 1845. 50 VfAlTTED. EMPLOYMEN T will be given by ihe luhacribers lo JO Minera.during the season All those wishing lo lake a Job;will please call is we will iei it out by the Job or b) ihe ton Alio, .10 LABOURING hands wanted by the subscribers. Light Street March 4 1845 LOOK HERE FASHION A If 1 1: T A I LO U I N. Come one, come all, give me a ittlt ! THE luWrilver returns hig sincere tlianki for IIh) liberal patronage, heretofore bestowei upon him, and hopes for a continuance of the same, with an i.icrease dua the merit of bis shop. H in tcnilg sparing neither pain or labour to rendei satisfaction in any case-and will warrcnt big worl dona with taute and dniahiliiy.AND AUTT1.E NEATER THAN CAN HE DONE IN ANY C'HERSyOP IN THIS PLACE. He his just received Mabang, late repeat of Partition, from Philadelphia, which can be seen at his ahop at any time, by which ha ia enabled to cut according u die U'est style, or lo order. Hia prices are in accordance to the times. All kinda of country produce taken in payment fur work at market price A very reasonable discount for cash. P. S. I.EIDY. N. B. Cutting done with the greutcvt caie.onc' at tht thortcst notice. P. S. L. Bloomsburg, Oct.. 184 .8 NOTICE 9 hereby given to the .Stockholders in the com puny for erecting a bridge over the Northeast branch of the river Susquehanna, between the, town of Cattawissa and the mouth of Fis hingcicek that the Managers have bis day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the Stock of aid Company, for the Inst mix months, which will be paid said stockholder or their legal representatives, at the Treasurer's ofllcc, Cattawissa, on or after the 15th iiist. JAMES PLEASANTS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Cattawissa, April 1, 1845. List of Lctlrrs. REMAINING in the Post Oflioe at Cattawisea on ihe quarter 31 si. 1945. ending March Win William M'.llcr Thomas Clark David Oviderf Elizabeth Campbell Isaac Overseers of the pool of'cmlock Davis Jonathan Pfchler John Meiiuer It. Samuel Hitter David Finchcr '. Thomas Kiiigor P. Reuben Hale Joseph Stoker Alexander Hughes Ellis (.'instead Jacob Hower Cuin 2 Warntz Cyrus Iredell It. Wood II. iSamuel 5 John Maryamt Yocurn Joseph John Karuh Zeudcr George l'ersona calling tor letters in the above list wil please guy they aro advertised. PAUL It BALDY P.M. List ofLcttcrs RGMAININU in the Post Olllce, m ooinsburg, on the quaitcr ending Match. 3 1 at. 1844 Samuel Beeeh, Patrick Ilann, George Hieely, J. B. Mllard.Juhn JdSun, George .lA Dowell, John Rauch, George beutmaii . S, 'I ailor, in, Varna i'erson calling for letters in the above list will please siy they are advertised. J R MOYJS1C P M 15. F. IIAYIUJKST, WAGGON MAKER, 15LUO.MSHUKU, ESPECFTL'LLY informs the imblic tint be has located himself in the Shop latel occupied by 7.1 i. KLViiil.Eo, m MAKKE I TKEET, where he intends carrying on the abovi business in all its various branches'. HEAVY WAGGOMS built and repaired, as well as one horso WAGGONS AND HUGGIES. of every dascription, and all kinds uf Country Work, m his line, doneatshoit lioiicc, and on tin most reasonable terms. (rj'Oood Lumber and all kinds ot Country Pro- luce taken in payment for work, but Cash will noi be refused. April 5, 18 1. Gm5o BOOT AND SHOE Manufac tory- THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of filooniahurg and vicicinitv, that he has taken tho shop formerly occupied by H, C. SIIIVES, sii?n of the GOLDEN BOOT, in tlx uppei end of Bloomsburg, where he will be read) at all time to wait uau those who may favor him with their custom. His prices will be moderate. (Tr'Country Produce and Sure Orders of all kinds, will be taken in exchange for work. JACOU r. DIETTEKICH April 5, 18-15 Gin5 LIST OF CAUSES, For Trial at Jipril Tenn, 1845. 1 Jacob I.eisenring vs William Kase Adm'i of Henry Fisher. 2 Moses iVoyer vs (ieojiic llatcl rt al 3 Uurton It- VVapples vs John F. Mann 4 JSlephcu M. Gibnuia e( al vs ainucl F, Haillev 5 Dr. Win. II. Mazill et al vs Clarissa Scheuck 6 Charles Carrol vs Lewis Johnson 7 Caleb Thomas adiu'r of Elisha iSinith Hugh Smith 8 Archibald McCall et al vs Joseph Lemon 9 Hubert Montgomery vs Daniel S. Montgomery, Executor 0 Berrard Seibcrt et al vs Thomas McNair A Co Stephen Huhes vs George Vansickle Lionard Stineinan vs John McWilliams Ilnbert Moore vs John Chester Robert Chester vs John Chester Jacob Z)ielerich vs George Dieteiich adm'r Jacob Hoter vs John Gclkin John Doughty vs Paul iSnnbls rt al Charles IS. Ilowman vs i'ihis E. Craig H'nry Smith et al vs Joseph Keifer ndm'r David R, Urim vs John S. Dye Hnry .Smith et al vs Joseph admr. Charles D. Shoemaker vi E. H. B!dy et al. fcarah Cnrhran vs (itnf Miller et al. larnrt Child vs Su-an l'hilil. bainutl 'i'rple i Jeremiah Flinch ft al. "n i,., '24 .;6 Dissolution Of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given tliM the Pari nership, heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the the firm of Eyer ii lledey, i this day dissolved by mutual mnsent', and the Hooks and accounts may 'i found with Charles lledey, al the old sldtid.who is atilhonzru to settleall accounts ol the firm, and will be happy lo wail on their friends in settling the same" Those having accounts of long standing are panic tlarly requested lo call. JACOB EYER. CHARLES HEFLEY. Bloomsburg, March 181845. New Arrangement. THE auhscribers would respectfully in form their friends, and ihe public generally dial have they have entered into Partnership under ihe firm of llefley L Mendenhall, in the mercantile toe stand former ly occupied by Eyer Si Hefley, and have taken their entire STOCK OF GOODS, to which they inletd making such adJ'uions a will suit '.he seasons and make their assortment eeneral, all of which ihey are anxious lo exchange for cash, oi country produce generally, upon very libenl term. I'hev resneetfullv no.-M the patronage ol their friends and the public renerally. CUAKLES IIEr liKY, SAMUEL MENDENHALL. Bloomsburg, March 18 1845 SWAN HOTEL, Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs ihe nolllir tbiit he has leased this lartie three story Tavern, now in the occupancy of Mr Onrue Seiole. in Oranueville. Columbia couniy, Pa., and intends moving into il on the first pf April next, where he will be pleased to see his old menus and customers As his TABLE will alwavs be furnished with ihe best ihe market affords, His BAH with the rhniecst of Liquors And his STA RLE, attended by faiihtul Hostlers, he Hatters luinseii thai lie will be able to give general saiislaclion CONVEYANCES will always be ready lo transport watermen on their route, I C JOHNSON, ilaroh 15, 1845 tf ' MAKULC YARD- The subscribers have established at the above place, a new MJllllil.E YJilU), tn J will always be ready, at the iliorlcst notice, to furnish to order, 1(KUMENT& TOMB-T.l B L ES, TOMES TONES, 1 1 E.I It Til JJ1MHS, MJNTL ES. I' J INT STONES, MULL Eli S, &c. r any oilier work in iheir line. They are also prepared to luruisi WINDOW CATS ,nd SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &c either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol tone that can be procured in this vicinity. ll'TMlavine had considerable experience in the business, they pledge their work lo be executed in as handsome a style as ran be furnished from fin y yard either in the iiiy or country; and on as reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG h HUGHES. BlooniKbuig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly '28 KO TICE IS hereby given, thai Thomas Shore.' will not be tonduetor in the .1illcreek Fur lory after the fiisl of April next, and thai the Rooks will be left in the hands of Gen tii! Thomas whom all settlement: Hid payments must be made GEORGE & THO.lAS VANCE, AAmnt PleasaM, Aarch 12, 1845 TO 1IO ATM EX. THE North llranch Canal from Lack awana, to Northumberland, will be opened for navigation on, or before Saturday ihe 5th day ol April. W. U. iMAl'l l supervisor. Wilkesbarre March 21-1815. Notice; IS hereby given, ihri on ihe 3lM if Mav. last, I gave my Note to Walter W Beach; for l!ie sum of eighteen dullard payable one year after date and as the said Note wan ootained through deception aim fraud, 1 hereby caution all persons not tf purchase il. I shall refuse to pay liie sain until compelled nv law. HENRY KITCHEN. Mtdtson, Marc'j 251845. I'.lIiTNEUSIIIP DISSOL FED. Trie Copartnership heretofore existing under ihe fii in uf SILVERTUOHN A HOUSE, in the Hlacksmithing Business, i Dissolved by mutual consent. I lo Hooks ate in the hands of M&rshaf Silver thorn, to whom all having claims on, or ire indebted to. said firm, are requrstcd to ipply immediately for settlement. MARSHAL S1LVEKTI10RN. JUUAH BOON IS' nioomsbiirg, March 28, IS45. 40 rj The Business, in fiiiuie, will be car ri-d on at the old stand, by the eubsenber who solicits a continuance of the custom of old friends, and of as many new nuts. is may rleara call M. SILVER'! HORN. Marrh 28.-49 AN ACT Cuncerninq the Hemnval of the Seal if Justice of Columbia County, from Danville to Itlnmnshun. Section 1. He it enacted by the Senate am! ouse ol Representatives uf the Commonwealth ol k'emisylvaniu in (.tmeral Assembly met, ami it I hereby o1 acted by the authority of the saum, Th.i' it shall and may be lawful foi the lua!i(lc(l Vo ters who have Kesldcd In Columbia. Coun ty for at isEJlST SIX V.I I.K.YO.t li UOJYTIIS immrUtuttli preuuiiv' the next Oti- cral Election, to vote at such election upon the question ol the removal of ol Justice from Danville lo Uloomsbuig.iu said county, in the man ner following.lo wit.- Those in favor of a liemovitl shall vote a written or printed ticket hbclleil, " SEAT OF JUSTICE," nnd containing the words 'FOIl Ul.OOMSiUKU," and I hoso op posed tii a Kemovtil, shall vole a wiitten or print ed ticket labelled as aforesaid, and containing the words " FOIl DANVILLE;" the said tickets to Ik; lepositcd in a box which shall be provided for that purpose at each and every of the election polls of ssid couuty, and the returns of said election shall be made in the same manner by the Return Judges as in tho case of tho election of Membcia of the Assemtily, and if on the meeting of thu Keturn Judges it shall appear that a majority of the voles have ben given in lavor ot liloomstiurg, then the following sections of this act shall lieof full force and ell'ecl; but if il shall apar that a majority ol votes have been given against Uioomsburg, then the following sections of this act shall be null Y void. Skc. 2. That if a majority of the voters of said county of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting on said question of Uenioval, shall decido in the manner provided in the flist section of this act in favor of tl;c Removal of the Seat of Justice of said county to the town of bloomsburg, the citizens of liloomsburg in said county shall erect, or cause to Ire erected, .IT 1 HH I It OUW PltOfElt EXl'EASE, within three years from and after such election, in the town of Jloomsburg, suitable buildings of liaiCK or SflJNE, of the MOST AITKOVED PLAN, for a Court House and 1'iison, and difl'orent for the safe keeping ol the county records, under the direction of the County Commissioners, who are authorised lo re ceive a conveyance for such lot or lots of croinid for the usi! of such County buildings, not I.i)x than OX E A CUE, in fee simple clear of all in cumbrances, for the use of the county of Columbia, i he said building to be erected on such lot oi Ion of ground thus conveyed. And tho Court House and other public buildings and real estate on which they aro erected or is. appurtenant thereto, at tin town of Danville, are hereby giaulcd ui.d confirm ed to he inhabitants of Mahoning township, will full authority to sell and dispose of the same lo tin best advautuge.and that so much o'' tho proceeds ot said is necessary to refund to the citizens ol Danville whatever amount of money they may have given for the original construction of the public buildings ot said town, and tho purchase of the lot--of ground on which they are erected, shall be ie funded ti the said citizens, and the balance to la paid into the Couny Treasury for county purposes. I run ilea .No disposition or sale ol sucli pumic buildings shall be made until the court house ami pub lit buildings a, bloomsl-urg shall be completed, and the public records and ollicfs be removed there- Sue, 3. That so soon as the public buildings are completed uccording to the provisions of ibis act, the Commissioners aforesaid shall file a report of the same in ihe ('ou't of Common l' of i-jic enuntv and said Court bcilit: satisfied said buildings are fully completed according to the tun intent and meaning of this act, ami n record there of being made by endorsement on said report, tin Commissioners iVhcriff of said county .vhall there upon cause the prisoners, if any there confined in the old prison, to be safely removed to the new. and tho public papers and records then remuitniiu in the public ollices at Danville, to tie salely ilepo sited in the new buildings so as aforesaid built .im' prepaied for the reception thereof, and fioin thence forth Ihe Seat of Justice in and for the county ot Columbia shall cease to be at Danville, ai.d tin same shall be removed and fixed at the town o liloomsburg, in the said county, ami the public of lives heretofore kept .and the courts ofjiistVc hereto fire held atMnville.iocifor'saidi-oiinl y off 'olumbia hall be kept and held al llloomsbuig in the build ings ercclcil lor llieir accoinmouaiion as aioicsaio. Si:c. I. It shall be lawful for the citizens ol lllooml)urg to obtain subscriptions from any per son or persons willing to subscribe, any inonev oi materials lor the erection ol such politic huilcling' is are provided for in the second section of this nci mil in default of the payment of ihe same, tin rouuly Commissioners are hereby i inpoweied h musc suits to he brought in tho name of the counh to enforce the recovery of the same, and when col lected to be applied towards defraying the expense of such builoings. Si.c. 5. It auv i'erson or persons shall vote on the question of removal of the seat of justice ot said ouutv ol Columbia, at the electlou authcrizi d ti. be held by virtue of this act not duly qualified to vole in ac:ordainc with the first section of this act or sh dl vole out of his or their proper distiict, oi shall vote more than once on said question, lie oi they so oll'emliiig upon conviction thereof befori the proper court of qnartcM-essions of said county, shull be subject to the penalty provided for in the general election laws of this Commonwealth. Skc. fi. If any judge or inspector of the election authorised to ie field by virlcc of this act, sl-;.l knowingly or wilfully reject the vole of a qualified to vote on the question uf Removal of lln of justice in said county in accordance the will first section of this act, or shall receive the vole oi a peison not qualified to vote us aforesaid on sail question, ho or they so ofl'cndiug, upon convietioi ibereol beloie Ihe inopcrV-nurt of quarter sessiot.i of said county, thai! forfeit and pay for the u.-o ot said county lor every sucli ollence, a sum not les (l).in three hundred or mure than ix hundred dol tarsal the discretion of the com I, and shall undcrgi in imprisonment in the jail of said county lor i period of not hes than twelve months or mme thai, two years. S.c. 7 If any judge, inspector or clerk of thr election authorized to be held by virtue of this to ' shall wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fraudu lently add up and return the votes received upon tlx question aforesaid, or shall keep a false tally papor. or shall be guilty of any fraud in the disebaige ot his duties, every person so ofit-i'idmg upon couvic Hon tlu rcol in the proper court ot quartet serMom of said county, shall be sul-ject to the i-anie fine and penalty as are imposed upon (e!iiiqut nt )ni!.cs o. inspectors by the general election laws ol thia Com monwealth. rEc. 8. It hall be Ihe duly of the judges and inspectors r onduciing the election authorized to be heMy virne of ibis sc t to eauso tlm letter to be tepibly and distinctly set opposite the name ot very citizen hofchall vole on the question of Ihe Removtlof the seat of justice as iiforci . lid, on the tally paper on which bis name (-ball lie rrti&leir-l. and nny wilful omission r-o In do -hall 1 e do mi d a f. .-.ud. trd ha!l re p-:tii,hd nr. rm-h i-i an-r-'djio-o wuh the f cn. isi- ;;s of the.'t cnth tctticiicf th.savt. Sr.c. 9. Il ahull be (ha duly of ever juJ-;e, in spector arid clerk conducting lha election aullm, ed to liu held by virtuu of Ibis act, to take (in u, I 1 -ion to the oath or aH'uoialiou ho is now -equircd by aw to lake.) ait nulh or alllrmation thai ha wnl iionestly and faithfully comply in every respect villi the provisions and requireinenls of this act. Sku 10. It shall bo ihe duly of there urn judea of said county, at ihe time and dace of their meeting locust up all i!.o votes received in the dtlTerenl election (lis ricisoii ;he question of ill e Removal of Hie eat of justice aforesaid, am! shall make out wo certificates showing the result, one of vhich shall be filed in the office of the cleric if ihe court of quarter sessions and the other hi the office of the Commissioners of sail 'ounty of Columbia. Sec. 1 1. It shall be ihe duty nf the Sher ilf of ihe said founiy of Columbia, lo cause 'iris act lo be published in al least three newspapers published in saidcouniy; forat east once in every week for sixty days im mediately preceding ihe ncxi general tlec don, and shall on ihe dav of ilw flection cause at leist two printed topins, one of which sMail ue in the Carman language, ft said aci tu be posted in handbill form, in ilu most public place nearest the election poll in every election district in said r-ouniv and the reasonable expense of such publication nail be paid by ihe said county of Colum bia by orders drawn in the usual way. ckc. 12. bo much of the fxisiinu laws nf this Commonwealth as are altered or supplied by this act, be and the same ire hereby repelled; and also the nc.lof Assem bly passed lOihJune 18.'I(i entitled nr. act relating lo the lien of Mechanics at.d others. upon buildings, ia hereby repealed so far as it relalea lo the buildings lo be erected in pursuance of this act. Appioved of and signed by theCovprnor. WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS. C "CHILDREN are most subject to them.but per J sons of all ages are liable to be al.licltdwiih them. Bad breath, paleness about the lies. flushed cheeks, picking at the nose.wasling away, leanness pain in the bowels, joints or limbs, disturbed sleep (rightful dreams, moaning and sometimes of or icious appetite, are mining the symptoms of worms lany are doctored lor months, for some other im igi'nary disease, when one hm of Sherman's Worm Lozenges would clfc-cl a cure. D. liyan, corner if Prince street and the Bowery, cured a inun nf worms tha was reduced to a skeleton, and by' only mo box of Sherman's Lozenges: teis now in f..t is an Alderman. Th Hon, I!. II. IJcuds-liy unsaved the life of ou of hi j children by them. The sale of over 3,000,000 uf boxes ha.-, fully lent -d Ihem. They are the only infallible w ormdn roying medicino kl.cwn. What family will lo .vithout them! Consuinpi ion, Conglis-,Colds, Whooping Coiifcl s Asthma, ami ail alli-ctions of the lungs, w ill find u healing value in Sh.rnian's Couch Lo.encer. They saved the Uev, h'ichaid De Forest; the Huv, Mr. ntreeier, Jonathan Howarth, Esq. arid that orby old hero, Leonard Kogerg. Mom the consumptive's grave. I hey cured in one day the I'cv. Mr. I.'dii- bar, the Uev. Mr. llandcock; Win. H. Attrce Esq ofdiate.sing coughs. They aro the pleasan'c-t coiigh medicine nod enru Uio aoancst ofany k:.own lemeiiy, Headache.Sen-sicknrss and Palpitation, relieved or from live town minutes by Shciinan's Camphor i.o.enm's Persons unending crowded -corns in ravelling will find ihem to impart buoyancy (.f -piriis and renew-their energies, J'hoso from too fiee living w ill find a few of the Ioz"ii';cg to dispel the horiois and lowness of spii-ils. Mr. Krulh, uf the Sunday Mercury, bus repeatedly cur d himseli uf severe lleadacho by them Ji'qitaiii Chadw ick, of the packet ship Wellington, basw:--oessed their ell'icacy in a great mny cases of sen- .ickni'Ng. Thev operate like a charm uoon l! o igilated or shattered nerves, lis Sherman's I'm r Mans Plaster does- upon ihcimroi.-m, li.nib.ii.-i , mill or weakness in the side, b.u k: I n-nt. or any art of the body, Mr. II. (J. Ibw-i.-, :it) Ann itieet; Henry H (Joulding; IL)." Chatham meel Moses J Ilenriqucs I'ltq. nnd a nultitude of others have rxyeriencnl tho vonderlul cflects of ihese I'lastcrs. I'riee only 12 ! cents. Caution is roeessarv o see thai you not ihe genuine Sherman'! lifizenges and I'laaiers, as there arc many iinhh-ss ar;i( les atlenipled to ho palmed dl' in plaie ofthcin, by those who would ride wiili join life for a thilling. Dr. Sherman's warehouse usi -00 Nas an street. For sale by John K. Moyer IJIoomRlntrg Win . WaHer &. co Iter wirk Low et Thompson Lime Kiilgo K. t J. Lazarus Orangeviilu M. (J. Shoeiniiker Htick Horn L. & A L I'isel Jcrseytown Detr & M'liiido White Hall John Moore Danville. Stephen l'aldv, Caitnwissa. Jan. 4-8 13 U7. Om. c I r Alt LES II. AllOVKCV a I Law. CJJice South side nf Main-si. ajfosite I:yrr Ilijfflrij'e Store, yrr WMI, ATTUNI) CfllJ.'nsiN I'HK COUNTIllS OF COLUAl liLV AND lifum:. (hair .TZ a it ti la lory iM K subscriber h x im: c-l ln-.l n .V.'ll t i.iiu i.i rim' on -ire.-l, near the r.'-iden. e i-l I.. II. .dan--, b i- rn-w prepiiied In furnish ("iiaiis ot e-.eiv de.-. i i . I i 1 1 . mi ,i.s good lerms as they call le pto. . L-rc. I.ciu ii the county. WOO I) TUILN'ING, Such as lied Pasts, If'imsion "', HucA'f, fyc. SlnN, OKNAMKNTAL ,V IIOL'SK IVMNTING. A!.s.) HOUSE I7PEl!ISU. This I ifli r l-raii. b, finoi ev erieme, lie beli. vc he do a little better ban any olhei puson in this m clion rl'7 I'tll'I.M! PI.A.VK will be taken in piy lui'iil al the bipht t i" . k i price r-AVl 1.1. liAOT.VLl t li L'iccmtiuig .'ii!; ,'.Stp