Then followed bus'inns rspidly and surely, inJ subsequently 1 became my Qiiit's pinner in buints, at hi uigrni eoliristioos. One year sinre I solicited 10 become member of Congress, which I of course accepted and now I he conic home ta fee you oat wore iiArr.' The olJ mn m weeping, the boy's tironhecv n fulfilled. Indeed was he sorry, an J 11 the ion suain Hood before Imn. in hit nride of manly beauty and erengih ha bowed hit (u o in haud and wrpl like a emu. From the ruutmrg J'ol. April flh. Tremendous Conflagration Twn.rrr Siicabm or thi Cut in Ru- ixt from 1000 to 1200 Hocit: DeJTBOTED LOU XITIMATEO AT Ten Millions. Il ! our painful duty to record oneot tha most terrible lires that ever devsst sled any city on thii continent. A great portion of our busy and poptilou town ia in ruini. More houses have ben destroyed kby thia single and lion ibl conflagration, than have ever occureii in Ihia city befoie. Thoie scquainted with tli( plan of Piltsburg. will realize the extent of the terrible calamity we have iuffcred vvhei we state lhat nearly all that put of ihi city extending from Feiry slieel up tin Monongahela river to the city line, and thence to the head of the entire suburb called Pinelown' "Kensington! has been destroyed. The fire reached up Market street aa far aa the south aide of Third street, and up Wood street as far ss the south aide of Diamond alley. The boundaries cf the burnt district may be thus describ fil: From Water street up Ferry to Third atreel, (the third Presbyterian Church was saved,) up third lo Wood. up Wood to Diamond alley both sider -up Diamond alley to mi ihhelrt street, and thence down emilKneld to fourth rreet, both aides; up Fourth atreet It Itose St., snd thence to tna iicj ui Pipetowr,, including, is we have esti mated above about 20 squares, and com prising from 10 to 1200 houies, man) ol (he warehouses containing goods ot immense value they were grocery, dry goods snd commission houses, nd their spring clocks had been jus J aid in. The fire originated in a frame build ing over an ice house belonging to Wm. Dithl, near the corner of Second ano Ferry streets. The wind was blowing tifly from the .Northwest, though it fre queutly -veered to other points, and ow ing lo us variations, ihe fire extended up WooJ strett farther than it oihei wist -could have done. It was first discovered about 12 o'- t i'I I b i n t ne"s ft e r-nwn. E v e n wft il e''w write, (t 9 o'clock, , P. M.,)the en gines are jjlaingyigoiously ja Wood eu-eet. We can give no adequate idea of th distress which pervades our stricken community. The jwogiess of the flame was so fearfu'ly rajjid that maoy persons had not time to remove their goods others, again, had got their property into the street, when the flames seized it there, before it could be removed to j plsce of safety. Others still would not Relieve the de vouring element could reach iheii dwellings and -did noi think of remov ing until ilwaa loo Jala .to save iheii furniture. And we saw many peoph who escaped with nothing butlhe appar el they had upon their persons. At daik, you might see, at every di rection, families aiding without eheltei gusrding such portions of their house hold furniture as they were able to avt from the flames, and not knowing where they would lay their .heads, or procure a morsel of food. "Of course the kind ness of iheir mote foi lunate fellow citi l nt did much to alleviate their suffer lings., and we believe sll were provided for aa well as the tnelanch jly nature ol affairs would allow. The Councils met in the afternoon, and attempted lo devise some means to slay Ihe conflagration. Il was proposed lo blow up houses that seemed in the way of the flames, the -deliberations, however weie ineffectual in rrsulis, and we believe but one or two building ware blown up. It seems to us, indeed lhat there cojld not have been time to accomplish any thing . in the way of de stroying houts, so terribly rapid va the progress ol the fire 'IV re is abundant reason fur thank ulntls that jo few lives weie los. There are many rumors of men bein(! killed, and burnt and wounded bu they sra not authenticated. One wo pan is certainly burned, and we saw .ear old man, tottering along with th help of two friends, his face badly burn td. The Ions of life, however, cannoi be learned in the awful confusion whicl prevails. We know not how to express ou scnie of the Ivrly gratitude to which the firemen sre entitled from our afflict ad and ruined citirens, as well ss those thtv have saved nothing in ihe shape of reward cin compensate them for the tncensnt toil they hid to undergo, snd foi ihe unyi-ldirg, heroic which ihey manifested under the appal ling lei roia which serrounded litem oi eveiy side. li ihey had s sufficiency of wiier dui in ihe whole lime, they could hav tsaved much mors prop' ry as it w.i- Ihey prevented the ueatiucuon oi an in calculable Hrit'tuut. The following are ihe principle pub lie building, manufactories" and office ihat were lriroyel : Globe Coiion Factory, corner ol Second and Feiry atreeis. Fire Ntvigviioit Iimurancs Office, Maikel, between Second and Third. Fireman Insurance Office, corner ol Market and Third. Penn Insurance Office, cor. Market tod Third. 13mk of Pittsburg, Fourth, between M'ikM snd Wood. Office of ihe Diily Chronicle, do. Job Punting Office of J. D. Butler, Child between Market and Wood neeis. Merchants' Hotel, corner of 3J and Wood sis. A. Kiamer'n Exchange Office, do. Jones & Sibliei't Exchange Office, cor oer of 4'h and Wood sis. Wm. A. Hill's Exchange Office, be tween 4ih si. and Diamond alley. R. fit It. H. Patterson's Lle and H'zaar Livery Siables, Diamond Alley and Fourth si. Associste Reformed Church, Fouith st., near Grant. -Bantiet Church. Grant at. Bakewell's extensive Glass Works, Waler, above Grant sireet. The Monougahela House, destroyed wiih all the furniture. JMononeahela Bridge entirely destroy ed. Il ia rumored that several livee were lost on Ihe Bridge The Dallaa Iron Noiks in Pipelown, entireU destroyed. The'loss susisined in the destruction ..f ih lin huildiotis is immense, bu il is small when compared with the de duction of merchandize in the ware- nouies on Wat.r. Wood, 1st and 2d Greets. The merchants found it impossible lo mempt to save any thing; whole block weie destroyed in a few minutes, and ihe most they could do was to make an ffort lo save Iheir books, and but few ol hem aucceeded even in that. Il will b many years before our city can rvcover from the effect6 of ihir dreadful calamity; il has caul a bligh over the commercial and manufacturing enterprise of hundreds of our most wor il.y citizens, and in an hour has swep fiom them all the profits of years of toil and industry. Ilj,rfunaf6Mem.igf.;Tfd,,epe NW wide-spread destruction, they must look for aid to 'commence the world anew,' and we are confident Ihey will not look in vain. We write in ihe hurry, confusion snd excitement of the terrible lime, and un der ihe physical weariness caused by laboring to save the furniture of the house of one of the editors, which wa burned to the ground-therefore, we may omil murh lhat we sought to notice bul we have endeavored lo give as full an account of the calamity as we could. We are informed lhat Iwo live wen1 lost at the fire yesterday. One was ar old woman in the neighborhood oi Gran1 and Third streets, who had no aid to re move her furniture, and she refused to leave her dwelling until it was too late to save her. The other lhat we heard of was a gentleman doing business in Wood streei hut we hope il may be a mere reporl. We hear mmoia of many lives being lost, but as none of the reports are au thentic we refrain from giving them until we receive more reliable iuforma- lion. STRANGE DISEASE. A very singular conlaion has bro ien out in Valatie, a small village in Colum bia county, New York. It discolor ihe face lo a greenish cast, Ihe eyes lo.e iheir usual expression, and have a vacant stare, the voice becomes husky, Ihe memory vanishes, and the conversation becomes confused, snd s sel of incohe rent sentences jumbled together, with out order and without meaning. The tlrength leaves and Ihe form dwindle? away to askeletsn. The person attack ed rave like a maniac, and Ihe docioi? have been unible lo do anything foi ihem. The informant stales that 'every person wears sn affrighted countenance mil if it does nol soon nop its ravages, he whole lown will be inhabited by lunatics!' None have died from it as yet J, but numbers afflicted wilh it. icu iork bun. ROWLAND HILL. It is slated in s recent English pa per that Rowland IMI, the originator ol the cheap poiisge syfteni, received from ihe London Meicaniile Commitiee nn v I I A .l..n .nnalioa a rliprk li.r STtri (100. wiih an intimation lhal iliey reserve i,U some future opportunity a fin ther demon urallou of public ra'.nudC. 'teoth wtTRor? s i min t v, jtpru io, ikis This number complex the setenih volume of (he Columbia Democrat, since we look charpe of il, and il has become necessary lhal all debts due us, whether for ihe piper, job work or (oi adverlihing, should be settled. Some ol our subscribers owe us for the whole term, and others for different periods, nd we mual have our pay. All who have received our papers for seven years and still owe us for the same, thai do not pay soon, mual not feel hard. if their paper is lopped,tfc Ihe payment enforced. TOWNSHIP ELECTION. A Sxciat Election in Bloom township was held on last Monday, to elect two Justice of the Peace, there being tie and no choice at the March elec tion. Tlio reuult ii given below, and ia rather a lingular one again, but fortunately we have iuc cecded in making choice, and ibe matter ia de posed of. Two of (lie caudiJatci, Sloan and Cane, are tiid, and it seenu a if that must be the cur with tome of the candidates for Juaticei always in Bloom townehip,ai Kuhler and Painter were Tin live yean aince. We give the vote at the March election in connectiou with the lato vote March. April Charlei Kahlcr 167 192 1 homas Painter 1C7 195 George 81oan 167 185 Nathan Case 148 185 Of the two Justice elected, one i a democrat, and the other i a whig. The numbei of vote in iVarch was 341; at the late election 381. PUFFING EXTRAORDINARY. We have been much amused with the continued insertion, from week lo week, ol articles in the Danville papers, puffing the business of thai village. One would sup pose from reading their account, thai bu few cities of the Union were doing more business, or increasing more rapidly in population. We know not how many timet. we have seen notices of the erection of sev eral hundred dwelling houses, new furnaces new rolling mills, new foundaries, and diousanda other eplondid establishments for this or lhat kind of business. Now what will the public say, when we tel ihem, thai there ha not been, for the lasi three years, a single furnace built; but one ings, other than some 8 by 10) shanteet nuck up in the lots in the neighborhood of their oar mines and lurnacies. As lo the immense increase of inhabitants, let the eleclion decide. Al the last Novembei election, when greaier exertions were never used by both parties, to get out iheir voles they polled 49! votes, while al the election two years previotts, they swelled their vote to 520, This is about in a ratio with Iheir increase of business. And vet we see weekly pufi of the tremendous growth ol Danville. We think lliev must have taken leasons from the eastern and western land 'peculators, who build ciiiea in the woods without clearing away the limber, or the assembling of a single soul to inhabit ihem - -Ju "J- .J By an account in another column it wil he seen that a dreadful calamity has visited I'illsburg, destroying about MOO houses, and an immense amount of Merchandise. Groceries & Furniture. The loss is various ly estimated at eight to twelve millions On Monday last, the Governor sent f vpecial message to both branches of the Legislature, recommending thai some pro visions be made lor ihe relief of the suf fercrs. A bill was immediately introduced into the bouse, and passed unanimously ap propriating $50,000 to the relief of the suf ferers by fire in Pittsburg, to be distributed by the city authorities, releasing the pro perty destroyed from taxation, and lelund ing and releasing all licences of merchant- tnd others having their goods destroyed. The Bill, passed the Senate on Tues day. NEW YORK CITY ELECTION The annual election in the city ol New York, for municipal officers took place on the 8th and resulted in a complete vie lory for the democratic party, over whig ism and Nativeisin.The Democrats elected iheir Mayor by 6-C73 majority, and their andidales in fifteen out of leoenleen wards In the othei iwo, the whig ticket wan elected leaving nol s native o represent hit party in the bnaid ol common council li will ba recollected, lhat last yeai, the natives, elected their mayor and a majority , l.lon Tliia ia mint (rlimmia Iri. ""- a- umphlorihe Democrat, and the entire nroatuiior ol ihe Native party. THE LEGISLATURE. In pursuance of a resolution of both houie, wss lo have adjourned on Tues day last, bul ilia appropriation bill nol pass ing until the afternoon of that day; there was nol lime for it lo be Irsnsciibed and be presented lo the Governor for his sig nalure.The governor wisely reprobalinj.tlns course of proceeding, and determined to put a stop to the practice lhat had grown up of leaving important bills lo be transcribed k signed by the governor, after the Legisla ture adjourned, enl in a proclamation a (ew moments before the hour of adjournment, or dering Ihe convening of an Extra session on the next day. The Legislature accoidinp ly convened on Wednesday morning but will undoublddly adjourn sgiin in a day or lwo We have since learned that the Legis lature adjourned finally on Wednesday, A dreadful disaster occurred on the Nerlh river, on the night of the 7th inst, by ihe loss of the steamboat Swallow. On her passage down the tiver, with about 300 passengers, when opposi'e Athens, she struck upon a rock- The seene is thus vividly described by a passenger. 'You can imagine the horrors of the scene al this moment, when more than three hundred aouls were thus exposed in the midst of falling snow and almost utter larkness. As the water reached the bril iant fires, a sheet of mingled steam, smoke nd flame poured into the boal, illuminai. mg the ghastly countenances wilh a sadden 'lare of vivid light; and completing the -onsternation. The conviction that the ,he curse of firs was to be added lo our nher im ninet perils, curbed the resolution if the stoutest hearts. But thearapid sink ing of the boat extinguished the fires, and all was darkneae again. In less than five minutes, by the blessing of God, the stern rested on the bottom, thi water being above the windows of the af saloon slate rooms. Several females wer Irawn out of state rooms Vy dishing in tin windows: two almost exhausted one very tged, and now lying on board this boat m a precarious situation were laken from the ladies cabing by cutting through he floor They had sustained themselves in scltees.wilh only a few inches of breath ing room for their faces. The bow had been forced high end dry upon the rock, ind the boat, split open amidships, was lefi rising almost perpendicularly upward, cover- Ql uritK anvintlo ha'mn nnnirn rt I K Knl oiK9 The remainder of the passengers i were sadly grouped on the forward upper leek, many bewailing ihe absence of dear companions, and actuated by the mosi Ireadful apprehensions for iheir fate Hy this time the alarm had been ihorotigl rwmmunicalcd to the shore on either side The bells of the churches began lo ring and ihe liver was soon covered wilh lorche waving in the fleet of boats lhal put olTn our assistance, while the Kochefter.which had found il difficult to get lo us, and the Express, which had now come up, wero gradually approaching alongside. The ound of the bells pealing on ihe air, ihe shouts of those in ihe boats, ihe light ol ihe waving torches, and ihe wailing grief of many on the wreck constituted the fea tures of this most impressive scene. In the course of an hour all were taken off who remained, in the Rochester, ths past seeming like a terrible dream.' it trie latest accounts, there was vet no erlanny as lo ihe number of lives lost riiiiteen bodies only had been found, thougl t is supposed lhat the loss is much greaier fhis, however, is sufficient lo render the alamity deeply heart-rending. An incident like lhat told of Sir Walt-i Scott at the coronation of George IV, latelj iccurred lo Washington Irving, Lar.dinp late at night nt Gibraltar, the sentinel re used to admit him; whereupon Mr- Irvinj landed him his card, with the request that I might ba left with the proper, authorities. -to lhat in the morning no delay might occu in admitting him. The soldier looked ipon the card, and then raising his hat, Sir,' said he; 'are you Washington Irving of America? are vou the author of the Sketch Book,' and the'Tales of Ihe Alham bra?' Mr. Irving replied, in some surprise, I am.' 'Then,' said the sentinel, 'you nay enter, I know that 1 shall be pardoned for atlinilting you. I I H ' 111" 1 1 INSANE ASYLUM. We announce with great pleasure, thai the bill from the House making provision for llie creation of an Asylum for tke Iniane to be located within Un miles of Ilarrisburg passed the Senate, by a vole of 20 to 9, A hov named Adams, in Webster Mass , on Tuesday hint, accidentally shot his sis- u-r in the bead, killing her instantly. A Ma. Dorothea Foos, who died in Baltimore on Saturday, dreamed some year since, that ahe would die on the Blh of April 1645, and her acquaintances had often heard her stale her presentiment. About iwo years ago, she accidentally fell out ol bed, and bioke her hip. and otherwise in jutedi so lhal all hopes of her lecovery were given up, tut she steadily insisted thai she would get about again, and not die un til the 5th of Apri', 1845, and singular though il may be, yet suen is the fact, she did live until last Saluidy, ihe 5th of April. 4nd died on lhat day. This equals the celebrated case of Lord Lyttleion, who prophesied the exact hour of bis death: The Pittsburg Mercury, in alluding to the recent bomb-shell explosion in New York, mentions thai for many years a nuin ber of cannon which had been captured from the British on Lake Erie, lay in one of the streets of Pillsburg.near a large foundry Il was at last determined to put these tro phiei of American bravery lo a uselul pur pose, and one of ihem was slick into a fur- nance, butt foremost, lo be melted down fhile this process was going on, the great gun went off, sending a ball through the side of the foundry into the hill beynnd! As il fortunately turned out, no person was injured MELANCHOLY & FATAL EVENT It is wilh undissembled sorrow :hat we announce to our readers the death by sui cide of Frederick E. Bailey, E'q.ofthie borough, on Monday afternoon. The com mission of Mr. Bailey, as Prosecutor of the Pleas of the Commonwealth in York -ounty had been read in open Court tha day, and he had been sworn into office During the.early part of the afternoon ses on, some criminal business had been at tended lo by Me. B, soon after which he ook up his papers and left the Court House. Court adjourned at an early hour 'diiefly on account of his absence,and sever 1 persons having business with him', con. necied with his official duties, went lo his iffioe lo see him, but did not find him there Vfter five o'clock he was discovered sus pended by his handkerchief lo a door on the garret of his dwelling, which is nearly ipposite to ihe Court Uonse on High street, and when laken down, life was ex linct the extremities of his body cold;and all efforis lo restore vitality vain. We will not suffer ouraelves to speculate on me cmiso or mis melancholy catastrophe, further than to say lhal without doubt Mr rk a uauey g mini), wiiicii was very sensitive, had become dislurbeJ by influences spring, ing from ihe responsibilities of his public Nation, and upon that state of excitement a trivial error which occurred in drawing an Indictment, operated (o produce the fatal result which we have stated, and whic so greatly astonished and shocked our oorainunity. York Republican. A letter lo ihe Rochester Deinocral, dated Buffalo, April 4, says; An extraordinary excitement has prevailed at Queensior. and Lewiston for the last three days The ice has disappeared from here with great lapid . az..i i. . i iy. oucn nave oeen us movements over the Niagra Falls.accompanied with a strong lorth wind, lhal the Niagara river has been completely blocked up. The ice theie yesterday, within a mile of the falls, was forty feet highn Ihe rapid course of the ice, every thing on the wharves at Queens ton and Lewiston has bean swept off, with ihe contents of the storehouses -At Youngs . a I I ft a town, n nas c.eareu on everv nouse near he whartes, and the s'.eam flour mill has one with it, with some eighty barrels of flour and a large lot of potas-h in store there rhe damage; all tound, is not far from 100,000.' BBSBH" EXTENSIVE ROBBERY. The iion proof In the captain's office, on board the barge Clinton, al Poughkeepise irom New York, was opened by some per sort on- the night of (he 7th insl; and sever al packages of-money,. amounting to $23, 000, absnacled. A reward of $2000 is- offered for &, recovery of the money, and ihe detection el the robbers. The Hon. Amos K.ntlJI and the Hon Francis 0. J. Smith pass-d through Balti more on Tuesday lasi.on the way lo N.Y where they have an appointing lo con summate the necessary ariangemuns for constructing a line ol Morse's Telegraph from lhat city to Baltimore, through Phil, adelphia; and il is expected that the com municatinr. w ill be fairly established and in operation al Ihe commencement ol the next session of Congiess- A line from Baltimore to Harribbtirg is al;oin coins il lation. From Oregon. Oregon, according the following account laken from a letter in the Peoria Regiater, is an uncommonly fertile country, The lettei is written by Mr, Carver, one of the emigrants, 'The harvest is inst at hand and surh crops of wheal, barley, oats, peas and po tatoes are seldom, never, to be seen in ihe States, that of wheat ir. particular :he staiks being in many instances as high as my head;lhe grains generally much larger I wouli. nol much exaggerate losay ihey are as large again as thone grown east of the mountains. The soil is good and the climate most superior, being mild ihe year round, and very healthy, more so than any country I have lived in the aame length of time- Produee bears an excellent price pork 10 cents, beef 0 cents, potatoes 50 cents, wheel $1 per buihela These articles are purchased at the above prices with grtal avidity by the merchants for shipment gen erally to the Sandwich Islands and Russian settlements on this continent and are paid for mostly in stores and groceries, Ihe latter of which is the product of these islands, particularly sugar and coffee, of which abundant supplies are furnished. Wages for laborers are high common hands are getting from one lo two dollars per day, and mechanics from iwo to four dollars per day. Il is wilh difficulty men can be procured al these prices, so easily can ihey do better on their farms. The plains are a perpetual meadow, furnishing iwo complete new crops in a year, spring and fall, the latter remaining green through the winter. Beef is killed fiom the grass at any season of the year- If you have any enterprise lefi, or if your neighbors have any, here is ihe place for ihem. Dr. McLaughlin has just com menced a canal around the Wallamelta Falls, which he expects io complete in iwo ears, at a cost of thirty thousand dollars. Our Legislature(the lower house of which 1 have the honor to be speakerj which has just finished its session, granted the Doctor a charier foi twenty years he entering in to an agreement to complete the canal for boats of thirteen feel in width to pass in safely; the whole lo be completed in two years as above slated. He has a number of hands now engaged in its construction, nd no doubts are entertained of his ability to complete it. Ho is constructing a I a rye flouring mill, with four burrs, which will be ready for business this fall. Jle has al ready two saw mills in operation al lh falls Eveiy thing is flourishing in this country. A PROMISING CHILD. The Raleigh Register notices one of the greates curiosities of the day, viz: a child who will not be eight years of age until July next, and who weighs 177 lbs! mora than the celebrated Dmicl Lambert weigh ed at iho same age. He measures round ne walsi 04 inches around the hips 47 the thighs 20-olie knees 18 -neck 17 and his height is 4 feet 8 inches. Intelligence has been receied of a de structive fire in Towanda, Pa, on Monday asl, which destroyed several valuable build ings on ina northwest corner of the public square. The fire broke out in the Eagle Hotel, which was entirely consumed io'ei' . er with all the buildings on the north and south lo the value of abcul $15 000. The whole square west of Main sireet, and be iween Poplar and Stale, is one heap n f ruins. The buildings were mostly frame, and the larger poriion of the pioperly be longed to the Towandi Bank. Messrs. C. L, Ward and J. Elliotl also suffered severely I J LLL.11IJJ CURIOUS FULFILMENT OF A PROMISii An English gentleman, on a Sunday evening ol last summer, drove out lo Greenwood Ceraentry r and on arriving al the gale was refused admission, not having a proprietor's ticket. ! am a strsnger,'' he said. and don't like lo go back without seeing Ihe place. And you may as well admit me. for my health is going, and if 1 fancy a spot, i ll come and lay ray bones here!' The fjuiet seriousness wiih which this mjaint aigument was urged pleased1 ihe ga'e- Keeper and me drew boll and let the pleader in. Ue drove about till Ihe iwilighl, and, on passing out, thanked ihe keeper veiy feelingly and sail he should keep his promise. A few day-sago, a gentleman ealiled wilh deseiip- lionofa particular spot in the eemt tepy, idenliEed and piM chased it, men tioning that the remains of an English enllenian were on iheir vttvfrom '- lermo lor burial there. He was lha ubjecl of the incident ys related. It-fore his death he hail recorded his promise lo the gate-keeper, and iiven orders lor his removal to the pla ee chosen, requesling lhal ihe fulfi! menl of hid piomise might be mtnlion- d as he should pass thiough the gait lis remains ate expected da:Iy. jy. Alitror. is ponfideniially rumored aboni Wash. ngton, that the tilobe has been selected as ihe organ of ihe i.ew administration; and Hal llioroaKiirhie Esq .of ihe Richmnm! Khquirer. and Mr lleiss,' formerly of the Nathnlle Uuiou, are to be its editors.