SS8!SBs3 I have sworn upon the AKr of Ciod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson If. WEB 15, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume VIII. HM)031SEUTUCi, COLUMIIIA (OtXTV, PA. HATUIMIAY, Al'KIL'fO, IS 45. VuiBihcr 52 - - ii .-f-.Era.a ji . U 'J .u-.' iiiitii, mijeju OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. ori'j-sirK Sr. Paul's Ciieitcii, Malvki T?JL3 : 77ie CO. cVJA'V UEMOClMTwllIb published even Saturday morning, at J II (J 111) I.LdliS per annum vayabh half yearly in advance, or Two Ihllan fifty Lents,xJ not paid within the year 'o subscription mill betaken for a shortet period titan ai r months f nor any disron ttnuance perniilted,until all arrearage are dischargid. i I) VEll 77 .V EM ENS n ot exceeding a sijuare will be. conspicuously inserted ut One Dollar for the Jirist three innerton an I Twenty-five cents for even subse iinen! nsrrtion, i'7c".' liberal discoun made to t hone, who alv rtise In the, year LETTERS addressed on liiisiites,iuust be post paid. I'OKTRY J) E A T II . BV DAVID L. RICHARDSON. TVe weep and tremble at the doom. The dreadful doom, of dcaili; 'Ti3 sad, amidst the fair mill's bloom, To yield this inorlal breath The brave may sieruly bear the pain, That soon must puss away, Hut 0! In think that ne'er again Dear lriciids with e;iger hands shall greet, Or fond hearts share love's converse sweet. O'erwhelms us with dismay. 'Tis true lint trusting faith is told Of woilds beyond the sky, And few there are so blind or bold s dare such creed deny, It is not u,i afier stale Or lutk ur il-iubifut ttwtikwt A.!! vj shrin'i fiitnre fate, TJi-cnistt we 111 ty 11 11 brook the thought That hour, '.villi life's enchantments fraught Are unie-airiiing dreams. W'r find each mortal bliss alloyed, I) ii'll s nile foiel lit a tear, But stilt, die hri'ii.U uii i'ii soon be clo ft That naver (ell a !'s . r . The beauty iif lln; brightest beam deepened bv the shade; V aires i the si 1 m m I ir nes gleam 'I'll') br u I, re 1 s.iii it eventide, ..ssuiii.'S a mosi imposing pride lii lloiting clouds jrrayed. Perfection bath not retried on rili , Nor ruled ilie human mind; We pant not lor diviner worth. Nor raptures mote r fined. A mortal iveakuess makes us cling To mortal forms alone: We feel we cannot coldly fling On Lethe's dark iimiiale stre ini ln e charms of life's familiar dream, ' And ttiinto scenes unknown, ''J'is this that fils the final hour With mourn illness and dread: Love's tender tics and friendship's powei Avail not with the dead, A ml. though we meet to part no more, We may meet the same: The things ill al linked our heart of yon Are cli tins that (liMih s I band divides. l'Vr linialit 1 holier reals a'inles 01 this tenesmi ft :t 1 1 1 . I'nv r u'lal.l li-Ul-, 1',iimiiii ! ! ii.- ilrc int'i s breast alarm: n'li i 11 .'. a Int nan ih, ' nr a n a Ini.nan rhartn. I i:;, ri.i. a tin- 1! ii' I son! i.pp.d A in! too si-i t rely ijd'.v: 'I'litre liues 110 days recall: Ami in 1I1V hnglil and boundlcH epace, Vi,t re on; y (-piri'.s dwell, we irace No leatures loved below. Wc hluiiMiT, m ihc mystic brink t)i'.li and dread the tbanj'P, 'J'be l.rsi the bravest bosoms tbrink 1 rum ,,U niuiaiions strange- An iiiMinri ofim weak and blind As in an infant's lear; Tor, surely, vain s in heaven "ill find They mijIi no more for earthly poweis With lei-linns, factiliiis, :id powers '1 but t u it a bolic; pl,ire. GEORGE DAM Ell. BIT ELIZA 0. PRATT. 'Where's George!' said Mr. Darner a ioiit fisted farmer, with black beard and wliiskers, and muscle enough in his arm 'or two common men as he entered his house one warm summer's nfwrnuou; and looked round among his group of sturdy lioyt and go's, for lb? one in question. Dm .he boy was missing, Where's George, 1 ss f' repeated the nan in a louder tone; -do yon know wheit be young lascal is, any of ye?' 1 guess he's Up chamber, latlici;' said weet little girl of six yeais, hei eyv li.ini; v ilh tears, and her voice trembling as she poke; '1 heard somebody going up r -j asy about two hours ngo; shall I call him ither? I'm sure George woubl'nl run 'Go away,' said Mr. Darner in a soften )J tone, 'tell him 1 want him quick.' As the child went out, Mrs. D.nner, laid town her woik, gldiiced al her husband, and, after hesitating a moment, evident!) measv, rose and went after her daughter. tn toe noy was col to tie louiul, he house was searched from cellar to g irrt't, harm hunted, .and 'Gi-orge, George,' echoed Iro.n youngest to oldest, from the father's stentorian lungs to the mother's mild, sweet voice for she would have done any ihii.g!''"'l.v '"P "I " book which one io save her boy from a thrashing, which she had good reasons to expect fiom the sioim that was brewing, Always oui of the way said Damei lenchiiig bis fist, and rudely pinhing Maty iside fiom the door, already black ir. the face with passion and his eves Ibuhinu (ire I'M leach th'i voiiog lasital a !eson In .von'i iiir.'el foon, il I unre cal di bun. Hit: lint away eomewbcie with a buok, I'b .varranl ye that's always his cunsliirkiiie' dear of every tning bo can.' 'lAiu'l whip him now I beg youjremem ier it wa- only last wet k you gave bia -ticli a lloogi-iij, and ail ! :dl lor nothing is it proved, for he had done his work tliet til l ihis moiuing he hrougiil ill all ilo wood and water lor me, every bit of it. ie' uiore help to me than all ihe rest o. he children put together.' You needn't try lo beg liim ofT.'exclaini d ihe man, 'he never was flogietl in enough yet, the idle dog but if 1 eatcl 1 1 m now, I'll give it to him. So saying, ho shook off the trembling , , i , , , t :ianil 111 il wouia in ve cr-iamco Jinn, ano l iking a heavy hurse-whip from ihe wagon at the door, walked oil' shaking il biibei md thither, as if impatient to set to work oid all the time muttering curses between 'lis clenched leeib. The mother of the toy lurntd away and wiped the tears front ier face, but said nothing. Little Mary m ied as if her heail would break, and the two eldest hoys stood in ihu door, trying to whistle and look careless, but the.quim nig lip barred all lhe:r eH'oris.aud tliey stub .d'iiito the hay n.(r wiih leers on their ueeks. .Mr. Darner liad suddenly wanted the boy; he needed the assistance ol tbiee was really in a hurry, anil one missing, the one ,o whom he hail always been snappish, ( I may be permitted to use the term) ami a iihoui any cnut.i iv.ible icasoii Ins angi" passed all bounds. When he reached the skirts uf ill" wood lie fell pieparetl lor almosl any tl-ing. Hall ne had once turned his head ii he passed ilieiurnio field, thinns minK bave taken a dillVrtui course. The whole ciicIosum was nicely and'elcly hoed out, large is was the task fi- a bo of his size, ami ihe hoe was c!ned and hong glitiering in ihe sun, fro" '!"' ""ol of an apple tree. Hut all ll-i's was lost, lor il was unaeen b die fdi.'ier of ihe boy. fhe beech woods were the. favorite re port of George, when he could gel swaj null book or a bit of pajier no matter how old, worn or greasy, ii was food for h'un, and there lay li s paradue. It was not long before Mr. Damcr discovered ihe :bild stretched al full length on a grassy jmound benea'h a irtel, A brook ran puil.jwas his mothor, and as the p05i Jellow and laughing at his feet a thousand birds were singing urnund and above him ill green inn nespangieo wuti flowers lining the air with their delicious fragrance; and mere amnl ull the loveliness of a glorious summer day, lay tlt.-a young boy, feasting . t .. i i i 1 i"w worn nun uiny pages oi an oio Spectator Tears were standing on his pale out intelligent lace, though his lip was;alll wpl u, li(n, ;je w , ( wreathf d with a smile, nud on a sm .ll hancJ;r!iil). alwavs cenile an.! anVtionn... S- as it lay on ihn gras, g-asped nervously the dowers, while iiu large beautiful eye turn d rapidly ami e igcrly from side to side o! the mncli loved page, lie was wiaut in a world of ideal, but blisiful leeling, and the sight might hive moved almost any heart io love and admiration lor the boy, but n only served to increase the father's rage. 'Genrgt ! George!' 'No answer Whit are you hr? for, you young-good I'ornoihiiig scjpe grace, when you ought to lie in the turnip field io work? I'll tench you belter, sir; get up quick, and come here! Still there was no answer. Thn bo was siuilling and weeping it ecstacy, and heard not a syllable of his fathei's words lie approached a step nearer, brandishi ig the whin. Hallo! I say, what are you about sir'! You bad better mind your faiher, I can tel1 ye. Mr. D.iincr was now within a few Hipp of his son, but so wtapt was the boy in lha in ten dioiisand o modem n ailers would scarce! ''!iru upon, much l,;ss to read s;icl. a 'usury was it to that poor child to havt 1 e 1,1 llotig!it and ftelmg laid opoi to him, by thu master pen of Allison, which young as he was, he could appiehend, but ihe uuiei World was Hioirli. i'.. - if I' to reao, unconscious ol tt.e ap arou'dl ol his fuller, A heavy ctitiia. terrible blows, descend d (jnii'k as a I! ish of lightning, or, bis al O'M lilieovei etl shoulder, for his jiclie wis thrown aside ft'iin the heat of the day lie leaped to his feet, anil with homo -held his fathei with a liorso whip a a.iovt . i in. Oh, fiihtrr You rascal! you due.!' shoutrd il.e mai vidi fury, as il all ihe demons ef hell were rl Io isn in his heart. The blows desceii'i d '.hick and last upon his shoulders ant tack ol the innocent chili; but afier tin shriek, ?fter the first exclamation, In was passive and gentle us a martyr. II i lips were pale, quivering, but riot an ishti tear touched Ins cheeks, and those large, black, expansive eyes were raised inn! fix ed w iih a singular look upon Ins latin r. I'll n look was the precursor of ihe man, ihe spiiit of the man working in ihe child, and seemed to say; 'Do your utmost. 1 , I 1 ,1- can uear aim iriu iipu over an. noi an ex pression of pain n it a murmuring wont escaped him, through the whole lenihlr ilagelaiion, mingled as it was with lie oaths, ami curses of the father, and continued til, the blood oozed from the lacerated skin; spotting his shirt and trowsers, ant! trickling down upon bis nuked led. Then ihe whip was ihrown aside, b:t!t from exhaustion, half fiom wonder al tin singular and manly loriiuule of the boy, I n even a Spartan mother might have lookcc with admiration upon iho brave litilc lei low. IS ii t as the merciless instrument of torture a thrown on the ground the bo spoke. l'iU will be sorry for this, father then he eyelids closed, the long black lasbet Irooped over his pale cheeks, be stepped lack and fainted. There he lay among . ... i.i a .. t. : . i ..I. - t utr uiussoinii g ii'iwi n'i tits cneeiva nrcsseti o the cold grass, and bis book hugged i0 ins bosom even in his insensibility. I'oor George did not come home tillyou again, my dear, good, kind George; I nightfall. Then he blole away very unfily am sure you are ten thomjiiid.i liratr. batiei io Ins bed in the garret, for l.o wished to than lathi r ever was nr evei will be. escape observation, not from .my era-en' -No, nolgood.' murmured the boy, 'bu. fear, but because he would not pain his motheirtihii liltle sister whom he love IJwith, God bless you, my sweet sis;er;good nigln all his heart, Hul a few moments ufier.ihejgo now. and pulling her gcuilp from him door wag softly opened.' and 'Georgf!.she blip.ed away and tbejed him wiihou George! rcpeattd a low, sweet voice. heard the kind genileness of that nfl'eeiion e ate parent, beset up in bed and began g0, for ltie fij8, ,. his f.ltler , bruiiilly Lent him. Mrs Damcr had brom.1. m, i1(f g,M),,Pr, horini to find him the all(1 vet bIl)ot), f(,ar nJ lreml,il)(r , s ' . " " .., jsi,0 tut down the plate of bread ant butler, and rlapsed her boy in her .run he rould be, he was nevertheless ill treated by ihe father, and of course the more doatci upon the more loved by the mother. When be found she was crying the brsvi inle fellow, wills a desperate ellorl, forcet: 'lack his tears, and winding bis lacerated inns around her neck, he kissed her and iried to sooth her 'Don't cry. dear mother, I am not mud Uurt,' said he, looking into her face, ant trying to smile, but the wet eyelids droopi ind he laid Ins face in her bosom, 'You do not deserve this, my noble bov.' ?iie murmured, kissing his forehead, 'you: lather will le sorry for it some day; yes my child, God will bless you, and when you are a man, such as my hcari tells no you will be, im will think of this mi l ween ind tremble, and pray for it to his viry ''rave. 'i krow it, mo her, I told him so,' said ihe bov, raising his hands, bis ejessiurk-i my wioi an unearthly ii"til--'t;ul 1 am glad of it now; ii has opened a now world 1 01 ""n- llmo 1Jimer 'rpt ' to me a light broke on mo even while l ,v 1,?'n:;'l"1',u' '4 tbr w- 1,e 4 i . . , , , a-ioiwily send her messanes when vas bianding there, with the whip phnin- n i ,, " , , ,, 'i -iipii iiiiii'y oUeied, reiiealedly sayine ike h s.orping about my shouldi-rmoUier.!,,,. Nvn, WtJ, auj i.pj, blll yh.t nodier, il almost dazzled we wiilt br.hiai,-! ,,.,U nothing could tnducu b:m to y.'be mighty future lay unrolled like agiea ;! sea before me, and 1 launched upon iu hosorn in a flood of old, 1 didn't feel tin whip, I only thought of that and then, anil Foui'leeih, my sou,' snd she, looking I . i : . I . .... i . i . in nt.T uoy wiui asiouiMiiiicui, lor s;io nau icver beard language like ihat fiom liji.- u-foie. 'Yes, ilns morning I was fourteen, but I mi much oldt r now, mother,' said he, with- h aw mug his arms Iroiu la r net k. and lendi ng sliaigely beautiful as he tUltled 111: yes upwjids and clasped bis hands on ih osoiii: I tell you mother, 'tis ihe pulses n: he hear1 and Ihe tho'.ghts of ihe brain that o ,l,e the time, anil oli! how f arlullv haw nine lucd since inoriiing. Your l:oy i. ilinosl a man in heatt, mother i s,' In whispered, 'I will never troiib!e fjihei It hine n hip mu again, 1 can t;d;e, care ed nvself now. M::i, D.itinr drew back with tears in bi-i ers and scarcely dared to answt r the chilt .'cforc her, A mighty change bnd indeei oine iver him; ihe spiiii tf that poor idnis. d boy had sotidenly grown in power ami nii.'ht, until, he was as much above bis i - j pressor as the stars are above tin e arih. Al thai moment little M.nv crept mfih in, in her night gown, with a huge piece ut tpplo pif. in her hand. She was a beauti ful child, with deep loving blue eyes, ace' flaxen rinelets playing over her innocent iirnw. The iiacPK of Iear were on bet ;'ipe rosy cheeks, but she niuled as she saw lici loo'.her silting up.l.ayingi he pie on the ppilH s I if. iliml. id upon the bed, windipg ' tr hide :-r:ns abtiui bis iieek, kissul I :;. w ith l!it! tenderness' of a warm hearted i bild '1 have brought you some pie, (!e.n George,' eai.' she, 1 ditlu'l waul ;ioy sup per rmse f, and I saved it f,r you, beeansi 1 kiu) ,' you are hungry, r.uhcr fhin' whip you agin, he sbiiiU, he ehant, bh eoniiiiticd, sebbing aloud, while the pom boy pressed her to bis heart and began t. t:ry himself at this new proof uf afTiCtion. 'No, no; sis, he won't whip me again never never!' o. , . i, i . ,i I ::ntw lie wouiil ll1: l WOUIU go Ot'lweei i you and )0 might beat me lo death, I shouldn't caie, but he should never louel 1 will always he kind to you poor child! li!aiioilier word. The mother held a conference with ier ton; it wtii mid nigh, "sbelelt bim; and once more he v, mil t. I... . done with his heart. The child left Ins father' hoBse wiih a new born Jeelmg m his heart. The dread I'ul and unmerited punishment he had suf fered eOcicd one of ihs-' sudden changes in bis character, which children someinnf s undergo though rarely pwrhaps, at so narly an nge. Ii had ripened his faculties set him to thinking for himself, and youiif! is he was, and little as he knew of the world, with o eoneiousness ofstrenth and self-reliance he fell that ho could n walk alone and bullet the ills of life uniiti 'd. Ih.ieyes were fixed on a glitermg t al, tnd with newly developed energies p tit ice perservance, and indeed uncommon facul lies of mind, George, al the age of 14 lunched himself fm upon the world to be- fin life with the sole aid of his heart and 'land. He communicated his plans and his wishes io his mother, gained al last lici tearful consent Mid disappeared within 3 lays from the dale of the above; unknown to any one bill her. Air. Darn- ,. when lie found he was gone, but guessed 'ie would bo gald to come back again: Mary ried us if her heart would break bet l.iyihi.igs wcie lid aside, it she grew sad ml melancholy as days and weeks passed sway ..i.d be eume ni) more l'oi she loved bi other tender! v -,,y. For tlnee e,ws she kept the nlact Ihis residence, but I hem all things fiom i:iii ceased, all traces ol In in were lost. Al any weie Hie conjectures about him, i.- i - . . i i' . ,aiv ! oui as yuai couoiecl on year.nni oothinj; moie was heard from me y oui I i! s-itled into the vaua leeling ol eles- an :be boy inusl be elcad. ll isliut hat a neighbor vho happened to be a New Vol li said that lie met a youo nan it., a Ijrtj er's oihco, looking very mui li as Geolge ueel Io look, hul a ;oue, ,cal lianeJsoioei , and iinfued a ei "inaii oun; tnaiij be almost tliougjit i .va Gi in m , but finally ho knew ii eoiilil'iil be, lliuu!l bis e)cs iooi'en -Iran g ly alike, and I.e never saw iino h- r p: .tr like them. But ahe va0 t;iVi n ip by all, even by Mis. iianiei' and .Mat y , who, bliboujili giovvn to a eon woman n'lll tmei tallied a vivid itmem oranre of bei biolher. Se cu'eeii yeaibliom lo a day, fi on ih" li'ne eiiir sioiy coiiitnenei ,ilie lull. tillage cl K (I shall lea Vis ih mat ie r of lacl loveis to gues vvlieie ' as ilnovvn into excilcmeiit by Iho i- i ,tl of a Kit niber ol ConltMi at Hit aieioed'ilie place. Il was laiber an occni'i e nee, and llierc seenieo o be all ail of mysiety connected wnb be ' t tni;'t r lor no one cculd find mr vlio be waii, or why be was '!n ie. Kol two heiii alter be Mc;;t.d from the Mae, foa eh, 'lie Wbl;lc Vlihiej 'as by li.i: e :: . I !(' VOUnt icu ..! t-lCtl OI.H' i, . . i .1 .... ...i ,. . . . lad. -S 10 IIU MlOUKl gUI UiC UISI bu i) Oil , .im, co-iiiiving e,n feme plea or r.:!u-i n pris he taveio iicVeial limes duiinj. In- alieinoo'i, not falling lo laic H.m thelitis each time, Hid giving a lont; b ok s tl e x passed. Wotultili:! si or its were ii eh i"ul.iiiun n'ooul his bea-ity -aes; ami ii was iiiii'nimourdy ggieed b 'i i v wlio wen? fortiina'.o enough ti) nei i lot!; i him, that be wis ihe fincM no!;ifg m it n they oversaw. Mr. 1), itci w is of I'jiinion ilint lie va3 arounn i It-ci i once ring,' or tr ying to get petitions or a bill something lo woik iheii nooey out of thern, 'lor Congressman re sharp enough,' said he, 'and I don'i vanl any thing lo do with the in.' I'm the mystery was fated lo be un av. lit el e at lier linn ihey le.ucd, loi iicfoi e night-fall the stranger !!was veo walking leisurely uj ihe llni ed lo iho lar tn-ltosr. His fnm waP rule a:i l Ins an i,i,:. and m-'iesne, ml a louel: of ni'la ;cl.o;v sholid hi? outiieoance, os ho Waikt.d sioxviy along lancing c.'igerlv around al Il.e various nclosui es, the gjiden, the turnip fl Id the bat ns and the house, vvlieb looked irim and lidy in j n, w cuat e f while. Mrs. Duller stood for a moment be ivildei etl as she oiieiied the door. The: irit'.t'i r siioke noi. A iii of lai'at 'ilack eyes were litd 0ioo her ir.len: caiiieM'y, wuh a hill'inouinlul, half befo 53 a ,ieae,l expression, as he persued each . j' ... ' 'eatuie and line of that benevolent foiKiienance. His hands were elapsed and he bent ilighlly forward but oiomeni he turned away and brushed ar from his eye, but still wa silent. Hi ere) was someihinn in that turn, lhat ook, which startled the chain of memory m the heart of Mrs. Darner. The molh r awoke lo her bosom,& a stifled sliiiek burst from he: lips. Ml is no! in cannot It yes! it is my son George!' lour own on, my mother it is your son, George Damei!' and Iho greatful mother clasped lo her hcait her beloved one! long; lost child! Mary had heard ihe exclamation, onil stepping into I lie entry. Mood trcmblin hoping and fearing, as she saw iho stranger in her mother's arms. Uul oh! wiih what joy, with what ,iiide did she look at him! With what rapt ji e eliil she, too,fly to his arms, when, she indeed found it was her brotbei! 'jly own sister sweet sister!' saiel ie, kissing her Bg.tin and again, then Holding her off lo look into her beauii I'.it f -iti jMary was the pride ol lha whjle village then en.brtcing hrr a- aio, till iliey both laughed and cried, ogellu-r in testacy cf lhat utithoiight of neetir.g. 'I reiiif mber well the little girl wiih be apple pie, when 1 was tt rr bly wbipp Jd & rliajl never forget it!' said he, when ie could gel bieeili lo s.iy so much for lis mother sii.'l clung to his neck sileut n her .ears of gratitude ar.el joy. 'Dear brother!' was all hUvy could utier, as she looked through, her tears vi 1 ii a sistei's pride on her new louiul relative. Two slout firmpis r3me up from the outside, wondering u hal ih;s fuss could mean; but when Mary cried out cute fi og her breath in i he wildnets of joy n and shook him by Ihe hand till thu ens glisieoed in ihuir eyes, and lliey tirned away to hide them. 'Hut the lather and bow could lie greet he boy whom ho cruelty had driven from he door, and who hud come back a man m honored and great man! Ild tried to -teal from the back door pale, and trcmb itte but bis wife stopped him. '"J'is our mil George,' s,aid she, and she led him eirward like a child to ihe noble and injur. ;d youth. It was ihe wday of retribution seventeen years to an hour had elapsed he bad stood with a whip over that nave boy, nnd beat hi in till he could no toegt't stand, and fui no conceivable reason it: emh! It is pLin what thoughts wero working in the !n...rl of iho mam for be "loud like a craven coward before his son. Gtorgo was the first to speak. 'My father!' -aid be, extending dig hand, but the old nan drew bick and brushed a tear from uu shrunken cheek. The fierce passion of his noon day manhood had faded in ngi lite waters of repentance were floodint? hie o out. Ho talked as if lo himself, 'This h ind drove my boy hence, I al most muidered him! no, no. I cannot touch ,. . ., .,, , ,.;.. .:..(,, in I. ll o.llll, IIIWI. u u Wl.uu V ail 11113 II1MI. hand!' 'A'y rather!' laid the yonnj man, draw nig closer to !ii:n, and agaiti e-lTi'iir.g bis hand. '.o, no: sanl the oui man startni; not til! you bave foigivcn mo ihat tnd his voice beiamo ihiek tlirntn'! nil' Ins leeib 'iliat hurse mhlpying. Now and forever and ever thank you for it my father for that helped to make ne what I am? I kiw I did not deserve it. I was innocent but instead of crushing and humbling me il raised mo in my own opinion, li awoke new thoughts and ener gies in my heart and hence 1 left home to ry my fortune ia lie great world I w as imi a child ihen, but I worked my w ay along, in a charity school then in a lawyei's ollicf, where I procured ecpying enough for maintenance. lit re I studied as Wtli s: worked, a:u! in v master found ma ouj night, very laic, li iiti fit worf; exer a la.v treaties. Surpi ed. he es-mii'ied niy'Jprj. grfss, eliil me.'..' a (, io become hu p'i; ti era to me. ! a t , n my self on in k .f f . ei.'i f it Mited iiifi ! i: v .'.!, i i-f-.r-' v .'.i a golden j i , I ilire ," t.m tad weft. - eats wviit l i ,,,, i I also became a law. er. 'i he litrt cause I plcadtd jdm.-c tduiirat'ion- won-- ap