The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 12, 1845, Image 3

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    lillODH ISLAM).
J e ksun the Libenciin candidate, bat.
i mi n il of 1 10; nil llio districts liav
id); lii-rii hrm it f nin.
NiiiiriiMin quartet dolluis, dated 1843
composed ill' pewter and silveied over by
iIim galvanic process, am in circulation
ami so well executed t 10 deceive casuitl
ll:M I W IS.
- Can Jackson Iuj entered upon hit 79. Ii
What do ) on think of Coleman's aliaci-
nienu s aid t young would he dandy the
oilier eveiuin', who was murdering Ijiiy;
list) in lha ear of a young lady who was
inurderin j music on ihe piano ul the same
Of' Coleman' att hcIi inert did you ob
at r v I-? ' queried the lady.
'lei, in ma, rejoiuec the nice young
'Oil! I don't think it's sincere,' was tin
reply, 'for 1 am told that he's been sevei
bI limes-ai parties with Miss Jenkins, and
at ilia iheaiia wi;n her almost every
llll! III.'
'i'lie bnnu ty of it is, thnt the question
er whs alluding all jthe while to the new
improvement in the piano lone. A. U
The Nashvtll Union says that whoever
is the originator of a law which shall no
cure married women against the nnpmvi
deuce of their husbands, aid jet do lair
justice to creditors, w ill achieve a victory
over prejudice and injustice which will
entiltle him to be ranked as a real bene
We have teen requested to stale that a
craw back of ten cents per thousand will be
allowed on lu mber, shingles and laths trans
ported through the Susquehanna and Tide
Water Canals in boats, on the presenU
lion of ihe Inspectors certificates at the
office in Uahimuie or VVrigmsville, of the
quanuv thus Bid jeel to drawback.
Two liundieil anil nineteen person
men women, ami babes, had iheii
names changed hy ihe Massachusetts
Legifliiiiii e hI ihe icrent Sisiuii.
The death ol Mr. Coleman, the in
ventor of llie celebrated ',E iliati aliach
mrnl'toihc Piano Foi It , is anooiinei (I
in New Yolk. He tlnd .-uddenly al
his resi If nee in S,iiato.ii, on S tJtday
ol i lie measles.
A Mimmaiy nioduol nt tiling ihe li
cense question h i.? been adop'eil hv I h
Cm pi ration of Iliiiii.viile, AU., who
have fixed llie liccnso for retailing fpir
ileus liquor?, Wi'lim one mile of ihe
Cetii l-housp, al two thousand five bun
dled dolors.
John I l)e Grail, Ihe I) nine at ic can
did, lie fix M ay oi , tva., on 1 1 1 I -I inMaii'
in Schent daily, t- cled hy a s nail ma
jority. The foi seveial years hack
has been Whig.
The Warsiw Signal s'aies thai mo.1
of ihe fi lends of Kigrlon, who Mill p
tnain in N'auvon, have been licsooiled ol
ilieir properly, and live in contini feat
of iheir livts. Oat; of Ihese, Eld, i
Maiks. a man of weul'h, f d fiorr. ihe
chy lad vvei k in li e night
In .lass ichoselia iheie &ro no less thai
120 towns utteily desiimie of a grog
Ms. S'.ory,ol Greenviil , S. C., tavi
liirlh to thiv.e c')ilii'i'n r coolly. Sli
named the son J imei Koox, ami tin
d milters E'izjbeth Pol k and RcbecCr
The 4nd of A pril was the birth day ol
the great Apostle of Democracy. It wf
i h-hiaietl in NewYmk by ihe firing ol
aniiou and displaying the Na;ional Flat
i' ml City Arms upon ihe Hall from Minntr
io sun if i .
An accouijdislied jnung lady of Ciiflon
(icoruia, jialherniL' Ihnviis wohln li('i
yanls of In r dwelling, w an seiz d hv Ivti
persons ho appeared to he iii-)roi-ii,jrinei!
hoo '.winked, taken lo ihe woods miie am
i i e i i , . .
a nan uisiani anil s rqipeo loikiu, i.(! ;r
llial conill Ion, Willi. ml lui llier loll nee, U ll
lo liia'ne her way home It heliii ihei
dark, he wander d ahuiti and lii.allv fell
rsliaiiMed on a pile of brush, when the wu
I'm lid insensible nt leu o cock.
The Madi-ioman Ins hern dispos, (
' 1 by ild pi,ij, if i or , J . H. Join f, lo Je.s-i
E. Doiv, E-q., and will her ci f H I h l i
. A . . II S. I . . tl, . ,-t
i uiioiiui ii ii v M . Uuvv ami I In oiiliilii'
' lsk. Il is U. I i ii il 'Ih (,'oi,m
1 lion.
1 he 1!
i'i-i,.;i iv, m j il,.,; tin- cxrinrl drniaril
I ir enaie culion is i-,v meat and orders and
trai ls nnie inaiiy ini.nllis uliciid. due
''"'" ";:l lik:ies.i,.Me.l of the
hhip lo
old re
in fii'l
oil.oiee ul niiani., i ...
I oilli i-l,,,l,,
al ai
I iln ,,f
i'io llllli in.
, r n :ii.'
ifi It
il:. h-i -,;
o'liei I, w' nlc in '
lthu been disenvprfld that llio heit way
in preserve apples from rolling is to rut
I'mm in a dry warm cellar, and let a fami-
ly ot tiiieen cliiinreii nave nee acccm m
me in every uay.
- -' '
An excellent rule lor living happy In so -
ciety is, never to concern ones ell wnii
ilte aH'aiis of others, unless they desire
I'llRIR CIllDRER-Su.-li may S 11 till
:illed, for they have saved thousands of
hilt! i' it from an untimely grave ami canned
the mother's heart lo leap for jy, when
she had given up all hope lor the recovery
of her olUpring. And when il il re in e in
hered that worms destroy thousands ol
children annually, and ihe cause is never
suspected, and when il is known that these
Lozenges are a sure ant.' certain apecin
ledioying them and invariable bunging
them away, surely the heart of every pai
rent will ba tilled with joy ol the announce
ment of ttncli a blessing. And not only are
the I)r s prep nations lor worms good, bui
his COUGH l.OZHNCiJSS have micceded
in removing and curing the most invderale
i.iiises of Cough, and even Consumption,
when hope had taken flight, and depiit
was piclured on ihe countenances of Irieiuls
around. We are acquainted with nunier
ous cases of wonderful cures performed,
iind would refer thn inquirer to L)r. Sher
man's pamphlet of cures. The CM-
I'llUlt LUflliMJUS cure Uuauaehe in
rive minutes, ami relieve all I'alpiiaiioiis,
Nervous Complaints and Cramps, and the
l'00l MAN'S I'LASI'Kll is without v
Ion hi the very heat Htrenglliening phis
er in the world We would hmi'ii
nend all who ace alllieii d to trv ihe Di'r
ireparatiin s, knowing ihey will no
io disappointed t" ih' ir expei'Liiionn.
For sale by JOHN II. MOY F. It. Doom
MARK I ED On ihe 27 h ull., bj
he Rev. I. li .hi , Mr. Penny Gilmoke
fHerwick, lo Mih .Iaxe Fhkas, ol
N't scopeck lownbhip ,Luz -i ne couuiy.
On ihe 2Gih u!i, hy Win. Kneheo.
Csri. Ml. MlCHAKL HkkK, of Danville,
0 Mi.S I SA II KLLA Bit A 11 A '1' AN. of Ml
onoy township, ioi ihunihei land co.
On the same day, by ihe name Mr.
Sa.MCKI, SlIAI-FKIt, of Dnivi'ile, lo
Mi-s Oliiorah Rakes ,j Noi iliniiibtr
j ud co.
T If I. .1 t. I f
in ii. iion, on ine iio n up, ty Juo-
Miller E q, Mr. .ames Lewis, to
Mi-s Chkistiax Snvuku, hum of Dm-
DIED Ai ihe 1 1 sidence ol tier niot'.-
er in I) invillt
oeiii!ay ihe 1 l in. I.
laiilrer ol ihe file Gciieial D'oiel
M nHiioni' ry.
Dloomshl'uo. Api il li,
Wntai, -7"j
R) 50
('urn, 10
Cloverseeil, 3 -i:
Flixsecd, I 2'
IJit'tl, liiA
Oats, 25
Eiigs, 8
TalhlW ID
Lard 7
Di ied Apii'e?,
While AVans .r;0
Meetiwax 25
f EJ H R ('i)iiuly Coin'iiis-iono s hereby givn no
i lice, thai in iieeo. (Inn c with ll e nruvinions ( I
in act of ihe General Assembly ol ihe Couinion--veulili
0f Pennsvlviinia, parsed the 1 5 ill day ol
prd, A. I).
An appeal will be held at their office ill Danville,
m Monday, the 5ih day uf May next, when uud
vheie nil may atend il they think proper.
U v order ol Ihe commissioners
I'l.lAS MFNDKNHAU.; Cleik.
('cMMls-iNi:im Orricr.. )
Jia'uille.Apiil tl, ih46 S
TO (OliMIiY 31 Ell C HAMS
rKIH'' "iibseriher ili.-'irnus of quitting lni6uus
on account of his health, will
jiriipcvtv to an v prrf"n rn favmirnble term, who
will l'i'KCJI A!SK IIIM ftl'DCIv OK fDOOS.
remaining on band. II is siUiJlinu fordoing busiuei,
lie considers, the last in the enmity.
(j"jTlle also lerpieslcs all ihnse u.ilchted to him
o come anrf make iiavinei l before ihe Ut, rf
April, al'ler that lime, every account not paid, will
oe sued without respect to peo,on.
Jan. 5C-1S45.
Aoul two wee ks ago between Hlooms
burg ami Norlhuniherland, a lare leather
rontaiiiing proiniyory Nolesi to the amount 17
ofiibonl two hundred tloilar". and other pa I1
per of no value to nny person but the own
er. 'The find r w ill be liberally rewarded s0
hy Sanding it to the t-nh? i rifir r, nr giving
him inl'orriiiiinn where 11 may ho had. T,
p. gulf. ; G.' iir.vhv.
h .:. m;'iif;. Mtti-u I t, 1 sii. S5
50 1IN3H3
KM Pl.OYM R NT will be uiveii be t!i
)Srribers to 50 MinerMluritig- ihe season
A) ,hoge wjHtiing to lake a .lob;will please
call as we will let it out by liie Job or bv
ihe ton
, A!.u.10 LABOURING hands wanted
ly the subscriber.
Lijfhl Street March 41815
r S 1 1 1 0 A I I . I : T A I L ( It I G .
Coiiie one, come, all, give vie a lull!
flllIE luWiil'or rolurim Lis binofte tliuul.
lor the lilierul pntroiiae heietdtma lii'toei
iiiun him, and huca tor u euntiniuiiiee uf the suine
with an i. icrenso duu the merit ol his hop. lie in
tends Simons neither iiain or labour lo rendu
s.itisliR-tion in nny ean ;aiid w ill win n iit hiu worl
done with limto and doiability.ANI) .Aldl 'I'l-l:
07ilL,-:-S7OP IN THI.-S I'LACt;. He h
jiint rn eived Muhnns, late, rciioit ul i'ashinns, linn
I hdudel'liia. whit 11 can he seen nt his hui at un
tunc, by wliu li ho u enahled to cut according l
the la'est slyle, or to order. His pines ore
iccordance to the tunes. All Kinns ol countn
prixliu-o taken in pnyinent for work lit market pikt
very reasonable discount lor rash.
I', i'. I.E1DY.
N. D. Cutting dnue with the Ricateal caie.uml
at the hhorU'Kt iiuiicc.
P. S. L
HlooiuHliurg, Oel 184 .5
ffS hereby given to the .Vlockholdeis in the cam
H iiany lor creeling a Wiidze over Ihe Northeast
liianch of the river iiMMichanca. l enveen ll
losvn o( Cnttawissa .titd die inoiilh of l-'is hhifjcirck
liiit the Miiuaiers have his diy declared a dividend
I I'HKEE l'KI CRN I . on the .Mock of sai
''uinpanv, lor the last six inunllis, which will bi
riidsaid stoclihnldcr nr their legal represeutativus
it Mi Treasurer's idilcc, Callawinsa, on or ullci
lie 1.1th in-l.
JA.lKS I'l.EAS.lNTS, Treasurer.
Treasurer's OHicc, Uatuwissa, Ajiril t, lSlu
of luetic vs-
li E m A I M .N ( i in ihe Tom Office hi
Catiawi'SR on the quarter ending Maret
JIM. 1815.
Utri) William M'ller Thomas
Clink David Oviderf Elizabeth
f '.iinilicll Imibc Overseer of the io,..i bfouilock
Davis .l,.n iih.iii l'l'clder John
eimer It.Niiiouel Killer UaiJ
I'iiicher '. Thomas Kinuor 1'. lieiiheil
Hale Joseph Ktoker Alexander
1 1 utiles II Hit (.'instead Jaco'i
llmver L'aiu 2 Wuintz Cvrus
Iredell U. V'iiin)s K. Samuel 5
lohu Maiyann Voeuin Joseph
lulni Saruli Zendci UeorKU
PeisoiiM railing 'or Iciter.s in the ubave list
lease i'.iy they are aibcrtised.
I'AI.'L I! 1JALDY '.
List ol' B,etl'i
REMAINING ir. the Post OHl.-e, h
lllnoiiis'iorg, on the quaiter ending Maich.
J I st. 181 1
Samuel liceeh, I'airiek II inn, Ceorgi
ilieily, .1. II .1dlard John .1,isiiii,fJ.nrgt
.lA Dowell, John Ranch, George iSeutnirti
I'!. S Tailor, 'm Varus
i'cison eallinn for Idlcis ill the above list wi!
please siy Ihev ore adveili,ed,
11. I If A VflliriSKT,
i KSPKCI-'TI.I.I.Y infoz-ms the public ihn
1 he has lo, aled himself in Ihe ishop 1 ite
ocopiid by ZlltA liHilil.KS, in MAKKI2I
s I'liKKT. where he intends earrying on tin: allow
buiiness in all its vaiioiia biaiieiies.
built and repaired, oh well us one horse,
VAf.(;o.s .wo urcftiEs.
of every dasciiplion, and ull kinds of oont
Wink, in his hue, done at shoil iioiicc, andoa lh
most reason ihl terms.
(; j'tiood Lumber and all kinds ol fanntrv fr -dure
taken illpayinuu lor Work, bl.l fiijli will no
'U! lelusi d.
Aoril i, ISIC Cmr. )
i.m tTjr iv mi
torv. fjnillj sul'serihcr rp-pcrtfully informs thecii'
j Z 'ns of j'liio.usbur and vieii-inity, that ,
ba-. lakea Iho shop for.nerlv occupied by C
-HlVIi.v. sico of the CiHAJliN HOOT, io tin
nppet end of Blniumuuri;, wheio ha will bu read)
at all lime toe. ait upon those who mav fivir bin,
with their custo.n. His piiccs will be iiu'defiitc.
.'. j Country I niluee and ture (inl, rs of uf
liindj, will be taken in exchange for wo It.
jacdu r. DiirriKKicii.
Apiil 5, !315-fimai
For Trial at slhrit Te m. 1845
1 Jacob l.eiscniing m William Kaso Adm'i ol
Henry Fisher.
2 Modi's doyer vij Ciaoje Hatzel el l
3 lina ni H- Wapplcg vh John I'. M.nm
4 f.'i-yU '11 M. ffihnotp et al vi S,iino-l F, Hadlev
5 l'i. Win. II. M.n,'ilU-t al vs Cl.iris.-a rt. hem k
fi I '111 b1--r'arml i s Lewis Johnson
7 Cab i' Thomas ndm'r of Ehsha tinilh vg Hugh
S Archibald McCiill et airs Joseph Lemon
3 Uobeit Montgomery va Daniel 5j. Mniii;;ornf ry .
i0 Bernard Seilicrt eta! us Th iinio Mr Naif A
Stephen Huqhcj va fienre Vaimickln
Lionard Ktinr-inaii v John Mi Wtlliaitu
Ilolert Moore John Chewier
'lohe.t Chester vs Jolm C'lmitir
Jid'b Ahclerich vs licor.;,, Dotcii. h a-.l.i.'r
Jacob iplir vn John (ieikm
John Doughty vs Paul r-unbir et a!
Clvaih 1 II. llowniao vs 1". Ci,v;r
Il'nry Smi'h i il l i'rph Ivibr ulir.'r
DiviJ Ii, (irmi vs Jolm H. U' i,
lleiuy -n th al v. .lo,,r; h K"i!ra mi 1:1 -.
Chari'l I). .oo::i.!S;-r'.i L. II. el a'.
! :...d. (
t i .11 , 1 j,.',;..
."ii'.j -H '.
..-I ol ;'
:.m :
DltsaluUOu Of I'url'-ti !il;v
NO TICE is hereby given that the IVl
nership, herelofoie rxisiing between the
subscribers, under ihe the linn of Ever &.
Ueflev, is Ibis day dissolved hv mutual
eonseni', and the Rooks and accounts may
ie found with Charles llellev, at the old
.laud, who is authorizid to seitleall accounts
il ihe hrm, mid will he happy to wait on
heir friends in settling ihe same' Tlnw
'laving acciiinils of long standing arc panic
daily requested to call.
Dloomsbiirg, March lrt 1845,
Kcw Arrangement.
'THE subscriber would respectfully in
orm ll eir Inends, and the pubdc generally
hat have they have enleied into Partnership
under ihe linn of lhlley & Meiidenhall, in
he mercantile business, at toe stand burner
y occupied b Eyer fi Ilcfley, and have
aken their e ntire
o whii h they inle ul making such additions
ic will Mitt '.he seasons ami make their
issortmem general, all of which they are
iiuious to exchange for rash, o. country
proti.Ke generally, upon very iiueni terms.
I hey resjiecifully soll.-lt Ihe paironage ol
heir dienils and the public renerally.
lilooiiisbn rtf, March 18 1815.
Orangeville, Columbia count;. Pa.
'THE subscriber respectfully informs the
mblic that he has leased this large three
tory Tavern, now in the occupancy of Mi
leorge Seiple, in Oianyeville, (olumhin
itinty, l a,, and intends moving into it on
he lirnt ol April next, where he will hi1
easd io me his old mends and customei
s his
will alavs ho furuishcil wiih ihe best tin
marKet allonis. His UAlt wnn ine climeis'
if l,iquors And his S'TARl.E, alii nihil b
itthlul lliisilers, he 11 alters himsell thai In
1 tie able to give general salislaclioii
alwavs he ready lo Iransport walermcn
in theit route,
.Uirch 15, 1813 tf
HE Q CE S 7 Ih'l TO It ,S'J .
II Y virtue of a writ of sequestration, in
ne directed, will he expored lo sale, hy the
eat. on Saturday the oih dav of April nt x '
t 10 o'cl.ick, A. M on ihe premises
.'1 certain lot of ground nitaalc in
imes'noe lowrliij
Coiumbh conniv
llll til I II 1 11 Z
uore or les , li iuihIimI hv laiuU ul A M.
I iii-c and 'Tnhi '8 Shurts, w liite on is
reeled a
1.00 HOUSE,
mm 5
S 'iz-d taken in execuiion and to be sob!
s the piopcrty ol William Miller.
1 n A M Df.itK, Request rnlOT
Si:i rut's Oi fici: Danville
M.rch 191815.
IS li'ifehy given, that 'Thomas Shori f
ll itnl he i oiidncior in the .1iilcieek Fac
C I . f . , I.I
irv nin r Hie iiist oi a pro in xi, nun ni
e 11. inks uiM be lift in the hands of Gen
.1 Thomas Vance, lo whom all bCldeiiu li!
ii payments must be lo nlrt
.1ontit I'lcasaid, ,1arch 12. 1815
. TOR O A T 31 K X
"THE N..i;h P.ranch Canal from Lick
iWalia, lo N oi llinilibel Und, i'l be opened
.or r.a'.' on, or bcfoie S ..turday tin
old day ol A pril.
W. R. MAFFIT, SnpetviiPi.
Vi,l.(uK,m; M,,nh 21- 1813.
hen bv eivi-n, thrl on tlie- nit d
if Mav, la-l, I gate my Null' lo UMn i
!!eai I ; fni llie sum of ciohiei n ilulloil
payable one car after t'ate and us the said
Note was ooiained thriiiis;!i deceplion aiiu
I'raiiib l hrii bv riiiitinn nil persnns not ii
mr.ihae it. I !i ill refuse to piy :
uiitl compelled nv law.
Mulismi, March L'5 IS45.
'The Cooortner-hip hrrpiofore exi'iif
mder the finn of .V ILVE UTIJO ' A' oV
riOO.'E, in the. ';i:clisn:it!,ing Iliisi'M S".
Di. solved hv mutual rniiM-nt. "I hi
il niks me in the hati'It of Marshal Stlier
born, to whom r.ll having daims 011,01
of in dvhi'-i! io, ci id firm, ate requestid !(
pply iion i i!i:,'rlv for pclllenn in.
n:..on.-lniU!. Match i.'8. 18-13. dO
ri "' Tiif I'.isiinss, in fninie, will be cut
ro'd on a; iln- old stand, by the subscribe!
'V In) S'l'ii. iis ;, roiiliniiam e of the rnslon
ol old Inci.ds, and of as many new one?
is m:y ph'ie cai!
J ! 3t ll i.l
Concerning Ihe. Heiwwnl of the Seal
J J 'iil ice if Columbia County,
mm Danville to liluomsburg.
Section 1. He it enacted hy tha Senate and
fouse o! liepresonliilivua ul' the Commonwealth of
k'emisylvuniu in General Assembly met, and it it
hereby e aiUcd by tha authority of the same, That
it ahull and ui tv ho lawtul Ko the iualllied Vo
ters who have KcslUed in Columbia Coun
ty for at I.U.ISV SIX C.ll.lWD.Ill
iJJO.VI'flS iminediuttlu nnuJinii the ntii Out-
erul Election, to votu ut aiich election upon lh.
question ol the removal ol i heir .Seat ot Justice ho u
Danville to bloo .iisbmg.iu naid county, in the man-
ner wit Thosoin favor of a Kumond
hall vote written or printed ticket I'iielli.d.
" eUAT OK JI.S l'H;K.' and loiituiiiii-u the
words " FOK llI,tl().MHi;ii(j," Hud those op-
poidl to a hemoval, shall votu u wiltteu or print
ed tickol labelled an aforesaid, and coiitaiuiii'' the
worda" TtJK DANVlLI.K;"lliesaidtickclatol.B
deposited in a box which shall bu provided fur that'
jpu'poseut each mid evety of flui election polls
I"' ."'"-. ' Tu ... ,.U
as , e ()f , (. j , Mprlbl,g .,, ...J
Assembly, and if on ihe meeting of tha lieluin
J uucs it shall appear that a majority ut the voles
have b'jeii given in favor of lilooiusbuin, then the
tollovvuig hi etions ot this act ohail bo of full foice
and clVeet; hut il it ahull appear that a majority of
votes have been tfiven against lilooinsbiirj;, then
the followiui; ueclionsol this aetshall he null iy void
Stc. 'i. That il'u majodty of tho voters of said
counly of Columbia, qualified as iifoiesaid, voting
on said question ol lieiiioval, shall decide 111 the
manner provided in the fust section of Ibis act in
lavor of Iho Keinoval ol the .Seat of Justice of said
counly to tho tolvn of llloimi-bin g, the citizens ol
Itloomslmig 111 said county shall erect, or cause lo
he erected. .'' Till.' HI OUW fltOI'Elt
EXI'HAHH, ivithin three years from and aftei
such election, ill the town of dooinsburg. titil'i! c
buildings nf IJiHCK or iSl'DMI, oflhoMO.SI
AITIWVKl) l'l,A.. for a Cnurt Hons.! ami
1'iisini, and dill'urent ollices for the safe keeping ol
lh'3 county leeords, under the direction of the
County Commissioners, who are authorised to te
ceivo a. conveyance for such lot or lots of ground
lor the one ol such County buildings, not. yjOS:
1I1. in IJ.M'1 ACJiK, in feu simpb) clear of all in
cumbrances, fur the use of the county of Columbia.
'In: siid building to he erected on siieh lot 01 lot-
if jjionnd thus cniiveyed. And the C'ouit JIou:e
.ml otlierpiibl'ic buildings and real estutu on which
iln-y a:e erected or H appuitenant Ihoreto, at tin
town ol Uaoville, are hereby granted and confirm
ed ii he inhabitants of Mahoning township, with
'nil aiilhori' v to sell nil. I disposi) of the t-aiuo to tin
bc.-l aiU.nilagc.aiiil lliat so mui h 0 ' the proceeds nl
- till is necessary to refund to the citizens 01
Ii .nwllc whatever amouiit of money they may have
ijivi'M lor the original constriiclion of ihe public
tiiiiniu; 4s 1.1 si il town, ami tlio puictiase ot 'liulol
ot tM-oiuid on which they are creeled, shall be ic
1110 h .1 t the said etli.eiis, and the balance to be
paid into the County Treasury for county purposed.
I'l' d M 1 disposition or sale of such public
111. blinds shall he made until tin; court house ami
, 1 . 1 i ii, t 11 1 Ll in 14 u'. libi'imsl lira ,la; 1 1 completed,
and die jiulii.c recoi'ds and ullhxs in; ii uiiAed thc'ie-
Si.e, ;i. That so noun as the public buildinns
are complcled accoidiiifr In the provisiona of this
act, the Cnmmis-aoncts iiloiesaid siiull lile a rrpoii
of t be -iime in the Cmrt of (.'oiniium Tlem ot
coiiulv and naid Coiut being satisfied licit sail'
luililiitLf-j are fully completed accoiding to the true
1 : 1 1 -1 1 1 and iiic.ihiiif; of this m I, und a record then
if bei'ig made bv enilorsi iiii'iit on said repni t, tin
1 'uniiiiissioiieis iVshi'i'iil'of saiil fount) ibail theie
ipon laiisethe prisoners, il any there confined in
'lie old prison, to be safely icinoved lo the new
nnl the public papers and records then reinainin..
111 the public ollices at Danville, to he salcly depo
iteil in 1 1 1 new buildings so us uforeiaiid buili .nut
iiepineil for the reception till rent', and fioui thence
nrlli tin! rSe it of Justice in and for tho comity oi
'ohine'ia shall eeaso to he tit Danville, and tin
aine shall be removed and tiled lit the town n
lllootnsburg. in the said county, and the public o!
lees lo i etol 'tc kepi. uud ihe courts of jnslVe hereto
f- re lo hi .11 U nivilie iioN lor'saiiicoitnti nlC'jIui.ibi.i
-hall be kept and In Id nl liloomsbin jj in the Iniild
m;a erected for llicir nccoiniiioduiioii us iil'oriaid.
Si:e. 1. It shall ho law ful for the citizens 1. 1
ilooiiii'iiii'i, to obtain subscriptions from any per
in or persons willing to K'lb'Rvibe any niniiev m
11 iterials I'm' the ereclion of such public liuibiii'i;-1-1
me pr.iv iicd for in tho se-con.l section cflhis aci
inn in itei'aiilt of ihe pai incut of the same, tin
jiinty Cominis iioners ura hereby einpowereJ t.
nise suits lo lie brought in Ihe naineof the couiitv
10 eiitouu the recovery of tha same, and when co!
ccted to be applied tow aids defraying th expense
if such builnincs.
!lc. S. I f sin v person or persons shull volo oi.
iho question of removal of the feat injustice cl said
comity nf Columbia, at ihe election nutln rizi d to
iu held by virtue of this act not duly qi'.ililied 0
vote in ito;oi dance w ith tho lirnt aeelioii of this act
ir s'l II volo out of his or their proper distiict, oi
diail vote lucre than once on said queMion, lie 01
hev so ido'iiding upon conviction thereof befoii
'lit" proper court of quarter sessions of suid rounl
shall be subject to Ihe penalty provided for iu tin
general 1 lection laws of tills Coiiiiiionweiilth.
Sec. C. ll any jud ' or iiisjierlor ol the rlertinn
autlionsed to ; held by virtue of this act, whah
kuuiviiiirlv or wilfully lej'-ct ihe vote of a child
pi ililied in M'te (111 the question of Removal of Iln
-rat of jo ,11 e in raid counly in ac.'oidiince the will
11 inl .i(.,-'.iaii of lliis act, or vhall receivo lha vole oi
t pet on not qualified to vote ns nfoiesnid en sail
"j'jestion, ba or they so olVciidinii, open eonvieiior
hercnt I pi'otp ihe proper rout t ol qnaner fcssinn
' .-aid counly, cl.all foil'iil and pay for the tl e of
-aid county lot every such onence, a sum not h h
ib.iu (luec hundred or more than six hundred dol
lars ,u the discretioii of the court, and shall undergo
in imprisonment in tho jail of Raid county for 11
ii'iii d of not less than twelve months or more than
1 wo cars.
iKe. If any judge, iiipcctor or clerk of the
Ifclion nulhoiied lo be held by virtue of this ac'
.had vilfiilly niincoiiHt, or shall falsely and ftHttdii
If.iillj 'old up and rclinnt'oe. votes leeeii eil upon tin
que lion nforcf aul. or shall keep a tally paper,
or shall be ctnlty nf any hand in the dii barge if
his duties, rvery peron so offending upon convic
tion thereof iu the proper rourt of qua.ter seionr
of Fan! crnn.ty, shall he subject lo ihe nmp tine ami
pei.aitv an are iinp'omd upon d' !n rjiienl iinhrs 01
mpci tors by the geneial di cliori laws id this I'om-ilioliv-Callh.
src. ft. It pliall lie the C.o!y of the pidm'F and
in. lienors conducting the c!ci!i 11 ,iuihoiiid to be
held 1 v v ii lie 1 f this :n t In c.Hit-e tin- letter li t i
be legible und distinctly
ft o'fpoiic the name ol'j'This filler branch, fioni his experience, he hilicvrv
eveiy (ilvcii ,vho -.b.ili v ile on the
li'eniov 1 of the -'. it ef j i. lire s, ul
lallv j 1 ri 1 1 ''ii w I. iJi hi., name 1 !: 1
in! ao w .'.lid 1 1 1 . i - i 1 1 --o 1,7,1.1 .-h
qiiesiinii 1 I the,
t.e aid. ' II iln
II I ' n , iCn'.IJ
.1 shall be dei ovd a
i.1. : d fhall be
f.c.vli 10 a.-i rn itiiia e
h sci-'i ai if t!i;.-ai t.
Sic. 9. ft ttU Le iLo duty of every juJ'c, hi
factor and clerk ciMiducting lha eluciioO authoi.
iej lo be Indd hy virtuu of this act, lo lake (in addi
tion to tb oath or alliim'tliou he u now reijuiral by
I iw to take) un oath ul aftlrmaliu" that ho will
aoosjlly hihI I liihlullv comply in every o;iCl
wi,lh tha pi visions and requirements, of this act.
olio ID. Il shall be ihe doiy of there
nun j'lihes of said county, ai the time anil
place of their meeting lo ca-i up ! ihe
vote received it) the difTerent rleciion dw
tricts on ;he question of the Removal of the
e it of jns'ice aforesaid, and shall make out
wo c r itic ne3 showing the result, one nf
wlimli shall be filed in ihe office of ihe clerk
I the oiirt of quarter sessions and the other
in the nilr -e ol ihe Commissioners of saul
ooiitv el Columbia.
St II. It shall be iho duty of tho Slier
d "i ,i,e x.iid e.mnly of Columbia, lo ciuse
"-I io he published in at least three
newspapers published in said counly ; for a
easi mice in every week for sixiy days im
medialclv preceding the next general cite
Hon, and shall on tha day of the rleeiioo
cause at le;,stUo primed opies. one of
which shall be in the iJeririan language, of
said act io be posted in handbill form, in tin
most public lilace nearest ihe eteeiinn null
fjj every eP,.,i0 ci(( iol j S;ll( vonuv ml
t,,e rooible expense of such publication
- uait oe pain ny uie saul ponniy ol Colum
P1'1 "nlers drawn ill the usual way
tKG. 'i So tlllK h of thn evislinir law
ol tins Commonwealili as are altered or
supplied by this art, he and ll.e same re
hereby rrpesled; and also ihe act nf Assem
My passed Ulih June 1830 emiileil nr. act
relating 10 the lien of Mechanics and others,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so far ai
it relaies to the buildings 1o be erected in
pursuance of this act,
Appioved of and signed bv ilirGovprnnr.
HIILDnKN aic most mibjl ) to them, hut per
soni ui all ages are liablu to bo idllicltd with
iiiein. Uud breath, paluncss about the lips. flushed
cheeks, picking at the iiose.wasling awuvjcaiincsi
pain in the bowels, joint, or limbs, disturbed sleep
riglutul dreams, moaning and sometimes of vor
fiuun appetite, a;-e among the symptoms of wormy
lany are doctored lur monthu, tor some other im
Jgi'nary disease, wla-n one box of Sherman's Worm
Lozenges would ell'eet a cure. I). Kyan, corner
d I'rinco Dtreet and the iiowcry, cured a uinn of
vorms tha, was reduced to u keietou, and ly imlv
mo box of's Lozenges: l.eis novv'a-i f it
is an Alderman. Th lion. B. H. L'canlshv
unsaved Ihe life nf on" nfhU childieu hv them.
I'ho side ol'(ver 3,(1(10,000 0f boxes has lidlv lest
d them. They are the only infallible woimdis
roying medicine kr.cwn. "What family will le
vilhoul them!
Consuinpiion,Coiigh.J,Colda,Whoopiiig Cong!,,
V.thina, and all all'eelions of the uw-i, willlind a
bearing value in Sh 'iinau'b CoUL'h Lozem.cj. 'I'brv
saved ihe Key, Kichard De Forest; the h'ev. Mi;
street er, Jonathan Ilowarth. Kan. und tliMi or.'t,c
"Id hero, Leonard liogiwv. (10m the cuiisumplive'a
H' lio. J ney cureil 111 one u'uv Iho Kev. Mr, L'titi
bur. Iho Ifcv. Mr. Ilimdcocl,: ro. II. Alfeo Ks.i
f ili-.tessing coughs. Thev aro the plca.amtest
oi,gh niedicinu and cure tho suouesi ofanv kr.owu
u'tiic'tv, ,
IIcailachc,Sea.kiilncsg and Palpilalion.rLlievtd cr
lAi'n live lolen minuics by Sherman' Cumnhor
iio.eiigi'!! Persons attenJing arowded "Ooina iu
travelling will Iind them lo impart liuuvancv of
spirit und renew their une.igies, J'hoso ' sulleiiiig
liotn tnoliee living will find a few of the lozengca
to dispel iho horjiois mid lowuefstf tpi'ils. lilr.
K rut ti, of ihe Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cur
11 nimseii 0i sovero lieadaehe hy them Japtaiu
(l.adwick, of the packet ship Wellington, has wil-iie-sed
their efficacy in a greut many eases of see
dekness. They operate- likoachunn uptii the
iciiiitej or shattered nerves, as Sherinon's Poi-r
Vl.iu's Plaster docs upon rheumatism, lumbago,
oain or weakness in the side, back:, or any
'art of tho body. Mr. II. (j. Dairpers, 30 Ann
reei; Henry R Gnulding; 25i Cliatliam
Heel Moses J Ilenriqucs Eq. and a
niiliiiudt! of others have cxycrienrrd llio
vonderlnl e fleets of these Pla-jler.--.
Price only i2J cenls. Caution is recessarv
o see thai you eel the genuine Sherman'
l.i zi'iiijos and Planters, as there ure many
vonhless articles ultemptcd lobe palmeil
IT in place c them, by those who would
tide w t your life for a shilling.
Dr. Sherman's warehouse is-at 'CO Nas.
'an street. For sale by
John li. Moyer Illoomsburg
Win I, Wal'er Si co Uei wick
Low k. 'Thompson Lime Ridgrj
E & J. Lazarus Oranccvillo
M. G. Shoemaker Ruck Horn
Ii. & A I, liisel Jersrvlown
Derr & M'llrido Whitu Hall
John Moore Danville.
Stephen Ilahly, Ciittawissa,
Jan. 4 1815-37. 6m.
Attorney at Law,
f'Jfict South nidc. of Moiji st. oj'j'osile
Eycr vj- lhQhije Store,
C Iiair .13 a 11 it the lory.
rHHF. suhfcrilicr having cslahlished a .A7 ll
3 til l 1 it .v.i.vrr.icroitv on .iuin-
tieel, near the residence nl L. U. Muu, he j3 now
prepatcd tolinnish t.'iiaiis ot wvery description, oil
i goisl lerins as ihry can le puii-hii..iij clsinLeie
1 the couuty.
Such as Hnl Vfistn, Waggon Huts,
Kose Morlcs, S,-c.
he 1. 111 do :i little better ban any other person 111
llli- sc t -i'i
' ' I'O' L r. PLAMv will be taken hi nay
uioni lit the 111 -licet i" . I; cl riice
l'locu:--. 1.1
J .ily J, ! ---I j II If