CHAPTER TUK LAST. Tll MIST CLEAHKD AWAV. Jal is Fanny opened her linle month Till of smiles, to k, S.irj opened ihe lrswing room to announce 10 his 'mass Harry' itxil ' y ,un r gemnun' wished lo tee him, Srj.) ihrciv ili great door whtopn and at tint yinift in-ttn enured Mi. UierWd Sinclair, one uf Harry' col lege fiit-nds. ILny wt loomed hi li ieut) warmly, tut he could not help wishing he lu delayed his arrival in hour or so. As iiomi id had received your laM doleful llir,' Mid the new comer returning Uhtry'f shake with rompoiim' inlercil, resulved to mine ttrif in ile(l or going home, althcitih I havi nat heard a woid from theie lor lM half (hit tim Your teller wl f co deep i hlu, that it made me tnel ncholy for full 5 miotiies. I Itll Cam tridge immediately, and mm tod t, p0 haste lo ace J on for fear you would shoo or diown yourself in yo'H sciiilaiy pi if on. ho! here I am. Whai! Fanny! exclaimed lu, for "he first time perceiv ing Harry' companion. None otlnr, my dear Kchard,' re fcirned Fannv, rnuto,a and warm emlirace follow J. 1 1 j r r y 't eyes begin to grow gieet, he heartily wished his fiiend bact at Cambridge, or any where bul where h was; and was on (he point of inviting lum lo moilal combat, when Sinclau iur.wd from Fanny to him. ..Wi. I ... ny nave you never loin mo von viffl acquainted with my sistei? And fanny.' continued Sinclair, 'how cam you hcrt? Why did you leave home anil when? 1 am in a maze. Pray, Kxpl tin.' Your sister!' uttered Harry, consider ably relieved. 'fhy I am here is along Mory bu I may as well tell it now.' Tne trio seated themselves or? thr great velvet cushioned jf, and Fanny thus commenced, Hairy giz ing into her bright eyes. 'lou know, Mr. Lincoln, that your chum, Dick Sinclair, had Bn only sisdet in Charleston, S. C. and that he ant! lV Mniiif were orphans; but you din not know, until a few minutes ago, tha I, Miss Si ubbs F anny gave a droll, expressive glance--' was his sister. 1 nmd to hear my brother speak of yon and all his letti-rs were full of youi )ra:sr that will account, in part, to yoi why I treated you so like an old fiiend. Papa died when we were young chil 'ren, appointed 'Mr. Licclles, an oh f.'iend of hie, our guardian. The pr jp arty was divided rquaily between us, "but iasuch a way that neither of n coulj, command a penny of it until we ki rived st the Jge of 21. So was it di nned in the Will'. 'Who came with you, Fanny, fioin -Charleston? and when and why?' Have patience, my brother 4 you shall know ail in good time. I merely wish to say a few svords explanatory lo Mr. Lincoln. My brother having ..arrived at the desirable age of fre edom 'StfS come in full p osesion ol his share. 'Is.L ;mt so Dick! 1 am still at the mer .cyof.Mr. Lacclles, receive as many air as few pounds as he chooses lo givi met My brother, being a great favor ite witli'Lim lways received an ampb allowance. Sj did I, unti' now ,inI now lie will not let me havo a slul ling.' . 'How ti.ppctis that, sister? That is the funny part of it. Aboti' j ear ago Mr. Licelles look it into his that I would make him a nici wife. I waa then sixteen, he being on ly six'y.' Fanny threw back her heal, and 'lie for a lonn lime at the oddity f-f h thing. Her mirih being conclud ed,. wtti t,n wi'h ber siory. -1 J 4j ways h id liked my gJat dian, bu r.onlil r.o,! Hiink of marrying him. 1 told him i " 8 vcrv respectful manner, but lie w.nVhl not lake 'no' for an an w r .y.yA know,, how pfis' ver- i ig and iuimtA V;,t'',; '1S 's w')ei1 bis mind is once mad,;. Hu kf P' basing mr, uu- til I avoided. hisP"'pnC0 ,n 'vt'r' l)0" -sible uay'l chkX'- At laM he bi-cann ,-lirill.irtliilil.. 1 . 'l l" """c "nil In mr inn,;' ThfO 1 WJ1 still lor merited in ev rv .w. lie senl nv Ihrcatenii.g notes, nr.V i,Vru'lei1 ''fell upon me every opporUiV1'' v" ence became sn dwg-ee V1''" 10 n'r' ' r.fraiced from going in,V? ,he t,,erA then he udd me io h non A "ho"1'1 "' havo snoiher sinpence untu ' ,jrc,n" tws :f.. 1 knew he woulj kP wnr.I, as the event proved. . w,!" t)etcrxi;,ed I sho.ild many h V1' b" .more fioin hi having said 1 i"'' ",i,n lor any Ijve he borrme. ,1 n:vt " a Iiic'imnnd paijer, about that tiiaeA '' 1 , i P ft n r I it li a it n mo I III a 6dverti?cmetit statinit that Mr. Ni.", teaclnr of a village school .fififn iii from R'chrnond wished an ai)titt K eiiei iiiieo.l the female denaiimru at , his school. A marvellous independent. f.iol! 11 , ai within me. so I lefi Chsi ie 1,1 ton uTlhout SJVinga wo.d to mv on-. 'ior "m ,,f vv,"!" -v l'",,rl, !,",, 'l,mb,rr .,,.1 .rrivlin'TJiehmond-iy. weeks aro:'c,fbrsn,!y. 811,1 )'"" fin'1 hcfuieyou iv, ..e the.O to Mr. N.les. J V t iiliCii .t:- veil enough f ry me. Since then 1 have been teach-1 ing in his sr.hoo'.' I 'A siring, wild tlan sister mine Why did you noi wide to me?' 'I wanted to see how it would seen. fain tn o vii living, and I did not with to siay any lunger in C har lus on.' 'lam gli.l it i no worse, Fanny; mii yon mii.t mve up your fulish idea I sch tol-kt ping, 4iid be my enmpan on io the )ld coiMiHy. I im going in i few w't-k. ' I dj t.i in theplan in toto,' said Har 'y. '1, too, nar going on a voyage, and i!iib companion. 11,11 mu vovaife i he voyage of life; ii will be s Very, wry ahoit one, if 1 do m t have Fanny l acimmjiany me. What say you Faun)?' Yea Fanny, what do you say?' a.kfd . . . . . . 1 it mo nei lauiiniug. 'I will do as ynu b it h think best,' ner-kly responded fanny, wi'h a 10 .11 sh smile 111 th cjiuuc of her. down oal eyr. And an thev were married Fanny mi-lair and Hmy Lincoln, HIE EFFECT OF A SINGLE CRIME. An individual named Rune.ll, ha' been convicted in the Si. Louis Crimna Court of forgery. The Ileveil e says 'the prisoner wa- of very renpeclable standing in societt , even enviably so. His character foi honesty and moral worth hid never been impeached by so much as a supi cion, bul, trom the fact of having be come enitiarrassed in apecnniaiy man nnr,he was ind Jcedlo the perpetration ol una ctime which has lost him his casit m aociety, and put upon him the name if felon. Afier having realized thr price of his hone s'y, singular as it may eem, instead of fleeing the country ve God him re'urning lo the place ol 'lis abode, not more thin sixty miler from the city where he had committed he crnif, scrupuloudy paying off a! his creditors, investing the balance ol the proceeds of his fraud in produce, Uking it South, disposing of H.& again n taming to hishome, evidently manitVsti g no apprehensions of arrest or nent, His sentence may be conbider d light, two years and a halt in ihi penitentiary Piuson Punishment i.v Connecti COT- The Hartford papers ars discuss mg the character and propriety of the iunishmenls infheted at the pritton t hat place. 0 ie prisoner, it is asseite vas whipped until evacuiions from u Oowels was produced. Ihisnnt pro- ducinc tho desiied i-iTeel. the cold watei pplic.ii ion wai tried, which is tiescr ib ed as follows;-, 11 then ordered the negro out from the cell, lippi d him enlnely naked, made him lie down upon 1 he brick II oi, and then put the leg-iroi s no his ankltis. He then put a lope aiound his ankle?, and hooked the Ml to a rope. 1 thr u, by his diiections, assisted to draw him up, so that In head ch ared the fl ior ah of 9 fool. He could lunch nothing, either with hi head or hands. I 1U1 held him suspended, while he (Mi. Strong l ilashert wattr upon him liorii the hofpital stairs, a distance of luh fifteen feel.' This inhuman punishment issiid lo have produced the proper iffect iht man promised amendment and Im iiitce kept his promise. EGGS AND l'OULTRY. Mr. El'sworth, Comtniasioner of Patent 111 his annual report, embracing a ainminl of agriculiuiat information, says ii is supposed that Uu-re m iy beaunually eon juried in the United Slates 1 , 400,000, 000 of egij;a; and averaging the value at 0 cent a dozen, '.his would amount $8,000,000. If we allow an average of five chicken, or other kinds of fowls, a year in each peraon at a coal of Vl nnis aver gt including turkeys, geese, ducka, &c..ihat will amoun to in'oieihao 07,500 000 equal to 812 -000,000 annually; making the agi;reaii vnloH of the cnnauinpiiun of poultry, ! ay nothing of the aniount which migh' he ai'ded fui the feathers. It is said 10 tiae been nseerlaincd that half a million ol etrcs ar consumed every month in the city of New York. One Woman in Fulton market sold 175,000 eggs in ten weeks npilving the Attor 1 1 . u n each day with 1000 for five davs and on ttaiurdav 2500 Ait OrsTER Shell exhibiting in R )ton which is recently from one of the S )jih V c fl : Llaod. It wpiuhs COllhK.,29i inched long and is 20 indies across. NLV METHOD OF PLAYING ALL-FOURS. Some one nivr 'be following item: -Drink nome bol.led -Mou', two bol- s of noil, a it!a-s of Mrechino. I M,,rTie urX il ij ploy V"'4' " rnuTH wrmor-r ikab &f, tfjiWf 12, IMS lei'iucnibrr the I'l inter WHEAT. CORN. RYE. BUCK. W11ET, OATS or WOOD, will be re- etved for debia due ua for snhirriptinn. Alao a tew bushels of PO I'A I'OES if lelivaied soon From thoas who have promised Lumber inrli and inch end a quarter nine bosrda II be received if delivered soon. Hon. James Ihichanan, Hon, Simon Cameron, Gen. W. S. Rom, and Mr. Finnton, will all sccrpi 0ur thanks for public Documents. i"7' Ilrform' reiterates hi aasertion in he laat Danville Intelligeneer, that the As paa:iH,nis of the county were raised by ihe tevetiue iouimissioners, in rot. sentience if neglect 011 the pari of iha County Com intssiucers, nuiwithatanding they have thewn to the saiisfac.tion of every unpre judiccd mind ilut the fault lay elsewnere and 1101 with them, This is no more than we expected. For we had no idea that ' Reform' would acknowledge his error al though proof should be given ' as thick s blackberries.' either light r.or right, were what he wanted, lie had another ob.meul ttt 1'aniaburg on tho 4th of September. ject in view, it was an at.empt to throw oili. 11 m on the Commissioners regardless of the . u,eo, or in, manmr oruamg inem , f - .noi uecause nicy nave neen gntity 01 neg led of duty, but because, as we remarked n a fonnei article, limy are Ramovil nen nd friendly to the Removal Hill. He wish - es to throw discredit unon them in the one ,1,1 . .. 1 , .1 1 e case, that he may destiny the confidence of the community in them in another in which they will sonn be called upon to act 1 prominent part. Dul in this he will be nistaken. They have heretofore proven heuiselves faithful guardians of the public interest, and it will take snmeihing more dian iho ie 'dictum' of 'Reform' to make the per., . believe they will not hcrouf ter. I5ui lias 'Reform' done bis duty as a good citizen should w ho had 'lie interest of the community so much at 1 1 " a r U as he now pretends to have? Did he answer the in terogalores sent him by the Rovciiiie Coin inissioners? or did he take uieasuies, upoi the rrceijil nf the letters which he received from the Revenue Coinminsioner (ro 11 this .fudiriil Diatrict, warning him of die dargei of an iuctease of the assessment, to prevent ii? lie does not even pretend that he did. Uy doing so, justice might have been lone the county, but he would have lost the oppnrlnnii) of throwing . the blame upon he Co nmi'siouers, and had one the les weapon to use to affect the election io K'lober. The interest of the county was small, with him, in comparison with that of nan an. The otie might aud'er for what 'ie eared, could he but advance the other. Out upon such tiickfry. .he girh is too thin to hide the least pail of the leformily of ih animal, ami if we mistake not, llieae groundless ailark upon die Commissioners, will rebound back with ien"fold force upon iheir authors. A word with regard lo the County Taxes and we have done with 1 Reform.' at leaf- for the nreacnl. A few veara since, the (yommisa'.oni'ra were under the control of ' 1 . the ' Danville faction,' when it ill be re mernbered by all, the county taxes were iiiljher than they have been since; and yet iiouniy orders were hawked about the sTeeb md old at a discount. Now it is other wise, yince the Commissioneis have been exclusively Removal men, the taxes have been gradually icdueed almost every year; the demandi upon the Treasury promptly yaid and this year the CommieHonrrs have been enabled lo icJuce the taxes one ball, which is bul linle more, if any, than one third of the amount levied when the Dan. villi! faction had die control of the alTdrs 0! the comity And when tho county scat sli',i lie removed lo Bloomsbum. there w ill ! c 1.0 necessity for any material increase ol evsn this sum, as ihe county expenses wilt lie largelv derreasrd in consi tjuence of i 1 central location. Si much for U-foim ' O" DJ3y,ihy do Justices sumct'unc tnko tin iitHPuKsmiLiTfl' said a little urchin to his futhoi who wsa clullied with a Justi'-e conmiiiision. I dont know,' replied the fdthei. ' Bciaufo he is under odi IlATl0.x,, aid the boy. ' " . ou ".ry rar-al, KhatUo you kn. '''' . . . 1 .1 - 1 ... -i ... . - .... r I QUCM, I.B1U 1110 iuy iii''ni uui vi uu- room VTh.i becnie . f iH Latl i?3 t ha !.n K7.Thelaie attack of tie ' DanvilU Faction' upon the County Olliceis, is bu a mere entering wed;je lo still more ridicu lous and improbable slo-iea to be sot afloai by them between this and the October elec tion. to have an effect upon the result ol the local queaiion ; and we, therefore, ihu early, warn die Irieud of Removal to bo on iheir guard, and not be aatonished at any thing eminatin; from that quarter, during die summer, however absurd it may appear Export, ihen, all the falsehoods and im aginahle stories t!iat inginuity can invent, and you will not he disappointed. Tho Courta of Columbia (.Vunty commence their aeBaion in Danville, on Mwday the Slat . Wo ahall ha there, and if, ivhilo extending our hand to greet a friend, we ahoidd find in it a bank bill, neithor wo, nor our creditora would be dis pleased. We are very modest, thoreforo not very lortirular an lo the amount ; only mind and not pay ua any thing in advance. Oont all crowd up at, but (jive ua lima to put up the money. Tho peciHl Township Election for the election of two Justice for TJInom Towuahip, in to be held at Robert Hagenhiirha on Monday nest. It closes at 7 o'clock in tho evening. The Legislature will adjourn on Tuesday next. The bill for the erection of a now county out of parta of Lycoming und Bradfoid has been indefi nitely postponed in the Scnato. Tho democratic Slate Convention for tho nomi bili0n OIa i"didate for Canal C inimiabianer, is to Gen. Almonte, the Mexican ct Minister, nailed t V V ..At C, Cnri (rlit tn Fri.llltf lltnrnill?. If QUI il. 4 V u ' " J O' !with hig flilllilyi la the barqne Anahuaa EX-l'UCslUliNT TYLER. Thn lint intelligence from Williamsburg is tlmt .apUim Tyler is seining the James river for hi su,n"",r ""I'P'yf 1 ma ia mucn moro agreca ble than being lurrassed on e ich sido by opposin,. 6 lariiCii. The General Election in Connecticut look nlacr on .1undny last, and resulted in the election of tin whig candidal for Governor, Congiess, and a ma jority of both branches of iho Legislature. The managers of 1 he Tide Watei Canal have lesolved that boats shall not be allowed to travel on Sunday. The Canal Cummihioners do not now rr quire Collector s 01 Lock keepers to Inly on Sunday, their lore travelling nn Sunday nui! cease. This is liubt. S.x lavs out ol seven is enough lor man r. r neasl to work. 1) mii I Gray , w ho was comniilled ti Jail in 1J titv.lle on a ch it ol passing cotintei iVit money, and of stealing a large diove of sheep, and who, a few days since broke j.i'l, but wj again aii'isteil, has been hilled r,u!. upon a bond of $000 We wondvr ol there it any mystery about ihis, o" whether the bond was mluced by Ivq Kitchen. NOR I'll 15 RAN UU CANAL. The North Uranch Dii 'uon of the I:nn avhania Canal is now iu liisl rat? crd-r I'oata are passing r.nd re-gassing, and trade promises a large iiiereiio I rum list year I'.xlia pains has been taken lo repair, that the water will not have to hi' drawn of the ensuing season. In a great many places the Canal has been widened; the s;x'eei. mile level above Beach Haven has been ureailv improved, Inun the bottom of the Cain! enrth h is hern taken out to the depth of 2 fed for near two miles, and likewise widened near all this distance. Lerwick Enquirer TilF. CROPS, The ILhimnre Pattiol says: The ac mints from all around the country repre lents the wheat crops to be in a moat thriv ng cotuliiinn. Tiie fields as is usual n the 1st of May It is too early to make ny certain calculation of the next harvest hut the indications have never been mon favorable at the season, than they are now I'lie recent fros;s, it is feared, have killet! die apricots, and it is apprr hended kavr been of jrnt iijnry to the iail.(n Iate, irtiiia are full of pmmise. Mr Turret. A elcrgtnan, who lately passed through Baltimore, writes to tin Zion's HeralJ that on his way he solifilei' 11, d obtained an interview with Mr. Torre y 11 the penitentiary. He reprCf cr.ts him at kindly treated, comfortable in bodily cir- umalancea and very happy in mind. II n abor is lighl and easily got through by three i'cIoi k p m. Hlier which ho employ s him self in rending the t;b!o Hviold hiivisi ei that he was about to apply for h jol.r L writing materials and ( Xpccli in gel ll fn His friend may visit him 01 making pro ner application. snd to ilergyu.cii llie doors s.-f iff r v Tfnc::. Hiohily Important From Texas .V A SINGULAR LAlvb ception of the Annexation Raolutiont- The Cincinnati Atlas says that there , Ureal Rejoicing.-W'e have a supply of,.uar ;ike about thirty miles from Kings papers by a recent arrival Irom Texas up lon Canada, situated on the top of a hi I C the 25 h uli. sajs the PI. ladelphia Led- 350 feel liigh; mid entirely without inlet, -er, and we find they are filled with re- i10Ugh a inall atieam run fro.,, it do,, juicing at iho passage of the Annexation' 0M ,il!t, t)f ,,,B in) pri,f,jVt.p w.,0 viMlt.., 1esolu11.ini by the United Slates Congress. .,iell, ltlis rouiry, iega,dvd 11 as t., The citiz-na of both Galveston and lliins-'pr(,;l,bl curiosities he had ever neen ,j ton testified tho liveliest joy immediately 811 j,,,,,,,.,! jt l() 0,.,.tlpy crate r of an ex on the reception of the news, a fact which ,juci volcano, and receive its waters through proves what the journals of that country hold .,1 phons from a greater distunee.-bui have always asserted, that the people ate stror.gly iu fayor of ihe project, however much the prominent politicians are opposed to it. It is from the lattei that the oidv op position to the measure is lo bo lOllltll, The vessels in the harbor at dalvisto:i displayed the Star-Spanklcd Hanni r arm the Lone Stai iu unimn from their masts; me hundred guns were fired in honor of the event, and an illumination nf the city was agieed upon with the greatest tinnnimi ty. A public meeting m as convened, at w Inch Gen. iMemiican Hunt presided. A pream ble and resolutions, expressive of the joy of the peepla at the prospect of becoming once more citizens of the United States. wero drawn up and passed without dissent from any person present. A rommitue was appointed lo address the inhabitants of Texas upnn the great tvtni, and every thing indicated an unanimity anil fervor of popular sentiment in favor of An nexation, which we had scarcely anticipat ed from tho rumors that have reached u of late from that country, It was also r quested, by special resolution, for 1'resi lent Jones lo call an extra session of Con gress, for the purpose ol ascertaining tin will of die people in respect to annexation At Houston there was the same evidencr il gratification. It was bailed with a burs: if enthusiasm by the citizens that has nevei ven (xceeded: The i.etvs of the Victorians' liililo of San Jacinto scarcely excited sticl general and enthusiastic rejoicing, the soumi d the drum anil other musical instruments, the roar of cannon, and the loud shouts o! ihe multitude, resounding long after mid night. Lis thought a favorable indication 111 the part of President Jones that he should lave appointed the Hon. David S. Haul n?n, an ardent friend of Annexation, n Charge d'A flairs to the United States. Just before the New Yoik left Galveston 1 liriti-di man of war enleied thai pari, heal ing dispatches lo Capt. Elliott, British Unvoy, from his fJoierniiient. It was said that this vcisi l had a vast amount of money on board, and that ihe ili'spa'die outained liif traction to Capt. Elliott lo offer to guaranty the national independence if Texas, provided the annexation resolo ions ate njec ed, It was further reported thai the Fetich Govei nnir-ni had also 1 iTer d the same gnarar.ty 011 the same eondi nous Piivate adwecs assure us that when beso propositions were made known in lalveston,' he people snapped their fingers, aying 'ihe loreigtiers were loo late' (.'apt. Etlioti set out lor the capital im mediately alt'T reeeii int; l.'n despatches VI. S.di;'iiy, the I'lcnch Charge, was al icady there. There is a report in the Texas paper that Santa Ana had made his escape. 'IN DEA TH NOT DIVIDED.' A touching instance of sisterly aiTeclion lately occurred at A'alem, Mass,in the death if two sisters, at a very advanced age. fhese twin sisters had always lived logflb er in the utmost love and harmnny. They ppeared to exist oi ly for each other, (than repeatedly been hcardtosay that they had no wihh to survive each other one hour. Their d.'ath was veiy singular it remarkable Phii of the first was very sudden, while in the icl of rising (rom her bed. There was 110 mc in the bouse except her tuin bitir who was in btd with her- The first to jive the alarm was an aged sister, ne ulv 'ighly years of age (who in the Piovidenci if God happened to he passing the ionse ibotil nn licit r afier), and hearing tht groans of her surviving sister, wenl in and I on ml her silting in a chair, and uttering the most piteous moans, and saying, t.Mary 'deui! Maty is dead!' She continued .0 or a few hours, refusing all comfort or too .olation. when she became nro.o.eions ,r f every thing aroi.nd, and cradiially sunk .way will out any apparent disease, ,in,. SiimLy neon, and dod ,vid,oul a struggle. CICl. );), jioiie'Tji ih. Texasrelm r.s They were both iuti rre l in one gnve, ,!e the lost Jov ph d tho p iri' bo f.v'j.' f! (mhii. May the union, he per pe'tnl! The tuloe nf the lead shipped from Let lis humbly hope that the AH-wisr: .ijieni, Dubuque, and Snake Hollo w, Bei o n w ho h as thus far diieeiul the lining the last vc: r, is estimated al l, .100, -lonc star of our ci-tintiv Iblooeh lb- .1110 1 - . I .1 ... 1 ... 000 ami is g.eaier man mat 01 any lurmer ; vtar It iS Stall ! a rll0Mr.1l f a . ', ,1.: fi;,, ibe lormuMi'ii ol our e n i rr. ifn 1. 1, n. Speaker id ibe House ol li, pn-s i,i ,iiu, ha ! fui a 's.'rit a wbcjle day froiii hi pest. ,u m)l ,.,oucide with ihe pooular belief in neighbourhood, that the fountain head Wiis !.ke Liie. altlioin'hl it is Ul)!l0ed .ilunhey occuiiy the same level. Danger of Lucifcrs Matches. A cor , r,'si1,M,-'e,,ei uf N- Y- Commercial sug ll,al fires, of when origin there is no clue, are often kindled by mice nibbling H lucifer matches, that had improperly been kept in desks an l among papeis. Therefore, keep your matches in a tin box, as made lor the puepute by the tinners. The Great Match lo 2U,000 between die North and Soiuh Uabliton and Pey ion bat been ai length pusinveiy atranged and the race will bu run in Alav. over the Union Course, A SINGULAR SCENE A fc.v Sundays since at the .Ninth Sneet Church, in Cincinnati, the in niater not Having arrived early iu ihe deal;, a huge Jog ran up the aisle, ascended the puipii ind put his paws 011 the Bible. The ex pressiutis ol Ins countanaiice and the move merit of his tail were su ludicrous, thai most of tho congicyation wire obliged to leave the chuich. The minister shoitly d'ler arrived, and discovering the matks of a dog's paws upon Ihe bible betrayed so much astonishment, that tho congregation again laughed. Alter a while the service went on as utial. Snow. In New Hampshiie and Yer iiout, 2 2d ultimo, the ground was covered .villi snow 10 the depth ol neuily two ;e"t 011 a level. A DEAR COW. An aastill and battery case was last week ried at Lexington, Ky, in which ihe pLm nil" reeo-ered 12U0 doll irs. It grow out ol a dispute about the sale ol a cow Pigeons in Smith Carolina. A (lock of pigeons lately passed over Camden, S C. which was at least a u.ile in length cud hall' mile wide! Enoagii.wj shoulJ sup pose, to make a pie for all creation. A Petrified Corpse was I'ourd at Ccrthier Canada, a lew days ago. Some workmm vho had occasion to remove several eidlins. 111 excavating for the tiiljrgemeiil nf the clinch al that place, came upon one of nun . mill hardness, and on striking it split iuio pieces, disclosing a body ihoroiijihly pro icrved and turned to stone. I he tcnaiiu no those of a Mrs. Morrison, who du d ibotil twenty years ago, and was burnt! H'ltH.i.h the floor of the church. A small running stream pasted beneath toe colli n , which is supposed to be the cause KMaiwc ... i.Yya Quick Trips 'I' ha steamboat Sultani tias inaile tl.o trip between New Orleans mil Louisville in four (lays, twcniy-otin hours am', fifiy-eighl minutes, being one; hour and fifty-two minutes !es9 lime than die shortest previous trip ever made. I'iftceii Hundred Children aie ed'. rated .1 the )iiblic school of New Orleans, at an annual expense i f $2? 8(1 each. TEXAS. The Hi in on Star atuic the pas- siiie ol llio 1 exas 11 solutions I .CuimIi ill'' UinllM r) a't'S l.'0'igre,s H; Itims ol ll.ftli c Mi:l,i:ioo. L I'. 10 a. k-: 'Til- resolutions will iioobi l i c Ci-ive the coidial ;,iiiid). ,11011 ol the ci tizens ol Texas. They admit Ttxis in to the Union as a Slate, and allow h r people the priv ileii' S of Ameiican citi e We ci 11 in j i-tlci! ask no more. O.11 Government wiil dou'ules irompi ly iidopl such niHasuies a may he 111- to consummate this g'eal riiea", ,,,e - J l'f oi'l,! "in-ofi with one voic e II .! .1 f .. ...... .1 !.... 1,10,111 ,or l,r"ml" aim oeei,ve a.'!,,,,, 'an I we aie cm fi lent that the Executive will not he found wanting at this elis N vf ( ( . fni;, ,y cods c,f war, ha? ii, . irurrv ile- inui.t il that it shall hencel'oi lh in cum;; i .. !, i :.i ... : 11 ... hi ichi an- ,'IM ! I I ' l O.IJU IU (Ji u.i- Tb ie!i.i.iU.f ,,! n .Ii r-ev Irii io r'tt;d a usoiu'ioi! to :.bjlul: lutw ft..