The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 12, 1845, Image 1

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.I have iworn upon the Altr of God, eternal hnatlllty to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thorrns Jctirn
Volume VIII.
I'll .'tL'J . -.' . J '. - .-
ori'osiTE Sir. Paul's Ciii'itcii, Main-bt
TEFwl3 : :
The CO I. U Mil 1.1 DEMOCIMTwiltbe
published every Saturday morning, (it
J II U ))l,I..'li:s per annum payunu
half yearly in advance, or J wo Dollar,
Fifty Ceiits.if not paid within the year
A'o xnhxerintion will be taken for a shorle
period than oix month; nor any dim on
tinuance permittcd,until all arrearages
are. discharged.
Jl I) I 'Ell Tl SEMES 8 n ot exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted a
One Dollar for the first three, insertions
anil Twenty-five cents for every svbse nscrtion. IZT" liberal discom
made to those, who alvirtise bu theyeat
LETTERS addressed on business,mtixi
be post paid.
I see ilioe still,
I'emembrare, faithful to her luisl,
Culls thee in beauty from the dust;
Thou comest in the morning light,
Thnu'rt with me through the gloomy nijjhi,
In dieams I m-et iheeofoh'.
Then thy soft arms my neck enfold.
Ami thy sweet voire is in my ear.
In every scene to memory dear.
I sec the still.
I see the still!
In every hallowed token round;
This little ring thy finger hound,
This lock of hair thy forehead shaded,
This silken chair, hy thee was braided
These flowers; all withered now. like thee
Sweet sister, thou did'st cull for nc;
This book was thine, lure did'st thou read
This picture, ah! yes; here, inde-il.
This picture, oh! ye, here, indeed,
1 see lino still.
I sec thee still:
Here was thy summer noon's retreat,
Here was thy favorite fireside seat
This whs thy plumber; here, each day,
I net and watched thy sad decay
Here, on this bed, thou last did lir;
Dark hour! once more its woes unfurl,
As then I Jaw the, palu and cold,
I see time still.
I see lliee still:
Thou art not in the grave confined
Death cannot chain the iminoital mind,
l.rt earth close o'er its sacre.l trust,
Hut goodness dies not in the I'usl:
Thee, 0! sister, it is not thee
Ileneath the coffi's lid I see;
Tliuu to a fairer land art gone,
There Id me .hope, my journey done,
To sie thee still.
Oh! had I nursed, when I was young,
The lesions of my father's tongue,
(The deep laborious thoughts he drew,
l'rcin all he saw and others kuew.)
t might have been ah, toe!
Thrice sager than I e'er shall be;
Fur w hat saith l ime?
Alas! he only shows the truth
Of all that 1 was told in youth!
The thmiohts now budding in my brains,
The nisdoui I have bought with pain,
The knowledge of life's brevity
Trail friendship, false hilosophy,
And all that issues out of woe,
JJethinks were taught me long ago!
Then what say 8 Time?
Alas! he Inn brings back tlu truth
Of all I heard ("and lost in youth!
Truth.-! hardly leatn'd jnil lately brought
From many a far forgotten scene!
Had I but hslen'd, as 1 might
To your voices, sage Mrenp,
Oh! what mil! lit I not have been
In the realms of thonghi.'
Cliarset. r is a phce lix which ran cxpirt
but onre from 'i ashed there is nu rcsui-
Fred-rick the Gieat had heard ihsl
corporal in his regiment of body g'nnU
who was well known as a lemuikahl
'landsome, and brave young man, wott
uit of vatiiiv a watch-cliHin. suspended
liom g leaden bullet in his lob. Tin
King had the cuiiosily to ei quit e into
i lie ciicumslanees himself, and an op
!oi Utility was contiivcd that he shoub
meet ihe corporal as by chance. 'Apro
pos, corporal' aid the king, 'you r
i biave fellow, and prudent, too, to
nave spared enough from your pay lo
buy yourself a watch. 'Sre' leplied
he solder, 'I Halter myself I am biavi
hut as to my wa'eh, il is of litile signi
iiealion. I be Ivu g, Mil mg II gol
aleh set Willi diamonds s-no '1V '
watch il is five. What i.Vlnek n re yen
ua?' The ri rpoial, i oiling out hi
i lift writ a ti etpbling hai.d replied.
my watch neither if I five or six, bu
hows me cleaily ibe deaih I am lo du
n my M jiv's sm vice. '- 'Well, then'
reiumed i it e Kmg, i hat you may like
wise see ihe hour among the twelve in
which you aie 'o die in iny service, I
vill give you mine.
Class in spelling, come up and
'John, spell ejecls.'
'Right. Next spell seeii.,
'Right sgiin. Class can go ou1.
A slranger ask"d a countryman,
vhom he caw mending a tnacl near
i9', 'where the roal went?' The
country mao replied, 'I don't know, Inn
I fi'ids it here when I comes to wo k
o the morning, and I leaves n here a'
gin, bu i wbeie il goes to in the m.'?an
tune 1 uoo I know.'
Jonathan Slick says that at a Polk
lance in York ritj, -I looke.i' round t
. and true as you live iheie wasn
gul in the i ocm no' had an awful swell
g light on bihiiid! Ilump-backei
cnt ei", I never vi even on m l yd
tlii'V al sl'ioii .'li'Mi1 sin i u n a ami tilkini
o Hi" f: ll 'is .'S i!' iiuHiiug ailed Yin
pi or !im,j;s!
In a church yard in i lie north of Englani'
is lo be seen the following ludicrous K pi
Who caused these eie slonei to roll up
And when the Lord took histoid up
II ' left lus body to fill this ere hold u;j
And iiiioilier
The huid now owns
Whose (dd dry bones
Lie under these stones
On a recent occasion sa) s an exchange
paper, ps the marriage ceremony was aboui
lo be performed in a chinch in a neighbor
ing town, when cleigymaii desired the pa,
ies wishing to be married lo rise up the
argest number ol the ladies in the house
iiimediaiely arose.
An Irish maid, boasting uf her industri
ins habits, said siie rose at four, made
lire, put on the tea kettle piepmd breakfast
& made all ihe beds before any in the housi
was up.
Mr. Tyler, lo give an additional eharac
er to the act and pay at the same lino
oimewhat of a pointed compliment to (.Jen.
Jackson wrote hi signature to the An
nexaiioi) Resolution with a hickory pen.'
A grnllem in says a bite London paper
walking past Westminster bridge inquired
how ihe bridge answered The reply val
ready and witty If you'll slop to ihe gale
you'h be tolCed:
Willis says that '.he Ladies of Paris are
in the common paaciico of smoking cigars
mil have inliodticed the lashion of wearint;
Wellington Boots' with high huels We
had heard of the cigars, but ihe boots are a
new adaption.
F A X X V o
Exactly geveniy-seven years ago. Justice
Gorman. Mr. Wilcox, lbs village atiorney.
and Mr Niles, Ihe village school muster
hejiileg many more village worthies, met n
he larje old-fashioned hall of the anciem
mansion house thul siood half a mile from
the vi'lage for the purpose of reading the
ast will and tesiimenl of the deceased own
r of the said mansion house.
He had bequeathed his entire propertj .
onsisting of a large amount of gold and
p!aie, ihe spacious mansion and an exiensi'e
plantation attached to il, lo Harry Lincoln
'lis nephew and namesake with ihe pro
viio that he, Harry the younger, must make
his ho ne ihree months of eai h year, longer
if he chose, in iho mansion bon.-e, far (In
purpose of overseeing liie plantation, or no1
fulfilling the injiinciion, he would forfeit
the aforesaid mansion house and the broad
icres thereunto attached.
Ai the lime ihe will was opened.the heir
was on his way from Cambridge, having
been hastily summed thence lo attend hi.-
uncle in his sudden and lal illness. Seven
ty-sevet, years ago, the most rapid mode oi
travelling was but a snail's pace compared
to the wings of the stream thai hurry U'
through ihe air at ibis present day. S
thai when Henry Lincoln arrived in Vir
ifin a, ai the mansion house, ho found his
good uncle had departed from this world
ea-'inir his netihcw heir to bis vaM
7 I
Heboid him, then, at the age of twenly
ine. his collegiate rourse of studies enm
. . , I . I
pleleil, a imir onir.en, inougnnesx, goo.
icarted fellnw, fatherless, motherless, sis-
h', hrotherless, wifeless, with a fun
lerson and a fine estate, and with no trouble
o (iUtuib his mind, save ihe death .if In
iod. old, indulgent uncle, who had biougb
im ut) irom n uov.
lie dearly loved his uncle, th i elder II in
Lincoln, or Ml. e old Ilary, as the village
)!!icksinilh's ciivious itci ofien called him.
I a kinder hea led old ireni I eman.'a mm
tmevnler., or one more worthy to be lovi ,
icvit existed Peace lo his ashes!
Tilt: MYSir.UY
The young master of the mansion bous
nl now been three weeks within ins;
. . , ,i , , i . i
inn iicsuiato wans ureary ami uesowc
because be missed the hearty tones of hii-
kind old uncle, because he had just left
et of merry fellows at eillcge, and b.nMiisf
it wag in that season of the year when
in i -it alnwe and mud below, and culd between
,'xislcd lo almost any extent.
Hairy Lincoln's time began lo hang veij
leavily! each day seemed lo grow longei
uoru dull, he read and walked, and rndcbii'
ill would not keep oil' tho blue imps that
hovered around him, whispering ihtir dole
ful words in big ear.
Harry had seen pass by the iiiausioi;
house, in the morning, going towards the
village, and in ihe evening coining from the
village, a figuic that interested him in in
small degree.
For ihe last few day he had regulaily
iiaiioned himself; just niter breakfast and
'tefore lea, al the great lull window, lo
v.iteh the coming and going of the fiii in
Who could she be? She had the prrt
icst foot and ankle he ever saw. Tin
uusl fashionable ha!l room belle might
have envied her walk, so gracefully and
with such an air distingue did she carry
lerself. A dark green travelling dress, thai
lilted without compressing her little waist,
showed form wavy and well rounded
Who could she be? Her whole appear"
ance indicated that she was no com
mon girl. Who could the be? Harry had
never besn able lo catch even one glimpse
of her pretty face pretty he fill it o ust be
for a close straw collage and a thick fieeu
veil served effectually to correal it. Who
she was, was a mystery he could not
li my wag in big usual seat by the
viudi)w,wiiichiiig for the return of ihe mys
eriiiiu lady of the veil. A book was
us hand, but he was in deep thought, gaz
ng from out the window upon the varied
mil many formed mud puddlos that bedeck
d he way fide.
Dy Jupiter!' exclaimed he; 'there si
oines, 1 w ish she wood look this way
Out upon the man that first invented close
lionnntg and green veils. How perfect
ly graceful all her movements are. Who
can she be? There is an indescribable
something about her ihal excites my iuieie
n spite of myself. There, ihe turn in lb
road has hid her from my eyes. I wil
dud out her name and abode by Jove
will and, if she is worth tho trouble.
ill du'peraiely in love with her . 1 Inivt
nothing else under the sun (otic
Harry threw tie book (rim him lo, lb
tber bide of the room, and springing to th
t ell, gave it such a pull as caused the ap
pearance almost instantly of an ebony phiz
liroiigh the opened doo r.
Tse hea, massa.'
'Send some one to mend the bell iop.
'Ees; massa,' grinned the black. ' n
ting in oa, Massa?'
'Sarju, there is a young a lady goo
past here every day. You hate bei i
'Ef s, massa,' again giiinird the who!!
'Do you know her mini ?'
'Yes, massa.'
ller wn?if;0) clops what is her name?
'lie inline Mis-e Vanity, mass.'
'Mifs Fanny whas?'
'lie .lisse Fanny Stiiltt, bliebe mnsa?
Horrid! You may go, S.irju. Stay
kV here does Miss Fanny Sin -, tin
young lady where does die live?'
'Long wide de ole woman in de collage
lie no berry fir, massa, long ide de ro.u:
ile go ebry day to de village for teach tl
irhool lam cm a, b, c, mass.'
Rung me my cap and overco;n' said th
. oting man, after a moment's musing.
'Yes, massa,' and ihe negro displayn
lis double row of pearls by a very sigui
.mi grin, and vanished.
lie was Harry's favorite servant, a r'gh
lorthy lellow was the husband of II :n
iy s Mir-e. hail plael wnh Ins younf
''iiai-sy' when he was but a baby,
A short distance from the turn in the
road, before alluded to, stood the cl.i
wowan's cntiago. It was built upon Hairy
Lincoln's )l,intalinu I'lie old woman hai:
reined it ol his uncle many years belore,
,id duly paid the rent lor ihe few first
years, after that she rein. lined in itjby iigl t
il pof.-,e:-5ion. no rent collector ever coming
;o dispute the right.
Hairy soon leached the eotlae; a L'u;
was sitting in one of its windows, read
'That must be Fanny!' excl.iimn'
'Sue in beautiful, by Jove, she is: jn
he style of beauty 1 always admired. Sh.
lot-s no! see me I can almost read wh.r
he is reading, in her expressive face
Fiiul heart never woo f.iir lady,' do I'll ii.
i i i r . n.
ami introduce myseii pre;iy to raimv.
'Harry's, rap Hi the door was answered
by the girl he had s.en al the window.
He look a hasty survey of the apartment.
No one else was in the room w ith Iter; hi
eye fell upon a table w bcie lay the littb
straw bonnet and veil. He fell assured.
'My name is I iin'oiu Harry Lincoln,'
said he 'Yours, I believe, is Miss Fjunv
Sinbbs. Am I right?'
The yoiuir lady smiled, bit her lips lo
prevent a laugh outright. 'Fanny.
That is the name I answer to,' repliedj Harry conclude;! she had guiie by whih
he was at breaifasl. lie began to feel sad
I'bey tin n fi ll into an easy, merry ut-
leillig of each other's thoughts.
I heir
couveisatioii ran upon the Slump Acl Par
llamenl bad just passed, bow the colonies
would probably receive il. They talked ol,
(Jcorce the I'hiru' aiid ol the Ctoigcj tiiut;bi; vuiii iy. No I won'i; I'll u-it until'"
APRIL 12, 1845.
''ao1 preceded him-' uf iln giem ranhquakel lenioon, aio1 go and see Fanny. Dot w'll
that I a I taken p ace u n years bel r : nl il.elie reeeiye me? I'll make ;he trial, al 1. 1
in French war, ihe Republic of Ve e.Hinl
republics in general. Fanny proved heisel
a staunch ami royalist, and by her pluvfu
(eloquence, more than convened Harry ovei
lo her own w ay of thinking, be vow
ing never io kneel ton shrine more dcpi.
lie than bright woman', wnh beauty ucl
is Fami ' for a crown.
Meanwhile lime glide away tinoiici d.
Fanny wag sensible and er.ieriaing, and en
tiiely free from all affect-nion. Lincoln
was surpiisf-d io hud vo n;uch te
iiiiemenl, o much ease amPgrace of man
ier in a couniiy mistress,
'She is n gay, winy, liitle piece of mech
inism,' thought he, 'a linle to much for mi
Hid I was always consider'.d an exi ceding
ly clever fellow.'
'May I see what you are reading, Mi
Stuhbs?' said he, after they had exhaustcil
ut animate discussion upon tho nismfold
Might of a country life, particularly in tin
t l ii ter season.
'Ccrtainlyjbul j call me Fanny.' repliec
he, laiihint!. Fanny had a pecu
ur laugh, ller head tossed itsell back wi h
s myriad of sunny brown curls, and Iron
on her rosy dimpled mouth, proceeded llo
nerri.!st, prettisi ha! ha's! in Ihe world.
What! the Divina Coinmediul and in
he original' said llany, as ho opened tin
niok she handed him. 'Are you an admit
r of D ime, Fanny?'
'To distraction, replied the girl
Harry hardly knew whether ho was ii
.iriiest or not.
Which part do you like best?'
'The Paradiso!'
Dame shone a brilliant meteor in tin
buk ages He was a most fervent, nn
V- 1
ioiKile writer. The Divine I'oincdiy is ;
oust noble poem, inieose and eirnoal, !)
you reml Mis:; l amu (
'Yi;j, when I noihing heller to or,
ruin me.'
" better would you havi ?' s lid II n
ry, looking surprised.
Thai uhiih now have?' responded tsti
villi an aich glain'ri.
Pray, what is that?' asked the ;ouii;
n in, looking still more surnriseil.
'Your agreeable conversation.
'How shall I understand you, Mis
iubb-! There was guini pitpie in Il irryV
itie.aiid m accent nut slight on the euphoii
mm name St'ibbs,
.F .i-t as you please, .Mr. Lincoln,' rrplict'
le girl, eohlly.
(iiind evening, Mifs Stuhbs.'
Whal, uoi going m ioonV asked she.
flee ling indifTeienee.
'(oing? Certainly.'
Good evening, sir-'
As soon as he was gone, Fanny ImrM in
'o a merry laugh- 'How ridiculous,' said
-tie, Fbe laughed again. 'When I said
what I thought, loo,' and she laughed on.
Yes, I really did like his conversation,
lie puis me in mind of1 Thegiii
fell into a lit of musing.
At home, and in ihe room he had lei
bri e hours bi lore, Harry gave himself t
sullen throw ir. 'the old arm etnir,' tint
had stood in thai same corner as long age
is the elder II irry could icmember how
much longer no one knew.
W hat a deuce of a girl il is;' and tbaf
vac all he r.,how much more w though'
lis biogr.ipher does not tell. He mux!
'iavc thought, for ii is certain he did no1
sleep at least, not until his usual time for
eiiriug into the lard of dreams;
The next day came as ncxld.i;s ap I
in the habit of doing.
'ILiiry aii'su, thought of Fanny afteij
dreaming alio ill her all night breakfasted,
look his station in one uf the deep windows
of the diawiiig-room lo watch for Fanny
did not come. An hour passed,
still in.
low epirited! he lift the win low paced up
'and down the room with lapid strides.
How tiresome il is,' exclaimed
hae noihing lo do lo be foci it
m 't'
I'll shout invsell will, Lv Juno: jr
Vimilicr ilg
Hairy again gazed earnrsily out tho
window; then sat down (o ihe piano. He
da; ed fragments of filly (h Herein nig; all
soon lid discordant to the ears He left
Hie piano in disgust, and threw himself into
ihe open arms of the great chair, lodicam
of Fanny.
the svitritht:,
A low, soft rap at ihe door aroused him
Inon his mediia.ions
'('oino in,' said Harry, in a sulky voiee
The low; soft rap was repealed.
Harry opened the door, but started hack
i, dl way across the loom as the little ved
;d cottage presented itself, with Fanny's
swt'it f'.ici pc p g in t f on, tin 'er it like
ive in a mist. lie sprang as instantly
I'jrvvard and catching both ot Fanny's
itde soft hands, he kissed 0 ie and then the
uher, then both logeihrr until Fanny
hougt it prudent lo withdraw ihem
loubtless, for fear of having them devour-
Fanny spoke first. Fimy ha I a ve
y swppI voice; it did not break tho
t i 1 1 . t i it glided in as though llie slil -
ess w ailed fir ihe enu'oih tones a; il
lelded tliein room.
'Your nun Sjrji told mo in what
unut 1 should QuJ his 'young rtMisa,'
ll so-
I am ell I you cim", Finny; I truly
mi, for I was ju:t oing into a li; of tlu
'That is a disease I never have hern
loubhd with to any extent ,' raid Fati
iy with a laugh 'Il I can do von any
piml in tho way of a cure, am al your
rvice. I h ice holiday to-day, and
an iifford to spend il as I like best.'
Deli 'luful tusk; to r-r tin t-.n-
Ier ihoiijln ; lo leach, an 1 all 111 it. U
not Farm; V
Mist delightful,' fiid she, latijhine;
villi him. 'An open piano, 1 see. J)
ii pi iy Mr. Lincoln?'
limy replied by sitting down to tin
isii innout. I Id was a lover of music,
is soul seemed to pruidu the mo vein .-nl
I bis fiogrrs.
Finny listened caa;rrly, ami now and
iien, as he went on, a silent tear trirkl-
I down her cheek. When Harry
io'U ami looked around, Fanny's eyes
-vero still moist utit tho same bngh
"uel-'ss smiln was dimpling her prftty
n tillt that had so charmed him from
the I'm si.
'Thank you,' said she; 'il puts mo in
m'od of ' Fanny hesitiliil an I bliish-
o '; he lurneit lo llio piano io tiMv! hoc
i'usIk'v. "What a tlelightful toned iu-
siru neul this is,' exclaimed she rti n ng
ier ht'le dimpleil hands over its ehoids.
It ivralls old memories when .
Snail I iy if I cm rcmcmbrr any thing
ti.Mil know? It has hern snrnu
iino since I have toiichrd a pinr. '
Hairy replied that nothing coti'd af
n il him more pleasure than lo he :r lie-
So Fanny played.
Sue con m 'need ivi'li a wild, p
ive prelude, ami as sio' pro.?"i'i!i'i'' ' r"
ilh ctions of Ihe past ca iu to I '
eemed io p ay bur hcari oil', ,,!,"'i''
I fell iliepoeiiv of music. S f !v"'
s capiieioiisly as a i u'ttifly
vi s i rum
'.lv atol
llower lo fljwer !y tuiu
Lincoln stood c franc; H'rV"
1 r
sho was a village clioi)l1J'!,,r""
hat her namo w,s S:'''"', 1,13 ""'.V
L r i
-aw in llm bright cre"u. rHI(,,c "l,u
be first bein be b.ilVcr loVP'1
St e stingai bis l,Ce'- ()" ",!,
so much hcait cor "0! n"l -"'"t'lH
.veil. ller voicr'"" orienileiDLSS
t I I i
-he as f e ''? 99 M,e "aycc
You area v"" 1,111 crcaluie, r .inn y
.aid l.inroh,.lu'n iier so, was und
id. Faoo ti'Vi; ul '"';r school anil
jomo at .! '"0 I01V
(i love ''" J 011 r'Ve lo he loved.
Fanny, i"'1' Will vo ,e mini?
Whal! "V ""'''"f!' V'.u may
laugh JUI' ''"'"y, lalievo me, I am
-n i'.'"1, 1 .',0 '"vu 'lu frii.rt-it Iv'
Sttl ,,0,v,f arc a sWaiig.: gill
p ,y. Sbdll I Kl j0Wll Mj)0, (lly
I es and ull'i r j 0ti my hcsri and
ltd, as tin y d.d in linie.s fil ,,,;? If
ois is i; ut tlie m c(iM,l lioic
i . i ... . i
have M'to
1 1 1 t n, he-
on -n o ii in ) love si. ( in
I'i'Ve me it i i i:oi,,; iho
eS SlliCtlC.
Spl ; U. FjL n Jcaj c4! F. v.i-y.'