hm'uict' I h hi'tl,' 1' thn ni l lol a.t VJucuiit lu'Ji A'i.:y sod xpiX'n tn i arm. Wj li i i) j t t'i;ci l.timiii ev, linn slii foint hriself fiom linn, him) shrieked slo t I. H i voire echoed through the jjloony Inl's, tun no asii. nre cmif. As he wa ahum to K'ssp hir iiiaiii, le shnll hiit" til t hum mud-J h'IIh: and inn thtu'tih lllB OIJ urCn'K ill IMP Cast C. ll ili- ed and turned lo meet one of hif follow. en, who viti tir. i U It t Itv, an noun c cd the ntriv il of 0cir Rmhvt u, Willi an p xcl mi mon nl joy, A'ir I lire w lierelf v her knee, ami ilu ik p. I neivpii I r the tinviv anivil o Iter Iji l,Ht 0.'r, Tm in i .i Hi I jc ! y ajidc, Mcpuu, saying 'I' " h woild s oti return afirr silencing Hvi noisy hoy, stiodu from Win spn m-o anJ called for hi armor. II) w soon prepared, and ro le f n tli complnie I)' did in Meet. Oseira'nod fi-m an a rock prepirod fir the unet; MiFerjj'j- nulled on to bear hi in down, cmil h -ut of his superior strength and skill bu' victory is n l alwnys to Ihe strong, nor lbs race to Ihe vif', n the ismo wil prove. M. 'Fergus was hoi and impH' dim. 0car cool ami collected. Ilu knew hii adversity wis a elangero'ii mm to en- will), an. I win tha more guirded in liia bearing. Oscar leceived his charge will) Co doess and delibera tion, and puried hu desperate blows wild a judgment that would have done honor lo an older head. The contest was carried nn will) great fierceness on iho part of McFergua for some time, tnd opposed with great hravrry by OaCar. Youth and activity impelled by love were doomed to conquer. McFergu grariuilly receded and wis "closely fol lowed by his adversary. Tney had by elerees appi oiched very near the edge ofihe precipice). McFergus saw his danger and stung to madness at the idea of being vanquished by one so much his junior, he made a desperate effort lo turn his horse, and force Oscar from his position, which he perceiving, tned all ()osible means lo prevent. They grad ually approached near the brink of the abyes. MeFeigus saw that there wac but one ahernativp, and that was to m ike ao effort lo ride down his oppo ;enl by slieer strength, as he wis bel ter mounted and heavier aimed than 0 car. Plunging bin apurs into the sides of his horse, he raised his arm in hurl O-cir from his saddle, but at tha' moment McFergus horse, driven to de'peration, hecamo franiio and unman-tg-ahle, and hacked near the edge of the prec'i-pice. , Oscar, perceiving his advan tH', aimed a blow at hi throat, and trying to avoid it MeFergus was thrown completely off his guard. Oscar fallow- pd it quickly by another, and the bright cteel tm i fod the ou'law s Ihrnn lie tween the breasuplaifl and helmet Wiih a curie upon hi lips loitered in his saddle and the earth crumbled un der the feel of his hoise, anil both him and rider were lulled into eternity ! Down, down they fell, and the jged rock far holow, marked the couise o( the daring outlaw. The pol lo ihi day, is pointed out by the dependant" of Oear Kuihven, and is yet oiled the 0 Haw's Crag. The meeting betwflen Osear and Alice can be more easily imigined than described. She threw heisilf into his rms and wept with pure joy and with each embrace, thanked heaven foi the timely deliverance and happy meet- The outlaws seeing their lender fall, immediately deserted their caaile ftinl fl d lo (he mountains. The story is told. 0car, on striv ing at the caJile, on his return from Palestine, leimed the sad news of ihe abduction of Lady Alice. Wiih'ui1 slopping to refresh himself after hi tailw'.ime journty, ha on tiio ve'wg tif love, to rescue one doairr to In :i than all the wurld. Net veil by dcupri ation he was able, as has b' en dtsciibicl, wjih great fi'tnnesf, lo overcome one id ihe must dating outlaws that ever fLui ishfd in Geoilsi U. U'lder 'he escort of Oscar ar.d his par ly, ivhh the followt-r uf Sir Rupert. h.r;tig the body cf iheir master, Alici s an ronductcd to her hnnie. li w is h fnirjiling of forrow f;r the deaih of S i Kupeit, and joy for the te union i-f tin lover?, afier eo many trials and d:fijk'.il iic, Wi'h tears of joy Dr.d jrat;inde i h cU Karl en.bruced bis daughter and f'tayed that heaven ui'ght uwrd hft presrver. Af erlue prepiration and cenmory, S:r Kupcrt was entombed in a f e gt hjrinjrhjpTl, His grsve wns nm-e.i-t'd by many tear, tie died belove.t by f.1 kvhs Xne ii is necdksi te my iM the Enl, vrir.j how tr' er hj-m between dear an l Alice, eieily gae his con tfiilto th' ir union which was celebrat ed fw mpnts f;rrwarda i h griai jiL'Ti;) and ceremony; Tiic king having heard of the !?sth of the mi law McFei(;us, beatued the . . i . .... .... r'i? an l ( '.ii rouiuin g I't'aio u ,i;n )car Ruthun, wi'.l. privilege of be.-r-, i.-e, hx h'j fmi'y an f, 'G'j'.of, chtY ' " i hrl?n (l,re rreM-enls wild ilu '"i ' n aim in iiifiioi', holding i 'Woid lluiler tie l'iig'-tho iiiuHn 'Seiiipier, I'm sins. ' I n com e of Hiiin ihrt o'd Ijiil wa gnlio'J to Ins fi'hein, but mil In-fun sei'ig giniiy liaiu f grandchildren . i I. i it 'ti. s ami enctT im oiii iigit, i re lull " told hy i hi- deacemlaiila, nild the Or f i m-. lmvii vviili pride, as an rvi Ir n w t.f t i vihiii. of ihi'ir ani'i'itui OjCAR RcTHVK.V. RKMARKAULKKSCAPE. I m 'y he p it dirndl fur renting an an 'ciloM iif a I cm il k ihlrt ehC ipe winch Vis lold in! hy suveral individuils wh k I--w i hf tact. A young man fiom Moiiinv,,"i. who viiiinl ih S mill Siici UuiN on a nesting voyag, was anxtiiu tit'XiiMie on of ihi' glicifis, a he ' o I ( out imlnce llii Ciiuiiailes lo ac company him, he Muted ,ilone. Whih valking no the sin f iPii of tun ghciff. which waa ili'Mi covered Witt) snow, hf Ml into llvsni'H, lo llm df iiih, .ii wa- ii)pOSHi of a huiiilri'd feel. 11 Wi so much hi u si'd and injiiied .by th I ill Hut Ii- leni.tiili'd senst'lrsn. it wa- opposed, miin bonis. Upm leviving li loiiml hiiii.ielf wedged between thr wills of t lir n.niow chum. Hn Cxm' feeling wis regrel lint he had not heer insiau'ly killed, as tliere appeared no mode ol eseape. But, as he though' if dying in sunt) a mn.incr thil hi friends would never know of the plact or inanne: of his death, he determined to iniko an ilLri to sive hi life. Taking his jickknif.', he began lo i' teps for hia fei in one id of the wall, while he pushed himself up with h i "iac t. Ila continued cutting until hi- lingers were completely lacerated by hard, sharp ice, and until Ihe rham be lajwsi so wide that he could just reach ce with his knife. However he engih reached the surface, and wal )und by his comrades crawling along iluilacier twenty hours utter I e La 1 fall an Although h thus wonderfully esbap ed will) his life, he was so lacerated and braised thai he was inutile to labor loi several months. As my informant laid, no one but a man of remaikabi piiil and strength would have Ind ih energy to save himself under uch cir cumstancef. A PETRIFIED APPLE. W e were shown last week, by Dr. SiewaM of ihs boiough; a pelrifi'd apple, which was found some lima since n Armstrong township, in ibis county, immediately beneath where Inrmerly slood a large, tree which bore fuiil pre cisely similar, in shape to Ibis apple. It has changed into a nand ston" of whi i H cat and n truly, a beautiful a id perfect specimen ot peirifac'ion. Ujioii one side of the apple iheie is a miimII 'pot which seemed to have commenced lo decay, and its color his changed t" 'hit which appearance it still reiain", ind is as lard and lull at that paitico Ur, place as nnon any other pinion el the apple. From ihis it would appeal 'hat Ihe quality of peti ilaclion tms t'ot sirtio ifl ctiijioii decked tbt'' " ba upon umleciyed mUr.--HtitUdiiys-burg Iicgisler. HORRIBLE DEATH. A man, named Maxon. 'jf Ceres, Pa., was killed and had his legs burned ud lo the knes al his sap furnace, on ihe L7ih inst. He haillbeen boiling s ip at ihe fool of rising ground, when his tire geii inglow.he cut otf a large oak log a iho;i distance above the fire, and fearing thai it might roll againsi his kettles, thius' a handspike under one end of the log lo luecl its cour-e away from ihe lire The end of the log rolled on to the hauiispik" With sue!! fsree- as to CruMi MX in under it and crnwding his le into I lie- ft'e, they weie burned oil iu he knees. DREADFUL CASE OF MANlA-A POTU. Two gentlemen, 'oiniing a short time siiiciiiua swamp near Lt'lle Rock, Atk., .vere attracted by a fiim, moaning ciy. which led them to a gpol wliere they found u poor creature lying in the mini ind water, and suffi'iing from the t!'.'ei if mana--polu. His name was Mays, ind it wsuppoed that he had remain d in Ihe Filuitioi) iu which h- v.. found lor two dajs and r.igi; had eutsJX the jleiU from the enii of hisjingers, and was in a s'slv id ti e ;reatisi liiflt-ring. Though p.riillv rest ind to his reason by prompt Dim humane ire.i'.meut, hi recovery wa. rry Joublful. 2 :oti 23Wtd E. W. Ku'.t'r. pnn pal editor of the Democratic Union tni been appointed private Secretary of .Vr Duchanan, Samuel I). Patterson, profrielnr in part of the Deuioeralic Cninn, lias liecn appointed Navy Agent al Philadelphia. J. V. Forney, of die Lanc,,ur linelligmwr, h" beei- appointed Deputy Uuneycr if the of I'bi'i.dv'plin, UCJ Lai J 2, XJl JO LSI 1K "TIU'Ttt I ri'lll'T Hill S.JTI IUI IV, jffnll 3. ISI5 Ii'n!cni!x r iho rriiitcr vin;T, coiJN. uva, isuck Vtll.,,l' IHTO ... irnmi i. . u , i .3 in uuo, win ne re eived lor itetus due iu fur siihaeriinimi. Also few InulitU of POTATOES i dehveied soon p.,.. .1 .. I. . I ! I r linn uMina n mi navn proniinPii i.nnitiei ineli and inch eml a (purler pine Innmh win oe received it delivered soon. (JlIAIlLES R. Ul'CK.LEV,Uq of DloOinf iiiup. has been appuimnl, hy Ihe Aiuorei Oaneral, Depmy Prosccuiinj Attorney, foi Colii'iilii.i (Juiiiiiv. M IN KB S. IkACKMAX, Ec. hag alai 'leeii appointed lor Luzerne Uonniy. The pansage of ihe Kemovdl bid appear. tiehave couiplele'y npael ihe nervous ays irth) of the DinviiU laciion: so inui'h to n diey are constantly snapping andkiiarl- nii al every ihing and every body. Al ijoea wroDjj wild litem. Ii ia hard wh know lor tliem to give up the long cherished oh jrtcl of ihuir aiTiictioi.s. iho county scat, at- itiniijh il was oiigniiilly obtained thruigh raud and dueepiion, and has been relaincd, really lo ihe ii j-trv of the ciiizen;-; am gainst the prosperity of the county I'i, bard as ii is for '.liem, the peop'u Imv- ed it, and the bittei pill inusi be taken ind all iho abuse iliey can heap upon in hviduals will nni nrevenl the innlicim roin haing ila dun operatioir Not even th ate attack upon county ofiii'ers.or the iimn recer.t atlark upon the county nteeiinj ti ippoinl Delegates lo 'ihe State Couve ntioi o nominate a ratulidate for Canal Com nisaioner, can ofTscl the long deirid ro odi. The people umleraiand all buck iricke of the trailci' und wil! not be 'diJdled' bi diem, Tlia sneering of a writer, in the Usi Inielli!;pncer' over the false signature ol 1.C1 n,' at the nanip of James S. Monroe. i all lost, ns this name wag a typ.igrnphica' erroi of ihe primer, and should have been Isaac S. Monroe, of Cattawusa, With this correction, "e presume die writer will re ognise the (rHiitleiiieu al once.and be satii id, lliat as he baa been appointed a DhIp- 'ate by tlie Deiuoeracy of ih county, so he lake his sent in the convention a tliei; reprcsentaiive, ues me ihv funning ami Knappii.g i f the expiring Dniivil!.! fiction. md the npponets of U)n deferred jo line lo ibe cniin'y, " STATn TAXCS AGAIN. From p.igesCO & 20 id the Rep ot of d c Revenue Couiiiosf ioners we gel ihe follow ng iiilwr I'll at from the reinriu of the ("oiintv L'nuiiiiissiiinera ol Tin) and Loluinbi'i (loiniliea for I015i as laid before tlie IJoaM it appe.irs llinl, of acres of hind sntject lo "ixalloii, Luzerne haa 913-280 Columbia 367.00 leing an ixeess in LeZTne over Coluiiil i i uf 545,920 acres, Mid urikii g a roportion I'orjilie fiit iiaiiieiiCoiin' tie last of ibret acres to one, nearly. Yet the total valua tion of Real Estate in the refpeeiive coon ties is very nearly the same, bunt;. Luzerno 53 770 040 Columbia 3 503.0::'J 'J hii valuation it untrue u,id unjust Il is limine thai rin erre of I.idl in ( liiin tii i is vrorth tlircc in L'.z-rt e. mid ii is in just thai we niitet pay S'.ate Taxes arcoril mg to this faise valiKition, V.'e can ere 1 1 good reninn why a Gernroi in il i Star if the North' thot.ld py e niiii I ihX for nun acre of hind r.a liis Y oi kee neighbor in Lezern pays fur il.rn irres, aiid tie t'oii.k ibe people, Jr. S.i!i itiry'i Moiling iriillioim,' will ayne mt.Ii m m this matter. .Ux.r : iy Baltimore Methidibt Conference. The cnrrespondenl of tbo New York onunei ial Advertiser wiite iliai this body bus re ilfirnied its decision in tie case ed' Rev r". A. Harding. ILseiee, ii will he r iipmhere l.eaiue before the General Con erenre by appeal last May, an J chicc nuch es.'iienicnt.ibe li il.imore Conference 'laving stiincrni' d Mr. il ardir g for rifusinj: :o einancipiio his eluves '('lie Oeneia' Cordtreucu epproved ihe dei-iion, mn' low ibe fiiliiruote Conference Ini re-af i'me lit The pmposiiion to diti.le tin Church o" iiciviiini of Slavery w.-.a lobi'l-lt 0 40. Jlotton, Lx Governnr M reus Mm Inn baa been appointed Collector of Ho-onn.vier Lemuel Witiiain, renoved; and Aft; .Me- jNeit succeeds .Mr. 'Jraf.-in ai Curvryor of latrc port. IHJINAL. The June Btus LcUci'm. I.ETTKIt VI. Wn.KK.sBARiiK, March i! 1 1815 Deal Jim, have you L'er liiiown a sellout W here ilulliion iliew The rod and ruh ? If not, allow A rattle-brain To tell nn how ( Though ii -nay pain. J Things a:e dune up U here the poor boy Q'lalTa oir the cup Of agoiij ! The Pedagogue Performs his pirt W nh f i -in h -i i U kil And iqiiaab -I i f: e fri. Willi brow of bias Tboogh wrinkled some Ciol'rooiii e.n b i'la Am! bids ilium 'come,' Wiile cheek of fl inie Hespeaka ihe tide Of mighty thoughts Willi I n hia Wo! be lo hi:n Who makes hi in oidj We'll 'catch a lew' Fiom thai old gad; A hiiibftil siii k Well known to all And oft applied To largo and small. For trivial foili The dunce block gets A tiisioiiii r To take ilie 'si t..' The poor boy gro nis And he would svear If feai did not Whisper, 'forbear.' Ila feels, he knows That on hia b irk The ciuel blows Fall tluvang am! iliwack, That down his note And o r hi face Tim tear drop (low a f'ilh e.jr lesn glare, Pit pat hi j hisart Hi uu op and d iwn Dal thoug'i ail hii ni Fiom eo'e to rrinv n, lie gup,rij ( ,iid lie (.".U'iibph ri;lit If nun ean j nh;e II'.' sound am si, in.; That a poor clo-.vit And erivit gnen fu d i hii.'hu:g lini And l.i eiii2 linol. Now I leliete The law of love, Should rtdi) the roan' Nor blow nor shove, Nor box n o l.i- k Siim.lti fill on Grove Or Jack or Uicll Let them 'cut up' Poor, genile dear! Their bin will I isi lint a few years: And we 'old ho; ' Ll I'o know the birch Ne'er helped ut on Al school or church; Trote! pcr'uhI This cruel lift Of roiii.i',,11! t hin s And ( enstles strife! 'l ie n e Khr idd ude, And noi tie rod, The in it Heel, Anil not ihe clod! Dear Jim, adieu My v im is done lit al h be u i.b you And lots of ftii,! Mt you lo'-g live A i,i! 1 to ne Your comt ml friend Twbijc I) Ol , o . , . i . i i l ii." i: ii'i I'iimi I 'ii-u u " ' um A Great Lie, savs the poet Grable, is,.. , ., , " , . i blin. Ho v fan v.' tot il 'v make ore like a hsl, on dry land;,l ,,y fret and (Leg Tf, S:.,!,:.,-.,. we d, en",l doe lo cu,- out niaUe a liiu'illul tiroilnr, but il IhllOt titirl vnn YnU ll'ive Old; to keep Villi (SO it wil! d.c of i tat If, A the following w.-.s h v, ded ai nidi n(iiei trial we ttotilU pubilMi it, n e gu . i M wc received ii, W bereiis, in the "Colnn bis Demoir.t" d Miircb ,'!). 1 8 1 3. a publication charging be Deputy A minify General uf this count) ndineily. with aiding or coiiseotiitg iu the lequi-liioii ol lintillieyni bill in Ihe ca.e ol be Coiiiu onn fultli ti V'anhorn, eoiiiion ied lor 'be ollVnca of alin ing and puhlub in Coiluterleit noli-it, k no lug tl i ni to lii uunicili-ii tain , this i lo ccmiK, ilro il,. .... ; .. . ., -i . i mini minion against uie s.iiti v .oiuoru, Win sworn to beloie nie, and be u ,ih i omoiiiti hy uie, and lie ainnuiil ol bail v i- i.. i (n lie, i 1 1 'tun l an y aid;eiiiiO'iiaiii'i' or euiMi-n'. in the pari ol Mdward II It Jiy, llm). I'epu'y I'losecuiiug Aiioiiii( ii,,d ,llin over, dial no Migjes'iom or inline were Kiven nie hy Mr. Uahly.exeepi ihat on inv repreaeining to bim ibe trii..iiiii u' i,e pij xniier, and tint hia death ini'n he ihe eon sequence of hii cniifinuiiit-m.he Mr. ILddv; caul ttial $J0t) iwo hundred doiloa, ivlu, t. was tlie sum orgiiuliy fixed by me, wa small enough and that mioi waa riilucei hy uie, under the ciiciiiiisl.inci'S of the case ohii'h I thiiiioht iil ii'L' in mi doing, to mm hundred dullara, w ihooi die acipjics- e i.e tr knoH h i.'je ol iM. liihlv WILLIAM K1I CI1EN. n.inulli', March 20 lSto my Mitd,K.MjrmU-.j At a iiieeting ol the voters of sub srlum! disiriet, deiiouiiiiati d ihs Hloouii'oir; School, held p ii r.-, u ,t ii l lo (.u'llii; the school lioio-o in I! ojiiisbiirg, on tlie fii day of April, 1813 for i'i.i pui jinse of eiec;- ini a of He. hot da fur the en-uing On mo ion Thomas Painter, was talleil to the chair, and J iiin M. Clietnberlin, aj pointed Sucreiary, Alter iho object of ilu meeting was slated. 1 he committee of last yen made report ol their proceedings dining the year, which ,va approved of and adopted. llesolotdi that the committee are intillu to great credit, and should reeeivu ihe aj proval ol the cinz"ii, for their attendance and judieioui uianagi'iiient of the schoo hoiuu and conimoa iidtoula during iho i , year Resolved, tint the old cornmi'tee. O'jed IJverili, E. Ar mstrmig and J. M. Chem'jur- lii), he cotiunobil for this year. Ilcsulveil, that the comniiitee crnploi two Teacher and one Female Teach er during this summer for subscription choo's: llcitltie'l, that the ptoreedirgs be signed by Ihe ollicers and puhli.lieil. THOMAS PAINTER. President. J. M. CVUMBi nLiN, Secretary. M R. Best: Will you jTe state for t!ii' t i cial in for mil i on uf 'R' f r o' i"d T..X Piyei' and for the satifaeiioi f those i f ) our n adi i", whom lliti I'lniiiiiiiicaiioiH inig'il mislead, ih.r in Com o. !--. onei (I Coi' pmio'i did oi i till! ami lo Ihe Bialii ..I III vi-ni) - Con o-iv iooet la'e meuif. ceitili 'd copic, li-.t, tie. I'i tin ih n roTlce, and :hp Pi oll.ooni.i y and lie cot dei 'a i Hi -'I i cm ! ai n i o in ; hemic! ve t lie I'ulli" .'I . i - we! lo all the iot.noj;! loiii s and ii (j'.in ies h'i'icis. d to tin C on n i.-i:.i..c i , which thev ai Coo niis loners ecij',1 I, - j nn , !,, ,t lt r, :;'. si. ..I li.e i !.' ( I I u J. I' ;n le s I ich iv. r- i'iii ;i ii iVr i e ii win- of mcl. i u; '! ..- i-dii idu.ili ih' y cmil.: ool. limn i Want t.f Lmiwli on lb v.n ions -oiij; ci.i ( i ri'iued about , answer htm satif ficioi il io thcn.itlvis t r i.--tic!) i to -.mier ;:s to aid tlie B i.iid in h.eir di libera i'jor. Tlitso statement .vine leciived by ihe boanl, tl;i! receip' ickno'vlcdeil, and we pifMime W'Ti .'iiiifiCtory, a llieie wt rn no ol and no lurilii r qui s' ioi sacked, in my nioie iimm r dt'Mied. With n--nald to the Coun'J tax alluded to, '11 . lot m' is deii ed to lemrmhci 'hat tin AuditoM report was made ut hifoie iheJ iniiai v cnin t ; of com a li g.Miiii ol wiial was I Itr ri due the Coil .:y b-.- inre been ex pi'mled. IIo vill al-i. ih'3'' ohelle, i tut all ll.e coioiiii-.sioii of the iliU' it ni Co'leciois n.ii-t be ih loC'tll fiom ihe A ill n Hit sta til n.s ilu' i he Co'imy, and iuM.ei Ihat a chimi'i r hie aiiiotiol cotii-.i's of utiles and obligi Moo", at pre-eot not avail ib!i'. Ni vt rihele-.i, Ii fore neeiving 'U- 01 Ol'iS (; II If! hill', the (.'l 111 in lioil' I iad t nine to the ii t nil inaiion to ii due he ia'e ol ('iiiiniy I x h. r the coin;i Vti:r, iC hil'f. III HI M'I to 'Till P.iyt'l' we ha; e only lo ,iy lliil ;vc il w..ys mj. posed Mr. Iiopit, lie l.'ii ui ei, .ni! his bol, m flici i.iiy a' i o pay ;n y h,'!.-iiiri. i1.k!i be umv oi iilo i to ihe Siiite or Com 'y, widial he ii ten t-l ll.erei n. A.ol llial '' .. P.i ' I ' i. n il not be nfi aitl ol ben g fi cl 'd i f hii mrnicv iii ray itsl (or Mr U.ieji, Mi.U. wil, houtver, rub !)) ai.tvci foi IIi.w 'Ri I 'l'o ' dives at ihe coin lu-ion thatiht coutiM L'iinmiioiii is nie Ihe Ciii-e of the in- crease; id S'atv lax i'l tliis COUnlV, IM ife a h.hs lo coij'Cuie. Bol tli'M are aiw.ij s some iln-poi'd lo hntl Jaui'. iv. , r ,i i. i r. . uv.-..' tit Ihe Vie, . to 1 11 VI I 1 Ol - II I M ' I !ll i n i' . a n d r 1 1: ; i ci n i 1 1 n". t ummiss(om:ks ss : ? i . f i i . ii. aj The f.,!,,n ;i, (,;, '-,!,. h.- If ,;kc.b ,ii e .ilhiuu l J.ndi I 'i - upon its reeeipi.i e marked it for niion d (iobie,iiio;i, bi)i ibe paper beinwiing in '.iid. il has i euistqiieuily been deft-ne'l . iow, Dur aiieuiioii w us again eu In! ii, by the usual liberality, id the IIhit Demorrali in copying ihe first pragrpb ; he Cofiiinunicuiou which rdatis iu n otin'.y generally, and excluding fnen h, ohino'g thai part rel.iling lo ihe advauiagi I tliei F fhingcreek region fof Iron woiki md we ti'jw publiih die article entire. T'Oiii l!iu Williebano Ailvm-alo. Columbia Count). We received the follow ing coininunicatioi) 'rom an e.-teeoied fiiendiu ('olumbia Coun- v, and most rhecifully give il pu'.ilieitv. Colouibia. like Luzerne, is destined in be i: one a ri'di ('oumy. The Iwo logntlirr. iave all the inaleriala necessary lur the iiosi (xieiive husineiig nperalions No lection of country perhaps in the word, combine, niih so great fae.hiie, a (ireltr abundance ol all neeessiry inateri ds. COMMUNICATION. It ia thn I'pinion of m my persons ilia; 'he mineial wealth nf Coiiiinbia Onuuty is mil as much known ami appreciaied m it iiighl lo he; especially when it is viewed in coiiinxmn with the Coal of Luzerne (looniy. Ii would, no ilmi'ii; Biirprin' iiiioy persi III to know hal in. I h-sa ihau eleven furnaces, and some n tbeni of the target) class, will be in sticccslul operaliou m this small county next summer; and ihev would be si'il more asiiinihed to learn tha direa time a the number iiiihi tie riceud uid do a profiudle hu.dness' When the iin.tiensH iiiiner.l wealih tJ tins cooiiiy w fully dutloped fane! ii will bo dneloptd soon or latej it will be one of the richest eoU'ities ill the Keystone Slate. What, then, would he the quanttiy of coal necc.- sary to meet ibis demand? am! be ji rtineui bered that tins coat mtint come from jour eouiliy. Lal'je ir.fts of land conltinieg inexb.iusll'.ila qiiainiiies of the best hilioalilii ore can he h-nl, ut ibis lime, for half iheir Liaic Sior.e is abuinliini ;.ni! siitialed jtli.t in the place where il would he wanliol; and coal from the Wyoming Mines cm be brouglil on the canal and sold (or SI'o pi r ton, .mil probably for les When it is iu membeied too, whal vast qualities of II oir, grain; pur!;; beef, (niatois, iLc are uken io ihe cities and to I'oiist i!ic,lauch Cinmk Ueaver Meadows, Taiuaqiia, and ollur places, there i.i no donbi bin a pnpoUiio'i of three times its prrse ul i.uuibi'r cot, Id nippurieil wiihoui b; inging a siugh; bushed iiin the comitv. Tliere is just cause to believe ihat the Scat ol Jusiii-i) will ituw be reiiioie.l to o I5i'ooins!iurgi I'hi--, with odii-r fivora ilu cireuiti.i:aiiees will conspire lo in -ke it, oi lime, one oi tlie unci Ii iiirishi ag ii:.i:'h Hi Northern Peiln) Ivama. 1, o''' i 1 1 a m ; d' wii'.er on both ciiies e.j die Noiili lii',iiich i'.'ouI I Imni.-h waier power i lii ii-nt f. r :di iudj id oi-'i hiin ry. 'I In, t-j'ecii.lly is ihe CISC Willi I'ej.'il'iJ I,' l'.-,ia tri'lli. Slll.1 for furnaces wiihiu two n.ih s of I); Ulg on .'bis S'n :oil can In- h nl. m ' is limn ft reason. i terms, u :i!,iii ;, mile til' n-t juanlilii's ol on1, um! t.'i ni a hi..' 'a ililie r"lt) lime none. The oie i so sum, ltd Iril Iwo n().,, Inosrs c 1 1 1 1 1 1 draw iwo tons it a inn!; and can bo had al ihe uiim s f.-r Ij ecu: ) pi i ton. It is will kun'in i!ii I'jiiie gi'irdeiiii ii have Ni-iiii- l- re mhos nl uoney w ho have bri ughl tin ii nre and iilleS!o:ie a dig mee nf li'ii.n 7 to 8 mi i s .Ti.! ill ir e ia! n.-ri-si ihe rn or. 4 io 5 ,oiii s persons u n! ! s ic'i u::'i om'i!h ciiciim ances, liai c r.ccomi' in le-,i mh ni, w liat .ig'tl hot I e i ; i en i! il n cu ,f Lniliiirs 'labi S w null! i linage in li e !n,..i,c-s nl ihi m; vcrv i lii'dile sou rii'1,1 w I en- ibe o::,li i i.-ls r Mtarufn-itiriiij iron, in .it; y (juii''iiv ;.re il the vei v dout? One ll.tiij; u 1 1 I 'a in l!::.l Kt e ihii'L's caiiriit rim. no h,.g Tl i'v villMinn la- 1. 1 lib:, ted, ml many mav i ere I that it, y i'.iI nut ibeim-t i I e i ju i toil nit 3 It ii ilt y ti tilel Le t n. i ii i it- The sa'i.l iiiy of Columbia cnn:nv ii nut xce. ih it I y iiiiv I lie e in lb-. Unnm. In oonl nl this we mifhi inltn:n lie idinn.-.i mat absence ef id! tiiili'Uiic nod ji.t-u i hM'.'Si n, ai'd the cent rid Icidlh .".in! ho ct i V ol tie 1 1 'c. r. li e nnnlt rn pn s i ; be ct'in 'i v It i t ei o it riplion I e t'lig-ii I'l ?o per, i-i,i,' ;r ifcl.: 'own 1'ishii.t; ereik ht a mimII i.; If ny ediniild ii t- k . ! J dieee i.i! niiiaj;! 6 tie f,, j rial wh haif not eria:,r tun;-.? it e u made hln io!; ? luiiiiMirr to il.i r nt:M le fait!; li e n tile n i rt e.f a jjrtat par d the ii'iiity is comparaini lv td recti la'.e, lie iclahil; tits nre eu,n v (.iruitr. md do not ir,Mes it IT. i mil liii.ds lu ei, u:te in eurb tmiiiifni. Upriii a eandid ar,d ifiipariiul review i di the prireihig facts unu lonkiu forwi;. o the rihtnt id things tt, il.ey will m tin e derelopcd; ;le wii'ir thii.U be liir.o. undine i i p.t ilicuriif i'o.i C.i'iiu. bin totiti wi'.l. heimt ii i: i y enrs pn i.way lo i v s' i'o.nrli.i if I'll. i -viidiiia. . .l.i. i-r i... .