A HEAL (ONvni.vnoN. .'S i, a.iid a poor,, rumi-tl and rcui'i lowkiua man, upon wIiom? cuuntenai ee IrHcea ol aorrjw iml rx'ienie nolleim were visihle, to. nil individual -ulet k anil sieii.ly en'uri.hlo ik'IuIi'it.I uVn' v inil luiuiint i. '"i", I m Will you iti!i mm ? j;ive irif (he mean 01" proem I' 'dim! sin . 4(Jo along, my man 1 have no'lima f.n you. Yiu cn 1,1 'I1 lm lio'tHi' I suppose. I'll give you a line lo ihe Alih rman .' 'Sir, id the poor nun, 'I'd ratlur not go lo (he alma hi Use. I a I y de ire temper at y reliif. 1 f x tt ivoi k in' a day or two.' Oli! well, ?cratch alone, my man; j on ai e not ao badly u(T oim u.uii I am ntWiiU'ly starvrfc. 1 am aur you won'l mifi a q'iiilcr dl a dollar.' 'B ess my aoul do you think 1 ni.ihei my money from, tieet'? Go flnn,' ilon'l he p riinacioii!; now do take J utn e'f off, there's hiave man.' You owe nie moix y, fir. I would not rem n I you of tin- far, sir.only that hunger makes me desperate.' Owe you money?' exclaimed the lesk man, stepping back a pace or two -'You are mad.' No seven years ago I wotked for you. You failed.' 0b! ah! an old score. Oli! ilui's quili another matter. Did it ever atrike you thai 1 have taken the bent fit of the Ac gone clean through? cieilitois no one now? can't touch mi ?' 'Ye', sir, I earned that money by hard labor. You reaped the hem fit ol that labor are rich while I am ihr wretch you see. You owe me t ha' money, jir, in ijiile of all bankrupt ciea.' '1 never do any thing illegal. What ia legal is honorable: The law says 1 don't owe you a cent. 47fonor says you do sir, snd of thV two honor generally tells more truth than law said the mendicant evidently disp'eaied. 'You are gelling wearisome. Will " you be kind enough to step oul of the way?' You call yourself a christian.' 'I am christian, I fl.iller mjself r. lcaron.' You are esteemed a piou, honest, trustworthy gentleman.' '1 am as good a one as can be found in the whole religous community.' 'Then the dominions of the Evil Our can boast of purity when rompaieii with such communities and the society of thieves Is cemented by more teal honor. Your refpertahiliiy, h jnor, pi -ty and j islire, are comprised i f your hroad-clo'h and fine word, and go nn fuillier. Keep your money. I'd starve before I'd touch a copper of it.' Some lime ago ihe above converai tion actu-illy look place on Broadway , jjear Ihe Amciican Museum, Thrct tnonlh ago,tlie mendicant now a stove dealer, in lolerabla buainiss em ployeil his oppressor, reduced to want, as porter, and, after deducting the amount of the uishoneied bill from Ins wag-, on Tuesday last generously presented it to the fallen Pharisee, This is an ab solute fact. Every day life teems will uch reniirkablu transactions and (.inu lar r everses. Rftiib'.nive josiice sorrier or later overtakes the evil door and tin ingenuity ol in r n knows not how l avert the merited and ifVPr-failitit punishment. Sunday Ar. V, Times. SUPERSTITIONS OF ETHIOPIA. The nation is overrun wit!) nipeisl! tions. We can (Inscribe only a lew o' them. A puprr simor is rigiulid u ; ))ieservaiivp against the weapon of ai enemy. The pressure ol a rr.ivs, (,. any portion rf the Uibl', ia nrppopod u-li-Uiftre with the Lbjrs uf Co lda.lt nn;th. No me'il Can be welded, n r.-siing taken from the mould, w i 1 . i i . ii:tbt of the. cn&. The woiker in irm i si)ipiied to h endowed with nprr iiUU'l ptiwris, snd to l;c able t:i t'ans form biii.M-lf u! pleasure into the like tirss of a wolf or hyena. Sickness am miiTot tone are ascribed to the influenci of evil ey of toe bl.u ksrniih. Dwiil km tfated wiih hi ii r 1 1 re-pect nod it ga'ded with oln.Ds: fur. AmliHi ' will vcn'iire lodes'ioy a ( i pi ni, exci I on Situi.lay ami Sunday, when th iillit of one is dermed liiKhly nn.'ii eious, Sjrrifiee am oflutd annuall in the inor:h of June, to il;e r vil spiiii One of t lie specifics in disease i to nnii nn cgj twice towaids the hr.id cf the pi sien, and then bie i k it hi.-i iles him The sight o'' a haic is sufTu'ir nt lo sh.ik. the fn m est nerves. A fx on the led haml, destroys a!i h ip" of sii'C m. Th npjK-Drince of a while Lnrz.nd is auii rious, or iiiauspiciiiU, acciuding to ilu HOiition of the tail. Ol the Oil, IvS .f.i. '.Kiv liver Airiu, stand i the only piece ( t ni ich.iiery in the kingdom, i n-wati-i-tiiti!, constniiMed hy an A'httiian visitor. B it the inl tlh rent and itm i in i f it ! ' . o n tl , p r o ri o i: u r : ii i he i v.-du-Lor, r. llic wheel to he ihe u-.nk o!'d-v-iii and g'it, i's iie WjS i i t c i J i i t ( ! tfler ilii'cc ihy, inJ it lioJiinee rc main hi nl'-nl. . . - ' LIVINC IN A IIUKRY. P ihps ttie mnst chiiracteriHtie pern liaitty ol inn i)ci!il condition al pi mint i Hie uii!ie,ii liy wai.t of T inse. lliV ellinii hy raitioid i- mtiilv 1 y i o I of U ill V'll.ii,,. I,., iiltoiiii hinl-r Willi ivliirh all the IIiii i-i'l I'll an- ininsaetei:. In t 1 1 i -iies, tht'D me in a luirry In gel r'ch; th y Ciimii I 'ttttn.il In Ihe tedimts pro i;it nf adding nun yrm's patient and h Hitinijle guns lo ihoi-R of its piede i'e.su but rk-' hy hold spi-tulal'Vi emiibinatioiis, hy ani'cipHiiiin of iniell. H'Mice l et'eive d lhimn;h the ordinal', channels io iM,ke or mar themselvff iiy mip hold 'iiike. The nierhanif a' whrel revolve wiih arcomiilaled specil in em n .poni to the hot haste of lho who impel ih'u. TliH long hours id Cueioiy and nullum!) diud( a, lhe(fnt- f ninht and diy laboreis relieving ach uiliii' in priiiiing oflices and coal )ilS,ll the uiiinlni miltli'). eagf-r, 'go nead , pi es'iii-i- vf sneiely "tf but so many sy mj torus of the excitement whiel urpt ls nn !, Li live in a l iiriy. It is c paradox on'y in form to sy that we an in uoh a huny t I .v e that we do no hvu at all. Life slips through our fin gers unlfcli,ijiieiiji)yed in thy bus le o' pieparing tn live. A day of busirir'S is a day rf hita'h iejs liiiwie. duiies of the toilet aie hui tied ihrouuh; the breakfast :s gulped down without being las ed; lha news paper is skimmed with a dim idea ol im contento; the day is ipcnl in sraininf lo overtake complicated details of bui ness loo exlijnsi ve for minds grasp; it costs a rare to he in time for dinner, and dinner is cuitiiled of its fair propoition of lime for the debate of the committee or the theatre or the evening parly oi ill of them. Een sleep is got thtougl impatiently wiih frrquenl starlings am coninjltations uf the watch lest he morn ing luuib be lost. We snore in rjoirk er lime than our ancestors snored. Am' the worst of il is that men can not hell ihis railroad lashion of galloping oul o' life. When all are innning at ihi headlong speed, you must run with litem or he borne dowi and run ovtr trampled to death by the mass. Kvhi ihe muraliiers in tliis universal no for the auk? ci iiliiii'mg, hut ry 8;o t wiih ihe rest, and pant oul lite uflc tions as they run. 59' n.l.MHIt (..n t'ie present opportunity ol J exiu' -.-irii5 llls tliankluliiessi to l.la fiieiiiln.ani die public (jenoitilly. foi the lilieral latioime In 'tas herctol'oro received, inl'iimn bis fi n-niln and tin liiiblic in general, lliat he Mill continues lo canyr-i-'.In: above bu:.iiirP-at hU nld I'ltuliliblicd hlainl, oi he corner o! Main and Lat street, wheie hi i'p'', bv ft.i.-t iitleiitioii to busincsK, to rec-iu oel merit a nhaie of pnbli- p,iln!iae its herelulorc 'le iloem-, it ininccesniry to yn into Ihe name o lil-n. or to use a. IV soft ,.i,!dv,. aliotit hi- S'Kll.l, il Iho ri,OI-'K.l-hlii ()!' (; 'Mi:. V CI'l'I'IM his r,!,op i i.f I.mij Hailili.e'. il'lil bis Wfctk I,. ihinliH will ,:C' ii-i If. a-id far nio e loinlf ;ban wor.ln. lint, ho W'oni.I ;:-i-c! tav lr ..' b .varraiiti his vvir!'. done with neOne-.-;, ihoaniiir mil in thn bili fit fii.-hioiiahle i:;ai,ni'r, and vwii n. lire n or,.l l'i in all cac. . li. ('harcfcs m. di-r-ile to suit the liiiirs. A kindn ol'rounliy pindncc taken in CMhuie h -.vo l:, al inid.d price.. Lloinsburg, Nov. 9 1ft 1. 19. ??0CLA1JE.TICIT. .ivy- ' it' " r- i. ix i : V-' "' - .:.'. riuriiKKf.AH. the i!o.,l.:;,. n. ,..S.TIIM X y Preiideutid the t 'oiirt (( l.hcr tiii'l Tc miner nd (o'neri.l Jail IVIivcry, Coift, of Qu.-.ilt-i Sessions of the re,ice,und Court of ColiiniMi I'll in and dr:baus' (.'ottrt in the eighth jiuln ial diiii I composed of tbo counties of Aorlh'.tniiiei Ian.' I lihm, ('i.luiiihi.i and Lycoming; mid the Hoi V ,'.;, I),nud(h()H and Crorftr. Mask, Ls iju.ies, Aociate Judge.-i in Columbia ciHintv.hau is-iuc.l I lit i r pr"ept beaming date tbu 1'itb it v ol Ian. in the year of our Lord one lhrni-.au'. "i-thl hiinuie.l att'j forjy.fne. and lo tne diiected.fo 'li'd'.n j i Ciiurt vf (iijtr and Terminer, and lint end J nil Ddieirij, (icnerid (Jiutrln Session if the 'nice, Comnioa J'lia-, an l OrJiHit'a Court. I.N HAN VILLH, in the (' ounty of Columbia in the third Monday ufApirl e.t, lining lb Jlsl J iy) uu l to contit ui' one week : Noiiii! h ilu-rifore herihy givm ti 'no Coroner, the .Iu iticcj of 1'ie Peace, and Con tab'e n the said couti'y i f Columbia, tha' Ihe he then and therein their roper persona, nt lo o'cloi i; iii t!u fo:i tio.jii i f a:d day , i'l, llicit avoid, in piooti-.iH end ot'.ier reiiiL'tiibratic. s, to tiiii-ciniii-svvni.ii in u.i.i utii-.-M Hpptrt.nn t.'! e done. A nd ihue that arc boeiiJ by rt-coiii iilt.-fj. I.) prosecute Against the 1 tisoners that i.n I r may I e in l.ie Jail ol said eonnty of Columbia or t i Lc then and there lo ptosreiste iicainat tbi o -lull be jn.-l, Jurors arc reinieeted to 1 o pun-' tual in tliifalteiid ince, iigrpeably in their notiee Djtcl ut L'anvi'le, the SVlli day of Jan. tiin yi.in.lour l.onl one llioiLvfnl fi-;!,f I. ii.'in .1 ano on ay -n c ami in inei.ri o' the Inil peiidcii'.e of ibj l'i. Led ft, of A merit a. n:i ) iin, Si: ai.-f'i Orrici-, I Ian liie Jan. -7. Y-j I .9 6 0. s FAMILY MEDICINES. JJIWF.'S 11 JIR TOXIC. Thia llnir 't'oitic hai pimluced brsiilifid Now 77' Hair in thn ItcaiU of limi.licili. w tin tn.l lii eii hidd ociirt thup, uml iaiiuw uaily anil laquired ( Ut yena It 11U putifii-n lli h.-id tiom lunilrulV'rm.ive ttUl cu.vuie u ,vork i",iB i,iCl, lllsii,c Cii. ex dim-usKs ni' din bfiilp-fiwives tlw liuirj v,j, Jisl)lfi und in a workmanlike, manner. trout tailing oil' or beoiiiH:.; peaiuiieiilly jjoiy MYXE'S ClllMLX.lTiri: BAL SAM. IS t cerljiil, unfit and etrrenml remedy for fyi 1'iiloiy, UiuiiIiiim or loon in'M, c hulern iiiuiIiiih sum iner C'ltriiilanil, colic: K'ii'hiK pniii"! (our dIkiikh lr, iik and ncrvoui hraJach heartburn, wiitoiln.ish; in II of I'fi.Ks it i ci Watrh-Hna of Jewelsy, anil In Milt nr aii knot of llnj utoitnu h; voiiiiiiui;; Riilliiii;i u ill linilier. .nrant hii work Id be i e tile 1 u, 'ipoffooJ ulicr enuiig hikI mUo wlereit h-m:s .vcllus imv in litis so.'tion tl the la e. lie will Oiouifli the btnly uililialli;ed ; uunt of ii'uiile ; 'ulo iiiake to i iilor roslloKsiifst and inubiliiy lo aIcc; wind in the i,to- cl'lil I'VIVC Ci 1 ti; Vl uiach oinl boweli er.inip; uwvous trenmra uml I Mil 1 1.1 lAti H'.M 1 .V.iot..J ivtilcltiiins ncasirknei!'; t'aiiiliiij! nieUnclii.iy nd ,,r jveket, and in liliort, will do nil oibetwoik mmi low-nes of HpirilK, fretiing mid crying of infants L:v ilne in a vm II n i;ultiled I en( ei tuble ilublirl and fur all bowel ntliclioim and iwrvoua .liiu-ares. In,('i,. llr ho m 1 y stt'it altinlieli lo lniin: Dr. J.UWr.S TOXIC V El! Ml IV (IE?1"1 " ' v ' ,," , ' V ' Which ia perfectly o fo ami ao plenum! (lint children will not rolu-ip to t.iku if it i-lli ctnallv leslrov a worms: item rabr-s acidity or sou menu of die slontai b increases up peine and actn ns a gene .,il and pcruiancnl Tome uinl ia therel'oie excrcd nijjly beneficiitl in in'ei tvitlcnt Biidlieniillcnt levei-k not iuiliicMton; Vc and is a certain and permanent . u: lor l.te lever and a:;uo. UK. JAYNE'S SANATIVE 1'ILI.S. They may he Inken t all limes and ii iniiat iIimmscb In loll iininaUiiy, interinii anl, Ut'iititteiii, Uilinns, and every oihei lurin of rever Jaundice attd Liver 'mkii (tlainl. For Dyspepsia they B're really m invaluable artic le, gr tdually changing tin Ailialed aocretinna of the stomach and livet and prodiicinjj healihy tciion in tfioo iin poriant nrgaua. Thev aie very vuluabh nr diseases of the Skin, and fur what n ennimonly called Liipurity of the blood;' Uo for r eiliale t.uniiliuiiis, (. oaiiveitesf ifee., and in fact every diMtase where im Apitrient, Alterative, or I'uigaiive Medicii r may bn reqniied JAY NE'S EXI'ECTOHANT. It always cures Asthma two nr lltrei arge doses -a-ill cure the Croup or Hives 1 Children, in from fifweti inintiies to at 'lours time, li immediately subdues tin iolencu of iloopiti(! Cough, and ( ll'ects i ipeedy cure. Hundreds who have heei ji veil up hy their phvnii'iatis sg ineurrabl -I'ith '(Joiifiiniptiiiii,' havt been rteloiedio .teifiM l health, by it. Li fact, as a letnedy in 1'iilmnnary I)i ases, nn ineilicine has ever obtained : tigher.nr mure deserved reputation, CrTlie above .Midteine are all for sab n the stoiH of JOHN H. MOYER. H!oimsbur!. 'Jti nrtlAlNINCJ in the I'.im Office m i'aitaw i'Ha mi the quantr eudin-jf Dcceinht i -Ut. ISM. Heltler Mr Kubns Pelcr Mm ininii Duiiid M Lnnjieiihurgi r Philip Croll Willi,.,,, I Lineal Joint jr. Sen ari Ahi'.iiiani S. ni,es W illicit, Siioinari C 'rnhee-nii liacltnel etteri in the ab ac li.it D.i v in I'iiit'iv i'Vlier Uni I 2 ('isher J P !( IliijTir Chec'er )!i Mniis cillnijr tor l.ae inv they are adve-lised. J'At l. U ItAIdlY P. M. Ii MMJ in the Post Otll.-e, ir quailc-r ending Dec, J I) PoXloil Chatli-s S.n'tr .Miss Calh. Slatifl'i't Peter S; ret ii N Snvder Il'i.ry Wr.li.rj iilteti :t!nil nshnriT, n ihe :il'--. IU Mir! P...ir David Evciik It l.s M iv M E.-lii-rd Dfliel McCnnly John Keieheiidm ier Calender Poller A W Vr-rtn railing for b t'ets iu iho aVoc lisl v. il please aay tbey are tnheili i-d. J K .MOYEIl I ty FOSJ SA L rElIin subeiiler ifliis for nde Mdmill iniil jooj-ety; i-i'.iiu.id in Ku.u i.int ju k. U HIST. Ill LI.. Am. v.4'-firk: rex or S'i STOXES mm o ii v; . j, r.Yd n or st: s. scrcr.it out MiitiJlligB, a e.oiul pump, at und I lie do. i . EG n mendnt' laiiil, ,U j o,,f.i n;,.,. f Jr,,.,jr deems it titiiii-i c-surv to nivi nn. I I tin r i!i setiol ul as mi v.iin v.nni lo i ,cli,.ic. will n i l,,r ib, , .-ihis. It v.dl be ,M in the i,.(t n-.n .maid, tctiiiii. hi d pot-f,!,.,, i iui v-biniM .- ri.jioiul C. .N. liij-lll'i' L.'-ii i:.t;i ri i k .Lin, M!i is I'). iNDTJCi:. Aii jo imiiis i;.ib, I li d lo l,e ndiM'itb, rs I'"1 ""''' '"'' "f nlheiw isit elovei .l"'i( - ' 'H staiiilniji, , ri; li ijner-liil lo ( ail ai d tile ll.e t-..ine in Cash er Oram, mi or be !,,re the l.tdiVi.l IVbrtt I IV i l 1 ebrtial V 111 XI. I In si ! in :;b .in n ib.ts ini:ice, may (xpect lo p,i (c.i ut are deli'iuiiueil to haiu (iltr nil! j l lli-ii.l :-s- st llled. VM, M'KPI.VY L (;,i. P'.'.".!!i! i.r :. 1 ' e, 1 & 1 J . CM)CK & WATCH K Ksyi-'-C'I Kt'LLY informs the citiicim o JJ ijljoluiulim I'nuiil) , uml the public H1'"01"")1 liuiliu has Ino'lpJ hiiii.Hcll in tiliomsliuru un M .i it tr'n onnrtnitu l. I'uul'a Cliurrh. where hf bu; clocks & Watches of "trie beat quality, can be IkiiI at his uiitjblhlmien' mi very reanunublo unit' . Ki:iAIIM(i tS: CLKAMMi rtill '..i (loin' to ihrmntiilai'tiiin of t!w riiMomer, af iiHltoiinirM. i ounuy I rnoorc inni-ii in pa un it lor woik at the inuiki'l pricfH. Itluouinbuig, .Noicinbor 10, 1 31 1 UO.t 3 'J'hn suhserihers have ctnJdished at tin above place, a new MARBLE YJiRl). and will always he ready, at the altortet notice, to furnish to order, MOXUMENTS, TOME-TABLES. 'TOMES TOXES, HEAR Til- J j) MRS, MA STL US, TAINT STOXES, MULLEIiS, kc. .-.t.- ...... I. ' . .1 : - i . ir any nitter ivin iv in inrtr imp. i ney nri. dsn prepared tn liiriiisi WINDOW C A fl uid SILLS, DOOU SILLS and STEPS tc eillur of .Ma.hle, Lime or any kind o tone that can he procured in i b i h xieinitv I j-Having had ';oii.-iderabl( expeiienri ri me Dtihinrss, iney picoge their work li ie rxeciited in as Itaii.lsniiH' a sivle as i ai le Itirnisliid Irniii hiiy yard cither in the iiy or enuntry ; and on n- reasonable Itrnis Alt Ms I liO; c, & IIUCJHES. Dloonisl)iir(r, NijV. ), lrji:j, y8 Chain ia7iufactoy THE subscriber i'o.linues lo tairy on ciiAiit ;n.M'KACTo;iiNc: .tisiness ut the old Mai:cl f . & N. ILeen inch, where he '...ill he readv at timra ii fuinish Fancy & Wir,dsoi -Chairs, Set pes, n.uion Koekinn C'ht iis kv, u( t?t leseription, which may Im called lor, ill hurl I'liiii-e and on ihe nron reai-iiniibli eruis. He will iilnn ixeeiile .House, Sinn i)rniimeii',il Paintinrr, and House Papuiii;, ii a snpet ior iiiattner, 1' rmn his ex purienne in the 'lis faeiliiies of riiaiiufactiiriiijr u iicle ,, his line, he Hatters in s'uill bo able lo fur nihil iin old upon lis re;,Miiojbe leinis business. anil Ibe varintis It i ni.i-(-l ' ihir. food Wo'.k, lis Call hi lune ni 1 1 if ( , all of wl i vh he w il ( lOUN'l U lipo-r' of ,,r PIJODI.'CE CASH r N. II- Orders (Voiii a di- i pee Mill he iticily ai.d pimnunllv aiietii! i I to. P- iiacilviu.ch. Hlooinsl urp, I)i c. UO, lb-13 (.'. it. Pj A I! just icei tveil, and ate l .m i.peuiio; i 2.JSL l-"l1' u,,l cxeusixo assorli; ;it ol Mew ffiifp siiitrible lo the season, rowd-ting o( nil eer kepi in a coun'.y slote. Aii'i.'Uj Ibe at telle lluir iis-.ni ne li t.- tl ii I c loi'i il the lolli.v.it i Dry Gcod ?. Po.a hs. of all eoloth, iua! f:c ai.d van. us i f ia, .l.ir.'i ill. i- S i ;.Iid p ici CI l.il.os I I ilk in d uthe. . I s. Lotld a Lil t lis, i-ili. a. ielv of f ill lis for Lailie. HM, I'll ai l . i lety i; i ui i i 1 . I'tt.MHieis. i-attii.el!:-, b-lbs 11 .tun U Valote e-liiiN. .'l.l-:, l'i i I. Ill h al, d glbh b I'llllblc- ',:lil i I s. Mi r n ii,! . I '.Hi li ai Linen Ibnnll-.i lebiels, lll.i (' It HI .' K'l kil.U. ( .'..M i'lut f d (ientleiniTi, kid end . .o.bi r uul linble ii-l.cd Mi.-ilu. i.l abii. j Ti l.ii.e and i.tln r ioI'.-i.'i i !n , U. j lies ami ( 'bildreii's i-boes i f all k' io. I ll.in IiooIh and .li... s India I i'o;t... vain, catjiet am, i iiniile . I in -. I.-. ( 'Is, .Men i I.l i'ici out i-iek, Ac. Unit iitoi i- Ji l,i.iair of all l.itiik of the best .'u;"ii id at I'-ns i;u ihly . i ll'.-e, ' and I'i.-li oil, coai.se ai.d line .' , .;--!tity.Metas..., C s .-pur.,.'-1 em l Candles, 1 ,.. , 'EE'R I-:E" 'V x'l I'lrC assort nn i.t ij ind (1 Itiwirt: iwivi if at I hizes, tfA.Yvp.,". l' liar I lie Oarc 1 :'nir ;a.,s l,uoitnr iro, .t, siik ! ni ccs f a I! sizes , is. raddle. '. Ti'tm- Aiardii1 ; fivf kt, ires and for Jiu'ts and Sreeivs J't.'d and it or Lot Harness and Cm .',;'.', Sale J. J ant's i (-v. son are, and flat Ml aid rv and, ar in n n lire. f cry tiling le frri in a Itutiunilt's si: i el iron, irai'ift all size, in net tl in the Ihu tluaic li, ( aniline lued'e hp to a am it. All ofwhich will be (.old :tt e Lt'MIILIi.ind ( (11 ."i';' 1 (1 arisre f,,r CASIli ".Ruiii ci: ,r kindi-. on tin I!-, ut o i ,oi, ii' iteii . uinl we it, i,.1 !" fdei-l '! o d e .in,- f, ;. '.fu.:i.. 111 enM,'f Till! FAMILY NEWSPAlMltt ai i ntiti)t: i kii:m. eiitral In I'olilus and Ucllluii xi:v V 10 A 15. otv is ftf very nick of lime to subset ibi for Ihe Xiw har 1S13- Tin: iiiilai)i:m'ija .s at 5J i: i a v co imi a-; a : If'ith he. lurgrsl Siilicripl'vnt Eil in the ll'tirld TO NEW sUUSf:RIP,l'KS. for the purpoHf! of fncilitalitir; Ibe I'.o-uiniion ol ClitH, ot mkw or n i. n Mibiicrilcrs nut in ti,riun,v,v tlcrbtbe follow itti 'XT l A 0 R Dl H A It Y 1 N D U C E M E N TS. I'liree co)ics f of the : Saturday Couriui,! year, or one copy I jr lltree yeara veil ii-ti ull.i ."atiiiduv Cttnicr, hear rwelve iJo seventeen do 'wu do and 1 copy of either of the 3 Matrnzinc ive. cupiiM of tbo 'atuidity C ourier, uud 2 c. pi in, ni' either of the i3 .Mucic.ineii rive col ics ol the aturclav ('oinicr.and 1 rn. py of frosl'ii l.rw l'ictotial History of A merha, a iC buok, t e iXj hi fact, whatever oiler is made, -bv onv other family .loi.rnal, uttill iipproaching in vvorlh. beauty ir pretctii-ioiiK, lo the batutduy Cuitrier, will be I'm ntshcil liv us. The Coin itr has become so well mid favoiahh known tltrotlijli o Irininphauily popular course ol rouiteen ycara, llnit it would be f ttpcrfluoiis to say .tiitcuon mm Kuijeci in ro. Weimiy remnik.bow ever, I hat lo the industry, talent run! rn'crprise. Ahieh hate foi v cars kept this paper a Iniybt cxem dar for all its imilulniM, will conslantly be tnhlcii Me piodnctions of every available writer, nnd con tinued judicious and libcial expcndiluiea will con tinually Ve inude, as well in thn Litirary as the Ty pographical departments. Our means wil! slwav:. enable us to be in advance of all olhcrs.tiul we .-hull be bo. Histories of Modern R(pnhics A new and important aittimiiiceiiieiit lor Ibe coin ing year, in nddilii.it to our already litiinerouh- po -ul'jr features, will be a series of (..'ondcnsi d Histo ries of 1odern Ki publics.by a fresh and vii rotn writer' who will iuip.ait a world of important in .-itiiiclion tn tho rising generation, in this new anc entertaining Koniauce of History, Binrrihics und notices of Distin guished Lit erury und Scientific Men- Among Ihe interesting essays and sketches ol value, whii It we shall continue lo present in tin C'ourici.will be a full find interesting account of thi rioe, plotless, and pri i-cnl ib vatcd stutiding of nl, dhtiuguiflud nun, of the 1'ast and l'rccut, (ai home or abtoud,) in t.11 depattnients of Art.Scienct Literature, Male: inau.-l'ip, J'oetiy, Mechanics, l'lantinn, Airiculture, I'liiitiiij;. .Merchiindizc, etc. '1'his vn i 1 1 be u vny inteiesting feature for tin Young. It will be a ileparlrnciit of the Cnutier, which it has ever been our tiitn lo ii-ndcr uf iucMi in ible vahn-lo these f..rv.bo;n wefeirl so deep an itilerest us v.e do f.n the Votui; ,!i:ti of our ureal and nivvin '. (.'otintiy. The l.i'.vs of l)isliiii;ui.-.hei' .Men are ol vim h v.iluc lo ll.ee who are et f..rm ing iheir o'. ii i baia, lers; for ihe puipi si' of et.acl inc. iin ir pari.--, iorr-.c',!y, on tin- tlicut t'tayc c: iioinaii Life, i i 'ill-c.l. we h..ii't!i:it tl i ii';iar:nient of to. '"iiOi ier w iii he uuilh n ore (each in ) lo every i titidv who leave ! r -:!ul il.nl .-Ji'i rs i be n-.fi il. ill-ill !i e ti.-m-f tb. amount w e i,. k loi u cui'o : i.l -c.ipl.outo tin-."-aluioiiy (.Vi.rhi; Ini idt itls, Uiiltii it. v Si titrs, '1,7' 'liHCricun and alt (Iriiun is iVe , if Ihe nl.'nr Rcct'lit; ium. Ciitk-r thi.- hi ad ne v iu ihe IVunei and i i'vn ''it i: : e. , 'whiih is. by Ibe way .net at al, , we .-!:nil In ic i'ici' ('iie y aphie . ni Is m ca. i. I. 'hi i c.iii ill. II". hiibnii'. ilu e'' so pioie.-i b ;iio.'i,,t tied bit of the th ti. Ml f I . i'ei .i'. i ; j ; .-1 1 . 1 1 1 1 l.iilir, o' . 1 . i i i o' 1 , a:.d ol a!! other ri oil: i : of tl.i I. u.-t ii.te'iM i I Hi:- II .able ll ier. '1 WIS f I.S M I I.M W ,11 l'i . I 1 1 ill" .ii.; !' 'oil. il; l . :.i iii, 1. 1, y l oi ,'ep 1 1 i;m tjiit-i.i e. a,-o, t . iiy i, I e A toeiii i, li ri -to co ibelii.a lu ni. d n-'.-uhulv . the vi.-.ls i 1 tl.i ric.-ii'i-. I'll A . To gri.liiv tlx i u'-Hf. I." o'y ' ' he laver of -it toil, ;i. i .'(,1,1 'ier ul ib.-ii J 'a.'iii y'Di'i L.'.i; 'I iii i ;rnw l ie appetite lor a : i in r stiov. le.iL'e i t t..e .in , Oil. ml oat. ..- i 1 i'.h gnu: i:,i.l glorious eocn'.iy . mi p,, -t exi t tiolis shall be n-ih.uhlcil ill futute to ;itci i.t iitl piiliiii i- ot Aliieiii.in li'its, t. lis. mniuil.iius. lakes, liveiv, caves, scenery, elc. (.'.-, r m-ifiiilul d' I. iii-lii' Vi.is, litniln l'l thic, r. will Couliiiee i i-i u i.i i Iv lo le frriih-hed bv the inii'i'.s and pus in the country. 'Ili-e i L...-I, (iroiilieliol.h ioe .1. klniW letl-ul lo l iheliirt, foi ir.el'i.1 in-!i in torn at the family f:n..-ii'.c, that ap; ( in li ai y pi i i' died. Ci li 11 Mil' u im.s eompri: e to;! jei t - in i ll biau . bet if Ait lil.d .N.ll.ie. i liilalle for I hi l.ni.lly ir cle, t'tid iippe.ir iu Lipid meci s- i,.n. el k 'J l:Vi l.l.l.i; is .,.. tact;- i. ii , Il li i.l tl.i- Wi'l.Cl, 11.,-llt.l I li ti A., im i r.-ci tf s i ,ii7ai,l sp::i e. . i.'h al! l: ni,!,', Vf.- I'flhi it.'!; Oar ;.-( r. ;!..( Ci..-; London. Libit d the lb ! v i i d of all .' li' -jeel - of ( lor Mai ,i 1:. i.t.d I'll, e.il!iet .ill ices ill tel. ,i ol (il.oll. Pro hit e. i!i I'., More and I. II '' . . i o i ''ellpll's itlTt. l-f wiiV.y nn jit'.i ii : I b I I fill I 1. Ae- i'f. in M 1 1 i v.l l.i i p Us n -'! ceil i : j i -1 , t. ' i i n i t i ml i-o . ce lo il'.c -, i, es of i' llo. .-'all el i ll i nr ev, : .lie ,i: i,.c- !!,- It' ' kimh itio.s. ti ei is li.l . - 'l - " P'li - -A III i.elet.lli r n oo, r ol I I'll: l'i, ( I, ma! lc due n the Tia'.rllt r. I'.i.ti -im -s Classes w iiareicr. M'.M KI . .11, t it r. and ni)Ll'K. t 'inn it r Puiblit ( Ii tlitlt rlHCt. l'bil.i. NAILS, SriHESs f-:c. lei V, is hi iv $ t..ll'.l i 11 5. V.. I ( V. ''ILL I, p e V '-J s"' 1 NAILS, MS'Iiillh'. AM) IHV! which thev will m!I ly W LdLISAI 1. and Ci.--I'AIL.r.'ir ' as ; i tl turn as lit tntiiri ran In- t It tela it lt:i ft. It. t-f'. Men l.ants aiitii .Ilu ti. nnii In.! H to iii ir ii.lt i -1 ti.i, ill .' ,1 j l :.!!.- ol yiai ! c.l in pit li t nt. ,(tM:l'll PAA'J'd.N, I'mmi i vi lli. ANK ! !--l;l..NLS! t . -1 1 ' f P.h.id. I' I.Cl I Hi.Vs :,; i.i-1 ; 1 1 1 1 ai.d )'.; tJ: r.t." '"vv bis t ) p . t c C1 RAIIAM'S MAtJAZI.N'K has loin,' cuj,.vii. 5" (lie enviiltile ICil!illiou of bciliK ihe bei nodical in the Ij. Iiolh in Iho ipi difv nn. I tier ol'itH etnbellisliiiicnu, und in the lone ol it. n. rury matter, Il in the ch"aiest iu, well a., the l- il for thoyeor 16 1 1 the publisher Ium g'M'u ai.oiif 1 00 pagea more original uiaHcr ihan any ol his co 'citipoiarit'it inoio original Bti"el engiinings, iu litioll lo faahiott plates and colored flowers. 'J be i be.ipness and merit uf a ibree-dollar m:ma.iuc over all utliira are apparent, wiiicll has made an outlay ' of Suvcil 'l'liondtiil Dollars j; -eater than tl'.i'i'sauii" in aiblilion of iiravin:;s over i-thcr nia.'iiv.ii,i-s 11. a would einbelli-h he eot.1 best Arinuul. Iho pil lisher is however satisfied lhat nothing hut n'dl f.rt reliance can maintain the high po.-oliou hiti penuilt- iil has atlained in the I. nitcd Males, Tho publisher does not hesitate to say that he. defies ull competition with Ciia'uaurs in.i;;-i.itie lor lata. Him imtuenso sub.-,criplion lirt, Ihe- nicnt and numbtr of his contributors, the high order ol the engravers engaged, the number anil vimety ot elegant plates already purchased and oli hand, and tlieiniinensu facility which tits cnptlul ami position give to prosecute lltu vvotk t ender uny i Hot is ul li vj a mutter uf ridicule, Lvcry ntimhei of th woik issued, bears willt it ihe c idem c ol its tii iinipliaiit success, and establishes ihe impossibility of slice ssful compi lition, improves and extend for snid works, thai nothing of a humbug aider .vill bo tolerated. Every iimiitier of Ciraliatn's Maii iine is issued at a cost ot nearly 54000 the plates ulone cousil hig nearly half the sum uiott of the plates aie I out Oriuinal American 1'iiii.tingi, e.eculcd c.vptessly for ibe proprietor, f.n engravings for tin magazine. Among the pictures painted tor lite vohnne for l8-'),aie two hy Sully, the grenteat nllt. sevi ial bv l.i'tttfe. I 'hannian. Inman l.'or.aioe, liotbermel, I'hoiiison, uml others of the U-..t in lifts ofAuicii- ca, 1 ne cosl ol geltutg up eiKi'cimiinieuis in tins style muv be cstiinaicl wbci. v.e .-late thai t-.nni- ' I' these pictures cost '-I'O a piece, and will cost u.-t some of litem three limcslb.it sum to have them engraved and wotked oil' lor the edition of 'Ciuiiatu' lint ne cost shall he s-purcd to beep our piomi position at the head of ihe l'i riiiin ol llxi a odd. GRAHAM'S ZvI.KG.tNT LMJCLI.L-'II Mli.NTtJ. The most splendid nigra inrrs of all sorts lend their chariu to the pages of (jiahum's rnagnziiii .. liven ihitij, in the way ot novelty mid beauty llinl lias ever been invited is laid lilider coiilnhi.lioii. Nothing that capital and tasle can supply is imii ted. l-'irst, as Ibe most elegant mid upprepiiate, a.-i '.veil as ihe most popular einbc!llhoicnt, we jd.it n Sailaiu's Ittilliatit dizztiut I'uigniving. We were the fuel to introduce this beautiful M lo tl'woru, iu a regular embellishment of the popular monthlies. Its wide spread reputation thro' tho menus of our itmplelist, called forth a ho: t of imita utrs, but lip to litis time nothing has been prodoee-l in rival tho glorious pit tines given in Graham. The fdiephctil's l.oe,' and "Ibe Ceipn'c,' Tho-e w i.b u ho; t of nthcM, done for us by Mi ail.iio, .-i.oiii i i.j ri'-ic.ii.-nt. d and chine' al tin bead of Anieiican engraving. V. ebnc tr.i! uf these iiiiniittiHu plates i.inici wc, and b..a,i give one iu the January number, TO I'OSTMASTF.IIS AND OTUF.RS The hiudi mciil of Graham's n.- -iiv.ini-coe.- id, n the publishct l! liter.-biin.-.flf that the follow ing- hi riaiUTius v.ill in '.in e.lbiiliii.iinh lo stibsi I ibv. TO Cl.r.!l!. "lr.v. i rc iifi.tinsio!. aie mai'e:- ret tcs foi The fo '3: .1 fn tflihs i. t il3: 1 1 tor .'jf. To Ibe i .--! tun -, or oilier peisoiis. formin.'. ii i bib, the J'tihlifhc; will fnwsrda .,m I f,,i imiv iibscrib: r sent, so that by vary ii.f. lite bm'ks, i :'oiiiii.' libiaiy , ! e ciijititd 1 i.l U!in i.) a il ivt nine. n I ' ice i noai.- i cr if. i.l in in in'.-l-e-.i ii sri.i.ll.t I.t 1. it.', is. v mi e. .'I ml to ll ,'opy oi 't.mgv.ooti ni .Novel i i il i.l. -i- u cpy ol Ijei.tilv.' a lii.utili.l wi l.tfll I. 'Ibe ti k for ... M1 ii. ,i e i - i me i ii. s ,t Aii i i.t'. a l.n'y 's ( i on r I ii ii Mi i I in ii b lui.id,,; :;i;iu.;. fable, i i77ot d,.!u.- I'. ,1:1. ,11.1. Ill I.'illllit tbllll f;n i !:;:: a ;v,). wic cinttiiut tic (Ill MIA'.l. randrcllVs 2T11. pK Ti i.i: or iiCAi.'i ii. ALT i- ' ! en l'i. d in i i ii i'.' , ' ul ' ' rxv v. iii ibe al -i in e i f iii pain, x af' iii .g, or i,!iilioi ut any ;nt of hi.- 1 i.dy: bv the to c i.i ,1 n i i.lar e-Cici-e o I bis I'll i.i fb.l.s wiibollt tllf. 1-M'Cptiell. They 1 cmUl in bin it.g u Led ;i pel.lc at nn al time-!, an easy iligi -tioii, fi ,c i .o i.aiioi.s, v itl.oi t I'.'o-i't c- - or co.-tivciu a b "i-l i I ce in i u : wi n-ly-l'.nir In litis, uud v.ltlfi..; !,en!..!: . l.i . :-. i 1 I i ml.-; at the pa-i. .ge, the flee issue of ihe water itln-t t acriniot.v or burniiia, und will-out a tcdi'.i.-h ndi nu'lit which i- ulio'i - a -iyu i'f ti n -i I.l or nn ap pro, a bin;; pain; i;u;ct iliep withuut agitation ir tllloble.-i me lln.illl,; l.u la.-iC i,i: I ile er i ll.cr led i.Kte in the tnoiilb tipoit livinc in ihe t,,t rtiii.i; no suLriii . or ilit-OL'ti c.il.lf ti.-iii..; ol ll.e t-t.-ii.: , I.: a "lean loiicuc: a sweet hicath; no i:c!,ir'. in !c- i. -puts on lite .kin; no ilis; tin buin'ni; beat t ;n.i uiv pint of thi" body; no i Men ie third vt bi u l.n cvpusvii to labor i.-r i.ll.er known ciu.-c; l.n h.t r option lo nny i.atuul ta. -Mlum, l-or J oin i.l thur ji-'iioilical n I'.M.'i. l.ce tlie ttiiie (ft!.? s: m .! c r.i I l.r.in . r ic with l!'-e ..l-i.'. ' ieti.ie , I 1 itdtl.. il is i t il c. .ii ati-t ilo' i.iiai i o tht'l l.u I " e ' c b i-i in M I iin ; ii ib oli r, i.t in l! e ! e i t I. oh. L Ii t:.i .lien t, ,'i n Ihe li :!' e , .- i i I " , i : on :. !'. t,f thi-1 . i i ' I I Ci .1 1 I- ,. I.I. , I, .- ! il I f' le lil.in , i i-. , ii : . ill at i ni c tc.-toi. u or 'i '. i t n c(':;ri f if. ,, pre. . r li.ei. I.i i'.lb, i ;1 v !:: ,!t 'ci.,' ':i lie ii. iiit i ! li e r i. t ,i ,- i f. 'nt .- i ' ,1 . "' : I i. ill. ll Will lit I .. li, . lib to i!ic ci ,.; ul,,, v.'-'i to aie ,1,1. i oil..-! io !t - li - H - lll.ll 1.1- l i ' .iii.ilurely to tl.i c i .hi iid'our-i l l ll.e bain ,. ...:'l , I I I t . Ili'l.t 1 . I. '( i" .. v I . n li e f: I' i t (,;,: .'. lib ll.e l.i i i IC- i ih" - -to in ,1 j l u to of I Tin. wl cr ul i'oits or i n. iik i I thi-, l.i n. I: v. i'h p'.r. inc. Iv. 'I be . lid- ci'.v ic :ili-',l. flu i oi i a . 1 1 lie tin .' :i.l ! h'.-.bh. and el - i :i. 'tlar ..l.cntioii in i'iiIi r to :, . t ni. e i.i, d ii t!ic lil.V, i: : It' ,,,,! win I- to ilcir ow i' t A Ci E N T ' We it". l..,.-!,c'.eit M'Kav. .1 -.- :..w i L. c, A.T. '. ).1!lU:.. I-. i;- 1 - C. C.,!l.iwi-.t--C- (' O-'l-'t. il, ore-. lb M"f i'. I , ll.il.fit iV: M'-Nilii M "A' inch. iL l:,,,,, M. O. hoe k, r kcr. Linn- l.'idf A " i .b'ilb r ' I. k 1 . 1 .1 .Miles JIM It i; UL.V.NKS. ', .( i'TIHXS b MM,) fir A n','. taU i ' i: E v,