The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 29, 1845, Image 2

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    , 1 i I fi i f r ii',' dil'i ii' t! If. i y
Inn nig In Ii ." wif- 1 1 h m ill', I.ti'
is now mv hid; and nliec, when
: U cf 'In vv ifi-e h lus nude ii
leavi'ij her ns'ivr land fur n
teminds m, v -.ilt nri'f'il n r ih'
I sued I er life on thai ivenifu!
'I'll' w'ff liiok'tl Hp be tw,U. nnfl
nvorn burin tor lit I H'l ! I e i . v i i '
II Hi V il l- ll lull I g'.Xe nf IhOS COIifld-
i n i( yes.
JD Oil CD 03 1X1 Ji
"rstJTU i rnor r :a,n
S.t niW-tV, Jltt eh. 0 .'HS
Itemem-wr l!sc 0rinlrr
WIIEVT, OATS or WOOD, n ill h re
rsived for debts de it fr tihir! ii -M
kUn a t bushels nf POTATOES if
ddiveied loon
From t!wM who have promised Lumber
i'wh arid inch fml quarter pine hoaii's
will &n receive! if delivered r.oti.
1'. S. Senator-
Gen. Cameron, our Senator elect, is pro
bihly as well known a any man in the
Sine. Ii is highly creditable to him that
by tiij own exertions h hat fought bis wj
from the aitiivion of a poor, unfriended bnv
lo thai ofSenator of the greaiCommonwealil.
of Pennsylvania, an empire u-i ill neat
5,000,000 inhabitar.ii ! The mode and
manner of his election has given rise to
nod many spirited editorial among our
brethren of the piess, and while the excite
ment is up we feel inclined to perpetrate an
article on the subject, trouble our read
ers with ila perusal. The system of nnmi
nations by convention, caucus or delegate
meeiingj, is the only practicable one where
by a dominant patty ran reasonably esper
to secure the election of its friends. The
volunteer system gives ths minority, in fre
quent instances, a better chance to succeed
than the majority; as the forinpr knit l
griher by a sense of weakness, moves or
emnpaetly and united, while the laitcr, fiom
is very preponderance, ii liable (o split up
intit f ictions and dissipatn its strength on
several candidates. We regret ttini all ih
di'inocrtlic metibcrs of the Legislaiur
rould nut unite together in nominating atid
electing a Senator, This is generally, it
our judgment, a duly that member owe if
those who elect them an I to tV.eir party
Our member, though not participating in
the proceedings of the caucus, actuated, wi
have no doubt, by the scntinenta above e
press!, voted for the caucus nominee.
The Senator, however, from t!iis district
did not only tnka no par t in the emeu?, hu
voted in opposition to ns nominaiinn
throughout, and he has been most bitterh
and tiitjutly assailed therefor in vaiium
quarters. So far as he is concerned, ('wild
nut saying any thing inconsistent with on
sentiments already expressed,) oppositioi
to Judge Woodward was peifoctly right
More than that, if he had lakrn any othr
routse, he would have shewn himsdf destn
lute of spirit, patriotism and dignity. Gen
K may r?si satisfiol that those win
litiow his metres and'sitiiation bcBt.nte jos
i!).'st who approve his conduct most warm
ly. Iv ii alledged, that the caucus was not
one to make a nomination ; that had beer
dcifitninrd before; but lo whip in the re
fragility, ll is further allerlged, that hfnr
t'no ciicuj', Gen. Cameron's frimds wert
i.iltl by dewoaratic nemtiei, thit if he wa
jtoininaied ihey woulc' not support him. !
thr to allegations are .-orrec!, were General
Cauicroii'a friends under any obligations u
g;; into the caucus? Certainly not. A
gii:; was Genernl Ross under any oblige
iioii to support a man who, tin longer sgc.
th in Ut f ill liiticily opposed him when
randiiiMte T Out renders will r.-ollen tlui'
Csentral It, ua elected under pledges n
enrpu.-t the Removal Uill nnd tht 'l'arjj
of 1843. Uefulfiled bis first phdge n
iriU'uring Oie pn;ige of the bill which w.
tiave had lite greut i!ensurc of print!' g f...
the last few weeks in our p'per. We fit.
filled l,is other pledge, as he n gurded it, In
Viding for Simon 0,inur n. Gni. V- i
hanesi, and stern in his honesiy, ar.d !.i
f'crfurins i:i ev..ry iiiMnce, what he h
r tii:'. l. lie stiinls this day par.oj.iii-.
..'lojt witii the warm grati u.le of 3 0D('
t'.a:-.!-ti iiiufd ,i!(-r i f Coiti:!ibi.i finiiiiy .nm
i';f !.ir.d by lii:n th rough tbi. k nm
.'tin. nor listen tti a eingU whispr wn!
Hhichhii eiiC:t)ics wnutd wish to poiann
their t.:.:9. Thine who B'.tack out Kenitio
vi!l receive nothing kiiks in line qu .r-i-r
for 'heir sin, a id will oofy (or'.-i- us U
t.ierease i't our ilevniioii to the honim m o
,ln stands up fur our iirtcrcs'.", tni! foil.
I illy fedcems :.ll Mil pledges As in (!n.
(.;ji'To;i, be rti;l Ul.-";f)i'-iiit the cXj-kCt;:-
!.! of :!. Wiii. 6!i'i be, as Stuntor, a
tu', h j'.-! T " C: ll! 'at.
Tlu Comity Coiniiillciicrf.
Wc Inve bf en,aml we are still, umlei
ho iinptf simi Uial tho ireHciil IJoud
if County Conioiisioner have mmanei'
ht a tf.tis-ai of ih Con iiy q-iiie tu w II.
if mil bettor, ilun ihey liuve ever beei
'DS:ii j;'il ;tvo w. re llierfoie surprised li
find iitn un.'ltir Ihe oami ol'U' f irm,'
hi lbt;li; Ditivillr Inielligntf t-r,cluig
inn the Ct-in m isii(ii. rs with n' ( Iti i n k
t lit' i t- iluiie, ii,d in eoo-(jiidoco of sue!
ir eh el the Revenue CoOMiii.iionrr. I'ai1
incrtastd our laxti tight per cent. iV t
oeed scaict ly s.iy (Intii i i,ol 1 1 in
They h.ive incieaied the SMtMed va!u
of out ( r i(ry f'gbi ji.r cer.i, and no
out lX". riom0'te ir.onirv 10 re
l.-uinn to the mill., we find ih
onuye atfiio.ti ttie uoiiiiiiitsioiieis u
uroiimlUs, and ihiil they luve in thi.
sin all inS'uncn, done tin ir duly.
Tly fin I'i.-hrd t life R- l'eoiie Com
mission' r itli s kiatcmenl of the vulu
;o Mie lis." n't'e, of all propei'y liabh
io sta'i l.ix in the county, sod win
ihree foil's cap (ii's of ass smienl.
forrcciivi ly takeo, of Town propunt
of the hih- i calti',,aml wi'h the names
and with a Mte number of (iigos of a.
rsnient taker, in siirceiiioo, i.f fust.
erood, third and fourth qtlt.iis ci
Landi, and also, wiih lists of s.ils o!
Lainl.wiihingj ihe hut five yes's, with
he dale of sale, the price sold fn, an."
the .Kjeeged value of Ihe same. Thi
vat all the informaiion required of their.
hi their official capacity. One of the
oirculir received by ihem, was not
inswered. because it was evidently no'
intended ihey should do so. The fir1
oierrorftofy is as follows: where h
inur residence, what is your uccupa-
liont TrtHy no man of commoi
-tenne, will prelend that the writer o1
thif circular, intended lhat it should in
r,swr red by a Board of CommiiKionTs:
ic r was il so intended. Tlie object waj m
;t iiiformaiion from private cil'Z-'iis,
i:d ihe ciiculjr was enerallv addiejfei
'o such. Wo undeitland thai a iiiimbei
vtro revived in ihe County. Jlr
Beat of ihe Intelligencer, received one,
Ahy did he not answer i ?
The ca'ise of 'his unneiilleineii'y at
nek i estf lj' utidei.lood. The crime o!
ihe Conimisi-ianers i not neglect of dn
y. They re RCMOVAL MEN
Phey helievp with Hvo thinls of tin
leoplc of the County, lhai the beM nl
nd hence ihey ir.ui (X;)' rt lo rc ive
ill fn'cational d irh.n (if nfpriji.guo Vt-n
;n c, us a l:i kick of a d-,ing. fie
inn. In ii-gir.l lo c.'uinty t-)XBs, we tinilri
t.iud the (nHltli(trlre hav loi'env
me int"inl-d to tedoce t hein neatly oi
laif foi the o'ui' g, yer-r.
The Drt'.u'y Altoniey General, hnul.:
:io an lioni -.'.tu, fl ushing advocate of iln.
vpet admioisiiationa tflho Imv-', am
not one who i ever ready lo Conipo'ihii
.vilh ci imc, t,3l the uuiliy may go 'i , e
i-ithci through favoritism, or for n i
vale inirtC'St Vint then should io
aid cf one who will either aid in, or coi
tut lo, ihe hailing, on a small bond,o.f
criminal, uheti he is Icuwn lo he ih
oain,in fad, only witne.'.' sgains! ano'ht i
!! iniinal tlmged iih the commas on oi
everal crime", the conviction upon
i'iier of which, would place hi n in
he V: ntcntiaiy firyer? And l-i
vhen it 'g known, thai the'.nr
ne tu be made pood by money mi-e I,
.inocg the ri iihii:al'a ii.'jticiale in cinif
ml fur 1 hr r would lh co'Tnlenre il
he comrr-oniiy io llie Deputy A'
e increased, kbonld il prove line, lli.ii
i near relative of his. in case the in : a n
r should he arquined is lu icctive p.iy
iH'iit ol a,e deb', which he wnulii
"hffvvie ti.tiitly Ium? Now we do"
y ih.l such ilimgi have, hern dune in
re l.kcly to he done. Hut ibis rnucl
vi! will .s.-ij , howeiir, if they do crctii .
U'iiti is a n . y a t f r y about the wliol
r :j 1 1 c .i c I i i . .
Our Tiiwiisliip Cieuion on the 21t in'
I'Sul'.eil riitmi siiitiliirl V Ti.ere win Ii.
bone of Jusijie.', 3 iHloliiinlis beini" lift.
rat is, h;.vii.(f ii, t qiiul neiuber ol votes
! he vo'.k tt'iod for
Cto:rle ICiibhr
(inOkie fr ioin
Tin' in i s l.init r
I ldii.-:n l.'.-Ll.T v.'
A new l.'lc'iinii irr jtiftitn t,i le hi1'
Mo- A.r i t.
lpV' ror.pelltd.for wsnl of room.
n poiiniie till ,Xl Wctt i Jua rjU). m
The follow inn is a lil nf the Township
Officers elected at t'u late election, as far
is received.
Oonsmblc B K ILrinian, J. Uidleman,
Judije Henry Webb.
Inspector Stewart IVrce.Jnhn Shuman
Jus icef J mn I)uk,J J.eoby
JiK'ic- loteph B ol'S , UividClaik.
Cintnble U rir Pli.llips
JudcJjcnh Crook.
Inspccloi John Sm-ck, John II iaher
miiee T FoMer. W Il.yjhr.stun ble )h.i ,F Rjller
yidjir J )llii Young.
Inspector (J McD nveli J F. Deri
istice Thomas J Hutchison
('on sii. lib J Si ilea
inige Paul Peeler
i nipt c or J Wefiner, P A)leman
KR A Mi. I. IN.
CotKinbli' John Liw
Jode S mm I Slitik.
I ii f Jcctoi .tllui Sneli, Reuben Enti
Justice John Rchaid, Johnson
II Liter.
CunnUble -J ihn R -ese.
J.idjje Siniutl McCaity.
Inspectoi -P t-r Gn ton, Win. Rosi-
Jus ices T. J. Vanderjlice, Jonas L
Constable Dariel Newhud
Jude Aaron D. Guild.
Inspector Samuel Shrock, Jco!
L. Gu ion.
J'isiices J Yuconi, Sjloion c Sfon
cons'able Tiioohs V Young .
Judge David Remly
Inspector P'ul H-a, J J Kline
Jus'ice John MoWilliams.
Constable Henry Sack.
Judfte J nuns MiCr icken.
lnspe:lui James McMicliin, John
JujI ice Jacob Gibi-on.
CousUble John Mrsiall
Ju(lg, John Shearer.
ln"n:f toi Sjmui I cildwtP, Julia
han 13'er.
Ju-ticts Gei;rfci W. Gardner, Geo
Constable Rudolph Shu man.
Jiifliit' Djn.e! Kn-fei,
Iusptcio1 Chalks rsj.s, Michael
ilai z. II.
Jusiice E'l I " UO.
Co'isiahle R C. Russell.
.lu.l Tho. C. Ellis.
l(.p..ctui Pr.ouiia Lyd, Cnuliu
(tin l;un.
Ja.iici J jcu!) Sliijiiiuu; Audit'w
J il'iiOV.
C"i;ubl' Ji'scph Vrtudei slice.
John C Thomas.
I nrp' cioi 1 u in en billiard, II j l m u
Jozies J D.fteiich Wm. Y..rk.
C nis'..bie J '"in .liller.
Jtldr U l;in D'vlt I nil.
Iiisj,i cior J M u.v i. G. II. Wil'iti
J j.Htic.f Lewis Sclmy ler.
Constable- J- WelleVi i.
J(4,!j' .nti Allen
IllS'-tClu U- D' Oioli, Alfeld ?i
Jul ci char ts 11, Hiss
Jo.tgt P H Giuvtr
lusiRctois 0 1 1 f . Jjhu IJ Aiii!'
JuMict s J. covaiihoven J. Dcwiil.
Cnnsuble John Srydi t
tAulj;' oliii M.cGoig'1
1 .spie oi 1'j Hiynnii, J K sntr
Jihlir C't' I ml lit fit Id nm r
liiupveiois J Hoits. c lii ; l-nliou-e-
J islicts A lliown, R Frhi inj r
Co n sin lib C 1 " 1 1 s Mellaril
Ju le linj W.iioner
Lii-lntioi I) G - in )ie, Sa tti in I Eck
J,.liiVD d U .vi,.
Conei.i'ih Crflel) Aji;di nun.
Jn l niliew Cl.i iU.
luijiicioP Djnit I Puiail, JohjiImi
f t SB fJT A rwr.'SS mm
The Journal ctf Oo'nir.rrcc says ft we lit1 y
geiiliem.ui euiii J iijniii liia!iop Onilerdonk
ni 1' ridhv, Hud on inking Irave, :nnde bun
lie uesi'iii of a book. Uu taking nfT lb"
wrajer Hi d 'finrg io ibe tide He,i(it n
as a (.limited dollrir bniik note, 1111 turning
ivi-r h leaf ibere wi s aiiuilier; ibird lvi
,1 s a iluru lull; over Hie i,r;b
cm i ii'i.i.n . in, nuu ii.ii nir noil ICrtl H .ri
... 1. 1 1. 1 .0 . ...1 1 1... .1. 1. i r . "
'ill il I .. . I i i . . , . I
il.h bill iiiiiil ii leemul us thongti ibe bonk'
v..s a volume t.l bi i'.''r. d do'l.,r bit's. Few
letioois, 11itii'"it
r "il.rrM 'si j would or
'rl to f a'Ml '
The inlt rests of th republican parly,
in the Senait ol the United Sidles, are
committed lo a democrat tvery way
worihvofihe honor. Gn. CAME
RON bag ever been s faithful . firm end
coiisislenl aupporier or ihe democratic
parly and at ihe lull tleriion coniribut
ed essemially to ihe triumph of POLK
in d DALLAS m Pennsylvania. On
all questions of a parly character, hi
eiit:meiit are known lo he in strict tmi
on with thoe enierlained by the dem
oeracy of our fteat commonwealih and
we cannot doubt thai he will sustain
i hem wi'h zeal and ability in the dn-tio-(n
"ln-il put-i ion to which he has jus
been called. As the warm personal
and political friend of Mi. Buchanan .lit
will wffeeUssurml.sdopi the ex itnp'e of
'hu illiiKtrtoiis siaiesman as his guide,
mil fpue no rlT.-rl in justify Ihe distin
uished niaik of confidence reposed in
We commend to our Demurs1
brethren ihi ouchnut iheS ale, ihe culti
vation of art amicable and conciliatoiy
spirit. Much evil, and no good, mu.-l
be ihe inevitable result of an opposite
Democratic Union.
It is with no li'tle gratification that
iv announce the ebciion of this gentle
man lo the Scoa't; of the United States.
If llit whole Commonwealth had been
Mrrhed, a man could nut have been
found better filled to do honor to Perm
ylvani. lo secure her in!eitsls,or who
would be nioi'e acceptable to ihe gieai
'M of Ihe people hau General CAME
a ?r. A thorough genleman, he if
greatly beloved in pitvate Lie when
us and generous ch iraciei ist ir
Inive made, him riostn o( atlnclied f t i e n ii .
At a Democrat, he is too well known
to require one wi( io be Said II'j i.
a Pennsylvania Demociat, tolhecoii'
uue and li ied.
Many years a; o, an unfiiended b'.y
come io Huriburg with a bumlle oi
nis shoulder, his whole ear'h'y fortune,
mil a)tied foi employment as an ap
prenlu e t a pi inling office. He way
accep'ed, ami went lo work. Yeai
;iassed and the by became a man
honorable rondui-t advsicul I. th lor-
lines; and Tliuisday a m-joiity of Hie
lelibesaiiv bndii s if the greai Stile of
Pennsyli ania, ih claied him Iheir Rep
lesenlative in the iiini-t illii'riouiassein
nly of Ibe woild i Senator in tii'
merican (!mniis, I( we were Gen.
Caineiou, we would he prouder ol ihi.
vii'toij nf genius and liouorible enter-
jr Ze over the ililTnMiltii s of t-aily nn-
.0' lUtif, lb n i f 'he iiniidesl C'T'iurt nl
lierJilit ai v tank. The re of ih" Sen
ior elect is another i x mple of the m.-.x
un, nr father 'he t'u'h which has he
come a maxim, thai in our country ni
rank is m high a" lo prove h-yond ilu
teach of liilenl in 1 1 . f boti, bit hi ci' Z 'H
V'e con rntiilale the D'Jinnciacy Ci i!n
pi iij.Ii; of ilie St ne upon ihe Iriuii'phani
It Ct 1 0 11 Ol (j. I). 0 .memo. ritliuri Jirus.
new DAursiiiui: ELECTION
I lie general ri sul! ol ilie election are nr
fn mti, viz: A neinocraiic Governor, bj
700 m:jori'j ; 3 Democratic Cottgrt samei
mil V'lcam'i; 4 Dcniocratie Councilors
ind ctte vacancy, Hale's distr'ct; 10 Drmo
Malic Senators mid two vacancies, whicl
1 re 10 be filled by ihe 10. Conseqiien'.U
iiy member ol ihe Semite will be Dem
iciatiej 80 Denioeraiic iti.,jortiy in tin
!I;iu.-e of Reprrseiitaliies. Democralii
.11 nly ofTn.ers dt cteil in all ihe cow n tie
.nit one
A Mr. Lawretne, who was sleeping i;
be upper story of 1 slote in Gra"icr sine
ev Orleans, vlii"b was ((e.lioyeil b
fire, last week, made a very i.srrow rsc.ip.
fit. II was tiileep at the time; still 01,
waking found bia ;)iSi ge down stairs com
leiel y i ni off b the flames. The rn.n.
vn became so full of emoke, thai, in
irevenl jot nut of ibe widow
ud in this position, with one hand holding
be sill.'and the other clinitig to the spoin
ie dangled until 11 ladder Has brought to
o hi rescue. As il wa, one nf bis hands
mi! arm to the shoulder wrre severly berni
be sleeve nf bis sbirl beinj' roneume'l.ani1
he rest nf bis dress senrrhn. by the flames
few iiiiiiiilrs mere, and he must ban
1. o.!. I d lo tlie tidrwrflk and ben. burnt I.
lie a.b
:gb'ifiT !n of iS"
Jt ijpr t .ili iir', hnvi
been poisoned rertaily. Toa: nl t.'a ne
,., , - hi.i i m. (j .
" .
,1 . i I I . . . . j 1
nil i .l.u L a l' d r'7 u.l . r
b -
."01 f i'(',,J Q"irt A r rgro has been i
art. t- il on
''l,!e on of Utinif ror.-or! it
The prisiJent and hi Jppointtnenls'.
I'he Washington Constituiion, speaking of
ihs President's appointments, savs. that
what appears lo be his settled riirpose in
regaid lo applicants for office will be ail.
bered to until a reform in that matter is
I he system which ha heretofore pre-
.jiled of bejieg.nii the While House, and
of nressini! noon the Piesidenl Iheir snoli-
' ., ' ' '
r.itiiiiiiB vi no oui'tiai-i'n un ji iriiniii r , 1111141
be reformed, Pioper self respect, and the
necessity of discharging the Executive du
ur with dignity and efficiency, alike re
quira that iIim xnnuvhijr habii of continuous
personal solicitations, should be greatly
diminished. It would seem to Im a natural
dictate of common sense, to suppnsn that
the man who. alter presenting his applica
tion for an offiee, .vould remain for week.
;o annoy and importune ihe President with
personal snlieitatiotis, would scarnely pus
iici thai dignity and manliness of eharaotei
which would .best fit him for the oilier
Revolting Attempt at Murder. 'The
Auburn Journal furnishes the particulars ol
an extraordinary attempt, by a man of ibe
name of Lorenzo Paitiek, lo make way
with bis wife, with whom, it is said, be had
never previously exchanged a single cioss
word- He went to bis well, and while
there called fir bis wife to help linn in get
in a hen out, which he said bad fallen in.
While she was leaning ovci the curb be
caught her hy he feel and plunged her
iverhead first, in'.o the we'd, which is abnu
20 feet the waler coining up within some 4
feel of the platform. SI.e retained her
lot t of ihe rope for its whole length, and
finally succeeded in climbing up. got out of
lie water with her (net upon the stone, and
creamed for help.
' I'he monster then got a light, the one
vbii It they had having been put out wtien
-lie went into the well, and next took
i board and undertook lo jam her down in
'o ibe water. She aaid 'LoreriZ o.for God'
nike don't murder me!' and he icplied '1
son'i.' He ihci got over into the curb
mil let himsell down so ns to put his fi et
n her legs, and Itied to push her feet from
lie s one on which lliey were placed Now
.ilnt clenched fast bold of lit i pantaloons,and
'iv his help raised herself so that she got
bold of the curb Al the same lime lie got
nit nf ibe weliL with bis knife' cut off tin
rope, winch he supposed she whs Mill hold
nig nn, as lie sa) s he ncitr saw her come
mil of th1 we I. After she got nut she
ran lo the ueart si neighbor's and g..e tin-
'Ma. Pa.rifk is a wr msn of delicasi
nealtbi they linve been manicd iibont tin
.ers; are not tar from 2fl am! 20 ytari ol
ige; have two children die yutngcni nbcui
9 innnlh' old and they hive altiajs Lome
nnd cliar n ters.
Pa'rick was arrcsted.bul made his escape
on iSuriday ttilit lollowiiijj, aiid is yet at
I .ra. I'r .'ii every aitciidin cin'.uoi-.! ance
n appears lo be one nf the tiiosl deliberate
cold-bloodi il Ira nsactiiiiis i f ttbich we
have ever heaid. For some weeks In fore I
ie Had been vary busy in cullrciing delos
Out hts scarcely bc'n known in pay a far
lung nil an bill presented.
No dotdit is feit tliat the foul deed attempt
id baa been lung premeditate,.'
Massachusetts and South Carnina.
I'he Massacliust iis I.e-jislature on Wtdr.cs
lay adojited rcKiihtticn in relntiun to ihe
ircatiiienrof (Ion Samuel Hoar ,in S C,
'he stih-itaiice of ibetti is tbul Massachusetl
s itstrained from fuitbrr prisftil action in
lehalf of her eit zens iinprisiined in Si'tiib
Carolina, by her unwillingness to d-.i tin
licbtfsi violettre to il e I'lmsti'tition ol' tbi
Wiiiici! Si lie-, hot ibat ,M a'Sachtisells Mil
lematid that the Genera! Government maki
ucb change in the jin is lictinn of the Fed
ral Courts, or such provisions by law, as
w ill enable the (i'iz ns of M assaelmseit.
who may hereafter be imprisoned io nm
nlier Slate solely nn account ol bis color. te
irge I. is clni.n tu liberty i.iid proiei'iinn ii
the ('ourts of ibe (Juited Stairs.
Pint Cotton from the United States
lr. Robert Owen, ibe celebrated Pbilan-
hropiai nf England, manufactured ihe firs'
two bales of American cotton imported into
lirem Hr'i.nti. Ibe biles were accompan
en li) b siMiniirnt o! ibe mode ol cultivation,
mil repressing ibe opii'ion ihai the Si.ite
front which ii cine (Georgia, we believe,;
wnu.ii prmlMee tn i.undrrd bales the fol.
owing iei.r. We now send ubiuii a inline-,
ftittl r. half of bails lo Enplanil ni ;,.i..i;v
V; l?f'3,iVJr. 5".'niori,riiing'iio dia Iriends
i rut I here ,s no reason lo iba.
iho . niie J Elites v ili nne duv becona
f r B
i eolinn rtv ini rmi";'v ' P.r vca'n
lll I'll ibe Union f rod unit
t or Pi'k in r.i t t
i. i ;r5. lit
a:irt in ISt'
u u. c "-? -u r. ..
' ,. 'S" 'N : 1 S' o
The Cnuuty Court House aivl Town
1Mb at Carlulw. in ibis State, were en'ire
Iv destrnvad hv Ar nlwini on nMnrk on
ilia morning of the 2 i inst. The spti.r
aim ol the engine bain" in the biiein 'tu of
the Town Hall, were burni.or so disabled m
no be listless in slavini? the nrorres of de
flames and the wind blowing freb. me
f f ,h, I),)I0gh ,va, for a ,i.,ie , jmm,
in'iit pent. I ho loss sustained is estiumt
ed at not less than 9 10,000. The principal
poMion of the public, records was saved
The fire was die work nf an incendiary.
Mr. (lolenian, the inventor ol the Pi
ano attachment, which has attracled they
itlmiration ofihe musical world ii oniony
n having returned in Ihe Ilibernia.
We understand (hat he has disposed of
his entire right in Ihe invention in
Europe for six hundred thousand dollars
cash down Before leaving t'liscouiitry
he had sold the righi ol Massachusetts for
ten thousand dollars, and for New Yoi k
for one- bundled thousrnd. He thus
leceives seven hundred and len thou
sand dollais i pretiy fair sum for
Yankee nol yel 30 years old. Mr. C.
has a handsome estate al Saiatoga whera
he resides. Some len yeaia ag,o he ad
vertised an exibiiinn in ibis town of a
minaitne steajii cngin and railroad car
lirkets admission twelve and a half
cents. There were not a dez'n pres
ent. He after wai ds inantif'CUii ed ac
cordeous with eurh tools as his means
enabled him lo proem e ot to borrow, &
fuhsrq.ien' ly gave lessons on that ins'ru
menl. His successfdl career aince then
is k nowii.
Mr. C's. ,Eolian was nol ibe only
'aiiaehnienl' that he look mil with hini
to Europe. He had formed a previous
one for a young lady tu his nauve town
whose falhei vvoril) his two litinilred
thousand, forbade the bands on aceounl
of ihe suitor's poveily. 'I will have?
her j el,' was the response of Ihe yout g
musiciHii. 'rsevei indiguanily sbr.u'
.(I ihe father 'until you are wonh
mote money lhau I am.' 'I shall cl.irn
your (laughter. Sir, one day' 1'-.!
the bitter response ol the AJolianisl.
His wealth more Mian trebles ihai of the?
yotmg lady's f.itl i r,nul as she has ever
had no '.iiiarhnif m' for him, il is not
improbable llial the obi'nrate heart may
softn and melt, btfuie Ihe ornnipcteiict
nf wealth.
a faithful doc.
An English paper tells ihe following
sloiy. A most ( xiii'onlinaiy,
itance hasjusl omitted a' the H ilwitk
'oil bar, which is kept by Iws old wc
uii ii. It appeal s I h it liny had a Mini
ol money in the bouse, and from sumo
nut w re exin n.ely alanine! lest they
slioulil bit robbed of it.
Tin ir lea is pi evaded lo such an ex
tent, that when a cmier whom they
knew w;.s pacing by, they urgently rt-
0 H ' (' I liltll 10 Mllialn Willi ,1,1 III
ail light, wbit-li l.o.VkMi !,is du its
would not p' liMi bun to dn but in ron-
siilei ation ol the iilai in :.f the i.inr i.
he cnnseiitMl to leave witii :l c:n a laig.i
ni .t tl ili'". Wlirn tin: dn ier stalled
ihedog became violent, and would not
.vWii, upon which one ul the women tan
afni ti e man, who relumed and b fi his
coal for ihe dug 10 wa'ch, after which
ihe animal 1 1 maioed (pi ( y al the loll
lintiM'. In ih.- nigh, i ho women were-
listui bed by the uneasiness of the dog
and heaid a apparently I . U an ?.
'enipt lo foice an eiitiaore into i lies
; r-misrs, upon which Ihi-y rseapi-d by
he u.iil; iicor and mi lo a neighb')ii"i;
lioiie, which happened lo be s black
iiiiiih's shop. Tin y knocked at the
nor, and w ere answei 1 1 fioni within
by 'he miitb'j wife. She said Jut l.n;
'lan.l was ahsei.t, hot she would
iccompany the lei r, lied women to Iheir
linme, This was sm ed lo,ar,tl on ihctr
reaching 'lie lions'? Ihey heard a savagrj
nn ball .lill'.'d gtowling fiom the dog.
On entering the house they saw iIip
body of a man hanging hall in and half
ml nf their little window, whom the
l"H lud seized ly the ilu oal and was
-till worry ing. On i x.iiniiiaiion, the
nan pioved lo be iheir neighbor, lha
il.icloin.tli ilrcadliiil) tu:n about the
litoat,arid quite ('ol.
Tbe iltnington (Del 'Uepiiblicaii says:.
An old lady, being desirous to dispose of
I'm in she owned, within a few miles ol our
'iiy, was assured by her daughter, thai if
be purchaser should he a y ucg man she
vnnid iriHny him. The ptcpertv was sold
hst fall io a young man, an r n li re stranger,
vbo paid s portion of the money-someibir.g
m one half we btlievc and cave a innrl-
rTge for ibe balance; which was cancelled,,
we premise, nn Saturday la"!, by his inir
rine wnii i!ie daughter. Should ibe old
atlv, however, insisl nn Hm tenia of lha
lond, he m'ghi lot her lake her daughter,,
siiiih, by i!i wy, wnulii ..a l. king ratr.rr
r.,!tv' tiuT ji.nind of flesh !'
A Biinit ptemla in City
hai rJ r. "Lbiciiannt ta to be mi le J jJa of
ihp "J. ?. ''-.ip-rcie Cour; to 'ill the vucanrv
ici-asioiii'd ?y ihe i'e iih ofJj.l,;.' Haldtvi
md ttui Mr. a'.lii i, r.nw of the Treasur-,
to ' i' irat.f'errr J
i f ni.
:.c a a'.