I have iwurn upon the Altr of Jod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Mau." Thomiu JoH'owon II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KLOOMSIStTItU, COJATMIHA tOLXTV, PA. SATURDAY, MAUCU 29, 1815. Volume VIII. niM'IfT. OF TllK DEMOCKAT. w I m v - - - i orposriE Sir. Haul's Cmitcii, Maivst The CO I. VMU1.1 ) EMOCU.IT trill he published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or I n o Dollars Fifty Cenls,if not paid within the year. i'o subscription wilt be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted,until all arrearages are discharged. rinrEIlTlSEMEXS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the Jtrst three insert ions uixd Twenty-Jive, cents for every sulme atient mettwn. liTrV liberal iliscoun made to those who a (vrrtise Ini the year LRTTKRS addressed on busiiiesi,niusi be post paid. An I'lijuiblislMMl I'ot'iu of Camp bell. The following poem, the composition of the late Thouuia Campbell, was found by Mr. Wallace among ihe papets of Bleu fierhasset, accompanied by ilio laiter's own music. 'J'he poem now fur the first time is published --A' Y, llerala. ' SINS OF CIIIKFS RUNOW.NKD l STOKY.' A Lytic written by Thomas Campbell, in honor of the Scottish Legion, which rc turned blind from I g y t Sons o( chicls renowned in story.' Ye whose fame i heard hI,h! Ye who rushed lo death or y lory ! Welcome fiom ilie toils of wai! When from conquer laie assembling, Madly firmed In- fun ic (i ml; Europe for htr empire t i . I ! l f s tr, Doubled where ihe Morn might faK! liriiun from her sea-u'iit station, Guarded by her native oak, Heard the threat w It.1) indigilannii, W i ll prepared lo met I the slinke, Hut the foe, Iter thunder) feari. g, Fled her naval arm before," And far distant widely steering, Seized the fi ned FgVpt'in shnre There ill vain his bn.s-ifd l-giims Vowed to keep the wide domain; ' Eger for lie timid ngions, See Hiiunnia ploughs If mai'i! Ye w hose fons of old opfnuiii, CHieeked ih! haughty l onaii bund; lit the shocks id battles loinj, Freed vi (Jalfdoni.m I ind. You, our guardian 'genius naming, To the toils of combat bred, CIpsk lo hurl her vengeance (Timing (J;i the foes de.voted bend! M i-ilii ii ks old Ossian, (rum hu si.nion On the skirts of yonder cloud, Eyes l;U rare with exultation: H irk! the hero speaks aloud 'S,)us of chiefs renowned in stor! Ye whore ftme is heard alar! Ye who rushed to death or ejon! Wileome lium the toils uf war!' SUCH A DITK!' O.ii e Veiiu denning Iive too f it, Stopp'd nli liif rii.h embrosi il duties, Dooming the hoy to live on elm, To sup on mugs, and dine oifc wishes. Love, lean nnd lank, flew off to prowl The starveling now no beauty boasted He could have tnuneh'd Minerva's owl, Or Juno'a peacock, bod'd or roasted: At last, half famish'd, almost dead, He shot hU Mother's Doves for dinner: Yniinj Ld ie, pissing sli )ok bet head Cried Love, 'A shot at Volt, young kin ner!' 'Oh not st me.!' she nrjed her flight I'm neither dove nor hrk, nor starling!' Nli' flirting Cupid (tied ' not quite: jut then you're tucli a duck my d.rlin !' It 'm said of a young lady she was so mode' she blualicd thiotigh her jia tn'. .THE LION'S HOAR IN THE UK Early in tlie morning, as soon a. ltn stin lupins lo cast its rays on the sand) hi I lo w t of I he desci i , i he royal aoimi fisc! fioui his lair to sally loilh u: ques of prey. ILh voice may be hoird in Ih listance; ii commences w.tli a low nun muiing w llich gradually increases, unti i at lasi becomes a f ai ful and temii. mar, like the rolling of thunder, ami is audible at a distance of two miles. Tli- whole animal kingdom tremble, am Vir.ce I he gi tatest fear when the liiti ,f beasts is heard; the sheep Ire nhle u if ill talked Willi ague, place llieir Iliad ii(i( thei & ( ndiaviil to bide ihemselv ; the l oises hiek t ut into a Mvenl will fear and the dog" luniy as f.m as lln v can, to fi id a plicer.l f i f'l i. In fiot ill the beasts ate M' iz d w.ih the mo-i' lot qui vocal telio-, wl." o Hie lion makes Ii S ap' poach known, h iuld & caravan lappeu tJ be near the spot, it is iui)os tile lo keep the camels logether tliey leap about in all direct ioo.i jiuI are sc. -li fted abioad under the loll icnce ot leal I once hud Hie opportunity of wiloes in, i scene of this kind. On aritviog h niv travei.v, at me wens 01 ojiihim w ud etily lieird b rnu niurng noisi a la r resemb inn t ie rolling l,alls in an empty oanel Inn we wele 8-oo acri'iainiet with its true cause, when ll gradually Deceased to lee teiritde ami thunder- like i oar. Willi tlu ti'Si pticept O'i ul this noise, the cimeU btlongMig lo ou. atavan suddenly took lilght, ml in- oantly separated in !l dictcnom. 1 1 men and I lie eases weie thrown oil, an-, ifoneotlhe t idi I a li ippenul t') keej us seal at the fust alarm, he w is s.i'o- quenlly necesilaleil lo leap iliiwii Ii .void being kllcd by Mm branches nt tees for we were uiifonuoalely oea i I'm est of inimossiS, and every cue wa n d.inii' r ol being loin In lnic hue piiies. 1'nit COIlillsioil however, ill. mt las! long, fot ilie iiou lo li'rnle a pposite dm cnon to tlie loine ol ou ai.iVH. lillt a W .u'l' d I)' Wis lunl II .olh (Ming the goo l ill it had been tl.f v H oi loin by the lues, and one ol Hi aim U st raj ed to a gre.it distance Kastkhn I'kavellku. OLD SlYLK IINMNS. Tne following viT'is are correct sp : i in . ii ol tin; lijuios Ming in cngreg . KMlal dill' cllei In-loi c the 1I1V1 of I)'. A ails, anil vli.ch weie giildiinly u 0 . o give place lo hymns now in use. I'll oMoWlng veiseshotj I he d.-.iL'.i ii d ol! .oil sung one line .,1 a I Til ,' 'Tis lik" the pit iuus oiii'iiitn D"i ii Atoii'.- h' .I'd 1 1 1 1! g"J Down Ai oil's bea' it it doAim alii Wen1 11 S ii (liellt su ins o ; ANOTIItll. A Soil nl u.ni's- ll i hili s, and oiliec I) ig li-ll, as well i s ii tool cods, ll .lio'lei s tt'l.i and olhll -null fi j ; Ye inoiisti rs ol'the bu'i'ling ih tp You i M.iki i'p i'i.i'.-1's sjiou ; Up flo 111 the tiiils- Jf c din gs l eep, And WajJ Volll tall" about. ' There is much liu h, ll not poe'ij ii he following; 'The laie is not foirver g'-t lij' him w ho the f.iitt si i tin-; Not the iMtlh' by 'ho-e peoph rho sbnol willi'b' long'-! g l i- The following addiess lo ill" S in, l.o . vrv w Ii tii" pre.'e l og, al h (ug' if irioi e mod' to d-.t . AH linl h ! g'ori S i .! Mrg i' h'i a u-iv ii i p in! To nl io i i , I ') r e.-' Soil i I' Ul 'n e-nl -e ll and clie--e to III in ! 0I3SEUVAT10S OF A NATUHAL 1ST. Moi.-lure ssceriding, foim cloudsjum liqimr which g'ls into ihe Inad, caoiei i mist over the eyes fact that show he analogy existing between all the op -oa'ions of nature. The Sun generally eol rs Aiies (areas;, n March. When it is loo poweiful, i mav be as well to put up the kitchen shuiters. Il has been remarked , thit in Septem ber evenings the reduction of temper ilure begins to be sensibly felt by those who expose themselves to it thinly clad. V smnni rnnrur in the ceneial obser-t vation that it is fetisibly fell, for tin mote sensible thing would be lo wr.-p l..n.,cn!r nit i,n anil DVOIft 111 Ir.nell.l'l ,"""" un fe.il:ng it. .'rem ih. UliVs National Mngazin. for March THE DURXIXfi SHIP- lir TUS ABTUl'll OF 'CRCItlSri IS Tnl 11ST vin. My friend Harry ii the happiest of men !le has Iho Bweetpm and miiH romantir ottage in the vincinity of Philadelphia I i but nine miles from the eily, and near Ine old turnpike so that a span of hlom lorses will take you there in forty minute His wife is a perfect an'e! beaulifuf,we" empered, and Uvp,. Many i!evoted,y, Ar.: hen a croup of su.-h lovely children! Did vou e"ei hear how Isabel and I meHme arqiiainletl!' s -id he lo me, nm venini; looking on his wife. 1 shook in tend in the negative. 'Well, then, draw our chair closer to thn lire, and I will tel ou With those words he began; 'It was a night in the tropica. We hai' n pursuit ol a heavy merchantman, mr fog coining up, sho was shut in from our iuht, and for more than an hour ronndnm! nvisible. Suddenly, howevei the moon iroke forth, and we saw t l.o chase close- oiled, on the very poinl of escaping us Wo instantly inaiht all sail, but die wind was so uncertain that the str aner kepi hi advantage, the air being comparatively still with ll?, while hejind a lespeetahle breeze At leiinth it fell a dead cdm. the chase be on' hv this time several miles off. She could now he seen,4ying in a liquid tl md of moonlight, ruirf2 an falling laz.lv ipon the swell, her while sails scarcely noving from lliP mast, and flishlng in Ihe dis ar.ee. like n sea-gull's snowy wing. AH it once 0 iptain Drew," who had been seru l.nizing her thioiieh I. is glass, (Xcliiill; Theie is soiiething the. miller on hii'in' (Vie,ih(i men have iitmofl all left h r ih-i k and ev. n those aloft repairing, arp com i ii down what cim it he, Mr Jonea!' 1 caii'l m-ke out, sir the rrew perhaps ii- mini. lied, ihey are nnrii'ig wildly hither i nl limber no, my Hud. thn ship's on fin!' lie i j iculated. as n cloud of thiik hlick siimke siiddenlv puffed up her fore h iieh w ev. fnllowed by a loii, ivid stiean. I fire, that shut up brightly into the mid .n-hl -kv. Aeavat once that the (lamia rnu- ae been raging mnie limft in ihs hold, ml that they had attained an it.tuii v i i-i i would defy eu ry ill'orl to Mi'idio ,jn It wis a f rfil Mjf'il rin - j ajfer element hoi along the riggiu.'. r-n ! j ih I v ii n I lii f. ire in i i . ami w i aiiiii D I he ; "I- ii - 'tamper in a shu t of fno. streamed alums! n roendieiitarv unward a l.iihom o: two i i I, ri..,. I ,,.-l,, i ' ioovu inu illicit i i.i-ig ,. ii i,., , ,4, 1'ie undidaliong of the atmosphere swept b dense smoke to one Bid, fonninL', i .vere, a gloomy luitaiu c.iinsi which the hirid flames shone in terrible relief IJvei y I'ljert on board could now he i!i-iiiioly . i' n . and we noticed thai all at otice, tlu vhole erew ro-hed aft. A signal of liis .resa the next ins'anl was shown nil the 'juart'T. All this had passed in a moment :L:wir away the bouts pipe thtireievis idem, boa . iv a in.' quick, sir, ur .I.e. poor vr-iriii'. w l'l he I t.H,' ihiindi red the cup .io. I he men h"rr:ed to their Ho'ions, find M i a ymp,i'.hv r q'lil to hn own. 'Mr. Dallforth,' he sal I. 'I shall giw you the com mind of ihe leading boil, spare no effort to r-arh th"m in lima but, lo continued, in a whiepm, iniud the mngi zine!' 'Ay, ny, sir,' I answered, touching my hat, and lisping into the stem khcets, I con fumed, 'push off there forward and now give way with a will, boys pull 'At these words, men l eni to llieir oars with the thews of giants, curling the wateis in foam beneath our bows, and sending the bouts along as if ihey had been pleasure -kiff-. 'Diit swift in was our progreis, that ol die destroying tlemeul was slill more so. The fire, had spread with such frightful rapidity as to w rap the whole part of ihi ship in flaniep.v.d thn iiten lo cohfeme hei l ifcic we could i.riive t.: irre tl Ln-J (nerd vsni, it raged with redoubled fury, until , tow tha shrouds, the foiemust, the bow- - "I""'! '" V1,r""' "neeie vend nre, w Inch, wliirlmg round anil lound, i.omn-u rpiianjr in inn unav ocou ouuunif i .1 .ii.. .1 . i i . i . its forky tongues out on every hand, and streaming like a meteor uway up into tha ealni blue skv Meanwhile the flames. iad broken out from the after hated, Jnd I'tehiiig at once in the intlins, leaped from nP': to rope, T- wildly tip the ringing I'leud almost instantly to lite l.uje lower 'li's.liissink.flasbii'.pA; roaring a theywein til at length the whole ship seemed i. na.s of hnid fire, mid nothing was left tin ii 'bed but the nairow quarter deck, oi hieh tlie no despairing erew hid yalher d in crowds, some eagerly endeavoring l ivver iho only noil that had escaped thi li ne' some frantically crying out for mer y, some inring and blaspheming awfully n their agony, and some stretching ou heir hands i:npIoringly (or help. 'tiive way, my men, give way will yon ee ih?m miserably burned to death before your eyes?' shouted, rising in the boat am' waving my hat to the sufTerers, fortfettuif in the exeitemenl of ihe moment in the im minenev of our own danger in cae of ar: explosion. The poor wretches on thi piarler of i he burning ahip answered fuel with a hvstcrin shout. Our gallant lius -t.irted, like mettled hounds al the cry, sin with a few vigorous strokes we d ialled ti to ihe quarter. Keep her li there,' 1 thouted, seeinp hat we should be swamped by the rater oess of the suflYreis lo escape; -k'-ep hei off j iimp overboard, and we'll pick yoi oi), I continued, as we (ell oil Iroui her j irirter ai; i'ni;and in less lhan three niinulet the deck was barn, and our boats full of tin .i'S';i"d crew. 'Mr 1) niforili,' at this moment shoiiiei' Jack, f 1 1 1 tn the other boat ahead; Miere's : uly nml lier fadier, they say, here tih .'i bo ,r, f ir Heaven's sake let us Icy i on1 ll em.' For one moment; rs 1 rcineinl,ere.l in i. -inlers, and t!ie extremity of oni danger, I j.Mised; but when 1 reflecied thai, by de railing, we should abandon tw'o hiunai o in" io a hmnd ileatb.l hesitaied no long r. U isti'y learning from the mate of ihi esfl that they were their only pisseii.er mil having jaken refuge in the hold i!urin 'ie. I -i i ' chase, had siueu been fiieo tiu ,tnl not feeling warraii.ed in oriieru-g aej y,v mi so dangerous a scnico, I g n ih lo.ti in c!i irj;e lo li vine, who h id luel.i! - oiupglHl himself ou board, hut. dy lV" "f inJ l'r,'w w,lrt ait.'mpied bid ton ',0 I'o! '' A ' ''' ' I' 'f Stations; nioiiu eil he -nle by a topa thai hung over ihe qu..rtei, inimlly ir.mred the deck in ihe ir.id.-t of .- ... i . - i . 'ireua .inn ni neai, in, I darted down the com '.anion 'iy. leaving the (la, lies roaiing t,(, li ve It r-t Irion its entrance i -Thn (,i!.ii! was a large onp, and ihtid up Iwi-b la.-te. 'I he decorations were even lux luilou. ami sir'll as 1 IihiI at that time laleli -hi; in nier''!iHniuien. Tie ett. tot'in were of mahogany, inl iid wild ebony, anil lin'.-heil Mii.itlii) y I e ;i 1 1 S I Hegalne. i-tu. t , i i m tii!,;o'ino V oi ii.itnash, nu:'g k ton to , o,d ihe ihow of silver and evil glas. by tl.r ocip'mion w ay was even brilliant. Tl ;.hin w i., In.weier, slill as ! .' It A .,d' k;!oie lay on an Ottomnn, and beside i w :s i'o open book; but do oilier trarcs o' . I. u nan lieiug were fliseernah'o around Whi re could the owner of lh.it sn.ad, noil :atp French glove be? Wai she already a .'ictim lo the Irig'itful lemert? had i!n nate deceived himself in supposing she had teen removed from iho hold? was there oo hope, if she still lived, of reaching her , e I ... l .1 ..if in lime to sue ner iroui a norno ueatn; All these questions (lashed rapidly aeros ny mind, and mv heart sickrned as 1 own ed I coiiril not answer idem. 1 he danger, meanwhile, grew more and more imminent. 1 was standing, as it were, above a mine dial hud been sprung, for should the Manns' each the magazines inevitable destruction must ensue. Nor could that catastrophe , he much longer postponed. The dovuur-' ing element had dlrpady giined possession; ,. fall around, und even now mighi be catingver the deep. Not a word was spoken. ,te way ravruously toward it. Reside., if 1 The o'd man sal beside me in the bewilder-jf,,,.,,' ai.sid a women lorgcr the fire wou'd iPaehjinrnt of gratitude, astonishiiiint, and only i,fl .,.; ,... , ,, i c 11,8 -0',,l,all'on way, anil all hope if eeajie fr,,,,, ii. puk; i,a 1,ir iroui 1 11 e caDm ha uul oil- -Had it been only my own life that wan endangered, I would not have hesitated ln perilling It lo the Utmost, bill when I remembered thai a dozen gallant fellow. from mv creWi a( we ng a icore 0f Hl,icr I frm ii.u ...n'.... r i i. ,.-',, mv lir..im ,1U lil'l ri P. nillllll UP Ml volved in my own fate, I could noi doubt as to my duly .These reflections, however, hid not occupied more than the inslMit ii which I had been throwing open sueces lively the doms uf the diflV-reni 3tate-rooms Alas! ad were empty. With a heavy heuri I was it bo ul to mount the companion wat. vben I noticed thai ma.sy curtain at the 'uriher and seemed to divide off a smaller abin aft of one 1 was in Without h noiiieni's delay I rushed toward it, hastily hfted ii aside, and there beheld a sight I lever shall forget. 'This after cabin w aa much smaller, but far more luxurious than iho other. It was oloined with everything that taste rould mggest, or wealth afford. Ottomans ran ompletely around it, forming a kind of livan. Al one side whs a harp, and beside l some music was scattered on the floor Hut after the first hasty survey, I taw ".othing but a group of two beinjs before ne. One of them was a gray haired man ipparently about sixty five, dressed in the jeriilcf nirtnly costume of ihe day, lie was lending wiidly over the almost inanimate form of a fair girl, reclining on the cushions. Never had I seen a being who looked more leauliful lhaii thai p.ilo, half fainting crea tire seemeu ei nisi moment, uue urtn mpporicd her on the divan, and the othei vas iluown around her falhet's neck, ihe due veins discernible as they stole uloiti leneath il i e ivory skin. Her bend resin hi lite In s. im of her patent, and the hair oi'.se and unbound, -treamed in dark. gloss inglets over her snow y shoulihrs. Atth iiiisi) made hv my enliance she started aised her head, and I could see throng' ie eni thai glistened ou her lashes, on f the sweetest hazel eyi I f ail evi l look d upon. Qoick flu-h kholnvir htr f .C' iitisiiliing it like a rose leaf ss she bi hei' i strangnr, and li.df starting lo her feel, sh i-siyeii a ironn nl, lo nopal, and tin r to id wnh a half o pined lijis.; a '.ing almo.' nldly upon me. For Cod's sake fly.'' I niei!, 'ihe sl.i son liu; in ne.y part wo can l,:ire! se;,jie by I i: C eoiopanioil wa lit iilioi'ni wtani she will blow tip why l.cnitair? .'or hi liven' sake, point!' Oh! sir, God bless you for this kindncf - theie is then hope.' exclaimed the oh: nan 'but Is.ibel has fainted,' he cimtiuinil go, fly, I will die with her,' he added, in a oice of agony, vainly essaying lo ra;se it ds to. fet bled arms the seemingly lifch'h orui of his daughter. 1 looked into her fae. The iranitior 'rooi calm despair to hope had been Im mt, and she had indeed fainted. II tsiil' rising the beautiful stranger in my arms, I "ulU'J. upon the old man lo follow, dasher n'.o the Iroui cabin, up the companion way , n l to my utier horroH; found the fliinei t rcoSfUl ti e fntrsnce. I' or hul t i! I ed. Death wa? behind, de -tiucm n; pfibaps, '-el ire Living my bam upon the oi l man's shoulder, 1 u;ced bin. ihed, hurriedlv threw ihe shawl uf tin nir L'irl sround her lace and form; made s 'old desper.ite posh for life;nnd in anothci ns'.snt; amid ihe cheers of my men, hai' jaitwd ihe quarter-dick. The boal sho' 'o ihe side, a dozen arms were extended h isceive my burden. I carefully gve it ii charge lo 1I16 nearest, almost slung the oh' rr.an a fir r, and spiingingj w ith a bound into the stern ihcels, waived my arm, ami shouted 'Shove off board givt way and il ever you pulled bifort;pnll now, four lives: my mer.!' 'I was obeyed. With one soul ihpi bent their braw ny arms lo the lask; am', w hile the ash almost snapped bene h them made ihe burl w hirl from the quarter, and then eint her with a velocity of a ft'a'P""j , ,t lr. , , ., , , liiifdi'g'pated fright-tt bile the fum of his . n ; i , . , , , . bull luuiiimHie child was ex: ended unaided for the moment, by his side, li was indeed no time for life or death. The other wes neaily a mile ahead, skimming swiftly ilong from the devoied ship. Far off on moonlit horiz in lay our srhooner, wMtli all her rxquigite tracery leflected in the wavo heneail,Aseeniir.g;wiili her ibiu,iaper,ral;i:ig mastj; like some tcrial vessel floating half way between sea and 6ky. Down io the right was li e burning ship; pieH'ining u vast body of luridfire: that roared along her sides; stieamed oni her porn. eddies spiral ly up the m ists, and leapeJ in huge itta.ssca straight not into ihe sky. Now and then, is her guns became heated, they went oft' with a roar like thunder. Meantime, tho dense smoke, gathering in a thick cloud above, hung like a pail over the consuming ship. For some instants the (lames ap. ,-eared lo fl to in part away, but all al' oticu i stream of intense fire, that almost blinded iho eyes, leaped perpendicularly up varda from the decks, the horizon, fur miles around, waa illumini'ed with a i;ht uore vivid than that of the brightest noon day, a part of the foremasi, lifml bodily out shot like an arrow almost a cable length on high, a concussion ensued tint made the boat shiver like a rced,nud rock a moment I'righllnlly about'.and tln;n a stunning roar followed; shakir.g the firmament to its cen tre, and sounding as if n thousand broad sides had been discharged at once. For a moment, as the burning fragments sailed aloft, falling on cveiy hand about v, lulu the boiil rolled wildly lo and fro upon the agitated swell wo held our breaths in uo n entnry expectation i.fd a'.ln ai d I invol tnlaiily ejaculated The Lord have mercy on us all!' Amen! said the rescued father at my fide 'Bin we were again almost miracu lously preserved. The i.fling we had 'lined, though not sufficient to ensure afi ty, proved gieat enough io relievo is fiom inevitable destruction. II.ul ny of the falling timbers, however, s tuck us we should have all gone down og. il.er As il was, it was one of thn mtrowest escapes I ever made, and vhen 1 give the command lo ihe crew i give way again for nt that inr.bla xplosion ihey had ns ona man pajsed a gusli of thankfulness and devotion vent op fiom my heait lo the great mhor of any being, who had thus pie- i ved a m cond lime my 'ife. 'Tne defeniog uproar, however, ie a'led Iho senses of the fair giilat in nle. Hut I will not describe l;ti gran ule, ami that of her patent, lo iinsclf v'u.iii ihey persisted in considi-i ing i.u ueserver of llieir lives; Siiflicn it I si vp were soon on board; ihe cap'r.-.; lil cately resigned his own cabin lo rangers, and I then had leisure to I - v. mill! pai licuUts concerning llieir lnvo y. They were easily told. Mr Timt n .oi thu fi'her of Ialic!, ws i wealthy West Indinnian and wvs list returning from Ureal Britain, with his laughter who had been llicro for tl yeais obtaining her edura'ion. ;.' fore the L"iier of Matqim sailed, ;! iad been titled up by Mr. Thorn'mi i.-i a style bo dtring oocas'irn Ijxurv . !, I'ucniluro inleudfil piincipilly f ; : naiision-housi! at .lamiica. Hut c, i ;: noment a message- auived soiicitii wv presence with Mi. Thoii.ton. As I nt':i. d the cabin, he frankly extended his Inr .1 t ptese.r.ed uie to his now blushing dcegV ter- for w hat woman be she who she i,.ay an Plaiid oiiPmbarrased in ihe pti'sen '. of inn to whom 4 he f un its the owts In i !;ft-i I have hail manv iiioinents of pleasure I tit ( never felt is I ihen (ell when L.d'i t riiorhl in extended her delicate hand to i-.vj viili her Bwcciest smile uttered he: hanks. Hut how said I to change the subject did ;l happened my dear Miss Thornton, il.ei i on were in the cabin when the rest had scipei'?' "In the gi ne.-a! alarm wp wee forgotten; fir we had been honied to thu hold during he conflict, and w hen the tire broke n.'. we were ou iloid.cd. We f nt ii ' I our wav hack; but only v.! w Urn ' c w hole ship was in H onrs. We had but jt'sl if ached the t ;-hi''; tlm ugh lor ward doer below, ; .. ..; ! -. heving ih : I Ics'iriVfd had d ;' . ;- . f i.ll esciii.' ."'. BOn" ' - ' j ' ht ?,.,,, ,1,1, moment up wrrP "gaily, determined D auod tlie ,i o ning ihaiik".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers