The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 22, 1845, Image 2

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'racra wttaoct riii
xiri RI4Y,.Voe,ti IMS
ESememlu r the Printer.
WHEAT, OATS or WOOD, will be re-
ceived f r debts due u for lubscriplinn.
AUi a taw hmheli of POTA'I OES il
dsliveied oo H
From limit who hive promised Lnmbn
lneh rniil inch mil i quarter pint boards
will bo received if delivered toon.
f ill I I I lM
One of the moil joiliriom proviiioni in
the Ktmavil Bill in that in the 8ih section,
requiring the teller R to be written by the
().3eu of ihe Election opposite the name
if every voter who vniei on ihe Removi
Qisitinn. It will be a wholesome check
upon fund, il by thin meani tl em eauly
b proved who voted on the queitinn The
I) in vt tiler fought hard agnnit the insertion
of this provision in llie hill, knowing it to
he a complete barrier to their pipe laying,
id fraudulent voting, but it wai put in, in
pitt of them.
We ire mad, we make the tonfes
sion frankly and freely, and we desire
to aee the people of the county angry
along with ui. Columbia county ii
onto more diddled; effee'unlly and seri
ously shaved, inA the act is perform
ed openly and unblushingly, by hon
orable and intelligent men. The
Columbia count?, ox the 3 mill
Woodward, once said when catechising
Judge Kidder, ."thig is not lo bo toler
ated!" It is an outrage on justice, a
moil I'upiJ anJ censurable b'underpud
how the IJjard could find it in theii
minds to do ibis thing, ij unaccountable
and n'onithing.
There are about CO Counties in ih
SM'.The valuation of property ii inerea
i d by t lie Hoard of Commissioners in 17
Counties only; and in I of these 17 thi
increaie is small, leaving 11 Counties in
all lo whom the blessing ol additions
taxation it veiy largely extended.
Among these 11 Counties we find litdi
Colombia, though ihe is taxed already
far beyond her Mr and due proportion
of he general burden; and we feel fieri
ouifly and justly indignant at the fact.
Nearly 1000 if we are correct in our
fluting, will thus be added lo our slate
tax as a county, and our citizens at
expected quietly !o 'fork over' to the
tax collector, thanking Heaven mean
while that they li-vc in a County where
Ihe assessments are honestly taken ai:d
where, as a consequence, the taxes are
double as high as those which othti
nsrts ol the stale are called on to sua-
The truth is that the Tate or standard
of valuation acted on by our Assessors
ii above the average standard through
cut the state, and the Board of Revenue
Commissioneri should have made are
duclh'i instead of an increase for this
in an article, in our last numberyjome
facts and statistics were given upo
thi sutjc', and we intend to agitate it
heresf er until justice is done to thi
County. We give below an authei.tic
it ittaieiit of the increased valuation for
tlx venous Counties made by the
JiicrecieeJPalutition atjixtd by the Board
of Revenue Commissioners
AUrehrnv, iucmco to the 3 mill item' ?4 2,500
Bedford, 10 per ceut
Cuintwrlami S do
Itauuhin 1 do
Lane iiter
: Lebanon
Br ail fold
859 66t)
8l3 05ii
IootaunH7 10 do
lrfhlaU 15 do
Da t.itho 2 Dt cent
. 16 600
Do & 1 da
VrKwn do 2 do
8oaxro do 1 do
. CUrfiU d 1 (a
JeStracn do 8 do
Umt do 3 do
OTtfie ier Piesident chosen by thi Re
nubUc six ar numbered with the dead.
Ihe vwmger Adau.i
XrtlwiftVrt 92MB mi Pell'
The Junu Hug Lcttcm.
Bloomsduro, March 14, 1845
DtA Toir
Y'ur teller of January 15th, has re
trained i lin lung unanswered for seven1
easuns which I will not bore you by writ
ug about Yon will, I hope, believe lha
n y delay in tins instanee, has nut arisen
nun my diminution in my regitd lor you.
tint fro in other ind snbsiantial causes.
Kven now, sfier hiving undertaken the
liudgery ol the quill, 1 am al.noit inclined
o tegrei it, and am feirlul thit I ihill very
Hy perform the t.isk. Hut a recklen cu
md lluiiat unrreipondenl like yonnelf will
urely overlook a few errori and deliciencer
n hit friends. I think you should do ao
md therefore unblnihingly cn-nmencH tin
erpeirition of a letter avowedly in reply to
vnu, and should nnke il so in ac, Wert
tn my thing in yours capable of beinj;
iniweted. '1'here being however, in your
effort a total absencb of all inquiry, a reply
in Ihe strict seme of that woid ii impo?m
'ile; and it will he fit the occasion lo winder
us whim or judgment may r.hatiee lo direct
intil observations enough are (rick led from
he brain lo fill this paper sheet upon which
am vigorously operating.
Sir .' (to use a Johns. mismj tliii ige
is decidddly utilitarian and vulgar. Refined
literature, the product of weary eye and
aching brain, ii at aawoful discount in the
literary market; unread by most, and un
sold exeept when adroitly put off upon a
purchaser along with more saleable nier-
handiie. The strong and steady cry is.
give I give!' but the ' blatant beast,' as
Smollel calls the public, will not boll any
thing but strongly spiced and powerful vic
tual ! it turns apparently with indignant
loathing from any thing short of garlic and
cayenne ! I aiK, aootu tne atuiignty oor
ar in auch.'Englieh as Heaven gives you
leave to utter withal, or rant on a killing
tone and in a style to which grammar is
mere recollection, and logic an absentee,
and you will be favored with fnendu, for-
une and an epitaph. Forgot, if yon please,
hal Addison was ever a Spectator, Johnson
Rambler, or Irvia a Traveller lUt lohi
Pales lo the edification of a ' large and te-
pectable audienrVon both sideajf the At-
r. r .i - .I:...;.
antic. 1 lie siyie oi matter oi tiicne umui-
plta of Goldsmith, aie antiquated and obso
lete. Adam Smith has written and Francis
Yjyland has Lectured sortewhat on polit
ical Science, but the faint illumination ol
ihtir doctrines is unsuited lo a generation
whose wisdom vastly exceed? lhat of iheir
fathers, and by whom bold and startling
parodoxes are readily adopted as essential
und established points of faith and doctrine
Cvery body seeks lo cut louse from the sal-
tary restraints of csitbltahed unth to hm!
.i i . a . i i-
new roai'.i wiiere tnc cimie aner-wie m-
mighty dulUr' may ba more expeditious
nd stitcssful Speeulation is worahippei
sa Deity while every court of its temple
s truly 'a dm ol thieves.' Nothing short
,f a bdloto is allowable in a public discourse
jul ol the pulpit The Newspaper must
.well iti feeble and consumptive voice to a
roai before it need expect thai infallible
nedicine ' the dollai' to be applied lo in
necesaitiei in short, bombast in litoralure
nd plunder in publics are the order of the.
lay, and over and above all other sentiments;
writllen higher up and conspicuously in
dial temple of selfishness where we all wor-
hip may be read, and is read, by all, thai
maxim of wisdom, profoundly instructive
in its teachings' Everv feliow for
MOST f The sum of all is this; I5e a
Tariffite sod bo populrr; be a Ranter and
he glorified ! The 1 blatagt benst' will
bear you aloft proudly, and yuur footsteps
will be upon the clouds ! l ou have hen
he secret of modern greatnef s the 'open
BCJJIIH Ol 1.13 CAiailllg H IIIM- UI .'.III"..
Medicrity can now lide and should iin
prove the moment for the hallucination that
deafeni and blinds ihe ' blatant beast will
tot lad always, and ihe tremendous con
pulsions of the animal in recovering the u
of its suspended faculties will be death in
the Primer' lo all who are attempting in
ride it .in these dys. So saith prophecy
and so write I.
Yours truly,
TeAioi D Forret'et, H'ilketbarre.
Sunday Jlrnutrmenti. CyrtV fight
every Tuesdty, Friday and Sunday even
ingi, are sdveiiied in New Orleans.
The perrccriti of Tennessee tuvr
nominated Airon V. Uiowu si theii
' IfidnUte lii (
"A Pittsburg, Kiie, Eaoton, Read-
yUni, Lmcsster 5ic, are lo the counties
n which they are located, to 18 Dam
Wa extract the ibove beautiful mor
41 of literature and sublimity from i
circular signed hy the Danville burns
it Ilai rii burg this winter, and printed
and laid befoie the legislature hy ihem.
V erj' few expirasiont were ever panned
by lha wit or ingenui'y of man equal lo
'his, in pungency, point, Irulhfuloes
nd lane. After readiug il, il is sin
H'J la r how (he Legislature could have
had (he !e'neriiy to pais the Removal
Hill, but it ij no Irk true than strange.
vVfi gre indeed fallen upon evil time,
vhen the loftiest productions of conceit,
he sublimes! twaddling of bomhasil aie
dike unnoticed or unbended.
""1 1 i
A letter from Red River lo the editor of
he Washington (TexJ National Register
ays thai nol leu than 1000 wngnns have
tossed Red River into Texas Within six
Rapid. The Inaugural Address of Prosi
lent Polk was eariied through from Wash
ington to Albany, New York, in 24 hours!
The election of a United Stales Senator,
io supply ihe vacancy occasioned by ihe
resignation of the Hon. James Buchanan,
took place on Thursday, ihe I3ih,inst there
were five ballotiing. which resulted in the
election of Gen. Simon Camivero.n, as
follows :
George W. Woodward received 54 votes
Simon Cameron 1 1
James Cooper 1 1
John Banks 20
Scattering 40
George W. Woodward received 53 voles
Simon Cameron 24
James Cooper 13
John Banks 8
Scattering 30
George W. Woodward received f5 votes
Simon Cameron 43
calleiing 37
George V Wood word received 50 votes
Simon Cameron
67 votes
Simon Cameron received
George W. Wuodward
We have been shewn n beautiful prize
banner presented lo the Hon BENJAMIN A.
BiDLACK. member of Congress trom Lu
zmie county under the following circuui
Ma' cm Un Hie day ol llie unniiiiaiion nl
Polk and Dallas, by the. Baltimore N i
iiiiiiil Convention, a number of priHinueiii
Democrats from New York and Pennsyl
vauia, casually met io a friendly ciicle, and
hseusaed tlio eulijent of the nominations.
Phe New Yorkers doubted whether the
vute of the Keystone state could be secured
lb i the Democratic nominees at a'l, owing
io the excitement growing out of the tariffo!
1842, whilst the Peunsy Unmans contended
u the other hand thai thev would give
a larger m jnriiy ihin New York. Minna'
pledges were interchanged, and an appro
priate banner promised to the winning
parly. The promise, thus made bus ben
t'aiihfnliy redeemed. Before .Mr, Bnllack
le.ft Washington for his residence, immedi
ately after the adjournment of Congress, In
vas yisited by Jonathan 1). Stevenson
Eq., on the pari of the New Yorkirs.who
iirciented to Mr. Bidlack, and through linn
lolho Pennsylvania Deinorn cy.ssilk banner
superbly executed, which cannot have cos:
ptt than Irom lour to rive hundred dollars
I'lio scroll work is of gold, ou white silk
.'round; in ttiecentie memdion me head ol
fsFFERSoN, top, escutcheon of the Union.
u llie right of Jefferson, the anus of Penn
ivlvania, on the left, llie arms of Neu
York in the lower medalinn, the head ol
Piunklin. Motto : 'no distinction but
lune of merit.' Trimmings: marine bor
ler, blue, gilt stars streamer of bunting
'ill fiinge, ilk cord and iiinels surmount
ed by a cap of Liberty, red, with .blue vel
vet border anil 13 stars.
We understand that Mr. Bim.ack intend
lepnsiting the banner in some public room
n this pluce there to remain until Ixoirm
ner, 1848, when an opportunity will bp af
forded lo the New Yorkers to win it bcl
gain, if they CKX.-Janiiibttrg Unvm
One of the Iwifesi steers wp have seen
a hi taken Irom WHshington to Philadelphia
on the Steamboat Uallon, Ian Ttiesdav
Phis aniinal is ubotit six feel high, ami
we ig'.is 4.000 pounds. He was raised by
Dan Horn in Chester Cuuntv, who de-
erve much credit for the pains he h6
aken lorcirfuct. a huge animal
Tht Diad .fi.-Tha New York
Herald lelli of one Henry Wolff, who wai
thrown from a sail boat into the East river
near Horde Bay on Saturday ,ind was most
undontiiingiy supposed to be drowned, and
who preienti himself lo his astonished and
overjoyed family on Sunday. It appeal
that he swam lo the Long Island shore,
walked lo Williamsburg, rroned tho ferry
on Sunday morning sod walked home lo
his relatives, who were mourning him a
The Importance a of Single rote- ThJboat
Demoerstio candidate for Mayor of Roches
lei was elected by a majority ofjone, out ol
ibiut three thousand votes. Rochester
used to be a strong Whig city.
am j.jj.jj
Tut Express of the If est The Inaug
ural Me.iage wai carried lo Cincinnati,
from Washington, in foriy iwo hours,being
a gain of nearly a day and a hilf less than
il had been accomplished by any previous
3fore Marble A few weeks ago we
noticed the discovery of a marble quarry
on ihe lands of ihe Messrs. Valentines near
this place. It sppeait that this discover)
has awakened the attention of our citizens,
and the result is, thai marble of the purest
piality, and of the most rare and valuable
varieties is being discovered all around us
A quarry found on the farm of II, Hume
& Son is pronounced by a scxlplor who
has examined it, superior to any hitherto
found in ihe United States, end scarcely
q-ialled by that of Italy One of the var
leties is of the statuary species, a quality
never before discovered on this side of the
Atlantic; while as the 'driven snow,' ai.d
usceptiblo of a polish beautiful beyond
Icseiiption. In addition to this, we are
informed that another quarry has been
penad on tho farm.of Mr. Geo. Graham;
thus, almost within gun.shot of Bellefonte,
narble has bsen found in tines differen
places, Democrat.
The trial of Henry McCurry, on a
:harge f the murder of Paul Roux, corn
nenced in the Baltimore City Court on
Monday. Tho counsel for the prisoner, in
iddition lo ihe usual questions, asked ihr
ptivilepe of inquiring of the jurors wh. iher
ihey were members or not of the Odd
Fellows' Association, contending thai a.
ihe deceased was a member of that Order,
ind ns they hud taken a pnriicnlnr interesi
in the case, and ulfeied a lewaid for the ap
prehension of the murderer, they could
nut be disinterested jurors.
The Court appointed Triers to decide
ihe question. The purport nf ihe testimony
if the t wo persons examined, was that O hi
Fellows felt more intercut in the ense nf n
member of their Order, than they world
in that of another member of the eommuni
ty.luit that there was no obligation iinpospi1
upon them by the Order which would pre
vent them from acting impartially , as jur"i
ir in any other capacity, in trying a person
'harmed with an offence against any iiiein
ier of the Order The triers decided ihn
there was nothing in the constitution of do
issociation of Odd Fellows to pieveot them
rum being indifferent jurors in a rase ii
whit Ii a member of the Older was inv olvpd.
The Cailaiaugus N. Y. Whig, of a late
late; mentions that Governor Blucksuake,
lie Grand Sachem of the Indian nation'
was recently in lhat place. lie resides on
Allegheny Rtscrvatinn, about twenty miles
roui the village; is the successor of Corn
Planter, as chief l the Six Nations a
nephew of Joseph Brant, and uncle of the
.elebiated Red Jacket. He was born near
Cayuga Lake, in 1741), being now 9t5 year
of age. He whs in the battles of Fori
Sianwix, Wyoming, kc. and was a warm
fi lend of General Washington, during the
Revolution. He was in Washington's
camp forty days al the close of ihe revolu
lion was appointed chief by him, and
now wears suspended from his neck a
beautiful silver medal presented lu him by
Gen. Washington, bearing date 17U0.
St. Oeorffu Randolnh. the full npohpw nf
John Randolph, of Roanoke, and who, by occiipied by Dr. 'IVwksbuiy, of Frank
ihe recent romproiinse of the claimi under, foil . who has been arrested with hi
his will. comes in for Iwo fifths of $125,000 student, Tibhets. The husband of Mrs
was for a number of yers, and perhaps Brooks was deeply aliened al the sigh
cow is a resident of Fayette county, Ken Lf the corpse of his wife, upon wind
lucky, sod ,n very moderate if not needy ie vvoi k of dissection had been com
cirrunatancpi He uU ay, however bore nlPnc., ,. Afllr , whie he b,Wint
the character of n boneii and hikbly lion- ,,..;
oramv iiirh, sou an wuu Knew nun win oe
II. I -1 1 I ,. I : -ii,
gratified by thu lurn of fnriune in hi favour
lie is a printer, and ha worked at Ins trade
in many of the printing office! ol Ken
1'he ("incinnati Chronicle notices as an
,hal tily pf ltlB new.aiiunch built.and well-
. FAuiuiuiuaiT. too Hiiuoaranwo 11
rplM-.l .l..ii.ilind.ii ' 1 1 l .
1)innP(i bar2Ue jj ,!,;,,,. ,,. ,
Marietta, and destined to Liverpool or any
part of (he world. She was built three
hundred miles above Cincinnati, and wil
descend only fifteen hundieJ mils befort
she is worked by lie ocean lide! She i.
fully rigged except (be sails- Her lapei
masts shoot up to ihe sky in beautiful con-
si n - - ,
Irflft I u illl him 11 Lurl ninpa rif tlm Ifitiit,
We published, a week or two since, an
account of ihe heioism of a western giil.
who when the family was absent, shot a
besr which came prowling around tin
house, The Portland Transcript ti lls a
story lhat beats this, of two girls, out chop
ping wood! who discovered a besr in a
iree. While one of ihe girls wenl for as
sistance, the other kepi watch, but soon the
ctirioeiiy of the sex being greatei than its
usual tiiniily, the sister on guard be.-amc
desirous to see something more of Bruin
in his winter quarters, and began to piy up
the wood lhat covered him. This was
easily done, ihe tree being much decayed
but the bears thinking (if bears do thing)
that prtng had come rather suddenly, wi
suppose, walked up, and pushed out of h
broken house to take an observation. Nodi
ing daunted, our heroine gave him blow af
inr blow with the butt ol her axe, and a
lengih despatched him.
Hardly was this done when a second
bear began to back out of the lug-cabin
and having killed one, she felt emboldened
to make way with another, which; being
done; a third making his appearance, also
met the late ol Ins companions. When the
other sister returned, she found thai during
.bsense, three good sized bears had been
killed wiih an axe a feal unparalleled, we
think, in the annals of female heroism.
ilJSjaUUHl-Jl J!
Mr. Cushing on the War Prospects.
Mr. dishing lias wrote a long letter, which
is published, giving his views as to the
probability of war with Mexico. Mr. O.
i eg -mis the withdrawal of the Mexican Min
tster as a matter of little moment, and su i
puses lhat Ihe threats of Mexico while the
question was ponding were made in the
hope of deterring tho United Slates Irom
consummating the measure. He suggests
that there are many degrees from this step
of withdrawal lo even lha danger of war;
and lhat it does not follow that our Minis
tei mubt leave Mexico, and refers lo pre
cedents, Nor would war bo the necessary
consequence of a total suspension of diplo
ui -I ue intercourxe. He assumes our right
io treat wiih Texas, from the fact of bavin;
acknowledged her as an independent pow
er. It Mexico ever had any cause of quar
rel with us in the case, il was lor the origi
nal recognition of Tex an indrptudence,
which m been done by other powers
Fiuiii this he eouclniJea thut Mexico has no
justifiable cause of war and ttul a war
would dismember her republic. Mr. C.
further says:
'If the suhjiicis nf any foreign powers i.n
lertake to cmise aainsi us under it .
Mexican U ig, without permissi on of then
iwn Government, it will be our right and
hi r duty to treat all such peisons as ou'laws
m l pirates, and they cannot do mi with
periii! ot their Govern mi nt wile.'
hat Govt runo ut ik-elf intends and deirs
war wiih the U. S. And 1 am peifecily
oiifi'iei.i thiii neither England nor Fiance,
nor Spain, nor Portugal, intends or desires
o in.ike war ou us in behalf of Mexico.'
in legard lo Engalud's diss.ilul.:ction.
Mr. C speaks in the following manly
In this as in certain other cases, I have
noticed with shame and concern the tlis
position, which some persons in the U. S
manifest loeonsidir whether Great Britain
will be satisfied w ith this or that addition lo
die territory of tho U S, Suppose hei
dissatisfied? What then? Does England
ask our consent lhat she may add to hei
possessions a new kingdom annually bv
wars of conqnenl in Asia? No more need
we ark her consent lo llie extension of our
power in America' 1 admire and honor
ihe greatness of England, but I do not fear
it; lor while I know that her greatness dates
from the day when she surrended to us her
supremacy in America, and turned her at
ten'.ion to Asia chiefly, so 1 believe that
her decline will dase from the day (if ilia'
day is ever lo coine when she sh dl lesunie
again the snuggle in America. At any ran
limiting, in my opinion, can be more wild
and idle, than lo appiehcud that the acqui
silion of Texas by the U. S. is to disturb in
ihe slit litest degree the haimony of our re
lalions with ureal Britain.
There is mur h excitement in Franfoi 1
and Monroe, N. Y., growing out ol
ihu robbery of a graveyard in the lal-
Per place, ol the coipse ofa Mr. Brook-
which has been found in the bark offije
Mr. Clay has relumed to the bar, six1
is again practising the profession of Ihe
law in Lexii g'on.
Tht Filclihurg Railroad, scconKnt;
o lha Udnker Hill Auion, is 40$
niles in length, and has cost, not in
cluding a large imotini of real piopciiy
n Ch trlesiown, a little rising one null
ton of dollar!", avenging 22,000 .or
323,000 per mile. It has been I.n K
withrul the aid of the Stale of M..-.-huselts,
and entirely by the Comp.iu) '.
wn resources. They have never boi
ovvi il a dollar, given a note, had a
iWMiii, and never have rnel with ao ac-
Coi'Jirmation by the Seriate. The
U. S. Se-nat, has confirmed a number of
'omimiions, which had been tan in by
me President of the United Slates.
Among ihem, those of Alexander II.
lOiveretl, as Commissioner lo China;
William II. Polk, as Charge lo Naplei
md Mr. Jewell, of Maine, as Charge
'nPeiu, in ihe place of Mr, Bryan.
A new nomination was also made io the
..laci of Vespasian Elli, now Charge
it Venzuela. Among ( he other uppoint
m;nts confirmed, we also learn was
Elijah F Purdy, as Surveyor ol the
liort of New Yoik and of Benjamin F.
Uutler, as United States District Attor
ney for the southern distict of tho State
ofN. Y-
When Pennsylvania!! reflect on Ihe
teat mineral wealth of the State, they
have ample reason for cheerfulness.
Qui of fifiy counties of Pennsylvania no
less than thirty have coal und iron in
ihem; and, out of the 46,000 square
miles of Pennsy Ivania, which form su
peifices, ihere aie 10,000 miles of coal
and iron; while all Grpat Britain and
Ireland have only 2.000 so that Penn
sylvania alone has an area of coal and
iron five times as great as that of Great
In the damp and gloomy prison of
Perole, (says the Philadel p'liia G.iZrtte.)
wheie Satna Anna is confined while
former paiasiles have desirlcd him, old
friend? cooied, and those wboshout--d
the loud vivas to his honor when in
powir now rry 'death to the tyrant'
there is one attached anil faithful friend
who still shares his captivity and strives
liy a thousand little acts of kindness and
ifleclion, lo soothe his somows that
iiiend is his young wife! Whata mys
tery is woman's love hi. I what depths
if feeling are hidde n m the lulis of htr
A Washington correspondent rdiirs
i veiy quiet leparlee made on Friday
by Mr. Slidell, Representative hem
Louisiana, lo Mr. Pakenham, the
British Minister. Mr. lJrtkeiiham it
eeins was in the lobby when the Ilutisi
concuired in the amendment nude by
the S' nale to the bill fn dinn xing Tt x-
a, and when the result was announced,
tie turned to Mr. Slidell, and said, 'You
A mi'i icans, ' re indeid, a giaspii g peo
ple.' 'Yes,' leplied Mr. Slid. II, 'wo
nave a Miong mixture of the
Saxon bluod io us. '
The following touching; incident is
bus related in the Auxiliare Breton:
During the last days of cold, three
young children in the town nf Bums
nad been sunt out by their parents lo
gather dtad wood. These poor rhil-
lien lost themselves in the . woods, and
night came on. without their having
leeniible lo refind their iomI. Tho, sence C years old, sought ,iomi
duller, and iheie huddled up his litil,?
noihers; he then sliippul himself of
nis waistcoat, and roveied llum wiih i!
md made Ihem a ramp n I Irom t tie- cold
wind wiih his body, It was in this
condition thev weie discovered ihi
text morning, all three fiozcn lo
The city of Nauvoo will not give up
its charter, not withstanding the Legis
lative act of its repeal. Recently, ihe
municipal election came tU as usual.
The Si. Louis Reveille observes lhat all
he officers of the city'were duly elect
ed. The whole system of government
n the city is enfoiced as usual. The
leading Mormons sayr Ihe Legislature
nad no power lo icpeal iheir chater.that
it is not repealed, and that they will pay
io attention lo Ihe repeal law, but go on
is usual. Trouble is expected.
The Savannah Republican, of Tuesday
ast, says 'Fn-m information received from
Vugusia, last evening, we learn lhat an af-
tair of honour look place near lhat city Lst
wetk.between Mr. John Parllow, ,f At,IP
villb District, and Mr. Burton, nf Laurens
District, South Carolina. The patties
tbuglit with tnorkets, at ten paces, and Mr.
nunun was KilltU,