The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 15, 1845, Image 3

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    V Hughci-John Tyler Hi Vetoes al
most redeem his character
Miss Caroline Webb The Cooa ol
184 ( A tear to his memory !
Mit II Julia . T)ler A
Lady alike beautiful &. distinguished, May
tier life in fulur be is plennaiil as it ''88
tthlierio berrTforiunum
Wm Me.tull.h The vicioiy we ecle
Irste More ennobling in our naior than
ll the tUughieit dial earth's monuments
11 CollyThe people They have
nhown ihemielves capable of self govern
ment, and able lo discriminate between the
dazzling and captivating yd reckless and
unprincipled! and the unobtrusive yet truly
meritorious, honorable and firm
The Company Editor of the Columb a
Democrat May his labor both in local
and political matters not bo forgotten by the
people of Columbia coun'y
The Company The old sterling demo
rrats who aided us in getting up this cele
bration Success to them, and may they
Never be forgotten by the rising generation
around them
The Company Our Host and Hostess.
Our thanks for their kind attention, for
their abundant and well provided enter
tainment. The Company separated about 11 o'
clock;well pleased with the festivities of the
occasion and with renewed devotion to and
sympathy for ihe good old cause of Uepub
Section 1. The bill to go into opera
lion July 1st, IS 15 For creiy singli
letter, in manuscript or paper ol an)
kind by or upon which infurrnat oi
shall be aj-ked for or communicated n
writing or by maik and signs, convey
ed in the npils not over three hundred
mile, five cent-; over three hundred
miles, ten ccnl; and for a double letter
there fhall be charged double ihi rate;
and for a treble Lt'er treble this rate;
and every letter or parcel not exceeding
half an ounce in weight shall be deemed
a single letlei; and every additional
weight of half ar, ounce, shall be charg
ed with additional single postage. Ami
all drop letters, ot letters placed in any
post-office, not for irsnsnusion by mail
hut for delivery only, shall be charged
with postage al the ra'e of two cents
each. And all letters which shall
hereafter be advertised as remaining
over in any post' office sdiall, when de
livered out, be charged with costs ot
advertising the same, in addition Ii
ihe regular postage, both lo be account
td for as other postages now art'.
' Section 2. All newspapers of no
greater size lhan 1&00 square inches
may be transmitted for 30 miles free ol
charge, and for greater distanres on--half
cet.t for distances of 100 miles
and one cent for all grea'er distances.
Newspapeis of greater s'Zh 11)00
quare inches are lo be charged In
s.nie ran s of postage as are presented by
this act to be charged on niagazim s
and pamphlets.
Section 3. Piintod or lithographed
matter, circulate, hand bill", advirtise
merits, or quarto post or cap pipei I u I ! -eil,
directed and inserted are to be
charged two cents for any distance.
Pamphlets, magazines and periodicals
of no greater size are to pay two and
a half cms for no greater weight than
one ounce, for distances of 100 miles,
snj one cent for each ounce.
Fiaciional excesses of nut less than one
half an ounce shall pay Lr the lull
Section 4. In case of emerg ncy the
Post Mas'er General is I to
detach the letter fiom the printed mail
in order lo obtain greater peed for tin
foi mer.
Section 5 and G. Funking is abolish
fd, except upon lelteis wntten and re
reived by members of, It-lleu
received and written by ex-Presidents,
Mis. Madison and Mrs. llairis'Ht.
Section 7 and 8. The Depai t mcnt
and Bureaus are to have ttieir postage
paid from the contingent fund assignee
Ihem, and Ihe 3 Assistant I'ostmastei
Generals are to stud out any thing fiee
of posiage which relates to and i
mat ked 'uflicia1 business,' and counliy
postmasters 8ie tJ have a per centagi
or pay not less than $50 per annum.
Section 0. Private expresses aie pro
fiibiied from canytng any letters, pack
els or pat kges of Utters, or nmlable
matter, except newspapers, periodica!.
and pamphlets, and for evtiy offence tin
penalty shall he 2150.
Sections 10 11 and 12, declaie tha
i! shall not lie lawful fur any stage, coach car, sn-aniboa', packel-bnai, oi
other vili c!e n vessel, running between
any places w Inch enjoy mail hrililies,
to cany mailable mailer, with the ex
cepliou of newspajieis; pamphlets, mag
tzmts and periodicals, under a penalty
of S5Q, Loth to the ienig and owners
and alj in any way concerned in violat
ing the. law: 1'iovidt-ii, that nothing in
t hese m i ! ions shall lit ctnioiriitu lo
2itvt'iit the 1 aiiSiiiisiun gta'.is ol letters:
ir packiges by private band, or by
'pecial messenger employed only foi
he single paiticular occasion.
Section 13, allows steamboats to tak
lelieis and packages weighing less thai
ihree pounds, on condition of deliver
ing them over lo the postnusier or othc
authorized agent of Ihe department!,
the port or place where they, may bi
directed the same postage lo be churg
ed on such letters and packages as it
ihey were conveyed in the mail.
Section I t. The l'osi muter General
is authorized lo make special contracts
for carrying mails upon the Western
waters for s specified limp, but not lob.
paid beyond Ihe pi ice allowed lor trans
mitting the mail.
Section 15, declares lhat lite terms
mailable . mailer,' &c shall bu deemed
and lakeu lo mean all I. tleis and newt
papers, and all magazines and pamphlets
Deriodtcally published, or wmcrt may
he published in regular series or n
successive numbers, under tne sam
title, Ihough at irregular intervals, and
all other written or printed mallei
whereof each copy or number shall not
exceed 8 ounces in weight, except Dink
notes, sent in packages, or bundles,
without written letter accompanying
ihem: bound hooks, nol included. The
act is nol lo be so construed as lo pr
nibtl any person from tran-p -.rting.
over any mail route, any books, mag,
zines, pamphlets, or, no
marked, directed . or intended l"r Home-
dime distribution toaiibaniihers r o h i
but intended tor sa'e as mvci'o.hz ,
ind sent or consigned to -ouie bun
fide dealer or agent 'fur '.he rale then-
Section 16, foi hid any person to for'
he stamps or envelopes of the Depart
ment j or lo use such fotged stamps, and
i . f .
envelo e , t.0' et penalty ot imprison
ment for not less ttian fix 111 tilths not
more than five years.and i fine not ex
ceeding 5.000.
Section 17, defines Ihe term Miews-
tiapei as used in ma act to menu -any
prinled publication issued in numb' r.
consisting uf not mote than two sheets,
and ed al shoit s'ated interval-
of not more thanone month, conveying
ntelligence of passing" events, and bona
fide extras ai d supplements of any such
Section IS, dscl-res that all penalties
and fotfetirires incurred und r the act
shall be ont half for Ihe bi n fi' ol the in
former and prosecmor, and Ite olhei
talf for the Post Olhce Department.
Newspapeis are. lo have a free ex
hange as heie'ofcr'.
The Posiniaster General is lo make
ll contracts will) the lowest bid. lei
when lite guarantees an? good.
Newspaper having tlte laigesl ctrcn-
lalion are lo have ihe publication ol the
lisl of letters.
Mail loulesareto be divided into
three classes, according to the r impor
tance, and lo be anati.ed by railroads
and s'eamboais, ace.oidtni to their im
portancp. I he rates are to tie nol noe
ban $200 a mi ' p-T aiinii it lo h i
class, Hfjcond c'a"S nol mure than S100 a
tntly per annum, and the third class will
receive nol iiioil- than Sr0 a mile tvi
innum. Provided if the mail s rvin-
is performed al night 25 p r cent, m
idililton may bi- paid, and it not unite
than I wo mails ate sent each day then
greater compensation may be givn.
The deficiencies, if any, in Hie ex
penses ot Hip Pos; Olliee rstuhlishineni
o be rjaid out of lite Ireiistity, ll tb1
postage are not mi iH.-i-n i , u.idt r lb
new system, lo pay lh? siiiip.
I he IjiII makes all necessary pro-
visions lor ine su"" s-t.ti in.u ot ine
n w experiment and there will he ui.
mbiriassuienl lor want of means, as
he Posimister General can draw upon
he Treasuiy to iclieve all di fi. icneics,
Ueides, ihe bill requires ih'' expenses
d fiat king, s far as it tv allowed, li
)e paid from the Tit asuiy, and not n
iow by ihe people in the Ijiid ( f hig;
MAURIED-Ii ll-mloek, on ih:
;lth in.vt. by the R v D. D. WMlei,
h. Ei.t Menukmiali., io Miss Ma
On Tuesday last by lh Rev. V. J
Ever, Mr. Saml'li. Mendlnhall, to
Miss Matilda Mensii, boih o
In Danville, on Tuesday last by thf
Rev. J. S. Miller, Mr. Peter S. Lei
dy of Hlooinsbutg, to Miss IIauhiet
By Ihe Rev. 1). S Tobias, on the 8 I
M.m. Mr. John Va.v Liew, to Mis-
Uarbiet Makr, both ol Scidleiown.
Ry the same on the 13 h insi; Mr.
Fuck, of Maduon.
DIED In IVoomsburg, on Friday,
7 h inst. Mis. Nancy Kuch, aged 55.
wife of Mr. Joseph Ruch.
In Bloomsbuig, on Sunday last Mr.
Anmiew Siicemakeh, aged GO, after a
short and distressing illncM.
IkooAfsuUHC, Mai cli 15,
Wheal, -I
Uye, 50
Cum, 40
Cloverseed, 3 5(j
Flaxseed, I S5
Hulter, li
Oats, 25
Kugs, 8
Tallow 1
L.rd 7
Diied App'es,
While yeans ''O
lluenwax J
About two weeks go between Blooms
burg and Northumberland, large leather
rooKtrr hook.
.ontaining promisory Notes lo the amount
if about lvo hundred dollais, anil oilier pa
iters of no value lo any person but the own
,-r. The finder will be liberally rewarded
!y handing it to the subscribe!, or giving
tun inluruiitiun where it may be had.
ll'.ooinsburg, March H, I H-13.
Public Vendue
Til U aubscriber oilers to aell,
Sale, at his lluuSH and &bon, in
al I'ublii
')urg. on
l uKxtitiij March io, 1315 ut 10 a'dark.
V M a I of his
(vnisisting of Ilifi'.steails, chairs, tables, tc.
t iiianlie rloek, and several liew liedstcads.
tables, mantis and bureaus. Also, lluee
A hher d credit given, and terms made
know u on the day u) sale
nioomsburg, Match 11, 1815,
Oruiigtville, Columbia county, 'a.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
public that he has leased this targe three
story Tavern, now in lite occupancy of Mr
George Seiple, itt Oranijeville, Columbia
oiiniy, l a., and intends moving into it on
the first of A ;inl next, where he will be
pleased to ted his old friends and cudtouieis
As his
will alwavK no lurnisiieit w itn tne nest the
narkei affords, 1 1 is llAli wtih ihe (dtoieost
if Liquors And his STA 1U.E, attended by
'.uibliil Hostlers, he flatters himself tliut lie
vil, bu able to give gpticral satisfaction
v ill always be ready to iratii-porl waleruieu
mi then route,
.V7..rch 15, 1815 if'
IS hereby given, thai Thomas Short
vtll nol be conductor ill the .lilb ieek Eae
lory alter tbe lust ot pni nexi, ami m-it
bo tiouks wiil In; left in the handa of (eo
nid Thomas Vance, tu whom nil settlements
m l pivments must be nude
.l.iiiul l'leasani, Jar. h IS, 1813.
IJY virtue of a vend, ex to nn ihreited
-v ill be exposed lo public Hale al l!n lmiis
I prn'eiiek Ni-t l ,ni ' . rwn lt. Mh'mI ,v .
be ITill dav of March next, at I oYlorl,
I'. M thu following properly, viz:
A certain lot ol ground situate in Cenlri
Uivvusbij), Colli libia cotlnly, containing on
noro or less, bounded by ;,nds of Isaac
liinv.Jobii Knorr and Joseph Knkrinlall,
.vbreou it erected a
Tiro sron i'h.jmj:
u":m,imj jiui;:,
1 ii
Si-i&i'd i iken in exeentioti hiuI to he hoIii
is the pmperlv ol Joint Junes, ilce'd, i,t tlw
i iiids ol his administrator M J. Ja.'ksnn.
Irm Dunn. Shi.rijf.
Siti-itirr's Onicr., Diuvilh
Feb. 15-1815.
II Y virtue of alevait lact.islo ine
dim tei'
e Ciinr
will be exposed lo puliitc sale al
iotie, in Danville, O'l Saturday, the l;")il
la; of March next, at 1 o'clock, I' M
die following property, viz:
A certain lurt of Und annate in Franklin
lownship, Columbia county, cuntainin
BIS Acs:ee
ir thereabouls, bounded bv land of Jacol
S'iu'Iz, Ziba Bird,
nouniy line and the
the Nortbutiiberlanil
Suequehanua Rurr,
a ot.t
5(& ACRES.
of wi'iieh is cleared land, end in gnnd tate
of rultivaiion. On ihe preaiites tbtre is
erected a one and a hull' unity FRAME
and SAW MU,.
Seiztil taken inexecuiinn and to be sold
as the properly of John O. Uoyd.
Irm DtRH, Shcrijf.
S'tcrijf'g OJficr, Danville
Feb 15-185
Concerning thf. llemnval oj
'f Justice nf ( '(ilumhjit Cult
I rum Danville to lltutnnshurg.
Section 1. He it enacted by the Senate ami
oust: uf KepicxeiiDitivcg uf tilts (JoinlnrintveuUll nil
k'eiiiisvlvHiiiu in (ieneral A sMfin lily met, ami it u
liercliv ' noted by the uulticiiitv uf the name, That
it hIiiiII ami may b lawful lot tbu luulliieil Vo
ters who have KcnIiIciI In t.'ulumlii.i ('nun
ty fur at t. K.I ST SiX t'.li.K.Ylt.tll
W.V17.V limiudiaklu precaliiiir the next Cei
e.ral Election, to vot ut hucIi election upon the
ipieution iil'tlie removal of their Seat of Justice from
Ujiiillf to l3loomsliiiig,in anid county, in the man
ner follow wit.- Those in favor of a Removal
shall vote a written or printed ticket I ilielled,
"bEAT Of JLSil'ICE." anil containing the
word "FOIl UMtOMSWlMli," aud thosn op.
nosed t a KemoViil, shall vote a wiitten or print-
ed ticket Uliellcd fts afornsaid, and containing the
worda" FOU DAN V1LLE;" tbe aaid tickets to be
deposited in a box which shall be provided for that
puipoxe al eacli ami eveiy of the election polls ot
siiid couuly, and the returns uf said election till nil
be made in tbu samo manner by tbu Keturn J mines
as in the cai.e of ibo election of Membeia of the
Assenilily, and if on the meeting of tlfe lielurn
Judi-es it bball appear that a majority ol the voles
have Iikcii yivn in lavnr ot Llimu.nhuiif, ttien tile
loll . i ig B' etioim of this act shall bu uf full force
and etli'i't; but It it hull appear lhat n majority ofj
votes nave been given auun-t ltloonisliur, then
the billowing seel ionsof this act nlinll bu null Jf void.
Iskc. 'i. 'I'bat if a inajunty of tbe voters of snid
county of C'l ii hi lua, iiialil'k'd as ulnie.-nil, voting
)ii sjiiI qneslioii ol liemovul, shall deenle in the
manner provided in tbe liiat section of this acl in
tuvor of tbu of the Heat of Jiihticu of caid
utility to tbu town of bloiiiii-iburtf, the citizens of
ttlounisliuiir in said ci.untv shall ere.'t, ur cause to
lie ererled, .IT I'll E III OHW I'liOPF.Il
KXI'EASV, within lluee years from and after
oucb election, in the town of (liiomstiur, suitai le
buildings of liiacK or Sl'UNK, of tbe MUST
AI'I'lvUN ED I'l.AN. tor at'ouit House and
I'mmiii, mid different otllces I'm the safe kecniuf; i t
die county iccurds, under the diiecliou ol the
County I'oininirtsioncrs, who uru uutboiined to re
ceive a conveyance for such lot or lots uf ernniii!
fur the win ol audi C'utnitv bnildiuiia, nul .E"
than ONE AC'KE, in fee simple clt ar of all in
;uiubrmiees, fur tbe use of the couuly nf Columbia.
tbe said huililiii,; to bu erected on sik Ii lot o. Im
uf (jrotind thus conveyed. And the C'vo'l I'imim
and other pulilic buildings and real esliilc o i wbu l
they Hie erected or is apptilteiiant thumb', .it ll'i
town of Danville, are hereby granted uml confirm
ed to lui inhabitant of Mahoning township, will:
full authority to iell and dispose ol the Mime to t tu
best udv.mtaije.aiid lhalo much o the priieecils ot
said is necessary to return! to tbe citizens o:
Danville whatever amount of money tbev may have
given lor the original construction uf the pnUic
liuildings ut said town, und the purchase of 'be V l
of ground on which they are erected, shall be n -fuiiiltd
1 1 the said cttiens, and the balance to be
paid into tbe County Treasury for county purposes.
t riiindul Nn disposition or sale ol such puhlic
buildings shall be made until Ibo court house
pub lie buildings a. Hlonmsl urq; i-hnll be completed,
and the pubiic records und oll'icts bv removed llieic
lo. rstc. 3. That an poon aa the public buildings
tie t oi.ipliicil uccortluig to llie provisions ot litis
let. tin t omnilMiloriers alorcsain sbill lib' a report
of l he panic in tbe Court of Common 1'leas of said
county and raid Court being satisfied that said
huildiiiL's are lull v completed according to tin: true
intent and meaning of ibis in t, and a record there.
if bci'ii; uncle liv endorsemenl unsaid n poit, l!;i
Comiiiiasioners itj 'slie itl'uf said county ,bll lln-ie-upoii
cause the prisoners, it any there con lined in
ihe old prison, tu bu safely removed to the new
md the puiilic papcis and recoids then remaining
in the piiljlic oliiecs ut Uauville, to he sulcly depo-
lied in the new buildings so as aforesaid boil; ami
in'paiod fur the reception thereof, and fiom ihciicc-
t'orth tb'! rinat of Juilice in and for the county nl
Coluiniiia shall cease to be at Danville, ui.d tin
i urn; nllall be leiiuned and fixed at the town n1
l!o. nn, Inn 1 in the said county, and the public of
:ieei ben'iutnie kepl.aiid the couits "I jusl'cc lieielo
I i.le hi Id at.iuvilie.iiuVliM said county ul 'oluiuom
-bail be kept and held al IJIoouit.liuig ill the build
ill),;:, en" led for their accommodation as aforesaid.
sfc. !. It -hull lie l.nvful lor the citizens ol
iiivm..l'iim to otilani siilivriptioiis from nny per
on "i p'osiiit". willing to siibseribe any innoev oi
mati'ilal.i l"i the election ut such ll I 1 1 1- liioldiue:.
,l. it re plot i.le.l tol ill the second m'i lion I'llllln.lll
nul in tlclault of the puj incut ol ihe t,aioe, the
o.i illy Coiiuoi ..ioners aie hereby empowered lo i tic brought in the name of the ounl
io eulorcc tlie recovery ol the same, and when col
lected to be applied towards dclrav ing ihe c.pciiM
ol Midi iUllilllg.
fsi.c. !. Il' hii v person or persons shall vote on
i be of it moviil of tlieseal i f justice ot snid
county ol Columbia, at the election aulherivid In
iiu held by vuloo of this acl not duly ipialilled n
vole in ac 'e n hi lire with the lirot n'ctiou if the. ai t,
or sh ill vote mil cf his or their proper ibalii' t, m
!:all ntc more than once on said rpifMion, lie m
tliev r.o cll- udiiii; ii)on conviction then of In fen
lilt plopei rnurl tif (piui terseilsliMUl of sai.l coulllv
.ban he Mil ji rl to tbe malty picvidi d for.iu the
eiunl i. , : ion laws of this (.'ornu.oiiweallh.
fi.x. l' It air. jude or insjtcctm of tlieclettimi
.utthori .-eil to .e lii id by virtco of this oet, Jliall
Iviiovviiijjl.v oi v tllully ii j'Ct the vote of a ciliien
piahlied lo vote on the question of Krmoval o' tin
v.d el pi .ti.e in said couuly in accordance the Willi
tiisl b.'cmou f this act, or shall receive lbs vote oi
i pel iri imt qualified to vote an afoie.-iu.l on said
picslimi, be ur they so offending, upon cnin icboi'
hereof bcfoie the proper court of quarter st staoiu
it .-aid county, tball fortt it and pay for the ti e el
aid county lor every such offence, ti sum not lea
than three bumbt d or more thiin six hundred dol
lars at the discretion of the court, and shall underge
an imprisonment in the jail of said county lor a
period nf not less than twelve rnon:b3 or tuoiu than
N.e. 7 If any judge, inspector or clerk of the
election authorized to be held by virtue of this acl
shall wilfully miscount, or .-liull falsely and fiuudti
leiitly add op and reluin the votes tect ivt d upon the
question afoit said, or shall keep a f.ibe Lilly paper,
or shall be guilty of any fraud in the discharge of
Ins duties, evucy person so ollcnding upon roovic
lion thereof in the proper rourl of quaiter tebstons
of caid county, shall be subject to the tame fine and
penalty as arc mipostd upon dc.!ir;qii(.rit judpes or
inspectors :j the ger.eral election luwi ol Lhia Coa. rfic. 8. It tt.tW it the d.ity of the ju.,'es ar.rl
inepfctors cor.duetirie the election authorirfd to be
held by virtue of this acl to cause the letter Li
lie legibly and distinctly ee.t opposite the name of
every citizen ho shall vote on the question of ihe
Removal of the seat (1f justice as aforesaid, nn the
tally paper on which bis name shall be rceiateied,
and any wilful omission fo ledo shall be (It emed a
fraud, nd shall be puiii..hcd ns such ii accordance
Willi tllPprovitjjIiscf the r;vtath fiCCtiotl of '.Ion ui t.
fco. 9. ft ha bo the July of evory Jude, In
'poctor and tderk c.iiduclinj iho election author--l
to be held by virtuu of this act. lo latin f in
'ion to the oath or allirmation he is now required b
aw In take) an oath ui afili malum that ha will
tonestly and faitbfullv Cflllllllv lit Mvttrf id.iwnll
with tilt) provisions and vequirentciits of this act.
KC 10. h a,a !, ,.e ((v ,.i .,,
"'in judges ofaaid cuuiiiv, at the time a ul
l" o oi ineir nieellnir to easl nn ..It
net rcelire, , ,H ,.r,.re elecil,,,, ,
two ceriu.,,'"li"n of ,,,e It'-'imviil ol the
whiclnhall be',,.es,.',' ai,(i "lul "
nf Ihe conn ufquarleVt ,,,8( r'"li. "tie ol
in the office of the UotiiuiV8 of the clerk
p - ----,
counlv of Columbia. 'henthet
Skc. 1 1. It shall he ihe duly uf the r
ilT of the laid couuly of Columbia, t 'nf
tu is acl lo he publisiied in at least l.r .
newspapers published in aaiJcnuuu; fm a,
least once in every week for sixty da nn
mediately preceding the next gemial elee
lion, and shall on the day of the t lection
cause al least I wo printed copies, one ol
which shall be in ihe lleiiu in langiiaue, nf
said act lu be posted in handbill four, in dt
most public place nearest the election pol
in every election district in aaid cuuiiiv null
the reasonable expense of such publication
shall be paid by the said cutiiiiy of Ledum
bia by orders drawn in the usual way.
Sue. 12 So inut h of the extslins.' laws
of this IJnuiiu, hi wealth us are altered o
supplied by this an, he und (he same in
herebv repented; and also the act nf Assem
hly papsed KtihJune 1 81)0 entitled ar. ac
relatinr to the hen of Mechanics and others
upon huihliiite, is hen by repealed so far a
it relates to the hutldings lo be erected i.
pursuance uf this ad.
Appiovcti of and eined by theGovrrnoi.
(illILDKE. are most subject to them, but per
J sons uf all ages urv liable to bo alUicttd with
ihem. Had breath, paleness about the lipsdlui-hctJ
cheeks, picking ut the nosc,wiitiiig uway.b auni s.-,
pain in thu bowels, jmiits (r huilsj, dloturbed sleep
irighlful thrums, moaning uml sometimes of vor
acious appetite, are among tbe symptoms uf worms
Iany are doctored lor months, for souio other im
agrnury disease, when one box of Hieiniiui's Worm
i.ii.enge.H Would effect it cure. D. Hy nn, corner
it I'linee stieet and tho liowery, cured a muii ol
vorins thai' was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
inu box of .Sherman's Lozenges: heis now a fat
s an Alderman 'I'll lion. li. H. Ueardsley
las wived tbu life of on" of bis children by Ihem,1
"lie solo of over a,000,OUO of boxes bus Hilly lest j
d them. They are tlluunly infallible worm tie
oining mcdiciiio known. What family will Le
vi'.tii.ut llieiul
Ciiiisumpiinn,(,'oiigliii,Colds,Vhiiopiiig Cotigln:
Vsthiun, aud ull uH'cctions of the lungs, will find n
tieahng value in Sbriiiim'a Cuugb I.tiengcs. 'I'liov
aved the Kcv, Kic.hiird Do Forest: the Kuv. Mr.
liectcr, Jonathan Howurlh, Esq. and that tvorh
Id hero, Leonard Kogers. Iioin tbe cunsuiiq.tive's
gtave. 1 hey cured in otio day the Kuv. Mr. Dun
bar, llic Kcv. Mr. Jlandcock; U'ni. 11. At tree Esq
of dislcvsilig coughs. They aro tbn pleasanlest
oiigll medicine und cure ibo soonest ofany kl.uwn
lUmuncbe.Sca.sickncRB ami I'alpilciii'n.relieveil or
to'ii live to ten minutes bv Mierman's Camphor
i.o.ciii;es t ersons alteiiiliug crowded -noma in
'ravelling will lind Ihem to impart buoyancy ol
pints and lencw llieir energies, J linsy lillt-1 1 1 1 p
Iromloolitu living will lind a few of hie lo.eiipti.
lo dispel the btirjors mid lownesa i f spi'iu. Mr.
Krath, of the Sunday Mercury, has rppeatedly eur
ed liimsuli (if severe headachy hy them ;aptaui
Lliadwick, ol the packet ship W ellinglon. ivil-
nusstd their t llicacy in a gx-al many cases of ttu
Mt kness. They operate like a charm upon '.In
.igiiareu or siiaiiin a nerves, hs Olicrnian s j hoi
tl.m s l'laster tines upon rlienmiilinii, luml agi',
pain or wcukinvs in the side, tuck: liresst, or unv
part of the body. Mr. II. ti. Daggers, 30 Ami
siieci; 1 1 en i y K (ionldinp; :,) Chatham
lreet Moses J llenriques I'isq. ami a
, - i i. . i .,
ui ii 1 1 1 1 in i e ui oilier tiavu ixycnenreu the
vnnilerlul i fleets of Oicse I'lasii rs
l'i ice only l2j cents. Caution is reccssan
oi see that ou net the genuine Shei (linn's
Lt.enyes and Plasters, ns there arc innnv
ivi rdiless nrtir les atlt tnliled to be i almeil
If in pl.u e ul thi'iii, by those wiio w oub
ui II' uili Mutt life lor a shil'inv.
)r. Sbeiiiian's w iiiehouae t al ' 00 .'as
i . i .
sau stieet. r or stun uy
John R. Mover Uloomi-burf
Win I. W'alW & co lie i w u k
l.ovv ife Thompson Lime Hulge
hi it J. Lizirus Dranijcviile
,1. li. Shoemaker Buck Hum
I.. & A I. Ilisel Jtrseyiown
Drrr et .M'lliid.i Whito Hall
John iMonrt Danville.
Stephen Haiti v, ('.iiinvvissa.
Jan. 4 IS 13 37. (tin,
Altoricry ;t Law,
(Iffi-.t South side of Main-st. oppositt
A." Iyer 4' Ihfflnjt Store,
try Wll 1- ATTIiM) COURTS IN
AND li zlhm:.
Mi:iir .llamifaclory-
fWl UK subscriber havmir established a .VB 1
jj CII.IIK ,il.f.vir.'t.i"i on iiiam
.treet. m ar the residence ol h. H. Mails, he is now
prcpated to furnish Ciiaiis of every description, on
as uniid terms as they can ie juircnasau eieewuen
.1 the county.
Such as Bed Posts. Wanton Hubs. Mocks, cj c.
fhis latter hranrh, from rtperienee. he believe
ha fan do a little better hau any other j f rton ir
lhi section.
rVJi'LAR n.ANK vtll be taken in pay
rr.ent at tne ntghe6t r ,kci price
Bloortisbut?. July 4, 181p II tf
For S-.i.'e at thh Vkc.
'I'll E Farm on which lh late Conrad
Hess resided siua'eil on Biu Fishinr i-rerk.
in Niij;arlnal.wil be reiitetUoi ONE YEAK
Tom the tl ii ol April neii. isiaiii Farm
cuiitsiiu abuiil
150 ackj:&
?5 '"der itiipioveiiieiii, w jtli a good
mini ano
"con the pteniises. Conditium murla T
- nuwinipoH applicationi ic
WM HESS, Cxecutor;
re hen by wtCtu ixtian Si. Drobst,
, 'itfil an Auditor, in
i,1ii',n A
I) robs I,
ut tbe hands ol James Vic-.
jiiir,.. .1 ii.
. . . i l. cj 1 1 .... t "I
inniHiraior ui i.iira o. way nuisi, -',"i. ,:tfi
who was one of the Ansionces ul (htl
A Hrobst. antotiu (he creditors uf euia
i i'i ... .: .ii ....... I I... n 'l.-.l,wiii Dticuti at toe iitiu3u I'loiiiii'
tlariuiau, in l!aiiaisa, on 'I'liursdav, '.ha
3d day of April next, at 10 uV.wck of said mi
day, in peiform the dunes of his appoint f le
nient, where all panics nucleated in ibo tet.
said estate are hereby notified to attend.
Februaro7, 1845. 8 4U
List of Jurors
For April Term, 1843
(a rand Juror.
O'oom Ephraitn I.uU
DriercreekJohn Hill Robert McCurd
Inhn Kiuh
Cattawissa Lewis Yelter
Derry William CamaliHti
F'sanklin John Vottght
Jackson George Allnjer
Limestone John S. Uya
Liberty William Dale
Mifflin John Orovcr Cbii.tain Kim
Mahoning John Kussel Eli Wilson,
lohn O J'houipson
Ml. l'leasani Williitn Miller David Vi
Montniir Ja ucs liarlon John IJitharils
David Claik
Madison lirnjunin Wintcislcr n
Orange John ('rouse
Kuuringcruek John Davig
TR.U'ERS JUROllSJan 1813
Bloom EM Crivelintr
nncrcnek William McMichae1 M. W,
iIm n Jil t FjDavis Frederick Neictdy
C'Hitawawisa Jesse Monroe John Rit
ter jr
I),.ny Neal McCoy John lJlee Jacob
Seidle I'eter Shubz
Franklin John Low John Mench George
IlemlockRohert Moore,
linir stone Stephen Dalliel Samuel
Caldwell Philip liunyan John Flood.
Mahoning W illtain bcbuyler t4ornelus
Madison Thomas Barber Jacob PemoU
Jacob Drcizclpire John Kctner
Mi. rieaeanl John U Vandersiice,
William Kellev
Orange Abner Welacb
Uoaringcreek Daniel Lerati Sabasline
llowcr Kaihati Driesbach Suluman Feticr
Sttgarloaf 3aniuel Iloan Denjamin
lf.y Jacob SiJIei Andrew Child
Notice is hereby given to ihe ciertilora
f Isaac Cornelison, deceaseJ, thai i will
nittiid al the public house of CltBrlcs Diieb
ler, in the lownnf Blootnaburg, on Friday
he 28thday i f March next, for the fnrpoee
if apportioning ihe asts of (he said Eata'.a
minnir ihe creditnis.
January 27, 1845 3 i 1
VIE cubecriher disirous of quitting business.
on account of his health, will
iroperty to any pnraon on favourable terms, vvhri
.till PrRCIlASE Hlf STOCK Ut'' I'OOD.
eninming on hand. His situation for tlning butanes
in considers, the best in Ihe county,
(Xj He also icqumtes all those u.debtcd to htm
o come anrf make pav met t before ihe 1st, of
pril, after that time, every arrnunt not paid, will
e sued without icspett to ii,
Jan. 20 lb'45.
V X 11 1 0 X Lr TA I I.O K
Come one, come all, give tne a tall !
rHE subscriber returns his idncerc thankg
for the lihi ral pntronage heietofore In'sioircd
ipon him, and bnpes for a enntinuanre of the sau.c.
with an i.icrease dun the merit of hii ihnp. lt n.
'.ends-tpavine, neither pain or labour to lender
'Htiefartion in any cafe;i ; d will v aricnt his wnrU
lone wilh tarte and dmabilitv.AND AMTTLC
ust received Mahans. lato rrpoit of Farhior.s. fron
Philadelphia, which can be ceen at hie ehoo at &.-,
time, by which he L enable tr cut accordir" o
tho la'esf atyle, or (o ordar. Hid prtcee arc" m
secordance lo tbe Inios. All kinds cf coi:rt-
rotluca lakeu in i.avrscnl fe- work r.t m.'itkft n.-irt
A very reasonable discount for rarh.
P. 3. LEIDY.
N. II. Culling dune with the jjiatatest eeje.and
it the shortest notice.
P. & t.
JJloonisburg, Oct., t S-l .6
J not
Ii7w " " me