The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 08, 1845, Image 4

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The norm r"' ,ou 1 " ' fi o..y..
' . ...... mill
,.r r . ..ii i ii c
loll I ni
the tumble vori'X
. I ik. n.nll HW'f'.ll
.ivhi'U on
li w it one I
. . . I lie
w,t " . . ......i ii. m or uiiil
Hid wavrji .in.'. .
shook bn-.'h h.m, .oJ i 1h
l,.a her dutithter g,1,nJl "iy kep
ward refcudies oMiyh;'ir ryM Wlltl
erfnl was ihB.JPpj) cfl the rsy, pp
ilttHeuVltCin Tar some . ohj'-cl oh the
J,K Suddenly the child ciled
Mother there they ar I
She pointed with a irrmrjlln flngT
11 nit- Soke, mill following it iliirctlini
Ihe mo'li-i beheld a whin- spi rk like a l'?nov. Bmid the dark waters of
of ihe hoiiton. It lose nd fell, bu'
kepi constantly increasing in size, as i
Oh! Lord, I thank ihee,' slid the mo
ther, clasping her hands and looking up
to Heaven.
The father of my babei yel liven,
live him for thy sake.'
It would hate melted the aternesi
. t......ii.riii urn"
heart to have heard the deep emotion
With which ahe breathed that prayer
Then with band clapped before hei
the alood ailent, watching the litlle
baique which contained her husband
and her only boy.
And bravely did that gallant1 eraf
trundle through the tempeat. Now
it would be lost to sight in whirlwind
nf foam ai it nluneed throuah a head-
tea, and now it would re-appear, U
while Jail glancing like ihe wing of a
gull. At timel the wind would preic
with auch force on the cloae reefed
canfaM b to lay her mast nearly level
with the billow?, ao thai the moiher
bear! nearly aunk wi'hin her, for it
eemed then aa if the brave baique
would never recover herself, and again
the frail apar wou'd Btrufgle upwurda,
ond the boat akim along for t epace,like
apirit walking the deep
For nearly half an hour the lit lie
baique waa thus viaiblej and during thai
period the sunpenee of the mother wa
worse lhan the most intolerable agony.
- " o "
One moment ahe aaw heraelf bertfi ofj
hose ahe loved, and again hope would
resume its away in her bosom, only,
however to be again overthrown by
the neit surge that broke over the le
fjted craft. It aeemed a miracle thai
he boat had lived ao leng and even th
tunguine hopes of a mother could not
long pursuade her she ahould aee her
darling boy again.
At length one mojniainous billow
W en advancing, Itl huge breast lift
ing iir If slowly up, (he masses of wa
ter piling one over another until they
eemed to mingle with ihe black cloud
above; then a speck of foam suddenly
appeared on the extreme top of the
wave, which apreading rapidly to right
and left until the crest was everywhere
crowded with it, the huge bulk ol
piled waters tumbling headlong, and thi
boat, which had been seen a second be
fore laboring in the trough ot the sea
beneath was lont to sight forever in the
white chafing whirlpool.
The mother held her breath as th
waters fell and remained like one struck
by a basilisk, gazing on the fierce vor-
- - - . . . L . I. .
tex, a if hoping even ugamsi nope ma
the boat would re-appear; but momem
alter moment passed until it seemed lo as if hours had passed and yet no
ion cf the baraue was visible. At
U iieirUhe waUra partially subsided; an
-other billow swept over the place wher
the fust had broken and then the mas
of the little trail rolled upward; but tin
liull waj nowhere visible.
Tt.ey are lost oh! my dear falhe
snd Iljirv mother ean't You aave
then.?' aaid the child, In accents of in
most heart breaking grit f.
But the mother answered not. Sin
looked wildly st her daughter, and then
ran, Ike one distracted, to the edge o'
lVie aurf. venturine so fr down will
the undeitaw that il appeared incredible
lhal ahe could eieane the anzrv breaker
" .-- ,
Here the strained htr eye sgun I
aee if she could calch a glimpse of lh
crew of the ill fated boat, but nr thn.p
was visible except the black surges cap
ped with foam; and no sound was hcatd
tut ne roar or thi hurricane.
'Uh! father in heaven!' ahe cried,
accent's of that stony grief, which onci
heard, livea forever in Ihe memory
save my child save him even yel!
At that instant a dark mass appeared
on the crest of a breaker, end w;tn '
rrv of toy the mother saw Ihe form
hrr darline bov clore It hand. The
next moment the bojlwas hurled towa d
Kpr. and tushin ftfklesaly into Iht
't'jifslie caught the child by his clothe
... nun ina a r v
HlJ lilt' rirtl miwii
4,1 1, bi lure i.eond sur. should over
i le her
Twice he was s;uc
before leaching
the beach, ami i""'-
a weeping daughter
lull i n,h l ol
...... i li.ii ihe enei HV
of (he pa fi.Mlly r.u.ihed and she bore
,., ,.,.', .he land and laid the sense-
the bench. The motnei.l
lher the hard) f-auie. of the i'l
.,nn .nuiiil"' Ihe auif, V'1'
a rotn te ciieo mo i,v ,)u
i . k ut.,.r I ...
The fie ohj-ct tht n
the hooy of tmWcried, raiinn
i.f .. Uh! Uod he tsilead
Mt h.iI bokn tx rlaniiion anl
i.i.k.iiik li hun. Is. he looked ui) to
neavo. Ilia whole fice convuiaeu witi
the (carlo. aoiiy of a bereaved falh.
li w.ii a louchinn l.ieclacle. In the
li)regrounil y llu figure of Ihe boy,
cold and wet. In beauufnl hair washed
tuck fi out hit lice, and hia lillle arm
extended by In aid., aa if he had been
uleepinu. Over him kntlt the afll :ie J
uioiher. her form half nroatraie on tiio
intl her IdCe boned in her ti ai.lf Ilei
linrmeiiis and those of Ihe father weie
llying wildly in Ihe wind. The back
ground ol ihe uiciure was filled up by
ihe while foam of the run, and Ihe
whirling masses of clouds overhead.
In ihe distance scarcely visible through
ilte dai kneas of approaching u ight Wd
i little fidiing village.
'Uut may he not yel livi?' suddenly
-aid the mother, as if a new hope had
truck her, 'Oh! if wo had him at home,
we might do something for him.'
lha ljiher alailed up from his mo
mentary s'upor, and every leature ot
nis face was now instinct with energy.
Catching the senslesa body in his armn,
.viihoui t word, he strode onwards to
he village ai nost on a run, the rent
of hia family followed on behind, the
nother in breathless silence, her heart
agitated with hope and tear alternately
and the daughter cl inning; to het dress
and sobbing as if her heart would
flie neighbors met them before they
reached their home, all eager to lend
their aid; for they knew that the pilot
had been abroad lha day, and the ru
mor ot his wreck soon reached every
hearth. The senseless body was laid
on the bed; those who could be of ser
vice remained in the loom, and I hi
rest anxiously waited the result in tin
ipnarlmeiU without. After somelinit
hopelessly spent in the attempt lo revivi
him, and when thu neighbors wher
begining lo despair, the mother l hough i
ihe saw some fainl signs of life. Tlieii
exertions were now redoubled, and at
ength he faintly breathed.
My boy lives, said the mother fer
vently, and though she breathed n
prayer in words, her heart was poured
out in Ihankluhipsn lo her 1 ltlier n
Heaven as she looked on.
Before the night was very fir speni,
the child thus reiciml from th uws of
death was able lo set u;);inJ miny aid
hearfell weie Ihe thanks for rerovurj
breathed to heaven lhal nighl by th
mothers of Ihe linle Tuning village fo
each felt lhal il might yet be lo hei
own darling as it had been that day t
ihe Pilot's Dot.
I am a real ring tailed roarer of ajiw
breaker, from thunder and lightning
county down Eisl. I've been rnwei
up salt river seventeen limes, and i in
not soiled a whit. I make my breakfast
on stewd Yankees & Pork stake,ind by
way of digestion, I wrench them down
with spike nails and epsome salts. 1
lake dinner of roa9t elephants stufl'd
with wild cats, onions and tish hooks
I sun on nothing hut wind. 1 can
sneeze Ihe coat off Col. Crockett' back
from down East to Tennesse, by taking
a Dinch of General's snuff. I can lick
my weight and the General's of ra
coons. I can grin steam boat machin
ery out of place, and snort Mai. Jack
Downing liom Washington lo his uu
cle Jonathan a barn anl. 1 am iuo
what vou may call a rrgjl.r Miorler ami
giul burster. I can nut eat, out drink,
tj i woik,oul grin, out snort, uut run,
out snerz ', out lie any thing in the
.hane of man or beai-l frum Aaiiie to
The editor of a paper in Boston late
ly informed his leaders, that Ihe ladies
always pull off Ihe left stocking last.
This as may be supposed, created some
little sti; among his fair readers, and
while in positive terms, Ihey denied the
statement, they at the same time de
dared that he had no business to know
il, evtn if such was ihe fact and pro
nounced him no gentleman. He
provei it however by a short argument
-When one stocking is pulled off fit a1
there is another left on; and pulling off
Ins taking tne lei t stocking ou last."
All should avoid the tatter as
would a viper. The iling of the first is ths
moat aura detih.
JAY SB'S HA lit J'bMiitiful New
. , .ui w ho had hern bald
This Hair Ionic nc tha hJ from D.nJrufl
Hair in lha heit)f the aralpr'rrkervvi lha hair
to Jttn a oifor bicomiu iUanenlly gray
IS a refrain, lata and cfTuciual remeily for Dyi
entry, Diirrhma or Iooioiiubi, cliulrra uiorbux.ium'
(tier couiplainl, colic) griping ain; aour atuinnrli;
tick and ncrvoui heidtcli lioirtburn, waterbiaali;
pain or aicknera of lh atoinach) tdiiiiliuKi tpilting
up or loud aller filing and alto wlierait panacx
through the bttdy uncbunged waul of ajipctite
rcntlenoH and inability to alerpt winid in the tto
mach and bowcU, cramp; uervoui tiriimra and
Iwilcliingt;; (raticldictk; faititing, melancbuly and
lowneit nf spirit, lictiing and crying nf infant
and fur all bowel allcciiona and Df rvoua Jifeatca.
Whicli ia perfectly safe and so pleanant that
children will nut rcl'uue to luke if It cllictuall)
destroya womiti: neulralia"s acidity or omneb ol
iheilomacli mcii'usei! ii I'clilc and acta u a gene
ral and permanent Tunic and ia tbcret'oie exceed
in y I v lienuticiul in iircrniilient anillU'inillenl fevprs
and iiidigrationi 4c and ia a ccMani and pvnnanent
cure fur tbe fever and agua,
They may be taken at all limes and in
most diseases In luflmiiiiiaioi) , iniermit-
ani, Keniitteiit, tSilioua. and every other
lorm of rever Jaundice and I.iver l-oui
plaint. For Dyspvpaia ihev are really an
invaluable article, gradually changing the
Ailiated accretion of ihe atomach and li vet .
ind producing healthy action in those im
jiorianl organs. Itievaie very valuable
lor ui6eaaes ol the Skin, and lor what i
commonly called 'Impurity of the blond,'
also for Female Complaints, Coativenaat
&!.. and in fact every disease where an
Aparient, Alterative, or Purgative Medicine
may be requited
It always cures Asthma two or three
large doses will cure the Croup or Hives t
Children, in from fifteen minutes to an
hours time. Il immediately subdues the
violence of Hooping Cough, and effects :i
apeedy cure. Hundreds who have beer
given up by their physicians as incurrabh
with 'lOiistimpiion have been restoreuo
perfect health, by il.
In facl. as a remedy in Pulmonary Dia
eases, no medicine has ever obtained a
higher, or more deserved reputation.
C7 I he above Medicine are all for sale
althe store of JOHN R. MO YE It,
Blooinnburg. 86
List of Loth-en.
REMAINING in the Post Oflice at
CaliawMsa on the quarter ending December
3Ut. 1914.
Beliler Mr Kuhns Peter
Chapman D.tniel M Longenbargpr Philip
Croll William Dongal John ir.
Davin Fanny Siewart Abraham
Fisher Israel 2 Siokes William
Fisher J P Shunian C
Kellogg Chester Tubeeaon Rachacl
ration calliivj lor Irtltrs in the above list will
plea.u iy they aro ai!vorti.-rd.
List of Lett ci s
REMAINING in the Post Ofll.-e. a
RlooinsStirg, on the quailer ending Dec.
3Ut. 1811
Abel Uurr J D Paxmn
David Evemelt Charles Stetler
Airs Mary M Eckerd Miss Calh. StaulTei
Daniel McCnrdy Peter Stsresii '
John Reichendorfer N Snyder
Calender Potler Henry Walters
A VHiera
K'rson calling for litlteis in tbe above list nil
pleuse ty they are advertim d.
HE auhiicrihcr uiTuib for sulf his vnluabli
null propei'tyj situated in Kodriiiiicirck. It
at of a
f&&&&i nun or stones
several out buildings, a good pump, al tbe door
1G Acres,
of meadow land, all in good state ef repair. lie
deems it unnecessary to give any further description
as all who want to purchase, will view for them
selves. It will be sold on the most reasonable
terms, and possession given whenever required
Roaringcrcek, Jan, 25 1845.
111 r.Prnns indebted to the subscribers
All persons inueuieu to me suDscrioere,
on note, book nccount or otherwise a onL
one BHra aianunijf, its reqursiru iu can vim
settle the same in Caah or Grain, on or ke
fore ,he , dav d February nxt
neelectine ihis nonce, may expect lo nay
cost as we are determined lo have our old
bubincss settled.
WM. M'KEI.VV & Uo.
U'ojmsburg, Her, 281914.
ltS'IXTFLLLT informs the eitiis
JlCulumbia county, and tbe public general!) t
Uut he has located himself in Uloomsburg.on Main
street opposite t. 1'aul's Uhurcb, whoa he ba
opened shop, and is now ready and prepared to
receive aud execute all work in his lined business
with dispnufb and in workmanlike manner.
clocks & Watches
of the best quality, can be had at hia cstablibbment
on very reasonable terinr .
will be done to dissatisfaction of (be customer, asi
well of Clocks and Watches as of Jewels, and he
will further, warrant his work to be exe-utel a
well as any in this section of the bts'.c. He will
also make to order
or pocket, and in short, will do all otherwoik liu-
ally done in a well irgulatcd rcpri tsble cstahlixl
ment. lie hones by sli'ct atti nlion to busines
and a rlcni e to plrasr, to irceive a liberal abate o
patronage. C ountry Produce taken in pay men
or worn si me mataot prices.
Uloomsburg, .November IS, 1814 30.t
The subscribers have established al the
above place, a new MJlllULE YJ1UD,
and will always he ready, al the shortest
notice, lo furnish to order,
or any other work in their line. They are
also prepared to lurnisi WINDOW CAPS
&c either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of
stone lhal can be procured in this vicinity
I1.-7 Having had -oiiMilerable experience
111 the business, iney pledge their work In
be executed in as handsome a sivle as can
be lurnished from snv yard either in thi
cily or countrt ; and on as reasonable ii-riue,
Bloonisburff, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28
chaiR. Wanufactcy,
THE subscriber cot)iinufci io carry on
CHAIR ilf A N U F A C T 0 R 1 N (J
husineds at the old stand of B- k S- Hagen
buch, where he will be ready at all times
io furnish Fanry & Windsor Chairs, Set
tees, Boston Rocking Chairs of rv.-ri
lescriptinn, which may be called for. at
short notice and on the most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign &.
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior maimer,
rrom Ins experience in llie business, and
his facilities of Manufacturing the various
irticles nf his line, he flatters himself that
he shall be able to furnish as good work.
oid upon as reasonable terms as can be
lone in the country, nil of which he will
Impose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. B- Orders from a distance will hi
strictly ai.d punctually attended lo.
Bluomal urg, Dec 30, 1613
Drug's a good doff,
Bui Holdlasl is belter.
fSHE undersigned would return hix sinrerj nnr
H liumlile tluinlts to tbe citizens of UlooiiihbuiK
nid vicinity, for the favors thus far bestowed unoi.
nun, ami vvouiu still lurtlier ask a continuance ol
he aainc, so long only as satisfaction is rn.deieil
IJ I I r, l.
uu ouiu not say, i onic one eume all, nut come
is many as conveniently can. Neither would In
promise, (as others have,) to do his work bcttci
than can be done in any other shop in the place
lint in short, he would neither brag nor banter, but
lely any one who docs brag to do work neater than
he does, in all cases. He has also lately received
i he lute
with which he is prepared to do woik Fashlonabl
mil neat, and will guarantee a good fit at all times
lor anv one who may favor him with a call.
His shop is at the old Btand occupied by him
lor a number of years And the latch strinjr will
lie found out at all times. As to prices he wishes
to he understood (hat he intends to do work us low
as any of his neighbors, and as usuul, all kinds of
country produce taken in exchange for wo.k done
at his shop.
Uloomsburg, October 12, 1814 V5.
EMIIUtIMJ the present opportunity ol
cxprcrsing his thankfulness to his fiiends.nnd
the public generally, for the liberal putronsee he
has heretofore received, informs his friends and tin
public in general, that he still continues to carry on
ihe above business at his old ertublishrd stand,' on
the corner ot Main and East streets, w here lie
nopes, by strict attention to business, to receive
and merit a shaic of public patronage as heretolore
He deems it unnecessary to go into the game ui
bro?. " o use any soft rodder about his SKILL in
. p),OFESmon OF GARMENT fliTTixn
hU shop is of long standing, and his work he
trunks will spenk lor itself, and far more louder
than words. Uut, he would merely say that, he
warrants his work dnne with neatnees. durability,
and in the latest fashionable manner, and will cn
suis a good fit in all cases.
S. B. Chorges moderate to fiiit tho times. All
kinds ofcmintry produce taken in exiliurigc fcr
work, at maikct prices. . j
Bkwcsburg, Ker. 9 IS44.-C. ;
axo FiRDsioii rttinND.
Neutral iu rolitlta pud Itcllglon
Now U the very nick of time to tub scribe
for the New I ear 1843-
With Iht lurgext Subscription List iu
the World.
Far ths purpose of facilitating the formation of I
cius, ol ntw or oio subscribers not m arrearage
tlerlUUo lollswnig
Three copies f of the Saturday Courier,! year,
or one copy lor inree ye are 5
UD colli vilhe balurdav Courier, lvear 10
Twelve do 15
Seventeen do 20
Two do .t 1
copy of either of the S3 Muulnu ft
Five copies of the 6'alurdav Courier, snrt 2 tn.
pies of either of tho t3 Macaxines 1ft
Five copies ot the Saturday Courier.and 1 co
py of irost'a new Pictuiial Jlittury of A
merica, a i S book, 10
(Tj'lii fact, whatever offur is made, bv anv otlmr
Family Journal, at all approaching in wortli.lwauty
or pretensions, lo tlio Smuiduy Courier, will be fur
niiiiieu cy uh.
J he ( ouner has become so well and favorablv
known through a triumphantly popular courw of
fourteen yeais, unit it would be siipeifluoua lo nay
much.on that suliji'd l.cie. e iimv
ever, that to the industry, talunt mid enterprise,'
which nave rm yrarakepl this paper a bnglit ex cm
1'iarioraii us imitators, will constantly be addedl1" ("ciurea cost zxou apiece, nnd will cost ua
the productions of every available writer, mid con-uf tll(!ln lhr,'e 'i'nes that sum to have them
tinned judicious and hbciul expenditures will con- engraved and worked elf lor the edition of Graham'
tinually be made, as well in tho Liurary tin the Ty-ul ""-'cost tihall be spared to keep our proud
pographical dciartme:its. Our nit alls will filwflvs 'position at the head of tho 1'eriodicals ol tl.a
eiiuuie us to ue in advance vl all olhers.and we ahall,wu"Ul
t . .. . ' .
Histories of Modern Republics.
A new and important announcement lor tho com-
. I.. .1 i:.:. .. . . i - i
...i, in uuuiiinN iu nnr uireaoy numerous pop-ineir cnarm io tne pages ot urananri magazine,
uhr 1'ealtiren, will be a scries of Condensed Histo- Everything in the way of novelty and beauty that
neit of Modern Republics, by a fresh and vienroua'has ever been invited is laid under rmitrihniinn.
w riter' who will impart a world of important in jXothing that cspital and taste can Bupply is imit
siruction to the rising generation, in this new'uiid ted. First, as the most elegant nnd appropriate, as
entertaining Romance of History. ' well ns the most popular cmbelltshmeut, we place
Biographies and notices of DisinA
rtnt,rt 1 ...... . , c- . y u
fished Literary aud Scientific Mm.
Among the iiitercstinu eesuvs ond sketches of
vaiue, wnicn we shall continue lo present in the
Couner.will be a full and interesting account of the
rise, piogress. uud present elevated Handing of all
Jittmt'UMud men, of tho Past uud Pre.i-nt. rat
iiuiiiu or auroau,; in an dcpnitmcnts ol Art.Scicncc
Literature, rMatesmuiihlup, roctry, Mechanics,
Plaining, Agriculture, Printing, Merchandize, etc.
Thia will be a very intetcstiiig feature for the
loung. It w ill be a department of the Cornier,
winch il has ever been our aim to render of inesti
mable value to those for whom we feel so deep mi
iiuercsi us weuo lorllie xnung Men ol our great crowiii' Country. The Lives of Litliiimiishci
.Men are of luudi value to thrvc w ho are vet form.
ing 11 eir own charartcrs; for the purpose of enact
ing their parts, correctly, on the Great Stage ol
Human Lite.
iii.!i -il, w boietlnit this fcnurlnirnt .if lb..
Courier will lie Worth more ("each vtaO lo cverv
family who huvc sons und dauuliters lo l c n-a-cd.
tliau live times ill. iiiiioiint w e ik lur a vear' sub-
sciiplion to llic .atmd.iy (.'mirier:
Incidents, JlUturitm Scenes, E utile
C rounds, $ c , of Ihe Ainericvn and ult
other Involutions.
, .... , r I . . . I
t ndcr tins hescl. Iwbii h is. bv tbe wnv.iint .it :,lh
i h
new in me luunti.j wei.nuii uereaiier gne gi:ijhic
and i'ltcrcstiiic; aecounla c.cusion.illy beautifully!
illustrated of the ihrillinij incidents, so piofuscly
studded llin-iiih tbe deeply impurtunt history if'
ihe Aiiicrican Revoliiiiori, nnd of all other revolu
tions that we n ay icpard of ihe least interest in
value the icailcimfllie Philadelphia Saturday Con'
ricr. This wiil be nf deep consequence, ulso, to
every member of any family of tho Ariiciicuu re-l-ublic,
who may choose to do themselvca and t.s
:bc favor of securing, rcguliiity. the visits cf the
Cornier at their Kumilv Fireside.
f'Ul'L'LAR TOPt '(.RAPHV. To gralitvihc
1 .1. I ' . . t ut r.
growing appetite for a beticr knowledge of the im
poriaut features of our great ond glorious country
our past exertions shall be redoubled in luture to
prevent vivid pictures of American cities, towns,
mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc.
Our original domestic Tultt, Ensvyi, Poems,
4c. will continue regularly to be fjrnished by the
minds and pens in the country. These chaste
productions are acknowledged lo be the best, fo
useful instruction at the family fireside, that appear
in any periodical
Otk EsoBivrsos comprise aubjeclsin all bran
chca of Art and Nature, suitable for the family eir
cle, and uppear in rapid succession.
01 U 1 KV r J.LLK is constantly Iravcrsiiic
the world, in seaicli ol the wonderful uud instruc
(Jen Annicci.Ti niar occupies weekly an im
porfant space, wih all matters of interest for tb
nolle tilkrs of the toil;
Our Eurnpeun Correspondents, in Liverpool
London, Ireland, the Last, CfC. keep us regulurlv
advised ot all JUl'jectsot special interest.
(lur Markets and Prices Currcnt.embrace all tin
earliest advices ill reference to the prices of all kind
nf Grain. Produce, Ac, the staloof Slocks.Uanks
Money ,aud Lane's, and our extensive arrangements
will hereafter render our rices Current of inesti
mable value to the Traveller, Farmer, arid all Bu
riincss Classes whatever.
Courier Building, 97 Chesiiut street, Pbila.
The IMooi:ivInn-s K. it. I C
V"S7ILL keep coiistuntly on hand, a large
W W sortuient ot
which they will sell bv WHOLESAI K and RE
TAIL, and on a$ good tituit an the article
can bt eh h here tti ;. erf. Mcichants ami
others, may find it to their interest to coll. . II
kinds of grain received inpayment.
IrrrJustircjlllank KXKCUTIONS am
SUMMONS just .rimed and for i-le
1i!b 0ce
FOit 1845.
GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE has Uj enjoved
" tbe enviable ropulsUon of living tbo hsnt pe
riodical in (he U. t. both in ihe quality and num
ber of iu tuibullislimcnts, end in ihe tone ol it li--srury
matter. It is the cheapest as well as the '" it
Fur tliuyetir 1811 the publisher lus giw n so' ul
1 00 pages inure original mailer I bun any ol his c.w
tuinporarics inoio original steal engravings, in ad.
dition to fuiihiiin plates and colored flowers. The
clicupnes and merit of a three-dollar magazine over
all utliiis are apparent, which bus made an vutluy
ol boveu 'I'liou-siid Dollars greater (ban sillers, and
an addition of engravings over oilier magazines lha
would embellish he costliest Annual. The pub
linlwr is however satisfied lhal nothing but real at
alknct can maintain the high position his periodi
cal has altuiueu in the Muted Mutes,
Tho publisher doe not hesitate to say that he.
defies all competition with Graham's mug.izine for
1916. Ilia immense subscription list, the merit
mi J number of hi contributor, the high order of
tho engravers engaged, the number and variety of
elegant plates already purchased and on hand, and
Hie immense facility which his capital and portion
give to prosecute the work render any rlToits at ri
val a matter of ridicule, Lvery number nf ilia
woik issued, bcara with it the evidrnee ol its tii
umphant success, and establishes the impossibility
ofsuccsjiful competition, Improves and extends
for good works, that nothing, of a humbug order
will be tolerated.
Every numoer of Graham'a Magazine is issued
at a coat of nearly $1000 the platen alone consist
ing nearly bull the sum movt nf the plates are I oni
Originul American Paintings, executed expressly
lor tne proprietor, tor engravings lor the magazine.
Among the pictures painted for the volume for
1845, uic two by Sully, the grcateut attist, tcvoiul
by Leutze, Chapman, Inmuii, Conoroe, Kothermcl,
Thomson, and others of tho best artists of Ameri
ca. The cost of gelling up embellishments in this
style may be estimated when we ntute that some uf
The most splendid engravings of all aorta lend
'.i i . .. " , ,7 .
l'"11',,1 j1tz?olillt. Engraving.
e were me nrsuo introduce tins Deautilustv a
of orlt, as a regular embellishment 0f the tx.uuh.r
Imoiilhlies. Its wido spread renulaiion tbm th
mcir.8 of our ample-list, called forth a host of imita
tors, but up to Ibis time nothing has been produced
to rivul the glorious pictuies given in Graham.
'Tho Shepherd's Love,' and 'Ihe Coquette,'
Tlieac with u host of others, done for uh by Mr
Sartain, stand 'unprecedented and alone' al the
head of Amciican engraving. We have several
of theso inimitable plates under way, and shall
give one in the January number.
The high merit of Graham's magazine considered
the publisher flatters himself that the following I'.b
eral terms will inJucejtliousands to subscribe.
Tbo following proposals are made:-2 copies for
3; 5 for $10; 8 for $15; 11 for 20.
To the Postmaster, or other persons forming
a club, llic l'nlilisher w ill lot ward a mi-el foreverv
ubscribcr sent, so that by varying iht- bocks, a
complete library may bo obtained .by any person in
a si o t till:C.
inyle Copies, three dollars per annum in ad
vance, lud to Uu- person seiidinc the tuoni-v. a
ooy of 'Ringwood the Rover.' Hcrbe.t's niinc
- - il. whii. .-..fc unit
n.. ...I,. n i.,,i;i.,i ..k r. ..
lNuvi.1 and u!so a copy ot J ho
f.n,.,e ..r a I
.l , . u ... .. vi ii. it. i. .ii n .in u ii.ii , n i- . I! n-1
Tub'c, containing ihiilc.-ii
mezzotint Eugravilijs, will
splendid JSieel and
bo foiwaidcd giutis.
No. 89 Chestnut Street Piladelphia.
Brandrcth's Pills.
fEAI.TV is chateriFcd in on individually
the absence of all pain, sulring, or offcclion
in any pint of his body; by the free and regular ex
crcisBol'hia functions without any exception.
They consist in having a good appetite at meal
time, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without
loosenc.-s or coslivcness at least once in every twenty-four
hours, and without heat.diyncss, or burning
at the passage, the free issue of the water without
acrimony or burning, and without a reddish sedi
ment which ia always a sign of a present or an up
proaching pain; quiet sleep w ithout agitation or
truoblesome drcamv; no taste of bile or other bad
taste in the mouth upon rising in the morning; no
sourness or disagreeable rising of the stomach; a
clean tongue; a sweet biealh; no itching, pimples or
spots on the skin; no piles; no burning heat upon
any part of the body; no excessive thirst when un
exposed to labor or other known cuuse; no inter
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain at their
periodical return.
Where the state of the system docs not harmon
ize with the abovo picture of health, it is nf tho
greatest importance that no timu be lost in sending
lor a doctor, or in the use of foolish remedies too
often the result of speculation; instead of this course
te a dose of BRAMlKETU'S PILLS be token,
which will not deceive, but will at once rcstoia
lieullh to the organ or part that requires it.
All who wish to preserve their health, all who
aro determined to defend their life against the en
croachmcntsof disease which might send them pre
maturely to the grave, will, without hesitation, have
recourse to the Brandreth Pills, when (ha state of
the system does not harmonise with the above pic
tuie of health.
Those who live in a country where contagious or
other diseases prevail, should often think of thia
tiue picture of health, and observe himself with par.
ticular attention, in order to act accoidingly. Tb
wise and rightly directed will foliow this advice
I he unwise arc left to their own destruction.
A 0 EN T S.
Waihington Roliert M'Kay.
Ji'iseyUjwn L. & A. T. flisel.
llunville E. B. Reynolds & Co.
Cattawissa C. G. UMist.
Bloomsburg J. R. Moyer.
Limestone Rabbit & M'Ninch.
Bucklinrn .V. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge Andre St. .Villcr
erwick-J VV Miles
May 4, 18442.
For Salt et tAU OJicc,