The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 08, 1845, Image 1

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Volume Till.
orrosirE St. Paul' Church, Main-it
published every saturaay morning, ai
TWO DOLLARS per annum payabh
half yearly in advance, or d u o jjouan
Fifty Lents,J notpaxa wuinn uitycui
So subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than auc tnonins; nor any umvun
I. ... ji u ... ..
tinuance penniuea,uniu 's11
are discharged.
JJ D VER T1SFMESS not exceeding o
square will oe compicvouaiy ymci icu-
One Dollar forme yiwrnreewnrniwi.
Tunhi-five cents for every subse
quent nser'tion. KTd liberal discow
Wo to those who alvntise by the yea,
LETTERS addressed on business, must
be post paid.
The following, we think, will be read
wnli inirreat. rnmitiP home ai it does, to
the business and bosoms of many ;
The Poor Man's Soug.
Remember the poor, did you lay ?
Indeed 1 e&n hardly fmgei ;
I'e only to feel in my purse,
And think of my 'pockets to let.'
1 have only to look at my coat,
(How much an old coat can enduie!)
To make me in anguish exclaim,
Indeed I remember the poor.
Remember the poor! why, of conce
it cornea home to my bosom ao pat,
Whene'er I unrover my head.
And look at my -shocking bad hat.'
The tich only come in my dream,
Like shedows of clouds o'er moor,
Unl when I am Im-Mii ''
I know I remember the poor.
Oh yrs, I rmember the poor,
When 1 go to my comfortless meals:
When a glance at my best pantaloons
A want of a whole linen reveals.
And I live in an odourftil street,
'Vhere the breze come never a wooer
And when I rrawl into my crib,
'Tie then I remember the poor.
The luxuries linked to my fate
Are those which accompany wo
Pale poverty treads in my steps,
And follows wherever I go.
I'm acquainted with sorrow and grief.
And many a pang I endure,
And sosuie as 1 think of myself,
I know I remember the poor.
When with agues I shiver snd shake,
In the blagtsu t'f tbe winter air
When hunger is knawing and keen,
And at haunches I greedily stare:
When the steam from the cook shops call
And the fumes from the baker allure,
'Tis then from my innermost soul
1 really remember the poor.
Now ano then, at odd times, it is true,
The wealthy come into m) mind;
But the poor always have with me,
To their woes I cannot be blind.
The sorrows that sharply puisne,
Are heyood any medical (fcire,
And whe.-i I shall drop in the grave,
I'll be buried as one of the poor.
ior life is but vapor,
Radiant with sunshine it our happy houri-
Let us enjoy for love is but a taper,
nnnest. when the darknes
lifn is short let us enjoy to day,
u;- nv nhi.rler love we while wt
u i hi. v ' '
While inns we live each fleeting hour em
Reason and pleasure miy
in eoncer
While thus we love, each other's lova en
jry ing.
t .i .h lost lover still remain i friend
n,-.. life, so short, will seeta to longer
flay, ,
And love, though shorter, will life a toi
I'll keep the gift where'er I rove,
For 'twas my pride my joy to win
Pit when yoo next give me a glove,
0 Udy'. let your band be in it.
ii l na -nr-i,.-, , r. ;-v; r - ---nr;-.- - ; iwri mt JU.-aL. "ViiJ . V I f V lAi-l t II V M
I bar tworn upon tbe
Fiercely the Ivory courser springs around-
Check the deep tiles and check! the hills re.
Phe ebon monarch sees his certain fate,
And yields his throne to ruin snd checkmate.
A double conquest, Delia, hast thou won,
Inspired by Mars and Venus' powerful son:
I.o; on the board and Mien victim dies,
And in my hoart a surer conquest lie.
Phillider's Game of Chess
What! not dressed ye I Florencet'exclaim
ed Julia De ( she entered her sisterV
loudoir. on the eveninif of Ajdame Elite's
conversazione, that reunion ot all trie taiem
nid esprit in Bsion 'not yet dressed, ami
wants but a quarter of ten Florence, are
you dreaming over that old nvisiy tome?'
'Something of that kind, I confess,' said
lorence, as with a duite smile she laid
side the volumes 'a quarter of ten o'clock
in sooth, it would be more reasonable to
prepare for dreaming in good earnest, than
go abroad at this hour; but poweas yoursell
with patience, Julia, for ten minutes, ind
my toilet will b made,'
Ms it possible you had forgotten that to
night was the conversazione!'
1 own the soil impeachment, replied
lorance, laughing.
'Good heavens! how singular! why, I
have thought of little else for a week; all
the literati will be there we shall see the
author of Lord Iron's daughter and num
hers of the distinguished foreigners; she
whom they rail the English Guccioli, is, I
know, invited, and Francis Cleland, loo!
Flounce,' (quoth the lequaeioua young
ladv. interrupting herself. 1 it i nm rr(lihl
that you are goiug to the conversajioufc;
thit figure!
"Why not!' said her sister, who hail
turned aside while Julia was enumerating
he guests.'
What's the matter with my ligu e!
The mailer!' amiable simplicity; how
harming is your naivstr, the matter! jus
pie tee look at me!
SosEying, Julia drew up her slate
for.n opposite the Cheval glass. an-
lorence followed her example. The eld
est sister was attired in black satin, wbosi
aven gloss made the pure whiteness of hei
kin the innre striking a deep trend
Monde shadowed, yet not concealed th
ounded shoulder, and scarcely vei'ed th
moulded bosnm;whicli beat with anticipate.!
riumph her ri-h auburn hair, possessing
that peculiar golJen tinge, so seldom seen
but on the feathers of the pheasant, was
arrayed with leaves and buds of the rose
geranium.the deep tinge of the flower being
he only colour about the dresand the one
ncovered had blazed with brilliants
a;age.i d'amout snd tumitU, perhaps, for
.UJ irenile reader, the peerless Julia was h
. Q .
..... L'l...ani.a twlmca eharnia nl
Demon were much infeiior, had hastily
loniied a rose of virgin white, snd the pur
ty of the muslin was not freer Irom spon
.r stain that the guileless heart which beat
neneath the bosom it covered with so maid
-nly a modesty. Her dark hair war plain
ly parted over intellectual brow.anda string
( oriental peails confined its luxunance--
n the hour, Florance De Gehr might have
iiood for a portrait of innocence, snd ne'er
lelied the painter's skill. 'My dear Jsister,
he said mildly, il is not dtess makes the
liffeience between us: Nature has bee
before hand with her, and 1 fear art would
rather aggrevale than repair her deficiencies
Corae.shall we go!'
Oh! you are too modest Florence ha
ibis book taught you so much difidence
What is it! The Game of Chess halwell
I shall play a more skilful game than chese
can teach; it will be for Francis Cleland
heart.for I am resolved to conquer it! Come
Julia's foot was on the carriage step a ih
np.ike; for she always pieferred hearing
ierself talk to receiving inswen, so ine
heard not the low sigh, and marked not the
crimson blush which her last words had
eatled forth. The lisieii were the orphan
Attr of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyramij
(children of a German, aid committed
the carelof an aunt residing in America
they had but little fortune, but so great wa
the beauty and accomplishments of Julia
so sweet was the manners of her sister
that their company eagerly sought by lb
society in which ihev mixed. Une sur
passing skill they equally possessed th
knowledge of chess to so great am', hcientifit
a degree, that neither had as yel met he
qnals. A few years Bgoch 'ss was not so
o "inmon an appendage to centre tables as
n w,and even now, to meet a player of ex
tre ne skill, especially in a female, is of
rara Oi'cuirence both sisters could play
gune without seeing the board, and either
undertake thiee antagonists at once, of an
litiary knowledge inches. Of course
be young ladies weie not without admirers
but ti e most desired of both was Francis
Ulehnd of Julia because his person, for
tune and tnd n w-re excellent of the
gentle Florence, because she had learned to
love him. The sisters weie aware of thi
lacit rivaliy and both regarded it as a mat
tei of little consequence, the elder was se
cure in her own charms, the younger too,
diffident la hope herself worthy of Cleland,
even if the beautiful Julia were not her
rival On their arrival at the lavored tern
pie of the arts and graces, they met, indeed,
II whose learning or wit could instruct and
enliven conversation here they heard the
the quaint remark and the winy retort, the
lively attack, and the Parthian like defence
which hitshndesi in flight here the song
and the verse, the recital and the annecdote
joined to make the sands of the lime like
the diamond dust, sparkling as they pag
ed the magic glass. Cleland wai of the
guests, and brighter flushed the eyes ol
Julia and glowed her check with a mor
imp rial crimson, as he led her to the harp.
A few minutes, and the practiced ooquei
heightened anticipation by vowing like Lad
Her ptetty oath, by yea and nay,
She could not, would not, durst not play
nd then burst forth the glorious tide of
ong, in the exquisite melody of'The Rhine
the Rhine the blessings on the Rhine!'
until the listener's eyes o'erflowed.and their
hearts swelled with unutterable charms ol
music and as Cleland led fiom the in
it ument the enchantress, she cast a iriumpli
a it gUn re at Florence.on whose pale cheek
the white roie deepened to a more dentl
like hue. Brightly flew the hours, th.
steps that paced those rooms, that night
seemed to tread alone on flowers in ever.
ye the gentle passions beamed in i'r
heait pleasure, lor her the whilo, and hui!
herself a lower and temple in
alt and each; save one. There was one
loving heart chill as the grave, one heavy
eye bent on the flower; one aching bean
that the sweet music jugged not r lorence
De Gehr sat lonely and sad, musing o'ei
the broken fabric o( gentle wishes, 'lony
ubdued subdued, but cherished long.'
He loves her! yes he to whom I hav(
dared to raise ihis forwarJ, erring heart-
loves my sister! Am 1 not justly rebuked
'..r iha 2in ol mv uresuinn'.ion ! Is he
not more worthy of a being, on whom eve
y I a
rv ami has set his seal, than 1 am ! Ii
sooih. they ar lovely- she will not, per
haps, love quite so well as would this hum
bler heart: but he loves her. and lo ! the
mysiery and the might of our naturo !
nd shall I love her less because she makes
his happiness I Awsy with the base, the
guilty thought! Oh! Thou to whom the
breathings of a wnful heart may be uplifted
m the crowded throng;or in the silent cham
ior, hear, though every fibre rend as I bid
it part for ever!
Ye who exult in the stern mothers ol
Sparia: ye who delight in the blood stained
heroism of ancient lore, and call the sacri
ficing trophies of an unnatural pride, glori
ous look here for the reality! It is such
trophies as our misguided passions, that h
becomes us to lay on the altar of faith the
sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite
Scsrcely had Florence nerved herself for
that worst of warfares, struggle with our
sslves.wheo several of the leading member
of the company present, approached hei
eneerlv. Aa she could neither sing, nor
iha Mind of Man."
play, nor raconter, to amuse the guests.she
inn hllhftrln han loll nln.AI i.nnnliMiirl k
he fashionable hostess but now that lady
cu iiiv Biiroaun'ng van. ana who persua-
ive accents besought her charming young
'riend to grant the general wish of all pres
tnt. This was to play a game of chess
with her sister frequently had they played
in public, but never opposed each other.
Julia, who always thought heiself the supe
rior, consented carelessly to oblige the gen
eral request, the rather, as the admiring
Cleland was pouring inio her ear his admi
raiion of the game, snd the conviction of
lier skill. Assuredly, Florence would not
have chosen to become thus i public objeci
of attention; the wound in her heart was
sure, and she would fan have tented it with
solitude and prayer but to give up her
wn pleasure wss nothing new to herself
sacrificing spirit, and she submitted quietly,
ilthough not without a remark that Julia
was her superior in the art.
'She is superior in every thing!' exclaim
ed Cleland.
'Flatterer, silence!' said Julia, ss he diets
ed the board for her,' 'say that I should
iiol conquer you would be a false proph
Not conquer! You!' returned he,' pas
sionatelv; 'what rou'.d you not conquer, ii
you condescended to iry!'
You must preserve silence.Mr. Cleland '
taid an old gentleman, who observed career
ing to and fro in Florence's cheek, the way.
ward blood that would not be eonlinlled
it is impossible to play chess if sny one
peaks i syllable.'
On account of the great length of tin
game, a situation was chose: from rhillidoi
where both sides had equally lost, and
neither possessed any sdvantsge. Dut ala
ir poor Florence! notwithstanding her rea:
lesire to play well, her heart was a traitor.
ud soon she lost manifest advantage; al-
laycr," hhe allowed the adversary's knighr
id check her king and queen, thereby ine
vilably losing the finest piece on the board.
Relentlessly did Julia pursue the chance.
forgetful even of her admirer nay more
nomeolly forgetting herself she bent even
energy to the game, claiming each iriflinj,
privilege in tones by no means dulcet, anil
lisplny ing a triumphant exultation at win
ling, incompatible with a generous nature
,ike many another conquering general, (In
urnued her victory tuo far, for not c ontem
will, conquest, she suffered her wit to ex-
ale in sarcasm, snd teunt at her sisU r'f
)u Iness. 'Heavens! Florence, what a
move! Why, there is no inumph in con
jueung you all the prid ol victory is it.
doubt and difficulty',' Cleland moved a lit
is further off.
'There, again good night to you, bishop!
Why sister, surely you must be in love is
she not, now, Mr. Cleland.or she could not
move so?'
This was the unkindest cut of all, and
fairly roused Florence to exertion, her eye
neamed proudly aa she replied: 'Not ih
love with conquest, at least, Julia howev
er, 1 will try to do belter now
Those who play the game arc aware tha
nothing depends in elisors or fortune; all n
cool, calculating skill therefore Chess i
the hardest paina extant, to lose with pa
lience, since it is a fair confession of infe ri
or intellect. Flotence bettirred heiself ii
earnest; Julia, flushed with certainly, had
much relaxed hui care, snd soon tost sever
al advantages. What was far worse; she
lost her temper with them. Cleland. who
was himself an excellent player, admired
he wonderful skill which brought up again
nd combined the broken elements of Flo
rence's game, norcould he forbear to con
irast the pettish ill humor, of the looser a
gainst what been the insulting triumph
of the winner Another instance forced the
moderation of Florence upon his attention
Julia was about to castle this wss the ve
ry wont thing she could hsve done; bat her
rapidly increasing temper blinded herjudg
mer.t. Florence touched the queen, indi
oaiing her danger by a gesture ao slight that
none bul he observed it; and aaved Julia
from total ruin. Her sisier accepted the
obligation aa silently. Slight as such
sacrifice may Chen it is eoorxooal
i t-im-i ii in i -Tun in -1 lrtfcF"Trrrnii
Thomas Je.Turion
Many a plaver would sooner1-1
nrmil oiimau. , t . I . ....
many old friends has game of chess suv'
creu, iiiu marrieu people should hold it ai
utterly forbidden pleasure Both were now
trying hard but the impatience of Julia wa
driving forward a plat; for checkmate, wih
out observing that by a coven manojvre ol
her antagonist, she herself stood without
move but of loss. 'Come play play
you are so long, Florence,' she exclaimed
angrily All was suspense those who hail
the skill to perceive the siiuation held their
breatln. Cleland's eyes were riveted on
Julia lo observe how she could bear the lost-
Florence saw the hair breadih'g chance
she looked up once to the flushed face ol
Julia, and saw Cleland's eyes fastened
mere sne tnongm 'vny should I pain
(hem both who cares if I win or lose!'
then wiih a sudden moiiou of her arm, she
swept the remaining men, exclaiming
will not want for the knell of checkmate
I hsve lost lost lost!' Proudly and ex
ulnngly Julia arose, telling her sister thai
she was a vain thing not to allow her tlx
piictof her hardly won conquest. Clelond
-i i ...
gmnceu irom ntr lace, on which erst-
whilo every angry passion had set their
-sal, and were now succeeded by the no
less despicable ones of paltry jirido and
neiu jdalousy, to thsl of Florence; as sin
ai arraingnif the msn in their box, alone
md unnoticed. On her placid brow sal
nur d beauty, around her lips a smile of
benevolence lingered like the sunlight on
pleasant scene, and if something of Sddness
. .1 :. as .i it
tbs mere, u wouia not long lor animation,
when she raised her eyes and beheld him
ooking intensely and approvingly upon
her. Cleland walcied tho varying blush;
not the pioud glow of vanity, but Hie timid
ii-iidenly uffusion of a gemle spirit; anil
he marveled much how he could have
thought Julia handsomer than Florence.
rhino month vfior that coHVSrtaxione.
Florence de Gehr was Cleland's wife, am.
icr happy husband, rich in the possession
)f a virtuous and loving heart, often blessed
lieaven that she, that night, lost the game
if clioss plsyt
Sirange it is that people (unless in the
way ui osieniaiionj never value trie bless
mgs they possets. 13 m if lile hs a hippi
nets over which the piimeval curse hat
passed and banned nol it is the early am
iing enduring alTeciion of blood and habit.
The passion which concentrates iis strength
and beauty upun one, is a rich and terrible
stake, the end whereof is death ; the living
light of existence is burnt out iu sn hour
and what remains? The dust and the dark
nees But the love which is born in
hildhood an instinct deepening into s
principle retains to the end something ol
the freshness belonging to the hour ol it
birth. The amusement partaken the tri
fling quarrel made up the soirow shared
mgether the punishment in which all were
involved; the plans for the future, so fairy
tale like and to false, which all indulged;
o true it is thai love's slightest links are its
strongest I
How l.ule do even our roust intimate
friends know of us! 'hers is an excite
uer.t about intense misery whioh is its sup
port; light sunenngs spring to ihe lips in
words, tnd to the eyes in tears, but there is
a deep pride in deep passion which guards
us feelings from eveL the shadow of a sur
miso. 'Tis strange the strength which
mingles with our meekness, that even in
the suffering which sends the ftsr to tha
eye, not to be shed, bat there to lie in all
its burning ailtr.ess which swells in the
throat but to be forced down again, like
nauseous medicine, even in this deep end
deadly suffering, vanity finds s trophy ol
power over which tx exult It is somewhat
that speaks of mental command, to think
how little the careless and the curious deem
of the agony which, like a conqueror, is
reigning in misery and desolation widiin.
Men have enough to do to manage their
own iSsiri.
niiilier 40
i Ulllt-K J: HER FAMILY.
r.paln r.... .1 'Pi.
";..rnPle l ever met w
i-oo.esiand moc, ,w . .
II pore,, to bel.eye.snd not
'"Variably, vi; thai happiness does
depend on outward circumslances. The
wise woman, lo whom 1 hsve alluded
walks lo Boston, i distance of 20 or 30
miles, to sell a bag of brown ihread
nd stockings and Ihen patiently walks
back ag-ain with her liula gain. Her
Iress though tidy, is a grotesque collec
tion of "nhiedi and patches,' coarse in
the extreme. '
'Why don'l you come dcWo in a
wigor.?' said I, when I ob.-ejrved she
was wearied wi'h her long journey.
'We riavn'l got any hone,' she re
plied; 'the neighbors are very kind lo
me, but they can't spare Iheii'n, and it
would cost me as much to hire one as
ill my ihread would come to.'
'You have a hubaud doesn't he do
any thing for you?'
He is a good man he does all he
can; but he is a cripple and an invalid.
lie reels my yarn, end mends the chil-
tren s shoes. He as kind a husband
is a woman need lo have.'
Out his being a cripple is a heavy
misloriune lo you,' said j.
'Why, ma'am, I don t look upon it
n thai light, 'replied the thread woman.
I consider thai I've great reason lo ba
hankful thai he never look to any bad
'How mony children have you?'
'Six sons mid five daughters!'
'What a family for a poor woman to
'It is a family, ma'am; but there ain't
one of 'em I'd be willing lo lose. They
ire all healthy chilldren as need be-
II willing to work, and all clever to me.
!ven the littlest boy, when he gets a cent
now and then fordoing an errand, will
wu vouc riaiioiiiers BDtn vour thread!
No ma'am; as soon as they arc big-
nounh, they go out to seivice, as 1
lou't want lo keep them always delving
for me$ they are always willing to give
tie what they can; bul it'sright and fair
hat Ihev should do a little lor llicm-
- . . . . . r. . . l
eive9. i clo all my spinning attcr tria
oiks are abed.'
'Don't you think you ahoull be bet
er iff it you had no one bul yourself lo
provide forr'
'Why, ma'am, I don'l. II I hadn't
hen married I should always hnd lo
work bm hard as 1 could, and now I can't
d ) more than that. My children ara
4 ureal comfort tome, and I look for
ward lo tho lime when they'll do as
much fir me as I have done for them.'
Here was true philosophy. I learn
ed a lesson from that poor woman
which I shall not aoou forget. M ts
Remarkabli Watch. n tli" Academy
of Sciences at Petersburg, in Russia is a re
pealing watch about the size of an egg,
Within it is represented the Redeemer'!
tomb, with the stone st the entrance snd
the sentinel; and while a spectator is admi
ring this cutious piece of mechnicim the
Mono is suddenly removed, the sentinels
drop down; the angels appear, the women
enter the sepulchre and the sum channt is
heard which is sung in the brack
in Easteteave.
There is no more pitiable medicsnt thsrl
the msn who. having no business to em
ploy his mind upon, or resources within
fcimseir to amuse in iaie nte, is reuueeu
io the necessity of taxing his r.eig'nbois to
fiontribute to his amusement. Such a per
son, ssys an eminent writer, begs his hap
piness from door to door, as starving peo
pie do their bread; and should not be sur.
prised if his visits are received with imp.,
lienee. ss his acquaintances', are generally
ndebted for the honor of a -sail, to the tact
of his beinf tired of himself.
k lady of fashion stepped into a shop not
long since, and asked the keeper if he had
ny niainmonial baskets, she being loo po
lite to say cradlesa
Rents are enormous,' as the loafer sajd
on looking at his pants.
A handful of common sense is worth a
l.uslicl of learning.
Alexander was below
affected to bo a god(
a sua when be