tier. Col. Talc lini, pprseverenre, enter irizo, impudence, md a touch of claver ..... . i .1... : t. .i . .nr..;.,,. il,.e limp w lumiililHl mpn irruy ruiij leg 111 o degenerate- dti s of venom nud selfishness, snd so it is quite probable (list he will swim. Old Mother Luzerne' Ins children enough In embryo now. days, to satisfy toy moderate amount of 111 uernd longing' All'kinds of ptnject fundi kind of division of tho county, are afloat, in Caibondale, in Huntington, in Uazle, in Lackawanna, in Siigarlnaf l id elsewheio. The Lacks wanna projicl alTjtdas mmy field of speculation to the curious, though its bloom ma) fids before it has ripened into maturity, and become like Captain Tyler, 'a fixed constitutional fact,' abstract ly JJprr se rciisidrrrd. Hi I ft.eigh of thin trash lor the presenl.whf n I gel into a good humor once more, I may continue my gnip from this, Hallowed lat.d of Campbell's song? for the time being I subscribe myself jours in the free and easy bonds of a most to ni.iti,ie friendship. TOBIAS D. FORRESTER To James Baoby, Student llluomsburg KXILROAl) TO CAN DA. The Legislature ol .Vaine lately charteied a company to build a railroad between Port land and Aonireal. A conference between the Canadian Board of Trade and the Port Company has resulted in the final seleciio" of that rouio, provided the Provincial Parliament and the Queen in council ap prove. Boston wanted the road to through Massachusetts. run LONG TIME TO WAIT. There are fight liquoi dealers in the Salem (Mass) jail for refusing to pay their lines, andjawaiiing the decision if the (J. S Court on the Constiiutionalitv of the license law under which they are fined. The decision is postponed till r.ext winter,so that they have some lime to remain where I'ley are. Cotton Factory out If'csi. "nc of the best and most substantial cotton factories in the United States recently been erected in Cincinati. It has nine thousand three hun dred and twelve ssvndles, and one hundred moms, it win employ three i un r per sons, and make ab out iwojinilliuns of yards of sheeting per an unr Impostors Thelioston Transcrptt says that the streets of that city have lately been infested with a number of idlers who go about dressed as women, asking fur broken victuals. Mull Hurnt A mail for the West,- A lefi ihe Cincinati Post Ollice a few un;A since; was seriously burnt. The twine caught fire in sealing one of packages and not being discovered,'ttie clerk placed il in the bag and the bag was placed in the stage. 15ut before the stage proceded a grea distance, the passengers discovered Ihe fire and gave the allartn the bag was overhaul ed, and though uulhing serious was burnt there- were nevertheless, many Utters badly injured. UNI' RECK I) EN TED SUCCESS. Although Sherman's Medicated Lozenges have now been some live years belore tin public, their reputation tor curing (lie (lis eases lor which they are recommended ha. extended from Maine to tieorgia. and fron. the Atlantic Ocean lo the Rocky .Mountains The Kev Mr. Sueeier, ol lioston: aver,. that, having been long troubled with a vio lent asthma and coughjhe tried the Doctor's Cough Lozenges, and found them to give htm instanl relief Rev D.trius Anthony, ol the Oneida Conference, attributes bib recovery from the grave to Sherman's Cough Lozenges. Rev. Aft, Dunbar, of New York, Rev. Mr. I)e Forest, of the Western part of tlii) Slate, Kev. Mr Eastmond, ami a great multitude ol persons, have given h their testimony concerning tho Miceesg oi this wonderful Couch Medicine. And ih Remedy for Worms is equally good Shei man's Worn Lozenges are lar btlore even preparation whiih has ever been disenvere: fjr destroying and bringing away Worm and his Camphoi LnzHiiget, so universally resorted lo lor lieadacheg and nervous al fections. are the most convenient article li the world to carry in the poeke.t, o ilm tlipy may be at hand incase of enctcieii at tacks ol famines, palpitation, or depression of spirits. Sherman's Joor Mans Plaster should not bo forgotten, for it has cured more weak backs and cases of ilieumatism and given greater relief in affections of the chest than any other preparation of ihe kind in the world. ' For sale by John K.Moyer.Hloomsbtirg MORE TKOUI5LE AT NAUVOO. The St. Louis New Eiaof the l ith nil. mentions some more excitement, arising out of the arrest at Naiivoo ol ihe constahle of Hancock county, who is now held inCUbtody by the authorities of thai place A wril was issued for him Ihe Legion was parad ed, and his jailors have expressed their de termination lo hold on to bi n at all hazards The news of the arrest created quite a stir a-nong ihe people of Warsaw. He is charg ed with being concerned in tho murder of '.lie Smiths. N'ew York was visited by a thunder ahoaer on Sunday. The Sun says the country is entirely clear of snow; she fro it out t.f the ground, ami every thing wean- ihe appearance of spring. The proapa of an eaily opening of the Hudson rivci is truly encouraging, A Bold ?ogne. The St. Louis Nev. Eia, says that a man named n Uliani Ulan gow Moore was arrested a short time sinci in Arkansas for stealing a horse, which hi bad sold to man living mWashington conn ty, Ma. Moore firm stole the horse fron. denulvmarshal AcHullongh, of St Loub in running him nil', he sold and stole him twice before gelling intoWashington counts ihera he sold the horse a third time, am. mole him for the fourth lime, he was follow cd by a party sod arres ed near Uaiesville. Arkansas, with the horse in his possession on which he had speculated so extensively ...it Ice. The ice cutteis at Fresh Pond Huston, aie busily engaged in harvesting the crop estimated at uverlOO.OOO lons.each block or cake being fourteen inches square The Para Press" Rives the fellowinc. description of the manner in which the Cavarian Censorship is concluded ; 'Every morning a police Officer attend it the Post office of Munich to receive all newspapers which arrive ihei, to carry the:n to the oifi-e of the Censors when they contain nothing ohj-oiona tile, they are forwarded to'heir address but if they treat of one of the thousand subjects which are foi hidden lobe dicu m i n Bivaria, tho sullen tier loses hi journal.' YOUNG MAN FROZEN TO DEATH A yotinr man, named Frederick Walworth, a carpet-weaver by trade, vi ry indus'rious and of g,ood habits, tvj out gunning near Jtrs-y City on tin 1 1 1 h inst., when his grin was accidental ly discharged, and Ihe contents of h entered his thigh near the kneepan The wound might have been healed if attended lo at the limn, bu! being some distance from any house, he was unable to help himself along and is supposed lo have fainted from los of blood and frozen lo death. This is an awful war ning to those youth who are in the habit of using gur.s incautiously. II has left a mother and many kind fiiond to mourn his untimely end. THE NEWSPAPER LAW. Suhscibers who do net give e x;res notice to the contrary, are connh rn wishing to coniinue thir Mibciiption. If gubscibers order t ho d j.-ou'iriuance ol their papers, the publisher may coniin ue to seed them until u!l thai is due be paid. If subscihers neglect or refits to laie papers from the office to which they arcdirrcled, ihey are held respon sible till Ihey have sell led their bill, ami order their papers (liscooiiiiii'-d. li 'tihscribtr' remove toother places w,th ut informing the publisher, and th. paper is sent lo me torrner direcnor, they are held reeponsible. The Courtshave decided lhat refuting to take a paper or per iodical from ih ilhce, or removing, nnd having i incalled for is 'prima, facie1 evidenc of fraud ! Who m il for -- 'J'hc B"iks and S.-hu-ylkill Journal s ays, ' There is a h it, r m the Readiug posl'Oiliee frnm Phiadidphla. addressd lo the ugliest girl in Reading," Who will call lor it. The editor of th-? Alabama Journal ha been presented with a novel vegetable lo ihe Cabbage kind, raised from seed sent from Belgium by the Ilnr." il. W Hillanl I'lns vegetable is about Ihe size of a small hen's eg..', ,t h a p-rfeel Cablme.ftrm and vhiU!' it is said to be an cxeelelnl dili,au' superior to anv of the same family of plants i ne weeds were sown in Hlay and trans planted in Auwnst, as other Cabbage plan' ire, each plant producing from thirty m forty nf th"se beautiful lutleCabbage heads. Our Pcnnwi Ivuina fdriuers must gel hold nf ili i article' .? foaling '1 htntre. A l the foot ol Spring street, on the North river, a large -teamboat is at present undergoing transfer mation into a theatre a floating theatre with galleries, boxes, pits, scenea and ma chiuery as well with coniodation cabins f,n the dressing rooms of the artists. 'J'hi? lllotilia dramatira is lo be r.'ady iu the ear lv suuiiner lo sail up die river, and amnsi the people nf ihe interior whose residenn he upon ihe banki nf the Hudson and o -the lino o the canal and perhaps lo ihe grand lakes themselves. The conerrn is i proeppd Willi a printing press and compos iiors for the printing of bills of the play. N. Yj Express- ROMANCE SPOILED Tho Courier des Etas Unis Spoils the romantic story of ths.Mirror respecting the young Spaniard, Aldama, who killed him self in New York a few days sgo. It seems that he had followed a course of dissination aud squandered in one year some fifteen or twenty thousand dollars WARli The country CHREOKEE NATION! ivil wnr is threatened, ..,!.!. . I V . J , , ' rrgrci mail n his rutnrn the 28th ult. from attending he United S ates Commission al Foil O.b on lie was lound in a oyir.jr state, ami leciared before he expired that he fell undei he bowie knives of a ganj o) the Koss par y. Of the 10 000 who compose the na ion, a large maioiitv ate in favor of Ross. nil the minority have organized anddeclar d him an usper, who has robbed the na ion ol hall a million of dollars. It Sias been decided in the York Snpieme Court, thai a boarding house keeper is not responsib'e for articles belonging to board ets, siolen from the home, except they be especially ieft in the case of the keeper. liLooMsiiuii o, March 1. , 1S45. ......6 ... ,ei(lerok n vouran '"'iinim wr,t or eennrstration. lo y of the twopirues into wHu,ri.r : c , iu:e nn Big Fishing creek, """hrecied, will h ,...,i , ' . iou is divided. The immediate T ' n 8r!oaflWi be reni.d.lo, ONE ! Y EA vear, Z L Z i ' flY ' he outbreak appear, to be the murde?8 1' firs, , Alrl, n,xt SJ ,)PXHl , 'J ''ay , Mar.-h l..w-i Rogers., son of one of the Chiefs, "'" aSo,,, .... l,rei"",,s , Wheat, 75 Rye, 50 Corn, 40 Cloverseed, 3 5o Flaxseed, 1 25 Hut'er, 14 Oats, 25 EiRs, 8 Tallow 10 Laid 7 Dried Apples, 50 White yyeans 50 Beeswax 25 Wanted, Choppers, Miners and Carters with Teams. TI3 aubsciilier wisees to get 7O00 t'ORIM OF WOOD CUT mil put up through ilia winthcr and coming sum uier- Will want, 4000 TtlNS OF ORG MIXED throueh the year. Would givo employ to FOUK ,ir SIX TEA MS through the summer hauling coal Aix. Wood Chonpeta are requested to call and take Jobs. Call on the uhxcrilier at his residene .in Fishingereek. M. MeftOWISLL; ild9dWcU'a Mills, January 15, 1845 Chair Manilla 1 1 ry . fJTH E auliscrilier having cstHlilished a .VJH -trei't, near the residence of L. li. Maus, ho in now iireimicd to furnish Chaiis of every dcacrintinn, 01 is good terms aa they can lo purchunad eUewhen i the county. WOOD TURNING, 'inch as Dcil Posts, Waggon Hubs Hose Blocks, fyc. -?IGN, ORNAMENTAL dj HOUSE PAINTING. Also J10USK P.WEIilSG. Phis Ittnr braneh, from his experience, he believe it- u.ui do a littlo I ii; iter huii uny other pernon in ilus section. (Tjd'Orl.Ar. PLANK will ho taken in pay nent at the highe.l f .Ket prico SAMIT.I, IIAE.NCi;'H Dloiimsliurg, July 4, 1 H4f ! I if WO RMS K rLTs "'rilOUAANDS. llin.DREN are must suhj.-ct to ihoin.luit per suns of all ages nru liable lo liu itlllicttd n ull ilium. Had hre.ith, puli iicss aliout the lips flu-licil tlieeks, picking at the liose.waHliiig way,leaniieM. lain in tho howels, jniuts or liuilis, ilisturhed lcc; rigliiful dreums, moaning anil loim times of vor letous appetite, are among the Hymptmns of worms t.t 1 1 v am diM'tured lur iinuitlis, for mime oilier im nary disease, when one x of C1iuiiiiuii'm W orm l.n.cngi's would ell'ect u cure. I), liynu, eorntil if Prince yiroet and the Howerv, cured a man ol v.irms tha whs reduced to a fkrlcton, nml hy null inv box nf ishvrniau's liozenges: l.eis nnwr un I n n an Alderman Th Hmi. It. II. licirilslcv ".us saved ihe life nf on0 nf bis children hy Ihem. I'lin sale of over 3,(1011,000 nf lmes has lullv IcmI I tliein. They are the only inl'alhlile worm des Toying medicine knewn. What family will he villi. ml them? Consumption ,Coiighy,('otds,Yhonpin;: ('oucli sthmn, anil nil nircctions of the lungs, will liml u healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenges. The aved tho Rev, Richard IJo Forest; tho Kev. Mr. trcetcr, Jonathan Howarth, Esq. and lhat vvorhv old hero, Leonard Roger, fiuin ihe cousumptiviV grave. They cured iu one ilny the l!ev. Mr. Dun 'mr, the Rev. Mr. Ilandc.ock; Win. H. Atlrco l'.si if ili-itevsing coughs. Thev ire ihe pleasHiitei .Miigh medicine uud cure the soonest ofauy known leuieily. Heailache.Sea-sicknefis and Palpitation, relieved oi Irorn live to ten minutes by Hhcrmau's Camphor Lozenges 1'ersons atteniting crowded ooms in 'ravelling will find thorn to impart buoyancy of -pirils and renew their energies, 1'hosg sulleiim; from too free living will find a few of the lozenge., to dispel the hormrs and lowncsn of Hpi-its. Mr Knoli, of the .-'uimIiiv Mercury, has repeatedly cur .il himseli of severe headHcli by them -uplahi t-'h.iilwii k, of the packet ship VVellingtou. Iiih wil nessed their efficacy in a g'eal ninny ca.ses of ica sickness. They operate like a charm upon the agitated or shattered nerves, as Sherman's Pooi Vlan's n.istcr does upon rheumatism, lurnla;o, pain or weakness in tho side, hick: bre ist, or any part of the b.tJy. Mr. 11. U. Daggers, 30 Ann street: II nry !t (i nddiui;; 35 Chatham ireet Mors J llenriiie lq. and a nuliiiudu of others have experienced the wonderful rfl'ects of Iibsc I'lasters. I'rice only 12 cents. Caution is recessary 'o arc that you get the genuine Sherman's Lozences and Plasters, as there are many nrthle'S articles attempted to be palmed IT in place of ihem, hv those who would Tille wifh y oiii life for a shilling. Dr. Sherman's warehouse is at '06 Nas an street. Fur sale by John It. Mnycr Bloornsburg W,n L VValter k co-Berwick Low & Thompson Lime Ridge Vj. it J. Lazarua Orangevitle M. fj. Shoemaker Buck Horn L. t A Ij Bisel Jerseylown Derr &i M'Bridfl While Hall John Moore Danville. Stephen Baldy, Caltawissa. Jan. 4 1843-37. Am, A l?Anni rrnn ir A'. M. tiS. ljft J , I HE p. "movement, with a good upon the premises. Condiun,. known upon applications tc WM II ESS, Executor 'i?arloar. Dec. 27, 18 I t. Estate of Christian jl. Drohst. THE Creditors of Curisiian A Brobst, tre hereby notified that the undersigned ap pointed an Auditor, to distribute the funds in the hands of James I'leasarts, L'.xq. ad ministraior of Ezra S. Hayhurst, deceased, who was one of the Assignees of Chiistian A Brobst, among the creditors of said Christian, will attend at the house ofCharles Uartman, in Catiawissa, on Thursday, :be .'Id day of April next, al 10 o'clock of said day, lo perform the duties ol his appoint menl. where all parlies inleicsted in ihe said estate are hereby notified to attend. J. (! MONNGOMKIIY. Februaro 7, 1815. 3i43 List of Jurors For April Term, 1815 iraiil Juror Bloom Ephraim Lutz Samuel liar man Uriercreek John Hill lioberl M.;Curdj John Rush Caltawissa Lewis Yeller Derry William ('aruahan Franklin John Vonght Jackson George Alliger Limestone John S. Dye Liberty William Dale Milfiin John Crovcr Christain Shu nan Mahoning John Kussel Eli Wilson. John G Thompson Ml. IMeasant W illicm Miller David Vic ler Montour Ja nes Barton John Uu hard- David Claik Madison Benjamin Wintcisicen Orange John Crotise Koanngeryek John Davia TRAVERS JUltORS-Jan. ISIS Bloom Eli Criveling Bnerereek William McMiehae1 1. W. Jackson John FjD:ivin Frederick Neiccly Catlawawissa Jesse Monroe John Kit tor jr perry ISeal iNe.Uoy John liiee Jacot Senile I'elcr Shlll'Z Franklin -John Low John McnchGeorc' Meai s Ilcmlock--Rohert Moore. Limestone Stephen Balliel Samuel Caldwell Philip Kunvan John Flood. Mahoning William bchuyler t.orntlus Oornelison Madtsnn Thomas Barber Jacob Demon Jacob Dreizelpiee John Ketner Ml. IMeaeanl John 11 anile rsltee, William Kellcv Orange Abncr Wclseh Koaringcreek Daniel Leran Sabasiim Mower Nathan Driesbaeh Holotnan Fetter nun Sugarloaf lamucl Roan Beijamin Cole Valley Jacob Sidler Andrew ('hilds r.ST.VFF OF ISAAC COUNELISON. deeeasrd. Noti-.-e is herobv civen to the eieditor of Isaac Coruelison, deceased, (bill i " ih attend at ihe public house, of Charles Ducb er, in the town of Bloomsburg, on Jiil(i, llic 28th day f March next, for the pnrpoce ?f apportioning the assets of the said ltati among the crediiois, JAME.V l'LKASAM'S, Junior. January 27. 1815 U.vll to coirATitY jn:r.t irTvir PB'VIE subscriber disiioua of quitting lui.inrs i on account of bis health, will pdixT ins sToni:, property to nnv person nn fnvnuralilu lennH, . will FCKCllASli His .STOCK Ul'" C(M! reinnininu; on hainl. Ilm viliMiion fordoing l'Uini-k he considers, the best in ihe county. He al.o ie(iiesliM all those n.ilebti',1 lo bin lo ronie am nuike piivinei I ln lnro the Ut, m April, alter that tone, every account not paid, wil: be sued without lexpei;! lo person. E. II, H1CGS. Jan. C0-1S45. LOOKHERB; rASIIIOXABLr TAILOUI.-sG. Corne one, come, all, give me a cull I HE subsciiber returns his inrflrc than! for the liberal patronage heretofore besloe, uponhiin, and h. pcs lot a continuance of thes-noii with an i.icrrasc duo the merit nf his shop. He in tends 6parinf? neither pain or labour to renilei satisfaction in any ear.e;and will ivnrrenl his xi'orl done with tat snJ duiability.AND AI.ITTI.t NEATEK THAN CAN HE DONE l ANV OTUEH.SHOP IN THIS PLACE. He he just received Mahans, late lepoit of rsshions, from Phi'iJelphia. which can be seen at his shop at anv tims, by which he is enabled to cut according le the la'e.it Etyle, or to ftrder. Hid prices are in accordance to the timer). All kinds of cour.trv produce taken in pavment for work at market rrice rry rt-HBonauie uiscouni ror rssn. T. S. I.EIDY. N. It. f'utlinrr. done wilh the greatest rare, and at die shortest notice. r. i.. Dloomburj,', Oct.. 1 5-1 .," rm on whih ii. i... n il nvi I I lTIIAIIIIi.lrit... - -I -J 50 RKQDESTRATOR SALE I Urn L.i ,.f ... .i """." towns!,,,,, ci,,,,,,, t.()UnlVi lUIIMIlif iae Acre reorlesg.hll(1dedby ,UN of V'llSH III,, 'IV.L- . " ' W " ,UU,3S oniiris, ,e ere nii i- LOG lIDTIxr Heized inken in ' as the property of w'ifl'P. Ikam Dkrr, SHfl: Shkriff's Offick. Danville February 151815 iili SECJUESTKATOR SALR BY viiluenf a writ of sequestration. in me dire,eted, will he exposed to public sale, b the year, on the premises, on Monday, tin 1 Oth day of March nvxt, at 2 o'lock, M ihe following property to wit: Ji certain tract of land situate in Mi III in township, CuWimbia contuy, con taning 113 AdP.ZSj rrvnre or lets, adjoining lauds ofCornelii Kirkendull Leonard Kirkendall, and other-' whereon is erected one ONE Log Earn, with ihe apperlennncc!. Seizeil taken in execution and lo he sold is ihe property of I'bilip ILrlnckcr InM Di:rr. Sequestrator. Sheriff's Office, Danville.' Feb. 15-1815. fell Ell IFF SaIjU. BY virtue of a vend. ex. lo me directed, will he exposed to public side at the house d" Frederick Nicely, in Berwick, Monday, die 15th day of March next, ai 1 o'clocK I. M. the following property, viz: A certain lot of ground situate in Centre lownsbip, Colu ubia county, containing one SIXTEENTH OF AN ARCIi. more or loss, hounded by lands of Isaac Low, John Knorr and Joseph Kirkciidal!, whereon iv erected a ffSTfifa 7775 sroRY FM'E MwliJjS DWKLUNO 1IOLSE, Seized l iken in execution and to be sold as the properlv of John Jones, dee'd, in ihe hands ol his administrator M J Jackson. Iram Di:i:ii. Sheriff. SitrRirr's Opncu, l)nvillo Feb. 15 1 8J5. " " SIIERU'F SJLF. BY virtue ofiilevari faeiasto urn directed will be exposed to public sale al the Cnur Mouse, in Danville, on Saturday, the I5tli dav of March next, at 1 o'clock, l M the following property, viz: A certain ti.vt of land situate in Franklin township, Columbia county, nmlainiii" 15 Afcacs, ir ihi'reahouts, liouniled by Iih! of .I icul- Slitll'Z. .iba Bird, the Viiirihilinlif ilauil ouniv line and thu Susquehanna Kiver. about 0 JICRRS. of which is cleared land, and in fjond stall of cultivation, t'nlhe premises there i erected a nun and a half sioiy I'U'AMI l) FI.I.INC MOUSE.aFUAML BAUN mil SAW .111,1.. S. izi d taken iu execution and lo he sob' is the property nf John '. Boyd, ALSO. At ihe same time and jd.irc, by vi f tin if n leiidilio t xpolias, to me directed, wil ie sold ilic billowing property, to wit :-- A ci i lain lot or pureed of p,tniin iniate iii li e town of Bloniiisl'iirg, l'loon im iihlii ji. ("oliiuibia coiinty .containing two birds of an acre, moie or less, bounded n limit on am Miii l id said town, on tin asl bv an allev, on ihe north .iv an all v nid on the west bv a lot helonceg to Ho hert Chcarl, whereon is erertnl a TWO STORY DRICKt,- FRAME TAVEKN MOUS1 me shop, one ai;ible and one shed, a wel f water with aruimpiw nhihe upper'enanep Seized taken in execution and to be sold is the propeity nf 'V ilium Robii-no. Iram Dkrk, Sheriff. Sheriff's Cfire. Danville Feb 151845 CHARLES R. r.UCKAI.EW Office South tu-t of Mains!, cjposili F.ytr $ Ileffeye S;ore, r-rr-WILL AT I END COURTS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. nid a good '-r.--. a li 'w it FOR 1845. Ii;a in the 1 1 si i , 1110 ,,u"t pe. nit Ij, ,s, 1,1, j . ,,,. . ""''tHemlielliKl,,.." '""": "ruin- "r.v .n.iiier. (,,,. , , . " ns lil- """ear U , ' ,, a,"'1'"' w,'d as llui best 118, I 11 III 1 i. "U l-tw '"ore ori, L YZ J. "" '-H ""l'""'''S IIIOIB ,,,, 0,IlH f"- '""' and merit "f " L " 7 Tb" ' "Ho 's uro ,. .1. " w-'ll.ir iimHsiue or "' "'""lioiiof ei(,.,ivi '"'in tliers.onu "d,l emboli;. . "K ."v,'r "'U-uncs il,n howe,r .zr. 'u"r'- ' ''' ea ,:,: : . . ' " ' """"" '"t real cxl h" atlaioeil i . ' ' ' l" mn Li- period;. J... . . .. . 'i leu iates tert&SfcJ'.?'" die immense,.." , m.,;rlmile f()r rive to prosecute tno.',7,'"l1,1,n nierit .'al a mailer f ,i,i;,. """ lho '"ll order of oik issued, hoars with it lho r Jui'' ty of linphant success, and eHlabhahes "'fi6l'a,"h,aiid ,f succ ssful couipelitioii, inipnnes aiift'1intl tor nood work", that iiolliing ofu ImuiLug oru.. will bo tolerated. Every numncr of Graham's Majnzine is issued it a coil nf nearly Mono ibc plates alone consist n? nn-uly half the sum most of the philes aro f cm Orijiinal American Puintinna, executed expressly or die proprietor, lor ent;ravins fur the magazine. Vmonci the pictures painted lur the volumu for M15,aiet0 hy Sully, ihe greateat tiller, sevctal y Leute, thapinau, Ionian, Conaroe, Hothecrnel, I'honison, and others of llic best urti-.ls of Ameri ca. The cost of getting up einbel'ishmctits in ill's tylo niny bo estimated when we state that some nf diesc pictures cost 200 a piece, and will cost uh mine of them three limes that sum to have them engraved and worked ofTlorthc edition ol iruhain itut no cost shall he spared to keep our proud jiosiiion at tho head of dio IViiodiculs o thu woild. URAHAM'a Lr.G.IT K.MCCI.LI3H MKA'Ta. The most splendid cii''riiviiii;. of all sorts li-nd their charm to the pagea of Graham's uiasaziue. l',verytlimh in Ihe wav of novelty und heautv lhat has ever been invited is laid under coni.ibuljou. Nothing ihal capital uud taste cun supply is nnit ted. First, as lho most rlesant and iinproniiale. us well as ihe most popular embellishment, v c place Sartain's Hriliiant Wi 77,otiiil Enirravhirr. We wore the Inst to introduce this beautiful slvle ofnork, as a regular eiutu lli.dimeut of Ihe popular inoniniies. lis wule spread reputation thro' ll;n means of our aniplcli.-,t, called fiirih u host of imita tors, but up to this time nothing has been produced to rival ilie glorious pictures given in Jra!;am. I he hliepheiil s Love, nud ' I he (.'oijurite,' I'liese with a host of others, dono for us bv Mr. iSartaiu, stand 'unprecedented ami alone' nl the head of American engraving, We have several of theso inimitable plates under wav, and shall ijive one in the January number. rO POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS The high merit of Graham's niaaazine considered the publisher Halters himself lhat lho folliming lib eral terms .will inducethoi:sands lo subscribe. TO CLUHS. The following proposals are mnJc:-2 copies fu irj; 5 for SKI; 8 for ? 1 0; 11 for 20. To the I'oi-tuiastijr, or oilier persons forming d ihib, the l'nblinher will forward a Move! for every " ubscriber sent, so that by varying the hoi ks, a complete library may bo villained by any person in a vluel lime. .Single Copies, three- dollars per nnnuni in nd v.iiue. dud to lho person sending the moiiev, a copy of 'Uingwood lho liover." Ilerbiul's piia,; incl and also a ropy of The Item of Art and I'lcauty.' n beautiful woik for a lady's Center I'uble, coiifainiug Ihiitcni splendid flvn and !oc7.nliut Cne,raviiigs, will bo forwarded gntis. Xddiet's. ' " GEOKGE R. GRAHAM, No. SO Chestnut Stiect I'ilailelphia. ramlroth?s Tills. I'ICTLKE OF HEALTH. KALT is chaleiisril in en il.civii'i n! ly ilie aliseio e uf ill rain, si ITi linj;, or lT. rliori in any pint of his body; by Ilie free ami regular cx ercise of funclions without nny ereepiion. I'hey consist in having u good appetite at im nl limes, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without buisei e.-s or costivennss at least once in every iwcn-tv-four hours, and without heat.divncss, or Luining il the pasaarje, the free issue of the water wilhcut icriniiiuv or burning, and without u reddish sedi ment which is always a sign of a present or nn up lUoichitig pain; quiet i-li cp without agitation or iiiiulilesoiiie dream; no taste of bile or oilier bad laste in the nioulh upon rising in the morning; no -Murnena or disagreeable rising of the stomach; n 'lean tongue; a sweet breath; no itching, pimples or pots on the skin; no piles; no burning heat upon my pait of the body; no excessive thirst when un exposed to labor or oilier known caiisr-e: no inler nipiion lo any natural evacuation, nor pain al their p-'iioilicul re.luru. Where Ihe stale of the sysli ni does not hiiitnon ize with Ihe abov.' pii luie of health, il is (if the greatest importance that no tinm lie lost in i-i inlin fur a doctor, or in (he use ol luoh h it medics loo "lien the result of spcculslinii; instead of this course lea dene of li M)K LTII'rs I'.,.S ,. ;,k,.n, whii.li ill not deceie, but uill nl nin e lettoto healili lo the organ or pari th t requinv. it. All who wish to preseivu their hcallh. ell who aie determined to defend their life against I he en rroaclunrntn of di ieas h hieh might send ihem pio mnlurelv (o Ihe crave, will, without hesitation, harp recourse to the jiaudretji Pills, when 111" state of (he system docs not harmonise with Ihe uboxe pic ture of health. Those wholive in a eounlrv nherei-oni.ir.iotn of other disease prcwiil, shonlil often think of thu truepiiinrc ofheallh, and observe himself wuli pur. lindar attention, in order to act acconlingly. Tho wisoand rightly direclrd will follow ibis advice the unwise ere left to their own di stinction, A Ci E N T S. Washington Itoheit M ix iv. .IerseytoTil L. & A. T. L'iscl. Jlanville E. 15. Kevm liln A. l.'o. Caltawissa ('. . loobst. bloonisliuig J. K. Mover. Limrsione liabbil it .M'Ninch llili lt'iiorn M. (. Shoemaker. Lime liidge Andre iV jlillcr jemu k - .1 W Slil'-s May t, 1641-2. JUSTICE EL.'TFKS, EXECCTWAS 4- SUMX'OXS, For Su!c al thu Office.