The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 22, 1845, Image 4
CLOCK & WATUII n B ES'KCTFLLIT Informs ciiifn ' H &,Coluuibij County, iui.I the- public generally! thai no ha loemeJ liiiiiHell in Ulooiinburg yn Man ttrosl opposite St. Puiil's Church, v. he tie b.i. op-nel slui J, nd is now ready and preparej to revive uJ eiecuu oil wmk in "'is ' b"i""', with Jupalcb and in a workmanU- manner. clocks a Watchos of til bet quality, can b had t III esubtisbnutr on vury reasonable term- . niauiitixo & cleamxo will !x done to ihe satisfaction of th customer, a. well of Clocks and W atchos m of Je-h. , end hr wiil further, warrant his wotk lo bo oxe'tite) a. well us any in tliia section of the StaUi. H will also tnuka to order SURVEYING COMPASSES or pocket, and in abort, will Jo all otherwork ullv Joins in a well rcgulutcd re rtlnble Mublisli me'iit. lie hopes by atrct sticmion to husirr and a desire to please, to iccoive a liberal ehae pilrotmgn. Country Produce laHen in psjnien for work at the market priers. Dloomiburg, November IS, I S4 4 -SO.t BSloomsIrarg lAIilJLS: YAUI). The subsciibers have established at the above place, a new MARBLE YARD, ml will alwajs be ready, at the shortest notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMBSTONES, HEAR Tll JAMBS, MANTLES, PAINT STONES, MULLENS, &. or any other work in thrir tin. They an also prepared to lurnisi WINDOW CAPS n,l SILLS. 1)0014 SILLS and STEPS. fin. either of Ms.ble, Lime or any kind ol (tone that can be procured in tins vicinity. rjHaving had considerable experience in the business, tney pledge weir won; ti be executed in as handsome a style as car be furnished from sny yard either in tlx city or countrv; and on as reasonable lerms, ARMSTRONG & HUGHES. Bloumsburg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 Chair BTanufactory, TIIH subscriber continues lo carry on the CHAIR M N U F A C T 0 H I N 0 business at the old stand of B- & S- Ilflgei li ii e U . u- lipm tin will be real v at all limed in furnish Fanev & Windsor Chaiis, Set tcei, Boston Rocking Chairs &r. of every ... . 1 1 i . description, which may oe caiieu lor, ai iu.n notice, and on the most reasonablt terms. He will also execute IIousp, Sign & Ornamental Tainting, and uotiie rapering in a aunerior manner. From his experience in the biisiness.and his facilities of manufacturing the various aniMoa nf his line, he flatters himsr.l' thai lie shall be able to furnish hs good work and upon as reasonable terms as can be tuna in h nnimlrv. all .if which he will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B. Orders from a distance will b strictly ar.d puneluallv attended lo. ' 0 HAGENUUCII. Bloomsturg, Her. 30, 1843 KVES RIGIIT.-di Hrag's a (rood dog, Uut Holdfast is belter. rCTIIC unileraignerl would return. hi mnrerj onr Jj huinbla tbanlis to th citizens of Bloomsburg aim vicinity, r.ii tne lavora tuui lar neaiowcci upoi him, and would itill further ai-k a continuanrc oi lha lame, ao Ions only as aatiBfaction i rt'ndoipJ Ho would not say, Com one Cume all, but conic b many as conveniently can. fte'tlitr wouM h pruiniip, (as others have.) ta do his work bctli i lun can be done in any other ahop In the plsce but in short, he would neither brag nor banter, but defy aiiy one who does brag to do work neater than he does, in all cases. lis has also lately received the late .NEW YORK & PHILADEL PHIA. FASHIONS. with which he is prepared to do woik Fenhlonablt and neat, and will guarantee a gnod Et at all Uiuct for anv one who may favor him with a call. 11 n ehop is at the old stand occupied by hin: Cr a number of years And the latch siring wil: l found out ut all times. As to price he wuhi-c to Le undori'tood that he Intends to do work os low es any of neighbors, and as uuul, all kinds ot country produce taken ia exibunjo for work Join at his shop. BERNAUDKUPERT. Bloorcaliurg, October 1, 164425. JTMnUVCINO t!i fwir.t opportnnitT ol B A e'pto'kinst Iiis tbankfu!nsr In his tVicnd,nno the public cni?: ally, for the liberal pauunaco hr hai liori'lufure ptvied, infnrma Ida friend and tin public in K' nv'il, that he ntill coiiliniii'Hto carry r n t!ic h!)oo busii:"3? at bis eld ertoldinhed ft;ind, or the o.'rnnr nl .Vnin ahd Eant ftrcc', whci hr n"p'', by strict atH'n'.ion to baimns, to reci-ivr and merit a share of public patronage ss bcrclolnrr He ib eriis it unni'i ,-..(nry U gu into the hiio ul braij nrto i e anv imft ..pjih r ub. ut his SKI I.I, in the I'.'.UFEMsION OF GA"MK.N I' CUTTINC5 as his ship i ol long standing, and his wrk h think will suPok fjr itself, anJ fur more louder than words. Hut, i,a wouM niPndv nav thiil, he warrants bis Vfi,rj. done willi iiCuUie'S, Juii'.iility b nil in the t it' at fn.-hiotiuble Uianncr, and w ill ci.- a jr a gCvJ fit in all c aic. 2i. B. Chics niodRrjta to suit tl.e times. A hir.i- jf.-juVry P' oJuce mkca in escbaiice fn wo , at TiTvikct prii-fs, TUB FAMILY NGWSPAr'KK' AM) 1 IKIVilDU HUK.MU. .fiilrul lii lolit!ca and XlclJclon SEW YI3AR Nuw it the very nik vf time to tubtenbt fir tht Ntw 1 car lS-lft. Tin: imiHjADKlph a SATIJRWAYCOURIKR With the largest Subscription Lhl the World. in TO NEW sUlteCltUlEKS. tot the purpose of focilitating the formation ot Clus, ol hit or oil) aubscribsi nut in oTfar,wc i.Q'ertithe following EX I RAO R HI N A R Y INDUCE M EN T8 Three copies f of lha suturday Courier, I year, or one copy for liucv jvars ff mi co p lit- u) t n in, I year li Twelve do If rievenleen do 2( I' wo do and I conv of either of the 1 3 MairBilneii I Fivecopiva of the .Saturday Courier, and S co pies of either ol the 3 Magniinea u Five copies ol tho SiitunUy I'ouncr.and I en. py of frost' new Picloual History of A inerica, a 5 hook, " r;'Iu fact, whatever offer is mode, by any othoi Family Joti, at all approaching in or pietentions, to tiio Kalurday Courier, will be fur niybed br lis. The Couiior lias lioeome o well end uvoraDi known through a iriuniphnntly popular course ol fourteen years, that it would be supcilluoiu to sny Amount From nmch.on Hint subject here. v e may remain. now nvor, Iliat to the industry, talent and enterprise, vhich have fot year kept this paper u iingUl exen- nlarforall its imitators, w ill constantly be add' the productioiia of every available writer, and con tinued judicious and lilieial expenditures win con- ... . i . . ..ii ! .1.. i :.. .u. 'P. Amount From tinuuiiy i)e maue, as wen iiiiuo uiun'j " j rionrsDliical deiiartinerits. Our means will alway t-iiable us to be in advauce of all others.aud we shal be sn. Histories of Modern Republics A new and important announcement lor the com Amount From uur year, in addition to our already numerous pop ular features, will be a aoriea of Condensed Histo ries of Wodorn Republics, by a fresh and vigorotir writer' who will unpait a world ot important in struction to tho rising generation, jn this iievvand entertaining llomunce of History. Biographies and notices of Dislin guished Literary and Scientific Men Amount Among the interesting essays and sketches ol value, which we ehall continue to present in the Courier.will be a full und interesting account of the rise, piogress, and present elevated standing of uli distinguished men, of tho raat ana 1'io. eut, (ai home or abroad,; in all uepaitment ot An.octencf As Literature. Mulesinan.hip, lot-try, Alcchaniid, Planiinff, Agriculture, Priming, Merchandize, etc. This w ill be a very interesting feature for tht W hole Young. It will be a department of the Cornier, which it has ever been our aim to render ot luesti inablo value to those for whom we feel bo deep ai interest aa we do for the Young .Wen of our great Amount and (rowing Country. The Livea of Uistiniruu.nei Men arc of snuih value to those who are yet farm By am't ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact iiig their parte, correctly, on tho Great Slogo o Human Lite. Indcjd. wo this Department of tht Courier will be worth morn (each year) to ever) family w ho have sons and daughters to bo rea-ed than 'five times Uu amount we aik for a year's sub. scription to ihc Saturday Courier! Incidents, Ilitloria Scenes, Bulth Grounds. $ c , of the American and nil other iteuolutioim. Vtier this head. Much Is. Vv the frrsv not at a! m-w in the (.'ourirr.l we shall hereafter tive ijra.diu nnil i-i'r-rea'.iiiir accounts frwcasinn.illv bean'ilnlK Ihm'i tilc J i id the .hrillinst inclUPntH, so piolu ,i.!,1eii liirt, tifli ilio dcoiilv i;niiortant In.torv ol tire American Uevolution, arid of all other revolu two A'liount imm ihnt we n.a- leiiard of the Icnat inlerwl ul aluelho readern of iho I'luludelplun Saturday Cou ii. 'I .in will le ol Uecrj consenuence, aieo, t' every member of any family oftho Ameiiiin re public, who may cnoose to oo luemacivcs ano ui- hn f.wor of kecurintr. rccnlarlv. tho visits of tht Courier at their Family Fireside POPULAR TOruiiKAl'llX. lo gratity tin grow ing appetito for a better knowledge of the irn it r.i.irc i.f niir area! and clnriuus country our past exertions shall bo redoubled in future in prevent vivul pictures oi American cuies, mwna, 'noulltlilin, laacs, rivers, cuvbb, scuntrjr, tic. ruir nrUrlnal dumettic Talte. Essays. Poeiu. 4c. will continue regularly to be famished by the minds and pens in Iho country. I ncsc cnante aroduetiona are acknowledged to be the bent, for scful instruction at the tamily tiresuo, that aiipear m any periodical. Amount do de Amount scitts Ut'R ti soliAvrsos comprise biiujuci in an uniii ! nf Art and Nature, suitable for the family cir clet, and appear in rapid succession. OUR i R f LULK is coustuniiy traverung the world, in seaich of tho wonderful and imdruc- live. nm AomeriTtiiisr rxcuriies weekly an Im lorant space, wih all mallets of intcrett fot the nl,h tU't of the Hlik Our Lurnpcan ('t rremmdcntf, In Liverpool, London, Ireland the Eant, i?c. keep Us re;u!aily id vised or all sunjectsol "peciai liueren. ("lor MnrltetB and Prices Current.eir.braco sllthe pnilienl advices in reference to the prices of all kinds Amount of Grain. Produce, tve, the statu ol otocKs.D.mKs, Money.and Lam'a. and our evtensivo arrongi mcnts .ill lirKi.rifir render our Piicru Current ol inesli- on aiable value to the Twollcr, Farmer, and ail Uu- Amount lir.CM CIss.s whatever. the M MAKI i HOl.Ul'-.H. Couritr EudJing, C7 Chisnut street, Pbilu. Amount NAILS, SPZSESi &.C. I'ht I'looimJjurs It- IS. I C TTTILL keen coiistunt'y on hand, a large eoriiiieni oi NAILN, SPIKES- A?D IRON 1,1. h ilv w ill sell t,v WHOI.r.bAl K and UK AIL. ffwtl "n eood Idm i the arthlr can be tltuhere fiuru.atcd. Mr.ichants and others, inav find it to their interest to cull- .AII kinds of groin n-ee'ved in payment. JUfeLFH I'AAlUiS, I'lasmKiTT BLANKS! ! BLANKS! ! rr-7JiiFtirr!ai,k EXECUTIONS am SUMMONS just ptititsd and for s:.le at his OiSce STATEMENT- op rus v Receipts and Expenditures OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FOR THE 7EAB, 18M. THE Audiinrs, elected to adjust snJ stlllo the lie BTouiits of the Coiii.iy of Columbia, ltigilier the Comminsinnrri, )ivo examinrd the same pub with from he first day of January, 1811, lo the 3 1st day of December of the same jear, both day inrlusive, and lespecifully lay before the Judge of the Court of Coni.nnn Pleas, the following statement ami report, agreeably to the 2'2d and 23d sections of an act of the Oeneral Assembly, passe! the Uth day ofJApril, A. D. 1831, RECEIPTS. Amount Reeeived by D. CLASK, Esq. Treasurer nf Co lumbia Cuimty Amount reeeived from Collectors during lirsl quarUr From Collectors for 1840, SciO 00 do 18-11 U42 dr) 1843 C59 f0-- do 1843 006 80 lG83li received from Collectors 2d quarter Collectors for 1840 1(1 50 do 1841 108 51 do 1842 10-10 98 do 1843 1889 37-3121 30 received from Collector! 3d quarter Collectors for 1841 BO 42 do 1842 703 16 do 1843 14J4 04 do 1844 311 80-2020 02 received from Collectors 4ih quarter Collector for 1811 48 82 do 1842 701 10 da 1843 033 40 do 1844 538 002224 41 received from Collectors during 1814 0051 20 To amount received fro.n oiliei sources For depreciated money 13 42 As Jury fines 4 00 As fine of Peter Koouft r 50 00 Of William Parks 2 20 taxes ii redemptions on unseated land 401 02 471 24 amount of receipts during the year 1844 10125 44 CONTRA. paid by D.Clark, Treasurer of Columbia county. of CommisioneisOnlcrs redeemed 8314 23 do of Berks county and Towanda Relief notes 00 do Commisionrs' receipt for old or ders tedeemed by new issuo 830 21 do refunded to R- (! Russel 0 1 1 do redemption money refunded to William MfCay ' 10 50 do Jiilin Deen.jr 4 71 do Conk tt Oarothera 7 02 do Thomas Faus 5 78 do paid (.'handler and Conk for ad'- vrpifing unsealed lands 20 81 do paid for blank book 1 00 costs on land, bought by the Commis- s ) i 1 1 e r " ul Treasurer. a snl ?fl 75 per eenr on 0335 21 to balance account 260 70- -9521 91 603 53 $10125 44 To halmue in Treasurer' hands in favor nf the County January 7, 1815 eOC3 5G BRIDGE CONTRACTS. paid Robert RiuhkI on Brid;e Con. tract at Warm U 320 03 Cnr.rad Fons in Mifllin in full 449 00 Thomas ll Siephens in Sugarloaf 275 001050 03 BRIDGE VIEWS- paid sundiy person for viewing and reports on I riders 45 00 ROAD VIEWS. pafd different persons foi making reports public ruads 175 00 BRIDGE REPAIRS. paid different pei'ons for lepairs done to bridges in and built by the county 202 20 j JURORS WAGES AND MILEAGE. paid Grand and Traverse Jurots at the several ter ns during lha year 1844 1910 06 S I ATE COSTS, Amount paid Justices, Witnesses and Constables ss Costs in suits wherein ihe Commonwealth waa plaiutiir 3G1 05 REPAIRING COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amnont paid fok rcpafring Jail and Court House 48 71 PRINTING. Amount paid the folio wine persons as salaries and fur blanks in 1814 do O. L. I Painter 15 00 do Henry Webb 87 67 do Leti L. Tate 70 50 do V. Beat 51 50 do Charlm Cnok 42 2S do HectciOtrfcr t!ahk Treas'y orders 20 00 239 02 CONTINGENT. Amount paid on store bills, to vii.-"andles paper, ink, quills, snd bland books foit'ourts suj Coin missioners olTioe, postage, and fuel fur Court House sod Jail ASSESSORS FAY. Amount paid the several assessors for making triennial and Spring arsessments Amount paid the Assessor of Rnercrcek 33 37 42 38 2ft 7 25 24 18 30 19 38 41 50 10 23 21 37 21 23 do Bloom do do !o dlt do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ciiiarfissi Derry Fishinpereek Franklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Liberty Limestone Mitllin Madison Mahoning Ml, Pleasant Montour Orange Roaringercek Sugarloaf Valley ELECTION EXPENSES, Amount paid the several election districts in cluding Constables and Assessors lets. tint paid Election Board in Bloom 42 20 do Bricrcreek 47 30 do Cattawissa 31 30 do Derry 40 10 do Fiahingcretk 40 25 do Franklin 32 07 do Greenwood 44 80 do Hemlock 38 30 do Jackson 49 45 do Liberty 34 75 do Limestone 40 G5 do Madison 30 55 do Mahoning 30 50 do Mifflin 44 07 do Montour 38 57 do Ml Pleasant 42 20 do Orange 45 30 do Paxton district 40 32 do Roaringcreek 40 08 do Sugarloaf 47 02 po Valley 35 35 do Judges to meet at Wilktsbarre and Shickshinny 21 50 do Clerks lo Return Judges 8 00- CONSTABLES ATTENDING COURT, Amount paid Constables for attending at the several terms in 1844 CONSTABLES RETURNS. Amount paid Constables as milagt and making their returns to Quarter Sessions, JAILOR AND SHERIFFS FEES. Amount paid John Fruit, late Sheriff 17 80 2 50 do do William Kitchen Irani Deir for boarding, washing, cleaning prison, fees and costs in Commonwealth suits, wood and coal 305 87 Iram Derr for carrying John Ever ly aud Patiii k Hutchinson to E. Penitentiary including ten dollais do paid on last years bill 153 DEPUTY ATTORNEYS FEES. Amount paid to E. H- Baldy, Esq. Attorney for the Common wealth COURT CRIER. mount paide Jesie F. Shuleshis daily pay as Court Crier ATTORNEY TO COMMISSIONERS mount paid to Paul Leidy AUDITORS PAY. Amount paid lo Hugh McElwiath 16 50 10 50 18 00 2 60 do JohnMon ll Ikeler do James C. Sproul do John S. Wilson as clerk CORONERS FEES. Amount paid for post morttrt, examinations, as fees to Justices snd Jurors BOOKS AND BOOK BINDING. Amount paid in the several offices in 1844 REGISTER AND RECORDERS FEES imount paid to Charles Conner, Esq. PROTIIONOTARYS FEES- mounl paid Jacob Eyerly, Esq. 202 81 do John missel B U7 WILD, CAT AND FOX SCALPS. Amount paid different persons as premiums on scalps COMMISSIONERS AND CLERKS PAY. Amount paid Jacob Demon in full 208 58 .In John B. Edgar 219 84 do Samuel Mean 190 00 do Frederick Mc Bride 13 50 do JolnS Wilson, Uleik 72 do E. Mendenha'l do 150 EDUCATION FUND. Amount paid on bills for Roatingcreek 3 03 do MirUiu 2 07 do Valley 7 66 TAX REFUNDED. Amount paid different persons on land sold t redeemed PENITENTIARY EXPENSES. Amount paid E S. Penitentiary for support of convicts ORDERS REDEEMED BY NEW ISSUE: Amount paid sundry persons in old orders do John Mclleniy for his note Total amount of expenditures in 1811, Amount of Orders redeemed in 1844, 8314 23 do outstanding Jan. 1, 1814 201 00 Who'e amount of Orders issued in 1844 STATKJl'EXT OF Outstanding lit' Mi Due The County Jauuary 7, 1845. 159 7 Amouul due ky L. H. Rupert HtuTrnsuter,Jan.l,ISH, 4U7 87 dobot old ordei redeemed by new issue snd charged to L B Rupert laU'IYr do by 1). Clark present Troisuror d of bond by Thomas and V. Harbor do -Note of J, 8- lennings 215 61 T13 3S 512 31 28 U0J 41 38 U tH 50 00 75 2t 48 17 20 00812 S7J CC 00 03 37 09 40 49 12 49 49 49 49 02 C2 49 49 09 37 49 49 37 37- Jo Hiilimon Reaver do John Miller da Sa n. II ithenbuch do Daniel Mc Catty do Alexander Yeable do John Mcllt-ury do Jury fees and Court fines in hands of I. Derr do due by I. Derr deducted on bill of loll 3 51 79 51 $2239 431 Amount duo hy Collectors as follow; I. Uliie's estate Mahoning for 1810 John Winner, emlock. 1811 66 79 lolin liailcr, Montour 37 15 1 00 101 81 -588 31 Jacob Shipinun.Mt Pleasant .Samuel Freas,llriercrcck,.812 3C0 55 Samuel Kresslor, loom 2G4 13 Hiram Phillips, Cattuwissa 188 33 13 49 28 HH 170 82 193 53 142 13 2S8 95 57 87 102 71 95 181351 6 1 3S1 71 y5 7 9 310 96 217 31 127 52 85 25 91 49 328 50 291 05 507 77 227 04 81 75 136 31 60 63 37 88 189 42 181 613 W illmm Cox, lireeuwooii William Kelly, Jarksi n John McWilliams, Liberty Henry Folnior, Limestone Caleb Thomas, Madison .Samuel Crrasy, Mifllin, Daniel Fornwald, Orange Cha'lea Mcnsh, Koaringcrcek Wiiliam Cole, Sugailoaf Jame.iMcDermott,iloom,1813 Klwood Hughes, Bricrcreek John Low. CatiawUisa Israel Diddle, Derry Harman Labour, Fishiiigcrpe-k Joneph Kohbins, (ireenwood Jacob Kishel, Hemlock Richard Wilson, Liberty Jackson Curnuhan, Madison lohn Jfast, Mahoning Ceorgn IJrown, Mifllin Jucob Leidy, Montcur James Grimes Mt Pleasant James Van Horn, Orange James Craig, Roaringcreek Reuben Davis, Sugarloaf Caleb Applcman, Valley ChasHagenbuch, Bloom.lSll 782 53 Elwood Hughes Driercreek 614 05 l eter 'odine, Lattawissa James C. Sprnul Dtrry 415 08 490 97 207 83 207 40 267 97 290 61 66 50 128 97 521 35 115 98 236 22 461 07 760 CC 263 22 400 70 249 86 210 13 636 357659 40 33 John Low Franklin William Ikeler Fishingcreek Philia Reese Greenwood John C. Kinney Hemlock David Rcmlcy Jackson Frederick Mclliide Limostono Rober; Auten, Liberty U'm. Howell, Mt Pleasant 80 22 120 84 John K. Girton, Montcur George Derr, iladison Robert C. Russell Ma hoi ing James Patteison,Orango James Ciaig, Roaringcreek John h . Davis, Sugarloaf Thomas Denficld, Valley Charles II. Hess, Mifllin Wholo amount due the county, Junj 7, 1845, including e.xhonertions Sc. Commissions to Collectors. $15,491 31 J 03 5G0 20 We the undersigned, Auditiors of Col umbia, being duly elected to settle and ad just the accounts of the Treasurer a,i Commissioners, have carvfully examined I'he accounts and vouchers of the samp for o ou 62 50 the year 1814. Do certify, that we find them to be correct as set forth in the fore gnmg statements and lhal we find a h:t lance ol cath in the Treasury, for county purposes, of six hundred and Ihree lollsrs and fifty three cents, and a ballance outstanding due the county fiom the above meniioned sources nf fuuiifcn thousand 23 47 eight hundred and eighty seven dollars and seveniy eight cents and a half. Gvcc un der our hands, this 11th day of January, 53 A. II. 1810. JOHNSON II- IKELER, 60 JAMES C. SPROUL, Auditor. PETER KLINE, We the undersigned, Commissioners ot 33 45 the County of Columbia, do cenifv ihsf the foregoing is a full nr.d coirect statement of the receipts snd expenditures of siid county, for the year 1844 CC 25 w nness our hands this 1 ith, day of Jan A. D. 1845 JOHN 13. EDGAR, ") 4 6S SXMuKL MEARS, s. Com' rt' FREDERIC M'BRIDE 1 Attest, E. Mendenhall, Clerk. 210 88 January 20, 1845. The forecoine report of the Audimrn. nf 149 22 Columbia count) ; being 'presented lo the Court of Common Picas of said conntv.tho aul (yourt order and direct that the ssma 'e filed amone the records of lha Court 'f Common Pleas, aforesaid, conformably 02i 00854 me acis ui Assemoiy, in suctt cases niada 84 J na provided J. B. ANTHONY; GEO. MACK Judges vf Common Thus 19 56 A FARM TO RENT. THE Farm oi which the late Conrad (less resided sioa.'ed on Big Fishing rreek, m Sugarloaf.will be rented, for ONE YEAR irom the first ol April next. Said Farm ''ontains obnul 150 ACRES, 75 under improvement, with a good 140 22 75 52 280 01 20 00 FARM HOUSE SSG06 13 Hi $860ft 1' upon the premises. Conditions made known upon applications tc WM HESS, Executor: vu?arloaf, Dtc, 27, 1814. 1 03