An Awful Crime is siid to lure oc cm red ner Oynihisna.lUirison county Kentucky, in me tiirn in the last wceL of January.. It appears that a fsthei ami a mod named (Jarson, hud a sevri qtiairel which ended in a fiht. Tin loiter threatened to kill hig aon. and went lu ihe house for hi nun. Tli run, slsn went lor his. Thev met be hind the, and both look aim V I t H Htm moment. The falhei's cud dished; the ion's shot took fatal elli-ci near the heart of his father, who fell, exclaiming. You have killed me. The mother of (he deceased was tin only witness of ihi hoi rid deed. I Mich a thing possiblt ? It is slated in i Covington, Ky., paper of the 7 1 h in aUnt. INDI NS ULLUOVINO. The N. Orleans IVayui.e of the 25d nit says:- :Some three or four hundred ol ' Chnetaw Indians .ire now encamped on ih Hig Meek, abonl eight or ten miles from Canton. Mississippi. They are waiting tin arrival of the rest of the tribe, to procen to their new home beyond ihe Mississippi Messrs. Forrester, of Mississippi and Anderson, of Tennessee, have the comrar for their removal.' YANKEE INGENUITY. The New Englandeis are proverbial foi their tact and inventive laeulues. Ahiw of our modern improvements originated in them. liefore they applied steam as a pro polling power, it took as many days to go lo Albany as it does hours now. By steam we navigate our rivers and the boundless ocean; by steam we travel on railroads at the modeiate rate ol something less than GO miles an hour: we grind our wheal, saw our timber, clear our docks i.f mud, shovel down hills; in fact do almost everything bin heal the sick, and thai has baeu left for Dr. Sherman lo do with his Lozenges. As foimerly, weeks or months were required for curing common coughs, colds, asthma wooping cough and consumption. But now, in this age of Loco Force .1alr.he. Shrrmsn's Lozenges, partaking of the spii it of the age, di in a few hours what was formerly done in as many week; they cure head-aches in a few minutes, and do not ex cite any disgust in their udmin stralioii. All travel by the quickest route and all who would be as judicious in being cured, should go at once to tho Doctor's. Foi sale by J. It. ,1OYEIt Bloomsburg L I .!-! ,'J. l!JJt THE VOTES COl'NTED. The Senators and me in ben of the House of Representative!., convened in the lull of ihe latter, at Washington, on Wednesday 13 insl agreeably lo Ihe provisions of the constitution of the U. States, for the purpos of counting the votes fur the riesident Vice l'residen. The tellers made following report. For the Piiesidkncv Whole number of voles Neresaiy to a choice James K, Polk, of Tennese had Henry Clay.ol' Kentucky anil Ihe 275 13-s 170 105 James K. Polk, having the greatrs1 number of voles', was declared lo hav been duly elected President of Ihe Uu ted Slates. Fou TnE Vice Phesjdenct. Whole number of votes Necessary lo a choice Geoige M. Dallas ot Pa. had Theodore Frelinghtiysen of N. J 275 135 170 105 Georgo M. Dallas, having the great est number of voles, was declared In have been duly elected Vice Preside n' of the United States. Maine -There is apain. no election in the First Congressional Diat. Ueirick, tin present Democratic member, who voted against the annexation of Texas, runs aheai1 of Haya. ihe regular randidate. in Yorl. county; MARRIED On the 13 h im-t, by Rev. Charles iUiamion, Mi.-Sami el Ole, to M si Margaret Diluine, boili of Oraoe towtishiji Col. co. DIED. -In ihtslowu, on Sunday mom ing last, Mrs Catharine Thornton. aged 40 widow of ihe late Mr. Michae Thornton. THE Ki-?.ZETS. Hloomsburg, Feb. 22 , 1845. Wheal, 75 Rye, 50 Corr, 40 Cloverseed, 3 50 Flaxseed, 1 25 Butter, 12 Oats, 25 EsE, 8 Tallow 1 End 7 Dried Apples, 50 While 7A'an 50 beeswax 25 SEQUESTRATOR SALE. BY virtue of a writ of sequestration, lo me dire led, will be exposed to sale, by the year, on Saturday the 8di day of March, next at 10 o'clock, A. M on the premises A ciitain lot of ground situate in Limestont township, Columbia county, coeiaining he Acic9 mortor less, bounded by lands of A. M. II aiisfl and Tobias Shuns, where or. is reclod a WbMzk off Ham: Seized liken in execuiion ami to be sold is the properly of William Miller. I ram Dkrr, Sequestrator. Shkriff's Uffick, Danville February 15 1815, S EQ U EST R ATO R SALR BY v'ntueof a writ of sequestration. to me directed, will be exposed lo public sale, by he year, on ihe premises, on Monday, the I Oth day of March next, al 2 o'lock, I M. he following properly to wit: A certain trad of land situate in Mifflin township, Columbia county, con taining 116 i-CB.ES, nnre or less, adjoining lands of Cornelius Kirkendall I.eonaid Kirkendall, ami others, whereon is erected one m ON K Log Earn, nd a good 'c ,11'PLK ORtn.lllD, s.s with the appertenancei. bi'izej taken in execution and lo be sold is the property ol Phdii Uarlocker Iram IJRRK, bequalralor. Siikriff's Office, Danville. Feb. 15 -18 15. bills It IFF ALF. BY virtue of a vend. ex. to me directed will be exposed lo public sale at the housr of Frederick Nicely, in (Berwick, Monday, thu 1 5th day of March next, ai 1 o'clocK M. the following properly, viz; A certain lot of ground situate in Centre township, Cnlu nbia county, containing one SIXTEENTH OF AN ARCS, nore or less bounded bv lands of Isaac iOw.John Knurr and Joseph Kirkendall, whereon in eroded a TH O STORY FRAME DWKLLINO HOUSE, .Seized liken in execution and to he sold as the pinperlv of John Jon, dee'd, in the hinds of his administrator M J. J.ickon. Ika.k ShtriJJ'. Siir.RiFr's Officb, Danville Feh. 15-1815. ' SIIERItF S,1LE. BY virtue of alt vaii laciasto me directed will be exposed lo public gale al the Cnun House, in Danville, ot Saturday, the 15il lay of March next, at I o'clock, 1 M die following prcpoly, viz; A certain iiat of land situate in Franklin township, Coliiixibia county, contaiuin IS or ihereahouts, hounded bv land of J,icoh Sliul'.z, B ril, ihe Noriliu.uhi-rlaiid oiinty line and thu Sutquuhanna River, bout CO ACRES. if whicli is cleared land, and in gond tatt f cultivation. On ihe premises there i. erected a one and a half stoiy FRAME DWELLING UOL'SE.a FRAME BARN nd SAW .111.1,. Seized taken in execution and to be sold h the property of John C Boyd. ALSO. At the same time and place, by virtue f a venditio exponas, lo me directed, will 10 sold the following property, lo wit : A ceilaio lot or purcel of ground iniate in ilie town of Bloomshirg, Bloon. towiitliip, ColuinliDi county, containing two hirds (il an acre, more or h ss, hounded n iront on Main street ol itaid town, on iln- asi by an hlley, on ihe north by an alley, nd on the weM hv a lot belonging to Ro beri Cahcarl, whereon is erecttd u TWO STop.7 rBRlCKk TRAM I. liousr: one shop, one stable and one shed, a we i1 i.f water with npiimp;withilie appi rsenance Seized taken in execution and to he noli! as the propei ty f ' V' H i i ri Robisoo. Iram IJerr, Shtrtjf, Sheriff't OJfue, Danville Feb 151815 CHARLES K. JJUCKALEW Attorney at Law, ujjxct aouth siue nf Main-st. opposite t.ijir ir lltfflnje Store, IC7'W!I.L ATTEND COUffTS IN Till: COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. jiii A FARM TO II EXT. THE Farm on which ihe late Conrad llcss resided siuaied on Big Fishing creek, hi Sugarloaf.will be rented, lot ONE Y LI A It Iroin ihe first ol April next. Said contains about 150 ACKHS, 75 under improvement, wiih a good tA, farm nova e isi BARN, upon (he premises. Conditions made known upon applications tc WM MESS, Executor vMfarloaf, Dec, 271814. Estate of Christian Brobst. THE Creditors of Curisdan A Brobst are hereby notified that the undersigned ii pointed an Auditor, to distribute the funds in the bands ol James Pleasants, bsq. ad uiinistrator ol Ezra S. Ilayhurst, deceased who waa one of the Assignees of Christine A Brobst, among the creditors of said Chiisiian.will attend al the house ofChailes llartman, in Cattawissa, on Thursday, ihe 3d day of April next, al 10 o'clock of said day, to perform the duties ol Ms appoint incut, where all parties nucleated in Hi said estate are heie'iy notified to attend. J. MONTGOMERY. Fcbruaro 7. 1843. S'" List of Jurir? Far April Term, 1815 tirand Juror Bloom Ephraiui Lutz Samuel Uar Briercreelt John Hill Robert McCurdy John Kuih . Caitawinsa Lewis Yettcr l)rrv Willinui Cariiahiin Franklin John Vonght Jackson- George Alligcr Limestone John S. Dyu Liheny William Dale M ,lllm John Grover Ctiiislain Shu nan Mahoning Jolnv Russel Eli Wilson. lolm (! I'hoiuptinn Mi. l'leasant William Miller David Vig er Montour Ja'nes Barton John Richard David Claik Madison Uenjmin Winteutesn Orange John Crouso Uoatingeryek John Davis TR AVE RS JURURS-Jun, 1815 Bloom Eli Crnxling Briercreek William MoMichau1 M. W Jdi ksoii John F David Fmdenuk Nricely CattaWaAiaDa Jcsso Moui'uo John Rit ter jr Dtrry Neal McCoy Jolin Bite Jacob iSeidle 1'utt.r Slnil'jj Franklin John Low John Mench George Meais Hemlock--Robert Moore. Limtsoine Stephen Il.illii 1 Samutl ('aldwtll I'hlltp Rinivau Juhu Floinl. Mahoning Schuyler Cornelia ( 'orni lisoil Madison 'J'linmas Barber Jacob Dciliol. Jacob l)r'izelpice Jolin Kctuer Mi. rleat'Hiit John 11 atidtrslice William Kellev Grange Abncr Welsch Roaringcrcek Daniel Liran Habssiiiu- llowcr Nathan Soloiiiau Ful'er man Sugarloaf 5aniU:d Uoan Bcrjainin Cole. Valloy- Jacob Sidlot Andrew Chil us ESTATE OF ISAAC COUNELISON, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the riedioit if Isaac Cornelison, deceased, that ! will attend si lite puhlte Inne id Charles Doeh er, in the lowuol Bloomsbiirg, on J-ndmj the 'iSthday i f March next, for the purpoM apportioning! the asi-eis of the said Estate unonv the crrilitois. JAME.V l'LEASAM'S, Auditor. January 27, 1813 3a 11 I'O COUA'TRV 31KSU .'HAM'S 1110 Kutiscriber diirous uf quilting bubinetii, uu uccount of ln health, will RENT II1S STORE, riropurly to any person on fiirniiruMe ttum", who aiII PI KC'HASt; HIS STOCK Or l-OOUS. rciiiaining uu hand. Ills tituation fordoing bu.'-iiicur 10 ciinst.lvrs, tlie Kl in inn cuuiity. (JfJ Il ulno leipii'slu. all thiihO li.dehted lo hiu, o cuiuu hiiJ inuke ayinei I Ufore ill" tut, ot Vpril, alter that lime, every uixount nut paid, will lie tued without rubbed to person. E. II, UIUGrt. Jan. S6-IU15. LOOK IIE11E TASKIO-'VAISLK TAILOKIG. Come one, come all, give me a tall ! TV.Z EU'ncriScr rrtarss hio ir.fere thankf ffr '.bai liborul pui.'fi.iagd hOiC-tjruca beulu've; iiionh:m, and hepis lor & cu.tiniiB.iie j! '.nemme, with sn i.icresse due ihe rrt.-it of is jhep. He in. ieml psniiK nrillier jam or labour to rcndci inlipfiiotiDii in any ca?e;imd will wsrrrnt his worV lone with tatti! and dmabiliiy.AND AMT'J'LE XKA'J'EK THAN CAN BE DONE IN ANY 07HltMOP IN THIS PLACE. Ho hai just received Mohane, late n pent of Fanhinna, fmir I'lulaJcIpliia. wlncli can bo wen at In thoo at anv time, by which ho is enabled to cut according in l tie law stylo, or to order. Ilia pricen arc in accordance lo tho times. All kinds of country product) taken in payment for work ut market price A very reasonable discount for cat-h. P. S. I.niDY. N. 1J. Cuttinx done with t!ie greatest rare, and at tha ehortcM notice. r. x i. L'loomtbj''. O-.t.. let 5 FOli sah:. fTp Si 1 UK ul)oribr cfler for pulti hit vbIuiiMo mill tinwistfli" uiliinlorl iti I . i.i r li ! n in iM'k . Il Kdrni.Cw"',wt'' u u GRisr.niLh, TWO RUN OF STONES. A Tl0 DWRLll.Vti tiovst; holsks. mO& netcrul out builJmga, good uUip, ul lha door, unii 1 6 AcrtB, ufuicadow land, nil in guod etuis vfrcpulr.' He ileonii it unnecessary to givejnny lurtliuriltincription a all who want to purchnae. will view for ll.cin- iulvc. It will bo ild on the most reunonulili: lurinii, and possession given whenever rcijiilreil j 0.i. BISHOP Koaringcrock, Jan, 251815. . Want cd9 Choppers, Miners and Carters with Teams. Tyi'I guliaciibnr wiacca lo get 7O00 OOKUS Of WOOD CUT and put up through thu wiullici uud comiiiy aum mar- Will want, 4000 TONS OFORIi jMINKI) throuuh (he year. Would give eiiiplny to FOL'Ii j! SIX TEAMS through the auinuivr liaulinij coal .Stc. VV ood ChoppviK uru reipicslcd to tall und lake Join. Call uu thu juubciiUt ut lux ruHideiu on FiBliinscteek. M. Mc)OWLLLj MciJowdl'a Mills, January 15, lfa'13 NOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscribers on note, honk account or oinerwiss oinvei me ears atHiidinp, ere requested lo call him oeitlo the same in (a&h or tratn,oii or lie fore the Isi day ol I'Vhruary next. 'J'Iioh negloeiing this nojice, may expect in i'osI as wu are determined to hum our "I business settled. WM. M'KELV Y & Co.'. Bloomsburg, L)y, '-'8 lb 11. Chair IVJIamifcHory. KJllIK Hubscribcr having established a .V-'U 3 t . .iWAT'Wt'Tttrr mi .hain licet, near tliu rcKiUcnce ol J.. II. Ainu, ue u no prepaid! to lurnistl unioia ol every oesciij in'ii, i l un terms ua they can t pinchaMid vIm.v1ich Ilia county. WOOD TURNING, Such US In'll Posts, rf (ILr!i nil II Ills Rose Blocks, 4 o. SIGN, OUNAMKNTAL $ UOL'SK PAINTING. AI.-o HOUSE PJPEIUSG. 1'hit l;ittir branch, from hi expuiiciica, he he!icve he ami do it littlu bettor ban any uthur peniou u thin aeClioll. ffj-POPLAH PLANK will U taken in paj inuiit ut thu hi,' r .Ket piico bA.MULI. HAUENbTCH Dlomiihtiuri;. July 4, UU' WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS. ClIIlI.UliKN aia most miiiject to thnm.bul per I bom i,f ail auri urn liu..u to La ulllictld uiih tlieui. Und breath, palencs about Ilia lii s tlu bei. huik, pkklni; at the iioHt',vaoUii(j uuy,. aiuu s paill 111 tlio howela, jiiinlH r lllilba, dlsturlicd sloe; i'riglnfiil dreiuiis, mumiiug and boun tinitv. of vur- K-iuiu spptlito, are aiiiui n the Hwnpl wuii uf tvuririi. ,1uiiv an; ilucliirol lur ueoilna, lor hion.i ntlier uu- .li'ii'iry iIim. nsn, when oi.o box of Hiertiiuii'fc o'ii. I.oieoyi's wnulJ tireel u cute. 1). liyiin, eornei of Priuru Mtreet olid lliu liuivery, Clued u mall nl vomit I'm wih reduced lu a ikelctoii, ink! by old) mo bo. if nhuriuun' Liieugei: lo'in now ua fi aa i:i Al lcniian 'I'll ll"ii. B. li. Ucurdiiley haa Raved the life f.f uli" 'if hi rluldien bv thein. Tho i-olu ol'i.v.;r 3,(0u,0tiO of bo'.tn liaa ui!! nut fd ilium. 1 hey am thuoiily iuf.illiUu vtniinde troying medicine ki.ewn. What family will he without tin in? Consiniipiion,('iiiy!i,(Jrlih.-,Vho(jpin(! ('nui;h Aotluna, and all nllcctions cf the lunj, will find v. heuliiiH Tulue in Sh rinnn'a Cough linzmi:eii. Tlii'v 'aved ihe Ifev, liichard Do Koicbl; thu licv. Mr. trecler, Joiinilian llowarth, Kmj. mid llnit ivor'hv dd hero, Leonard lifi;nr,i. tioin thu conaiuiiptivvV ijravo. They cured in one day the liev. Mr. lum bar, the liov. Mr. Haudcuc k; Win. II. Ait.-en I'm, if diftCttiiig CoU,'li. They avo thu plea. (Oitcbi eolith mudiLina and euro ths auonet olauy ki.otvi. romedy. llcBiiachc,!Sea-fiiiknot!i and Palpilnliiin. relieved in tVo:ii live lo ten minute by Mieirmui'a ( ainphui Lo7Ciiea PernuiiH a'.leii'tiiiR cnnvjrj -ooo. ui 'ravehnif will linii ihem to impart luv:iiicy ot -pirits and lenew their eiu rie, J'ho., ;'.. iii.g I'roui too hvinij ill funl a few of Lie iutciv 'i to dispel tin; horsoia and lowiiea,: of aj.i'iis. M.. Kralh, of Ilit Sunday Mnrciny, h;is ri;.eu!div I'd hiriKiili t,f Mivera headi.cliM by lliooi .'.ipljin Chadwirk, ol lliu packet bhip Wtliingli n as WU iiOKhed their i fjicaey in u i;.v. lit many rases of ic:i oii knena. They o;e, lie like n ch.irm iijcti tin ai;ilattd or hiillerrd neivtr. ee iheiioaii'-, I'ooi M.m'a 1'UsttT does u,i.iii i heiniutin.i, .is" psin or wrakneuft in the aido. back: Lreurt, or any part of ihe haJy. Mr. 11. (J. Daijt'i ra, 30 Ai.r strco;; Henry I! (n.ldioi;; 33 Ch!hau. "Iicel Mni-rs J llrr:rir;ur L0. nd ii iiiuliitude of others have wonderful effects id" exiieriencfti! tin l.ehe I'l.isler.- Price only i2j ee.-.ts. Uauiion is t'eces:irj io se liial y oil tct the genuine'f Lozenge g snd PUterf as ihere are mar. worthless &r'ides tttemp'.ed io he pnlinKl off in place of them, bv ihosn who wouli trifle w iih y on i life fur a shilling. Dr. Mitrunin'a waiehouse is at 1 00 Nas sau street. For sale hy John R. Mover l!loiimlnrg Win L Will1. tr et eo lleiwick Low k Thouipson Lime Rulgo E. it J. L;.zitus Oranu'i ville M. (L Slioemekf r liuck Horn L. & A L Hisel Jerevtown Dfrret M'Unde Whiio Hall John Moore Dam ille. So pi, on JaM v, (yiittn-.viisa. Jan, 4 1S15 37. Oi.i, w wmi IRAIIAM'S MAUAZLNK bus luim enUei fl' ihe enviable repuialioit of beuiii thu lic.i l i - louieal in the I;. S. i.uiU in I ha quality and nunc ier ol H- fcinbellialiuiuiiu, und in Hie lone t ita li erury lu.itlcr. It ia tho eh-apcslaa wullaa the Wu l''or lliu yeur 181 1 the piibhalier liaa gnuu aliuu 1 00 pagca mura original uiutler lhau any ol hia e uiuiporuriea uioio ui initial teo enHvuigj, in u.. ditioii to I'ahhion plates and colored Iloweia. 'J b cheapness und inuiit of a thi ec-dollaruiaguzineovi . all olhi ra uro ujipareul, which liaa made un (iillu of Seven Tliouund Uollura grvutvi than otlnr- u.. an uddiliuii of eiig'uvinga over ulher iiiauzn,.'. r, , would emhfllinhhu coallieiit Aiiuiiul. i'l.u Inherit huwevur aatilied that iiutluii' but aUi u celknce cuu luuiuluiu tho hiyli poaition hi) pv. ioui cul h.iK attained in tha t.'uilcd aialeii, '1'he publisher doca not heaitatu to buy that hi duliea ull competiliou wilh Uruham'a luu.iinu loi 1815. His iinuitiiibu aubaciiptiou liwl, ll.u men. and number ol hid contributor.-, tha IngU order ol the engraven ongued, thu number und variety ol ulcuul plulea ulready puchuaed and oil baud, and ibeiinuieiibe facility wineli hU capital and position ivc to probeculo the work render uuy ell'oila al ii val u mailer of ridicule, Evory number ol' ihe woik inbuad, biarbuitti it tha evidence ol iu Ui-uniphuntb-ucceaa, uud ebtabliahea tha impowibiliu ofaucc biiful compelitioii, improve and extendi lor good works, that iiolhmy of a humbug urde. will la tolerated. Every numoer of fJraliain'a Magazine ia i.Mueii at a cost of Hourly It'lUUU Hie plalua nlouo coiibit lug nearly half the mm mo.-l of the platea uro f oir Oiiyiuul Auiericun I'ainliugi, executed expresl lor tho pmprielor, for enslaving lor the inatjazine Anions the pictures puiuicd lor the volume foi lS lS.aielwo by Sully, ihe gieaieut aniat, aeveia by LcuUu, Chiipinuu, liimuu. Coimiou, Uothermd, Thomson, und oihem ol the beat urtUu of Auieii e.g. '1'hecobt of yetting up embellishments in ihe tc may bo estimated (vlien We Htulelhut boine ol thcee pictures cont JiJOU a piece, und w ill cobt u someol auui lo havo them engraved and winked oll'lorlhe edition ol'Jralium Uut no coat bhull U apared lo keep our pmui. position ut tho bead of diu l'criodieuls ot tin woild. CUAIIXM'S ,'LEOMNT E.MflELLJSJI ME. NTS. The most Bjilendid engiavinga of ull sorts lend their charm to the pajea of Crahum's inaga;iiie Everything in tho way of novelty and beauty thai has ever been invited is laid under contribution Nothing that capital and taslo can supply is unit 'cd. First, as tho most elegant und appropriate, ai well us the most popular embellishment, we placi jariiiiu'a Urilliant ;Wez.otint Engraving. N e were the first to introduce Ibis beautiful atylt d' wont, us a regular embellishment of llio ponuloi monthlies. Its wido spread reputation thro' tin means of our uinplvliat, called forth a ho-.t of iinilu tors, but up to this time nothing bus been produced lo iival the glorious piclurcs given iu Graham 'The bhepherd'a Love,' uud ' I he Coquette,' I hese with a boat ol others, done for Os by .Mr S.iriuin, stand 'unprecedented ond ulona' ul the head of American engraving. We have several of theao inimitable plates mider way, and Until ipvu one in tuu Juuuury number. I'O POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS Thu high merit of b'rahmu'a magazine considered hu publisher Halters liiiibell' thaliha lollowing tib ial tonus will iuducuhousands to auUcribu. TO CLUIN. The following proposals are madoi-2 copies foi 5: 5 f.i tflC; S for $15; 11 for $W. 'l o the i'otiuastu , or othur persona forming i eii.n, mo I nuin-nc.- will loiwanl a iove! lor eor u'j.iciibei sent, so that bv varying the Imoks, omplete hbiuiy ujay Lu oMuintd by uuy peuou ie i sbort tune. .Siogla Copies, three dollars per annum iu ud iiuu. .In.l tj tlio pes. in hondiir,' thu money, i npy ot 'Iviiigvovu llio Imivit. llerbe ts pna Vovil and uUo u copy of The (Joins of Art ion ieauly. u beautllul Work fur a lady s C'tiile able, containing thutijen bolendlil Steel inn nfziiliul Engiuviugs, wi'J bo tom aided grulu Vddicaa. CIJOUUG li. CliAlIAM. '.'o. i-0 Chestnut trIl Pi ul'hi.i Erandrcth's Fills. 1 ICTLKE Dl HEALTH. B T3 KAl.TJia ch Jltliu absence of hntciihiil in un iiidivicuel I ' II pain, suQering, or nti'iclH'l' iu un v pint of his body; by the fiee uud reeular ex- mciHe of his functions without imv exccntioli. hey eonsisl in having a good appetite at nieui uneasy dli-elion, tree evacuation, wilhoi" loosei ess or costiveoess ut least once iu eveiy tweii- ty-lour hourH, and without Imat.dix uess, or buruinc it thu paange, tho free issue of the water without innoiiv or burning, mid without u mldUi tedi- nenl w Inch is uhvavs a ign of u prehcnt or un an- proacbiug pain; iiuiut slerp without oyitation o: tiuoblesome dicaiin; no tiiite ul bihi or other hail isle in the mouth upon li.-iugin tho morning; no sourni'f.s ur ilisaurei alno iiniui! ot the ktoma'di. n inueue; a eweel biealh; no itching, pimple oi poll on the skin; no piles; no burbling he-il li on any i art nl (tie bodv: no oxivhsIvb t nrst when no- xpo-e'.l lo labor oi oilier known muse; no inter ruption lo any natural evacuation, nor puui at their ri-tlicu! return. Vhere lu state of the system doca not barmen ize with lliu abevj picture of health, it I of the .ratc l importance that no tuna be loht in m 'tiding In; is dnttv-r, er in tha us ,.f lonlish n niedies loo often the n -nil of speculation; insti ad of this conn to u dost- of IJKA.NDKLTH'S PILLS b mkui wbieh will not deceive, but will at nnre teiloii heal'b to tho orgun or port ih ,t rnqunes it. .Ml .h) wi-i t,, preserve theii health, ell whr ire ib tHrn inol lo defend t li"ir lifo against lha n Toa, hnu ritRof diweu.-e w hirli might send ihem pre maturoly to thagruvo. will, without hesitation, huvr recourse to tho Ireili Pilln, wh-n Ihe taie o, tllii sytem docs not harmonise with the abovo pie I ne of health. Those wlm lire in a country where rontasices oi other disease prevail, should often think of tl.i. 'rue piciuro ofheulih, and obsetvo hiuuelf wilh pur. :icnlar nm niiiin, in order to net Mcronlinglv. Tin i.-,eand rightly directed will foliow ibis idvice t.w ur.'.v,iu a.olclt to liieir own dcitt uc;.ou. A O E N T s. Wa.'hin'nr Ro! -it M'Kay. Jersevlovcn L. A' A.T. ii-el. Dsnvilh E. M. Keytnilds ec f'o. C.ittawissn C. (i. Itiobs,!. Dloomsburg .1. K. Mover. Limestone liabbit V .M'.Ninrh. lUiek'norn .V. li. fdi .'eniaker. Lime, linljje Andic A; .'filler (eiwirk- .1 W .Stilea May 4, 1SU !i. JUSTICK I3L.?FKS, EXECUTIONS SUMMONS, For Said ul thu V files. THE DEMOCRATIC UXI0Nf, S mi-I1'etk!y during the 6't Aiion of the lighlature ut TWO, Z)0L. 1,'IRS.' v ..... Tho L'iMiiocriitif. Union will, annual, le pub inlaid twiea a week, during the coin'ng a'ssioti of he l.e..islaiure, and wecmhraee an eaily uvcasiun 0 ciiiiiinenO n lo the favor of lha reading public Si iihrr pains or expense nhall be spuieil lo iuipuit Us columns adiliinmul zett und vigor. Amplo nd i niiect report uf the proceedings of lha two 1 anehes, together w ith aketcliea of the debates oil I puohe und important qucslioua, will be furnish i. .'oiiioetei't sienographors having been . engaged i thai purpose. Tho installation of new uJ. oistriuions, Slate and Nnlionu!;aiid the develope lent o! the measure thev uiay piapo.'e to tho iiiniiy, will render tho coming winter onr of un- public interest. Persona desirous of obtaining ue and eaily intelligeiico will alwBy find iu tho iJeiiiocralic Union a "true and bontt chronicle." -To AUorneys, Judges, Justice of ihe I'eaco, and 'iiblic oiticers generally, it will bo invuluublo, a a io Union execute ull the STATE PKIN'I'l.NC, uid the EAW'rJ of a public and genoral natuie uro published in it irninediulely ufler their pusssaee, .nd oily three months befoio promul-uttj in jiumphkt :'orin. To incrcaie our faeilitiea for the most Jirompt oxocution of ull the public printing, wa uro now impelling our presses by ihe uid of .Steam u mwt uiporlant matter to the Irgislatue body. A corps of ahlu corrcs undents have been cm ployed at Wellington City, who will keep our readers constantly apprised ofevenls tiuu.ipiiiug ut he seat of tho Naliouul (iovcriinient. TEKMS : for tho whole year. $3 00 'or ihe session only, (twice u week,) g 00 Any person sending us fivo snbseribers for tho lession, accompanied by ten dollars, shall reccivn i copy gratis for bis trouble. Payments may . liunsmilted by mail, und the 'est Mu(i is aro permitted a frai.k lattcrs colliding money for nows papor subscriptions, Address; lSA.-lU 0. M'KI.NLEK & Co. Ust off.eUiis RHMAININO in tl,eJ Post OlTlce, fat IJIoomshurg, on ibe quaiter cndiiiL' L)ec. llsi. 1811 b Vhel liurr J ) paXtnn David Evernelt Charles Steller Mrs Mary M Kekerd Miss Cath. StaulTcr Daniel McOnrdy lVler Stvres 2 John Reichendorler N Snyder Calender Poller Henry Waters A Walters Person calling for letteis in tho above lift will please sty ihey aro advertised. J R .MOVER V M List ol' B.ctdTs. RE VI AIM NO in ihe Post Office nt (3aitawisa on the quarter ending December dUl. 1911 liefitt-r Mr I'lispninii Danitl M Oroll William Davin Eniihv Fishf r Israel 2 Fisher J P Ivll.,,,., l'L,in. Kuhns Peter Lontjenbargf r i'liilip Donpal John jr. Stewart Ahrahani Stokes William Shu in a ii 0 Tubeeaon Racfiael eisons culling lor letters in the above list will leiiaM say they tiro advertised. PALL K DALDY" P. M. r&TfllltiZ MEDICINE?, J.IYNE'S 1 LI III TONlC. This Hair Tonic linn produced beautiful IVctr 'lair iu tho heuds of hundreds who had been bald or years It also purifies tha liof.d from Dandruff I'uies diseases of tho sculn Prcierves the hair roiu fulling oll'or bscotuiug pernianeully giny h'lYXE'S C1RML1TIVE UdL SJIM. IS a certain, snfo and cllcclual remedy for Dyt. mteiy, I liurihoja or loosenean, choleru moibua.f um ner coinpliunt, colic; griping pains; sour stomach; ick and nervous headach. heartburn, wuteibrasb: .mill or aieknera of the stomach; tiiuiitiue; hpilting up of food after eating and also where it pushes 'hrouiyh lha body unchanged j want of appetite; restlessness and inability to sleep; wimd iu the sto nneh und bowels; cramp; uervous tremors ami iwilchings; aeasicknoss; fainting, melancholy ami lowncsR of spirits, fretting and crying of inf.intj old fur ull bowel ulleclions and in rvous Ji.seatcs. Dr. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE Which is perfectly safa and so pleanntit that hildren will not refuse ta take if It effectually lesiroja wornu:; neutruliies acidity ur sourness of the stomach; incieunes uppetile und acts as a goni al unci pcimanent J oruc und is theieloio e.ecid- inly beneficial in in'eiinillenl uudKemitteiil levers Jan and indigestion; iVc and in a certain and pe, niulieut cure for the lever and aue. I)R. JAY.NE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken fit nil linns m.d in innel dn?eaiefc Io liifi'iniinatoiy, inicrrnii lani, Keinirrnl, Ililtuus, and cirry other lorin of 1'evrr Jauinlicc m,d Liver (!ou plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really un invaluslile nrtirle, grtulutilly tlianpinu II o itiated secretions of the sininach and livei, hi J producing healthy action in those im portant organs. They aie very valudhh tor diseaFes of ihe Skin, and for what t e.omtnonlv called Impurity of the bioodi' Vino for Female (Complaints, Cosiivrntss ifcc and in (act every disease where en Aparient. Alteraiive, or Purgative Meditint nay be rtquutd JAYNE'S EXrECTORAXT. It always cures Asthma t o or ihra 'arge dosea -Aill cure the ('i.nip or IIivejif Children, in from fifteen iTiinuics to ai 'lours lime, Il irninediulely subdiirs llu violence ol Hooping Cough, and ttrects a -peedv cure. Hundreds who have hecj !;iven up hy their physicians as incurra'.i'e wiih '('onMiinption,' have been rtsiouU o, .icil'i 1 1 liealth, by it. In fail, as a letnedy j'n Pulmonary Dis i .ists, r.o medicine has ever obtained a 'lijlifr r more deserved reputation, li.j'l'he above Medicine jrn nil for sale it the Mine of JOHN It. MOYh'K, hlouiiiBbur j'. 'jOj
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