The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 22, 1845, Image 2

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.v'TS. WifHUV? ttiU
ex- "
s.tri itn.iv, n:tt. 23, in 15
KUinciiilHr hv I'liutd-
WHEAT, OATS or WOOD, will he re
ceived for tbm tin us for mihrripiin.
AUo fsw bushels or 1 OTA I OES il
"deliveied ioon,r
From thoss who have promised Lnuihi i
inch and inch .and a quart! iti boaul
Mill be received if delivered soon.
A Meeting cf (lie Democratic citizens ol
Culunnlii-Cofiiiy.w ill be held at the hoime
7i JJtoamiburg.Thursday.Ftb.2T, 1344,
t 2 o'clock in 1I10 afif-rii'tun, for the pur
po of appointing a delegate to represent
this county in a StsieConvention to be held
at llarrisburg, to nominate a candidate for
Carial'Commissioner, and to lake measures
to sectiretheppointmenl of aSeiutoiial
Xy order of the Democratic Stmding
Com mil tee.
"W have the high gratifiuatton, tliii week
of informing our readere.that the KEMOV
FINALLY, and haa been eigned by Gov
ernoi Shunk! A long deferred nieaaure ol
justice ia thus fpeedily appioaching itc
c.comphahmcnt, and only rcqutrci, whai
will certainly and willingly be given, the
unnrc-val of he votera of the County at tlir
General Election in October next, Wi
will pubHeh'the bill entiie, next week
The following are ita main pioviaiona.
I That the bill be accepted by a majority
of the votera al next Outober Election.
2 All those voting must have resided m
the County six months, A(
U The new buildings to be put up on
the most approved plan, of brick or atonei
free of expense to the County, and be ac
ccptcd by the Judgea of the County Court.
4 The people of Bloomsburg, to give one
acre of land to the County for building pur
pnrra, fee
3 The old buildings to be void, and the
amount originally subscriber towards their
erection, to be paid to the township ol
Mahoning, and the overplusa logo into the
Coumy TreaKury.
Q Trie Removal to t&ke place aa anon
a the new buildings a: a pie pared if within
thiee years, Lc.
The eneimee of the bill fought it with
unwearing desperation in all the alige ol
ita pasaage through both houses; but all in
vain: it has now received an irrevocable
approval of the law making authority. The
great body of lha citizens of Columbia
County will, like ouiselvea, ecjoy a deep
genuine sai-vUciion over this auspicious
result, after '63 yeirs of continued injiistic
and wrong. Our members, Messis, Ho
sml-FunMon; deserve and will receive the
hesnlol ihanka of the people of the Count
for the real acd success, with whirl) they
have attended to the interests of their con
aliments, and fulfilled the pledgee under
.which ilu-y were elected.
As the Removal question is now to be
fsirly'.ted to the people of the Count
fir their acceptance or rejection, it be
hooves ivc ry friend of the treasure to bur
k'.e on hia armor, that he may Tight the pond
fght, rrurfully und siicfeiifully. As t
the general result, we have no fesr, as then
now, aa theic alwaye hna been, a large
m.iioiiiv to favor of the measure, ami it u
only nccrsa iry to call the aiteniieiu' of tlo
people of the county to the f-ect, that tin
ote next Onohir, settles the question f"r
eter, without any exp'if to the ronni:
to ensure a irenieiidout m-j-rity in in favoi
and secure thaijuitiee to the jeoj.le of it J
cuunty, of whtih they hae bern so hn,f
dfptivtd.ainl mk Culun.bia count; v. ha'
ihe Oi'K-it to l.avc bun, Jtar ag 3:,!
wSal he we nld have been, had It nl been
fur the difficult; arising out e.f this vexr i'
qui siion, one uf the inol fl- ti ' ia!;i g and
;jro!peroue countiei in the state
Ole lliili i!de,'d to tb pressing 'ln iu
t'inti of the people i f Louisville, to gio a
ronerrl theie on the 3tih nit. Altl.oi'g''
the arragfmcnt woa otuy rr.aue ai inio i.,y
the spaeiout ennrert rnnm was filled o
i ,t
overflowing, three bonis before the n.if r.iU.rei rr of ihe mor.f y , wiih which h
lainment na commenced Th irrsl h enaile much display, building a fine'
s:t:i ntvlc a urcr.? tcnM'.i"."'. 1-jx.", $?.
The va'e on (he final' passage, of die
Itetnovil bill in the Senate stood, yeas
I7i nay 14 two Senators, being abenl
is follows Yeas. Messra. Anderson, Bai
y, I'laek.CorninHH, Crabli, Ebaugh.Eyer,
FeRoty. Fulkrod, Heckinan, Hill, Hoover,
iirrimiit, Q i ty , Ross, Sherweiod and Sul
livmi 17;
Nays Men-r. Qilibit, Biglrr. Carson,
Chapman, Clmupneys, Craig, Darragh
Mamie, Ernie, Gibbous, Ilorlon, Ralin,
In the House the vole on onncurring h
il, e Senate amendments, itood about 3D
imj.irity for cnnotinene p-
The June Hug Lc((ei
Mv PriR Friend.
I will addrces you in the language of
ihe Apostle; 'Grace be to you, and aa you
have been blesed, endeavor to keep in the
unity of the spirit, in the bonds of peace,
and walk always in love; for love is the ful
filling ef the law.' I will here eay, put on
the whole armor of Uod, that you may be
able to stand, for we have many thinge to.
contend with in this life. Let us therefore
press forward to the mark for trie prize ol
our high calling, remembering thai this is
bnt a elato of probation. .My dear friend, do
not forget the one thing needful, for what
shall it profit a man 'o gain tho whole world
and loose hia own soul, or what ahall a
man gain in exchange for his eoul f
I left the city of Philadelphia, or as it is j
sometimes called the city of UrothcrlyLove,
on last Fridavi where I saw a sreat deal of I
... . , t
vunitv lime nanvp.i nip. anil rime in l.nncas-
ter, and thence by way of Columbia, to this
place, where I will remain a week or two,
Nothing special look place on the journey,
except (hat I had to leave my trunk at Co
lumbia, and walk three miles to this place,
which was unpleasant, as 'I am very much
troubled with corns. I have, in particular,
ne very large one on my left foot on the
top of the toe next to the little one, You
may imagine what I stiffened.
I had a letter of introduction from Rev,
W, PipestilT, to a family here of the name
of Smith, with whom 1 am now staying.
Mr. John Smith, the head of the family, if
a christian and a gentleman, and I have
been much edified by his conversation
Mti, Smith died i few years ago of a flux
but the girls are ladies, and they have en
tertained main the very best mannei. They
are very good singfrs, and they play on
the piano in the my lest kind of style, al
though some of their tunes are a little too
vain snd trifling; Now the bem ?uncs I
know of oro Old Hundred and Windham,
for there U decorum and sobriety ibout
hem that is truly edifying. But the girls
ere very kind mid very agreeable, and one
of them, w hile I havo been writing this let
ipr.has ptesentrd me with one of the largest
lpples lhat I have had these five years.
But all ibis ii not home to me, and ami. 1st
all the pleasure here, and the attention and
kind treatment I receive, ray mind is back
o Columbi a county, among her hills and
valiies, and along her babbling streams.-
Hut I must content myself with my present
'ituaiioti, and this I expect lido, supported
by grace and the sweet consolation of the
piiit I will go on to Carliale to commence
my studies as soon as I leave here, snd
Mill then vviite to you again.
I remain yours alTectionalely.
To Jumts Juitii, Stvdcnl.
The qiiistion ietrdinj the validity
.(John Randolph's will, or rather wills.
o loon in disptrr, and which was Ipf1
ei a sworn jury in De cember last, Im;
b en elt-ride-el by ihe jury seiting up the
vi!l ol 1812, which tats off most of the
rrlativeb fieini a right to his proppit
4od 'ts free all his slaves. Th whole
c.ieir form an eiraoielinaiy drama on
h- 1 t a t ' e e.f juMice the leslutor, one
if the most diiiguljr men of the age, ane!
i; tciitaiuent one of th most, and
loe Knt f'''te:ed, which has ever come'
'v frre a Ce nt I ( f Piobaie, in Virginia
Tii ci-k'- is now e-uird. Yet, however
hi application will be made, wa see ii
;ted, by the opposing cejuntl lor s
oe v Irial, upon ili ground of some
iiis'ppre hei.sion on tin- part of seme ol
hej'nois, uf the i fTett of their vet
liCt. eMuezzle.ment.
A c!eik in the Post-office in Nash villi'
i44 heen arretel for thu abstract ion ed
money fiom letter". ILs embezzle
nifiits are aupjiosed by the Poslmaslei
lo have been roniti'Ued for a considcra
j , , , , fT)
in have aninunteel lo a'
II J father ha been the
neompluncew.ih.ollof the
0. uepreienuuvc., u a.a.e .re surer of (he pf((i(ent fi,(;Cl 0(, ever iule
yesterday tpnsmmed to . that body the .r notC(1 commeud upon
following ktiicinent of the annual legts.,... . ,oa . nnPlipi,,
lalive expenses re.mmencing with '.l'!8JVoIS rnuch (f tho fulKomne.s and flu-
suss or 01 ami enuing wiur.
. 1 . : . . r 1 m 1 m . .1
uio esc 1 session o iois, ou 10 aim
...i . i:.. . .1,.. 1 d.i, ..r ir , i
. r . . L - . L - w t - .
i J
1 ' , , ,1 . 1 . 1 jycopliancy than Col. rolk himself. A
.heeiatemcnt includes all the. ,tc.dnt,.lv .'npj(tj ()fan niusi
expenses, such a printing, p.y.of of. Iurre ( ,he (Q Wa.l.ington
j .
1829- 30
1830- 1 -1S31-3
; 1832-3
1833- 4
1834- 5
1835- 6
1836- 7
1837- 3
Free, part of 1844
jo, ooo 00 1
move m,
261,044 84
196,472 23
150,673 92
176,663 73
140,046 10
113.992 51
22,529 03
$3,692,113 47
A communication was recently received
by the House of Representatives, from the
Secretary of the CoinmonweaUh which we
have omitted to notice, setting forth the
number of pardons granted during the ad
'mini Jlralinn ntC.av. I'nitHr.
it appeals by
tis document that the whole number is
about 800. Of these there are about 175
remissions of fines and forfeiture, 570 par
dona after conviction, and 55 before trial.
rhe character of the offences before trial
are as follows:
Murder 2nd degree -Washington
Manslaughter Perry
Perjury Crawlord
Arson Cumberland
Bigamy Beaver
Adultery CuiuberUnd and Nortliuru-
Foigery Allegheny, Berks, Dauphin
and Warren
Burglary Fayette
Assault and Battery Cumberland 1
Doiphin 2. Fuyetta 1, and 'hiladel.
phia 1
i.arce ney Adams
Libel Adams
Conspiracy Huntingdon
lwtol Lycoming 15 and Mercer 13
Passing counterfeit money Berks
Frauilulent voting Cumberland
Aciessaiy lo larceny Butler,
Unknown Cumberland
Tin number of pardons granted aftei
convicting are 570. und ihe nature of the
crimes lor which they had bein sentenced
as Inllows:
Murder 1st elrfree
M urder 2nd degree,
Pei jury
Robbety and Burglary
Arson and Burglary
Aisun and Larceny
Passing counterfeit money
Horse stealing
4 a
Assault ami Battery
Fraudulent voting
Fraudulent insolvency
Receiving slo'en goods
Malicious mischief
Attempt lo commit burgh ry
Vttcmpt lo tire dwelling
Exposure of body
Exhuming deail liody
Total 570
We uirer no comment upon this mo ex
inordinary document it carries condeinna
tton upon the very face of it.
J! !.'.' '.'U" '-!
The terms of another great match race
'iave very recently been concluded in
New Yoik, bvtween the fiiends of Ihe
Southern rrer 'Pey'onia' and those of
the celebiated 'I'ashion, of the Nonh
for a purse of 320,000 being SlO.000
i (liile four miles and repeal. The
race is to come otf over !he 'Union
Course.' Long Inland. Mew Yoik, some
inie in M iy next. Peylonia, ihe na
of ihe South, was victor over Hlue
Dick' at the late race at N;w Oi leans,
and never yel has bctn bia'cii.
The Movements or tub Phesioent
ftlid wilh sreounts of the Increments
, .. ... t, , , :1,,.i
v J - j - -
, .. , e .,, i, m
- - -j- j-
inun. nrnhahlv. l.iuvhii mure nl In s
oilier-, came the old Postmasier, who
-JmaeJe up to llie President in a very open
' .JipiI frank manner, olkrmg hn hand,
100 231 73 nhich Coi' Pulk y politely received.
n-r Sv 'he ol I man' oddiegtfing him'Gov-
108 327 01iernor P"''1' ' am ,0 8ue .voll a'
o rrr ee'ouph I voted a(;ainsl you. I havi
. nf. xrm n.,ulm,Qlo- rt,,,,.-,!,,.
. - . - i until u KIB iwuiiinni n uujroiiui.
' g I sinned once., and Amos Kendall turn-
' . jed me out, I repented and was lestoicd
lJ2 J'iSgJIjto myoflice. I now hold it, or shall
: ' ' -nisoon do o, at your good pleasure, and
, , i :,
The President replied, lhal ho con
side-ted the right of everytnan lo hi
own opinions, honetly formed, and to
think for himself, a aacretl right and
therefore thought none the less of him
for having voted against him, and wa
ready to believe t h e office of Postmas'.ei
at Guyandol was in very safe hand.
13ut as Ihe office of President, as wel
as that of Postmaster, was created by
ihe people for they- own convenience,
and no1 for you and me, who may hap
pen lo fili iVim, we alone are responsi
ble to ihe people, under the Constitu
tion, for the faithful manner in whicl
we tlisclnrge our elu'ies.' The speech,
deliveied by the President, seemed to
strike the old Postmaster with grea
force 'Governor, give me your hind;
them's my sentiment"; and I believe in
my soul if I had only Been you live
minutes before the election, 1 should
have given you my vote.' This cam
ed a general laugh, in which the Piusi
dent cordially joined.
Tiie old man left, expressing much
satisfaction al finding tho President'stieh
a confounded clever man,' as ha termed
it. He wis goon followed by other,
rather awkward looking and uneoti'hly
dressed, hardy mountaineers, who seem
ed as thouirh tin'V had mst arrived in
Guyan, as the mountain folks call I he
town, tho 'Gretna Green' between the
Stales of Virginia anil Kentucky.
They entered the cabin in Indian file
keeping their hats, on which east a sha
dow over iheir timid but healthy snd
honest looking faces. The foremost of
the lot plucked up courage fnough to
approach Ihe President, who met him
more than half wiy, with as much eisi
end grace as if his visiler had been a
Price. The poor follow was so much
nibanasscd, lhat he wholly foiot to
ake off his woolly hat' which remained
is fast to his head a though it had grown
there. On seeing thi man with hi.; ha'
n, while the Piesidenl was bowing to
'lien l)are-he.aded, he icsl of hil en-"
anions cried ou'.'Take off your hat.'
'pull oil your hat,' which had nu o'her
If ct than still further lo bewilder ihe
toor man, who, abiuply eiiining the
Pre sidei)i,oiadc,a precipitate retreat on'
if the cabin, while his more assured
companions set up a general twitter.
The latter were tlu-n approached by tlw
President, and each one in his turn
kindly adelressed by him. A little giil
was lttel on boaitl and conducted into tin
saloon to see Mrs. Polk. These pre
sentations hying over, I observed iwe
fat, round, chuhby-ficeel niounlaii.
boys, elresseel in warm, homespun joans
One appeared, to be 7 or 8 years oh),
md the other tet or twelve. The Jai
ler said they were democratic hoys. anil
called lo 8i"3 Ihe Prejidenl. The Colo
nel observing them al a distance, am!
guessing at Iheir elesire to see hbryvalk
ed down Ihe cabin and affectionate')
took each by Ihe hand, inquired kindly
after their friends, their place of' resided"
and whether they went lo school. '1 n-
boys looked up at him veiy aichly, a
though they felt great doubt lhal the
President of the United Stiles wag net
something besides a man. Thy evi
dently seemed to think it nut impossi
ble lhat hey were imposed upon. Tin
kind and civil manner in which the
President approached Ihern, had the ef
fect to put them quite al oase will) them
selves, when ihey proceeded to answei
his q'les'ions with some words of advice
ami encouragement; the boys left, much
pleased with the man who had spoken
to them, but apparently not fully assureel
whether they had seen the Piesidenl.
Such small incidents shows his amiabh
feelings and bearing.
The President looks remarkably well
.lppeariog in good health ami fine
spirits, lie is elressed in a suit ot blacu
hinadcloth, and wears a black cloth
eloak with velvet collar, lie, in re
e.eivmg tho congratulations and cheers
of tho people, do;s so uniformly bare-
headi el, even on this piercing col. I day
for hours le.'gi the-r. I cannot se e how
le standi i', for my cars.even with hea i j
covered and coal collar closely raised,
around my neck, became as cold af
1 fust s,i w Mrs. Polk standing In tne
centre of the ladies' saloon.' She h u
un a nurnle Bilk velvet hat, trimmed
with satin libbon, striped wiih broael
reddish purple stripes, and two nairow.
er stiipes, black and white, running
in paralb I hiies with il. Shehd on a
large black silk velvet cloak, with large
. i . . , -. i. r. . .. . .1 ...... i .
ca ie, ooiueieu iviui iruiuu anuiaem.
She held in her hand a rich bouquei
of fl')wers,& wag engaged in an annnal-
d ami e asy co n vei sj' ion with a circh
of gentlemen, whojiadgathercd around
Movements of the V J'resiJent Elect
A meeting of the Democrats of the City
and County of Philadelphia, was held ui
HollahaVs hotel, on Wcndnesday afternoon
and was organized by ihe appointment ot
(vidian! L. Ltiyd, as President; John
Painter, George Smith, William H. Cole
man, Vice Presidents; William Consall,
James II. Carr, Joshua M. Ilaybold, Secre
lariea. Col, R. M. Leo suied the object
of the meeting to be, to make the uccessiry
irranfeuicnij for escorting iho lion, G
M. DALLAS, Tico President elect, to the
rail road depot on his way lo Washing
According to these arnnjements, Afc.
Dallas left Philadelphia for Washington, on
Thursday morning, accompanied lo lln cars
y a vast multitude of A process
ion was formed at the Democratic reading
room, which proceeded, accompanied by
the corps of Union Fencibles, to tho resi
lence of Mc Dallas, Tlr. D, came from
his residence amid the cheers of thu rati Hi
ludfl;. and mounted tho barouche thai was.
in waiting (or him, and then the piocession
moved oil', proceeding up Tenth street to
(Jliesnui, up Chcsnut lo Eleventh, up
Eleventh to Jarkei, and up Market to the
cars, on Broad street. On arriving at Broad
street, a piece cf artillery, under dpt. J
Iv, .1urnhy, commenced firing, ar.d Mt
Dallas look a csr, which was in readiness
md proccrdi il on bis journey emid the
Vice President's salute, eeventcen guns, and
the cheers of the people, It is estimated
thai about five thousand persans were pres
ent. Col. R. M. Lee acted as Chief Jar
-slial of the procession, and his military
.tompany, which paraded about City mus
kets, was under the command ol the JTirsi
.I.'EaICO Capture and Imprisonment
nf Sunt .'jinn. We yesteidav received
;he (!rst papers from rTer? Orlenns by the
iie arrsnjornpnt of 'be express mail.'
Piisy sra to the Sib itistsnt. and bri.ij im
portant intfllijcnce from Mvzu-o, Santa
Anna, w!io hits rxen ijed authority in tuai
cuuritry so long, has at length fallen before
tho combined power of bis adversaries, and
s now in prison. He wae captured while
attemptin? to ream tie co&si in ma repein
o,l uttrinnts utvin Piu-bla. lie hid left the
irmv iibotil four leagues below Purbla, wit:
in cscnrt of several hundred men, and pro
ceded towards J-ilapa. Before arriving at
that city be parted with his neott, and at
tempted to make his escape lo lbs mouH'
tains on fool, and in ihe disguise of i
On ihe I5th of January he was discov
ered in a baranca (ravine near a little Indi
an village, called Jito, some leagues Irom
Jalapa, by n couple of Indians who were
huiiling. The dogi belonging lo the Itieh
ans became resiive and furious, the Indian?
followed ihe direction of their barking, am
itid found the Dictator, who ofleied them
his watch ar.d such inonev as he had ahom
liin if they would guide him to his hae.ien
la This the;) refused to do, bul give th
larm, and he was taken prisoner.
Winn he was captured he had taken oil
'tis cork leg, on account of the iiiflaiua'.ion
.iroduccd by walking upon it, and was car
lied by his servants.
1 1 o is confuifd ut present in ihe same
Castle of Perote, from which the Texai
;ir'nntiers have not long since been liberateel
end well ger-irded by soino 3 (00 soldier
It is proposed to remove him to the Capital
in a few days, where lie will have to answer
to the country, before the Chamber of Dep
lilies, for his past conduct; and doubtless,
from the excited Mate of.piiblie feeling a
Gainst him, he will expiate bis conduct by
in ignominious death. ledger.
Phis seems to have been one covering
Ihe widest extent of territory known in
many years. Oo the Easi it t xfenilcel
is far as Hangor; on the South, as fr as
Norfolk, on ihe West as far as Michi
gan and on .the A'orth all over Canada.
It is rarely that so wide an ex'eut ol
country is visited a! once by a sloim.
IVe learn, aays the Providence Gazelle
thai one of the poor debtors, confined in
onr county jail not long since, was unpro
vuled by tho keeper with food for five
day! The poor man would- have aitrved
to de ath, of course, had il nol been for his
fellow prisoners, who, taking pi'.y on hu
unlHppy situation, hauled eiul to Imu from
ti'iie to time portions of their own rations.
'hu reason this poor victim to a most mi
righteous law, unriglieeiusly administered,
was thus driven lo the j ews of starvation,
was ihu fact lhat his creditor would nol pay
his board, and he had nol taken the steps
requisite to secure an indemnification of the
ke. per from the Statu should he 'administer
hi, ii even a crust of mouldy bread!
U. ...l-J ,1 IM!
Smta Anna, who ii now in the pow
er of his enemies, has six dislnct char.
g.s made against him, and upon which
he will shortly be ti it'll. Ihey accuso
him of high treason for attemgiing to
subvert ihe constitution and elevate
himself as Emperor of Mexie.i; exercis
tog powers not constitutionally delegat
ed; malfcasince in office ; applying lha
moneys of the government lo his own
use, and sending out of the country on
Iii3 individual account several millions
of the public money appropriated by
Congress fur national ohec's; violating
the principles of war al Pueola, opening
his batteries upon Ihe city ami cruelly
butchering the inhabitants while a cessa
tion of hostilities had been solicited by
him and granted under ihe sacred guar
antee of a llag of truce; robbing the na
tional m'nt , pilfering cities, ami appro
priating 10 his own purposes public and
private property; and disobedience to
oreers, in re fusing lo give up his com
mand when ordered by governmen".
In enswer lo these Santa Anna contends
that his powers under the Bases, a tem
porary costilution which ushered in the
establishment of the present government
system we re and are unlimiteel, obsolNto
that he is and was the conslotutional
President, and lhat Ihe present govern
ment is unsonat ituiional organized and its
officers mere userptrs.
Vers Cruz papers received al New
Orleans via Havana, as late as :11st uli.
say lhat Suits Anna is still a prisoner at
Peroip. Il it is slated lhat a Grand
Jury appointed to tiy hi in wai furious
igimt him, while the piesent Execu
tire of Mexico rnanifesled a feeling of
clemency, and at the samo time of regret
hat he did not escape out the country,
and thus save Ihe Govermenl further
'.rouble. The belief is expressed that
his life will not he taken, !lis young
wife was in pi ison with him, as vvasalsu
.en old friend cf his, Scnor Lizaro Val
la mi I.
Titr Pr est nr.NT anp Vice Pkesipent
Ej.fct. 'The joint committee of Con
.ress waited U'lon Mr. Polk and Mr.
Dallas, lo announce lo them, officially,
ihe fact lhat Ihe newspapers informed
them of months ago, their election la
the high stations of President and Vice
Piesider.l. The Madisnnian say?:
' The President elect signified his ac--f,
lance of the office lo which he had
'iren chosen by the people, anil express
el his deep sense of gratitude lo them
fur the confidence which they had re
Dosed in him, and requested the com
mittee to convey lo tho two Houses ol
Congress assurances lhat, in executing
he responsible duties which would de
volve upon him, il would be his anxiouj
desire to maintain the honor and pro
mole the welfare af his country.
The committee likewise informed the
Hon. George M. Dallas of his election
o the iifli.'e of Vice President of the
Q. S. and lhat gpiitb-man, in s'gnifying
us acceptance of ihe office lo which he
tiael been chosen, expresseel his pro
ound gratitude to them, and eleclaied
ha', eiiavvn unexpectedly by the grner
'iis riitfi atee ol his fellow citizens from
'be shades of private life into Ihe full
jlare of official station, it was eifficult
o repress the soltci'ude lhal he might
lot be equal to Ihe exigencies of so sud
len a change, bul lhal, swayed by an ar
lent devotion to the high honor, true
interest, and fast union of the American
Slates, he would enlei with zeal upon
'he duties assigned lo him, in the hope
of at least partially realizing the expect
ions of those by whose confidence he
'lad been honored.'
There are 87 railroads in the United
Slates ir. a stale of completion, the agre
ate length of which is 4752 miUs. The
average eosl "per mile has been about
20,000 dollars, and consequently the capi
tal invested $75,3C0,000.
,. i nimnMiji
The IliM for the admission of the
Stales of Florida and Iowa into Ihe
Union, which passed the House Reprc-
entalives on I hursday, received in the
Senate on Fiiday its first and second
readings, and was referred lo the Com
mittee on the Judiciary to consider and
eport tbtreon.