The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 22, 1845, Image 1

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I have sworn npon the Altr of God, eternal hostility to every form' of Tyranny over the Miud of Man." Thomas Jnfionton
Vol tunc VIII.
Auiiihci 44a
.in -1 -.r r, -.-; r. -?
Ti H "K
, i r i ill
Vi wli ILL ill pOFMlii
'Vara,' ,L.iil i W.mJ. i Lw-i Ia-iLa. fcf . ft ,, i VJiXiy
opposite St. Paul's Ciivrcii, Mai.vsi
published every Saturday morning, a
Tin) DOLLARS per annum payubL
half yearly in advance, or 1 wo Dollar
Fifty Cents,if not paid within theyeui
A'o subscription will be taken for a shortet
period than ai.r month; nor any dueon
tinuance permitted,until till arrearage))
are discharged.
JiDVERTlSEMESS not exceediag a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One hilar for the lirst three insertions
mid Twentu-fioe cents for event subse
auent nsertion. ICVi liberal discoun
viade to those, who advertise by the year
LETTERS addressed on business,must
be post paid.
It was a calm, sunny day. in the yeai
1750; the scene, a piece of lurest lam
on the Northern Neck of Vir ginia.con
ligujus to a noble stresm of waler, Im
plements of surveying were lying abou
sncl several men idly reclining undei
he tree?, betokened by their dies and
appearance that they composed a pari
engaged in lying out the wild lands ol
the then Ironiier ot the old Dominion
These persona had apparently just finish
ed their noontide meal, for the relic ol
the banquet were scattered aiound.
Apart from the group walked a yowij,-
man evuleniiy superior to ms compan
ions, though theie wan nothing obirnsi vr
in his air, which, on the contrary, wa
distinguished by atlability. A certain
dignity of aspect, liowever.accoinpanieii
him. Added to this' he wag a la1! and
compact frame,& moved with the claslii
Iread ol one accustomed to constant ex
tici.e in the opt n air. Ilis counted
ance coul I nut have been said to bi
hands me,bul it wore a look of di cii i
and manliness not usually found in cm
eo young fur apparently he was liul'
ov.r eighteen yeara of age. II is ha
liad been cast ofl", as if for comfort, eii'
he had paused, with one foot advanced,
in a natural and graceful altitude, at tlv
moment that we have iulioduced hin
lo our reader.
Suddenly there was a shriek, the ,
another, and then several in rapid sue
region. The voic way that of a wo
man, and seemed to proceed from th
oili r Hide of a dense thirket. At tin
first scream Ihe youth turned his head
inthe direction whence Ihe sound pro
ceeded, but when it was repeated, hi
pushed a side the undergrowth which
separated him fiom it, and quicking
his footsteps as the cries succeeded each
olher with alarming rapidity, he soor.
dashed into an open space or 'clearing'
as the borderer even then oiled it, m
the banks of the stream, in tliu cento
of which a aide lug cabin stood, whos.
well pole poised over one end, & snook-
curling from the chimney, gave nignu of
habitat. on. As the young mm, with ,
face fljshed by has'e, broke hom tlx
undergrowth, he aw his companion
crowded together on the bai.k of lh
river, while in their midst a woman,
from whom proceeded the shiieks, war
visible, held back by two of the mm
atfctleiic of the men, but still struggling
violently for freedom.
It waslhe woik of an instant to make
his wsy thro' the crowd and confiun'
the female. The moment her eyes foil
on him she exclaimed.
0! fir j ou will do something for
me' Make them release me for the
love of God!' My boy my poor boy
i drowning, and they will not let im
It would be madness she will jum
in'o the i iver,' said one of those whi
,eld her, as the frantic mother jtrovi
.gain lr break from his grasp. 'The
ripids would dash her to pieces in a mir
The outh had scatcf ly waited foi
these words. His eve took in at a sin
gle elance the meaning of ihe sad group-
Jle rerollecled the child ol the woman,
tt bold little fellow of lour years old,
whose handsome blue eyes and fltxei
rinnlei made him a favorite with slran
ners, and filled the mother's htarl will,
pride wr.enevir me gazeu on n.m. n
lad been accustomed to play, si will, in
lie little enelo.ure htfore the cabin, bu'
his morning the gite having been ac-
identally left open, he had stolen out
when h.s moihei' bu-k w.i turned ,
. i i
...r r..Ke o. u.r .. u
me set o. over wner. n.s pa,.
nts eye caught sighl of him. ' he
-hriek which she uttered precipitated
ne catistroptie she leareii.ior ine cnun
lightened at the cry, lost his balance
Mid fell head long into the sir earn, whicl
here went foaming and roaring along
innumerable rocks, consulting thi
must dangerous rapids known in tin
section of the country. Scream now
followed scream in rapid succession, h
the agonized parem ros led to the hank
he arrived there s niii't ineoti-l y will
he parly whom we left recti ii.ig in th'
hade, and who wri jc anered ahou
iim within a few si pt of 'hi scmis o
ccident. Fortunate was it that t h
vere so naar. else ill mother wouh:
tave plunged in after her child, am
')oih been Ion. Several of the nifit im
ndiately approached the brink am
wei e on the point ot s:irtniinii in aliei
lie child, when the sight of (he
ocks crowding the channel, the rust
,nd whirl of the waters, and lhe waul ol
any knowledgt vhere io look for the bo'
tettrred Ihem, and lhy give op Hi
iitei )i ise.
Not so with the you'll wa have intin
luced. 1 1 1 4 (ir.-l woik was to throw oil
hW coal, his next io spnnk lo the edg
f the bank. Here he stood, for a sec-
nd running his eye rapidly over lh
icene below, and taking in with a glmc
he cl i lie r en t currents and the most dan
gerous of the rocks, in or kr to simp-
his counm by them when in the stream.
lie had scarcely fotmea his conclusion,
when his gza rested on a while ohji'o
n lhe waier thul he knew at once to h'
he boy's dress; and while his compan
oos, aghast at his lemtri'y, were pre
'euied as much by contei lut on as b
lie awe wnh which he had alieady in
spired Ihem from iutarferinii, he plong
1 headlong into the wild and roariiu
ipids. !
'Tha'ik God! he will stve my child,
grasped lhe woman; 'see there he is j
)h! my boy, my darling coul
leave you!
Kvery one rushed to lhe brink of th
necipice, and was now following wiil
ager eyes the piriloos progress of th
y iuth, as the curr"tit bore hi n onwar
ike a feilher in theembiicc of a hurn
erne. Now it seemed as if he would b'
dashed agiinsi a jnt'ing rock over wind
he water fl w in foam and now ;
vhirlpool would drag him in, fron
vhose grap ppcapi? seemed impotihle
t t:ms the rui rent bore him under,
.ud he would be, lo.-t to sight, then ju'
is the spectators gavo him up he woiilr
reappear though fir enn.rgh from when
ne vanished still buir.'itmg amid th
vorlex. Oh! how thu mother's str.iin
ng eyes followed him in his perilou!"
i.areei how her heart sank when he
.vent under and with a gush of
joy she sjw him cmei g agiin from tlu
waters, aud fl ng the waves aide will
h athletic arms 8'rugglu on in puisui
'if the hoy. (But it seemed ss ifhig n
ious efforts were to be of no avail, fo
houji i the current was beBring ofl
he boy before his eyes scarcely len fee'
liktani, he could not, despite hir
iigmiic etloi Is, overtake lhi drowning
Oil they flew, the youth snd the ch Id.
nJ it wax iniiaiulous how ench escapee'
I 1 1 1 1 ddsheu lo litres iiiiiHt the rocks
I wire the boy went out ol night, and t
suppressed shriek esraed the mother',
but twice he re appealed, Brid then
with hands wrung wildly ingeiher am'
breallilees w lih anxiety, he folltuvcil hi1
progress as his unresisting form was liuinei'
onward with lhe currt'iil
The youth now appeared to redouble ln
exertion, for they were approaching the
most dangeroiiB part of the river, where the
rapids, rontraclinn between narrowed sboies
slim almost perpendieiilarly down a decliv
ny ol liiiocn leet I lis rush ol ilia waters
it this Kpol waa tremendous and no one
ventured to approach its vicinity, even in
a canoe, leei iliev should ho sui Ueci in.
What then would be the youth's fnle unless
he speedily overtook the child! He seem-
ed fully fensible of the increasing peril, mid.
iiieu ins j 1 1 1 i ii 1 1 ine Minuting curreui
vtith desperate stringib Three several;
liiiics he was on the point of grasping the
hild ahen the waters whirled Ihe prize
fi o m him. The third effort waa made just
as they were about entering wiilim lhe in
ll m. nee (if the current above the fall, am!
when il failed, the mothers heart enr.k with
in her, and she groaned aloud, fully ex
peeling to see Iho youth give un ill task
Bul no! he only pressed forward the more
'B'"i c.v "l """'r
il.ry.w, auud the bodding waters, as .1
beirinif a cliatmed life, the form ol Hie
b foMawiiiif close after thai of III
. MW snJ Qli gh()
hkf an rrow from the bow, in the brink
o- ltie pieriiioo. Ku instant they Lung
.Jtlier, distinctly viaihle amiJ the glassy
waters that seemed Ik pause (HI the edt) ol
die desrenl. hiry tirain grow dizxy Bt
thesii'til. lint a shout of involuntary ex
ultation hurst from the spectntors when they
i i the boy held aloft by iho riht arm ol
ihe oiitli a slmui.alas! that was suddenly
lienkelbv horror when the rescuer and
ri'jcued variishid into the abyss!
A utomeiii r I n r, m iny nioments elaps
s i. In-fore a word wis so 'ken or a breath
l:awn. If. a c h of die group fell thai u
look i n in the mother s fire was xnpossihle
Stio hersel' had sturied eagerly for war,;
in. I now stoml on Hie bar.k. a lew :.ace
learer ilia cs aiact, waere she could com
iiand a view of its loot, gaiiu; thither will
ixsd eyes as if her all depended on wh o
i lie next moment should levtal Suddeiil)
ihe L'ave a glad cry.
'There they art'.' she exrlaimed, 'see
h y aru safe Ureal U oil, I Hunk thee!
mil t ir a nni nenl wildly turning her face
io Heaven, she burned with lrembhr
stsi4 aloni; the side of tiie river in th
lireotion of ihe fall.
Lverv eve followed hers, and sure enough
there Has ihs vouth, anil unhsriiied, ami
toll hiiir'-ting the wileis. lie had jos
iiirgd from tha boiling vortex belo the
I'atitracl. With one tun J he held a.oit tin
hild, and with the other he was nukiiit;
for the s!iorai
They tan, they siioutcd, they scarce!)
knew what they did, until they reached
iids, just as lie hid siruled tu the ui
I hey drew lum O t almost exhausted. I he
toy nras sensolcss - but his .n ol'ier tlcclar
il hi- still lived, ss sun pretstid htm franti
ally to hei boioui. His prrirver, power
'oily built and ailileiic as be was conic
catcely aland so faint was he from hi
V ho sh ill d'j-icrib's the scenes that fo'low
il; the uiotlisr's ralnmes while six strove
'i reiustila'.e her boy, sod her wild gnu
o.l i! to his preserver when il.J child ivji
nit of dinner ail ! S veeilv sltHpiii ill her
nis? Our pen shrinks at dm tsk. It i
ier Wurls nronounceu then e nia
tope in Hie spirit of propliey wrrfl r!
leinh-red afieiward by more than one
who heard the n.
'Go I will rew-uJ yoj,' said she, 'ai I
'annul. He will do prext things for yon
o retiirn lor this days work and the
Ins-i'liM of ihous ,niU, IcsiJc mine, w n
mend you.'
And it was so. For to the hero of t!ia
luur were subsequently rmiti led lhe (li so
lied of a rnijjhiy uaiion. H it thro'out In
otw cireer, whul tiMid'd perhtps inot i.
nake hi tu honored aid respected hey on I
lien, was the self s urriri.-itijf spirit which in
he rescue of that lumber's child, as i'i ihe
nil re a leftist events of his life, cluractrraiii
our Wasui.noton.
I :i tejri iy is a great and comms'idabie vir
tus. A man oMnier iv is tine man, ana
a i'.eady inan.ho it to bo trutied and relis l
unor.. So biit;e can corrupt him, no tcai
Isunt him; bis word is slow in coming
hut sure. He shines brightest in the hie.
and Ins friend beats of lum limit, when he
nost nerds lmn- -His courage grows with
danger, and he conqueis npposiiiion b)
oristincy. As he cannot be fluttered or
i"right-ned into what he di. likes, so he bui
flitiery sod temporising in other, lie
runs with truth and not with lhe limes
vith right, and not might.
A j'li.'gler, who went about the coumIi)
lisplaying sleiyht of band tricks, was sp
prehetided and brought belote the sapieni
Mayor of a town, who immediately orddred
him to be comitted to prisoni
For what!' 6id tne jiiggler.
Why, sirrah, the people say you are h
conj tiror!'
IVitl your worship give me leave lo tell
you what the people say of yout'
'Of nit? What dare they say of me.
Thev By you an no conjuror '
A printer out west, whose office is hall
a mile from any other building, and who
hangs his sign on, the limb of u iree, ad.!8S.i0llj,m,Pnli 1 was but fifty then. Ye.-
vertites for un apprentice. Ho says, A boy
from the country would be preferred
I should probah'y havj closed nit
diys to all f fill ding sights and sounds,
out for my good old Ucguine. (Jo he
fnsl visit at dawn, she lectured prodigi
ously on the folly of exposing mysel
to lhe hazirds of the night air of which
the evidently thought much more than
of lhe Austrian cannon balls. 'The
uiijlii shower upon the buildings as th
they pleased, 'but said the lieguine, 'il
ihey kill, their business is done. It i'
your cold, your damp, your night aii
thht carnea otf, without letting an)
one know how,' the perplexity o'
science on this subject forming the chit I
!Vil id pour Juliet s rniii-l.
'See my own coudiiion,' said shi
s rtving to brink her recollections ii
ml of her advice. At fifteen I a bai
naid at the S.vartJ Adler; tlu;re 1 la
o and oul, danced al all the family fete.-
it I was as gay as a bird on a tree. Lu
'hat' life was loo good to las'. At twen
ty a corporal of Prussian diagoons, leh
in love with me, or I with linn it i
ill ihe Bam?. His K'ginvot was i.r lere.
o Sdesii, aud away we all insiched
Hot if ever there was a count y nf lug-..
hat was the one. iliereare, no v in
hen a fjw even in cur delighU-d Fraoci
'iu', in Silesia, they hive a patent lo.
ihem, par pi i vilege, il men could ea
hem there would never bu a cii ioce ot
ttarving in S.lejia. So wn all g.,t son
hroats. Caiiuuu Mild lhe U'li-k-.-'.iy
vei e nothing to them. O ir ilnoon,
Iropped off like iLes at the eini ol a no
ner and unleSi we had b e:i tudured
iway to keep the Tii'ks from machine
o ucrliiig, or the SalU'S know Wl;-le
the re'ini'nt would have hid Its las
pisritis in this worl I witniu a lesi'
cf iho marshes of Bieslau. Sol sj
ever sincr.' 'ake caie of damp.'
Hiving ilmg lelieved her goo.N iiatui .
npirit of ii buitleu!ie prucoedd ti,
v? me sketches of her history. Tin
oiponl had fallen a vidim timugr
whethe'' 'o Sih siau fug brandy o b Hi t
hi; felt doubtful Hid hu In I nuriec
lis successor in rai.k. Love Bnd oia'n
nouy in the army are of a d iFereii'
lunoier from eitner in civil lilt-, lo:
he Iovj is p.ipciual thi inaliiniont
iieCJi'tous. Juiiel acKnowteug1-u tiiai
die never fell above a month's inkivai
K.'iwecu her afil clions ss u widow aim
'ier coos ol iiions aj a wile, io Ihe clip
if time sh3 clung.;.! her service. A
'tiodsomi! Ausiruiii servant woo tin
'ieaii and hand, and she followed Inn.
'.( Il ii'g'iiv. Tin re, bflwetn rnaih
'ever d Tuiki'h k:i ir,i.-lin.g, v.uiou
a i ilitii'i'S occurred in he mail nnonui
osi, and J ilif", who ovideni ly hid been
i handsomi !j, u i' 7 ,.tinl F i iici
vivacity ilistanced all the hiiivy cliMrm,
of A'lsiiiiii peasantry, was newr with
ml a boshaud. At length like ollur
vet-Tin havio serv-d her country to
tlic full cx'.enl of her palroliam, she was
lic!i.iig"d with her lentil bos;. and bod
.f Com sd induced Ihe hon-'st Aosirain to
eonio lo thn on! y counti y, on which in
a Fi'Vich wominV creed lhe sun shines
lY.-ro th" AuiH ian difol.
'I loved him,' sii.l ilia I5eguift9 w'p
:ng her eyes. 'II was an (-xcellunl I I
'ow th-ingh dull, and I b-I.eve nex
Sif.oking Srhnapa, htf loved tlie bit'ei
'han anything ele in ihe woild. Bo
ii his eiiiperiiu ', hit id day wh,cb In
Iways kepi wi'h a bo'tla of bran ;y ad
i 1 1 1 ' ii 4 1 he rambled out in'o tliP I ig am1
;ime bar!; wiih :i cold. Pesiel 1 kifs
Il was all over with him. hut I r.u'Sei
',im l;k a bib', and he died like a lio
Austrian, wi.h his nieershiioi in In
month leaving me his si;lJ bi x, th" d f
i fictfl of h:s t-i sion, mi. I his t!eir.g
i bin ied hiiii, goi p.-nxiijipl and a-h.
orokin he.,ried Wnat iln.n was lo b
lone? I was bom for society. I one
ur twice thought of so e'tventh hii
hand, bur I was rich I had above
'hoosaiid francf, snd a pension of a huo
Irtd this perpelexed me. I waa deiei
mined lo be in n ricd for myself alone.
Vet how could I know whether the hy
pocrites who clustered round me wcr.
not thinking of my money all Ihe while?
o I determined to marry no muro- &
'lerarne a Hcguine.'
In all my vexation, I could not help
turning my eyo upon Ihe sentimentalist.
She interrupted it in Ihe happy way o'
her country. 'Von wonder at my sell
lenial, said she, '1 perceive it lo voo
si id she clasping her hands and I ut. k i r, f.
'pathetic, 'I Bckirjwktle that I wa-
rti d. Whit right had 1 io lihsik so
miny heait-? I have iinidi to aiuRwe
a I f I. .?..
ior inn i nui nny : I am even now
') ii fil'iy-s x. Yd, obs -i v-, I have la
kn no vows, remark that M insieur e
Citpiuiue. A this iiioiii -nt I sin only
i Sieur de Cluriie. No nothing shall
induce me to iii ik-' or kei) the vow. I
am Iree to marry lo morow, and 1 only
'leg, Jonsieur le Capilaina.lhal when
voj are well enough to go abroad again
whether in thi town or in whatever part
of Europe you may travel you will have
'he kindess lo slate positively that Julo
Doiioienronk, xkk Vemrebleu, has uoi
aken and nevtr will take any voiVf
'Nut even thoso of man iag', Juliet?'
li-Ked l.
She laughed and patted my htirnint!
lead, will) Ah, AOUJ ETUs BIE.V B0.N;
monsusb!' finishing with
ill the Fjiitomine ul blushing confusio
md suiting like a fl Htered pigeon.
A Itad I'ii' iiia limv Fight
Wo have a friend residing in the Slate ol
Louisiana, who is famously fond of bear
running The penchant has led him into iiuminciii perils, in some of which.
tail n not been lor his bruva haul, strong
arm, and eagle eye, he must Ion;; since
hsva fallen a victim.
Ooa of his adventures, in an extensive.
cane brake, it is our purposj here to relate:,
not so much because it was one of danger
and hardihood, as because il exhibited tb
spirit, coolness and prompt uc.ion, so I'ssen
nal to ihe hunter of these 'vaiininis.' Thrf
cane brakes are matted together by an un
dergrowth of viue aud briar, end aro iij:t-r-scciud
by running swamp sir.'ams, so
as to render them almost tiniioiielia
Uur Iricni! U ,on a tuiu!, om.i i.cai
die close of lite day, Ii ml ((iietraled souii1
balance into the usue brake bordering iht
A'ohiia, when his dogs two very valuu
Ole ones 'bayed' a magnificent beai!
iJagniticeu', w e presume, became he wat
nonsiruus strong and, full of fight. G
guided by the baying of the dogs haste. lei
towards the scene ol coiitlu t, hs lust hs i
as practicable to huslmi, wheie you an
obliged fieque.iily to ciawl on hands am
Knees, and tonieliiuts lo cut your wa
with your burning kniht. Afier i.onsider
Lie d ibculiy, towe-er, he ohtjined a sigh
f the ferocious uuiina'j the !vo uol.le dugs
li'us iii their training, were keeping n
heck, thutig.'i they had been haiidleJ very
roughly. U tired as soon as he h
oblal:lt d his dlata cs srnl anil, and ai.h'jng'
ilie ball tooK elli-ct, it u s uoi in u viu
part. The eiirngej :ii,inl no.v sprang
upon one of the dogs and gi'u ilm bruvi
creature mortal wotiiid. G ,ei i
erisii'd n '. die tight, for he f.nai d his faidi
'fid followers almost as dearly as himself
threw down bis gun, and crept into thi
icnible light, for, reador, you can'l ruth
into a tight in a cane-brake! Cautiously be
ppioicheil tho foe, until he was near
I'lwiti-h, when upun his knees snd wiih h
ariti s;reirtid across the animal, he sudden
ly givs him three daep wounds upon ti e
nf or fat ther side; he Lne w well thai t
vviis hie- oi, ly chance, for the instinct of the
animal promo's it always lo turn and
-nap at the quarter Iron) whirl) it is hurl
4 rim ori hit's goi moie lives than nat'rall
lelcnijs j bar, any how, ejiculated G
.us he saw the monster still stiorij.'
arid v;gi;Mu, and rending with his tusks
g;iin snd i:gin,ihe body of the dog, whirl,
io held firmly i'i his embrace. G
,.io i is ur.y ie'ding enemy another fearful
'nund upon i'na fanher side, btfore
vhen his kaife by a sj JJe.i rn'i.-err.ent
'is bear, slipped from ins gr isp, s.i.'l iht
iruie was noon him? G
lis left arm for the. cluirh but in a
ihe bear's tusks were ciushinir his
ind, at the same instant, he felt himsell
hi a close bug! This was rather a 'bail
;ix.' G turned and looked upon hit
mmaitiing dog, which hud previously been
il great asnistaned in attractinf the buasiV
af.enliunjbe said but a wor l-'.lih affectionate
'.reature gave one bound, and had the be.. r
ig-iin fist by the throat. This new alir k
ave G
his freedom; in an irut ml ho
'nd recovered his weapon, and in anoihtr'thusettJ dcv.ifjic of t jjrog shop.
keen point was Luiied deep in lhe brors
'Ferhapg,' say s G ,'voti never did
see a baroll over like thai one!'
Our sporting' ftietid has never reaovered
the free uso of his lefi hand but ho
is sun a riimt hand man in a hunt.
Vs he niolcetly expresses himself, 'I aim
whin 1 used lo was in a bur tight, but when
I'm pursued, I'm soma yet, 1 reckon.' St,
Louis Reveille.
Squiggins met a school teacher jester,
day morning. '1 say,' said he, 'do you
know thai you are the only person in the
iiy for whom our minister prays every
ier prays every
e; 'hov is thail
leads of all col
fij euis inat(liiltrna
'Mo,' said the pedagogue;
'Why lie prnys for the heads
eges.and academies and infurior institutions
if learning, and if you don't keep on in
lerioi one, I'll be hanged if I know wlio
A certain lawyer in one of the western
slates had a dog that wis a great favorite,
and was in the habit of attending court
with him. One day the dog took it into
his head lo ascend the bench, and annoyed
ihe judge, in 8 great rBge.give him a violent
klt:k eia 1,im ypllm'i ai;r038 lhu courl"
house. The lawyer much incensed at Iho
unceremonious manner in which Ins lavor
"e w ,s treated, called to lum, 'romp.couia
here. I heie, said he, Make that, giving
him number kick, 'did I rtol always tell
you to keep out of bad company?'
Wealth, accumulated by f.iir competition
in honest pursuit is the right of every man
hut that which is derived froai advantages,
which lhe law gives one over anoihei, is
legaiutd plunder.
Culiivate the faculty of hope. Il is bel
ter than money for the more you use i',
the hngei it grows.'
Very true lliera is nothing bul hopeful
lej-jhopp on, hope ever. To bo sure,
nost of us tiud lhat when our hope is re
tlied, is nut the thing we expected it to be,
The point has been attained bul it is often
hat distance lends enchantment to the view
and ,ve are riithei disappointed in the
ymiIis of our own success But what of
rout Is il not a ptovision lo keep us from
ndulence and stagnation? Away, ihen.sf
ar another hope siarl hopas in succession
fur the exercise and health of your spirit.
Vlwaj a have something to look forward tu
ctdiivste lhe hoping faculty as an essen
ial constituent of happiness. He who
ias done with hoping is a living death,
'lis vitality is exhausted, and grim des
,air demands him as her ovn Combat
inch spatby with all your might. Com
pel yourself to take interest, even if it bo
only in trifles. Dc, in this reaped, as
much like a child as you can and il tho
prospect of a new hat, or of any other pair
of shoes, csr, tickle your fancy, why Miould
you not rijoy the emotion? Miianthaopy
iften effect lo despise those who feel cruat
interest in small things bul let it re vm . it it
an in bilietnesi, the wiser pail is to ex net
honey from every flower, however humble
ind significant a multitude of little hopes
ire pieasatit companions, lo swarm around
mr foo.ncps.
There is a itry mid of a man who hd i
very ragged coal, that he went to a C o'tAer
netting house, because 'where least is said it
s aonis; mended ,
Tod what's miniror.y? -'iy, yo i ten
Dick, wen a poor feller u s called lar
eny but wen it's a rich ',ni lhe jury nvs
it's nummary,' and they can't rip it: that's
A New York piper says lhat till ladies
invariably preler short nieu. An exeh ing-'
ihinks this an error, and observer thai no
woman ojecls of lly mm.
I'lifie arc at the present lirn, oi,
h'l vlred oud twenty towns in Mj.t-.