'tucTti tnMoc? ruin s iiuwnv, fkh, Is, ims' ITcjiic lubrr Ike rrinlcr. WIIHT, (M)K.N. RYE. BUCK W UK V I", OA I S nr WM. will be re ceired fur rtehH doe in fur midmripiinn. Man a lew bushels of IOTA IOKS it delivncd goon From llioss Lo hare promised Lnmhcr inch ml inrl) s lu !' qnirter pme board will bft rereivpil if delivered soon. UEMOV'AL BILL. Th Removal Bill passed through Com mine of ih whn in 'ho Senate on Miwi fl v 1-8 , nearly m it rame from he Homr -On Vqdneday,ilcame up cm second rnd ing. -Ai amendment was offered rcquiiing three-fifths of ihe wmi oT the county to .ratify it. which was defeated; yea 8 nays rHZ2. Xnvt.et motion was was then mad requiring $00 majority, widen was like wi.-e Jefeatedi yeas II nays 20 A motion re quiring but two monthi resident instead of nine; was also rejected yeas 14 nays 18 the vole upon the first section was then la ken which resulted as follows, yeas 10 tiavs 13. This vole was considered a tesi vote, as the first section contain? the main ,proviins of the bill, there is therefore; now no doobls of the passage of the bill A few days since Recorder Vaux paid a -visit to a house in the country, about CO miles from Philadelphia, and there succeed ed in recovering a very large quantity of rounterfeitine; apparatus, consisting of the following articles: sixteen ro'U for making counterfeit plates, nine dies, fifteen altering plates, ten counterfeit bank note plates, and a lot of bank note paper reidy for use. This is the sixth or seventh seizure of coun vierfciting articles which the Recorder ha? made within a ehcrt time. E1.LL X. There are in Rome 30 Cardinals, 31 Archbishops and Bishops, 125 Prelates 1G54 Secular Clergy, 2749 Monks, 1550 Nuns, 3000 persons are devoled to Litera ture and the Fine Arts. The Real Eitate of Lanerayr county, Pa. las been estimated at twenty five million V- . of dullais. Quite a controversy prevails in Massa- dmsetis as to whether or not colored chd rlren seould be odoiitled into schools in common with white. A bill to suppress Licentiousness is be fore the Legislature of New York. It pre ecribes for the seduction of a female under 18, by a married man, Stile Prison not more than five years, or a fine of not more ihan $3000. For seducing a female over 18 .Slats Prison not more tlian 3 yeais, or . county jail not more than one year, or a fine of not orr $1000, Seduction by an ainmarried man of a female not over 18 nine as above Every person who shnl keep a house of ifl-lame,s!ull suffer impris onment, and every person who shall let or leu!-wy building or tenemeut for the pur pose of being kept as a houee of ill-fame, shall forfeii.fur the use of ihe poor.the rents snd profits of the same two years. The General Bunk bill has passed thr Senate of Ohio by a vote of 21 to 13 and jr ..tow before the House. 'This is fhejvery latest case of extreme delicacy. 'Pray, Mies, what part of lb" fowl shall I help you toT ' I'll take Ihe ,pri ihai's last gelling over the fence ' The Treasurer of lite Stats o Illinois has r 'reived several thousand dollars of coon terfeit Illinois ioutmal improvement s-:ipi. m paytneut for Und. It is supposed thai u Ij'ge amount is in urcbiinn At T'f rville, ner Y'.ett N, Y on Thursday of last wtti,il,e dvgh:cf of Sin ter, Oaks. Esq. met l-er death by the cul. . fable. caM.leisncss aiitl mischief 'of a young manwiu) was returning from a humii.g .excursion. Seeing Miss Oaks enter an . out house, he Jircd lit riije into it and pass .edcui. Some bourn afcer AJis O. was found dead, the ball having gained through the house audinto her side. .The Almshouse at Slem N. J., wa en tircly desltoyed by fire on SatunUy Bx.rn iiig. At the lime of this occurrence there were tboul 100 putiplers in lb' honne, t number r-f whom being lunatics. Th) - ere all en: oul -afely, amid, howetir, t.w ol '.he ildefel duoritr snd f"i 1 .'.lion. j 'Tis midnight every noisy voioe i hushed Tint hollow winds that all day angry blew il ive sought repose within their rockycavet rtiiii-m mild V.tMilivr. who still lincor muniK i I'll ngnl poplan, and in pluintiva s'lis, Sn-ms grirvni thai Ills f. llows a!t ar none I lia eriikoV S'nui. urinoioniHis, yel swe' I'd thoso who wish thai sorg may rei:li ihrir lir.ifis, And help lb think. and f-el, alone is heard I at iiiv window sit, and look abroad () i forest, valley, river, nleadow, hill, While the fur moon btstowe just light enough To lei their modest beauiies be perceived, Yet ) tihtritdwd on ine stanled eye he to muse on Ns'ure's peerless charm. When thouyhilfM men little u bile retire, Not to lament the nonsense ol Ihe past, Uul to lerruil iheir w-s'ed s:reniih,that they May shout more loudly, lun with greater speeit, In Fully' train, when next ihe radient sun Aiising, robes the eastern skies in gold. Pal moon I love to gszH upon thy face, And think (hat ihuu art luokiHg through the clouds, With pitying eye on all my wanderings here, To whisper peace to every passion wild, And woo ine by thy beauty to ihe sky. Ye flittering stars! ye ar the same a when In fail Chaldaj i, shepherds nightly watched Their flocks, & to beguile ihe tedious hours, Cazed on your beauty, lovod you ar.djbegan To give you names, as fancy gave command Ye shine unchanged,your glory is the same, Age hath not written sonow on your brows; Death hath not hurled his fatal dart at you But where those shepherds ? Do they lend their flocks, R-joice in youth, aud love your beauties still ? Alaa! no mure (hey view Orion a bell, Or watch Aicturua, or ihe Pleiads rise I'hey sleep in dust, forgotten quite by all, Except some pensive lover of the elais, Who, when he sees ll.e object that the) loved, Siill thinks upon ihern, and with tearful eyt RoilectH, thai soon your beauties must be hid Fiom htm, as from the shepherds that once loauied Chahhc i's plains, but roam those plain no more. .Vhil thus I rouse upon you, changeless stars, Methinks I feel the nothingness of man, Yul pride arid vanity are with me still, Prompting (he idle wish to letve a mime. But sure yon star, reproachfully doth say Poor child of dual, and being of an hour. I've seen ten thousand thousand such as the Wish, hope, toil, sink, in misery complete Down to ihe grsve, and sleep forgotten there W. INTEREs l INt; MEMORIAL. -A lengthy, 1j u highly inu resting memo iid, hai bieu presented to our Kiile Legis liiurc. and 3HJ() extra copies orderod lo hi primed, the production of Mis. I). L Dix. if Boston. It exhibits ihe condition and .inaiincnl of Minis, Epileptii s, and Insane Poor, as found in the county jiils and dm houses of our State. This intelligen1 lady, who is now in our borough, bus dur ing ihe past year, from purposes pure!; benevolent, visited every county town in iho state, with two unimportant exceptions ,!ollcctint!, by menus of personal observa tion, evidence of the claims of this large aud much in girded class o( sufferers upon '.lip M'fnpiihi. s of h gislalion. The resid: f this vac enierprie, from which ordmar; beiipiobmeo would have shrHnk, arc pre sen ed ai Iwugih in this uirnioii.il, in a man ner, too, that is not less eloquent than i:n presstve Measures are also rrcomrnenil ed, whose adopiinrt cannot fait to clieek dr d nos: incredible tide of Human Misery Miss. I), has mail? a siniiUr lour ihrougl ihe elates of New York and New Jersey Ahcreclic likewise collected a vast fund o r',va!u:ible hiHoiiral and umblieal informs ion and we le tin, too, that she dcnigiw iX'.ttiJing her leiearche into some otlr intes, Benevolence such s ih.s, which serk. ml tufTcr;ng in its whim hjrms, v?' rnl" nends illo ihe sympaihy of ihe Ship, calls lor ihe expression -of enlarged gratitude, & -hould be properly appreciated UyAliose lo u bain it more directly appeals. A lifetime spent in suih a cause--the disinterested amelioration of iheiemporal destiny of the Striiken and Alrlicied is wotihy Un approving .plaudits of Heaven and Earth. MISSOURI. The jo'nl committee of the Missouri Legislature ha" adopted ihe Districs pro (iom-iJ, giving in '.he -whig one certain, and to ihe D.'ii ocrats probably four member- of L'w'i s. AtjrcscM '.he Whigs have non " ,t WASHINGTON LETTER WRITERS. The Ho'. John Vntnonh, me riher of Congress from the Chicago diMnol, (' nois) who is so tall lhal instead of .nour.t ing tho stump when nddres.iinif In coustii uents, Ins (o b led ivum into a holt dug lor the pjrp'ia writes some quite ch irac tei istir letters homo. In on of his recent -pisiles.hethus unveils tho mysteries of Washington letter writing: I'hoyhavea new way of advertising her A man warn his tavern praised. Accordingly he giver a kiter writer )5 am! he wrnns to some New York, Boston nr Phil idelphi new spspei tlii 'Col Polk, President elect, bus litken loom Bt Hotel.' Accidentally, all the office hunter go and engage lodging there! A man has a piano for sale and h gives a letter writer 45 to write thai 'Mrs. Polk has bought one oi Mr. ' spltndtd pianos.' So the mailer goes even lo milliner shops, in each of which hangs a bonnet engaged lo Mrs. Polk.' Aud it taken 95 to got a leitei writer lo tell of it. Indeed, it takes 85 and no more (o reach any of this profession For this they will put an eloquent speech in any man's mouth. For this, put him in Col. Polk's Cabinet, For ibis give him a foreign mission. For this, put up Col Polk at his tavern For (his make Gov Polk buy a hat at a particular store, &c The magic number is 85 All undei is insult, all over superfluity, A prominen politician who has noi $5 to epare lo a few of the letter writers, will not be prominen long. - isnHrsuaaiiaMi THE UNICORN DISCOVERED. A recenl number of ihe 'Journal Asia uque,' published in Paris, slates that M Fresnel. the profound Orientalist, now French Consul ai Jedda, in Arabia, has pub hshed a notice of the existence of Ihe real inicorn in the wilds of Hadremant! Thi grange be?st has a single horn, attached to its head by a joint, through which it can levnie oi depress its horn at pleasure, re narkably confirming Psalms 02, 10. where it speaks of ihe 'horn of the unicorn.' This will ihrow great light on other passng'-s ol Scriplure, which ignorance of Arabia pre ' enl-id our comprehen ding. The Snow Slotm of the fourth seenn t hive extended nter a greal tract of country. We see by the Hanford Times, lint ihe hiiuw fell to the depih of about 18 inches, and drifted considerably. The Southern mill was on tin account delayed 21 hours. At New Haven, the tide rose lo the almost unprecedented height nf 18 inciies above the top of the Lmg Whirl'. Al Albany. N. Y., the si o h 'I to the ih'p'h of 18 inch es, blocking np all the R.iilruads. On Loii" 1-land, ihe depth of snow is esiiuiated at 2 fed. Al Providence, R I . the Railroad lo 15 iston was imp-issable on WednesJiy I'lie cold wi.i intense at all iliese places. Mr Cl;SlllN.i, it is staled, during liis ecenl miton r,irned the Taital language, which is lbs cutiit language of ihe ('elestial. tJhinese being the cockney and gi.tcon for he million. He has secured a valuable ibrary of lhal language, comprising quile a 'ream of Tt r tar laeruuire. Mn. I'e.vto.v and Texas. Mr B -n on hiiu introduciid into the United S itcs Senate a proj"d for admitting Ti s i in to ihe Union, ss a subMitude far th nil previously introduurd by hi in The bill provided ih.t a Stale, ti !i; formed out of the present lepuhl c n Texas, with 'iilab!e ex'eot and hound iritJ, and with two re pi rstnlative ti (longre.K, until ihe next apportionment f repif j'.-nlation, shall be adinitlcil H.t he Union by vitlue of ihN ad, on ai quiiabk' fooling with t tit t-xis'ing States it soon as the lerms and cnndilion ol soch dri:i"ion, end the riiiion v( lb "puiainii'g Ti-xs icriiiory to the United Slates fihail bo agreed upon by the go vprnnicn's of Texas and the Uniiee Si alt s 1 1 appropi iales 8 1 00 ;0C0 'o dt my the expensi s ol missions and nego iislions lo agrre upon the terms ol ad idiiiinion and resworn, either by treat; o be stibmil'eil to the Senate, or . by ar ides to be 'ubmiiled to both lloices o1 "ongres?, a ihe President may direct The Globe devotes a colonin Bnd a hill it its space ro ihe purpose of showing the advantage of the preposiuon. "ays. 'We look upon the proposition of Mr, JJenton's bill to provide for this commission lo be not only a piopositioi of conciliation lo all parlies favorable li the admission of Texas into the Uo- .on in ihe two dounlrieg, but a pro position tending to ha'rmonize their pos K ri'y forever, by removing, al ihe lines bold, tveiy ground of discontent.' . '.Ji 1 , The Lie Mi. FiUnic! Avni Ilailfoid., Conn., has left hi-queMtf several hrncvolenl and religious asccii- I., 'hst ci'y.strjout.ting Iogl3,000 1 Vbuy PusinrrnvE Finn at New YoitK The Tribune 0 flirt uud ad joining Building Destroyed ! V rejrel to loarn.by the Tiaw Yort lleraM received last evening, and ihe fust pa per lor iwo day from beyond Trenton, ihat, about 4 o'clock on Wednesday morning, a leinhle fire w discoveied to he raging in the block of building occupied m tU Tribune establishment coiner of Spruce and Nassau streets. Every cll n! wjs made by Ihe fire com panics In master the raging clement, bu to no purpnxp, and in tho course ol a couple of honri) after ihe first notice ol the blaZ", Ihe Tribune newipip.'r con cern, the periodical depot of Mr. II Ciiaham, ihe bookseller ami stationers' s'abl miient (fjanscn& 15ell,'li .qiJo store occopied by Mi. K nnedy, and Ihe German estahlishuienl of the D ti tsche Schncllpost, a Gcrnun joutnai published in lhal ci'y for I he l.isi thru years, wiih a large 8t'ck of books, &c. were loially consumed, with all Ihe; contained Mr. Graham losl not aiily hi nock, but SlOO in cash and his golo watch, and narrowly escaped with hi life by leaping oul of an elevated win dow upon the deep snow beneaih. A boy employed by him. who w Bslcpp in the loom below, followed Mr. G, but fell on his heatl and Wis Severel; hurl. Just before letn ing tubed, Mr G. had t.ken $175 and hie gold watl from his drawer a ud had placed ihen under hi pillow, where they wire (les Toyed. Mr. G. esiimairg his lotal lo .1 ah ul J52500, and wa not insured The Tiibune lost all theii lype,inaterial &r., with a large q iuility of papei iieai numb rof books of heir own pub lication, beside their valuable presses in ihe basement. M'sr. Greeb y and McE'rat-h were insured for $ 10,000, lartly in the Willi.imsburgli and pa 1 1 to ihe Trust Compariy of lhal city. The presses alone in tho basement cos upwards of $9000, ami the amount of their lo-'s over and ah ve insurance i e6timaled al $10 000. There wen several offices in il):' sunn building' among them that V. B. Palmer, G-.'o-eral N-wspaper Agpify, I Idisigii'a Map Engraving Establishment, and in no case was any thing saved. Mr Pd mer's b joks and papers were in .f ',btn from the specimen of i's giving powers, is exhib'ted soon af er the fire, il mil l lave proved of little setvico. Led- EXTINCT HUMAN RACES. In th remotest parts of Nor h and East Asia, remains have been iliiiiovor (I which prove tbat nearly tho winle of thai greal conlineni was once occtip'ed 'ly human racts, whose viy na'ii( ll ive pe islied, So.iiH ot Iht-MC! iiation.s ijjpear to have made prog ea in tb ii is and civilize! ioo. Tin ir t uiilis Rf' louod Sjread over too con l!rh:3 e vaid ol Jooisey iii giejt iiomberi, a ii e of magnificent construction. The; 'oolnin fraumenis of ear hern m.i;,u:.ii mie or Doicil.in, oi ti hoc ii is; ami var,- ou implemenis of ailvcr, gold, and enp iier. The learned ac.adumtei hi of St Peersburj; have iiii,li-d tliemv-lie that such relies lv 1 . r t r i i to a pttopiu wb must Ii iv.i disappeared bef..ro tli ' hgb of hi!or y da a u.:d up )n t list co.io 1 1 Discoveries leading lo a snr.:lir icsu!: have been iracd ihiotiiih thi? Nf" World, from the couoliies boidi-nog o (he M ssisippi ami Ohio, were tomb are fjund co ilaing skelt tons of a d Ifn cut confoi mation Ironi lhal of the pre sunt native tribes, lo the hih lahlu-lam of Tiiiaca, in t!ie Pti avian Cordillera where am teen the sniMjooed ancient reniosenta'ives of the Fiat Heads. Ev 'i in the islands f Polynesia, vestige ire disco veied which have been roferic- o a foniier nice ol ' iiiliuljiiaiit,iiul there in: 1 ids which indicate that extemiv jounii ies in Europu were occupied b; aou of a dilfirenl physical chirarbr ro m Hi" present naiives, lim j wind il'-eeded lliR atival of Celt and Goths, and oiber Indo Get manic nations fun he ea;t. A HE LIC. A day or l.vo ago, ,in rnk wt cu lown at a short diftmce from Hirris iiirg, (and near an old revolutionary i lie, known as 'P.-x ur's Church, ')wh;cl lpoo counting ihe growths', proved In hi iicar four hundred years ohl, and pei- 'ecily embedded iri it, al a height o near thirty feet from the ground, wa found a well 6haped stone mortar and ,jest'e, and an instrument very mud resembling ojraxe, iho'igh much small er in size. They had evidently beei placed in the crotch of the tree, which nad giuwn togeiher ovt r them, am fi om an examination of the sen ion, it i perfectly manifest lhal they must havi icen thereat least ihi ee numii eii years. I'hey re of ver'y hard fl uty stonij and . in their finish exhibit Iriiich skill.' THE 'OSTACj'li BILL.' The reducing 'ostaye and abnli'li ing the Frank ins 'rivilege passed ihe V . S. .Senate on S itunty last by 37 ayes to 12 nays, u was preseriteo to tLc iioine on ine luuie day, SIORY OF A I3RAVE WOMAN. We read in one of our late English journals, ol Ihe application fur relief, In the magistrates of a town near London, made by an aged female, who well dc icrvesihe litln of heruine, and whose story is one of those rare but interesting one, which never fail lo secure ym. pathy, and to claim benevolence. 'I'm ivonmi was a widow, whose husband (Thomas: ILnvcll.hy name,) had been private in tho dS h regiment, lo whom die had been married 40 years, and bad shared active service wiih him for 27 years. Whilst in lheiegiinein,ii seems; she bore seven sons, (ive ol whom ,ni dead ; of Ihe I wo sui vivor, one U in Hi Coldstream Guards, and the oiin.-r in the 12lh regiment, now lying in tin Isle of France, This female veteran ai compaoied her husband in all hi pecin oilir compaigns, sharing all his haul ships, in.d being present al len g"neia' "ngagempois, viz; Talavera, Alnueia, ll'idiigo, Ridajoii, Salamanca, Villoiia, Fyren-eif, Neville, Orlhes, aud Thou louse. She had lived as servant lo G m eral Ilimilton, and she related wil pride, ihit at the ba'.llo of Albuera.when ihe Duke ol Velling!nn had an inter view wi'h lhal General, she had Ihe honor of handing hit) Grace a glass ol water, being the only it-fieshmeut In ivould take. A lhat battle, 'he mule en which she rode was frighiem-d !iy ho' i'i iking close to hue, aud she wi thrown off. She took Care of Colour M m lo when wounded al ihe b ill In o Vitloii. S.ie was laken prisoner by Hp Fiench in Ihe reireal on Salunanca, an. made her escape disguised in man'. i tn e. By the late death of her husband, she was deprived of all means of sup p ;rt, and having ihree daughieis l main an, ahe applied for relief, ann wished t j b- f awarded lo London, Ii si e the Duke of Wellington, who, sin .a cot. li len', would assist her. Ilirsirry excited ihesympathy of ilv M igiiiat'H, one of whom wrote a leitei lecommending her to the noble Duke, ind ca ne I'oiwaid and agieed lo pa; her t xp rises lo Loudon. Toe last ac count .staled that his Grace had written io nuke fuiiher ii.qunies about the wo mm, in whuse tale he was much inter- est-il, and with ch-ncteristic kindness had si nl her a sum of money for her im mediate necessities. If she become. eventually, a pensioner ot the Duke ol Wellington, she may well coosnLr hei- S' ll ,)i having been in luck s way,whils h-r child en may apply lo their heroic ton her ihu old adajje of "burn lo good luck." HIS I OK V OF WYOMING. We und rs'and thai the Ilis'oiyof (Vyomiog, wiiiien by the Hon. Chai Ies Min r, is in (be couisn of puhlica ion. Tnis woi k has been long luokeil i'or, a id il apiii .i.ice will bs hailed with j y. Wt a t: confident j.ub'ic rx peeU'ion will noi hu disappointed. N man living cool I do bet er justice lo thi sub) 'i t th hi Cna' l. s Miner. Ha cami to this lovely Valley in eaily youth, ind imbibed alike its b-'iti'y il poetty mil its his'iii y. At lh.it lime, those vho h i I ) r icipi'ed in its bloody war ind shircd th- p"nl auvl 'hair breadib' -G tpe.s of i iri 1 1 di:.. nil perio 1 Wei'u stil MV;ng in ihe vior of manhood. Fiotn hi;m, Mr. Minor derived nut only i ids, but the deep inspirations of tho; nin time. T'.e- numbers of tin lliz'e.ton Travel hi',' which appeared a 'e.v years since, furnish a spcciiiKn ol racy siyle and absoiding interest of thf hu ih coming history. Those number ny Ihe way, should not hive been dis continued, until each and every oh1 I'uilily in the Valley had received passing not ice., we nope me oliutn . r a . cum dignitute, of Iheir accomplished iiiihor will agun rc-animaU; his plasti pen. The st; le of Mr. Miner is. ndmirr lily adapted lo the public lasle. IF outhful and malurc rlforts piitike id ihe eime chastened simplicity. II mploys I ha old Sixon stand dial-ct inu myites no i-lloil at slnted rlieto. ic, r new I'.mg'cd ni id s of expt esstDos. ilis Mihp-ci fl iws along like Ihe simph melody of ihe songs ol nature, but at tin -ami.' t ine, with a power lhat captivate. Ihe heart. In polit cs, we have nevei agree I with Mr. Mmer, hut wt ate sttli ready lo do jusiire to a man whi is an honor lo our Valley, and lo ihi in eiatuie t l the country. He night l vi ite inure, for, like Midas, wlulevei he touches, he tdi us into gold. ,t2. JJem. CUKIOUS Die Baltimore Clipper says, that a per son named Wilson, formerly of lhal eity whose death was announced ome ix or seven years ago, as occurring somewhere in the West, had, by mere accident, been iscovercd in a religion instilpiinr. in ('in uinnati, where he had been forcibly confin ed for ihe lasi 13 ;.3,' thai his release we effected after con.i lursble trouble and excitement, and thahu was about lo return n I5ol.ini.-rr, The ee-'i a!!ud.-rj lo ii pro bablf ibe Zosn.te. THK ro.ST OFFICE HILL. The TrunMiig Trivilegt. u the dis -ussion lit the ScimIm on iIim I'osi i.fliee bill VI r liunhaiui aJvoeated im aboliiiotv of die franklin privilege Ms referred lo ihe practice in linjland. where even Queen Victoria Cannot frank a ii"ie. 'Members of Parliament,' ('saitl Mr. liuobanati.) 'were called upon In fcrryo a privilege for lh sake of ailvun-ing a j;ieii pn'ilic otji'cis, and ihey atjreed io do V 1 1 1 an Amercan Congress reluss tj to that U'iiii-li a British l'arljameui has done hi ihu aei omplishmenl of a grcil advantage 'o the pcojiiff Fr my own pari, I find the franking p;i.i!cge rather an inconvenience lull, an advantage; scarcely a day pssse luring which 1 am not asked for franks, liners com to me under blank rover, viy ol'ien.from ladies. what'am 1 in do witk iiemj' Take them tolthe ladiea yourself "mid a voire on ihe fl nr, 'Yes.' f'said li ) and make my bow, I suppose.' 'Yon must either restrict ihe franking priulege, or keep up ihe high, rates of posi ige. Fifteen thousand deputy postmaster and holh llauseg ofCongresi retaining ihe iranking piivilee, will de-lroy the bill. Ilrt saw mi fear oT not keeping thi ofliees will filled with comietent pnstwasicrs A'Uhoul the franking piivilege.' Pepofl of Ihe. Comnnnsionert of Palenti. The annual report from the Commission ers of Puieius for the year I8Hi shows hat durimr the year 502 patents have issu 'd lhal 53'J puents have expired; lhal 1045 app'ii; ations have been made lo for palentrj lhat 331 caveats have been field, ibm ihe receipts of the Patent O.Tice h ive been in nnouni $;3I,220 00, paid on application wiliulrawn; lhal ihe ordinary expenses of the Office have been $21,288 04. to which is to be added $2078 40 for library and igricult-.ire, leaving a neit balance of $(5, 173 73 lo the credit nf the patent fund fur the year; lhal $2 822 00 has been paid for die restoration of models, records, ami1 hawing under the aci ol 3 '. Mi.rch, 1S37; iho number nf applicants for ihe exten ton of patents was 12; two were (ranted ind len rejected: seven patents have been extended since the act of 4 h July, 183G; he whole number of patents issued up lo Ui of January, 1345 is 14 021. FhiO.Vl MEXICO Capt. I'aterson, of Ihe biig Najade, al Charleston, from Vera Cruz, Jiiuaiv 8, leported thai Santa Anna had attacked, ai die h ead of 4000 men, 1 500 of which were; cavalry, ihe town of I'uebla but he was driven back by ihe levolutinnistg. Santa Anna, it is said, wouhl endeavor to make bis escape eiher by die way of Vera Cr.iz nr Ttispan. The revoluti. mists were in hot pursuit ufSaiiia Anna, and certain death awaited him should be fall into their hands. A newspaper olli re n-semb!e9 the great woibl. The larjje capital letters are arislo crats I he Komaii letters are ihe men, and' he italic are the women. Every form is a iition, wild the big bugs at the head; and in every form, lliere are various pieces, so ire iheie diilcreni classes, societies, and sects in tho world. The four pages of tho newspaper are Europe, Asia, Africa and 'u ci 1 mi. I he lirsi page is Asia as lhat piarter of ihe world was first peopled & ve find il generally filed with liciiiious laics of which (be oriental natives were always loud. The second, or rditorid lae, i Fu-opci ihe opinianated spikes, man ot" dm world. The iliird pas", mostly cover -d with advcrtisineiiis, is America, with all ts train of wooden nutmegs, thrift, anil hast !y swallowed dinners, The fourth page is. f course, Africa, and like lhal quarter of ..'te i!nbe, is seldom explored; and in nil these four pages or quaricis .f ilia wodd he woiks of die dovil ate plentifully con ijiicuous k pceneIn ToI.'KESS. In ihe House of Ucprescnlatives al Wash ington on Thersdav, the Annual Indian Vppropriation Hill was taken up, and dur ing the discussion, quiu an acritnonous, personal controversy arose between Mr. Uiai'k, of (Jerr!ia.'and Mr. (iiildiinjs of Ohio Mr. G said the remaiks nf Mr. 11. were low and dirty, ,1r. II. replied that no genileman could even look at Mr G wiilioul becoming 'low and I i r : v A great uauy expressiutis nf a sbnihr character iindicd between them, unn! .1r McDowell if Ohio, and ,1r Hurt, nf South Carolina, nterposed and called Mr ) loonier Here the matter dropped for a time, Inn soon af i'r Mr Uiddintjs rose and proceeded lo re dy to the pets itialiiies of ,1r Iilaek He vas rurnmeniing on somcthin? Mr B had said about 'knocking down' What Mr (i said induced .1r H ('who was siandin? tear hm) lo'exelaiu.'l'il knoi k you down i ihe same lime he wai rushing toward Mr G and tried In raise bis cane, apparent ly with i!ie ilcsign lo strike Mr (J Mr llamnirlt. ol ,1ississippi, seized .1r U ii diew b'ni omsiile i!ic railling Of cour-;n (Acre wns a jreal deal of excitement in ihe Hall, and fur a few moments 1 lie proceedings vere arrested Mr Giddingir finished his remaiks, when d-r Black made a remark or two Scenes of this kind are utterly rliu :racu!ul lo the parties TUB FLYLNG MACHINE The Circinnati Gaz"ile says that a patent has been obtained by J. II. Pen nington, lor h is machine lo nsvigate hu air. It consists often section bal- Ioohf, a ear and a steam engine. l iic tngine, of one and a half liurse jiower, ii is proposed lo place in the upper lo:y of the car appended to the balloons. I he .fieei ing power is a ruddsr or oar rornccled ivilh the boltol of (he bal !l?on,