nnaxBipaa fuss I bar awurn upon the Altr of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyrauny over the Mlud of Man." Thorn Jeironjon II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume VIII. OFFICE OF THE ..DEMOCRAT, ffsite St.. Paul' Ghvrch, M AIN-aT. J7i COT. UMUIA DEMOCRAT willbt published everu Saturday morning, at J II U UUl.ltJllltt per annum jwyuwci half yearly tn advance, or I wo uouurs Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. A'o subscription will bt taken for a shorter period than aix months; nor any aiscon r. .. i ..ii iviuance pernimea,uniu uu uirajr are discharged. AnmnTlSEMENS not exceeJinr square will bt conspicuously inserted at One Dollar Jor the jirsi inrttwniwm nt Tmentu-Ave cents for every subse quent nser'tion. liberal discoun made to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business,munt be post paid FOETRYo STANZAS. Art thou beautiful? Live, then, in c eordance will: the curium make and frame of thy creation, an let the beauty of thy peraon teach thee to beautify thy mind with holiness, the ornament of the beloved of Sod.' ff'm. Pern. Rind up thy tresses, thou beautiful one, Of Brown in the shadow and gold in the tun Free ahould their delicate lustre be thrown, OVr i forehead more oure than iho Parian alone Shaming the light of Orient pearla VVhirh himl o'er ita whiteness IhV toft wreathing curls. 8mile for thy glance on the mirror it thrown, And the face of an angel ia meeting thine own! Beautiful creature, I marvle not That thy cheek a lovelier tint haih caught: And the kindlin" li ght of thine eye hath told Of a dearer wealth ihan the miser's gold. Away, away there i danger here A terrible phantom ia bend ng near; Ghastly and sunken, his rayless eyei Scowls or. thy loveliness scornfully With no human look with no human breath, He stands beside thee, the hauntr,DKA.TH! Fly, but alas, he wilt follow thee still, Like a moonlight shadow, beyond thy will; In thy noon day walk in thy mid ntg-ht sleep- Close at thy hovel that phantom will keep- Still on mine ear ahall his whisper be Wo that such phantom should follow thee. In the bright hall where the light dancers Like beautiful spirits to and fro; When thy fair arms glance in their stain less white, Like Ivory bathed in still moonlight-, And not one star in the holy sky Hath a clearer light than thy own blue eye! O then even then he will follow thee, As the tipple follows the bark at ses; In the softened light-in the turning dance He will fix on thine his dread cold glance The chill of his breath on ihy chaek shal' linger, Aud thy warm blood shrink from his ic) fingvr. And yet there is hope. Embrace it now, While thy soul is open with thy brow; While thy heart is fresh and thy feeling still tJuth clear as the ussoil'd mountain rill; And thy smiles are free as the air of spring, Creeling and blessing each breathing thing. When after cares of thy life ahall come, When ihe bud shall wither before hit bloom WI.en the snul is sick of emptiness And changeful fashion of human blirs; And the weary torpor of blighted feeling Over thy heart as ice is steeling. Then, when thy spirit is turned above, By the mild rebuke of the Christian's love, When hope that joy in thy heart is stir d, Which rye hath not seen nor sir heard; Then will that phantom of daikness be Gladness and promise and bliss to i&e. IILOOMSIUIIU., -rrru--. -:zz Fioin a late Foreign Journal' (J. SANTA ANNA & HIS AIP-DE CAMP. In the beginning of Ai il,lS33 Senoi J, , a wealthy Mexican nieiclian vk suddenly cali'd lo Europe by busi nest of impoiiance. A il waapio bable that his abseiic- from his na live country might be for a pmod ol some duiation, he determined on Inking his lady and fjrnily wi'h hint. rieviou ol hi departure from Vera Giuz, wher He proposed lo embark, he requested ai niei View with General a km a Atitia,iit President of Ihe Mexican Kfiublic fhe request wan readily gianleil; loi Sania Aung was easily accessible to vigi e . . , i . . i. 1) i OK. Ui) being inirouueeu iu me i icsi lent, Senor L found lninse1 hi in iirpsence of a linn, muscular man, Ol . . i i dark olive complexion, and a keco,pen eiratini? eve a man wnose cnaractei wa actually delineated in his lealuie e. . . , ,. Santa Anna's countenance expressed th autioug Cunning of the Spaniard, f iu the soldier ef terdmand II, then revolutionary leaner seening powe , . i i i ' from vanity rather than from selfighnes alternately humane and cruel a Ih impulse of interest happen lo promj him. audi was the man whom heli coup at main invested wun aupreme power in Mexico, lo wield sovereign sway over Ihe conquesis ol fernsndo Oonez and the inheritance of Phil II. Santa Anna wag alone with his Aid de-camp, Colonel Vanz, a remaikablj handsome young man. Ihe Colone was examining some despatches with profound attention, and was so earnestly occupied, that he seemed not even If notice the entrance of the Mexican merchant. Senor L explained lothe General hat the frequent robberies and amassin aiions which were committed on travel ers, Induced him to solicit an escort foi iigjourney irom Mexico lo Yer, ruz. 'Really,' said Santa Anns, after a mo nent's red ciion, 'if you intend Inking villi you properly of congiderable valui would not recommend you to have ai escort, for our military, are fre uenlly depredators instead of defender.' he best plan would be to get Vermon he French Saddlor, in Ihe Calle d. ,3s Cadenag, to make a trunk with t. ouble bottom, in which you may con ceal your money, Madame L (li t mondg, and any other objects of value Should you be attacked, open (he trunk wilh out hesitation, and resign all ii visible contents, which, of couise, will not be of any greal vaue. This plan though pomewhal hazmlou.1- ppeared to Senor L the belt he could adopt. lie took leave of the General, and whilst he was moving to he door of the apartment, Colonel Yanez who, during the conversation hadappear intently occupied in the persti.il ol his pspers, turned his head almost un peiceivtd, and cast a look at the mer chant. Senor L immediately proceeded to the shop of Vermont, snd gave lh rquisile orders for the trunk Having packed in it his money and valuables. lie left Mexico that same evening, himself m horseback, and hig wife and children home in a palsnquiii. The baggage wis strapped on ihe back", of mule.', which were ridden by arrieros. The little caravan arrived safely tt Puebla, where il halted to rest for I wo lays, On the third day, t sunset, Ihe ijuurney was resumed. The travellers behold in the distance he towering peak of Mount Oaizaba, whilst they slowly Irsversed the plain of Acajote, where Sania Anna so basely loomed t. is friend General Mejio, lo b' shot. They reached without disaster. ihe gorge al the exiremity of the plain. Il ig a narrow, gloomy ravine, terminat ing in several diverged path. Thf drowsy erriems, seated on iheir mules -were singing el Cabello, a fovorite song of Ihe Spanish Muletteen. They were repeating the chorus, 'Mi msjer y mi eaballo, Be murieron en un limpo,'" when, to their' lurprise, some unknown voices mingling with Iheir own, took up the conclusion ol the stsnzn: My wife ens! mj here died both in ene day COLUMBIA COL NT V, 'Que inujer, y que demonio D! eaballo es lu q ie sientA.lt Before" ihey could recover from the a nazement rrnated by th'g mysterious ricident, the caravan was surrounded by i pany of about twenty Biiginds, who lanei! out as if by mag'C from the rocky ecesfet on either side ol Ihe ravine. In spiln of the shriek of his wife and ihildren Senor L was in no way dig concerted. I la beheld without the leas emotion the rohherg laying handj on nig baRgag.-: and when they seized th iunk he coolly presented the ke). Bui ine of the robber, wilh a significant ;esiuie, drew out a long knife, and inserting il bel ween ihe sides and the lotioni ol the irunk,he very dexterously leiached the flit nieco of wood which Vermont's ingenuity, had devised for concealment. The merchant for a few noment'",s.ood motionlesg wilhasionish nenl.and then gave u'terance to violein expressions of raae. Ihe bandit he) in ihe bright blade of his knife, and aid in a calm and subdued tone 'A I tempt no uselegs resistance, Senor, ii you value your I f' !' Then turning to Midame L , who, pale wilh terror. wag i-itting up in the palanquin holding her Iwo children in her arm Iie no1 alarmed, S.-nora,' said he, we are cabal kros . and know the respect which is due to ladie. Casting aside all object of trivi il worth, he robbers collected the money ani Madame L 's jewels; anion m 'alter were some iriiig'iiliceiii 1,1,1, pearls of California, of great value. Senor L made ihe beg' of his wav back to Mexico, and there deposed be- lore the Fiscal the parlicularg of the tx raordinary robbery of which he haJ "ecu 1 ne vtniim. it wag evident tha: Ka .iKntf kail k ...... . . r ,id s'lrtLB ii-iu uiicu ji ijicuiuidu 1 nere were only two persons besides Senoi wiiu nucw mo CAinicnuo 01 me ouble bottom to the trunk' theso per- Iong were General Sania Anna nd Ver- mint, Ihe saddler. The lailer wag con- equently ariegied, but on hig examina lion he gave so clear and satisfactory ac- ounl ol Iiiinen inai all posjj bitity ol uspicKin avcritd uom mm. tie had ong borne an excellent character, and eslimor.y of his neighbors proved thai le had not quitted Mexico either on the day of the robbe'y or on several ys preced 04 it. In short, the in locence of Vermont was unquestionably s'at)lifihed,and he was speedily liberal- I; hut every rffoi t lo trace out the real iminals proved inefleciu.il. The excitement occasioned by this vent was scarcely beginnnini; lo sub- si(L in Mexico, when a report becamt uiren that a murder had been com mitted in open day in the house of the Swigs Consul, M. Maigret. The Con- ul resided in Ihe Calle Sin Cosme, not far from the residence of the former. Viceroy, ihe Count de Galvez. A' first the report gained Utile credit, for Calle Sin Cosme ig one of the most fre- uentcd sirens in Mexico, and ig crossed by an aqueduct, which abuts on the deli cious promenade, Ihe Alameda. Ncverihi'les, Ihe slory was but lo true. 1 he assassin having entered M Maigret's house by the street door, si cked and murdered his Indian servant Hearing a disiui bance, M. Maigret rush ed out lo the corridor, and thus taken by surprise was overcome by his asgail ml. It appeared, however, (hat he had made a powerful resistance. A dreadful contusion was visible on his temples, one of hig arms were broken, and there were iwo deep and fatal slabs on his left ride. In the clenched hand of the murdered nan, there was found a braag button with a fragment of blue cloth attached to it. An active investigation was immedi ately set on foot, with the view of d is covering the perpetrators of the crime. Suspicion lighted on a dragoon of Ihe 4th regiment, who from a condition of poverty, that is to say, from subsistence on his pay, had suddenly acquired a bundance of money, which he scattered away in proffligate!extravagancc;ihigman whose name was Anlonis, could give no satisfactory account of the way in wh:ch this money wag obtained. Search hav ing been secretly made in hi place of abode, suspicion was converted into certainly; by the discovery of a blue coat,from which a button had heen lorn, and, on comparison the buttons cf this coal were faund lo correspond exactly m0U(JJ for ' fWhtt a wife! whit a Urmagint! my hore, and not fur her I IA. SATURDAY, FKBnUARY 15, 18 15. 10 size, pattern, and make wilh thai loilnd in Ihe hand of ih Maigret. As it frtquemly happens in xunntr cases.ilie murderer had ceglucled '0 conceal or destroy Ihe most nosi- tt ve proofs of hig liii i 1 1. A treat masK circumgtanlial evidtnee added weighi 10 this proof so thai no doubl remained of Anonio g participation in the crime. aim, however, all the efforts of the Fis aI t.. J..... J I - I iu umw uisciosurea irom him were inelTaclual,and it wag clear that Ihe hop. ofevadinr punishment ihrouh some ocrult but powertul Dioteclion.made him obstinately refuse lo avow his accom plices. in mextco, criminal mgiice is not I. HI tnaiked by that glow and cautious pro gress wnich allenda its course iu ihe more civilized nations of Kurone The trial speedily terminated in ihe condem nation of Iho criminal, and on the fol lowing day, a gloomy procession enlei--d one end of the Calle San Cosme, snd Halted before the house in which lh nurder wag committed. Tho rriminal. wilh hi head shaved, hi neck and feel bare; holding in his right h ind a lighted taper,and attended by a S, Liiiian rranciscan, wag directed lo fall u i hi kneei al the threghold 0f Ihe door and beg forgivenpgs. I he first act of exoiation beinr npr. formed, ihe procesgiou agiin advanced imidgl increasing crowds of snecia'or. who pressed forward through the KLr-t.wd C, . i ... - . . ngos.ma, tne uoidg-n. Hi's l.fe!,,lll9 triit, yel Colonel Calvo well knew the ind Hie street of San Fnocisco, untill feeling cf clui frieudahip which subsisted hey reached Ihe Alameda. The crimin I wsg then obirrved lo gau snxiois! through ihe crowd, as if looking fo. aome signal of intelligence, but he wi evidently ditappomled tor his eyr-lid ell, and he In I Inn lip with an expre linn f 'Pi. : . .1 I vi ant-i.- i in.1 wis tne oniy mark of irritation which escaped him, for th naiiveg ol Ihose foiithern region when under ihe'Kifljence of Iheir violent fee ing hold hi in utu r contempt. They nunier witnout remorae, and die, wilh out lear, O.i reaching ihescaflold, Antonio one nore cast an eager look through th surrounding crowd; then linking hi head wilh ihe air of one who res'itu his lasl sciuple wilh hig iait hope, I,. urnedtoan Alguazil who stood nea 'lim.andina distinctly audible voic laid: - 'Senor, my principle aecomnlice. Hi cniei ol ihe baud ol which I am one, i Col. Yanez, the aid-de-camp of hix lis C'llenev the President.' - I t r . . ... - The astounding disclosure excited a ince surprise and disirugl. Whocoul. u . t : . i . . .... ueii'-ve mai ine moat brilliant olli-v r ul ihe Mexican army, ihe intimate fitend o neneral Sants Anna (and, as Ihe vou jf scandal whispered, Ihe puamnui ol nt sister. Uona Doloras) wag a hiiihwax robber, a sanguinary murderei! but ini probable as all this might seem furihei judicial iuqoiry was nevHrthelesg.deemed expedient Accordingly the execunoi was suspended, and Antonio was con lucted back to prison. Dm Jus.; de L Cortina, then Governor of ihe ciiv o Mexico, directed ihe military Fiscal. j Captain Ulozigo, to make a visit to thi ... j residence of colonel Yanez. I his visit led to some very imporian . I ! ........ n . : .... M w.u.riies. me papers ol Colour i Yanez were seized and among them wa found a mysterious correspondence, con sis'ing of letters written in cypheis. A vast number of valuable objects ol eveiy kind were found in the douse, ami many jewels were recognized n having hp0n I So m.i.u.i.. -.1 C . t . p'"ii.jr ui ofnor l. , who had been robbed about a momh previ ously on the road f.om Mexico io Ve- r, V . .ii. jdiirz was arrested as he wab coming out of the Government Palace, md immediaiely incarcer-ted in pris on. Whilst ihe interest excited by thes. events was still at in height, a lad) whose figure was concealed beneath tl. fold of s black silk man'tlla, and whos bace wascovered with a thick veil.madi a visit lo the military Fiscal. All th( resources of talent, eloquene, and leai were employed by this lady in move the Fiscal' sympaihy in behalfof Yanez and (o induce him lo destroy Ihe accu salory documents which were lo be pro duced on ihe trial. The lady even ven tured to offer a bribe of 30 000 piaslere bnl Capl Olozage indignanlly remcted the offer, through in Ihe melodious voice and fascinating grace of his veiled visit or he recognized the beautiful Senora Dona Dolore?, (he President's sister. H-.U JL.LJ.ii.l'U" r (Scarcely had week elapsed fu n ozago was suddenljr taken ill one mom mg ner oreaKiasi. in soon expned . C. I i t w in violenl pain and convulsion, and hi- medical attendants entertained nodoun that his death had been caused by pou Meanwhile, every secret intrigue tha cojld tend lo ensure ihe acquitial of Ya nez was actively set on foot. Suduced by rhe oUer of five hundr-d ounces ol gold, ihe ejcribienle (eli k) of ihe un loriunoie fiscal conseiiied lo withdraw U - .1 .. . ... I ' i. ' I . . tf na uuuudiciitu wmcn incuiiiafed Ianez. But he had no sooner succeeded it etlecling Iheir abstraction, iluo leelinn oi remorse look possession ot him, anil lie made a disclosure, oi the whole a li i i to h's contesior. Tne priest refused l ki.ru ri i him absoluiion unless he restored he papers to the place from whence h nan removed inein. lie could 031. i . . However, restore the live hundred oun ces of gold lo the mysterious donor, ol whose name and place o abode he wa ingnorant. Colonel Don Jose Calvo. who succeded Japt, Olozago in the Post of military Fis cal, was a man of high courage and iiilesn ty. lie was by birth a Spaniard, and had served honorably in (lie wars of the Pen insular. He was mil blind in the difScul ilea which attended an honorable discharge ol his duty in Hie aflair ofYanes. Though Sauia Anna, wi.h his habituol dupliuity, ,H- I if. ... .k- I. r miiuiicu an unci iiniiuciei,i.u iu hid rnauil 01 between the President & his Aid Je camp I ne late of Olozago, who, ther wag little reason to doubl, had been poisoned by a :up ol couee, was rertatiily calculated to intimidate htm. There was peril but he resolved to face i As to Yanez, he enjoyed in prison all the comforts which could have attended him in his own house. Secret friend were con unually transmitting lo him proof of then sympathy and interest. One day his jailoi delivered to him a Imle note, in which were written in leuiule hand the nordg. Jnimo, amor, tsperunzul and he learnt d iluougli this gecrci chauel that (lie accusa ory paperg had been abstracted, and doubt leu destroyed. In Ihe Hbseucs ol these iiroola, there nas noiliuig g, there nas noiliuig, u convict hiiydie young man stand amid the temptations the evidence of Antonio. Yauez doubt l the world like a self ballanced power, :)Ul ud not thai when hrouglil face to lace with riiin, on the day ol trial, the tliMgoon would retract his ttaieuieiits. Ho ctrtatiily could lave no wish thai two victiuig should be .aciilire.il instead ol one. Yauiz was burnt ip by ling loutidiiiice.aiid oil the day when i Wdj arraigned bcl'ure liig judgeg.he man tested in hig wliolo bearing, and iu hit replies jlo (hii qutuoim jim to him, the aiiii'isi coolness and presence ul iiiiihI. io gouner was he conducted into court, iliaii Antonio nppeareJ, followed by foot ol .iib accomplice,, who had been s'icceive ly put under arrest Aj if by an iiivoliinis y impulse, Y am 2 started back with soeui nig disgust, and fixed Ins eyei on Atitoniu with a looli expieei'iiii: more lorciblv limn words, Ins ituligiiiiiiou and conteinpi of Ihe ilpril 'vho had betrayed his accomplices 1 he bandit shrunk under the glance ul tn leader. He appeired stupified, and could inly stammer oul a lew indistinct ansn'ei to iho questions addressed to dim. Then turning pule and red by turns, he struck hi tiauds violently cm ilia bar, and said an disclose nothing. I know nothing car n.ii for inv Idol lou may lake n? Yanez thought hu was saved He hide view thai ihe leueri abstracted by the clerk i .ul bueti replaced in the fiscal s portfolio lie iherelnra conTfcnlcd hunsell Willi a scot n lul denial of the charges brought rgaiiis iiini, snd when Colonel Calvo dwell on Ihe onoriniiv uf ihe crime of ddvising plunder and murder, and templing others io perpn rate the deeds, Yanea replied by a smile oi ool indifferent e. Don Jose Calvo ihendrew foitli lh erim inatorv leliera. This was a thunderbolf u present. Ihe transient uauoi whirl tad risen up in tne uii'ias oi tne lucger io v gave place tn inquisitive conviciion r t rii. a. ma alter a pause oi awtut suence anu su ene, sentence of death was prououncer in Yanez and his seven accomplices A iercing female -ahiiek rang tr.rough do ourl on the delivery of tha senten.v Yanez. however, maintained hm firmnes 'Man coudemns, ami God absul ri,' Ban he a he rose and bowed lo Ihe judges I hree days after the termination of the rial, a vast crowd collened al early dawn n Ihe plain which stretches out before the Cordala and the Paseo Nanevn Ou tin? plain several scaiioiits were erected and cm the right nf the scaffold there was an utur. In the streets lending lo Ihe place of execs lion the balconies were occupied by elegant ly drtssed ladies, and among ihem )ona Dolores was conspicious, alike for her beau ty and her death like paleness. 'Couraje.love, hopo fttimber 43g the; Soon there appeif d in view a train nf 0 Algu.zil. tiabitid in black with Istvt whim I 1 ...it- I I : . L. , ii ne n tuns, nuu ariiiau who usury oiunuer hu'fcs '1 boss wen followed by the broth erliood of tha Agonijintes Next appeared i Capuchin' bare fooiad and repeating in a low aolemn voice, the prayers for the dead; then came Antonio and the other erimnals. each carrying a crucifix. Yanei haviui' swooned on being removed from orison. lav stretched at full length on the back of an ass, ana was supported by on of the execution- er a assistants. A soor. as th wandering eye of Dona Oolorea caught ihe first glimpse of Ihe aw. ful procession, the eonvulti vely ran bar fin gers over a ioary, and .when Yanrt an. proached her balcony, slit stretched her head over the balustrade, gated eagerly si "tor lover, and obseiving his fixed eves and lived color, she exclaimed, drawing herself ip in a transport ol Iraniw triumph 'la tez, I am satisfied! thou will not die br th hand of lite executioner!' Then drawing a loniard from her girdle, she raised her land a if lo plunge it into her heart, when uer husband, a grave lookinf Spaniard. who , sinod a few paces behind her; rushed foi ward, and wrested the weapon from her land. 'Dolores' said ha . 'you mar iivo with honor when he ia dsd ' Yanez had taken his death ponion that ' morning in a glass or Aere wine.in which had been poured a few drop of one of those . subtle pois ios known to th Indian, and which never fail lo destroy life within er lain interval. Thi poison was the last ' proof of love which Yane i received ffo.rn 1 Dolores. Ui lifeles body, wt carried to the scaffold and co aignedlio the execrj'ioa er, in lh presence of Autooia, who u.t his wnh unshaken firmness. Uy the pnymeof of a oonsidertbl sum of money, Uona Uoiorea prevailed on tha Archbishop of Mexico, to allow the remains of Yanez, to be interred in the garden of lite monastery of San Fernando, Of all things iq (he univert man ha the greatest reason Ic sing hi Maker's praise, and yet he is jr least engaged in ibis de liglulul servue. SBanenn Woman is shelleied by ford ar3i. anJ loved couiisel;old age is protected by ex perince, and manhood by its strength, but happy he who seeks and gains the hope of immortality. Hope writes the poetry of ihe boy, but memory thai of (he mar,. Man look for waid wuli smile, but backward widi sighs Such is ihe wise providenre of God. The up of life ig sweetest at the brim.the flavor i imj B'red as we drink deeper, and the tregs are made bitter that we may nor Strug .le when il is taken from our lips nina)JLjLa..s.e The humble are not alwavs the Imrmleaa. Ill' you tread upon a scorpion. vou rr.usi tic peel l e will use his sting. By prudent deportment, pertinent ex preasiong and commendable actions, riches and reputation are required, but contrary causes hsve conitary effects' WSSJMSSHe!" tll'all things endeavor lo settle peace inthy own breast, If thou canst nol find tranqui'.i ty within thyself, 'twill be lo no purpose to seek it elsewhere A buxom las in Michigan has net herself 'hat Lewis Cum will be the next President. -The editor o( 'Cincinnati Enquirer' say he would like to hold the stakes! t-iL-i niiija Books are faithful tepositories, which nay be a while neglected or forgotten; but vhen they are opened sgnin.will again im ,'sri their instruction: memory since inter preipd.fs not to be recalled. -Written learning is a fired a In ninary, which after th cloud hat had hidden it has passed awav.is again "right in its pnper station. Tradition is ml a meteor, which if il once fails, cannot he rekindled. Johnson. A SCENE. Morning after Election. "ft, dors wine make a beail of a man?' 'Pshaw! hild perhaps once in a while!' 'Is this the reason why Mr. Uoggins, the tavern keeper, ha on his sign, .Entertainment far man and beasit' 'Nnnsense, child, what nakes ynu ikl' 'Because ma says that last night you went to Goggins', a man, and csme home a beast; and that he enter ined you!' That's mother's nonsenre, .'ear. ICun oul snd play; papas hcl uhes.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers