The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 01, 1845, Image 4
CLOCK & WATCH JIAIii.m LS'IX'TFL I.I.Y inl'oi nm llitf cili.en o Columbia Ciiunlv. nnil lln nubile ueneriillvl hat lio has located liluut'lf ill UlooiiMbing I'll Mali ni:vol n.(.isite Si. Juu'a church, where lie l' "K'""'' 'hop, and U nuw ready and prepared le trveeiva UUJ execute all work in his lino ! busiuc-s. Willi dispatch and in workmanlike muittivr. lcclis & U atclics of (tie bet .juulily , cuu to In J at lu eubli .Inncii' on vuiy teasouable lornv , ki;iaiuim: x clhamm; Will be done In lliii satisfaction nl" t'.ui customer, a Well of Clinks aud V alrlit-4 aa nl Jewels , and ho will, furllicr, warrant hiswork In he il.eulo) as wcllan any in iliin aeclioii ul' dm Sla,e. He will Uo make, to nrder SlllVEYINfi COMPASSES or pocket, hik) in t-hort, will do all olhciwmk mmi Hy done in a well rennlalcd rrxix i tnlile establish tneiit. lie hopes hy slpct attention to busines 'id a desire lo idease, to iccoivo a liberal sham o patronage. (Country Produce lukou in pay men fir work at lh market prices. Uloomsburg, November 15, 1844 30.t tat' MAUHf YARD. Tlie subscribers have estaalisiiful nl the above place, a new MARBLE YAM), and will always be ready, at the' shortest notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, TOMB-STONES, HEAR Til JAMBS, MAXTLESJWNT STOXES,MULLERS,kc. or any other work in their line. They are also prepared to (urnhn WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, tfce. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity. fj I laving had considerable experience in the business, they pledge their work to be executed in as handsome a style as can tic furnisheJ from any yard either in ihe thy or country; and on -as reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG & HUGHES. Bloomsbuig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 Chair Manufactory, THLI subscriber continues to carry on the CHAIR JlfANUFACTORING business at the old stand of 15- & S. llsgrn buch, where he will be ready at all limes to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set tees, Boston Rocking Chairs &?,, of ever) description, which may be called lor, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also executo House, Sign &, Ornamental Painting, and House Papering1 in a superior manner, From his experience in the business, and his facilities of manufacturing the various uriicles of his line, he flatters himsell that he shall be able lo furnish s good work and upon as reasonable terms as can be done in the country, all of which lie wi dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE t? N. B- Orders from a distance will be strictly ai.d punctually attended lo. D HAGENUUCH Bloomsbttrg, Dec 30, 184'1 io-KYES RIGHT Drag's a good dog, But Holdfast is better. TH VIE undersigned would return liiu aim-era am JU humble thimlis to the citizens ol" liloomshurc. ami vicinity, fin tho favosa llius fur bestowed upon nun, nml would still Itnllier o.-k a continuance Ihc name, so long oulv as satisfaction in rtndeicd ii . ii . . ii. no wouw not sav, i ome ont eume an, but conn ns many as conveniently can. i either would promise, (ax others have,) to do hid work bctte than can he done in any other shop in I he place hut in short, lie would neither brag nor hauler, hut !efy any one who does mug to do wink neuter thai he does, in all cases, lie has also lately received the lata flEW YOKK7& PIIILADEL PIIIA FASIIIOXS. with which he is prepared to ilo woik Fashloiiabli Jind neat, and will guarantee a good lit at nil tim for nuv one who may favor him with a call. I i "im shop In at the old stand occupied hy hill for a number of years And the latch stiing he found out ut ii'l limes. As lo prices he wish to he underHtiiod that he inlaid to do uoik us lov oa any of hia neighbors, and as usiiul, all kinds o country produca taken in ejrhanne for uoik don Ut Ills bill'). ur.ii.NAU) i;i.ti:i;t. Dloomsliurg, October 12, 1 S ) 4 f. To l!ie rnH, 4TI1C su'uscriber desirous of qui line bun llicss requests all those liulihlid to U make payment immediately The following prices will be paid for PRODUCE in exchange for bis STOCK OF GOODS on hand. GOOD WHEAT fSjlper bushel. HYE cts. CORN .I," siiidj 0 cis. OATS ."b els. FLAX SEED 1 5 els. i7Goo(!9 gold at' co.t for the cash 13 u l no credit given alter ibis date. l E. II. DIGGiS. JJSepl 0 184 i. i " NOTICE rIIRKKA!S, the undiirsined gave bin n.iii to William Mellenry, dated -Novcioln i 15, ls l I, lift y dollars payable MX iniuitbs fiom date, for the improvement upon ii certain piece ui tract of land, and having cilice a-certaincd that k.m .Meeliry hr.d no title lo the mm-, I llicri lure lni,.. by caution all pi-isoim not to pinch i.-e said inti-.m I thiill rcfne to pav it unit! eompellfd bv l.uv. rLii:i; j.l-.noli:. Dt-ccinh? 13 -16 41 THE milLY NKWSrAl'KR ami riiuim: i itir.M). nlriil in loliti au.l ltvUiiiou kew year. AW is the very nick of lime lo subnet ibe fur the AVw liar 1$1V Till: IMIII.ADIIIJ'II A SATIRlAYCOURIER H'ith the largest Subscription Lint in the. World. TO NEW SUlkSCKMJERS I'ur die million of facilitating the formation ol I lux, ol vi.w or oi.ii MiliMiibcm ivt in untarat . 111 iblhe lolluviiig E X I RAOKDIN ARY INDUCEME N I S. die first day same ear, Tlnee copies f of the S.ituiday Courior,l year, or one copy for tlnee years "even copies otl.i .mtiiiu) Courier, I year Twelve do evfnleen do Tun do and 1 ropy of either of the f 'A Magazine Five copies of the Saturday t'ouner, and 3 no- nifsol eilher of the 'i Magazines ruoges ol and report, riva copies ol tho tturduy t'ouner.aiid 1 co py of r rost new riuuiial History ol A-iiR-rii-a, a 5 hook, lu () Iu fuel, whatever offer is made, hy any othtn f amily Journal, at ull approaclillig in wortn,ueaut or jnelensioiit!, lo the Saturday Courier, will le I'm nitihed by us. The Soulier has hecoine no well and fivoiahly known tlnouuh a triumphiintly popular ioiiri-e ol loll) teen years, that It would bo aupeitluous lo say iiiucfyou ihul BUbjccl hcie. v e may remain, now ever. llit to the industry', talent and enterprise which have foi yeura kept this puper a bright exem plar for all, lis inutatois, will eonslanuy ue uuoei the productions of every availublo writer, and con Amount From tinned judicious and libeial expenditures will cou- uuuallv be niatle, as well in tlie l.iurary as me i y pographical departments. Our means will always enable us to he in advance of all olhcrs,and wo thall be sn. Histories of Modern Republics. A new and important announcement fur tho com Amount From mg year, in addition to our already numerous pop ular teatures, will be a series ol LonUenscu ilisto ries of .Wodern a fresh and vigorous writer' who will iinnuit a woild of important in struction to tho risinis cenerution, in this iietv'umt entertaining Kumuiice of History. Biographies and notices of Listin guished Literary and Scientific Men Amount AmoiiEthb intorestiiic essavs and tketclus ol value, which we shall continue to present in the Courier.will he atull and interesting account ol tlo rise, piogress. und present elevated standing of all iliiliiigumluU men, ol tlie l"ul anu j-rc;eni, lai As borne or abroad,; m ull ilepailiiients ol Ari.ocienci l.iteratiiie, Statesmanship, l'octry, Meehani.s, Planting, Agriculture, i'rinlhig, Merchandize, etc. 'J 'bis will be a very inteiesting feuturo for tin Whole Vouiiii. It will he a department of tho Cornier, which it has ever been our aim to render of inesti mable value to those for w hom wo feel so deep an interest as we do for tho Young Man of our gieat Amount and ii rowing Countiy. The Lives of Distinguished Men are ol niuih value lo iIioko who are yet lorm ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact By am't i ii is Iheir narts. correctly, on the Gu-at Stage ol Human Life. Indeed, we hope that this ZJeparltnunt of tin Courier will bo worth more (each ycur) to every family w ho have sous and daughters to bu lea-ed than live times llu amount we ask for a ytar'ssiib icriplioli to the Saturday Courier'. Incidents. Histories Scenes, Butlh Grounds, iyc, of lite American und tib other llcwlHtioiis. Under this head, which is, by the way. not at all new in the Ciiiulci, ut-oh.ill bcreatti'r give grapbu md i'ltcrcsling accoiliils m casion.illy licau ifull) lostralcilj i ihi! hnlling incidents, so piolu.irl) tiiil.lcU Ibrnnnh the deeply important liistorv nl two Amount the Aineiiiaii Id volution, and ol ull other revolu lions that we inuv icirard ol ibe least mteresloi value the readeisof the Jhil.idelphia Saturday Con rier. This wiil be of deep consequent e. also, I every member of any family of the Ameiiioii re nublie. who mav choose to Uu tnenimuvea ami us the favor of tiecuriujr, regulailv. the visits of tin Courier at their Family Fireside. i'Ol'l'LAK TDFUUUAl'lI V. To gralily Ih growing appetite for a hetier knowledge of the im portant teatures ol our great nml glorious country our past exertions shall be redoubled in future to orcvent viml pictures ol American cities, towns inountaiiis, lakes, rivers, cavfs, scenery, ele. Our orimnul dumttlie Talc, J'sttut.i, I'oems &c. will continue regularly lo bo famished hy the minds and jiens in the country. I hese (iroduclions are acknowledged lo be the hrst, foi osi fol instruction at Inr lanillv luesute, mat appear ol any periodical. Amour.; do de Ocn LsonAV rMi.s eomprhe Euhjeetsin all bian- i-hes of Art and .Natuie, inuljble lor Hie lamilv t ir cle, and appear in r.ipid mci cs-iion. Dl'IJ Hi V r l.U'.K is eoiislnnlly traversiin: the world, in seaiili ol the wonde'lul and im lruc live. Oin A (i it i r i iti hist oeeuiiies weekly an im norant snaie. wi'h all matters of interest for the Htilile til'm i'f tin mil; Our I'.uruntriu .'tirrfspiniilt tils, in Liverpool London, belaud the Fast, ic. ki ep us regubnly ulviscd of all .subjects of special inleiest. Our Maikets and 1'rices Curreiit.eml-iai e all tin ailii si advices in Tcfemnce to the prices of all kinds f Crain. Produce, &e., Ihc stale of Stock s.lianU Money ,imd Luiii'k. ami oor extensive arrangements "ill herealler render our iici s Corrent ol misii liable value to ibe Travclli-r, Fanner, and all l'u sinesa Classes whatever. M'.MAKIX HOLllF.N. Cornier Building, 'J7 Chesliut street, l'hila. NAILS, SPIKES; &c. 'i i... iiii,.,ni.i it i s Amount 71 LL krep constantly on hand, a huge f siiltllinllt of X.tlLS, SIM K US- AD IKO wlmhihev will sell hy WilOl.l.MI V, and I.T, All., una 011 ait good tnnm an I lit art it It Aninont an hf 1I1 11 In i r jivnlifn il. Men bant inn Amount itbers, in, iv liml it lo ihi ir iutt iitt to all .Ml kinds of uiiini received in pav nient. JOsLTH I'AXTOM, I'io.simvi- do do do hi lo do J1LANKS! ! 1JLANKS! ! jSi-.-Jusii.rslJI.Hik EXECUTIONS am St 'MMOys u printed and fur sale a hit Otlice STATEMENT op the Receipts and Expenditures OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, FOR THE TEAR 1841:. THE Auditors, elected to adjust and sittle the pub lio aeeountii of the County of Columbia, logMher with t'e Commissioners, luve examined the same from of January, l844,to the 3lst day of December of the both days inclusive, and respectfully lay before the (lie Court ol Common Pleas, tho following statement agreeably to the 22d and 23d sections of an an of the titneral Assembly, passed the 14th day ofJApril, A. D. 1834, RECEIPTS. .bnount Beeeived by D. CLARK, Esq. Treasurer tf Co lumbia Caunty Amount received from Collectors during firsl qnarDr From Collectors for 1810, $10 00 do 18(1 132 42 do 1812 659 19 do 1843 060 801088 41 Amount received from Collectors 2d quarter From Collectors for 18-10 10 50 da 1841 168 51 do 1842 1046 'J 8 do 18-13 1889 itt- -3121 30 received from Collector 3d quarter Collectors for 18-11 50 42 do 1642 7C3 1 0 do 1843 1494 64 do 1844 311 802020 02 received from Collectors 4ih quarter Collectors lor 1841 48 82 do 1842 704 19 d.) 1843 91)3 40 do 1811 638 002221 41 received from Collectors during 1811 9054 20 To amount received from other sources Fur depreciated money 13 42 As ury fines 4 00 As fine of Peter KonutVr 50 no Of W illiam Parks 2 20 taxes fe redemptions on unsealed land 401 62471 21 amount of receipts during tho year 1844 10125 44 CONTRA. paid hyD.Clarlt, Treasurer of Columbia county of CnmniisVionmOnlnrs redeemed 8314 23 do of Ilerks county and Tuwanda Relief notes 41 00 do Commission) r' receipt for old or ders redeemed by new issue 830 24 do reminded lo R- C Ruasel 6 II do redemption money refunded to William .l. Cay ' 16 fid do John Deen.jr 4 71 do Cook & Ca mihers 7 02 do Thomas Faus 5 78 do paid Chaiiilhr and Cool; for ad" veriisiiiff iinsmted lands 26 81 do paid for blank hook 1 00 nsis on land, bought by the Commis sioners el Treasurer. s sale 78 7") per esnf on $0335 21 to balance account J 80 70-0521 003 &10125 41 To bnlanre in Treasurer's hands in favor of the County January 7, 1845 $013 53 SSwpemlUwves. niUDliE CON'I RACI'S. paid Robert Russel ou Rride ('on. tract nl Wann ks '.fid ('ourad Fooh ii Milllio in full 419 Thomas II Stephens in ISuoarloaf 275 03 00 001050 03 BRIDGE VIEWS- Amount paid sniidiy persona for viewing scites and reports on bridges ROAD VIEWS. mount pafd different persons fur ui.ihing tepnrts on public roads 15R1D(JE REPAIRS. Amount paid different persons for tepuirs (lono lo l!ie bridges in and built by the county JURORS WAKES AND MILEAGE. Vmotini paiil Grand and Traverse Joiois m ilt. RTiUB during the year 1811 STATE COSTS, 45 (10 175 00 292 1910 00 paid Justices, 'Vitnesscs anil Constable? an Costs in suits herein the (Jomiiionwcalih Wa3 plaintiff REPAIRING COUNTY BUILDINGS 361 05 pud Ink repairing Jail and t unit House 48 71 PRINTING. paid the follovvitio peisons as salaries ami fur blanks in 1811 ;. I.. I Paiiiiir 15 00 1 It-ni y W i hb H7 07 Levi r,. Tale 70 50 V. II. si 51 50 Char'e- (look 42 2ft HccioiOirlur bljiik Tieas'y otdcrs 20 00 '2li'J 02 CONTINGENT. Amount paid on store bills, lo wii; candles, paper, ink, quills, and blanft books ful Courts and Com . missioners office, postage, and lucl for Court House and Jail ASSESSORS PAY, Amonnt paid the several xsseanors for making triennial and Spring aesessments Amount paid iie Assessor of Briercreek 33 02 Illoom 37 37 Ctiiawissa 42 99 Derry 3S 49 Fishingcreek 2ft 49 Franklin 7 12 Greenwood 23 49 Hemlock 24 49 Jackson 18 49 Liberty 30 49 Limentons 19 62 Mifflin 38 62 Madison 41 49 Mahoning 50 49 Ml. Pleasant 10 09 Montour 23 37 Orange 21 49 Rnaringcreek 37 49 (10 do do do dh do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sugarloal 21 37 Valley 23 37 ELECTION EXPENSES, Amount paid the several election districts in cluding Constables and Assessors lees. Amount paid Election board in Bloom 42 20 do Briercreek 47 30 do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do po do Caltawissa, 31 30 Derry 40 10 Fishingcreek 40 25 Franklin 32 97 Greer.wood 44 80 Hemlock 38 30 Jackson 49 45 Liberty 31 75 Limestone 40 65 Madison 30 55 Mahoning 36 50 Mifflin 44 07 Mopteur 38 67 Ml Pleasant 42 20 Orange 45 30 Paxton district 40 32 Roarnu'creek 40 98 Sujarloaf 47 92 35 35 Valley Judges to meet at Wilkesbarre and iShicksliiimv 21 50 do Clerks to Return Judges 8 00 CONSTABLES ATTENDING COURT, Amount paid Constables for attending at the several terms in 1811 CONSTABLES RETURNS. Amount paid Constables as milage und making their returns to Quarter Sessions. JAILOR AND SHERIFFS FEES. Amount paid John Fruit, lain Sheriff 17 80 2 50 do William Kitchen do Irani Deir for bo irding, washing, cleaning prison, fees and costs in I 'ommun wealth suits, wood and coal 395 87 Irani Derr for currying John Ever lv aud I' iti ick lluichinson to I'. Penitentiary including leu dollais paid on last years bill 153 03 do DEPUTY ATTORNEYS FEES. Amount paul lo E. II- Baldy, Esq. Attorney for the Cuinmouwsaltli COURT CRIER. Amount paide Jesse F. Shuleshis daily pay as Court Crier ATTORNEY TO COMMISSIONERS mount paid lo Paul Leidy AUDITORS PAY. A mount paid lo Ilutjli McEUvtath 16 50 16 60 18 00 2 60 do Johnston II Ikeler James C. Sprout John S. Wilson as clerk do do CORONERS FEES. Amount paid for post morttrt, examinations, as fees to Justices and Jurors BOOKS AND BOOK BINDING. Amount pant in tlio several ollices tn 1814 REGISTER AND RECORDERS FEES- inount paid lo Uliaries ioimei, sq PROTHONOTARYS FEES- Amount paid Jacob Eyerly, Esq. 202 81 do John Uusstl g qj WILD 4C AT AND FOX SCALPS. Amount pain uiiivreni persons as premiums on scalps COMMISSIONERS AND CLERKS PAY. Amount paid Jacob Demon in full 208 58 219 84 190 00 13 50 72 92j 150 00 - do John II bilgar do Samuel Mears do Frederick McBrido do John S Wilson, Cleik do E. Men.lenhall do EDUCATION FUND Amount paid on bills for Roi,iiugcreek n 03 2 07 7 56 do Aliillui do Valley TAX REFUNDED. Amount paid dillerenl persons on land sold & redeemed PENITENTIARY EXPENSES. amount paid h I'enilentiary for support of convicts ORDERS REDEEMED BY NEW ISSUE Amount paid sundry persons in old, orders do John Melleniy lor bis nolo Toial amount of expenditures in I S II, Amount of Orders redeemed in 1814. 6314 291 23 90 (!u outstanding Jan. 1, 1811 Whole amount of Orders issued in 1841 159 7 J STATKMEXT OF Outstanding Debts Due The County Jauuary 1, 1845. Amount duo by L. II. Rupert lata Trensueer,Jan. 1,18-14, dobof old ordma redeemed 487 87 by new issuo and charged to L II Unpen late Tt'r do by D. Clark present Treasurer do of bond hy Thomas sod W. ISarber do Xota of J. S- enningx Jo 8 doiuou Heaver do John Miller do bam. llachenhuch do Daniel McC'aity do Alexander Yeable do John Melieury do Jury fees and Court tines in hands of I. Derr do due by I. Doir deducted ou bill of 1844 243 61 713 M Wi 5 012 31 21 20 J 44 :is t 58 60 00 75 21 48 17 20 00 SI2 66 00 9 i3 54 79 hi S2239 43i Amount duo hy Collector as follows; I. Mile's estato Mahoning for 1 84(1 CI 01 John Winner, emlock. 1841 66 79 John Bailer, Montvur 37 16 Jacob fbipman.Ml PWanant I 00 IU4 64 Samuel r'res,Uriercrek,.843 360 65 Samuol Krosslcr, ZJloom 264 13 Hiram Phillips, CattauLuia 188 33 William Cox, lireeuwood IS 49 William Kelly, Jackson US 83 John McWilltaias, Liberty 170 8a Henry Folmer, Limestone 19: 63 Caleb Thomas, Madison 142 13 Samuel Creasy, Milllin, 22K 9." Daniel Fnrnwald, Orange 67 8 1 ('hades Mensh, Koaringercck MS 71 Wiiliam (Jole, Sii"ailoaf y.r 18 1331 57 James.McDerniotl,floom,1813 ail I VI Elwood Hughes, Onercieek 3( f) 79 John Low. Caltawissa 310 fjt Israel Biddle, Derry 217 34 Harman Labour, Fishingcreek 127 62 Joseph Kobbins, Greenwood 85 25 Jacob Hishel, Hemlock 91 4 'J Kichard Wilson, Liberty 328 60 Jackson Cariiuhan, Madison 291 05 John ifcst, Mahoning C07 77 Ceojgo lirown.Miflliu 227 01 Jacob Leidy, Monteur 84 75 James Grimes Mt J'lensant 136 31 James Van Horn, Orange 6(1 63 James Craig, Koaringcreek 37 83 Keuben Uavia, b'uf,arloaf lfi9 42 Caleb Appleman, Valley 181 613075 05 ChasHannbuch, ttloom,1814 782 58 Elwood Hughes Uricicreck 644 05 1'eler A'odine, Caltawissa 415 08 James C. Sproul Dtirry 41)0 97 John Low l-'ranklin 267 83 William Ikeler Fishingcreek 207 40 I'hiliu Keese Greenwood 267 97 John O. Kinney Hemlock -'DO 61 David I'eiuley Jackson 66 50 Fiederick McUiidu Litneslone 428 D7 Uohtr: A utcn, Liberty 521 35 Uui. Howell, Mt Pleasant 115 !M John K. Girton, Montour 2y6 22 George Derr, iladison 464 97 Kobert C. lfussell Mahoi ing 760 66 James I'ulteison, Orange 262 22 James l.'iaig, ioaiingcrcck 409 70 John F. Davis, Kugarloaf 21(1 86 Thomas liciil'u Id, Valley 240 13 Charles 11. Hess, Milllin 036 357659 40 588 34 879 33 80 22 120 81 5G9 20 Whole amount due the county, Jan; 7, 1815, including athoncrtions & Commissions to Collectors. f 15,1 91 31j We the undersigned, Auditiors of Col umbia, being duly elected In eelile and ad just the accounts of the 'Treasurer an I Commissioners, have cnrvfully exainiiivd. 40 50 'The accounts and voucher? of ibe mmjic for the year 1811. Do certify, that vie find them to bo correct as set forth in the fore i;oing statements and that we find a ha I lance id (wli in tho 'Treasury, for counly purposes, of six hundred and thrco dollars aud fifty three cents, and a halbince outstanding due the county from the uhovo mentioned sources, of fouticcn thousand eight hundred and eighty seven dollars und seventy eight cents and a half. Given un der our hands, this 1 lib day of January, 62 50 23 47 A U. 1815. -53 60 JOHNSON II. IKELER, 1- JAMES C.SPROUL, PETER KLINE, luditor. 33 45 We the undersigned, Commissioners'' ot the County of Columbia, do cenifv thaf he foregoing is a full ai.d eoireci statement 512 25 of the receipts and expenditures of said counly, for the year 1844 Witness our hands this Uih, day of Jan 4 qo A. D. 1845. JOHN B. EDGAR, ") SU1URL MEARS. I'lVri FREDERIC M'BIilDE J Attest, E. Mendenhall, Clerk. jJO 88 g 22 January 20, 1645. The foregoing report of the Auditors, of Columbia county; beinc 'presented la iha 854 Court of Common Pleas of said connly.the said Court order and direct that the same he filed among' the records of tha Conn of Common Pleas, aforesaid, conformably the acts of Assembly, in such cases made 84J and provided J. R. ANTHONY; GEO. MACK-, Judges of Common rieas 1 A VIA -- r w. V T 13 56 140 22 THE Farm on which the late Conrad Hess resided siua.'ed on Big Fishing rreek, m Sugarloaf.willbe rented. for ONE YKAh? 75 52 from the firsl ol April next. Said Karm ontains about 150 ACRES 280 20 75 unu"er improvement, with a good FARM HOUSE AND BARN. SS6O6 13J "pon ihe premises. Conditions mad known upon applications te i?8G0f 1' WM HESS, Executor: Sqarloaf, Dec, 37, 1811.