The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 01, 1845, Image 3

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f Hlnnmshurp, Temperance Society will
mnei hi Uib rtfihv if run church, Feb. 1 .it
early candlelight. Offieeu urn lobe elected.
Col. WalUeti will driver h Iceintc.
A. FORSTEK, S.miary.
P I : N N S Y I , V A M V I - I'Ai I S 1. V I ' I J K K .
There are 4rt larmi'i i in out Stale I.rgis
lilnre,'.!! iiiloiiieys, H men-hunt 0 niei-li:n
r, 3 physicians, 3, teachcis. 1'lie re
in. under ant of various professtoi In th
.louse, composed as il is of mo hundred
peisous, there is llitf exliHordiniry tiuinbii
of twenty-two bi.diel.uj, thi gi eater por
lion of whom are gray hmuled.
We read someinnes of cruelty and har
bari'V ptaetised toward slaves, but tin
New 0. leans Bee 5m an am-umn of n cam
in which ii female slave kept her mistress
and ihe children uf the latlei confined, hikI
treated them with itrt most horrid cruelly.
An anonymous letter informed tin) Mayoi
of lhal riiv ul the lael.
The M n or, accompanied hy Uecerdei
(icnms and some ollicci of ihe public, nil
hi nil iteW' rep a red lo lilt) spot designated
in Hie Idler, where they found Mrs' Kahe
neck, the lady of ilift hisr with threi
of her ehildrcn, aged seven, four and iwi
years, (.onfincd in a back cabinet, ail of them
in a 'ii ist horrid enntliiion; dressed in ran,
rovered with dirt, sutd si emaciated, llitil l'
rppeared astonishing lhal they eould sup
purl life. The body of Mrs. II was cover
til with bruises from her IumJ to Ki t feet,
and in many places, showed maikes when
the tiliriiineitl of fl well ation had broker
the skin. U t!t il her eves were hlaekenec
mid hirliair was mailed with blood. Tin
three children presented nearly the saun
t-h or k i condition, the two eldest in par
ticular. Her husband, sue staled, had been
absent on a visit to Missouri fir ihe last six
weeks, since which time Pauline, the slave
had i.iken possession of herkets and bed
room, and confined herself and ehildren ii
her (Pauline's) room, where they had been
beaten ;i I id l daily hy Pauline with a cam
or simp, and been furnished with barely
sull'menl food lo support life. Medical an
and aficlilion were immediately I'urnishci
bv thu Mayor, and ilie iiegress I'aulim
anesied and (omintiird lo pri-um to await
examination before Runirder Oenois. Tin
penality of '.lie charges prefered ao . nst liei
if found guilty, under the Black ("ode, it
death. Ii i staled thai, ihe liiisbaud of the
woman had instiaaietl hid slave, who was
also his paramour, to the commission ul
tins horrid ouiiacJ
If il is a iruih that punctiuliiv s ll.e lift
of busiui ss, it is not less the cane that dela
is d .'nn,.r, .us, and is nbutilimes productive
of ruin. Hut what is the desiniciiuu o!
business lo the loss of health and life? (low
iifier. docs a cough, which at iis appear
ance seems lightl.ind not "orlhy of tiuiiie.
lead, by nre-locl, lo ihe most fearful const
(iienees? Thrtu.-ands in ihis u;iv ban
L' nie diuvn lo an un'iliely yrave, when
hy Ihe use of a lilile caic. Iheir alijlr
coiiii'is miirln have ln-ftn cured, and healli
pcilci'ily roi.iri'ij. Dr. SIh i man's Couu!
I.nzciirre.s will not oiilv cure sliyl'l eoiiuli-
Hit hvivc also befit llif means of raising
up many Iro.n i!ie veigp of the grave, whose
lives were desj), ircd of hy fieir fne.ndti
I5nt (civ remi'ilii'ii have ever been discover
(ll!,al are no cU'ei in d and no cniiveiiien i
lo lake. In fael.all Ihe preparalioiis mad,
bv l)r, fSherman are (qoil'v ji'easanl; am'
ihe pi r-oti who is turn sufl' rinj; undci sicl
ness, mill delay s tjliinj the projicr renin
die liecansu of ihpir unpleasrmnicjsjs in
exumhlp. I)r Shf rrran'u warehouse is u
No 100 Nassau sireei, N Y
For sale by J 11. MOY Bloom
M It KID I) On 'J'hiirsdav, the 18il
nit; bv Itev, . 11,1,1, in M, 111,, mile. Mr II
If. Ilruiri, of Berwick, io Mia.i Mun
iiV.w, of Mililmville.
UllD In (Jrccnwood, on ihe 3 Ii ub
!)lr. Mann urn Kcstcr, gnl 2 'J yeais
In t 111 in v il It-, on ihe Ifl h nil. M,x K
Jizui'iillt, wile of II, V. W Yaioiuker for
loerly ol liiiZJIlie eouulv, iiueil almul 1(1,
.j,. ...
Jjl.0O.Msji! K(!, I'b. 1 , liilj.
v neat, o
i j
(-0111 ,
( lovctscci!, 5(1
ri.xste.l, 1 ':,
Oats, 2'i
))l led A !))'ea,
A'llile i'dlKi
W.-.i SH';.S
2 r,
BiAE9 SJIifl.VfiilJttS.
A lew ihcc.ind I. A' BU.MiI.;', and u
j . tu (J lion si: si. i:n,
! ' ,r .lie. "i i ' h ini;e f"l any kiuJ ul l.'nuiitry I'lo
. , -e. Kicjui:e iA tLe
ISAAC COUNiaiSON. d.-erased.
Noiiee is hereby given to the eie liioi
of sae t5oruelimin, ileeenHi'd, lhal t wil1
utiend nl the public house of Ohmlen ),ieh
ler, in the town of l?loo!nhuii, on Tritlaij
the 28 b day ,,f March next, lor ihe pnrpos.
)f appoi lioniiii! ihe UNU'lt) of the said Kslali
amouit the crediting,
January 27, 1813 ; 3wll
fKlllv Hulwrilier (li-irnusof qnittinf husincss
J on arcoinit of liis hcultli, will
property to any prrsun on fnvimnihlc tcrnis, who
will l'i KfllASi; MLS STOCK OK COOD.s,
ii'aiiiiniiiffMiihaiiil. His xilualion lor iloitii; bu.iiicsH
ii ciiiiiiders, the licsl in the county.
Q'j'Ile ulso icipuwles all lliosu u.ilclilcj to him
lo come ion ii, like piiyinel I In fore the 1st, ol
April, idler that time, every ne ount not pniil, w ill
lie sued without respect to person.
E. ii, mv.Ga.
Jim. S6 1H45.
I AMI lOA 111 I TA I LOtC IMi.
Come one, couir ult, give inc. a call .'
ffniM suhseiiher reliiins his sincere ihanL
(nr ihe lilieiul inlioiiage heielyloie hesluwei
iinnii him. and licnes lor a emiliniiuln e of the mum
W illi an i iereuse line Ihe merit of Ilis hoi, lie in
leiniM hparniK iieillier piun or lul niil lo reintei
salii.taelion in iniv eaM'iiuid will winienl hi woil
done with tutn uud dniuliilily.A M) AUTTI.l
071li.,li.S7;i)P IN Tills. 1'hACi:. II. he
jiiht reeeived Malianx, Into repoil ol 1' jsI;:.mi, lion;
I'liiladelohia. whiell can he sei'li at hit. shun ;,l am
time, hy whieh lie is il lo cut ue. oidiiili
lliu la est sty le, or lo order. HU prices uie li., e In ihe tiines. All kinds ol' cinilitrv
produce l.iUen in payment fur w ork at inuiket piirc
A very 'ensoiialile Uui tor cri.-li.
l S. I.KIDY.
N. I). Cultini; done with the urculCht eaie.uiu
at the xhoilext nolii e.
1'. S. b.
Dlooinshuig, Oct.. 1H4 .5
AUorcjcy at
fffice South utile of Maiii-st. ojiponiti
Etcr ILJIcij'e Store,
and i.uzkknl:.
List of Letters
It EM AIM NO in the Post Ofllce. a'
Blnoiiis'mrij, on the quuiler Hiding Dee.
31st. 1814
Ariel Bnir J I) Paxioil
David Everneit OharlcK S;d er
Mrs Mary M Eekerl Miss Caih. Ntaiillei
Daniel McOiiidy Peter Styrma
Jobii Keicheudorfcr N Snyder
(.'aleuder Poller Henry Wal.eri
A U'ldlelS
7'crson calliiiu for lelieis in the list wil
., i. . t My nicy are ainrniM'u,
J u .MOY Eli I' M
Black Smith Tools
II E Silbseribei being desirous of quit
ing husiocss, oll'-rs at private sale
his Ilia, ksmitli Tools. roiiM.tinj of a doo
tile sell of all kinds of tools, nuially used in
a einiiilty B!acksuinh Shi p.jlo M it : 2 pa
.f fo llow s, 2 anvi's.2 vices, haminer , U
$t'.. and hw edi." of all kinds. The j hove
tools, are all of '.he first quality and in good
oder. The tdnip in w hieh I now work
-itii'r.ied on main stret I. near the Episcopal
Chin eh, can be rented ai a fair rent. Terms
n ole easy upon application lo ihe Kiihscri
icr, and possession given ihe first day I
N. I?. All persona indebted lo ihe sub
icriher are earnestly reipiet'led lo rnakr
ia mem on or helore ihe first day of April
'lext as it is necessary thai his account
liould be closed Sv lhal lime.
I'loomsburg. J in. 4 1813
Kslntr of M.J It V 1 UllV U. late ,f Mi
I'littsiuil ttiinittliij), I'uliiiiil.ia tuuiili.
ilt ri tiM l.
T?Tl ITK.T. is herchv uben. that Ihe Mihscriher.
jj nii!etit in .ionni l lea-.nil T.wnhip. ii
siiid county, lias ahni'iiti red on the estate ol MA
KVK()liC-.'.deecfi:eil. All persons hiuiiij; cliiino
auain.-t the et ite are heiel,y n,ue.,il ( nialii
III. Ill IvllOWr, t" III.' MlhsilllllT 4 1 1 1 1 il, hiy.
(;i':iJli(;E KliAMKH. A.bninitrat.n.
.Mount 'i, ;i.ll,t to
Dee. 'J, 181 I.
KEtlAlMNO in ihe Pom oill,-,.
Callaw i-s i on the q. wrier ending Decembei
:ilt. ISM. Mr Kubns I'eter
Chapman Daniel M l,oiiicuha'iii r Philiji
('roll William Di.iigal John jr.
I) ivin Fanny Stewart Abraham
I'lslo-r Israel 2 Stokes William
1'isher .1 P iSliuinan 0
Kelloo Chester Tuhccs.m Kaeliael
l'. l.-ons calling lor tellers in ihe lit w ii j iy lin y ai ,hi rti-i d.
1 ALL U llAI.DY I'. M
i on s.u, to.
rfflIII'l iiihscriher oilers f..r sal,! his viluul.h
tl mill property; hiinal. d in Hoarniiiy, je, k. It
n iiorsi:s.
II i Dt.4
I . u
iiiveral out buildings, a B"J pump, ul lliu duor,
l(i Acres,
f meadow land, all in eond slato of repair. He
leeuiH it unneeensary to tiivc.auv further description
is all who want lo puicliasc. will view for them
selves. It will he soiii nu uie most rcngnniiiuc
terms, and posMSsum jjiven whenever required.
Ii. IN, Dl&llUr.
Koiiiiiigcrctk, Jan, 251845.
Wanted 9
Choppers, Miners and
Carters with Teams.
TI'! suhselihcr wisees to et
mil put up through the wiulhci and smiling sum-
nier- ill waul.
1000 '1''' W (,l!l': MINED
ihroiiL'li Ilie year. Would itive employ to 1'01'li
,r M. I KAMtS llirmili the Hiiuinicr hauliii,' cnal
c Wood Llioppcis are reonesled to call si tit
ike ,loh. ('all on the MihM.-iibt.-r ul his residence
in Kishincieck. M. M,M)WEI,1.;
JA oweH'ii Mills, January 15, IsIj
All persons Indehted lo the suliseribers
in note, book account or otherw ise nfovei
me ears standing, ere requested lo call tied
settle the same in Cash or drain, on or he
tore Ihe 1st day ol Eehruary tu XI. Those
net-li'iMluo ibis muice, may expect lo pay
osi as vu are determined to havu our old
.usiuess settled.
WM. M'KEf.V Y i Co.
nioomsl.uru, Dec, 2S-I8M,
( !t:i:r TZajjiiiai tin y
HHI'; subscriber having cstabli hrd a.VA'll'
1 11.11 It .W..Vf I'JCTtli 1' on iVmu-
iireel. near the residence ni b. II. M.,ns. he is m.v.
prcpaied tol'uinish ("nails ol everv dt-sci iplieli. oi
ls t ill lenes as they can I e purciiuhtiu tli wncn
I the roil n t v .
S'ui as lied Posts, I fan gnu HuId.
Ease EhjcliS, 8,-c.
This latter branch, Ir.iiu his expei ieio-e, he be lieve-
ic (em do a little l etter hail ai, oilier pt ison n.
this xi clioii.
i . I'Ol'bM! PbAM will he taken in i,a
inent at the highest r .mi price
MUl'bl. llACbNT.l'CII
IJ'ooiiishur;;, July 4, 1 6-1 , I III
jr1llll,M:i:N are must subject to them out pe,
C J suns i,l all lines nni liable to be allliclld wi;!i
llieiu. Rail bcalll, pah n.'ss ai'OUl the his,llu -heil
hrek-i, picklmj at the nos.?,wasting uwsy.leuuncs-
a. n in the bowels, joints or limus, tli.-tui ocil s;ecp
riylill'ul dicains, luoainiii,' and soini times of
icioils aiinelite, are niuniiu the symptoms ol worms
.laiiv are doetoreil lor inoiitlis. lor Home other iin-
i'liarv disease, when nini h ,x of "he. man's V u u
bo.ennes would illi-el a cure. U. Kyan, coiuii
I' Prince street and the lluwery, euud a man .!
worms thii was reduced lu a skeleton, and by i,ul
onu bo of iieriii.UiH boenges: l.eis now as hit
is all Alderniiio Th I Ion. li. It.
lias wucd the iife "I his ehildren hy llieiu.
I lie sale ol (Acr :i,v WD.IIIll) ol bo',cs has lulU lest
-d Iheni, They are t lit' on I V infallible woundis
royin ineilieine ki.ewn. What family will be
without 1 1 j ' 1 1 1 .'
(.'nnsutiipi inn, Cui): lis-,1. 'olds, W hciopiniJ Ceuylis
Aslhina, and all iilli-etions of the luns, willliuil a
licidiiin value in Sli.riiian's (.'oiiljIi Lozenges. They
aed the Utrv, Kiehard be 1'oicsl; the Uev. Mr
iStieeier, .louathiiii llowaith, Dsip and that v tiiliy
Id hern, l.ivniird Ko-iers. Ilolil the eonsilioptive r
lave. They cured in one dav ihe Itev. Mr. Uun-
bar, Ihe Itev. .Mr. Ilaiidcock; in. 11. Altrte bsij
if disle.vsiiiy coughs, They ire ihe pleasanlcsi
Hi!; b inetlicint. ami cure tin; sooneJt of any k..owi.
lleaibiehf,Sen-sii kness ami Palpitation, relieved ii
I'rmii live lo ten minutes bv Sherman's ('aniplxo
hi.f ours I'ersnns it 1 1 i'ii. 1 1 1 1 1; crowded "oonis oi
'nivt llim; will liml lliem to iir.part buoyancy ol
-pirits and renew their energies, I'ho-e snllciint
Imiiii loo liee livint; will llnd a few ol toe loeie:e-
lo dispel ihe horiois iinil Imvucss el spi'ils. Mr.
Krath. of the ISuielav Mereinv, has icpe.ite.llv i nr
bin, seli (,f severe hi iidacbe by them 'aplaii.
( 'hadvv ick, of the packet ship c llinlon. bits u u-i,e-e,l
iheir ( III, ;i. v in a l"'. at Uli-.IIN ca-es ol si a-
-.i. kin s... 'I'hev oia-riite like a t ha. in upon th.
agitated nr shilltred lit-rvis-, as Slierin all's I'oni
Man's Plaster does upon ihfumalisiii. Iiuiibino.
pain or v.-eakiiess in the sale. . ick: lire 1st or liny
pail ol the body. Mr. II. (i. l);e::'ers, 1)1) Ann
stru t; lleriry It (tnnhliiia; o t Chathau
-tii-el Mosts J lli-nrip.ies Esq. and
ouhiiu.le of others have x jierieneed tin
iiiiid. rlul i ll'.-cts i.f Oicse Plasters
Price only '2 cents. Caution is ceccssai v
o si e lhal von net the centime Sherman's
l.'ix.eiiaes and Plasters, as ihere are ina:
.i i-rihless ami les atlcii.ptiil lobe psluiet
11' in plar e of tlieni, bv ihose who wmil,
rifle wiMi youi hie for a shilling.
Dr. Sherman' Wiiiehouso is at ' UG Nas
sail street. I'or sale hy
John IJ Moyei Klooinslnir
Wm I. WalVr A co-Ib'i wok
bow t riiompson I.iine Ifidye
E it J. I.i irtis OratiL'evilio
M. (J. Shoemaker Duck Morn
I.. it A l Itisel Jcrscviovvn
Derr Al M'Diid.t U lule Ib.ll
John Moore Dam i!e.
Stephen ll thlv, ( ,'al!,,w iss.l.
Jan. 1 lb 15 37. Gin.
ladies' ..:;d (.;-:.n .r: s
(GRAHAM'S MAGAZINK bus l..iii enjoye.1
the enviable reputation of hcimr, Ihe best pe
nooiiiil in thu II. S. both in the .tialiiy uud nuin
'.cr ofits embellishments, rind in the tone of iu lit
erary iniitler. Il is thu ch"apcst ns well us (he best
Koi tint year 184 1 the publisher has giwn about
101) puijes nooo original mailer thun nny of his co
leinporaiien mote nrii;in,il steel engravings, in ad-
dllloll to fashion plates slid colored llowers, 1 lie
cheapness and merit of u three-dollar inayaziiie over'
M . .1 . . . 1 1. ! 1 i '
an iron n, aru uppureiii, wuieii uas iiittor uu oiiiiuy
of Neven Thousand Dullurs greater tliim others, nmi
in uddiliiiu of en;ruviinsi)ver other in:igii.nies that
would embellish he coslliiist Anniiul. The pub
lisher is however satisfied that nothing hut rent ex
rcllt uct can maintain tho hih position his periodi
cal hax nllained in thu L'nited Mates,
The publisher does not hesitate to say that he
lel'ictj all competition with liruhum's mniiiiiu for
1815. His limuenso subscription list, tlto merit
and number of his contributors, thu Inch order of
ihe eii(jraveis eii(jat;ed, ilie number mid variety of
leuunl plates already purchased uud on blind, and
ihe immense facility which Ilia capital and position
tve to prosecute the work render any i llorts at u-
vii I tnaller of ridicule, hvcry nuiiiher of the
woi k issued, hears with it thu e"idcneu ol its tri
iiiiipliautaiicccss, uud establishes the impossibility
of siiec snful eoinpelition, improves and extends
lor imnd works, that nothing ol a humbug order
will ha tolerated.
Every numt.or of Oraham's Magazine is issued
it a cost of nearly $4000 the plates alone coliHist
lui; nciiily half the sum must of the plates are i on.
Original mericaii Paintings, executed expressly
for the proprietor, for engravings for the magazine.
Ainunif Iho pictures iamlcd lor tho volume lor
1 rt l.'i, aie two hy Sullv, the greateat ailisl, seveial
hy beute, ('hiipman, liinian. Conaroe, ltotlierincl,
I hornsoii, and olhers ol the best artisls ol Amen-
'a. The cost of getting up embellishments in this
tyle. rnuy be estimated when we stale that snme nl
ihese iietnres cout Jp'-JOO a piece, and will rost us
idiiio ol them three limes that sum to have them
engraved and winked oll'lorthu edition of Ciulniiii'
Hut ne cost shall ho spared to keep our proud
position at thu head of dio Ttiiudlcals ol the
CiKAUAMVi Cbl'.fi.INT EMfiEbblSH.
The most splendid engiavings of all sorts Iced
their charm to Ihe pages ol O.'ahaui s iiiaganu
livery tltinu, in Ihe way of novelty and heaiily that
has ever been invited is laid under coiilnbi.iion.
Nolhins lhal cniiilal and taste can supply is noil-
led. First, as the most elegant and appropi i ite, as
well ns the most popular embellishment, vvephne
viiitam s lirilliant .lez.otlut Engraving.
We were the fust to inlrodiicethis beautiful sty Ic
iifuorK.m a regular ciuhellishnieiil ul' the populai
inonlhlies. lis wide spiead rcputalioii tbi'o' the
neaiis of our ample lUt, called forth a host id iinila
turs, but up lo ibis time nothing has been produced
to rival Ihe glorious pictures given in (.iiahnln.
'The ishepheid's Love,' and ''I la; Cnipicile.'
These with a host of others, dime for Us by Mr
virlain, stand enpieccdentcil and alone' at the
hea, I of Aiiiiiieau engraving. Wc have seveial
of these inimilahtc plutes under way, uud shall
givu one in the January number.
The high merit of (iridium's magazine consider.-!
.he piiblisln-i llatters hiinself thattha following lib'
laitein.s will ilulu, i-i;i,,l;s,lllt!i lu siibaeribc.
TO chuns.
Tho fol'ouim; proposals are in ide:-2 copies foi
.'..ri; .ri f,a U); 8 lor l."; 1 1 I'm ;'J,).
To ihe I'l.-tiiiiiste.', or other persons forming
. i bib. the Publisher will forward a .Novel foi every
'u-i-crilvr sent , s ) that by varying the hocks, a
'.euple'o' lil. 1 1. rv may be obtiiiind by any peisoii in
i shot I tunc.
M'ile (.',,:ies. three dollars per annum in ad
value. .1 ml to Ihe person sending the money, a
iipy of 'lihigwoud tho Hover.' Herhe.t's p,iar
N'ovd mid ulso a copy of The Items of Art and
ileaulv.' a beautiful w.nk for A lady's rentei
Table, conlaining thirteen Hplenilid Sleel ami
iie..otint Engravings, will ho foi warded g,atU
ftEOItCE !!. CliAIIAM.
No. 8U Chestnut fSticet Pilatlcl. hia.
BraRtlrcth's Pills.
riuTiiti: oi'iiEAbTii.
l.'J is ( I n lei im d in I I. il ( iv . 1 I ' 1
ibealneliec of ill pain, sldl'ei ing, or elleelioi
ii any pail ,,f his body; by the flic and rinl., r c.v
I'eise ol his IllIK tielis without imv eMcpliou.-
hey com.Ut in hav ing n good ai petite al mi id
hue-, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without
i.'i,.-!'i:c.--s or eostivene..s at least once in every twen
ty-four hours, and without heat.diyiiCiiS, or bin nilig
at the passage, the fur issue of the water ithoiit
iciiuioiiy or burning, and without a icddi-h seili
uent whieh is always a sign of a picsenl or mi ap
proaching pain; ipdct sb.-ep without agitalinii .'
ti ilobli sunic dieainv; l,o tii-le of bile or other bud
lastein the iiu.lilh upon lisiniii the u iim:; no
-iotmicss or disaL'ieeabb; rising of the t m;u b: u
'lean tongue; a sweel hu alh; no itching. pii,i; le. in
-pots on the skin; no piles; no burning In at iij oc
any part of the body; no exce-sive ihiist win n in -exposed
lo labor or other know II cau.-i ; no iiilei
'iiption to any natural ev acunlion, nor pain at iiu'i,
p-'riisli.-.d return.
Where the s'atc of the system dot s lo t hai i .-
ize with the ahov picture t f health, it is t lit
greatest iinpoilancc that In, limn be lust in m tiiiit j.
'or a , I , 1 , i , or iu the use of toolii-h icn . i!ii , tin
,1'len the rcsidl nf spc ubitioii; iie tend of lb i, i , o:!-i
e a tlo.-e f 1; It A .M li ETl!"."s lll.l.S 1 , 1,1,,,,
.v hieh vv ill no I ib i i-ive, hut w ill al (in, r 1 1 . t. : t
leallh to the organ or part th .1 repines il,
All who wUh to preserve their health, i ll who
nc detern.iiicil lo defend their lib- agaiu.-l the en
I'loai'hmeiils ,il ilist a a' vv Im h loight seeil lb, m p'e
uialiii-ely to the grave, will, without lii-Milali.ui, bav,
reeoursi' to the haiiihclh Pills, when the Mate of
nut system tines not Inn mom.-e Willi ll.c i:li,.vi- pic.
Mlic -if Ik h.
Those who live iu a com, try where cuiil.-iginiis r
ilhei diseases p:i-vi,il, -hu nl, I ,, It, n lluuk ,. lies
line pitl, ire ol health, and obscive hiiusell vv ilh piii
. i-il ! j r attention, in order to act accimlinglv. 'I he
iviseaml rightly direeted will foliovv this ailvice
;he unwise are left to their own dcstiiietiou.
a ; i: n t s.
Wa.vhiulon Itobei I M'Kav.
.leiseytown I.. .V A. T. jisel.
llaiivilh K. I. lievnolds Co.
t 'atlawi.-.-.i C. It. lirtil-sl.
llbioii,r.bin g .1. It. Mov er.
I.iiiit-.ti.i.e llabbit M'.Nini h.
Hlii kliorii .1. (i. Iii'i'inaker.
bone Itidge -Antlie & lilhr
tervvii lv - .1 W .tile.-t
May I, ls 1
JL'snuK i:e.7FKs
I'or Sale al ltii Ojjicc.
,1!""!''l Af'"'i'v'
:.'.V: ' ;' .Vm"
WM. JI'REM'V & Vth
AVE just received, and am nuvv opeiiing s
birgu and e(enaivo sssoitiui lit of
New ol
suitable to thu season, consisting of till the varieties
ever kept in ucounlry storu. Ainnng tneir ussoit-
uient may he found the lollowmg.
Dry Goods.
llroadcliiths. of all colors, uualities and prico-.
Cassimers. Saltinetts, and various other kinds fuf
cloths, flannels Valunciii, .Wioseillos.iilk and otlie.
vestings, French slid English Mermoes, Uuinl.n
mes, EBshionable Calicoes, Irish b'niens, (Silk
Cotton and binen Handkerchiels, a variety otMli
... .. ... , i I...I...
ami volion otni-Kings, uiovcuuuo imu iui .o
and (icnllcintni, kid and leather gloves, bleachii'i.
md unhleuelieil Muslin, of almost every (piality
Picking uud other cotton checks, Velvet caps, ha
lies and Children's shoes of all kinds, Men's thiel
and thin hoots mid shoes India Huhher over hoc.
cotton yarn, carpetyutn, can. i'j wick, Ac
Liipiorsnfall kinds, of the best ipnlity,M.ilas.e
.Vugai iplality, Cull'ee, Teas,.'Spices,iSperii
and l'ish oil, euaiau ui.d line .Vult, Candles, l'ish
A large assortment rf Earthen Queens
and (Jta M wri rc , ivi n do ia gla an
of all sizes, Looking
glasses, iS'C.
Case knives and Jurks, shoe knives
Units u ad Screws vf all sizes ,
Pud and dwr Locks, Saddle
Harness ami Coach Trim
tilings, Suit) Mill and
llundsawi, round,
stjuurc, und Jlul lar iron
sheet iron, waggon lire, of
all size, injact cmy thing
in Ihe. Hardware line from a
tamljric needle up lo a bhuksmilh's
All of which will he sold iii exchange for CASH
l.l'.MI'Klt.nnd COUNTHV l'HOL'L'CE of all
kinds, on the niosl reasonable terms, and we invite
out f, iendsto call and examine lor llicuiselvcs.
Nov. 'J, lh-1-4 'J'J.
mm A mm mm
St m. mmi mmm a. li
7Mi;il('IN(! Ihe preseit opportunity of
J epic,'sing his ihalikl'ulncsK Ii, his li ieniis.alaj
Ihe public geneially, I'm the liberal pationuL'C I (
lias hcrololerc ii-eeived, iiiloriushis IrieniU and the
public in general, thai hu still continues to i any on
the above business at his ultl otahlislifd vtand, on
die corner ol Main and East mce's, wheie he
'.lopes, hy slriet attention to business, lo receive
iu. I merit a shate ol public patronage as hereloluie
He i!t cms it unnecessary logo into the yiine ol
lira:;, or to use any sell yoilder about his SKII.b in
the l't.(Jj''i:.l.-il''.. OF tiA "M 1- .N I t'l'TTINC
as his shop is of long stum ling, and his wolk I.i
diinks w ill spei.k for itself, lar more loinlei
hull winds, lint. Int would meiely say lb ;!. hi
warrants hiswoi!' dniie with liealliess. dmabilil;.
-lid iu the Int. si hishamahlc luaiiller, and will til
uie a good til iu all cases,
N. li. (barges loo, lei ale t suit Ihe tiiees. .Ali
kinds of i-ounti v pi oi'uee laken ill i.xchauiju li.-i
woik, al maikit pi ices.
blooimblirg, Nov, 'J, IS I I. '."J.
Soni-U'eikhj during the Session oj
the Legislature al '1 WO 1)0 L
The Jeini'i ratie I'liion will, ns usual, be pub
li bill twice ii week, timing the coining itssioliol
ihe l.egi.-latme. ami wei uibni.-e aueaily uiensioU
li, ei u. ii t i il It to the 1.: ol ihe reading public.
N't ilio i pain.- or c.p. use shall be spaied lo in, pail
t . its co'iii'ins iii'iiiii, n il est nmi viccr. An. Ic
ami i oi n a t lepi'it ol ihe port cdiug ol the Iwi
uiaii, l.t s. legt w ith ki-t,-.i s oi tin tb b.iics on
all public nini impoitatit ipi.-slioiis, vii, be l'uini. li
ed, coiii eiei'l s'ciiographcis bav ing lit en t ngui ii
I'm that pmpo.-c. The iiisti.llatii II i f new ad
mini. .IihIouis, Mate ami Niitioiial;and ihe d.-vi lnpe-
lliiei i. n't nil a. iris lilt: tii.iv 1 1 i i t u ,,i-,
t on nil y . w ill it i aii i the t t'lning w inlt r t m of im-1 piil lit il Iciest. I'c, soils 1,'esiionn i.f oblaliiing ,
I I:,' c.iily ilitelligi'iue will i.lvviivs liud iu lb.
hemocnilie I l i, Il a "true anil hont st cliloliiele."
To Alloroeys, Judges, Justice of ihe rcaec, and
public i, Hii t-r.-i geneiallv , il will he inv ahial ie. us
lie I nioit executes all the iSTATE I' It I. NT I A I ',
and the I. U S ul a public ami general nature are
publish, ,! in it iinincdialclv after 1 1 1 r I . passsat'C, lul
ully llin e mouths lal'oie jilouiiilgali d in I
lot in.
To iucrejie our facilities for Ihe most proni I
ee, niion ol all the public printing, wc are now
propelling our pri'Mtcv- by he aid of .vtkam a uio;t
impmlaiit matte) to the legi-Ialive botlv .
A co. ps ,jj' able eoi respoiiilenls have been cue
plmed at a hii uton Cilv. who will locp our
readers foictanlly appriitd ofeveuls tiausjaiilig al
the seal of ihe "National ( iovt i i.n.t nl.
TEJt.M.S .
I't r the vvlii'leytai. J-'l ill
' 'or the session only, (mice a wctk,) " 00
Any poison sending us live subscribe. m for I he, aceompaiii, d bv It u ilollais, i h.iil net ive
a mpv giails for his (rouble. Pav lot nls may le
li.iusu.illi ti by mid the Mast, is an
per, oi lied a fraik laltus colli. ong I, a iiw:
papcr i sbsi iiplioiis. rfiiln :
bsA.lC C V.'lv.'Ni.bit .V Cr..
New oo&8)
Seasonable and Cheap.
m i: ii t. ih:fli:y
AV E just rceoived fioni I' rfl
now opening a largo agsurtuiciiltf
vliieh thiy idler to the public at tho uist reducej
iriees 1'jf '
; In-ii sio-k of goods consi its in pirt, jf Suirfiino
i 'in in.ii and coal so cloths, enssimers, Biitineti,
M ii-lios, Sdks, iSatins, Mouseline du 1. sines,
Lawns, Mermors, I, aces, Aiuoriean Nankins, -r
blown Hollands, Hamuli, AilL And eot
ton Velvets, Silk and cotton Hanilker t
chiefs, I, udy's anilCt'iitlcineu'sWhila
&. colored Hose Gloves and Mils f
ite., e Ac, &C,
Consisting in purl of
of assorted qualities.
fubacC, Snnff, Spicxis, SultSon Ctd!es Ac.&o '
of every descrijitiun that may ho required. )
ISardvare.Cutlery &c,
liar. Polled, Hoop and Hand Iron and
Ifuggon Tire of every description that
may be culled for.
A largo assortment of hits, chisels, Filesr,
hovels and Tuiig-i, Knives A forks, Pocket anil
I'eu Knives, Table, and Tea Spoons, cnllee Aills,
Flax sued Oil, and spirits cf Tui pantiue; sweeping;
'.rushes, weavers brushes; uliic brushes, cloth, biush
,.'S. corn brooms, &c.
The public aie reipiested to call and examine for
themselves before they purchase clscwhcic. u
so II cheap and no mistake.
HUmshnrs, Nov. 9, 184 I. 29.
JAYNE'S 1 LI 111 TO NiC.
Thia llair Tonic baa produced Lcmliful New
Hair iu the head of huudieds who had been bald
I'm yeais It also purities tho head from Dandruff
( incs dihcases of the scalp Preserves thu hair
from falling offur bscoiiliug permanently jjrny
JdYNE'S ClllMINdTllrE 11.1 L
S.1M. IS a certain, sufu and effectual remedy fur T)s
eiilei v, l.'iarrhiuu ur looseness, cholera morbiis.suin
iiicr complaint, colic; griping pains; sour stomach;
siik and nervous hcadach, heartburn, waterhrash;
pain or sickners of thu stomach; vomiting; spilling
up of food utter eating and ulso where it passes
through the body unchanged ; want of nppi-tilc ;
restlessness and inubilily to sleep; wimd in the uto
1 1 tm h and bowels; crauip; uervous tremors and
ivvilehin-gs; seasickness; fainting, melancholy und
lowiifss of spirits, Ironing and crying of infants
and fui all bowel ulleetious and m-rvoun Jiseascs,
Which is perfectly safe and so pleanant that
children will not refuse tu lakn if It cUt:elii;il!y
destroys w onus: neutralizes neiihty ur sourness nf
the stomach; iiieieitst's apjielile and acts as a gcln.'
:al , md pel niiim-iit Tonic and is therefoiu e.xet'td
iiilt in iii'ciinitlrnt antllteiiiiltent levers iiiiligi'sliou; tc and is a certain and permanent
erne lor tho fever and ague.
They in .y be taken nt all limes and in
must disco-en In Iuflatnniatoiy, intermit
::itit, Ueiiiiiient, Bilious, and every oilier
term of Fever Jaundice and Liver Coin
plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really mi
invaluable article, gradually changing tho
vitiated secretions of I lie stomach and livei,
md producing healthy telion in (hose im
iior'.atit organs. 'J'hey aie very vnluablu
lor diseases of iho Skin, anil for what is
commonly railed 'Impurity of ihe blood;'
il-o fur Female Cuiiiplaiu's, ' ,
Sir., und in (act every dii-ea-c where an
paiient, Alierative, or Fuieaiive MLi!itiiu
may tm n-quiicd
Il nlways cures AsthuiR iwo r-r ihrro
lataje tlosi s will cure the Ciottp cr lli es of
( 'Inlilren, in from fifteen iiitimns t,i rti
hours lime li imnieiliately subibu i iho
violence of Hooping Coiijili, und i f . e!. :i
speedy cure. Hundreds who I'.ne been
oiven up by their physieians bs ineurH le
v nh 'C'onsumption,' have been nsioiix U
peifei t beallli, by it.
In fat t. as a trim dv in Pulmonnry Pi-'
eases, no Miedii ine has ever ohttiiticd n
hieher.or more dt server! repuis'lnn.
i'j" The iibove .Medicir.e an' i ll for
at Ihe store f JOHN If. MOV 1' I-
lilooiushurij, '.'
Estate of Con ml llesi late of Si; :... '.;
township, deceased.
.TtlTICb ishenhv given that lelieij ri -.
isiralioii.oti the 11,'iovc ineiiltolie,' e
I ecu grantt d to the MiVsi,iltr rt-.ithng !,. He
li vv ns,ip ,f Niigarhnif. All cif. lis il i'i bleil to ll.u
mid li-ta'e ari' heti' v in titied to make i! i'c
I ay mi lit. ami tlm.-.e hiivitig ( hiims n. a rrijiiCitiJ t-
ie.u.t tin ni pipe.!' liuthtefeitrd w
"WILLIAM ibe'.S At"i 'r.
Navcr..r.ti t, U44.-3f.
;t to &i