COI.UMHIV lWIOCAT. JH.OOMMU'KG. n:u. 1,'lSlo. In Wales there is living nun aged on. IttinJrfil mul twenty years. hinj l'P' born in ITtfl; h h roicijitrndy lived through I'm feigns of ih Ci-orges. IV, nml lillo ihat of Q leen Viein ri;i. 1 1 1 health and f'ucitl t i.-a hip sound mill lie walk Iwo or three times week '" A ni-isjlituiriH!? vill ig, 10 vim daughtci tjnl eighty eigl'. SUOCK1NU ACCIDENT. The Melrose (Pa.; Demoeiat li.u that or. Monday evening of 'al week, f Dr. C. Leymaii. ol Ureal R""1"1' " 't'11""' ing from MonlroM in wagon with hi. wife, when about three quarters ol a mile from home, 'I'" "in dmppped up"'i shafts; ll lWlor leaned over lh tlfish board 10 iccover lln in, when it broke and juecipitated him against ihe horse, which Hook frighl ai 11 '"r a'",ul "a" wile. Durinf litis time Mrs. L rpinainrd in ilie wagon unhurt, ami supposing bei husband was li ft behind at ilic place where lie h.ul Mien. On a neighbor coming to her asnsi 6nce she expressed fear ilia' her husbaml was hurt when 10 the astonishment of both they behelil his mangled body still hanging From the forward spring tn which his loo' was unfortunately caught, and 'oy which jneans he had been dragged and mangled until life was extinct. I lis jaw was per fectly Ion, off, and his head, shoulders ami arms dreadfully bruised and lacerated. Dr. L. was a highly lespeciable citizen of temperate liabils, in piimc, of life; and in successful practice in hi profess ion ANOTHER HARTFORD C0NV12N TION. The Bmton Post Says that ihe ninden AYhigs and old Federal leaders Massa chuseits have been lining all the exertion in ihcii power, for months, to gel up a State Convention at raneuil Hall, compos ed of those who have already signed pen lions praving for a dissolution of the Union who declare the National Constitution a corse, and of no binding forco upon thsin who refuse to hold an office which render .--dtficmsaiv for theiii to declare their will mpreme law of the laud, aiid ol llion w'lin avow that the Vncxuiioii or the valuable ler ritory of Texas will dissolve the glorious government we live under!' A Philadelphia letter, published in lhe N. Y Journal of C jininercH, says; Our Rinks hero were neve: in a bounder elate, and I brlieve they are all managed now by Directors who will keep them in a sale condition. The Cashiers meet on the Tuesday of every week at the Philadel phia 13 ink to settle the balances between their refier.iive institutions, and a salutary check is thus exercised, which must pre vent any one of them from going astray, THE (UKAKD COLSEGE. 'I'lie Superintendent estimates ths amount ret required to poinplele the College and ippuilennnces ai $108,032. The followiup plan of operation is recoinmendeil for Hie present yesr: To complete the north por tico; the iwo western oul buildii ; lay the bricks necessary to prepare the main building to receive the marble Honrs, so that they may belaid through the com ing-winter, and provide marble fur I lie steps tun I platforms of the main building. 1'l.irlv in the spiing of 1810 tlie balance of tlx plasteiing carpenter's work and rnarhli floors can be completed, ilie steps round the buildings, the lining up of the grounds finishing ol the out buildings and the su r rounding wall, can bp progressing together. 60 that the work can be brought to a culse 'luring the season. TUF. ROSTOM ANS are now realizing n rich harvest by their enterprise. The Express fays New York even is made tributary to litem, to a much greater extern (hail is generally known. Over a hundred passengers, going to and from Albany to New V ' i' U every day. tike the Spiinelieh! route. The great w inter I i tic s thai havt ever since the Re wihiiiin been established on b )th sides of ill o llu;!,uu ai" pretty mini abandoned. "Jht. JlAhHiihihlx l'..iiununvnhiili,l. ' )ur lait advice from ,lenia!en;,' f-i tin jazefie die Tubun iu., 'mrntioii iha' the Synagogue oI'i'mI city, whose meml'ir are .known for their deep aversion in ever innovation, and lo progress a jeiu r at, have pronnuni rd a senieure of rxcuuuntiiiieiitioi jigainst nil the Israelites who should parti rioal?,-'' collcctois or douorin the suhseiip iior. -cow open in Europe for the purpoM-'! of t'neouf ayin j auriculitire among the Je's of Asia, and establisliing at Ji rusaluni, fui the indigent of thoe same Ji ws, an ex tensive hospital and schools I'm aduhs aod ahildren of both sexes. Anions the n..r,nS vMicd w'.iii this euallieua arc the i h-a-U of the diflerenl braiiciio of the Roth elni.U. u-lin have subscribed line hundred thousand- francs towards tnuli rial, mg ' lh it chanijlii" l.ATK KllOM OltKOON A M itlF. SAM) Vtlll I'LA.ND. SjlliUvilk isljlld )ipels o iliu -4 1 It ol September have been re eivrd by tho New York Sun wh'fh conlain intelligence Irom Oregon lo the id o'' Aiie,iisi,wliiclt ia very itiiCK aiiit. I'lie L" i f Oregon adjourne.l houl the l-t ol July, having passed sou npoii.iiii U. One ol iheno acm .y pri-g.oi who slull m.'k-, a II, or 4've avy Hidnii siiuii in Hie lemlot f Oieg ,,,, a oi li u! ColumDia nv. r s' an orl'-it and pay 100 lor each audevny such oll iiC' .' 'I ho he;tjiure is calleo Hie 'Li-I'Mve Coiiiinilie and con a ut' nine petsuna ekctcd by thr leouie. I lie ollicti of the Oregon Territory ... , -hi .1.. conan' 01 tin ee ijovernni s, cmiru mm Executive Cominiliee, a anpiemu Juilg' md a legiMlaiive l.oiiiieil. lite ,alv! iii, in. s.,m hs i vi vr uuiki u" l et I ilul V of I ivv.i, Tlie (joVi r imu nl is purely Denioi i.oic Republie in. I)-. IJabi oi k is ih Soiiiemc Ju lg. 1 he name of only onet f tlie Governors, Dr. Mnlv, ! incniioncd. On the lust ol Ua'iiKt a lli Iguii bi ig mii i veil at Oie- joti C 1 1 V . having o t hoard a numbei of mini and several U mi an ealiiolic piiesia, from Autwei j),tnt out to Oregon by the Church ol home. Since the biiivI iii U igon Ol tin- Rev. Mr. Carav, soineiiiMH)iini chan ge 8 have been going on at tho Meiho disi mission, ol which he is supiTinieii lent. The Indian school liaj. been dis .onlinued, and the building laiely occu pied by il has been sold to the Mcho list Episcopal Church, IdUly uigmuzeii fur a liieraiy instil .lion. Hie mission has also mncd vvtili ill mill k, birds ol callle, and nearly all its propeity, which tho sollleis bouglit at g')ud nricei. I he lay missionaries were a' out to bo dismissed, but would remain in lln olony as settlers. 1 he colony is to rrrtisl encouraging condition. 1 he ciopi vcre giving proinisu of an abuudaul liar vest. People were coming into I he terriio- y in large numbers, and the coiintt) filling tiji with thriving and enterp' is ng Colonist. Otic uf the setileis writes Come oi lothet Yankees, and make Oregon an- l her New Lngland, A Co nquct of I'ive Hundred Si'lleii Lam iV e learn horn a l rcnch paper in Huong the Aralvi of ilistnietion who lni,i I'idlowed Marshal Uiunaud to France, am lardXcirifii-rua' ', iroo la oi' M r-l inurneUlame tiooula'.ious m to he seen (In . u mi iiiiri'ui i son of the uulortuuate El Arraeh, who, al ter having chastised on the French :u eoiini sume revolted tribes, sent ?o lit Frencl Oovemor five hundred ear cut and ulicil is a trophy of the viciorv tjaine.l over tin redely The shiek, cl Oaeoubi, lln' seere lai vol A! d el Kadcr, t.e Aga of Consian Hue, ihe Agaol I'hillppeville and h saivair ('lohel) who haiu repaired lo Paris to itid ilie Aralue iii uiii ,eriiti (d the Library, ur among the iiii'n!ier of these Algeriiie h.iiel 'i rs. These chief'), of whuoi levi fal hi. c.hev ilier and i ven utlicer of the I i i - l llo'iiiur. were ptesent, lite evening fol e.V.'V lln ii airiv il,al die re prt sentatinii n die Favoil'itte, at ilie Fiand riiealre.w hie', ippeiireil in ie;,ily i ii ir' 1 1; i them. They were clad in the ri. h cniume of ihei. counlry. and ciialted sniiihahle willilheii iieiglihours, who wcte delighted willi tlicn niiahihiy, and their Ih.ient and elegant man ner ef f Xueu8iiig themselves in the Frencl language. TELKSCOI'E. Wp hae alieady noticed the great Tele 'cope, from (Jennany intended for tin jbservatory al Cincinnati A Frencl taprt speaking of these improved Tele scope, sa) s the moon herself, which, iroiiniiiieally fipc ;dini, is quiie close lis 'Jn.OOtl leagues oi tinny limes tlie iliauie er uf ih earihj ihe moon with hei eii' in tic mountains anil her exiiouished vnlca noes is ilie heavenly body with wloei ive are the least ai qihiimed All that khow ef her bus been obtained with ylas--s which iiiMjnify 200 rimes. A new apparatus that is proposed will mai;iii j 0(1110 lin es, so that ve hall bo able n perceive the mnuniairis of o:ir satellite : Iroin (,'eneva we see Mount Hlaiic. Tii. ireat I'elesenpH belonging tn the l'!ail n i ish nnlileiiiiin. is espieieil it ''ring it to view objects in the noon as suial i an ordinary liousi!, Lord uosse expeci d to have il in operation by Clnisiina- We may loo fur some inlerctning discov i ies one of l lit e day c Dacon I'eacji.ii k, a staunch tempi i- nice man, ti ivini: ai cnlenlall V swallow td a routing Uimb.'cr of uin ths olhei lit.Wi.s ;i-keil how be fell after il. How did I fee'?' said he, -why I leb ,s ; J was silling on ihe tool of iieeiing-ln use, and evrry shingle was a jeiv;. hat ji. INJURY TO TRKES. The 'oj thamptfii (Mas-) (Lri 1 1 ia!is, thai the finii ,n,d shade liect ii town and vicinity have nideiei! (' vr 1 ''" " "MMate ace ti in ulal inn ol ice ,u' l i-aiiebi. tlany il ihe ilm 11 1 " wcie s-'r ii.'jr-.l .of n,n-l i,f lln ii , and Ihef'itesl Ii etf I ed in ,' it toon u ith Lhe oil.eih. i ...I.. ; ,ii 1 1 nil ii.'.iw;';i'-.I"U-'f'-'l-l "rilUTH Vl TMOC." SK " s.i rt itn.iv, it: n, l.if is ISt'IilCIKlHT I ho Piir.dT Willi IT. (JOHN. RYE, IHJCK WHEAT, OATS or WOOD, will be ro- eived for debt dun in for suhseripiinn. Also a lew bushels of I OTA 'I OLS il leliveied soon From thoso who have proinised Lumber inch and inch md a quarter pine 'illjfrceeived if delivered soon " rriiu'iplp nml not ilIoa.M Joseph 11 Cliaud er, the polished Editor of the United Siates Gazmte, dues no ail nira this watchword of our Republican Fa hers Li a political speech delivered bv him in from of Gilchmi's Hotel, in the growing but sinful filhge of Will.efbaire, on the rvening of August Dili, 1811, he took Mi. M.idi .n to task for having inscrib ed upon his carnage ihe equivalent Latin expression; petulently exdaitnir.g, ' Bad firainmar, and woise Latin !' ' Principles md not men,' ihe seniiuient is noble land wa have mouthed it over o often, pleasantly, nd hail il wriilan down so prominently in our political cieed, that wo cannot 'abandon it undefended lo the keen blast of Mr Chaii- er's criticism. What is meant by this oohlical proveib? not ;hat weslmuld chase ibstracl principles ihiough the kibyriiilli ol uelaphysics, and lorget inranwliile that oour humanity exict o ; but that we shoulil esteem printiples more than men- hat we should think and ael for ourselvs. and nol follow the lead of any man living iccause it is he thai leada. And herein is found a plain well marked feature by which irue and correct patriotism may be known: In the late campaign we think this feature liseentable in ihe Denocracy, With a ,ilain, sensible, honest, strong minded can ilidate fur the Presidency, opposed to a man ol'splendid his'airy, distinguished elo quence and captivating address, they wen' into the fight to preserve and render pre domineni the prinrijilt of their Republican Fathers. On ihe other haul, how was uh Federalism ? The Federalists of 1311. ,...vo lufi rPaiiy .ihroniihoiit the whole cufli : um wuinfii'rhii; ' niiniJ their parrot ( ry oi 'tinli talked of mile ex cept ihe bold, bad w!io was. in ih ltd i-oine language of iulidalto:),' ihu i uibndi uient'of their creed W illi tln-ui it whs all for love or tlie wnrid well iost.' What .mtlcied it whethiT the cnuniry ran head long into bhlaled banking an I wild speeu l ition again, or not, if only the mm whom ihev idohz. d, berame the I'resideiit ! Liki he rustii: army of ill assorlt d ai titans am limlVrs loliiol' in ,1;. hu m's fighl ol the ' Fid d!eis.; iht v seemed to can: little about the nierprise upon which they were engage oid only weul I'm ward ihrongii an ill j ml leg einliun.iMii I'm tin il lender, 10 the slion !' Roller Diittnn ! (i iv Roger Duiton.' " i.'cr Ihittuii oes- In filit W illi hi J. millet mid hi:. Ii.ii -r ; Win) is wimih; nr who is liht . No one l.nows and no imc eare.-i.' Suc.hwftc apparently the sen tioienls o lie wIiil's ol lbil it ui.j, 'iiiiiin tin the 1'armi r cl Aslildin : lm is w runi' or who is licht, no one cares icul no m i knows!" Such being the i e, it is i; wonder thai Ar Lhamib r, a llnrh I in i n t ie wilt,1; temple of idul.i'rv, s!., mid con I in ii and abhor the good n d Repiibhein i oc'.i nil' nl ' pi me pies and nut men, lm v heiuM t r unci ed it was a hitler and bitiiie rl), ik i' iiihiii linn ami Ms cmiir.iili - uonn heii whole sviem -jf t e tnnii i ring CANAL CDMMIsylOM'.R. Alihotigh it may be couMilcr, d 'arly to present candidates for next f I ilhei II (III ion. et, w-i tne tin in i ii h lion el a r.iiiiitilati or Ciinl Commissioner will u n ! , e h it-ill le made in the forepart of summer, we em irace ihe present, to our f.tvori'.i . hoi.-e hi l'oie the public for that nlliie' We do so with the greater fieedom, as hi li.l i a man fvery way qualifo d and worthy i'1 he M.uii'ii, and very popular in his iiiiine diate district, as well as throngliniit tin Stale. We refer to the Hon IIFNKY 0. KYER. ef Union county, the present Slate St na'nr from that district. No belter si lee limi could be made, and, as the candid ate will undoubtedly be taken from the centre of the Slate, we trust that he vill be uoiui tinted, suiJ if elected, of which there would lie no d.inbi, the public wink.1 could no1. In placid in bitter, moic capaule, or safer hands. ,nei Militiiwlds, J',(j. has hern r. ri point! d Collector at I5i rv, i. k, A IVe have received tic first two mimbcrM of lh ' I.uzirne 7Miocrr' h new ileum ralic paper published al Wilkesbasre, b Col L L. Tate, of llipColuuibia Enquirci. It is well got up and handsomely printed aqd doserves to be well supported by tin democracy uf Lcawrne. .I'.J. ! The nomination of Lu'her Kiddu. I'lsq n President judge of ihe Judical district composed of ihe coiiritieo ol of Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe, ha been confirmed by ihe Senate.-Yeas Nays C. The TitF.ATf with China. Tin vote ol the Senate on the icsoliiiiou foi the riiificalion of ihe Treaty ofTaTsioji mpirp, China, Jan. 1G, 1815, was jn aftimuus; Veas 42, Nays none. I5KRKS COUNTY KKUEF ISSUKS Tne bill passed at Ihe last session no viding for thrt redemption of ihe over issue of relief not-s, by ihe ll?i ks County IJink, which wag vetoed by Governor Porter ai tlm commencement oflheses sirrn, ha boen passed by t hi? House ol Uepnsentalio'i hy a e. insliHii lonal maj ority: yeas S?, nays 5 This bill ha yet to b'l acted on in Senate. foxnEss. The Texts bill passed The House of Representatives ot S.iiurilay p'tsed ilin resolutions of Mr Miltun I5i own (Whig) fur annexation Texas. The vole was laken hy yeas & nays, ind Klo(ii!,ayPS 120, nays 98. Hut i ighi Whins vo'e(i in f-vor of it, viz: Messss. S. nlei , Peyton, Ashe and A V. lliown.of Tenn; Stevens and Cling- ham, of G'.-oigi.i; Dellet, of Ah; New iun,ofV.i. Hid ihre meinh'rs voted differently, ihe mca-ure mighi li.iv failed, or al least been rained only by the casting vole of the Speaker. John J audi Amir's f.-rUtnc is put down it $23, 0011, 000 less than sixlv years ago this person was a haltei'd opprrntice in Phdad.lphh! A Dmidful AVnry-Tlie Milton, N C (.'hrnnicle ol the ISihuli,, says-, 'Turner .1, ,, ,,(' () i r rr , was shockingly nun .i.'ii u n Ills ilaiigiiler, iiljiuil 'i year of ige, mi the night of the Oin. Report sivs that Johnson went home inlorieaied found no one 'ihoiit but this little daughter ihi'i iiienc i! to kill her if she dol'm kill hit). laid himself (low n before the lire, where upon the daughter approached him uxc in ! , .iiwl. am) , wi'h one blow, split his sen open! The daugh'.ir lias been rommltlc i i j il' The honid deed may excite lh suiprifi' of some of our reader-1, lut nmiiine stitpri.ics us now-a days. A N !: fOLI) MINR. A l-ile number of the W tbeville, ' t : . .. . - . . . , ... ii iliu i;i)s, . gentleman rallcil epin os a leiv oininiiigs sim;e to njifivise us llr.i i very valui'hlp ami exteiL-i-e (Jold Mn, a id rceenilv neen discovi red in the eoiims of Frit. klin, Va The dim overy was mat by Mcssis. II. ile and I irrismi, of ILun hin county, Tennessee, who hive leased large ipian ";v ol the land upon which tl a. .. . i , i . ui-i-ineiy. A , -)aue 11 IS snitinseil Mia in iii no i ' J. ' uiit of the precious metal i iiiih, dd d,-me adjacent lamls ' Will TV. 0 L. I hf. Main r artner mentiruis thai one ui thne rare birds, white owl, was shoi a few il ini-luie al assallioiniigli, Ale. Hi.- owl ship was near lhe house, looking inn the poultry an! for a Christinas dinner when he was laki n Ilis body and leg were covered with an abundance of dowi and c oh is for the cold w father, aiid w i n w hite ns tSe snow which he heal, lh legs and claws looked as il lliey belunge lie firnr of 'Catchem (t Ilrddem.' IL wine? wlicn extendi d inc- siiri d live fei two inche3 from their tan extremes. STRANGE ACCIDENT. A woman who lived in the family e R: lidall Angell, liiurill villr, v,is killed las week in tlie lollowiiig singnljf manner She was picking up chip, when a rgi ram atiraeti d by her black cap, ran agains her he'ul and hulled her s ) violently tha he died in a few minutes. CHANGING 1 1 1: 1 i NAM!-. In the Missouri L' gislaltire a peiiiim was ptesented Ir iin ci i tain pmenis in Si. I.IOIIs, to change lhe I , -j ; j ( (,- ,, j, laiighle.'i I to hi t lei rgiaiia elinghuysi i, o Mai tha J ine D ill.,s. 1 Jv.a-MIi UlVi i rtiii-T.u. wu" NKKillllomiOOl). The cl n er of coouties around us, if ihiding our own ; Cola tnbia, Juzei ne, Cat bon.Sehuylk II and Noriliampion, i ave within them more ol ihe elementi. of wealih. llian any diniie', of enua1 ex'fii','n Amer.can iIir Union .Wi liml h niesioue and Itou On; in inexhausii- tile no iiititics in the lis', and Cna eiju.illy abuudaul in lhe f mr I isl. Wealth not by pittanc's, lartitiog; nut weaim in a s r "ig and swollen stream, will, nus', How into this district, for centu- nes! Naltlt e li.u 1 iced hetu the tin lt.,i' tlie luck-'hu ores-& industry & .kill will re-produce them in n-w fo'in lvalue, or ti an.iport them lo inviting keU abroail. Valuable ahvys,the pioi'm lions of ibis district will always coin iiiand purchasers. Changii g,, tastes, habile, render ai tides of value at one time, unsaleable & useless al anolhei Mill, the pro Kit t ions of this disu id, an in -ccsjsai ies. Your puiveiised h m.' stone, is necess.ny lo re-vigor tin exhausted lands of the Agrieillortsi Your Coals mt indispensable to eoin'ot md life, and your L on vho shall en umerale iis ues? The chick of the Cot ton niill in i y he hushed and silent j bo ihe Forg'J liainmer wnl clang lor ai f M n may choose 10 clothe ihemselv ill woolens, or silk-, or hemp nwear hut who will 11 ui ish a cork pen kuifi. r canler a husii wttn wood'-n sli )i -? Kniluring mil lets open, ue opei i i oyouisuidy woi kiii'-u ol tlie noiti' Necessity tulis lhe in i' k' l and yo, supply Hut necsiity. Tne li'i'-eatei of the I'.il'iieiio S ate may sneer at you, and Ihe Lend of ihe Cotton null, um) hold you in contempt; lr.ii l!ii; heavy hand of your power is upon them; buy lies' must, and of you Capitalists i i v e mg their funds here. may break we count instances iy i ho score. Woikmen imy he ground now and t :en lo ihe verge of starvation, or at 10 mutiny, by Ihe 'oruVr sys tem ' or, marched 10 the polls by over seets, lo vo'e for ihe'TarifJ Cindidales,' orsooi oh"r kind of a pain of diJch.ii je, pui these things w put doiTu n.erily in the chapter of ac ci.lenis. No sysl,-m of business (my .nnic than politics) is prrfect and wealth 41 twug by fivning vi mm jfacluring, ba ils del.ets. But would we crush al cn'erpri.P, beCaiMfl a few busiuPsi men break up by a cuinse of impru leuce oi fraud, would we leave ail our mincr.i wealih beneath ihe valley sod and tio mountain rock, itecause hete and i hi i -thf! Iiburer is oppressed or the right o Our cruise is onwanl. The accident of our ciit'et r at e to be encotinlered aif overcome, hut we mus! he mi tin much,- advancing in ilul psilion fo ' we wi re designed. For Hie pei. 111 m t 1 inyestmeoi of eapila1, no p.11 ol the Union holds otti to in my m uce . inenly, as 'he disticl of which we tl 1 v p .k'n. and alihotigh it is not an E v t . r - i) 1 ido,-t notion no Ion til .11114 nl lYl'n Ymi li, hurst loiiii fiom the sid(sofii) moiiul.iins ilul p-in it. ! yet invite the r,iiige-i, the advcnuiihr .mil lln 11 ipitalis1, !o ;s hordeis and boW(!5'. H'tilc'shnrrc 1'Hr mcr l.l'ZKR.M-: cor.NTY. 'I'llE COAL TAI5LK, in flnoMi.r oltimo, ex'i.hils ilie rapt I i rog'es-'.'ind he ginning i m ;i'. 1 1 a lire of 1I10 eoi mdp. A'ot lhe least p'e.i iing f.,cl i hibiled in Ihe table, n the gieal ioctcin of lhr Coal trade, of Wyoming Valley, which had,', may now bo regarded a well e.lab!ished. The b"ing of a- ooil rpiiliiy as any taken to Maikel,& 1 s reputalioii tstahl shed abioul, ll.i ou'-iuess nitisi coi lunie to inciensc un til Wyoming lakes, in the cnl opera .on, ihe stand sin: 1 1 s th;! facil.ti'.s I. tn linlain.Theli on woi ksit. Fi ovnlenre A (hose 111 liie Township uf : I r,- have ui.dir gotii! soino iniprnvenien lately, by lhe ad. Iii 00 of means for in leasing ti c amount of business. 15 Oi 1 re in sue ci slnl iip''ia'ion. The e ahllshment al l'l ovidt nee, is iiusurp iss il pcrhap-, in lliii cnuniry. Is I'm p ictois have an abundance of Ore, am 1 good Road fiem the bed to lhe Fin nace. Iliel'igs ;iv inantil ietu: rd,ai. v c u s carl ieil lo the R iliing Mil', l ivhieh is atlached N11I Machiio ry,capi bin of doing ;iii immense hi 1 si 11 cys. Th ;ro ro'toi s have go mI Coal in giet ihiiiidnice, sltll miner llian lhe ore. The li. lling Mill in Wilkes h rie, i. l'srj a tremei.doiis op ration, lo whicii i tlachid nail Miehue y ei'pahlr: of (I ng an unionise business. It is situilei' 11 the mills' of A n'lit acile coil and 01 he bank ol lhe C.inal, till .irding easv faciliiies for supplying it wi'li Figs. All Ln I ne aks of t,(. Na'ion. is, tiiat Fiolecl.on of Hume Products iV IihIii-1! y, iletnaiiileil by sheer Justice. I lhe Tat iff alone and facilities o' Luzerne county for 1 xhmsivp ojieraiioo (iomi-e her a cniisoicuous place 111 tin iuiii' ss world. She his a iMposI lo m.ik" nf th, Mate. I anliivi s s'une IV a v lo il il's'l lln Noi'h lli'inih Cinal. tin Nnlh-i in oililel, and in Ihe iv.iy of lolK.L'tZ Mil' W II help fill OUI CO lie IS. iVil.'it v htirre . Idr iatc. i, , hmiiiiiipwi'ii icm ni t u THE REMOVAL RILL RasHed lhe Committee of tha Whole in hu House on Tuesday last and was expect , . , . , . .. i- - .... eil 10 uu up again on secnii'i rcamng on Wednesday bin at our mails tne now iwo lays coming from Hamburg, we have nol beard what action was had upon it. u. s sa ruRDvY rosr One of ihe oldest weekly papi i publish ed in I'MhuieUhia, comes to us ibis wuk, lilbdwidi unusal imeresiing mau-r. R side-, die news of tho week, it contains see r d nriijiu d stories of interest. It is 0110 of die host wnkty family newspapers pub lished 1:1 Philadelphia. Tie Kentucky legislature has pa.vPil 1 In II pioviding thai any person who shall he guilly ol pniicing or assisting 0 eniici) or cairy oil any slave iiom ilm awful owner, and any person who shall larhor or conceal any such runaway or i olen slave, for (he purpose ol his con- ei'm nl and tscipe, or conviction shall ) eonli ied in the penitentiary ol tha Slate lor a lei m of not less than tvven'y y 1 at s. rilK ONH DAY ELECTION BILL. As Hip signature of Hie Fiesident has open allixed to ihe b II makiun Ihe ilay for elec'ing theeleclois of Fusidi'iit ami Vice Fieodenl uniform tlii'oiiiliuiit the Jolled Sliies, it may In: 1 iinsidei eil , taw ol I'leluid. Toe dav ih'-i s.nated mi the law is 'the Tue-d iy next after ihu i At .Monday in NoVt mii' r. THE IDENTICAL Ml RLE which lohn Rig' i s, tbe mai-yr of Ft inter meinoiy, once ownedj was I r oiebl 1 1 ibis country neaily SPPiiturtel ngo md is now in the lifrdia9iof bis s. A 'lliceche ltrtlp,' P'in- lescendants. ed in London 1.577. lhe ro'uv which vas pipsented by the pi inter li Q ieen I'lli'.ihoth was prociued in England al a high price hy Admiral Sir I-a ic Collin ind Mini lo iheli'e Rev. Dr. Unmet,' of Miss , al lhe sale ef wlms library it vas porch is' d by me, and is vilntd as a ilp'sng relic of Royally and pin itani.-ui. Coy res. Jhiston Tntns. 1'herP are ill O'no about six thoini'id Public School Districts, and six hundred ninety five ihoiisnnJ, eight hundred and thirty youths entitled to the hem lit ul tin) .schools in these distru is' The Texas Q vPHtioc., has spumed a dmpp hy the recent vote for annexation, 'On" I, .'... tur j u lilllfl fc( W'i'U l'l I Kill tO ttlO arolvilde h'huIh not inopportune. Tho piestinti is now will Texas herself come ti? Her assent h is not been expressed 1 inn. ilk 10 that rflVei peri ling the incipient ue:i-iire ol annexation by ( ongre.s liui ve iliinkshe will come in the couhdci .vv, .f '.he linal acscnl depends upon hi r. t J 11 rd Vnio'ite, tho Mexican Miui.-ter, wlieii it w.i.s offn ially ih'i I ircd lh it lltere winiil ic no war w idi Mexico if 'I'r x is wt '.e an iPxed, lift New Voik, ('11 whiih In- 1. . s '.viihdrawn sineti the me lii ited a'-l of an IPX ilion ,) and proceeded to U'ashiturion.'i) Mate thai there would be war if the uie;,s ire were consilium. .led. Anordieg to him 'dcxi'o will posuvrlv deel'ire war against he f j 1 1 i ; 0 c Siaies if IY x is he lr.'i!hi in'o die Union. We 1! itihi il, however. Mex cuinot nlford. 10 go to war widi lhe I'ltiti d States. . It is, in our view, a vain hope lor lie- fy, fxpcci an nliianee with Kiiglirul or fn'sce. Mach of those conn ries knows loo well her own interest 1 :i de clare hostilities ngaiiist the United S'-va'3 lor the sake and iiuercsts :f a foreign SV11" ike Mexico. TJje latlcr countrv v!u,' lave have to contfMt single Imndrd with die United Si lies, and the icsidt would iiobahlv he lhe landing al Ven Cruz nl a urge American force, f which emild be east y r list'il. ( and a descent them e lo the ens if Mexico. We have no particular le irs of 1 war with Mexico, and if then should be my, it must, in ihe nature of even's, ho roiijjl.'t to a speedy termination. I.r.dgi:i DREADFUL. The Villag" R cord s' itest'i ii a rh'l I I wo weeks old died in Wisches'er, on vinday l.isl, Ii om Hie efi' els of n blow l;ion its head by lis I'.ilhrr, Thomas 1'iylor. The blow w.s aimed at lhe on tiie :, in a stale of i neb: iet y , and si rue I; lie child hy accident. Mr. Coroner S'ii'hls called no inrpicsl, wlm-n verdict v.i in accoidince with lhe above f f 1 '('nine lo iis death by lhe hand nf it- atlier. I 1 vlor was ai resiPii mm pu ci il in .I ison o await a Ii i j!. THE WIIITf: HOUSE. A h II is hefire Congr ess npprnpri li ng S20,000 for furnishing lhe Fiesi- lent's House Fiom Ihn acpiun'j of all who hay-'- visited the Fiesidenlial man- ion, it is evident ihat the iipi'i'e; 1 ialion s ji;,.;. y lifi'ileil. 11 U'C lliiiion 111 i" a , . , . .1 1 ' . 1 'loii-ii! lor H e i r'Stiient, iney nuinm mk-.' il comf .rt.ilde for him to live in. 1 1 is expected tl at President Folk will , ive Teniipssfp 'or Wa-hinglon, ti,.! of IVhru.iry; io:d tied hu will he ac r, niied by '.-ci f-ral of hi friends from 1 ! 1 .it k'tato