The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 25, 1845, Image 1

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Qui II
I have nwnrn upon the Altar of Cod, eternal hostility ts every form of Tyrannj over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson
Volume VIII.
.lumber 4()j
orrosiTB Sr. Paul's Ciiuul-ii, Main-si
TEF13 :
putdished every Saturday morning, a
1 19 t JJU 111 il" Vr ""
half yearly in advance, or J wo liouar
fifty Cen'ts,ifnot paid within theyeai
Xn siibscrinlion will be taken for a shorte,
vc.riod than nix months; nor any discon
tinuance. permit ted,until all arrearage
are discharged.
A 1)1' ER TISEMENS not exceeding a
square will be. conHpic.uou.sly inserted at
One Dollar for Hit Jirsi inreeinsvTiwnn,
and Twenty-five cents for every snbse
r,,t nser'tion. lifd liberal dtscoun
made to those who advertise by the year
LETTERS addressed on busiuess,must
be post paid.
wwMMjt,IH1IIM"!"1,1.1 IMI;H
The following touching ballad is of very
ancient origin, anl probably foum'ed on
ndunl occurrence We copy it from ihc
Ministrelsy of the Scottish Border.'
There wero two sisters sal in a bower:
Binnorie, 0 IJinnorio;
TSere came a night to be their wonrer,
l?y the bounie mill dam of Hinnorio.
He conned ihe eldest with glove it ring,
Uut he lo'ed the youttgeit ahnne a'thing;
He courted the eldest with broach Si knife,
lint he lo'ed the youngest abune his life,
The eldest she was vexed sair,
And sore envied her sister furc,
The eldest said lo the ymingpst ne.(nV-J
Will ye on &see our fathers' ship conn
She's ta'en her by the lily hand,
And led hcrdon to the river strand,
The, youngest siude upon a stane,
The eldest came and ptish'd her in,
Sec took her by the middle sma,'
And dash'd her bonny back to the jaw;
() sister, fdsler.reach your hand,
And ye shall be heir of half my land.'
'0 sister, I'll not rsach my hand,
And I'll be heir of all your land:
Shame fa' the band that I should take,
It's twin'd me, and my world's make,
0 sister, reach me but your glove,
And sweet William shall be your love.'
Sink on, nor hope for hand or flovo!
And sweet William shall be my love.
'Your cherry cheeks and your yellow hair,
Garr'd me gang maiden evermair.'
Sometimes she sunk, sometimes she swam
Until she came lo the miller's dam;
Oh, father, father' draw your dam !
There's either a mermaid or a milk whin
The miller hasted and drew his dam,
And there he found a drowned wimii.hi;
You could not see her yellow hair
V'or gowd and pearl ihal were so rare;
You cnuLl not see her middle sma',
Her gowden girdle was sio bra'.
A famous harper passing by,
The sweet pale face he chanced lo spy,
And when he ioik'd llint lady on,
He sigh'd and made a heavy moan;
He made a harp of her breast bone,
WIdso sounds would melt a heart of stone;
The strings he framed of her yellow hair
Whose notes made and the listening ear.
He brought it lo her father's hall,
And where the court assembled all,
lie laid his harp upon a stone,
Ami straight it began to play alone
Oh ynnilcr sits my father, the king,
And yonder mis my niodicr, the queen
And vonder stand my brother Hugh,
And by him Willis n, sweet and true.'
Hut the laM lune that the harp play'il then,
llinnorie, 0 Cinnorio
Was 'V(,e lo my, false Helen!'
I!v tlit bonny mill dams of Binnoiie.
When you have ;i bountiful tablc.icinrm
brr the poor ibis cold weather.
vv?v; ftv3t vwiiF
From the St, Louig Iloveillc:
SuuUouin Oyotcrs Alive.
At a late hour, the oilier night, the door
if an oyster house in our city was thrust
ipen, and in stalked a hero from the Suck
er. 1 In was quite six feel high, Kpare
somewhat sloopnd, with a hungry, anxious
ountenanee, and his hands pushed clear
town to the bottom of his breeches pot ken
His outer covering was hard lo define; bu
after surveying ii minutely we came to
the conclusion that his suit had been made
in his boynncc; of a dingy, yellow linsey
woolsey, and tint, having sprouted up will
istonishing rapidity, he h ul been forced u
piece ii out with all colors, in order lo kec
with his body. In spite of his exertions
however, he had fallen in artears about a
foot of the necessary length, and consequent
ly, stuck that fat through his inexpressibles
Mis crop of his hair was surmounted by
he funniest little rcil skin rap imaginable.
A Tier taking a position, he indulged in a
long stare ai the man opening the bivalves.
nd xlowly ejaculated 'Inters?'
'Yes, sir,' responded ihe attentive opera
tor; 'and tine ones they nre too.'
Well, I've hearn tell of isters afore.'jays
he, 'but this is the first lime I've seed 'em
and jrrtmps I'll know what lhar made of!
fore I gil oul of town''
Having expressed this desperate inten
lion, he cautious'y appioa.ihcd a plate, and
scrutinized he uncased shell hth with a
ravity and interest which would have done
honor to the most illustrious searcher into
the mysteries of nature. At length he be
if en to soliloquize on the difficulty of getting
III out, and fiuwr qiiccr l"..UU ..!,-..
'I never seed anythin' hold on so 'lake
in a-mazin' site of screwiii' boss, to gei'ew
out, and ainl they slick ami slip'ry when
ey does come? Smooth as an el! l'vi
good mind to give that fellar lodgines,js'
to realize the effect, as uncle Jess used t
say about spekelation.'
Well, sir.' was ihe reply, 'down will
two bits, and you can have a dozen.'
Two bits!' exclaimed the Sucker, now
'Mnie, that's stickin' it on rile strong, boss
i or isters. A dozen on 'tm aim nothin' l
i chicken and theie's no gittin' more'n
niece for them. I've only re alized forty
rive picayunes on my ftrsi ventur' to St
fiouis. I'll tell you what, I'll gin you twi
chickens for a dozen, if you'll conclude to
A wag, who was standing by indulging in
4 dozen, winked to the attendant to shell
out, and the oiler was fccceptjd.
Now mind, repeated the Sucker, 'all
fa, iwo chickens for a dozen you're
witness, mister,' turning at the same time
to the wag, 'none of your trick", for I've
hcain tell you city fellar are miiy slip'ry
coons '
The bargtin being fa'uly understood, our
Sucker squared himself for the onset delil
raiely put jff his seal skfn, lucked up lih
Iceves, and fork in hind, awaited the ap
learatve of No, I, 1; came he saw i'
uirkly it wajf bolted A moment's dread
,'ul pause ensued. The wag diopped hi
lnife and fork with a look of mingled
amazement and horror something akin to
Shakapeare's Ham'ei on seting hit, daddy'
l0i while he buist into the exclama
Swallowed ulivc, as I'm a christian!'
'Our Sucker heio had opened his mouth
with pleasure a moment belore, but now i
stood open. Fear a horrid dread of In
ilid'nt know what a consciousness that al
wasn't right, and ignorance of the extent ol
the wrong the iincctiainly of that moment
was terrible. Urged to desperation, he
faltered out
What on airth's ihe row!
'Did you swallow it alive?' enquired tin
I swallercd it jistas gin it to me'.'shoulct!
the Sucker.
'You're a dead man!' exclaimed his anxi
nils friend; 'the cieature is alive and uil
eat right through you,' added he, in a roost
hopeless lone
'Gel a piccn pump and pump il out
screamed the Sucker, in a frenzy, his eye
fairly starting from their sockets, '01
gracious?' whm'll 1 do?' It's got hold ol
my inwards, already, and I am dead as a
chickenl do something for me, do don'
lei the infarnal sea load eal me afore you
'Wy don't you put some of this tin ii?
inquired ihe was, poiniin? to 4 buttle ol
strong pepper sauce.
The hint was enough the 5KcAcr,pon
the instant, seized the bottle, and desperate
ly wrenching oul the cork, swallowed halt
the contests at a draught. He fairly squsal
ed fnm its effects, and gasped, and bio wed
& pilchudifc, twisted, as if it were coursinp
through him with electric effect, n bile at
the same time his eyes ran a stream of leari-
l length , becoming a little composed, Li.-
waggish adviser approached,aliiiosl bursting
wilh suppressed laughter, and inquired
'How aro you now, old fellew? did yon
kill it''
Well, I did, boss ughugh-o o o my
inwards. If thai itter crhtet's dying agonie
lidn'l stir a ruction in me equal lo a small
lirthqtiake, than a sarpent when that killing
luff touched it; but' and here, with a
countenance made up of suppressed agony
nd present determination, he paused, as il
to give force to ibis words, and deliberately
remarked 'If any gel two chickens from
me for thai live animal I'm d d!' and seiz
ing his seal skin, he vanished.
'The shout of laughter, & the contortions
of the company at this finale, would have
made a spectator believe that they had all
been 'swallowing oysters alive.'
What will other People say
i r'i,ii,i ;n nnP 0f )rr t.ierg makes
the following observations, which, we think
are well worth heeding:
There is a false necessity with which
we industriously surtound ourselves, i rir
cle that never expands, whose iron nevei
changes to du.-tile gold. This is the pres
lenee of public opinion, the intoleiablr
restraint of conventual forms. Under this
iespotin influence, mm and women check
their best impulses, suppress their nobles
feelings, conceal their highest thoughts
Each longs for full communion with other
souls, bm dares not give utterance to it'
yearnings. What hinders? The fear ol
what Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Clark will say,or
the frown of some sect, or the anathema ol
jome synod, or the fashion of some Hive, or
lie laugh nf some club, or the misreprrsen
tation ol some political party, I liou art
ifraid of fhv neiahbor.and knowesi not ihai
he is equally afraid of thee. He has bound
thy hand, and thou hast fettered his feel.
It were wisOior both lo snap the imaginary
Sonds, and walk onwards unschackled. 1:
thy heart yearns for love, be loving, i! thwn
wouldst have & brother frank to thee, hi
frank to him
'But what will people say?
'What Joes it concern thee what ;hey
say? Tty life is not in their hands.
I'hcy can give thee nothing of real value,
nor take from thee ar.y thiup that is wort!
having. Sitan may piouiise thee all tin
liini'tloiu.8 of the earth, but he has not hi
icre of it to give' He may oflVr much
ihe price of his worship, but ihere is a fU
in all his tittle deeds. Internal rind sure li
the promise, 'Ulessed are ihe meek for they
hall inherit ihe earth.'
Uut I shall be misundeislond, misrrp'
And what if thou ?rl? They who throw
ttones at what is aooe idem, receive tin
missile bat k ngo'n by the law of gravity, &
ticky aro they if they biuise not their owi
faces. Would that 1 could peisuade all win
read this lo be truthful and say wha
they think and to act what they feel, to ens'
from lhein like ropes of sand, all fear o
ccts and parlies, of clans and classes.
'What is there of joyful freedom in oui
social intercourse? Wo meet lo see card
other, and not a peep do we gel under ihc
thick, stifling veil which each carries abnu
him We visit to enjoy oursclvrs, and out
hofl lakes away all oui freedom, while wi
destroy his own K the host wishes to work
or ride, he dare not lesl ilseem unpolitc t
'he guest if the guest wishes lo rend oi
sleep, he dare not, lesl il seem unpoliie
the Itosl, so they both remain slaves, am!
leel it a relirf to part company. A few
individuals, mostly in foreign l.mds, ar
range this matter with wiser freedom. If
visiter arrives ihey gay, 'I am busy to-day
if you wish to ride, there are horses and
saddles in the stable if you wish to read
there ate books in the parlour if yon want
to wtrk the men are raking hay in the
lield-if you waul toroinpuhe children are at
pliyin the court il you want to talk to me
I can he with you al such an hour. Uo
where you please, and while you stay, do
as y u please '
A I some houses in Florencejarge parlies
meet without invitation, and without the
iligl.test preparation. It is understood
.baton some paitieular evening of the week
i lady or gentleman always receive their
fiend. In one room are books and flowers
in another, pictures and engiavings: in
itiiru, musin. t.r.uplegare ensconced in
some shaded acolvs, or groups dotted abou
the room in mirthful or seiious convcrsatioi
Mo one is required lo speak to his ho
either entering or departing L tuouaiht &
baskets of fruits stand here and there on (lit
side tables, that all may take, who like, hu
eating, which constitutes so large a part ol
all American entertainments, is a slight am
almost unnoticed indent in these festivals
of intellect and laste Wouldst thou like t
see such social freedom intindn.wd ln'r?
Then dj it. Hut the first step must lit
complete indidutence to Mrs. Smith's im
sen on, that you were mean enough lo offer
only one kind of cake to your company A
to put less shortening in the under crust ol
your pies than the upper. Let Mrs, Smith
talk according lo her gfts; be thou assured
that all living souls love Ireedom belter
widU initio ul uuur.i imp,.
From Neat's Saturday Guzette;
Some one of our cotemporaries we
know not which, as the paragriph floats
thout without credit propose to the
boys, now thai ihe long evening sre on
hand that they devote a portion of their
urplus time say two hours every eve
ning. to some useful study and he goes
on as follows, to Calculate the advan
tages which will arise fiom to do
mt. Two hours each evening, make fotn
teen hours per week; that would makf
-.ixty hours per month, and lluee bun
dled houisby the firsl of April. Think
of it. Liy out a system ol simlii s, ami
,.tirsue il faithfully, and if you do no"
know more, and are not wiser, anil
:onseqoenlly belier titled lor inn prac
tical duties of life, we shall be exceed
ingly disappointed. These two hours
per diem will not at all encroach upon
the time necessary lo red the news
paper. The s' tidy of any of the
ciencts will in f'.ict tive incitiiM ti zeal
tor ine nunier and more con
tents 'which (ill the column of a well
conducted news Mitel. The bend ol
family who would cull i v ite a lasir
lor s'udy rd for knowledge among hi'
children, should not fail lo keep ron-
inually within reach of every memUi
of iho domestic ciiclo t!in mtw
1 n is is a hint which mihl he addre.
ed not lo boys alone, but l.knwse d
people of a larger growth; or rather, all
ihould tegtitl iheuiselvesavbov' whih
reading il if the term 'hoy' he received
n including eyeiy body who has ii ca
pacity of inipioveoient. To ibis i x ew
el tij he hoy, lo the end of our each
y career, never being loo old lo lean
uid so taking ihe advicu il nnv he re-
narked that the writer above quoted
loes not overrate the advantage lo he
lerivcd from the Gxed and steady do-
vol ion of a smail portion of lime to the
study ofa paitieular suhjec1. In this
is in oilier nutters, it is not so much
heYipid lush of tin; tiansienl fl nul, a
t is ihc continued dropping, llt.ii wear
he sione. Many fail in ilieir purpose
if intellectual cultivation, noi fiom lack
il ability nod inclination, hut heciule
they opeiat", no mailer how ardently:
It's sod starts. I in.- dishing of eo
;hui.isni have their uses, nn ;!oiih ; hut
f we woi k only on iiiptilse nod when
is ine pura-e goes, we happen to be in
the humour, mir achievements tarely
itnotiot lo murh. Thrro is a tlnggcd
. I . , .
nprQitcnrnncii tintfinn.,,,!.- i.i.l ... , r.i
i.iwi,n.... jr-.i'i.uuieiiij auwvil'jj
it,' which is the only true method of to when ihey were going lo have a 'brut
suimounfing difficulties, and without with he foe. One morning he made a
which genious itself hulls in the race, speech somehing to the following cl
And two hours a day, or only one, feci; which convinced them some,
when il is sure, and not lobe intermitted thing wag in the wind. Feller you've
on any account canro fail to accomplish been idle lo long, mid so have I. I'm
esults which will astonish him who has
'litis been enabled lo compass Ihem.
Il is difficult, certainly, lo return
gain end again lo Ihe same iheme Ihe
human mind in t;eneial, i disposed to
wander and to 'hunt after new fancies.'
It will, if ii be allowed to tike the bit
in Us teeth. Inner awav its slrnnaih
attaining liltle of nothing; and one of the
secrets of sueci ss is to give it discipline
n inisrespeci, lhat it m iy wait upnt
he judgement; and Ihere is no belle
method of so doing than is pointed ou
Htiove certain hours lor ceitam si u
There is, moreover, a diisposilio
with most people to endeavour lo do lot
much a once to overrun ,r it were
whole fields of literature and science
a singls incursion, instead of advancing
in rompacl column towards a specified
point. 1 hey are thus tempted to louog
listlessly among their books; readme
here a little and there a little, coquetmg
ill around negligent of more serious ad
Iresses, and deluding themselves wilh
he never lo be realized intention ol
teieafier giving up such desultory hah
is. For Ihe mind has its dissipation
is well as ihe body, and our reading
nay easily be made a gossip as unprol
table as the idlest intercourse of con
vi vial life. Almost every body ha
felt how thorough he masters an aiithoi
when detained by accident in some re
mole and isolated position, with noth
ing al hand, perhaps, but a single vol
ume, and ihu probably not of Ihe mo
attractive character how in mere sell
Icfence against the approaches of cmii
is the rain patters on the window, h'
print, preface, text and apprehend ad
vertisemenls, until he not only und-1
stand the work itself, but remember.-
he primer, the publisher, the lertns 1
he copyright and every other part ici
lar appertaining to it. The few peopl,
bout the house may not be ot the coo
veisible sort, or are of Ihe kind who'
stock of ideas is soon exhajsled the
log. as distant dogs are apt lo be,
s unsocial, and does not understand
your ways; while Ihe cat is uninieres
ng and uncivilized; and under such cir
cumstances, vvliat a treasti'e is the vm
eral Almanac Or antediluvian Duectoty ,
he facts thus collected, ho vcvei li m.u
Irike so deep into the inemniy tin
hey are rarely forgotten; and there is .-
lesson in this which might he turned i
dvanlage lo diiect our reading. N.
matter how extensive i tie library, le
oui use of il be Hswere, staked out m.
nclosed; and when you hdve closely
cropped the heibage within your leach.
I will be soon enough to move on lo
iresh pis'uie. O.heiwise, a wide ix
eut of ground may he sdiimmed over,
o bill litilu profit. Il U desiiable, ol
course, lo keep up wilh Ihe lightei
iterature and thn journalism cl Hit
day to toad the newspaper is essential
one mighi as well be out of Ilia world
i not to know what is going on within
ii, and probably there is nothing mon
wkwanl than not to have a genera
cq i iiniaiiee with I he cunenl topics
jf Hie. ii'oe but Ihe more serious sludy
equues lo he system ilic, and lo b.
irosi cun d with concentrated atlentioi
to have us defined obiects and it-
ixpfl bonr, thai we may not play lb-
iiuant Imni our own school, undei
II soi is of pieleuces and eviasion&.
Among the worthies who figured dur
ing the era of the American Revolution,
liernip meie were none possessing
moi e originality of character than Gei,
Putnam., who was ecrentric and fcarles
h'unl in his manneis, ihc daring soldier,'
without ihe polish of iht; geoileinaii
lie might well tie called the M.irion of
bu noiih, though hr disliked tliKeui
p'obAbly ti em 1 lie J.iel c l Ins I piiig,'lhe uprighl disposition of a puns mm
.vlucli was veiy pl to oveisbrow any
ti ckery he might have in view.
At I It time a s'iorgliold,r;il!ri Hotse -
...h (r V.... I. ...
.. ,,, i oi K,wa
,n r,..r.., ,,fi, Pnin-h.PuMum
a lew uniuv p:illiit. was Intl.u.,, i,,
I . . . .
ibo vicinity , bent 00 driving t. m
jfrom the place. Turd of lying in am
bush, the men became impati-.-nl and ioi
M JlUlUliUU ll'U(it.i Willi (UJCstlon, a
.....i....,.l .e .1 ,1
going down to Kush' Horse neck, in an
hout-jwith an ox team and a load of corn
II J comeback, J will let you know ihe
particulars. If I should not, let Uu-m
have it, by the liokey!'
lie sliorily after mounted his ox-carf,
dressed ag one of the commonest order
of Yankee farmers, and was soon at
Rush's lavern, weich was in possession
of the Hritish troops. Nd sooner did
the officerg espy him; thar, they bega-i
lo question him as to his whereabout, &
rinding him a complete simple, (s they'
'hcught.j they began lo qtpz him, and
threatened to seize the coin and fod-
Mer. ,
'How much do you ask for your
whole concern?' asked ihey.
For metcy sak?; genilcmin, replied
'he moch clodhopper, with Ihe most de
plorable look of entreaty , 'only let m
off and you shall have my bull team &
load for nothing ; and if lhat won't dew,
I'll give you my world 1'li return to
morrow, and pay you heartily for your
kindness & condescension.'
Well, said they, we'll lake you at
your word, leave the team & provender
Lvith us, and we won't require any bail
'or your appearance.'
Putnam gave up Ihe learn, and saun
tered about for an hour or so, gamin"
ill ihe information he wished; he then
returned lo his men, and told them of
the foe and his plan of attack.
J he morning came.and with it sallied
nit the gallant band. The British were
Handled wilh rough hands, and when
hey 'tirrendered to General Putnam,
he clodhopper, he sarcastically remark.
ed, 'Gentlemen, I have kept my word:
kindness and condescension.'
fl Touching Little StoryThere Is
someihing in female honesty which
charm as much as honesty in a man
ind both are so rare, and at the same
ime so inestimable, that ihe celebrated
listieh ot our moral bard will enuully'
ipply to cither:
A wii's a feather, and a chief's a rod.
in honest man's ihe noblest work of Gpd.'-
The Cardinal Fames, who was verv
propei ly named the patron of ihe poor
.jave public audience once a weet to in-
ligen! persons in his neighborhood, and
listributed his bounty among them accor
ling to their wants. A woman of gen-
eel addrer-s, but in a dejected foiloru
eonditioo, presented herself out! day
with her daughter, a beautiful creature.
bout fif'een years old, before ibis liber-
l eeclesias'ic.
'My lord,' said she. 'the rent of mv
loii-e (live crowns) has been due some,
Hys, and my landlord ihrfntens to turn
ne into Ihe slreel, unless he is paid
.vithin the week. Have the cooiloiss
ny lord Cardinal, to iuterpos'? your
acied authority, I ill by our indu-'iy
ve can saiisfy the demand of our pt rje-
I'lie cardinal wroe a bilk-i, which ho
put into the petitioners hand, nod said.
do to my s'ewaid w Hi ibis pap-T, and
rvceive from him five crowns.' ) t
the, on presenting the dorumcni. piid
down ft fiy. The wom-ih absolutely
refused to icceive more than five, nl!.
ing that his eminenre gave lo her i .vj ect
io more, and that itmusi he a mistdk.
IJoth were so convinced cf acting liter
illy according lo order that it w.ismu'u
illy agreed io refer the nntter to tiu
eaidinal himself.
'It is line,' said he, 'ihere must h a
mis'ake. Give me the paper and I will
rectify it.' He then returned lbs Unlet
llstis rectified to Ihe woman, saying. 'S
much candor and hones'y des rvis ie
compence. Here; I luac ordered ton
a thousand crowns. vou e:m
spare of it lay up as a dowry for ymr
daughter in mairiac?, and Kf ii! 11,7
donation ns the blessing (( God mi
An old m'.v having hear I
U;,v ,
I'l I
' " v
l" tlW's Wei'i! J-e
leoK.i keil- t was lust sn n
,1 .
ith:,.s i,ut;i..'lo ai.v ,.f
, 1.
...... u
'My fon, remeriiher thai your ch.i:fv
rr ouirhl to.'hine hiihiir ihoi v'ur
- j'lOOl -
',';;,.'? in th