. WHAT AI 1. . Uaw Jr.J lh eloqua'ui pruelW o' 'hort patent lennonN,' nsvver. the bov question to thin wiae When I ak my' If the question 'Wh m I ?' it puzzles ine how 10 answer it. M iterially spnaking, I am lort of io 'Ci"i('i! nonrn'iiv a small barrrl of I h 11 l itttocl oil of no lt'iitf. thickened int sntn'ance ly a r p 1 1 1 1 1 1 . M y coming io rm Wl iv i il i col 'I co aim g world. Cnn. Ic'y Kueikina. ; I hitI compound ol plio&pliormi.v '" t mojtphei ic wind; I mot of you have, iUiibil;n,ioiin ag " discovered. Mechanically aoeakinn 1 fn (to old rlork, made, wound up and fl.)I in motion uniiie several yean (0 by iliu Gffd Clock' maUr of, th Universe fl was nude "o run 70 yenr-f t Uast; it if Fate and Fortune will ouly keep m I nier ''work in order, I alnll fxpeci to beep doing till my weight have run th fu'l length of their chord. Mortll) ()pkinif, I am in equal mixture of viot and vir ue - kind of vinegar ind mo. Iae tm-s. So Dicly ate ihev mixed toneitiei ibat the vineisr of vice in not to sotir at lo be impalpable nor ih.e ,nit 'JassiV of virtue. o ut &s io be tciri. in it. My fittings am i (enoVras youo. tund o'ooU mv (j.iKkioni ra Ah irou dccocnofl of trbacco juicemy sj m pat hie re as a ac.fj and Ibc down undei an angel's wiog and my desires for Hi' jiroportionofhum.nl happiness arejui us 1 happen to foci about the head .heart and stomach. , Metaphorically speaLinjr, I am a toy thing oi time, played for a ihort period and Uien east among rubbislv, a fool ball of fate, kicked about (ill I burst, and am no longer worthy even of a kick;i wind mill cf excitement, ifiat moTci with the popular bietie, but i still in a calm, and a correct thermometer, my mercury ri aing to summer heat by the warm rays of hope, and sinking to below Jero in Sht cold 8tmoii)htre of doubt, a mean allow candltylready burnt one third of! it wiy o the rocket, and every mo meet itntaojer ot being extinguished by the futleters of Death; an old boo, noiii by pilgiim, with a wooden leg, ever th rough road of existence, till t i a-it ht-r worth feeling, patching ix r pr rvit:g. In fact, my friends I don' n that I am cf any more um to the. u n:trr.e (considered as a whole) th-in a shovi I of poiidrette to a ten acie corn fit-Id. When 1 am !ead and gone, 1 a ha 1 1 be as a ihing that never hid been; and the children of posterity will pro bal ly shoot maibtes across my gravo,at unconscious of their sarriligous doingr as a pnrfel'of mice gnawing at the grea ay leaves of an old and faforitu family bible; ' Mrs StuitiUla't PchopI The school taught in Squibujwn, by Mis lie'. lena Juliana Augusta Irene Splizfizrle, i conducted on the purest principles of maid enly modesty and delicacy. ' Mis Susan Sniffla, spell shawl ' B li o r lahawl No 'taiti't right S-h o I. No, try ajalo Sh-orel Lai do, that ain't right. Susan, whai "do you put round your neik? My beadj, marn. S hat else? My new lace cane, mam I'ehaw! D.d you go lo church last tiight? Yea mam Well, nov, what did yon hae rn;mi your reck, besides the cap and beads, jun before you starteui 0 (.til me, 1 enn'l tell Silly child. Recollect now, for yoi muei tell 1 am afeered'to, mam Afraid to What nmiiicnse Tell it rigli' out Miss, or I will "gie you tdapR mark Well, thenj Jim Smith, the carpeniei mans arm, but it was only onre (iood gtacious, lordy me! Why il rhil.l is ruii.ed. 0, h P,d I tier lieai tle like Go right into trie clout l, Miaf Susan Snifile this tninute LluttkVy of a Jcw'i Constitute. What do )ou axe for that coal' s-ixl an Iriahman to a J-W on M.iin street esterda) oa he flirted Up the Us of a calico cim wIiokc texture you iniht in all pnihhili.' have darleil draw ihniuuh rlicap and n- s- ly iike the People thea re, 'V-.i yr.u vanl to buy l;it rrnt, liTt.e it f'T tl'CH ilulliir. fr!' vnu '4' fiir': Three tl dlark! re fargera, I 'foi hu them fi -r le ni'r hat on Uail.ua mrei.t Veil p n in in, I e' pin cheap r in-r nn; store in city, by got; now ai' ill y-n give foi em I sell it lo you for two dollar and a half not a dam cent leas, so help me gni' Ce dad 1 shan't give lhal for it, I'll give ye a dollar and hall and Dot a d d cem wore Well dat ih too bad by got to expect roe to sell you a rote votjf cat me two doilm and hall ia New York by the esse for oi.e del lar and a half lif h ton bad Well by my troth if yees can't sell ii foi that 1 thH take it ot aU' 'Sro. 1 iell it for two dollarnot a ii u cen loa o help nie g"t- De'la l n roth !timip will j e gtt foi l!:f.r a dull ir am! a hdf Ui.hjp hack, you shall lake it for fin end seveniy fi-! 'av le iloliar nnd a half' Veil Jlnke it Mong by got it is to, cheap, J coMnie;t it tc tobody else f' ist pti6;:w help aa so' 1 MAGAZIXK FOll 1845. GnItAM'.l MOAZINrhiltia enjoyed ' ih.i envinhlo ri'uliUion of lieing llio pe ri. nmul in ilic U. tiuili in th quality ami iium tt dl'im viuatillitlimania, and in tlis lnt of iu lii- .rury iimtter. It ta ilia il-H)et hi Well a tbo lient 1' iir ih vtHr Itstl tli puliLahiir hat f,ien about 100 iniuf ni"i oiiainal matter ttiini any of hi cv ipnijioiaripi inoia nri(;iiul (! engraving, in ad- mum to IiihIiiuii plate ami clreU o.)wera. J lie 'tiMiine ami merit of a thivp-ilollarmuguinaiiirer nil ntln m ie rent, which has mads an outlay ..I' Seven Tliniiaiid Dullara greaiar than othe rt.ami in a.lilitiuti l iiruviiiiover utlier magaaine that wuuKl eiiiliclli.h rlx cosllieHt Annual. 1'hs pul liilw it buwovvr ititiej that nothing but rial a iriea can maintain th high position hit iwiotli- cl Im attained iu th United Statu, The publiaber doe nut betital to say that he iltflea all competition with U auaui's fnugnzina for 1 8 S 5. Ilia itnmaiiR tubtcription hat, the merit an J number of hit contribute, th high order of the engrvi tngaeil, tha.naniber and vaiiaty of eieani piaiet aneaoy pu'cunteu tun on muu, nu ilieimnitoee fjcility nuicll hit tapil.it and potition give U profoi-uie ttia, work lender any effoit t n vdl matter of ridicule. Mar? nui'uher of the tvoik iMiieJ, lenrt witn it th "idem e ol ita tri. umphant tncceM, and eetabliahc the imiHiimibility of iucc nful coiniietilit'ii, iinpiuv and extend for rooiI wmlc, that i.'uUiuig of humbug or dm will b lolerutcd. Every numner of Qraham'e Ma?iin it iaaucd at a Coat of nearly $4000 th platen alone conrmt. lug ilea' ly half ilia puhi ino.fl of the plntea ar f oin Oiijinnl Vincritaii lJj.ntiwjj, executed expreualy tbr-tlie proprietor, for enrving for the magazine. Among (he picturet painteJ for th volume for IA4S,atelwo by fully, the greatpat artiat, teveml by Leu lie, Chapman, Ininmi. Conaroe, Kotliermel, 1 uomon, and other cf tha beat artitts or Anion ce. The cont of getting up euibellithmenU in thi style may be estiniuted wltci. we state that torn of dieae picture cott $300 apioce, and will cott u soma of them three lime that turn to have them engraved and worked otf lor the tdition of 'Graham' Cut no coat alull be apared. to keep our proud potition at th kcad of th Periodical! ol the world. GRAIUM'd LE01NT EM5ELLISH MENT5. The mott splendid engraving of all sort lend iheir charm to the page of Graham' magasin. tivery thin in th way of novelty and beauty that liat ever been invited it laid under contribution. .Nothing that capital and I a at can aupply ia twit ted. Firat, at tha moat elegant and appropriate, a well at i ho moat popular nibclluhmeut, v place Sartain'a Urilliant .ttiwtiiit Kngraviug. V war the tint to iutroduteiliie beautiful ttyle of aork, at a regular inbellialimpnt of the populm monthlie.' Ita wido tpread rtputatioii thro' the uieii t of our amplulit, culled forth a host of huila lora, but up to tlii, time nothing hat been produced to rival the gloriout piituret given in Graham 'The Micpherd'e Love,' and '1 h Coquetto,' Ihc.ie with a hoet of othert, don for ua by Mr Sarlain, tlnnd 'oapreceilented and alone' at thi head of American enaraving. We hive tevera: of theaa inimitable plate under way, and thai! giv ona hi the January numl-f. TO POSTMASTEUS AND OrilEllS Th high merit of Graham'i ma?ntine eontiderer1 the plibliiher Sl iltert hitnaelf tht lh folloninj lib eral Uirnae will indue thuutaiid to (ubicrib. TO f'LUI3-. The follnwing prnpnua! are mJe-2 cop'.ea foi ii: 5 fr10; 8 for $13; 11 for f20. To lh Poitinnvta -, or other HTtoni forming a club, th l'riblisher will forward Move! for eve, 'ubacriber tent, that by varying the booka, a complete library may b obtaiued by any purton ii a short time. Singl Copiet. thre dollart per annum in ad vanee. nd to tha pert.m atnding the money, i copy of 'Itingwood the liover.' Heibe t'i p'i.i .ovfl and alao a rdpy of 'i'he Gain of Art an Beauty.' beautiful work for laJy'a Cento Table, caotaiuiiij thiiteon tplendid tM.url im mesotint Engrariiijt, fill I foiwiuded graii Add i ou0 CEORCn n. GRAHAM. N. 93 Choaiiiut Stioet l'ilailelphia. NOTICE IS harehv eiven tn the Auditors of Co luinbia couniv, (hat in acrord nice with lh pioviaion of an Art of the Generd Anem ilv passed the 15ih day of April, A. I) 1834, tbpy are herebv required to mett a die tJoniniij-aioners' Officn in Dnvillp, in the fiist Monday, to wit, the 0 h day i 7ar.uaty A. I'. 1845, lor ihe purpnae ol mi j'latir.g and aelllnu the piihlu: ucr uiima n lie Tre-.ourer and Couimiaioners of sal .ountv !or ihe Term 1814. By oider of the Commissioners, K. MRNDENIlAMa, Clttk. CuMm'm. Orricp. Dnille, ) Debeu.ber 20. 1641. List of Causes, Fr Trial nt Jaw ay Term 1813. 1 J.d ii V Ilarl pt id s Siiiiirl F Ueai ii M ill 2 Auii.etua P dlia et al vi l);iiivil &. I'mlfci ille I ,ii .int ( 'oTipnny 3 .Iii'oli l.eia iirinif el 1 lleniy Fit-b er Ail'n ci id 4 Muses Mm t r a (eoroe Ilar'Z' I eta 5 Uurion W Waplet vs Jidm F Mum et el 0 James Darrers Adin vs Samuel Drug ler 7 Samuel Cediles et al vs Jnaiuh Gal Iruith 8 Chillies Urtrnts rt al vs John Chester el al 9 John Fruit el al vs William Diddle tt a! 10 DviJ Berlins Adm vs Henry Pn.ith et al 11 Jif-ob Mar'z vs Jonae K rum 12 Silvia II Cr i(? vs O I P-per 13 Stephn M (Iilniore et al vs S-imui.l F Ile:.d.y Oliver l I'ipa-r et i-hS r, ( r Tbmi.aa C Lilia vs 'J I ml C .! fl fc V'..r,ln,,r'..fl; ft 11 ( 'I iriakf If) 10 . , i i iii lira ri ii V.' I I 1 I IT . . 1 1 a t t . lb rn'i A.'i'.lTts L.'-j.ft G K t!,!H ww.ainif wwm rr. p TFTTP'TT HIT. 17 r.S'i:("JTl. J.I. V inform the cilir.etit of Columbia county, and the public eriieinlly lu.l lie but luceted himaell in Uloonialiure vti Main ttreel oppnaite r1!, J'aul'a Church, nber be bat opened aliop, anil ia now reuily aiul prepaieo lo rm-nive eud execute nil w ork in hit line of huMiio-a,' with diNpaicli and ia a nuikmaiihkt niunuer, Clocks & Watches of the beat quality, run be hail at hit satabliahmciit on very reaouubl term1 . UEPAIKIX; & CLEAMXO will be done to the intiafeelion of the customer, ax well of Chx it and W atchet at of JowtUy, and he will, further, wariaut hitwuik to bo execute! in well at anv in tbit kectioii of the b'la'.e. 11 will alao uiak to order Sl'RVKYI.Vti COMPASSES or poiket, and in abort, will do all olherwoik tv ally done in a v. ell ict.iilaled reieclublc cIuIiIikI uieiit. lie lionet lv alrut allciilion lo lutii tf and a desie to plcai.0, to iceeoe a liberal ti re putronngi', ( ountiy J'loduee lekeli III puyuitn fur woik nt llic luaiki t pricm, DIooniKi urg. .ovtniber 15, 1811 -301 C7 32 A B . I ff a !a Y A 11 1) The subserihers have established at ihr above plare, a new MJIIUiLE Y.llll), ml will always be ready, at the ahoricai ooiiee, lo lurniMi to order, MONUMENTS, TOME- TABLES, TOMBS TONES, HE All Til- JAMBS, MANTLES TAINT STONES, MULL EES, lu. nr any other work in their line, They tt also prepared to fumisi WINDOW CAI and SILLS, )OOK SILLS and STKPS. Sic, either of .Ma. hie, Lime or any kind oi none that can he procured in tin vicinity. T7lIaving had ronuiilcrable experience in the business, they pledge) iheir work to he executed in as handsome a style i'S ran lie furnished from any yard either in ihe city or country; and on as reasonable terms, ARMSTRONG Si HUGHES, nioomaburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 'J8 Chair Manufactory, Til Ii subscriber coniiiiuea lo tarty on ' CHAIR M N U FA C TORI N G lusinesa at the old siand of IS- ii S. life in 'nich, where he will bo ready at all lime to. furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, ftd ;ees, ilostoii Uockino Chairs tfec, of every lescription, which may be eallcd for, at diort notice and on the most reasonable erms. He will alro execute Iloiiae, Sign Ornamental Pointing, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From bia expe.ionce in Ihe business ami lis facilities of nianufaclurili the various iriicles of his line, he llaiter Wuue.c '. tlmt 'ie shall bo abie tofurriiah as good work, mil upon as reasonable terms as can I c lone in the coiint:y, all of which he will liiooMi of fur CASH or CO U.N TRY PKODUCK N. IJ. Orders from a-diflanre will h urieily si.d nunrttially niiPiulcd to. B IIACKNIJUCH. Hloomsl ii rp, Dec 30, 1813 Iirasf'a n innij do(7, Uiit lloldl !l is better. THK undrrsined would r?lurn Iiih nincr-,-, mil bumble thanba- to the vi.?. r,n of ljiuotuclniii ind vit tally, lor the favors thin lar Uvonvid uptn liui, and v.oi.Id -till fur'I.er bk'k a rouinii.nii-e ol he o-tiiie, o luiitf onlv on eati: laciion is ri.-i.tlruil Tc vvoi.!d not t...y, r'')),." ;;iic f.ii'f nil, tut cctrx ih many it eonveiiii nlly can. Aeithtr v. mild In ironiKC, (as olliei b huve.) to do hi t w.ok bettci ban can be done in any oilier hop in the plnt r Hit in khorl, he would lieitlirr 1. 11:7 nor l.a'.ier. bin lefy any one who does hr.ii; to do wotk neater l'...r 10 does, ill all cases, lie has n'ro l.iti! nceivi. he bit VLAV VORK & P?IL I2:!.- Piii.v i'asj;io:i. with which be i prepurcil lo tin work Fit lilonnl !, and neat, and will i;u,iriiiiti e ;:oi :d lit nt all liu i or anv vnu who ir) favor him wi.h a cull. Ilia i-hop is nt the old stand on iipitd bv bin lor a number ol veurs Ami the b ti h ctiinit v.P; e found out at nil timet. At lo aii tc be v. ir.lu-. to be under tood ihnt he hituuU to do wo.k lot-. n any of bin neih! oi m i ! u i;. ual, -l l.irda ( otiiitrv produce taktu iu cxihane lor v.otk cjei;. it Ills shop. Tinrc.xAnmTLi.T. L'loiirr.burg, October 11, 164-155. To the ritbtir , TUT. fubrcril.rr drsiron:' ol cjuiiii jr 'nm hi-sa lenuc k(f nil t",i fe iii ll.iitl U t.llt, t nke pav menl iii niriii ill !. . The IoIIm iti" ohks will be paid (oi PRODUCE in extharpe f.-r in. STOCK OFCOOSiS in hnnd. , GOOD WHEAT fJ prr bialtl. RYE ..' cis. COUN .? and O cs. o. i s 25 pl" FLAX bl KD $1 25 l-rTtLioda si M 111 t-o for Ihe vit:. ut t;o iu .'it wn a:U-r -ii.t t'aic E. 11. '.: Eepl 6 IE IL , ; . : note NO i ICR I T't T 1 1 1" U K A N , t be 1. nd,. -vier j V'V In V.'iliii.n Milleniy, 1 j. Is 1 4. fliv lioil.it paviihie ncd ea-e hi tVc.voiiiber Is 14. f Ilv ,i.iii.t: luivitM m monttn from d.it . f 'f i! 1- l opr. vern.-nl upon aceiiain p!ee or tit , fjir.il. Mi.il huvinsr m.i nn . luinid tbji .Mi7enrr hi I r.o t '!e to the fjp . I (lie.ef..re I 1 ic ' li ltl H ;ff.'i(,:iat n to 1 i-...!-..,e u"!c I )!. r.5.i i pay 11 uin !-. 1 -1 i-y s v.v. 1 ;v-e' 1 f 'THE TAMIL V NGW.SPAP EI" ad rintiiDi: fuilxd. Itcnliul la Politics and Ittl!;!oi. Now ii the very iiiik of time to iul.tiiLi fur the New I cor 1 8-15- Tim vuitAVKhr va SATUIIDAYCOUIS B Ml IVilh the largest Subscription Lhl in the If'ord. TO NEW-NUIlSORIBflRS Tor the purposn of fieililiiling the furniatinn ol Clu a, ol maw or old euharriucr nut lit urnun,t ulfeiblho following F.X T R A 0 It I ) 1 N A R Y INUUC K M K N IS. Thiee copies of the Satunliiy (.'ourioi, 1 J i itr, or cue eoiiy for thiee jeiua f Seven cnpie of the Watuidny (,'ouiicr, I year Twelve do Seventeen do Two do and 1 copy of silliT of the $3 ,f ngniiriCH Fivocopiea of ihe .S'atiiriliiyC'ourier, and 2 en- pica of cither of the J 3 Alnnzinea Fivo ropiea ol the fc-'ritordny ( !ourier,iind 1 co. iy of Fiual'i, new I'ictoiiul Hihtory of A lueriea, a f 5 book, (Ej-Iii fact, whatever oflVr i mude, by any other Fuinily Journul, at all tipprouetniig in vi orth.bcuuly or pictcutdoua, to the Suturday Courier, will be fur mailed by ua. The (.'oiiticr Las become an well and favorably known through a triumphantly popular count ol lourteen ycaia, that it would bn tupeifluous to any ;i.urh,(jii that aubjeci lure. Ve may remaili.how ever, ih.-t to the inthittry, tidu.t end cn'crprihc. a hu h have foi years kept rhio apir a liieht exein ilarforall its imitatoia, will constantly be aiblcil ilie produetionaol evevv available writer, ami con. tinned jmliiioun and literal expenditures will con tinually be nuido. es well in the. I.iurury nn the Ty. ;iigapliical tifj'Ui tij-e:.t. Our mean will olwayr enable ut to L iu advaiu-c of all olLe,s,ai:U we Mie!1 be so. Historfe of Modern Pcpn'Ucs. A new and important anii;;inoernfnt fr t'ifl corn- 'H3 year, in addition lo our alrcr.dy numeront pop ular featuret, will be I r.Oiiea rifOiidwacd IliHlo rics of 1bdm KcpuUi',fcy a fiveh nid vi iroui- writer' who will impait a world tf in .ir.rli.nt li structiiin to '.he riiiing gf.i.ei-aliuu, in lliia lit vvjatn- ant rtaimng Ko'noire u!' llijtory. Biographies and notices nf Einlin ouisifd Litem 1 and Scientific Men. Anions the intereslinj essayj and tl.tt. hee ol V'llue, which e ehall continue to pren nt in tin Couiicr.will be a lull and intcrcnt'ng art-junt of tl.c t(.-. piogreas. and present elovuled fte.nding of alt Iitt. Tictusieu limit, or the. rant ami J re cut, (nt home or abroad,) in all 1lcp31tn.cn! of Ait,!Scieiir .iterature, t.ile.ii.ian-liiii, roetry, Mechann e, rianling, Agriculture, rrintiivj, Merchandize, etc. . Thia i-rill be a very inteo htnir; leamre lor the Young. It wdlbe. a Jeparlincut of llio (louiiei, which it has ever boen our aim to reiu'i r of inrsti "nible value (u tl.oae for whom v. p it 1 1 to ihip rn ,'.'it"iit a we do for tha nuns M'M of our c.reat a:i i erovinj omilry. The Li vr. of 1 -itir rrruiit i! Men uie of unit h vjtuo lo tio;-e who nie yet fcnri- inu II. .'ir own i-linriu-tfTt.; ,tn" loo pmpf -f ol eu ict ing their pail, correctly, on tho Oicut Mnn o! Iluninn !,ilc. I i u ! .t) . we hope i!;.;t tlda 2?ep nvtinr ut of ll i' (oil.'i"r will be vonli l.iore (i neh ei..- l- eve. . Ml.'llv r h jve c.i;v nl '.'.lif i 'i'M to I ? Ii'.l III tbaii livo liiiies th. -eri tii :i lo l!if ir'n i.ui'i'.int v e ii.k lor a v.'.r ' sub- irilr.- Vuci: incident n, Einlinirs Uroun.h, -e., rf the other li'cuoliili.'ii i. Seme, B'tltlt n 11 ihitntui) ana a. I'lid'T (bin heaJ, which i,by tin1 w ny.rct at :i new m tut' I otint'1,1 weacill i'.i-.elill.T :'no in a; n; md i'ltereatinr; aec-eim'a wri i,.r,.-i!v !., m i,u !li..:trtec!) of dm hKliitn: in bl'-r!-! . iil.IVm tl-.b'.eil itirot'srh the il ply iiuj o.t '.i.t. : ty i die A" eri.'sn ifV.iin'i-!i, sA i f .'! mhe: i vo!i lit, ;s li.U W.I !' I' iM'd lc "1 !. '..! 1 -. a 1 ce r-e ir f".;:''M ol '-1'- 1 oli .1.. .li, ri 'i-, 'i'liin v. iii be f i'c:c-i tvr re-p.f.ot e. ,-Ai.-v -.icm!- r ol ai . ,.iy I il An 1 'llblie, w lit' liny tin o.c to ro tlinn. i'Im . it iiy t.t, a;.-o, t l'.-1H IT 1 rnui 1 he lav..:' ot ifi'iin.! Conriiv :-t ih.-ir 1'.. v.'.'LLAK To .1 oh.i!y. i!,e viwla i f 111. mt'y i ir i.... i't tihAl ii V. '."0 arillty tl a bciu r l.i: -v. 1. 1' ' . I lif ii, :ir 5viit isiid fi:i;n ri iili t;i-owin.; it) p-.11 J 1. o.talil f.-atures 1 1 1 r.r j u-l ex'-it'ioi:'1 ln.ll be ! u. uh'tti in inline 1 revent vivnl i.h Uocs 1 1 Ai.aciii-aii r,ilt s IcAviii- inoiiiii-in". 1 'In"-., nvri-', ciiv,' sieuerv . 1 tc. O.-r r'?;,ul ifrme He Tun ., i.V-w.n Tot 11 :c. v 1 I r..i tn, 11 re-u in i! knot 11! tl. ,- to be court :,' 'I I" niilv f. fjdii '.id I y thi V. 'i 1 "hC 1'll.lrli be the hivt, Ii ;t't,ii!c, th&t cp ei. .11 .1 r-i. i are 1 iu. 1 it tl.oi i- 1; ('1 n KM.nAvix'i r, i.ij.rf." aiil.jeetr.in iilll.ai ri'f.'n mid ri:'nii-. , i.n..i le for the family ci 1 . 10 ..! up, 1 11 r :ii r. 1 i'i r iiceee.-ion. tl I! 1 li J I Lb !v is ci :--laoly trnvern, tuo ttn'M. in h-ocii i i ioc wooi.t'iui antl )n.-!iut e. (; Annul " 1 t 1; 11 1 f 1 f;i-rti ics wrkly an iin norni'' rpuce. wi.'h nil iiiuttrra of iiitcrct f.t ! 1 ric.'' V 1,1't.rs tflht tlJ; Off tltmiiiiun Vt.r-c::ovJrtt, in Liverpool LoniTnp, lieland the KuM, e. I:i eii ue r ;, i.lai I cUiri'd of nil ."ubji'i'lmil fpeeiii! ii.tcit.. Oi.r Maiketi and I'ricc C'uircnt i :i I ini e nil ti c ::rlitft i,d ice in reference tn 'be prin m l" 11!! kindi f (irion. I'ro.hice, Ac , Ihe .t;Oe r I iStoi k .l!aril Moiiev jnd 1 aiitV. r.ntl c.ur et. ie:ive arrimrnicii'- will bucifter under cur lit it Cnrirnt r,f ine-rt. mjl le v;doe to 1 be Tiavelltr, I'uimir. r.i.d nil l!u sines t lasi-ca v. b. lf.rr. vm kix s, noi.rir.x. I'diiiirr Put! lipf, 07 ("i.esnut uticet, Fluid. AijuiNisrn.i tc a s n oth i: E'titt of Pldlip Dodder, lute of Orang tumlilp. diuaseJ. VVj iT;t'f. heiiby fiven lhal letters of admin 1. .ilK'tj, tii the aliove intmii ncd eotute,huvi Hten n-: te.l to the Biibsi ril.er levidiiis in tin t;i:.Vikip ,f Jt.Tiie. II Je.sioiiB indeblid to the r: itl " l:e aie ! ..'rely 10 tiJ-cl to uieko imir.edintf pnju er.l, tin .-. h:.tr. . I..iini are requested t. r.M r.t t, 10 j.o (.fily uo.l.i.;.l,.-a;ed foi btttlilnn lilori t!et':rt tf icv ler i.e;!. Jt.llM'AnivS ,A.'m Orange fp. Sept. 7, 1 & i 4 VU. 1. 1. AMIS ! ! I!1,.NKS ! ! -'-.1 1. c "if '.-.'.V.V V-' i.'; I.AnCiriJONPsnil j n t ri'iti.td and f r rile r.t It Itl . KEW GOOES. CO AVE jiiKt rccriM il. ai d me m.-.v c, I iiir.j; ii huge mid iieiihivo ar-koi ' ln ut nl j! l. Tt liiieei- niiilnble to the neaion, ron1-i.tir.5r of r.!l lh vatietirt ever kept in a eoutili v alnre Among their uaaoii- nn ut may be found the fodowing. Dry Goods. DroinhlolliH, of all eulma, nuaiitiea and piicon, (,'aniiiiern. Sattinelta, and variuiix other kinda of rlotlia. flannel Valoniia, ,Vaieillea.Mlk and olhei IS IvcHtiniiH. French tin! Kiiuti"U Mcriuoc, Honiha- 20:7.ine. I B"biOriub!c f alieoCK, lili-ll J.inera, ciiik, Cotton and I. men IJuiiokerci.icli, a variety olMii; and Cotton tSlorkinga, Cloviaand Aiufur Laden and ImiiIIciiioii, kid and bather glovca, blearhied and unbleached Mmdln, of alrnot every quality, Ticking and cvtherentton cherkn. elvet raps, l.a difHaml CliilcJien'ni.lioesof nil k:ni!n, Mhi'b thirl. and thin boota and lioea India Hul.her over hoe cotton yam, carj etyain, ramile wnk, cSic I,iiUOraol'all kinds, of the bcrt qo-ility .Moluwe i'uear ofvarmu quality. Colli e, TeaK,picepen and I'iah oil, courae and line .Salt, Cut. (ilea, Fo.li ESOCEK3Y. A large assortment rf Earthen Queen and Glassware, iviinli.w glusx rf all tizrs, Looking glosses, (c. Hardware. Case knives and forks, shoe knives Btttl3 and Faews of all sizes, Pad and diwr Lucks, Saddle Harness and Coach Tint' mir.gs, Saw AIM and llntidsawi, round, squure, and flat lar in n sheet iron, waggon lire, of all sizes, in Joel every thing in the indicate tine fn in a cambric needle vp to u hlackwiith's anvil. A!! cf which will be sold :n errhnnne forCAI! LL'.MUEK, and 01 .VI l;V I'htibl'CE ol kinds, on the nicsl rea.-oral Ic tern f. mm wc mviii our f.iei'ilK to call rnui e.uuiii;e kt lUuiM-lvca, t,v. '.), H'A 1 ' LJI w A.M H tw ' Vcfr j a the 1 rrri:t eprortutntv ol Q'-A evpiopina Im bin (hatikfukchi I, bin ti ii.Tiilti.aiir !!y. f..i il.e lib, ral p.i'n ue;;c hi r i" id, ii. fur, ns hi- fiictiilu ti u the lllii! he Mill COUlilllll .. !o IIIITVM id I bis , Cf'.aHi. hid i-tiind,' nt, or p,..:i,C fi. ! here!"!' tt oblie in ;:i'!;ri ! isli'ove blifil !iC eor.ur c! ." in a d r.- 1 1 1 i;t lo ol piii.be 1 ; t t-liei'Oi, v.-here be biliii ir-fi. lo ru-iivt 1 .'1.1 lif; 11 ) Dor ic I'ri I loir :I'.C f.'l ,1.', in i II I t'l l . V ..IO li'P Li I't el hi. f K N I' ( U l .oil his v, far 11.01 e i'v t.r, 1! .fFi..ls f'.rr in 1 r .li iii;i!. wiil Pi t ran we:,',, i ii, . ,-'ri-...- hi.-' v i.i ' I'd in ihe Iu'.' H '. : n a '."rd ti: in i.e v V 1 e .:.!i tl. ,'l.a t. I I.I . li.a. : -biln; will 11 Li'. Ui.u A. IJ. (.'h.lH.f ! 1 I " ,:!idr. ,.f rr.linlij '1 onre o k. lit 1 . -;i -. 1. 1 1. Pres. l.h.,.;i.f.l,iiro, f v. J. 1 a!c 13 nut n'.e "1: es. I:, I,. 11 iu ejc'.idi ge ! l -!.!). Scm i-U eeh'tj dot ing the ISfiil.ll tl tie Le" isat hre at lUO Ij(J. ii Jt . The rcmoi rulic T'ldi.n w ill, a, ttrt.al, !c n! I'lad tw ice a t ec-!. .'urira the 1 orn;i.' ir!,ui ,e l.ri-hiluip. ii. we ( 11. l;nn e 1111 eiuly oriiirio . 1 11. 1. . ml it to 'I t t.ior ol il.e 1. ridir $ 1 i.blic - ,t I'lin p. on-- or c ei'.e i,i.,i be lilnO to in pin t . It en.cn. lis 1.1. lilll. ;-t nuil vif tor. An. 1 11. d to.rect irport el lb .1 ci 1 b. .i t. pt :! er v ith .11 public i.ntl inipi.rti.nt "fret nips ol Il.e tw. i l.i U hi s el ibe ik'l j'rp ( 1 ;ui rlioiiR, w ill ! e fivni I I, ft mi-cki'i run eia 1.1 rv ot tbi.t I urpr.re. 'i he i:.' Il .viliR bini e.,.d;:e ulii 11 t'f litw ir I Tiinisiratior.rj, M.ite 111 ,tl .'Mi!i n.a!;and tile i!i:v bipi' in. nt ot li t1 nirr, -nr. f th. v 111.1v propose to tin iiiiilry. vtiil renilei the ii.n.iii); winter o.'.l ef l.n nc.al out 'ii inl . (Vt. I VrM'W- diviroua of obtatnii.c ilic iiud e.nlv inteili;:t tn-c Mill utwiiy. f.i.tl in lln iJe'riiirratie l.niori a "l;ue and h( nei-t ihionivle.' To Attorneyri, JuiL'fa, Ji.ttiee of ihe i'eai-e. anil "iil.lic oilier ra genera!!' , it will bo invalcubie, ur li.it.n t Tf.uttc oil the MATt; ll.lA'llAf. .ml ti:e LA W'S of a p.ibiic and permul future an pi.l.Ii -bnl in it iniu.cilintvly niter tlietr pjK'eae.ani' lly Ibrte ir.cl.ibi i t loic icc.ulyatt U oi jan:lilr: 0.1:1. To inerea'c our f.;filiiic for tl t rrr?t prompi prinlinii, we are m w xe.i.tieii 1 1 nl ii i i !!ilic 1 iii Ihe I I l l'C er:;c. fv be i.iu til '.TUM a Inn.' m mi.!..' i... li. r to ll.fc ' u': h lite I riiy. A iu.ps 1 1 al.lo uricsi i ndents hate been re. loved at V a-liu.Kton (. ity, who will Lien nor ..dtn cot stiiullv iipri.td oleventg truiepiiiin; a: .c feat ef tha :'uiioi al (ioveinn.riit. 'i'l'KMsJ. P.r the whole venr. fS of 'or the o-don only, (twice a week.) 2 Cf Any pen-mi HCiidiiu; i;sli mil'MTibe-ri for the e -ion, a. 1 onipanii'd by ten oliara, rwivr a ec.y gralii lor hii l.t'lible. J'avtienN may K totli'mitled by r. ..it, ast-l tl.s eif )iw:m re I'ernu'iet! a trai l. !i,lVre.-nl.m-, n.en-r. tor rewr. ' miUr.-i.ituo.--. bh- ioAC C. LIT. L C?. (4 v r - . o .V jC "3 !: v b A r G jr. . . i. c - - Z 0 c- 1 on 11 J :' I .iwtoj., ,11 i.,e hi. iiinrli: e.lea'ii (')iii(hi ; a cwci t I 11 alb; 1111 itching, pimp!' -ptiln 1111 the iliu; 110 pilea; 110 buili'ni; beat 1 any purl of the body ; no rx csive ibirat when expiMed to lai or or olber known i iiiiti ; no i ruplinn to any natuial evacuation, nor pain at piiioiucHi return. here the kialc of the f : 1-I1 m di ea lint bur.: i?.c with the ahovo pit lure ut health, it in i l (SieatiKl importance thul 1.0 time le bit 111 in. for a doctor, or in the one of loolith 11 medics often the rcullof speculation; int ti nd i f tliirieo te a tW of IMIAM.hLTh'iS I'll. I. S Ic ul which will not deceive, but will at om-e rent' " lieallli lo the ori;an or part th it required it. s All who wi.h to .reserve their health, ell v?K are determined to dch tid their life agf.int the en rriiacblnentaof dihcaso which lnii;bt tend llieui pre maturely to the irrave. w ill, w ithoi l hesitation, hate reeoursc to the irandrrth Fills, when the Hliitci ihn riv. tern doea not bninionUe with ibe above pn tuie of health. Thine w ho live in a country where rnntnghius r u:her ilheascs prevail, Mmiild 11 : n ibil.k of thi. rue picture of health, and obiCive tiimvelf with f ., 1 -ii'idir attention, in ordir lo act oeeonliiifily. 'J l o fiseand ritihtly diredid w ill folinw this idvict; ho unwioc a.e lfl lo their cvu i!i stual on. ACT, N T N. Wah!nj;ton Holeit M'K. v. Je.keytown L. fc A. T. titel. Danvide 1'. I!. lit nob's tV Co. Cattawiasa f". G. lirolrt. Bloouiibiirir J. 1(. Miner. Limeeloiic llabl.it 5j ,i'.ine!i, liurkiiorn ,V. G. M.ceio iker. Lime Ridre Andre & .h'iller lerwick J W Milca May 4, 18112. KAIIiG, PXZKE.:"&c7 S he tSlo: ir'rLiii ll. li. I ( J&JiLl. keep conataiilly en hand, a large us- sorinicni 01 VAILS, SPIKfiS- AND IIJOX- which they w ill -ell by WIJOLFSA I K ami hi". FAIL, ai'd on ts gcvif tfimn h 11. t r.rlhlf cttii tie ftfulurf iimrhn-til. Meuhants and itheiri, may tind il lo their interest lo tall. ;M1 kinds of grain received in payment. JOMJl'li I'A.V'FOA, ratsmrxT i h:ur .Tlairaiaifcry. f",!II. tubscriher havinir fP-tabli.-l;rd e .V.'H H 1 11.11 It .T.'..V.C lliltV 011 .Vain- -tied, mar the residence of L. IL Mau-i, lie i now repaied to fm iii.-Ii t nana of t very !rri (ten. 011 1, uooil I. mm an they can 1 c pi.rcl.H.-.uu cImv.!.i;c 1 the couuiy. WOOD TL'KMNG, "iticli as Bed Posts, U'ai'gan lose Hocks, &c. IGN, OKXAMKNTAL S,- HOUi-lJ PA I. TING. Also HOUSE PAPElNG. I'hia lallrr branch, Irom Ida experience, he hetievivi us uan do a little better ban any other 1 erson in thia section. trri'OPLAR PLANK will ba taken in nay meni ai tue nigitcai. .t.ei price bAMl'LL LACLNDrcir B!oonisburg. ,!u.y 4, 161 TIa:t'i rull SjN'm C';i! loo .tis:r- It is now n ai Inwwlrgedfirt, thai tbn V f":i'M l Ihe onlv trim ne. b.'ih 1'i.r tiit UUYMU slid M.LLKI'. .r i;::i.'i:ivk;; urn sKCti.M) snn,K i THIS StlA.VOiX. HV T L I. -ue been ver.a! p. ; i.l.i il v ': ?el!;tnr r.on.1, on the VA'i'f since la.-t Ai.r'.i. and in. on;. tl; all vnu t'u'e givu. u.-i n .'J.l ami ci; 101 tl.r lIU 10 thi ic rUr.,ou..' .re;ti'. ?.:.(l (; c in.lrci..-i' ,jv h. indiu t 1I.1111 to ii viie :1 e en.it rs ol il.e Columbia 1'tn.tfta. to a trtai 0: ita "CI flit. Our stock of fb oih- ennil5 rf all l!evjir.y rf DRV GOODS, GlMK'KinKS, Ql'KK.NSWARi:, IIAUI)WAl;i:. LOOis. suoKs. hats, su !K kept iii a eountiy siore. All of which have lien pmchnrrd in Nrw Yo. k nd M.ila.Wpbia, fnr the ('AMI OM.V. Hy l.is n eai s, we .n y for no nii'.n't, pt idtbt.t ecr i.vn, and we AK no aiV.ilioi.al p'tf.l in rn nur Lhlomeiti lo I ny I ad debit; ibu I uvnt 111. I,.tes, ve CAN M.LL at MAI.L AlA A.Nf lis, ,! WE HO IT, too, I cyc.iid all quihiiou, a.s every oily knoyts who have liupbt tf is. Our flora i,-in Ibe Ll.lt 'K IltTLT'LNX.r.l the urner -f Mill IStreet. and the Hlooin.bur read, :'.. 'i-ite .Mr. A. Montnocer) a Stone Uou.-e. 1'. e M.vit,. Lyjuiy 1't ii.j;,- 10 call and tea our .nods. Wo arc not afraid to shew il.em. KrFSKL L GUI Ell Danville July 4 1M4. lTmp4 V A fall I O S A It J. E T A I LO K I .TG. Come one, commit, give mc a call ! TUP, subscriber return bis sincere llianl for ti c liberal patronage heretofore brMowrd iponlnui, and lirpes lor a continuance pf Ihe.uii e Mth an i irrra.-e dim the n.erit 1 f l.i bbep. 0 in. 1 III!,. sj ai.ii)! in ill tr ::n ,.r laiicrto render iilisbic!:. 11 111 im.v 1 11 1 .. vt 1!! wioiri I i .1 ne wiiii lale 111. d 'i-..b;'ity.AM a; :ri i i N 1.1: 1 om: ;n ax v ii;is n. ait:. uc late r, poll of IVhions. fiom N'KA I'l l! 'I li,. C Vl'ilEUHioV IX ilt reef n eU Aliuiany, 'ililani li hia. whit ll rnii be m i II at l.is rlion ui ,, ime. ty which he ii enabled to rut ncronlii c il. he 1 1 est style, or to oider. Hi nriitt a.e In eioir.'onre U the tune. AU kinds of r, ur.trv iirNiuc Ukrn in pnrmrtit for work at market X very rrtmrtlli dirfcount f,r w h. V. A LEIDV. .V. D. PoMma 4nnt velih the preatfst ttrn.trA '. "hi fhortettiiotie. P L lil-e-c !-ijvgf0et.. lt .5