The IVmi 'it )VorkExncdiHmts ''Business, Tho lljfflmnro American has Iho following pn rora respecting ui biisiiis transaction by means of I he fciW mneHc I oU giaph. "List eventnu , Msr8 Tarpon & tPieslon. hooks" Hern, whoso establish .moot tiiljiiins lite LVec ni'.M m lie I el eciujili (Jllii'K wirf fl'keil by a prison i N' i m uton , (liruiit!.ll llio Tdi'r aph , u puce of bo iks, A'l .niwar w.i(- rciiifiieil in a few niliiu'es, which proved it f4cory . An order for llu hooks wis ihe resnl'jim! Ihey were cle patched by t ho train of ctr.t which left Ihonn after for Va.shioitoii. All I hit, dune in the space of a few mi miles', with a- much accuracy and triiisf clioi lo thi puichaset us if he. had been pies cut." . j Well may it be mimed as a curious fad j that there is no English pronouncing die nonary, compiled by an Enj'lijhmaii. Sie pheii Junes was a Welshinnn, Sheridan ; an Irishman, and Walker whs a Scotch man. The oilier dictionaries aro confined more parlicuhrly lo the origin and meaning of words. It is especially grsitilyiiig lo see that the rrieal dictionary of nut ,ruat conn tryman, Noah Webster, is becoming i standard in England. I'itoi'inrnc Eiutaimi. 7fler Mr. Clay had made his fiuice iiml iinexpec' ed attack on the lion. John M. N (Connecticut, three years auo, the hii'e ten tleuian closed his reply with t he fol lowing words, which lm declared woultl hi! the epitaph an Clay' political i;r.ive ifier 18M. "Here lies Henry Clay, of Kcnlticlo, Ihe four Umrs defeated can didate fur ihe Piesidencv !" SHOCKING. The Divcnpoil (Iowa) G i.etle,of thi 1 Gill till, 'last U'cdnrsdy week some villan or villans mixed arsenir with the feed of the cattle belonging l Mr. Wii'fii-ld, of Rockingham county. in consi qiicnee of "Inch .".even (im head weiu killed. They al.o killei I wo fine horses.' MARRIED On the 1 0 h insi. In the Rev. I. Hihl.Mr, OimitoR Mjm,i:h of Centre town.i'nipj'o Miss Ann Wolf of M film township. D1FJD In Catawifsi town.- ip, O' Friday, the Glh insi., afttr a painfti jil i. pes. Mrs. brace 1J vrs. nnmin John T. Divii, Esq , aed 78 ye.n?. 15i.ooMSBi.Mto, Dee. 28, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Cloverseed, 1'MiXseed, linl'er, Oats, Tallow Dried Apples, White en ns 15ceswax IS M. 75 15 '0 I 50 1 25 12 i 25 8 10 7 SO 50 Mi) Register's Notice. NO TICK i hereby given to all legatees creditors and other persons interested in the. state of the respective decedents' ami minors, that the administration ami guardian iiecounis of said e-Uile, have hcen IHetl li 4 itm odice nf ihe eniiniv of Columbia, am' will be presented for confirmation and al lowanee to the Orphans' Conn, to lie held at Danville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Thursday; ihe 23d day of January noxi nt 2 a' clock. '. 1 The aceonnl of Ssnuifl Menges, ml mi isimior of the estate of John Rolienhold laic of liMiieiono township; dee'd. 2 The final account of David Masters hue guardian of Russel IVAnimrona'ono ol the children of Jnseph Armstrong dec 0, CHARLES CONNOR. Urghlcr Omen Danville, Dee, 21, 1811! 3tiETTINCro PROPOSELS will bo teccived by issioncrs of Oc.lonibia county the in 4hn house of Jacob Deniott Esq., in Midi townsbin. nn Friday the 17di day ol Tuinnrv next, between llio bours of 10 A M. anil 2 P. M. of said day; for building Ttrit1o. over Lttlc I'lsliing creek; near Robert Moni,'onier ' saw mill; in said Township, id I'm lollowjni; (lescriplton. Stoiio Abuliucnls 10 feci bijl) from low water rnstU. 18 Icet lorif!i up and down the rok, 4 feel ibtck al thu lop and 0 feot libel; al ibtt boiioui. . Winu walls on the north sine, to bo 20 feel inni! incudint; Abutments: and on tlu soillh suit to be 15 feci long, ttm aopcreiruc lion lo be a wooden arch Bridge 80 leel ihe Ahutmcnle. iiv order of tbo Cnmmisslonera. E, MENDENHALL, Clerk. CojiMisBiQNr-Hs Omen. Danville Dec, 25-1841 SHERIFF SALES. Ry virtue of a venditioni exponas, to me diteclod, will bo exposed to public sale, til Iho conn liuuse in Danville, on Salurda ihe lHth day of January next, at It) o'clock A. ol. the lollnwiiig properly, lo wit. A eerlain tract ol laud situated in l)err township, Cduinbu county, ooutauiiiii; 1 Aciees9 nnre or less, iiiljiiinini! latidi of Stephen Urearly and Daniel ihisst'liiiail. Seized and taken in and lo be sold an the iioperiy of William Boyd. ALSO, A eerlain tract of land, situato in Dcrry township, Columbii eoiruy, contaiuiu;; one iiinureu ami iwmiiy-iuuu acres, more or ess, about one hundred acred of which is cleared lahd, MiliDiiiini! lands of Stephen Kills, James Johnson, I'hailes Mclveu ami Jiune Glenn, whereon is elected a mil an APPLE ORCHARD. Seized taken in execution ami to be sold is the propei ty of Jonathan Lodge. ALSO, All the rii'lil title and interest of tho de femlunt in a certain one story Frame lluusi i it it lot ol ground, situate in Roaring eieek township, Columbia couiiiy, bounded by lands of Jacob darner, deceased, and tin main road luaditig from Outlaw issa to Potts Villi). Seized taken in execution, and lo be sole as the property ol Moca Ma). ALSO, A err tain lot of ernuinl siluale in tin town of llluomsbur;;, Columbia count Ironlinix on third sircet ol .i til town, ;m joining lot no. 71, on tlie noilli east, pine alley on ibo norti west, West street on t ninth west, and numbered in ihe plan ol !:iid lown no. Vi, being one town lot. -I'liiro is elected on the premises a two sto ry frame DWELLING HOUSE, a one story COOPER SHOP, now uceupfd as a dwelling lioiiie, with .be appurtenances. Seized taken in execution, and to bo soli! is tho property of William Kelly. ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate, in the ilhiiQ of OrJiigeville, foiilateing one hall in acre. hereon is erected two FRAME HOUSES and one FRAME STABLE l ing on main street, numbered in the plan uf said town, and adjoining lands of Isa.u Kline and oihers. Seized taken in execution, and to be solo is the properly of Charles M'lMiernui. RM DERR, Sheriff. Siii:uiri-'s Omen, Danvillu, ? n. 181-1 S ALSO. - Bv virtue of a levari facia lo me direclcd will 'on exposed lo public sale a the saun nine and place. A certain one story and a half plank nnt-D, siluale in the township of Hemlock. Columbia cminlv, o:i Hie soiiinern siou oi leading Iroin Bloi lo Jersey lown, near inn niiriiiiuiii hii-ulvuuhh u twenty feet in I root, on the road sulu nfore iaid, twenty live lecl ill ilepin, aim mo mi or piece ol grnnnii iV, curiio ''it1"1"'"" to the said I'udiliuu. Imtindi d on ihe wen bv a lot uf Daniel Neialnri.Son the soillh ny lauds of Julio Mi-Reynolds, and Ihe eas- iv land or Valium uee. Seized taken in execution and lo be soli' the propei ty of John W ilson 1 RA M DERR, Shvlff. SiiijuiI't's Omen, Dam die, Dec, 20, 1811. PE0CLAXOJTX01T. WHFKF.AS, Ihe Hon. .Iosm'II li. Am-iiom President of the Court of Oyer nnd Tcr, miner and Geliernl Jail Delivery, Court, of Quartir Sessions of the Court of Commoii Pleas anil Orphnns' Court iu Ihe eighth judicial district, i (imposed of tlie conulies of iSorlhliinbcrlanc f'uion, Cnliunbia and Lycoming; mm ine nor William Donaldntn nnd ncc,e Muck, lis- iuiies, Associate Judges iu (Columbia cnunty.havi issued their prcepl beaming dato tho I'Cth Jay ol Nov. in the vcar of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and foriy-four .and to ine directed.for holding Jl Court of Oner and Icrminer, and Gen cral .tail JJclwrrit, uenerui uarivr '.. . i r ... Session of the I'cace, Common I'lcai mid Omhaii'a Court, rrvr TlANVII.l.n. in tho Countv of Columbia, on the third Monday of Jan. ioxt, ibcing die 201h Javl and to continue ono weeks : iNotico is lliercforo hereby given to tun Coroner. Iho Justices of tho I'cace, nnd ton shil.les.if thu said countv of Columbia. tha lhe bo then and theie iu llieir proper persons, at 10 o'clock iu Ihe forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and ntlier remcmiiranccs, 10 those things which to their ollices appertain lo And thoso that nro bound by recogni zances, to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or mv bo in the Jail of said county of Columbia, are to do then and there to prosccuto againU them ns shall bo just, Jurors aro requested 10 no jiuuo uml In ibi lratiendnnee. nerceablv to llieir notice?, ii i ... ii,.n.,iiu ii, mil uay oi i;cc.uiu oi tno independence oi mo uiiutu of America. HUM DERR Slulff, Sitr.nirr's Orrics, Panville Dec. 20. 18U tho yciirofoilr Lord one thousand eighted it advisable to change ihe lim hundred and forly-four anil in tbo 08 yeur pl)Url, Wednesday, being the NOTICE. All persons Indebted to the subscribers. on note, bnnk account ur otherwise olovci me teats standing, pro requesled to call and settlo the same in Cash or Gram, on or be ore ihe 1st day of February next, Tlwsr itgh-oiiiig this niuice, may expect in pa) 'list .tit wo are determined to havu our ulo iitisinesa settled. WM. M'KHLV Y Si Co. Uloonisbtirg, Dec, 28 1811, A FARM TO' RENT. THE Farm on which ihe I ale Conrad lless resided sinaled on Big Flsliliie ereek. in Sunarloal'.will be rented, lot ONIi YliAR from ihe first ol April next, Said Farm contains about 150 ACRES, ibotit 75 lim'er imptuvemeiii, with a good FJlllM HOUSE AND upon the nremisrs. Couditiona maili knosvn upi n applications tc W.M IIHSS, Executor Sugarloaf, Dee, 27, 181 1. PAMELA MEDICINES. J.IVXE'S 1M1R TONIC. This Hair Tunic hns wroiluccil lientilifttl New tluir in Iho licuU uf lililiilred ulio bad liccn ball) lur years It sitsu iiurilles llic from iJamlnill t.'llies iliea'.cs of tho t-rnlj Privcm-s llio liui) Iruin i.iluiignli nr liscdinmi; pei 111,1 lien I ly gniy .MVA'Jl'S CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS n eertaifi, safe mid vfloctunl rcmcily fur I)yn cnlrry, Uiarihiun or luo'cncss, cholera iiiorlim.snm mer cnnqilainl, colic; nriiiin" pain; i-onr stomacli -ick anil nervous lirail.ulit liearltiurn, watcrlirasli pain or fiU:l;iiLT3 or the stnmnch; vniiuuiiu'; spitling up ol lijoi) alter eating ami h!m where it m-t-cs mrnugii the lio ly unchangcil ; want ol appetite ; restlessness and inability to bleep; worn! in Iho sto. much and bowels; cramp; uervom tremors ami twitching--; seasick ne.s; iainlinc, melancholy and luwiics of spintM, fretting uml crying of infants aim laroll liowcl iiltcctious anil nervous .liscascs Dr. .UIWE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE Which is pcrfictly safo und so plcauajit that clnlilrcn will not reluse to take it- It ellcctuully .leslroys worms: neutralizes acidity or sourness of the stomach; appetite and nets us a gene ral uml permanent Tonic anil is therefore exceed inglv licuclicial in m'crinilteut aiHlltcuiillcul levers anil iiiiligentinii; c uiul is a certain and perinaiicnt cine lor t;ie low unit ague. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. i hev may lie inKen al all limes anil in most disc ises In Infla uiinaiory, intermit l int. Remittent, Bilious, and every other form of Fever Jauridieu and Liver 'loin plaint, t'or uyspepsia iliey are reajly an invaluable artii le. gradually changing the Ailialed seiTctiom; of ihe stomacii and livei. frttrrt H ' JnVg t f r JV ti n-".uiliilii f ir disea-i s ol the Skin, and fur what is c 'iiiinonlv called 'Impurity ol the blood; i) lur Female Complaints, Oosiivenesf ttc and in lad eveiy where an Apar'unt, Alterative, or I'tirgative Meiliciiu may he requiied JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthma two or threi large doses Mill cure the Ciuup or Hives ol Children, in Irom liltten iiiinulcs to an hours lime. It immediately subdtus tin violence of Hooping Cough, aful ellccts t. iccdv cure, lltinilreds who have beci "iven up by their physicians as incurrabli nh Unnsiimplion, liavt ucen resioicu u peifci I health, by il. In fad. as a rcinnty in I'nlinnnary wis eases, no nieiliciiio lias ever noiaiiieu iiijlhi r.or more diserved repulalion. fiCT'Thc above Medicine are all for salt .nth.; store of JOHN R. .MO YER. Bloomsbtirg. C1KCULAU- Till''. Trmnerancc Associations ol Pennsylvania, of ovcry dfscriptioii, an hereby uoiilicd, that, in iursuaiico of tin following resolution, adopted al the Stah Convention, held at Ilarrishtng. in J.iutiai Inst, a Stalo Tt'iuncraiicf! Convention will iiain bo held nt linrrUhurg, on lln FOURTH WEDNESDAY, being Hit Wd day of January next, 1815: 'Resolved, That we recommend In all the Temperance Associations ol tins Unm .iwmwHa i i. lo aonoliil IJclCL'aies. to nicer in Convection, iu the I'mrough of Harris mti. on the second Wednesday of Janua rv, 1815. and that Ibesaul Societies tiiruis' tue Chairman of their rcepeoiivu Delcga lions with a Report, embracing the nnmei of thpir Officers, and ihe number of .Mem hers belonging to tho AHsnciaiion, togct'icr with nnv other in orination tney may uniih proper lo lav beforo lliu Oouveniion.' his aUit'carncslhi requested thai nil As -nidations which (lo uol wend Delegates tc ihe proposed Convention, address a Letter l o tlie t'rcsiueiu oi ine oi.uu uuiil-iiiiii (Convention, at Hal risburc,' conlaining tb information dcsticd by iho rosoluiinn abovt dined: so Hat salislactory lemncranc SintisticH. of tho whole Comtnonwealtli m-.w ihiii bo had. Note Owini lo llio meoliiic of llio Let; islaiuro on ihe dav nreeedinu tho Second Wednesdny of January, (the day fixed b ihe lasi Convention lor tno next Annua Meeting) the Central Cnminillo liavo Cecm to Ihe T we nty Second ol sain inoniii Uy order of the Slate Central Commit lee. Dec 20, 1811. LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S FOBJLS45. RAIIAM'S iM AUA'IM'. has limr- niil,,vr.l "Br thu riiMslilercnulatlou of licnin tliii hmt nr. iiouicul in the i. !S. bulb in the uuulitv ulnl ruiin- tar otil eiiilii llUlimerils, and m ihe lone of its hi. rrsry itmtter. It H tlm chapest ns well ns the best l-orlhcjcar 1811 lliu piibluhcr hai given about ItIO pages inure, uruinal inallcr tlimi nny uf his co- lempoiaiiei uioio urighul vteel engravings, in ad. iitfun to fsbhioli plalei and colorid flowers. Tlie chcapnees and merit of n three-dollnrm.i;aziiic.iver all iillnrs aronpparcnl, which has nude, an milhi) of Seven Ttioumnd Dollars greater than othi-rs,uiiu an uuuiiionoi engravnigi over other magiizincs that would embellish rhe colliesl Anmiiil. I'lie pub lisher is howetcr ealisned that nolhing but real ex citknee can iiuintjin tlio high poMtiou his pcriodi- .ui nun ttiiaincii in ino unileil Hlntes, '1'ho publithcr does nnl lii.iioi.. i,. it..,i I,,. defies all compclitiou with Oraliam's nidgazino foi BIO. Ills Immense Sllbscrltilimi liwl llm n.nri, md number of Ids contributor... thn hb.h nr,l..r 1.1 tlu engravers engaged, the number nud variety ol til-gnu piaies mreaoy pu;cliascd and on baud, and ihe iinmensB facility which his capital und position ivo to prosecute the work render any efloils nl rl n uiauer or ridicule, l,ery number of tlie woik issued, bears with it tho o-idcnce ol its In. UllipliJnUiicces. ami estnlilubec llw imn.,a.,il,intv ofsuccsofol competition, improves nnd extends lor good works, Umt nothing of a humbug coder win uo loicraicil. livery nuinoer of Graham's Magazine is issued it n cost of nearly $1000 the plates nlono consist, lug nearly half the sum most of the plates are I om Original American Pointings, executed expressly tor the proprietor, for engravings for thr magazine. Among the pictures painted for the volume for 1815, sue two hy fully, Ihe greatest urtist, seveini by l.eiitze, Chipman, Inmnn. Oonaroc, Kothermel. riiiimswii, and others of thu best artists of Amcri. ea. 1 lie cost of gelling up embellishments in thin sij iu may no elini:ilcil w hci, wo late Hint sonic ul ihcbO pictures cost S3UH a niece, and will cost u loine of them three tinier that sum In havo ilium engraved nnd wmked oll'lorthe edition ol Clrahain l!ut no cott ishall be. tiarcd lo keep our prom! position nt Iho head of die Periodicals ol tin world. GKAIlAM'a ; M U .N 'VS. i iiu inusi spiciiiuii ciignmngs ol all soils leu their charm to the pngis of tJrali.iin's ni.ig.i7iin Kverylhiii(, in the way of noelty and be.uily ihn has ever been invited is laid under cuniribulloe Notfiing thai enpilal and taste can supplv is nun led. First, ns the most elogajlt nnd apprnpiialc, well ns ihe most popular enibellulimcnt, m. plan Sartnin's Ilrilliant .lizzotiut UrigiaNiiig. Wo were the first to introduce ih'n beautiful slyb of work, as a regular embellishment of the pnpul n monlhlies. Its wide spicnd rsputalion thin' lb. means of our amplcliat, called forth n host nt imita tors, but ii) to this time nothing has been prxlnci i to livnl the glorious pictures gien iu Uridiam J'l'lie bhephcrd's l,ne,' and ' I ho CmUcite. The.-.c with a boa of others, done fur in by Mi Hartaiu, stand 'unprecedented nnd nlono' al tli. head of American cngrning. We hive several of iheso iuiuiitablo plates under way, and shah give one in the January number. TO POSTMASTERS AND OTHERS PI. . , ,. . .. . The high inciit of Graham's magazine considered the puhlUicr Matters himself that the lollowing lib eral terms will induco'thousands to suWribc. TO CLU1JS. 'Jia, Jin. C,,;!,,,,.;.. urn .mmliy-O collies fill To the i'.tiiiailer, nr oilier inrS!5rRtorminrr i club, the 1'iiblir.hcr will foiwaid a .ocl fur cci ubsciiber sent, so that by vamug the bocks, n oniplcte library may be obtained by any person in i shoit time. .Single Copies, three dollars per annum in ad vance, ylnil lo llio person seniiing mo money, onv of 'Uiuewooil llio l!ocr. Jlcrhritx imac Novel and also a copy of Tho Gems of Ail and IJeaulv.' a beautiful woik for a lady's Cciitei Fable, contaitiing th'ulcen splendid Siecl uml mezzotint Kngrnvings, will ho forwarded grain, Address, ' GliOUGI; H. GIIAH M. No. 99 Chebtuut Street I'iladelphia. NOTICE . S hereby given lo ihe Auditors of Co Innilii.i couiiiy, that in accordance with tin movisions of an Act of the General Assein till' nassed thu lGih dav of April, A. D. 1831. ihey are hereby required lo men a die Commissioners' Ofiico in Danville, oi ihn First Mond.iv. to Wit. t ie Otll dav o! ,ai.uatv A. 1). 1815, for the purposr ol ad justing and settling the public accounts o the Treasurer ami uomuiissiuui-is ui eim counlv for tho Term 181 1. Ry order of the Conirri)sionen, E. MENDENHALL, Clak. Comm'hs. Omen, Daimllo, Debt'inbor20, 1811. List of Causes, For Trial al January Term 1815. 1 John V Hart el al a Samuel F He.u i,v el al 2 AucnMiis P Willis el til vs Danville it :n . 11..1I T.....1 r'ni,!.jtlL' riilisviiie nan loniu .w. . (...- 3 Jacob Leueniing el al is Heiuy Fish pr Adin. el al d Moses Mover's (Scnrge Harizcl et l 5 Hiirtoti W Waples is John l' .Mam el al 0 James Rarrers Adin vs Samuel Drug ler 7 Samuel Oedtlesel al is Jnsiah Gal hrailh 8 Chailcs Uarnes e al vs John Chesic el al 0 John Fruiietal vs William Riddle e al 10 David Berlins Adin vs Henry Siniil el al 11 Jacub Mariz vs Jonas Kriim 12 Silas E ('raiu vs O P Piper 13 Stephen M Gdniore el al vs Samuel I Headley M Oliver P Piper el al vs S H Craig 15 ThoniaeC ICllis vs Obarles 0 Haldy IG DS Mou'i!!oint'rv Ex. s Clarifsc Schenek et al 17 Charles Corrcll vs Lowis Johnston 18 Peter Miller vs lihjah G Rickets CIIAUTRS TI. ItUCICALEWl Attorney tit i,:uv. ('ke Souli sule of Main-nl. tfiusU :!Jf & llifflnfe St oie, H 7'U II L ATTEND (OUR I S f MIE CODN'IIKS ul? COLUWillL' AND LLZERNK. List of Jurors. lor January Venn, 1815. firuml Jurors. Zlnom Caleb Harlan. P. tnr M Abboll " yiicrcrcfk U. A Ilowrnnn Ciiltiiwia J0cph UrolKt l)eiry iUm llci.dersholt, Thomas Moh head, .MichaiSr,der, Knus Miller, Kobcrt AF Keo Franklin Jacob Sliultz. SanuicI Shick Geenwoi'd Daniel Fox Liberty John Hopper Mahoning Cdward Mnrrunn. T. S llt,l,l..i Seweil Gibbs, David Huberts Montour Stephen I.azarus. John Fry Madison Ghailcs Gnrnalian, John Moors Itoaring creek Keuben Funnier, Amzi Blown TIUVERSE JURORS-Jan. 1815 Illoom Peter V.ut, Peter Hinton.John S-'humai L. L) Hupcrt Oitt!iwisa-.Iosepli Hartman. I'eler iodine l)crry-'i homas Foster, Lsii Fishing creek-John Alhger, John M. Uuckalew Alexander Kremcr, John Henry Grernwood-Tliomas Unvis, lynas H ivmanJohi Cool, I'eler Girton Liberty-Daniel Coiner, .Uichacl iSh'vcs Mnhoiiing-Tliomt.a llriiden, .Ihiiics GnsUns. Jo-oph Airtman, Stephen, Kimou J. Kase Vlmrples Taylor Mimin-Uciijuniii Hunch, 'tier Vohe. Stephen II. .Wilier Madison-William Itunyan Mniiteur Geoigc ICaufl'iuan Oranee-William Wliit.mvcr. John Arh-nUM. iineu noweii Iio.iringereck-'cterlIeibiiic, Anthony Dong, cr, Kmj c-uguiloar-U illmm Kilo I'l-iiklin-William llird V'alioy-Jame, Uou.lman A lew thousand l.P IVGI.FS, and i KW 77 0 HORSE SLED, i.r sie; or exchange for anv kind of Gouutrv I'm luce, llmpiire of tho l. : ' ' PRINTER. FAIJS! FAIR! rpjll II Ladies of Uerwiik des gn holding a fair ti on Christmas (tho 25th instant) at the Aca Iciuj ; Ihe piocecds of which are to Lo applied to the bcnelil of ihe Presbyterian Church iu lliis nhiee. A geneial assortincut of Fnncv Articles vs. i 1 1 he offered for sale; ulso a'J'ablo of KcrrcshtncnU con sisting ol Oyle)s, IccCrcams, Hut Cnflcr, $c 'IMie piibtic are ro'iu'ctfuil y! IJvlfex! I R 1 &t fcTTrJ J-" Estate ofM.'IUY FORCE, late of Ml I'leasanl luwiisitii, Columbia countt drrrascil. "jajtl I'lCi; is hereby givrn, thai the subscriber. jvj resilient iu Mount Pleaant Township, ii. anl county, has mlministrrril on tlie estate oi ai.-i- !V FOI!CA',ileceaed. All persons having clutus againt the estalo ero herrbv reqiieited to inab' Ihem known In the subscriber .without delay. GEOKGU KHAMFR. Adminitrator. .Mount Pleasant township. Dec. 0, 1811. Cw3-1 CJlME into tlie enclosure of the subscriber, ubnut the last o' tsepteniber, one HFD lIElFIJIi and a UKl) hl lililt, with wlutc laces, supiiosed to jbe abaut two earsc.W. ine wncr is requested to prove property, pay charges and ake them nway, or they will bo disposed ot iceordingtn law. JOJIIs AMlv. Oinnge lownahip. Dccemler C, 16-14. Ul TAKE NOTICE, H VP wo line this dav'purchned nt Cnnsta file sale ns the property ot I'eler l.velanu enior; one clock oue beaureau one iron Kim 5 boas 'i tons of u iv one blaik cow one heifer- one sorrel marc- ond grey mare two setts d harness one two horse wagon COO shaves ol ye and one slrd, and ham left thu same in hi (loscesnon during our pleasure. WAiMiiii rur.uc.i. PKTBIt LVUI.ANDjr Fithlngccck October 13 1844 a4 NOTICE. N'niien is hereby (.'iven, that wo have ibis day purchased at Constable sale,as tin inoperiy ol W;lliam Uui'.uiogliam.ilie lid low ing pioperly to ii:onejbay horse inn hrown mare, sol ol Iiorsi) genis, one cow ino Call, three sheep, five bogs, ono wa .,'uii and bed, two harrows, three ploughs me cutting box still knile. one cradle am .cytl e one grass scytb, ono and a half nil f hav, filly busho's of corn in the cars ulio lot ol clover seid, half of seitn ticiet- if rve in the around, half of six acres id wheal iu the around Iwo sleds, one cluck one lot uf rye in ibe f heaf, one lot of fodrr lifiei n bushels 1'oimort., all ol Iiu li w iiave left with euid Ciiuiiiugharn; iltirinp our pleasure, E. & .1. LAZARUS. Orangovil'c. Nov. 30, 1811 JUSTICE IJL.7FKS, EXECUTIONS $ SUMMONS, Fur Sule at thh Office. Ms rzi SJtY virtus rl sundry tend, eiponnses, lo ne U J? rccUd, vyill le epoid to public sale, nt tli oourt 11. nme, j )Bnvillc I II Mstli.iltiY e. SFdt y in ueiemii, r. nut. in duo o'clo, li, P, M. lh inu'wing niuii,ui wii l A c I ih Fioi inn or Tr r cfLontl Hound In liilerurwk tonruliip, Cu.uu.l-! i iuua.ty, iitnniiii( ?p! 49 Hire or irst. iiutiilid on Jhc tnt by the Su oi'lisii ti l.iv. r, on ihfl wei by lli tnain mad 1 nisburg lo Beiwick, mid ni'jniiit if Inn m ,, Jn ;,,wii,aii dial other lunds of d(v . 'mitl all ol wlin I. I in a high Mule of culllva mi wtii'ii-nri j, en eted ft trg I) unit Dwelliiis House, a large Rank ham, 'l 'her out building. S'lXtsI and taken in execution and to bo sold rt 'le piuporiy ol GilLcrt Fowhr. ALSO, 1IY virtue tifn plu. vend exponas tome liircctcd .' ill lie exjo-ed lo pu'j!e sule nt Ihe tame lime and late, tli lollowing property lo witi A eeHniii lm in )P t wri of Hftwit'lt, tiiste on front street nnd Jfulbeny streel; olid ad ,0'unii a lot of Itolcrt M'Cnrdy und olhen. no. ia Ian of said town, whereon is creeled a Ingo f&F&. STORE HOUSE, Hi fir TW" DWELLING HOUSES, md a Frame Stable. ind other out buildings. S"ized thken in execution and lo beold ti the proptily ofGilbcrt Fowler. ALSO, BY virtue, ff a ivrit of levari facias, to we directed, will U cx.osed 0 puUk sale, at the mine time and JlltCC. A ceiain Lo or parcel of mount', "ittiato in lilooin township, in tho county of Col iiiij bin, and marked ill a ccjtnin plan, of lots laid out by the administrators of the estate of I.udwjc I'ier deceased, ndjoing the said town of illuom. burg, N. 1 (number one) begimng ot a post on the laud now owned ),y the liev, Gcorgo C. I rnl.e, inu urst street ol saiU town, and rnuning llieno alonn ihe 6iid strtet north ixiy one degress L,. iu perclies ami llirco Icnllm el i.eroh to u rc.t: i hence by lot No. 2 in the ssid plan owned by .'aleh flarlon, No. Dl decrees, and n half west lifiien pcrchec to a post, wn n nine fcit alley ,thciic .ilnng baul alley bouih.sixty degrees west .0 pcr.licij and three tenths to u prist; thence along; thc lot of said Hc: G. G. Dreke S. 9 ilegicis ti fittccu perches and six tenths to the place of ItgiMimg c Jii.iining one aero strict measure be the smo more or less. Upon the premises in a arge Til 0 STO 111' BRICK HOUSE. Seized lokeii in execution und to le sold as llio propeil of Jacob Grouch IKAM Dr.RR, Sheriff Shtriff's OJlce, Danville, Die. A, lfa-S'l. Seasonable andCIicap. KYjEH & HS3F1LEY vliich they offer to the public at the most reduced pricei for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. llieir stuck of goods coniitsin part, jf lonimon and coaiso cloths, cassiniers, banners. Muslins, fc'ilks, fotins, Mouseline do l.nies. Lawns, Mcrinoes.I.acej, American Nankins, brow ii Hollands, Flannels, i'ilL and cot Ion Velvets, Silk and cotton Handker eliiefs.l.ady's andGcntleiiien's While &. colored Hose Gloves and MiU or ALL S011T3 AND BIZLS, &.C., iC, SlC, Szc, &Ei5is33naei Consisiiiijj; in pact of SUGARS, COFFEES it; TEAS of assorted qualities. MOLASSES, FISH & SPERM OIL, Tobacco, SnutT, Spices, Salt,,8oap, Cmdles.&c.&c LIVERPOOL ciis..i ar..jss AND Quecsiswirc of cverj- description that may be requited. Kar&ware.Cutlery 5:c, OF ALL KINDS. Ear. Rolled. Hoop and Rand Iron nnd IVapjou Tire of iveiy description that may be called fur. A largo nssoilnic nt of Pinna hits, chisels, Filca, Shovels nnd Tongs, Knives & Forks, Trlcket rrd Pen Knives, Table and 'Pea Spoons, i-ofl'ea J.',. . Flax reed Oil, and spirits cf Turpentine; swee n,g brushes, weavers brushes; shoo brushes, cloth bui-h es, corn blooms, iVc. The public tue requesled to call and exsniiiie ' r Ihemsclves before Ihey ) uuliote cltcwhcrc. Wo sell cheap and no inistuke. nieouisliurg, Nov.0, 1S44. S9. ADMINISTRATOR' S NOTICE. Estate of Conrad Iless late of Sugaid, township, defeased. kTOTICE IS hereby 8l"cn that Irllers ul adrr - Islrotion.on tlie csove nirniioneii ruaie i . . ......! i; ij-ii RiMtitcil to llic tuiiFrrutr resiiiiiiR n. . ountl.ipnl All crfoin il'diblt : t. .id Instate uro 1 ireby noullid to niuku 'tun e , 'ivincru, din) tl.ite bai'M,' claims wo rnjuctt.c t. nri-scM litem propcilv nuUiti.t'rcair d lo WILLIAM flUbS, Adm'r. NcAcmbir 10, 1 to 1 A. yo.