The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 21, 1844, Image 4

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    in li'clnnd.
Tho followinrj story was told us by si
Mend who wiclies fm iho liuih of tin'
Btalemcnt. During ho lasl sutnmci,
itrnllcmnn who ii a cotton nlanter in the
Stale of Georgia, and somewhat of an rx
enntrin renins, helm fascinated wilh the
description of Gal way, an givtn by the X
cetious Uharlcs O'Malley, detetmiiied to
inspect personally the bread of the Micky
Fees and Haby Makes on their native bills.
Having shinned his sea island for Liver
pool, he jogged along to New York, nnd
took passage in one of the packets. After
making the necessary airangcmrnis wnli
his factors, tie started fur the Emerah'. Ile.
Out pecuniary nationalities soon made him
known, and he became quite a lion; cure
oRouch be found a perfect cininiertiait of
Miss Dab', and fun he had to hu heart's
content; hi letter of credit in the nrighbor
Ing bank, together wilh his high fniuhed
education, established hint in the hprt of
tho family, which excited the irascibility ul
some of the consigns who held Americans
nl no enviable discount. They tried
in every way to provoke, or (10 use
the Irish term) 'coax' a light out of him; but
he showed no induration to quarrel uiili
nny body, A siory was then circulated
that he was a knight of the white feather:
and they in their turn, ('Miss Baby included)
were determined to give the cowardly Yan
kee an insight into the manners nnd cus
toms of the nntives. So immediately afier
breakfast the aio distant Miss Baby, coax
ed, cajoled and provoked our hero into a '
t'eniand for a kiss. He insisted she 101 I
mented-ind just al this moment in stepped
n itpnl nf the oilarda. the coming, nnlhind
- .-"------o , . e
would do short ui a fight. The fair one
laughed, the Yankee rubbed his hands and
grinned, the soldier looked broadsword and
grape shot.
The two gentlemen stepped into an ad
joining room, where they found quite a little
ipirty of gentemen from the neighborhood
lookiup a innocent as babes. 'Well,' said
the Georgian, as soon as the door was
cloed. 'I don'i kti"w much about fighting,
but I reckon I want one of you gentlemen
10 act as my friend in a bit of a fight that's,
gotnclo come off between me and this gen
tleman here,' pointing to the guardsman. A
dozen offered their services, saying, 'it
would aflord them quite a pleasure.' Select
ing the one who stood nearest, the prelimin
aries were soon arranged, ristols were
selected, when our friend, the Georgian, te
markrd that he 'would like to shoot it off
just to see bow 'twould fo.' The apparent
Innocence tilth winch the request wis
made raised a laugh ul the greeness of our
hern, and his wishes were complied with.
The parlies had by this lime arrived near the
ground thai was selected for the duel. The
whole troop o' friends had accompanied ihe
belligerents. A pistol being: loaded, was
tint in the hands -of cur eonntryman, who
held it in a most awkward manner, and
bracing itimsell firmly lie levelled it &t n
nee near ny, ano snuiung ootn eyes gave
.1 M .
we uigger a uespcraie nun me tree was
not hit.
A tiller passed through the whole com
jiany, mey inougni inai tney nail sport
t'nough on hand for one day.but they forgot
the notoriety of Yankee cunning. He
iad by this scheme got the hang of the pis
tol, and ascertained the charge and force of
rtbejiowder. All being now ready, the
word was given. Five paces, wheel and
fire. Nothing seemed to disturb the matter
o'facl manner of the Georgian, he took his
paces, lauing care to step short slept-; he
-wheeling like a flaih of lightning and fired
nl the instant. The gairrdsnian fell wound
ed 111 ihr groin Tiis.drw all eyes fur an
instant from tho Yankee, but when the
bystanders looked Hgain, ho was still stand
ing to the same position, grasping his pistol
in apparent convulsions, and'boihjeyes shut
las . In a mintiip, he opened hie eyes and
seeuie! to nottcp, fur the first time, that hit.
-a Urj .r , v - ihw i. ,! ,e excWimed
-Wuai he killed!' an, throwing duwn hi
t . 1 I r ,
piei..', o.uan leeimgol, anil CXaitiing bin
sen. 10 learn 11 lie i.mtld find .wound dpon
inmseti seeming Hie whole .iline merfectlj
innocent atii unsophisticated.
' giiaru-m:m heing wounded exciled
The ii.ol'hi') I'orupitiions, mill one of ihpn,
.demanded ih nu'la of nhut at the Yankee
iwliifth proponiiiun our enuntryinan did not
jeem Ui dlsreliMit; lJt thinking he should
havo to fight the whnb crowd one at a
time, be,b;oke out ia the ollowing few
vwords t ,
Look here now,,lrickou.that you are
'detwniticd tliali shall right the holo of
you one at a "lime, which 'I dort't'tike prei
ty welljbut I'll tell you what I will tlo.then,
sro just sixteen of us you shall gel mo
.un about a four pounder or smaller. 1,
uSid mjr dead halJ jak. 1I1U side of ihr;
A Yankee
field, seven of you I lake pUlnla and
eland titling in u row, and ho other scvci
shall be their friends. 1 will load my 14111
wilh sctren cr.ipo sliol, and vou shall havi
each one ball in your pistols, this will make
it just .-hot f ir shot, and wo will firo at the
word ul fifteen paces.' The cool busiliess
like calculated was ralher too much fo
the sons of Green Ireland: they declared
ur hero to be a 'broth of boy,' and insist
ed upon his Accepting of sumptuous dinner
& offered invitations extending every sever
al months, which ho declined saying ilia
'the next he must atarrfor Liverpool to r c
how his collou was selling.' A hiss wac
voluntarily tendered the next morning b
the fair one, which the Georgian on hi
part ungallantly declined, and he took hii-
departure much against the inclination of all
present, who declared that Mhose Yankee
were the querist devils they ever saw
The Georgian was Col, of Steuben
countv. Huston 1'ost.
A fact wonni KNowiNo roii Hue
Fanciers -Many owners of glass bee-hives
have complained of never being able o see
the bees working. Air. finish explains the
nrcumstance as follows, The real truth
is, that the bees will only work in complett
larkness. The admission of light into lh
hive is the signal for the immediate ccstiion
01 an taonur; anu wnen me iun ooor 01 a
gUes hive is opened, the bees are seei
hurrying anil skurrving about in a state of
alarm and confusion, while the exhibitor
explains to the spectator that the bees are at
work. If I could ho shown a bee making 11
l , vml,j raV(!, barefoo,ed frorn lll)r.
,,., , iv;.i.. . i,i,i.i ., 1.
hum to tndsor to behold tho sneclaele
1, .i,i , nr u,i , ei.; r .,
of the most important problems in the na'.ur-
al history of the bees, which is the origin
of wax; about whk'h we are almost as ignor
ant in the nineteenth century as in the lime
f Virgil 01 Columella. The actions of the
aspiarian monarch aro enshrined in an al
most impenetrable mystery. It is my sin
cete wish, howevet; in disabuso the minds
of all keepers of bees, that the internal
economy of a hive is lobe entertained by
looking through a pane of glass; for so
tenacious are these wonderful ir.secle of
hat economy being explored by the eye of
man, that, supposing the lisp of the hive to
be left open, the bees will immediately cov
er the interior side of the glass with n coal
ing of wax, so thai 110 eye can peneiratc
to their works.'
The following brief history of the fate of
the Apostles, we have never seen in n pop
nlar print till n dsy or two ago. It may be
new to those whose reading has not been
evangelicsl, to know that.
St. M.iiiheTr is supposed lo have suffered
martyrdom, or was slain with a sword at
the city of Ethiopia.
St Mark was draei"d through the
streets at Alexandria in Egypt till he cx
St. Luke was I'angcd upon an olive tree
in Gteece.
St. John was put in a cauldron of bntlint'
oil at Home, and escaped death! He after
wards died a naiural dealh al Ephesus,
St. James ihe Great was beheaded
St James the Loss was thrown from ?
pinnacle, or wing of the temple, and ihon
beaten to dealh with a fuller's club.
St. Philip was hanged up against a pillar
l Hierapolis, a city of I'hrygia.
Si, Bartholomew was flayed alive, bv tin
command of a barbarous king.
bl. Andrew wasbnund lo a eross. whenrr
he preached unto the people until he cx
St. Thomas was run through the bod
wiin n lance, al Uaromandel, in the Easi
at. Jtiile was shot to death with atrows.
Si. Simon Zealol was crucified in 1
bl. Manillas was first stoned and thet
5t. Barrabas was Btoned lo death by the
lewH at balima.
St. Paul was beheaded at Rome, by ih
yranl Nero.
it juuiii in u uhck country mwn had ar
a : . 1 . . . .
'ived at the age of nine years w hen his fath
rsent him to school for tho first time
Ho stood beside the teacher lo repeal Ah
letters of tho alphabet,
Wha.V that?' inquired the maUer
'Harm!' vociferated the urehin.
No, that's A.'
Well, what's the next.?1
'No, that's B . .
Taini, B neither, it's ox-ynkq; notch all
ho nlock, think I don't kiio'i?'
ITS US'IiUTFUM.Y liiroriiiH tl.o cltliciw of
JLi Columbia county, and the public generally
that lie h.i.i lociHed himself in Uluonmliurg.uii Mnfii
rtrcet oppusito St. Pntil's Church, where ho lm
opcnsil a shop, u nil Ih now tcaily and prrpnrrd t
receive auiltctecutc nil work ii, his line uf hunincfcs.
wilh dinpalch and in uiarkmaiihke manlier.
Clocks & Watches
of the licit quality, can lie had at Ills csUlilialimenl
on very reasonable lenn .
will lie done to thcsalUfnctinu of the customer, nf
well of Clocks anil Watches da of Jewelay, ami lie
will, further, warrant his vrk to bo exu'tute ni-
well as nny in this dection of tho fcSln'.e. Ho will
aUo mnkc lo order
or pocket, end in thort, will do nil otberwork usu
ally done in n well irgululcd revprrtable relnblhl
incut. He hopes by xlpct gltnitioii to bui-inct
and a dexiro to i1chvo, In irerive n libcrnl fhnm t
patronage, (.'ounlry Produco token in pnynicii
for work nt tho rnnrket prices.
Uloomiburg, JVovcinlier 15, 18-1J- 30.t
The subsctibers have established at tin
above place, a new MARBLE YARD
inu will always be ready, at the 3horiesi
loltcc, lo lurntsh to order,
or any other work in their line. TIipv an
also prepared to furnisi WINDOW CAPS
&c. either of .Ma. bis, Lime or any kind ol
stone that can be procured in this vicinity
rj"tiaving had com-ideralile experience
in the business, they pledge their work to
be executed in as handsome a style as can
be furnished from any yard either in the
city or country; and on as reasonable terms.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28
Chair Manufactory,
THE subscriber continues to carry on
bosiness al the old Mand of Ii- & S. Ilxgei
buch, where ho will be ready at all times
to furnish Fanny it Windsor Chairs, Set
tecs, Huston Kockinc Chairs &c, of evert
escription, which mav he called for, at
short notice and on tho most reasonable!
terms. He will also execute House, Sign fc
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior maimer,
l'rom his experience in Ihe bnsiness.atul
his facilities of manufacturing the various
articles ol his line, he Halters himsel: thai
he shall be' able to furnish as good work,
and upon as reasonable terms as can In
done in ihe country, all of which lie will
dispoo or for CASH or COUNTRY
N. Orders from a distance will bi
strictly ar.d punctually nttfiidrt! to.
Uloomsl urtr, Dec 30, 1813
tcrEYES KIGBlT.-cn
Brag's a good doe,
Hut lloldfjst is better.
HE undersignpil would return his sinrera and
. humble tlianiiB 'to the citizens of Illonmslmrn
anil vicinity, foi the favors thus far bellowed upon
11. 1.1, uuu uuiu nun lunncr abK a conunuanco ol
tho funic, 60 long only oh satidl'.iction U rcndeied.
110 would not say, CniHf one come all, but come
u many as conveniently can. Neither would he
Imoiiiiiic, (.oxoiucrH nave,; to 110 nu work belter
than can bo done in any other thop in the place
but in thort, ho would neither br.iir imr l,,,i.., l.t
defy nny one who does brng to do work ncntcr than
ho docs, in nil cates. Ho Iiub oli-n lately rccciviil
the late
with which lie is prepared to do woik I'aiililonnbh
and neat, anil will guarantee a good fit nt nil tunc
for anv one who may favor him with a cull.
ills simp is nt the old ttand occupied by him
fur a number of veurs And the latch eiriim will
he found out at nil times. A lo nr:cesb withe,.
lo bo understood that he intends to do work
jb nny of Ids neighbors, nnd as usual, all kinds of
country produce tuken In exchange for woik done
ai ins euop.
Bloomsburg, October 19, 1844 S5,
To lite Public.
THE subcriber desirous of nuitinc bus-
iness reqtif siH all those mdibtul to him to
inaKe payment immediately,
.:V""wlnS! P,"'c will be paid foi
1 iiuiiui b in r-xi hange for his
on hand,
GOOD WHEAT $i per bushel.
CORN 4.1 and 50 cl.
OATS 2, ns.
FLAX EED 01 25 cts.
ICT Goods told ai cost for the ensh
Hut no credit given alter this daio.
E. II. I11GGS.
Sept 01844.
J'EM'!AH,tlicundiirigncd gnve his note
in m nam nu-iienrv. .int.i v.,.i...
15, 1844, fifiv dollars iianl,lB el 1...
dite. for the Improvemeiii upon ncerlnin piece or
trnot u Inml, nnd hainginco niccrlalnid jlml Haiti
....nnry uuu uo tine to tlin same.I uicrefore here-
7 ,u""" u" I'ersous not 10 puicliaseuaid note
6luU,tcfuo to pay it .unless compelled bv law.
ftciiU'uliu Politics niKlItclii'Iuii.
A'oiw 14 the very nick of time to subset ibi
for the New I car 181"-
With the largest Subscription List in
'tltc World.
Tor' tho purpose of facilitating the formation ol
Chilis, ol n v.x or mi (Subscribers o hi irrcnis,t:
liter tho following
EXT It A 0 U I) I N A It Y I N I) U 0 E ,1 E N TS
I'lirce copies of tholaturdny Courier, 1 year,
or one copy for three years
Seu'ii copies of tlio Saturday Courier, 1 year
Twclvo do
Seventeen do
Two do rind I
copy of either of the S3 Mntrtizinrs
Five copies of the A'aturdny Courier, and co-
pics ol either ol tho yj Magnzilies
Five copies ol tho Saturday t!ouricr,nnd 1 co
py of l-rost's new i'lctoriul History of A
mericn, a f 5 book,
tTTjI'i fact, whatever offer is made, by nnv other
Family Journal,! Approaching; in wnrlli.beniitv
or pretensions, to tho Saturday Courier, will be fur
niBlinl ny us.
I ho Louder has become bo well and favornblv
known Ihrougli a triumphantly twpulnr course of
fourteen years, that it would lie superfluous to say
.....i. i,n, c. ,!.:, iv 1. 1 .
ver, lliat to Ihe industry, tnlcnt and ontcrnrisc,
which have fur years kept this paper a bright c.xcni
plar for nil its imitators, will constantly be added
uic prwuiicuuns 01 every iivaunuio writer, nnd con
tinned judicious nnd hbeinl expenditures will con
Initially bo made, as well in tho Litirury ns the Ty.
pogrnphicul departments. Our means will nlwnve
enable us to bo in advance of all olherSjOhd wo i-liall
uc so.
Histories of Modern ncptiblicsi
now and important nnliounremcnt for tho com
ing year, in ndjitioti to our already numerous pop
ular features, will be a series of Condensed Ilisto-
ries of 1odern Republics, by n fresh nnd vigoioui-
writer' who will impnit a world of important ii
struclion to the rising generntion, in this newfand
entertaining Romance of History.
Biographies and notices nf Distin
uished Literary and Scientific Men.
-Among tho Intercsling essays nnd sketches of
value, which wo shall continue, to present in the
Courier.will bo a full and intcrcstiuc account of the
rii-e, piogress. and present elevated staudhu! of ell
tlht'mguhhcd men, of the Past and Pre. cut, (al
homo or abroad,) in nil dcpjilincnts of Art.Scicnce
ltcrnture, fetnlcbmnnsliip, J'oetrv. Mecbaiiies.
'lanling, Agriculture, Printing, .Merchandize, etc.
1 Ins will lie a very inleicstintr feature for the
Voung. It will be a department of tho Courier,
which it has ever been our aim to render of inesti
limbic, value to those for whom we feel no deep nn
interest ss we do for the. Voung Men of our great
ml irowitir Country. J he Lives of DiMineuished
Men lire of 11uc h value lo those who are vet form-
ing their own characters; for ihe purpose of enact
ing their parts, correctly, on tho Great Stage of
Human Life.
Indeed, ne hope that this JDcpnrlment of the
oniicrwill be woilli more (each year to everv
family who have sons and daughters to be rea-ed.
ilinu five limch tin amount we ask for n year's sub-
cription to the Saturday Courieii
Incidents, Histories Semes, IJ'ittli
Grounds, tyc, of the American and all
other Itcvotulioni.
Under this head, f which is, by iho wav.not at nil
new in the Courier, wcshnll herenfler giie eratihii
and i'lleresling accounts occnsioii.illy beiuilifulli
ilhistinlcd ol the ilirilhng incidents, so prolubcl)
tuddoil through the deeply important history ol
the American Revolution, nnd of nil other rcvolu.
lions that we may rcRiird of the Icnst interest 01
value the readers of the Philadelphia .Saturday Con
rier. J his will lie ot deep coiict'oucncc, als-o, lo
every member of any family of the Aineiicun re
public, who may cliooso lo do themselves nud ns
the favor of Kccuring, regularly, tho visits of tin
Courier nt their I'.imilv riret-iile.
'OI'UliAR TOI'UGRAPHV. To cralitv th.
growing appetite foe a betler kliowledgo of tho im
iiortunt features of our great ami glorious country
our past exertions shall bo redoubled in future tc
prevent vivid pictures nt American (itics, towns,
mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc.
Our original domtnlie 'J'neK, Ksftns, Poems,
rtc. will continue regularly to bo Unuslicd by the
minds and pens in tho country. I hese chaste
productions lire acknowledged lo bo tho best, foi
useful instruction nt the family firciido, that appear
in any periodical.
lien L.NuiuvrMis comnrisn sulnectsin all bran
ches of Art nnd Nature, Mutable for iho family cir
cle, and nppcar in rapid r nccession.
UUK 1 II VI J,lil,l( is constantly trnvcrMntr
the wtnld, in foaich ol Ihe wonderful nnd iiiftrur-
Ocn AoiuciiLTOiiiBT occupies weekly nn im
portant siinco, wih all matters of interest fur tin
noble lu'crs qj the sail;
Uur European Vorrefntmtltnls, in Liverpool,
London, Ireland the Enst, ,c. keep us regular!)
advised of all aubjects nf special lnfcrftt.
Uur .Mntkrls nnd Trices Gurrcnl.cnilrarn nil tin
earliest advices in reference to the prices of nil kind
ol urnin, I'rodnce, &c, tho stnto ol Stock f.llonks
Money.uud Lnni's. nnd our extensivo nrraneement
will hereafter render our 'rices Current of inesti
mable value to tint Traveller, Tanner, nnd nil Uu
ilicm Claitcs whatever.
Courier Budding, 97Chcsiiut 6trect, I'hila.
Eitatr of Philip Dodder, late of Orang
tuwnship, deceased.
OTIOH ie hcuhy Rivrn letters of admin
istration, on the above mentioned estatnjiave
been granted to the subscriber residing In the
township of Orange, All pcisons indebtrd to the
said estate nro hereby notified to mako immediate
payment, and those huving claims nro requested to
present them piopcrly authenticated for settlemcn
before the firbt of November next,
Orange tp.Rept. 7, 184420.
Til 1 Mire I I T1 A Tv-ITrt- , .
ULArMJib ! ! HLANKS ! !
eC7J..stiresniank EXECUTIONS and
.yWfWjusi printed and furlM
Zh'.8 0,-r,ce
r. m , . . . , - - -
HA E just received, nnd sir now ripening
largo and extensive flstorlimnl of
New tweeds
suitable lo iho season, cnnelcting of .ill Ihe vnrielier
ever kejit 111 n country store. Among their assort
nicut may be found the following.
Dry Goods.
Broadcloths, of nil colors, dualities nnd prices'
Cnsslmers. Sattinetls. and various rther kinds ol
cloths, flannels Valencia, iarrillc,&ilk nl u olhci
vestings, French ind English Merinocs, lioinnn'
liiiea. 1'Hshiooshlc Calicoes. Irish Linens, Silk
Cotton mid Linen llandkercliicls, a vnricty otcus
nnd Cotton .Slot kincs. Gloves mid ,1ilsfnr Lades
and Geullcnioii. kid nud leather cloves, bleachicd
and unbleached Muslin, of almost every quality
Tickinn nnd othercotlon thecks, Velvet caps, Ln
dies nnd Children's hoes of nil kinds, Men's thick
nnd thin boots nnd shoes India Rub'iermcr shoes,
cotton yarn, cnrpctyoiu, candle wick, &c.
Liouors of all kinds, of the Ut ntnlily,Mo!ase,
Sugm ol various (iiality, Police, I cas,npi(ca,Bpcrn
and l'ibh oil, course and fine .Vail, Candles, Fish
A large assortment of Earthen Queen
and Glassware, window glass
of all sizes, Looking
glasses, eye.
HarcVw? are,
Case knives and forks, shoe knives
Butts and Screws of ull sizes,
Bad and door Locks, Saddle
JJurness and Coach Trim
mings, Saw Mill and
IJandsawi, round,
square, and flat tar iron
sheet iron, waggon tire, of
all sizes, in fact every thing
in the Hardware line from a
cambric needle up to a blucksmith's
AH of which will be sold in exchnngo forCASH
kinds, on the most reasonable terms, nnd we iuvili
our friends to cnll and examine for llicmsclics.
Nov. 0, 184420.
I7MHRCLG the prcni t opportunily ol
A exploring his thaukfuhiets to his frieiuls.nni
Iho public geneinlly. for the lilM-rnl pnlroiMgc In
has heretoforo ii eeived, informs his friends and the
ubhc in general, that he still continuesto carry on
ihe above business at his old citablitdicd ttand, on
tho corner ol Main nnd East Mrcc'8, whero he
hopes, by strict attention to business, to receive
mil merit a shine of public patronage ns herelulore
He deems it uuncceKiiiy lo go into the gnmo ol
brng. or to uso nny soft sodder nbout his SKILL in
as his slioti is of long slanding, nnd his work lu
thinks will spenk for iuclf, and far more loudci
than words. Hut, ho would merely say that, he
warrants his woik done wilh neatness, durability.
ind in the latest fat.i!onalilu.riianncr, nnd will en.
nuro 11 good fit in all caes.
IS. II. Charges moderate lo suit tho limes. All
kinds of country in oduco tuken in exchange for
woik, nt maiket prices.
!,! I TV . n .nl. nn
iiiooiusnurg, iMJV. u, io-i -i. xv.
Semi-JVcekly daring the Session of
the Legislature at TWO JJOL
The Democratic Union will, nn usual, bo pub
lisbed twico n week, during tho coming session ol
Iho Legislature, and wcembrnco an early occasion
to commend it to the l.ivor ol the reading public-
iMitncr pains or CApciifc tiuill tic rparcd to imparl
to its columns additional 7ctt nnd vigor. Ample
nnd correct report of tho proceedings of ihe two
blanches, together with tketches of the debates on
all public umi impoitant questions, will be furnish
oil, competent stenographers having been engaged
for that purpoEC. 'I 'lie installation of new ad
ministrations, Stato nnd Nntionul;and the dcvclope-
ineru 01 me measures iriev may prcposo lo tin
country, will render Iho coming winter out of un
usual public interest. Persons desirous of obtaining
irue and caily Intelligence will always find in Ihe
Democratic Union n "truo and honest chronicle."
To Attorneys, Judges, Justico of tho Peace, and
public officers generally, it will ho invaluable, ns
ho Union executes all the STATE PRINTING,
and tho LAWS of a public and general nature nn-
published in it immediately after their passRace,-,nd
u 1 ly three months before promulgated in pamphlet
To iiir.icate our facilities for th most prompt
execution nf all the public printini;, we arc now
pTppellini; our prertfi' by he aid of ,Vi-exi a most
impoitant matter to the legislativn body.
A corps of able correspondents have been cm-
pioym at Wellington i;iiy, who win keep our
reudcrs constantly apprised of events transpiring at
me. seal 01 tuu nuuonui iiovcrnmcnt.
For tho wholoyrar, f3 00
or the session only, (twice a week,) 3 00
Any person sending us five subscribers for Ih
" i, mmui..imM u, in, uuiltlie, MMiircctive
la copy gratis for his trouble. Payments mav be
,n.d !'? ' iVl" !""
iiprnniiPii 11 irni.u loirpru Anntnum mnn n
Brandroth'3 Fills.
EAtiT is (hntnitid In mi ii I'm.'t ,1 .
lBlhenliscnce of ill ru'n' tlnP or sffulimi
m nny part of his bodjl by the lieu mid regular i.
rrcisofhis functions without mi) c.xcc lion,
They consist In having n good nppclilc nt mini
thniv, nn ensy digestion, fice evacuations, wilbnut
tooichCfs or cosltvencisH lit lonst once in cvei; tv ,-n.
ty-fnur hours, and without hcnt.ihyiifi's or btirnioij
n't lln passage, the free in-ue ol ihe water iih, tit
iicrilliony or burning, nnd without n rddihh mli
nient which is alwnysn sign of n present or nn ap
proaching pain; quiet sltop without ngilulioii or
liuoblcsotno drcnmvi no tnstn ofbilo or oilier bad
Mste hi the mouth upon lining in the morning;
outness or disligreciiblu rising nf tho ttomncli; n
clean tongiie a sulci luciith; nn itching, pimples or
,pts on the sklii no piles; t o burning heat up(,
any purl of the bodyi 110 excessive thirst when uu
exposed to labor or other known came; no inter,
ruption lo any natural evacuation, nor pain t 1 1 1 1 r
periodical return.
Where the slate of the system does not haimnn.
i70 with tho nbovu picture of licnlth, it is ol tlr
greutcsl importance that no timu l e. lost in irndii'
for n doctor, nr in the uso of foolish u medics too
often tho rcsullof speculation; histcnd of this rutin
lo n dose of IIRANDRE'J U'S IMI.I.S Ie takin,
which will not deceive, but will nt once rosioii
heidlh to the organ or part th t rciuires it.
All who wish to preserve thrir health, pit who
aro determined to defend their life ngniust Ihe 01
croachmcntsof disensu which might send them pre
maturely to Ihe grave, will, without hesitation, lime
recourse lo tho irHiidrelh Pills, when the state uf
the system docs not harmonise with the nboic ic.
lute of health.
Those who live in n country where contagious er
other disease prevail, should often think of llm
truo picluro ofhenllh, nnd observe himself with par
ticular nttcnllon, in order to net nccdidingly. 'Iho
wire nnd rightly directed will follow this advice
the unwise ore left lo their own destruction.
A V. H N T S.
Wnahington Robert M'Kny.
Jersey town L. A. A. T. iisrl,
Danville B. 11. Reynolds A Co.
Caltnwissa- (J. G. llrobsl.
Illoomsburg J. R. Moyer.
Iilmestnne Rabbit & M'Ninch.
lluckhorn .V. (5. Shneiiuiker.
Limo Ridge Andro &. jUiller
ierwick- J W ililes
May 4, 18142.
"nails, spikesT &c.
The lSlooiii1ti IK It. IE. 1. V,.
JWAi keep constantly on hand, a large nv
soriniciu 01
which they will sell by WHOLbSA I E mid RE
TAIL, nd mi tin smut Inom it (lit ailtrlii
am be tit where jiurrliamil. Meichniits and
others, nniy find it to their interest to cull- .Ml
kinds of grain received 111 pn ment.
Dliaii r7S:tinijactory.
HE subscriber having rslahlislieil a .Vi'tl
Cll.lllt .T.7.Vf.'7V(,7y J on .Viiin-
street, near tho residence of L. H. Minis, he is nuw
prepated to fnruiji Ciiaiis ofeiery de,cii lion, on
as good terms ns they can le purchusnd cIm-mU-iu
11 tho county.
Such as Bed Posts, Wnsgan Hub'!,
Base Blucki, $c.
Phis latter branch, from his experience, he hclicic-i
ho van do a little better ban any other person 111
this section.
rrri'OPLAIt PLANK will bo taken in pay
ment at the highest ,Ket price
hA.MI EL HA HE All I 111
Illoomsburg. July 4, 181. IHf
TlitiC'i't'dll Sjstoiti Cisls too HIiu-li
It is now mknowleged fact, thai the
SlTSTEr is ihe only me
one, iun M tnr uit tnj 1 r,u ami cii'.i.i.i.ii.
E have been selling goods on Ihe C.IS'If
SVSTfW since last April, and ils uni
versal popularity with all who have given us a
call and seen for themselves, and tho immenso sav
ing to their customers, induces thrin lo invite tho
readers of tho Columbia Democrat to 11 trial of its
Our slock of Goods consists of all Iho variciy of
usually kept in a country store.
All of which have been purchased in New York
and Philndslphia, fur tho CASH OM,V. Hy
this means, we pay foi 110 man's gocdslut our
own, and wo ASK no ndditiounl piefit from our
customers to pny bad debts; thus having no Iosms,
WE DO IT, too, beyond all question, ns every
body knows who have bought ol us.
Our Store in in the 1IR1CK IlllILDING.nt the
comer uf Mill Street, and the Illoomsburg rond,
opposilo Mr. A. Montgomery's Stone House.
Wo invite Evkiit Pi.iifon to call and rco our
goods. Wo ure not afraid to bhow them.
KUS8EL & (HtlElt.
Dunvillc July 41844.
Come one, come, all, give me a call !
THE subscriber returns his tinrere thanks
for the liberal patronage heretofore brstoncd
upoiihiui, and hopes for a continuance of Iho same,
with mi i.icrcasc duo the merit of his shop. He in
tends sparing neither pain or labour to rendor
rntikfaction in any raietsnd will warrent his work
done with taste and dmability.AND ALITTLE
just received Mnlians, IjIo repoit of Fashions, liom
Philadelphia, which can bo seen at his shop at any
time, hy which he is enabled to cut according In
the la'est style, or to order. Ills prices are in
accordance to the timet. All kinds of country
produce taken in payment for woik at niurket piico
A very reasonable discount for cash.
V. S. I.EIDT. f
K, D, Cutting done with the grcalctt Cire,and
at tho ihottcst notice.
P. S. L.
Bloonwbgrg, Oct.. 181 .5