DREADFUL TRAGEDY. Txj- Munich and one Suicide. Tito Katun. Ohio, Register of ihn 8Jih.nU. relate fullowinr; inM terrible ' irjily. Mr. Elam Sieveiuriii, a respectable fantinr oI'Darkn rnttniy. lenlilftiti, Mmtn 0 uiilo unnh of Oreunville, Ohio, was murdered whilst asleep, with aniuli 'r member ol hii fnnily? on Firday night lat, II u retired l i bed us usual, in peace mid quiet, with' his win? and children. A' ;i late hnnr of thu night, as supposjd. .when ill o liusb nml nd child roil hull fallen n1eep, the wife arose from her had, and having adjusted her chilliing, sullied foith, procured ;in axe. and returning with the same stealthily ap proached tho bed of her xtreping cnnipan inn, and raising the deadly weepon sunk ii deep into liia skull rut and mangled him hiiriibly. causing immediatu death. She thfn went to tlie bed of the slumbering .children a small biy nnd girl and re Hewed hei work of deslrm'tinn. The head cif the liitln buy was almost M'vercd from Ida body supposed in have been dnn with a razor tb.e Imlo girl was sevcrel t iduiMi not motility woninieu I ne wile now iupposing she had destroyed im whole family left the houaa. Having gnne n short distance from tho dwelling, with a bridle, in hand, attached the rein ol which 10 a young' capling, and there put tin end Jo her own existence, by etrahgulaliim from hanging. The axe and razor men tinned were found near her remain!". The rbildien, it iippears. were Mr. Stevenson' In a former wife, the latier being his second eonsorl. We have as yet lieiiid no cause nsinned for these npnnllinc deed. Him from iho circ.umspinries nhme as related, we have no dnubi tint the perpetritnr ol the niunler and suicide was at the time laboring under a fit of insanity.' im i J"'jJJjl"V! CURIOUS OLD HOOKS. Thero are hiblomatics here, as well as ii England, it appears, lir at a late sale in New York, of hooks from the librariew ol ihe late Duko of Sussex, and Dr. Souihev several curious old works brought cry higl prices. A bbn-k letter copy, printed at l!nmp. in 1803. of Columbus's Idler to Ferdinand and Nabelbi; annonncinir the di.-cnve.rv of America, and coiit-iinmc nil four tinnes. told at GTi dnllais. Various other old works no A merican Hi'torv.'broonht from )0 dollar' to '.i'2 dollars :t volume: and four illtiminn' ed manuscript Romish iri'nssa's, of vellum t25 and !10 dollars earl.'. A OOTO SIZED FAMILY. The Louisville Democrat of the 2(Sdi nil (ayit; 'On yesterday, an emigrating parl pifscd ihrouuh our city, ctiiicipiing nf a father, mother, nnd twenty ihildien. Tin purents appeared to bu about forty live years of age, ihc three yoiingpst children abon' fix or eight monthti only. They weie travelling in true pedesirian h'.vlc; the sire Ipatliug bone, (he daiue supcr.iilendini.' the intf resting croup whilst three of tin chleM daughter were earning each, on of ihe babies. Their det-linatinn we did lint learn, but iliiug it nrit iuipriibnble iln nil! man H about settling a colony in Oregon.' WHITE NATIVE STRAWBERRY. A. Good i in, of Arhfiebl, Mas, deseiibo a kind ul Strawberty, uhieb he tliiiikiiis a naiive of ilic Ihilvihire Hills. Ilesas:-) ii larger than the common field .strawbeiiy ery haitly, and j ields a great quantity ol uit, producing in Miccckion three or foui 7.. ,. 1,11 t wccks. unen ripe it is oi a veiinuiM w hite, contiasting beaniifully with the red strawberry. It has a fine fl.vi uml ulnn lucked, cleaves from the hull.' A SRTIK E AN D TU RN OUT. A turn oui has taken pilce tnuong tin the woikuieu on the Valley Railroad m l'ollbville, 'J'he contraei'trs wero paj ing 80 cents a day, but last week, owiig in the great number out of employ incut in the re gion, an t;empi was made to miner die wages to 70 cents pet, day dur iitg the winter, Several of the workmen were arrested in consenuenee of nrcvcnline. by force, olherri from working Solemn Considerations Uuderiland well Ihe force ofilie words A God ! A 'Alomeui 1 An Eteiniiy.! A God who t-ees hee; a moinenl which Hies from diet; till eternity which nwaits thee ! A. God jwhoin ye serve so ill; a moment of which yo profit po lilile; an eternity which ye ha zarci so rashly llobrtpi'erro said in the National Astern My uf France, while haranguing aguinst the practice of duelling. 'What can be ejter in human nature, than tn ere a man render himself tiipcriur lb inulil' INTERESTING DECISION. Durinn ihe hsl wael;, t cue, involv ing a highly impni lam principle in iln iilniini-tration ol pislice, wis (lcnei I))' Judge Lptviri. Tim dead body of, voinau whs found under cireum.-iance' which reudeid it pi oner lo send lor till ('oioiiei, who belli an inquest lor 1 1 1 purpose of iiiquning iiilo Iho cause (f In r di'iilli. Toe Coroner and the Jury, upon coiimllalion, delei mined to send lor I',ieftor W, I,, Alice, for life ptiipou of miking a p'itt ni'irlein ex- itniualioo. I lit" was done, and the result was, that uol willi.l;ihdiug tin suspicious apput ranees, it Was demon iiiaicd by the scientific ex iniiiiation ol the phy.Mciao, tit it she died a natural death lioiil apoplexy. This saved tin county 1 tic expense' of eiloioal piocretl- logs against the suspected peisons, on i chargo ol nun del. I)r .7 In; pies'cni. ed a vciy mmtemle bil fm his rvices, which the Coinitiissioneis n fufetl to pay iniil it was clclci mined that the cuiini w.i.s liable. J suit wis hiouglil against the county. Judge Lewis determined thai in cases ol that kind, ihe service;- if a physician or surgeon weie high ly nrce.-.-aiy to lite pi.ipei iidniiiiisjtiiy iioo of ciiuinal jusiici ; iIihI whcie a iClenlitic examination is not mult! tin innocent might frequently he acou-ed I'ojusily; the guili, fiom U' ci ri.iiuiy to leluliou lo the Cilln1 of'lbi'l', iniijbt occasionally esc ipr; the Coiivy mih1 tie put to gieal aril uiuiece'-.ny xpei in a fi unless i ii. r t lo biln ll?idei o justice; and Ilia' .if Iln (.'unm", ii 'ie excicie ol bis ilcn Hon us mi ollicei . (lei uied I' pr-'p.-i, under sucl CIICUIIISlHUCI s as I XIil.ll III lllis CJSP, li uiplny a physician, ihu law implied a cot tiacl on the pait of I lit; cotiuly t' pay a leasonabie conipensa'ion fm the 9 rvicts, lo be dctei iniiied by Hit I n V. I he verdict was accordingly mulct ed for the full amount ol ln bill.-Z.wrt- cusler IJcinociat. SCARC1 I V OF WW ITERS. One of thn best things we have rum bled upon lately, is ilio following. A gt'iillennn diiiing at a fislnonsbb licit' 1 win i v .servants weie lew find fa i between, despatched a lad amoon tneni Ini a cut of beef. Afier a very loo:,' iliiit! the lad letuiued, ami placed lb bet f boloro the faint and hungry gcni Itjiinn. A i o yon,' .said the genili in m. it he lad who took a way :ny pliH In t'lis beef? Yu, sir.' Bless niu M'-unn e I tho hungry wit, 'tow you huvi Jisrcs.tin'' Accident lit) Fire Tin I welling house ami bun of Mr. SM in iua F. li-oedic, at Waloo, D-lawure county, N. . was dusti o t d by fins on Saturday night ihe 7 h i n -I . anil tils wife and five children perished in he II unes. 1 he fnc was acculeiiiallj 'i mniunic tied. .Mis. 15. was lost in iln endeavor lo save her children. A child four years old, followed In-r, ami also 'ell a victim. Tho eldest daiighlei; ibutil eighteen vers old. is so b.uil) mi ned js lo lender her reenvc y ex 'Ve.lionly iloub'l'ul. A c.iliniity a ii'ailfnl stMom falls in iln- lit of in in. Important to tuc Ladies Tin Parisian modifies aie about getting up style of female dre.stf, which Will S"iit. ill our heile li.ieU lo In si princip'e lo plain Luglisli, hutles and othei -xt.is ate lo be eniiiely disp usfiil with. The True Vase. Among the (lis s Iioiij ic.-uUh of Iho clecliou of l'wlk am1 I) .lias, hoi aided in the Whig newspa per!., we notice the total failuieof a men cliini in U'ici. Tins is no Rmrbick I'he genllematl did fid, and his failun wits iho lesult of iho election of Mr Folk. The ti i uc wronged iudividuil va a drygooiU dealer of fair standing, duii.g buiiie.- oil modeiale cap 1 1 ami ex'ensivi ly'on ciedil. He. hid bet, in lll angieg te, g'JI.OOD on lllii eleelion if Clay, and lolud wi Uiu iw. weeks of the election, for S27 000. Q ery Slmjlil hi' I il'.uu bu charged to tin lec.iioii ol Folk, or lo the defi.it o CI y N. Y. News. Pourisiiug Tlio Trivoli Sitiooit Maoulactory, just north of Albany, oiiuled on the Fatroous Creek, is in ii lliiiirthtiig coiidiiiou, 1( gives, .employ ment (o about 50 hini, and liinis out each tear'ahnui 100.000 yai ds of silin h (if a supei ior q ialily. CHANGE OF TIME. i. I The people of Main, at their late uleeiion, decjiluil that their lafislaluro sliall meet after the present winter on Ihe second Wednesday of May, instead of Ihu fust Wcdncsduy of J.lnUary, as herelo'fore, by a volts ol 313,029 lo 10,015. ' 1 The newly tlcoed Vice ' Fresident of Texas; served hii time as ;in apprentice to the ihuctuaking busiiitss. In I'.iterpoul, Eng. fiom 35 000 to -i0; 000 perJon live tn cellars, always damp Ar, low, generally, unpaved, nnd devoidol',kcw itrs drainage, It id also stated iltat In Man ; ohester, 0,170 families are living in cellars,' Many 'of them are without!! n(M and near lv dark', nnd ure buili below ihe level of the rivr.- An old farmer lulS'pvv Hampshire, vhit voted'sg linst ubuliing daplial punisliuiir'nt, gavo as a reason why he thus 'voted Thsi if hanging should be abolished in the stale, all those vhn iniglil to be hung would be sine to come lo New Hampshire to live! The Jwentieih Annual Report of the A mcriran Sunday School Union slates thai tho contribution to the I rc-isuiy dnriii the year hai n amounted to the laige tun of $14 :)I3 20 Oranges were the staple of Llorida pre vious to 1835, and some trees wtre known lo be ore hundred anil fifty years old; bin one night in the month of Febiuarv of iliiit year, a severe frost killed them all, siuti -Ii icli this profitable tree, has been lost. The village of Cadiz; Oltio,' has bren everely iillllcted, for some weeks past, with Ersipelas. Soriie filiren , oi -.tw eniy jier ions, ii i staled, havi; been priHlrated at me .lirjie .eight or ten. have died suddenly mil ihe lives of many have been despaired "f. When vou sco a pet son continually bark" ing at and abusing ihocc pnssjed of itn tluence, you may konw, ibai like a dog' a' the foot of the trees, ho barks because lif can't climb. RICH DISCOVERIES A silver mine has been opened ilEast I'eunrssePi of great value. The' company who own ihe miiie am 'makipg 'extensive prepaptions for woikiog it. The ore, it is said, is very rich, being considered wort! two hundred and fifty dollars per ton. OUir'ntEASURES. Diso.iveiies nf v i'oiible iron ore have been tirade in the lower Anthracite region of I'punsvlvauia, u huh North Eisl of Uariis burg. Mn Cuv -The editor nf ihe Richmond VVhii! has seen -a lelter Iroui Mr Ll.iv ' I" Mr 11 ill1', in which he p'g n-ls lii pub' life Mt: endediand in replv to die application uf his friends to reuiru lot-he Senate. declare his pnrpoe of painn the reiiininder of hW day. in the iramiuiliiy uf his farm The Sinifkwiian 7ct)tfst, this iniie. die interc-t due lo inc. Smithsnnitii BeqncHi fund, by the rTrea-urei of lb Uiti'eil Sinies. amounts In 8182,000 ami the whole fond lo SO'JO.OOO. It will be a mat tcr for earned dineuMon during the prcsenl session nf Congress, as to '.be best means of applying ibis money. GROWTH OF "BOSTON. Thn number of permit; taken out for lie -reciinn o! buildings in Rniilnn, fruni .lanu try io December, was 1132; in Easi Himhiii ','95; in South Buslnii 1 98. Total 1 005, EARTHQUAKE. A slight shock of an earthquake was fell in Portland about -1 o'clork on Wednisday 'miming. It was accompanied by a noisi dinilai in the rumbling of the cars over the nilroad bridge. A severe shock was fell at Ivnoxville and ViheiiK, Tenu' on the 2-lih ult. DEA TH OF HON. THOMAS MOKHIS, Tho Hon. Tiomati Mortis, iho candid itc ofjbe Liberty party for the Vice I'residenet died suddenly al bin lesiduiice near Ileihel Clermont coniiiy. Ohio; on Saturday mom nig a week. He was apparently in vigor us beaiib before his decease. Ilo ha 1 ' 'leen a ineuiber of tba Legislature Judge United States Senator, tc Htftiry Sp ickinan, Eq of Pnila. lelphia,, forou rli . a nui'nber of tb)' I louse of Representatives of t'liis Siali1'. tin! more lecenlly a member of Semite, las been received as a candidate loi Holy in decs by the s:andi'ng coinmiit'ei if Iho Piolestanl I2piscop.il Church. ul tlnVdio'cess of renu.sy Ivania. Mr. P. vas alyvays icgarilcd as an able and efficient legislator, and will (louhtles prove still mote uselul 111 ins ticu vocation . , 1 , WESTEKEN III VERS. The Si. Louts Heviellu of the iii iust,, repoi ts from the upper Mississippi, thai l1 ever river was euitrely liozuu over, and below Oulena .the 'ilualiii ice1 is live or fix inches thick. 1 hu river is very low, there being hut about two feel of waler mi the upper Mid eighteen incites 011 the-lower rapiil.?, anil fall ing ' Sioiliing Cm rrcr.ee on the Pulhvilli tiailroad.r'VUe Miners' Jnuriul oientioiu two shocking occurrences on lite I'olisvilli Railroad, last weel? One' wjih iluv deal' oI'.h son of Mdlenj, of Silitiylkill Haven Who HU, killed wble lalkifig to his niolhei iii;cotisequeice of tSe backing of the tiain I'lic other was a in ore lamentable affair involving probably, the lives, of three pel ko-ns, . Wo ropy tliei occurreiice friiui tin I'otmvillc Jou'rindT ' '"' 'Oil Tliursday; us a coal Uain goiui' down, 'coupling broke and the Uain .became detached. Alter the engino and part of tin mm passed ilirough die lirst binige abovi I'nrl (yllotbn, the waiehtuJii, supposing tin whole It hi tt had passed, went to oxunini wheihur any sparks bad lalleh in the biidgi Hcrortliitg lo bis usual ( usloui. One of hu children followed him, and aim Ins wife. Altai they were on thu bridge sume ills tauee, they observed thu balamo of the trail approaching; when both parents rushed ti mve Ihe child but uufiiriuiiaiely too late u make ibeir escape die cars pased over ul ihree; complelely suvering the bejid fltun the child; ciViiug off ihe leg o the man and the arm of tlio woman. We tiMUiiiut learned the names of the suffer er' Viduc of Newspapers A tboiua ni' liuies, save the Mnrcletield Courier, ban we heard ibis question and answer: I'wn jeutleuien meet U bars die news V avs one, 'Nothing but what ou ee he yiapeis ' They pass on about then tnsiness lias it ever been noticed tba niiuiig the thousand bein fils of a oewsp jer, not toe teast is, in it it noes sway m lice wi'b little taldo gossip, street kri t'ootih exaggeration, seaudal, and neu nong''ring winch once ook up so niticli o die (one of those who were always bearinr tr telling some new thing One real ewl ol 40CIH! lite is tnus enued. I lie until riro' tin the moroiug, looks over the piper, aw is satuiieii tiiat lie Knows all uorili kium iig of die pasting hislnry of tie world-- fie. lias iiniliini' to leu and 111)111111!? to hen fjir(t,her . .lie does not spend his time in ei mg iiiformaliijii .whii'li Ins neighbor know it well ashiinseif He is not aiiooMd n Ihe niidiit of his business u ple.imes in de leeitnl of atfiirs in which be inkes im nleresi .The same w iih women Ciirn"-jn ,i.,,i ...;.i i... ,.r ....... i,i... .. . ... liiiuiru itiiiiiiui iu; ui nuir I flu 1.(1 of the day has not, cmpl.ij ed a bun tied nisy medilluiL' tongues in iw. eii'ciilainni did exaggeration Conversation tk's 11 'ligber tone Principles of mords mnl t .( ire diiciitsed; (he new poem, the luM h .... I. lie uiagiiziue, or die review, bcivinen the s tbji'ci of coiiM r-ation Even (he iiiiihm mailers "f lile, socii ly owes a laige debt 10 the newspapi r. . llenr) ('lav, on ihe 10th iust, emineit'ii ed bis serllt. Cliele )npv. ('billies live ear-, Iritveiled throouh Cainehi ailh hi mailt r, but d-iJliieil all eulicllnlioiir iii.leaio bun. The Hon J ones I'ih, formeily a uieui ber of ihe House of UepreseillallviM ul ihe Un led Slates, died 'it WmiIoii, Vl, in lb 8'Jd year uf his nv. FREEDOM TO THE BOND. Nathaniel Hood, of Kings eonniv; Inteh deee-,8 d; left by his will, nearly all hi- slaves free, ainouiiling lo some two or llnee hundred, with ample provision to ram (hem to Ztiberia A F'ri' pippr states llial the SOO'I looivei-s . y ol the ioli oduelioo of pot ..... ioiir 10 IMllOne Was Celeliraled i It V iUf -ioce al Munich. r"yln our hist we mentioned jhe denlh of Mr John Funslon, nf Madison U have since learned, that he enlisted into tin irm'v of thu Revolution, was taken prisunei uiu ennlinoil on hoard Ihe Jersev I'rism Ship After beiiiL' exe.'iansed, he letnincil 10 ilie service, nnd lemaineil in it (lurmc the war. Mid oil lined an honorable ill iilnlrtre W e question whether he as inn tie liibt survivor, of those who were eon iued mi board that horrible piison MARRIED tin Stindaj the flih.by ihi Kov. R. li. (Jlaxinn, pasior of Si yiephens 'liuieb; Mnj. Fnancis L. Howman. i-Il-i? ANGELINA, ehlesl daiufhtei of yailiuel 0 Urobsi, Em. of Wilkes Barrev At l'he.iiine limn and place, by the sann Mr. Joskpii P. Luor.KRC ji.io Mt Amas OA, ijaliclilcr o Juhu U, loan, E-q. ol tVllkVf.Ilane. Pn Siind,iy the. 15ih int ir. Hrierereek .v the Rf-,v. Mr. Mills. Mr. Damhl Mi sfiKit., 10 Mi i Amanda Shodai.t, both oi Suyiirloaf lowitbhip, Liizenic co. ' 1,hs markets. t HLOo.MSBuno, Dec. 2 1, 18H I t 75 Hye, 4$ 10 t. 010. 010, 1 ''0)over.fnoil, 'Pl'iiseed,. 3 50 tv 1 2fl Duller Oats, J 4 -, 1 TalfjiW . L.i.di . - v )iiell Ap.ples, Whito Beans JWswjx 10 7 SO .10 25 uui'iat:y ii Hj;iv 6?cc Aoitth id of Main-it, oppoiile h'jjtr Irfflry't iforc, ti-7MI.L -ATTEND LOUR I SIN I'll E COUNTIES UK COLU.MlllA 'AND LUZERNE. . List of Jurors. For January Term, 1845. tirund Jurora. , fllnom Caloli IlotUn, Peter Meinch Ouoruu Abbott yitliTcreeU ). A Downinn C'aii.iuiiaa Juivib Urobat J Dairy VMIIijin liundcrsliott. Thma Moiv- iiead, Michuel Snyder, linos Miller, Kaliwt M'- rranklin Jacob Shult, Samuel Sbick Greenwood Daniel 1'ux Liberty - John Hopper Maliuiiing Udwnrd MorrUun, T. S Hubbaid. icwcll GiblM, Huvi J IttjbcrU Monteur oU'phcn l.jzitnis, Jobn Try .Madison (Jliailm .0 jruuliun, John.Muur6 Hojiiiig creek Itcuben I'ai'uicr, Auin Uiown. TllAVKIlSE JUllOllS-Jan. 18-IC Cloom Peter Ho, Putcr llintanJohn Sbumai L. LI Kui?rt (.'sltawuna-Jocepli Haituian. l'utcr idino Uorry-'J luiiuas t otur, L'm FUhlngcrccl.-Juhu Alligrr, Jobn M. Buckalutv, Alexander Ktenier, J0I111 Huniy Ciieeiitviiod-'l'huiiijs Uavm, lonus lluyruan.Jobi. Cool, Peter Giitou I.ibeity-Daniel Coiner, AJieharl chives Mahoionc-TllOiiiHS llruiultn. .1 nines Giskiu. Jonejib Hitman, ttillen Murse, .Simon J'. Katu ihni iilf.r-a I uvlor Mitllin-Uciijatiun Hancb, Pclcr Yohc. SicpLen 11. .iiilcr Madison-William fiunvnn Miintcur Ui-iligu KuutVuian Oraiiiju-William Wtntmycr, Jobn Acbenbsrh A 1 1 red lluvvdl lioaring orcck-Z'ctcr Hcibinc, Anth my Dung. 1 iCui'irloaf-WlllUm Kilo ' Kdtiklni William bird ' ' j V'alivy-Jaiiitti Uou.lman r 1 fv LAP SHBNGLKS. A few thousand t.A' (5HlXGLE!!, and u II V TH O HOUSE SLED, (for m!e. or exchange for any kind of Counlry Pro- iluco. Luuuiro ul U10 I'lvlNTEIi FAIR! FAI 1 fKVl 1' Ladies of Uerv.UI; des tn holding u fair jj lai Christmas (llw V5tb instant) t tlio Aca do ny; tin; pioofcd of nlucb aro lobo upjilicd to iho lieiiofil uf Ilio I'rcsliylorian Church in tbu iilare. ycneral n-iwruneut of Taney Arl'cles will ho oirored for kale; nf 30 a Table of KuficUmiciiU con- uistins ol Oytf, Ice-Crcituis, Hd Cnce,, fyr. Fair will open at 10 o'clock A . .M. and continue dutins tho day and evening. The public arc respectlully 'united ( nltend- Ctotr of M Jill Y PO HOE. hie if Mr. 'Irmunt tewmhip, Columbia county, (leciaaed. NUTIC 1-2 is hcrr.by t;ivcn, lh.it the culneriber, resident in .Mount I'leaanl '1'wwnship. in -jid cnuiily, has administered nil the clalo of M.. I! KOl!L!J,di'ceacd. All persons bavins claims aeainst Uie ornate aro hcieby rrque'ted to make than kiumiili, the i-ul niibcr liihoiildeluv. UliOliGK KKAM. Ailinini'trotor.. .Mount l'ieaanl tovMisUi). Dec. 0,1841. G'.vai C.'lMKinlo the enclosuri of thcfiibsciibor, ubout the Inst 01 .September, one liKI) llKinilt and ti MEM S'J'EKH, wild whili aas, supposed to tlni about two years eld. Tin nvnar is iequeicd to prove proiierty, nay chartc.- ukI ake llifiii awuy, or they will bo disposed of according to law. JUIii VAAUi;. Uiuugo tuwnohip. December C, U44. b4 TAKE NOTICE, RH 'V wc have this dav punhnsed lit C'niista g ble t-itle us iho properly ol 1'etcr L. eland eiiiiirj one clock oue Leauteau one iron kettle -6 lingB-S tun. of hay one block cow oni lieifer- one orrel inure- ond arev uiHro two setu it liariitva oue two horse canon 6C0 ahaitu nl rye and one sled, ond have lefi iho tjaino in ha po.'ck'iuii liunng nur pleanuro. CAM CI. .'EELGK i'i:n:;i tVKi.A.NDjr ri.hingccck October 13 1844 a4 N OTl C E . Notice is hereby civen. that we bate illlt) day pur lumei! nl Ooiuiable eale.as iht propiny of William Cunniiiyham'ilie fol uivMiio properly to wii;ont'b,.y nre one nroiui mute, set of hnrsi.' eeai's, one row . ..... 1 .ir .1 r . i.iu- win, mreu biirep, 11 e nniij. un w,i f.ll and bed, iwo barfocn, (hree plouy'hn inpcuuun! box snd knife, onevradle iud Veytl-Pjone ursis n) lb, one a'lid a half me of bay,- filty bunliplc of corn in the ear- inn lot' ot clover "Veil, half of fexri sirir 01 rf in kip jjrounil, hall ul kx acre el hel in the Kronr.d. iwotlidti. one ( luck 'ine lot ,of rye in (he fheaf. i,i,c Im f fnder tiftuun hulwii Polaiiiei., all of tvhich j ;iay ihi wild emil Ciiuiiinchnni; dnrinp our pleiifure. E. J. LAZARUS. Ornnjjevil'c, Nov. 30, 18(1. JUSTICE I5U?FKS, EXECUTIONS 4. SUMMONS, Fur Sate (tl thh Office, ft 4 I t tl til Bakia I SH vlrlu.) . f mi.dfy vit.d. ciponneV, tuineilK iJ 1 eel. J. will 0; .u. d tu ! ui,l v 4jtV, at llS v.Mlll Illll,,i , HI i.UllMI.V Uuiemlier, m.t ul oi,u u(,o t,' I'. M. tho i. 111 Ntiiu.iii, I ., ntii . c. 1, in i'ui lin i r Tic ..it..n.i ilujled in Uilttiirvrk lourikblp, CulumUi 10'ur.iv. cmtniiiiii M2 Awes, ive ur Ifni. o'unded on ihu rat y the tyt. I fhuu a Knur, mi tbu west Ly the mam rouJ ailuiy f.011, ll..oUwburg to Uvitvjrk, Olid udloiu ' '" "' John flottlimii ami nllierlii.lafif.lo- . ...lnl. jII ul ivliiil. i in u high ktuu- of (.ultiva tl 1.1, wnereon U creeled a ..11 gv Frame Dwelling Houn, a large j'iank linrn, .ml i,her nut buildings, -weird and tukmi in creation and to be tolJ oa ia nionem ol Gilbert fowl. r. ALSO, DV irlucnfu plu. veiid. BXj onas tuino duelled v ill bo exposed to public talc at the eatiiu lime end place, the following proj cily 10 wit t A ceiiaiii Ini in the town of ISei wick. -ituate on front Mrret and .lulUriv street; mnl ad j ililn? a lot nt llolort M'Uurdyaud nllieu. no. in .iunui tniu iuwii, lYiirrenii m ef-ectfU a lago STORE HOUSE, TWO SSSB U W EL LINO HOUSES, Hltl u Frauic Stable, .. and oilier out buildings. S-'iicd i.ikcn in execution and to U'Ri.,ld as tlio property of Gilbert I'uwler. ALSO, BY virtue nf a writ of tevnri facias, to me directed, will tie c.vpu.sed 0 public sutc, at the sunc tune and p'ace. A eeiain Lo or pared of iiound, .ituntt! in Cloom township, in tho county" of Col ambin, and marked in n icitaiii nlati. of ' lots laid ml by the odminilfaters of the estate of Ludnig )cr deceased, ndjoin ibv snid town tl' llluolns iurg. N. 1 (number one) licgtniiig ut a orl im be land now owi cl ly Ihe liev, Geoz-je C. l'ratc, ind 1'ifi.t street of saiid town, runl reuuniij lliemo iloiiu the said slrect north sixty 0110 degrcai U. 10 perches and Ihrco tculb. cf a j trcb to a. post; hence by lot No. 2 in the suid pliiu owniil by .'ulcb Bgrtun, No. 31 dvgrefn, nd n half west ifiecn peiehcs to a post, on ti nine leit alley .thencu ilon suid alley souh.Mxiy degrees ett .U per:!is ind (hreo tenllu lo a post; tlu-nce nlotio; ihe lot of id lic: 0. C. Ureketi. K3 degitcs" U. fitucn teiches and six tenths tu the place uf Itfiiiinini; ouihuning one ocro stiict moatmc l tho 6arp more crLss. Upon the premises is a large TWO STORY Bit IV K HOUSE. fjeiiul taktn in execution una', to Ic totd as tlio piupcitv of Jucob Giouel. IUAM UI'.liK, H.er!J SluriJTs 0l", Danville, Dec. 4, 1811. New &&mlsf Seasonable andOIaeap.. f"T! AVE justrecoived from Philndclpaia.ttid are- now opening u large tmsoitnieiil of which they offer to tho public at iho most reduced: price lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 heir stock of good consiits in psrt, jf .Superfiiiiu common und cooiko cloths, canonicm, Sutincls, Muliim, riliks, SutiiK, .Mousrlino do I.uinci, Lawns, Merinocs,Larc, American iS'unkins, brown HolIandK, Flannels, .Sill- and cot ton Velvets, Silk and cotton llnndker tbiefii.l.ady'u andGcntlamcn'a White &. eoljrcj Hose Glovru and Miti OL' ALL SORTS AND S1ZNS, fcc, 'if., Ssc, SlC, Consisiing in part of SUGARS. COFFEES it TEAS of assorted qualities. MOLASSES, FISH & SPERM OIL, Tobacco, Snuff, Spices, Rult,..Soap, Candlci,&e.&c LIVERPOOL cjiiA.i ar.jss A.M) Qiit'ciistv.'ij e. of every deaeription that may ha required. Hardwaro.Cutlery &.c, OF ALL KINDa. Bar, Rolled, Hoop and JJond Iron and n aTfTor, ire of tvenj dcstiipthn that may ue cwnii or. A large a?Htnif nt of Plan ) (if. rhli-eN, Kilc, Shovels nnd Tongs, Knives & Foika, Pocket ami I'en Knivre, Table and Tea Spoons. coflVjo .Villa. I'lux teed Oil, and Miiuta cf Turnenthio. brushe,weaera bruihe; ehoe brucber, -lolb biush corn Im lion, k, eve. I'he public are requested ts eal! md riunuui 1 r lhcmeles beforfl thry purebne c!ieic. cu encup anu no miMske. Cliomsburg, iN'ov.l), 1G4-4. CD, 'filNSWAHr J IJ MINI S TIM TOIVS NO TICE. Eat ate of. Conrad mi late 'of Sugarloqf towmhipt deriastli, " t . TTO'l'JCn Is hereby piecn that lr(t!erii i mhrin Jig itirntion.tin iho'aAovc incntioe' ' cMatedifo I'Stl 1 B.rnulfdli) the niburlber reiUiiip.'' In u.u h.wpi.bipnf Supnrloi f. ?MI rcifom irdvblcd la ib mid KHHieore tmrrby notified lo make in ui.i'iui.i I y itirnl, and lbie,f batinp lnimaie n;i.uUd ft ptctciit them prolyl lv roll ci)tici.lfd to WlTLIAMUS.i-Vi. Nounlcr 1G, IH 0, 1