The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 21, 1844, Image 2

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Tiwirrrcion in the Country
,mcrici AJuntter demanded hut Pu$i
port Tne Sohtbern mil liriuus now'
fi inn Mi xiro which is highly impnr
ant Id the United Sla'e. The slTaits oi
Mexico bee,in to wear a purl e ti I ou , av
pect, ami rumor of irwmeciion. null i.
tlifllciiliy with the . Amrrican Minitif
iiic rife io Now Orlean. It w eve
aruflicrjMia,i Santa Aiuih has lift-i
o-verllfiuvYa, s nt Mr. Shannon hml de-
ft in
tnmilcjhis pis'pnrt anil w-h on hU- ic
I . ... ..... .... .l...u.i.
:uiicse rrpiMi ic umiii'ii-
aigerareii.tur itiev me not connr men ii
ho papers Which weir- biottuht Ui,N-
()i leans by the English Irigale SpaiUn
dpt. Elliot".
By these il appeals thai Mt. Shannon
our Minister ihoimhl proper to renion.
slrale with the (pvrnment upon the
rmbj-ot of the projected invasion of Tex
m. ilw compl.nntii Were received with
m very lud gricr, and tlie .Mexnin Mm
iU'r replied to Mr. aninuuti that t h
United S'jtcs h id itutliinu haie.ver to
do with tho internal afl'uis of Mexico
ii ml that whatever pioceedintf.s mizhi In
in contemplation agiiuM a icvolted pro
vince was no concern whatever of tin
IJ tilled Slate, or of any other foreign
The Picayune gives the following 9
tho substance ol tin? correspondence :
It would appear, fiom uch of the pub
l jhetl correspondence as we hive B"en
n lite Dlurio, that on lite 81s.l ulj, Go
Vemor Shannon addressed a.lelter to tin
Mexican Govern went .protesting again.'
tho proposed invasion ofTexis by Mex
ici,'hm1 especially against '.hem inner in
which the invasion was to be, mule-. To
in i the Minister of Foreign Afliiri re
plie I (we have not seen his commit. ii
ciion' denying the right ot theUnited
Stales or any foreign governtnrnt to in
terfere in the internal atfiirs of the re
public Gov. Shannon, in answer, elm
acterizes ilt"-Secret-try's Jelfcr' no .being
grossly offensive, Inasmuch as itchar.g"-.
the United Slates, its government- aiiil
people, wiih falsehood, Iricksiy, in
irigtle and designs of the mot dishonoi
iible character. Gov. Shannon alleges
that-lite jjolu of the Secretary is so gm
in Its character, so offensive; that he
ican only demand that it be at once with
The Mexican Minister replies will
the utmost warmth. , Me treats the ent
ile! pan of Mr. Shannon's correspond
dencc as being supercilious and (ill- n
ive, juHltfiss all that he his himself
written protests that the Mexican no
vernment has tlone, and isdoing.ill 'ba'
il can to pievenl a tnpiuru will) the U
S.ates.but that hAMm hive reached such
.h crieta- that it is nrcessary for his, i -vemmeiil
to speak out plainly b flute
the world-, ile therefore declines to
Withdiaw Uie noie.
iF-t-tmi ihe lone of this letter, il is evi
tlenl enough that the Mexican Miniiitei
is of ihe opinion that Mr. Shannon duett
jiot speak the sentiments of a majoitiy
-of the -people of the United Stati n jn re-'
l.iliou lo the Tex ts question. Jl -con-vidured,
too, that uur rt.cenl presidential
t'.ontest tmist hyc lesulted in the clcc
lion of Mr. Clay, and he speaks of thai
.gentleman, Mr. Adams, and the Untied
'Slates Sena'e, in terms .the must dainty,
n'-hile he IvjUIs Mr. Ty let's adininisii a
lion alone t e&ponsibla, for the present
complication of atT-iirs between the two
cotiriirics. Whal e'Hoct the resnll of Mr
I'olk's election mty have in il-xicb"Vvc
uie unable o say.
As a proof that this difficulty is con
wdered important, Mr. Hmkhead, il
UrUih Minister at Mexico.immediately'
despatched Ihe ship of war Spartan, to
,lhe lijltze, tinder Ihe command ofLmd
.Minlo, with dcKpalches fur Ihn same
-verutnuiii. i tie titer tc 111 niiuisiei
availed himself of Ihe same onpnrtunitv
lo lay Itcfuru the United Slates Govern
ment a suiejJicni ul what has trautpir-
dn insurioclion 'lias broken otil al
.O'i'uUlj j it Go infiju ilo and Sin Luis,
tjiilTi"ient!y serious to require the peisun
at attention ol aanla Ana. 4 lie movt
.mcnt wis lieadfd by Gen. rotes, who
rails Ihe President lo an account for tin-
" (iriti(iu sums of money expemltd du
i lilt his adniiniMiatioit.
The Picayune gives ihe following ie-
tpt'rnift litis outureaU .
So far as wc ran learn from a Jiusit
i r f. i . :
pt rii3.ii oi oui iiti-s. tituri ii.incf s hav.i
broken out in Iho State of Jafico, (ht-
,rap!l9l of which is GiiaiUl lira. Gen
!Par.v)ei. "j'.P.I urs ,n ',e al ''le t,eat' f 'be
niovenreitj, ntl Ute allair is evidently n m jjie.nrtiBTttfi.Hjoy wie ottietif
nt llietCoVettuneid qti (xijeme1,y seiious
A singular ciiciiiiitaiice in -the bus ne(-.-,
is, thai Gen. .G.inaliz.),tlie triovisinml
. Presidetilf iu-no' Civing. oi tlr-r. jji, th
6'0onHili;ti0'ri'al" PieSiffeM, Sj'nia A'ta.
Tim laitrr, h'aviria -rACJV.U( UOllCIt 1(1
place himsefHubs I'S1 Mf,Ua .Heop
I', at oncn lojJulH
eomOiirs. "Ilts niderJ wre1o maich ai
(nice In Quirelaio, a city three or lout
daa tiiJicli from jVJe-xtcii, anil on Un
ituail lo CiuidjIJira, there to operate at
ilic cxigrncirs of the me might do
iwutl. Siuta Ana ptiH his troop- m
nice in nioiiun, and announces to head
pinrteis that he hs undr his conunanl
7000 infantry, 1500 cavalry, and 20
it;))) pji'ccs.all in tile best stale of
tire n I.
We i cei ve, sa) w ihe Public Ketlgei.
ty- 'he iS. (McHiih I'lCiiyniie ol the 4 i
nt. Minn- fniihir inieresilng in!e(li
;ence Irmn Mi Kirn, with the cnutinin
I VnTn f i Int" o V i' i.Vi i rtd V u e c "between M
Sliauuoit himI Setnil 'ltrjn'u. Tli cm
i t'icli nee aln-ady piihlh-hed condii'
led with. a leller fiTljniLliii lallei , daieil
NoVftiiliei 6, in wliTgwip refused ti
ivithdraw his no-e of UClobei 3lsl, and
i-ili-ratetl all Ihe rhargen made again?
ii r (itiver nniftil, Mr. .Shannon, win
il appears has witlnlrawn from lurlhet
til trspontlrnee uttlt that Govt rnmciii,
replied previously in this letter at It-nglt
t is a"hi)(hiy tuleit'iiliit; letter, and wi
copy" it mliie. The Mexican Congres-
lu voted unanimous! y an approval ol
Spiioi Rrjitii's notes lo our Minister,
I he it-vpMf ( ti tt-r iVondnnrv, wi'l
Ge'ni' Dull Green, bearer of drap iieh.
i-s finin Tt Xis, ami lienpmin E Gieei
hq. beatinn ,despalcbe fiuni Mixtcn,
unveil at New Oilcans on the 3 , fiou
Vera Ciuz. It wis r.' purled at Vri.
Oiuz Hist n.caily ,e o iMt x'C'i
had revolted. anil dtrlaied agiiusl S.i i!l h
Ana. ueni, Artsta, jl was, rrpoiteii
I Galveston, had taken part in (he rev
olu'ionarv movement ol I'. utiles, anil
was maichiug with a latgu linen upuu
San Luis Potosi. Smta Ana reached
t'erote. on the Mth nisi., ou his way to
iheniyofM xtcn; 8,000 Iruotx wen
on the mail iiv atlvance of liiin. Then
was creal it n wiliitrgurss to pav the Si,-
000,000 coiilr ibution, and Congress had
e,rused, by a very largo vole, lo aiithot
ize a loan, openly derliring, that alt ho'
they were willing lo contnbutc money
Ibi the war agaiiiRl Texas, they woulu
not do so until St nia Ana had changed
htv ministeis, and ihe latgestim previ
ouslv voted had been accounted for.
Par ides just ifit s lti- revolutionary cot
liiet in a long procl tntalion against S iii'-
la A-na'fe conduct; eompiain-i ol the ex
penses of Ihe army of the disordeis in
tho ptihfie nflices abue. of Ihe lieasti-
ty dt ptrtmeni, by which Ihe nation i
i educed lo binkiupicy -charges Sinti.
na will) Ihe "iltsraceful -urprtie" ot
San J icinto, and accuses htm of di voti
ng the money and troops dtkttned lot
be re conquest of Ti xis to selrlih am'
in. bilious purposes of his own mil cot
.-hides by deutaiiiliut! that all Suit
Ana's ads fi.oin Oct. 10, 18-10, to tin
ml of '43, 'ball be rubuiiii-d to dm
gtes.-; ami that pending 'bn ex.tminitio'
Jiania Am' shall nni txercio 'be lunr
linns uf a Ohi- f M igt-dr.ile. It is g-tt
i rally believi-d Sini.t Ana willnvn
.-nnie the revnltj-ir.
The IJ iti.-h MiuislPi has notiBcd h
Ciiniiil General, and the tin reliant il
nis Government, Hint in cae liny pt)
(lulieH lo Mliy of S ml J Aim's Ojipoui'iV .
lie Govei nnniit of Gletl Hillaiuw.l
mil Hit i It it! with any measutes whirl
Smta Ana my rfdnpi tu compel n
meul, It i alo slated that Ihiee mil
linn-, ol iIhIIhu been nlleitd Sni.
na, by ri r(in. ii.l iesiul in maniif.ic
tiirt-s in Mi xii.-fl, as an ituleniiiiiy fm
O'lll.lln the proltCllVe tar-II, with a-
lutances thai a loan ul twelve mtiliunr
Would he i.egoliat'cil in London, at fiv.
per cent., under the guarantee of tin
UiiuJi Guver nmenl,ou a pledge of urn
half of the increased duties.
The Jlme ican Frigate Chesnpcak
A criuespondcnt of Ihe London 'Jim a
sends tp thai paper the following inter-
sltngpiragi-aph concerning the reman s
ol the old Ingate vhennpcal::
J he old well lemembeied American
frigsle' Chesapeake, which, between 30
and 10 years ago, when Jnder the enm
mand of Comtrio-lore l.iwrence, wa.-
captured Jy cap'.- l3rook, .who Comman
led his Majesty, s frigate ihe Shanon, du
ingtho American war, has been brokei.
up for many yeais past, and al tile pres
enl lime fui ms a constituent' portion ol
ibeHimner which was. used in the elec
tion of a fl tur mill, situate, upon a, stream
which tuns near the town ol Uotlcv. in
Himpshire. A few days since llu
work men, whilst engaged in repairing
be mill, had occasion lo 'remove some
f the gable rafieis, which formed
p.i r t ol the old Chesapejk, and found
the wood lo he as sound and as fiesh
is it was'on the day when it was first
launched tfevoia pinimily disposed
person" nave purcnaseu .-untiiv piecier-
f this noted vessel, with a view of hav-
ug the wood turned into suutTboxcs and
other fancy articles of Itirney,
At a whig meeting in Tennessee dur
nt! thi: . 1 ito ranvas. Ihe Hun. John
ttell, Ifter. having extolled Mr. Clay at
ihn jiV-cjct livinn -man. sneeriniilv
isueai vni) auich jv i inn was. .A go J! I
Ii-ni8ii'rj the uii'ei'u'ig Immediately, re
naikiil, tiat il' Wilg ihe same Jamea K
Polk who beat one. J ihn JSell for Speak
r of thp.ljouse uf Representative in
183d. Mi. Hell was never after htartl
(i ak who J ones K.J'o wa'.Aoa
iwitfe panocrttt.
Jlu nnw been in sesilun soveral-day,'
havjnednno litile elsi, than re'cei've rep'bru
uf Committee nnd petiiionj Upon' vbiIimis
.iiiltiecis. A few di since Mr.'' I'G,
d T-Jrit lllnl in'
bi "
,U me lioiiic in iviri'rrwiuu.ri-, bumi lur
be ailiiiistio'it of dial Territory tii-a -Siiile
.i . . i. -r i ....! - . 'I :-:r..
iti'to the Union. " -'
Air (Jidiliiii$ Olitn." preeniif a ntiih'
'icr on the sUve .question line of
having been read, Mr Black of. Georgia,
tailed a qu esiinii of rereptiun
The Speaker ' ('hid thai the question
now was, shall (he pelition be icreiv
e"d? ' ; . '
Mr Giddings asked 'lor the yeas and
Mr niaek said that, iinlettentleutlv nf the
naked qtieslinn of alintilinn, he viewed ibe
iiftiiiion as a mailer of vilhficiliiiii, and as
o intaiiilti n baou falsehood on its fare: and
be ibercfiire nbjet-ied to iu teeeption on
the criiiiml lhal II was (IN er ireful out
o ily to Pnxe who h ul muried it, but to Hie
individual f.Mr Gtdditiys) who presented
Mr ?thett asked briber it was in
iidiir in make obui vatinus on the. pell
The Speaker informed him in reply, 'dial
t rmild nut be dehated; nnd that if the gen
leinan wished in debate, and objected .to'it,
t would go over till-to inoirnw
Mr ltlietl I object, and wish to debate
The Speaker Then it goes. over till to
Several oilier of' the' netimis, askiitL'
fur the abolition nf slavery and ihc's'ate
rade, were likewise disputed of uiindar
A memorial, asking thai the basis of rep
resentaliun be rrmil.iii-d ari-ordini; to llu
inpiliallitii of the free Slate, and, if lhl i
iiexpeiheni, that lite larinutL' iironertv ol
be people of tho free States he represi-nli't'
is well an skives, wa uid upon ihe tabb
y a vnlenf Yeas 133 nays 57
t large nuinhet of pettiijiis AnC. moninr'i
lis were presented "
Mtoigation of the Hudson Jlivcr'Qti
mo tun of Mr Barnnrd, ibe rules were mi-"'
pended to enable him tu introduce a bib
irovidiiiz fur ruiilniiiing ihe improvement
I tile navrgatinn of the Hudson iivrr; anil
iftera first and second reathni;, it was re
furred lo the Cointuiliee on (Joaimerre.
. y'rzat Mr. C. J Ingersoll trusted thai
oinuiiiters would be t-idled fur reports. a
te lull been insiiueii-il by ibe (!omiiiitti-i
nt Furetiru Alfairs to report r. bill on ' tin
itihjecl of Texas
Mr Weller withdrew bit million, and s-
onversaiinn ensued rts lo the ordet of biisi-
us. r inallv, howiiier
I'lie loiniiiillees were railed; and, when
Imi uf Koreiuu Mfurf wus itained,
Mi. tJ J IngersuM reiinii'et i io'rnt resn-
biiioii fur anuexinsf Texas tu the Union
U quote the treaty i-iiiu-linU-d tu April last
nut sitUL't'sts fl Ptr adoption; thai tho Mini
irllilt s -lull bp dei-Urt-ii in .be? Jbe fuiuh-
iienlal liw n( utiiuii between the United
-idles and IVx is so soutt as the Htinri-uit-
titbuntj of Texas shall in'ree lo the s.ime;
hal it t-lmll he the dutv uf ibe I're-ideitt ol
ii.' United Slrtle.s, as miiiii as ndinally in
trini-d iheri.-nl no ihe. ii.irt of Texas, lo an
HMitu-e the x-nne bv pou'lama'ioii; and
v-iru i- ttniler-'louil of die terms shall lit
erhtrilir.l iuiuiedlalelv afler lite Mimeini
uiluirii nf IVx-ip shall have aeretd lo tbir
The qiiesiimi beitig ou its second read
it,'. Mr Incersid) t ive not'u-n that on Moil
lay, the 2 I I tiuMnnl. he should move lo gt
nm a (oinuiiltre of the Whole for life pur
ioe oi i:nnsiueriiii tile st'lijert
Mr Wjiiihrup, as a member nfthe Gout
nittce on Foiea'ii AlT.iirs. nnly desired at.
opportunity nf saying that the report war-
ul iinaniuious. I-or himself, he believed
die lesolufnin, in form and subst.iiii-e, t.
rofg violation of the Constitution, and em
inently calculated, if adopted, to iuvolut lh
cuinlry in an unjust war
.Mr Inuersoll, (siniliiii.) nbservnl.
S iflieient unto the day is the evil there
ni, ammo ms mo'ion live iiiounanu copir,.
r. i i i . ., . . .
oi tne map ol tt-xaswere nnh red to be
I lit- House, al Uvcnlv minutes lo iwo
o elocK, aujiiurueil.
There is anoiber of tbeeoon genu,wbo
ins learned to answer the interesting in qui
ry ; Who u-James K, Polk 7 The Wash
mgton cornisponpenl nf the Haltinore Pa
trior; one of the mtiM rabid Clay pepers Mi
ibe Union, pays the President eleel ihe fol
lowing compliment .
' Cnlunel Polk will mako a raniinl luau
gural AddreH. lie is a good .peiker
i-uasie, eorieci anu animated ' le stitves
ifter no flowery or liich wronebt uieiihurs
nil speaks riraii mi, in good." Eilulisb. Irt
ihu understanding nf the people, while eve
ry lineament of ti rather peculiar, to iomt
repulsive, to odieis "inicrfstliig, facets lit
ip wnii animation 1 heaid.hiin deliver bis
ipaugural addreei, in 1839, a Covtrnttr of
I emiessee. " . - v ;,
An article is going the rounds in the
iiijiwsiejded 'The Whim llntise in 1761,
.indvgivJuBii uccouuLof Grnerul Washing
roll's family there nntliM time. Tlicie wis
no 'While House, ' in that yeai, nor did
(ieneral Wahmgoii-e-ver live m that build
ing. While at live eeatuf government, he
resijh-d m u jaige iiaitsious.till btandin'g.oti
be norilieisiward of tin Capitil.
1'olilical Statistics.
' The following intereMiu's! tables fives a
v'ieVof'ilte votes polled for (Jovcruor in
'bi Slto from t!io liril election lo the pre
Tljumns Mitllh, 27 725
Arthur Si. Clair! I 8U2-
Miillui's tnai 21 023
Thomas Milllui, 18 590
I- A. M11ble.nbe.r2, 10 700
Mtfllin's liinj 7 800
I'bumas Millliii, 30 020
K. A Mublcr.berir.- ' I Oi l' '
M "(Hill's maj 20 009 - "
1 Tltnnias M'Kean, .37 2 It
1700 Wamew Uiis, 32 012
M Iveau s mi l 4 001
Tliuinits M'Kean, -17 879
James nss, ' - 17 031
M'Kcar.'s maj. 30 85
VTbnnias M'Kian, 43 517
1805 ISiinun Suvtler, 38 185
J M'Keau's msj.-5 002
"1 Simnr. Snyder, 08 075
. I .runes Hnss, 30 573
' fjuhn Spayd. 4 006
J S lider's inj. 29 402
Simon hnyiter; 5j JWI
W. Tilgluiiaii. 4 009
Snj der maj. 18 710
') Simon Snyder, 51 099
1814 Usaso UHynr', 2'9'59tt
binder's him: 21533.
Win. r.dl?Jf. '. 0(1331
Joseph tfiesier. 58 272
l-indlay s m j 7 059
Jo-epb Hiester, 07 105
W Findhy, CO 200
tliesler s nv.i 1 00.5
John A. Sbiiltz, 80 020
iulrew Gregg, 02 211
bhulisr s inj 25 717
) John V. Shititz, 63 21 1
I82G Uohn Sergeant. I 174
Shulijs's him 01 037
George Wolf, 78 319
Jnpph Klliui, 51 770
W oil's mm 20 413
Geurge Woll, 01 335
Joseph llituer, b8 105
Woll's uiiij -3 170
Joseph Hitiier,
a,,, Gewrsje Wolf,
ril A Mublenbcrr.
0 I f!23
05 8(15
40 580
j lliinei' m-ij. 28 218
' II II 11...!..
I IV I iirir, ,
129 822
Joseph lluuer.
122 325
130 504
113 501
7 03
) I'orier's uiiij 5
David U. I'orter'
i John Hanks,
Julius Leimn tie;
J Poriet's in mj 23
1-ram-is It. bhuiik,
Joseph Markle,
1 00 -103
150 I 14
1 075
Julius l.emnyi e,
Sbuuk's uij 1 280
The Journal of Commerce eonldins a
history of past Presidential elections, I'm in
which we
cull the billowing
Wellington was uniiiimntn-lv' ilei-ted the
iirM PieMdeat, and ws liuliieied inlo ol
lice on the 20th nl April, 17&it. lie was
in uflice et''bl ears.
Tin; eli-i iomI votr-fc siiu-e that period have
been givmi as l'iillnv:
Fur Presidem.
1790 Vice I'icsident.
John Adams
T Pl.-kliey
A iron Burr
1' Jillerkuti
I" JelTerntl
Inllll Ad-itus
I' ,1- ll'i-i-snn
Anri(ii Burr
T Piekuev
lt2 (Jen Cltmnii
45 1 lit In o luny,
122 I G Clinton
45 Unfits King,
1812 .
i; C Pieknry
.las Mnilisnii
U C Pp-Uey
J' MHili-niil
. E Geriy
Ii W Cllnturi
Jjis. Monroe
Tout pk ins
It u (us Kmg
.las Mpuroe
1 820
To.npkins !
Oppus. divided.
No op but 1
Vnd Jii-ksun 99
J Q Ail,ni 84
W .II Crhwlnrd II
it.. . .
Ft io oJhm
nenry l,iay, a7
No ehoice having been clTiieted by the
I'jleciurs. John Quiimy Adams was chosen
by the House of Kepresenialt-'cs,
Ami. J u-kion
178 Calhoun 171
83 Rich Rush 83
Wm. Smith, 7
217 Van lluren 179
"49 J. Serueani 49
II W. Wilkins 311
7 Lee A:a 18
175 Johnson 117
73 F Grangei 03
20 Scilicring 81
i II
. il
231 J Tyer 311
Ol) Johnson, 31
Tnaewell' )
J K Polk I
vole nf the four lasi Presi
J Q Aduiiis
And. Ja' ksnn
Henry Clay;
.luho Lloyd
Wm. Wirt
Van Uviren
II L While
W P M aneu,
M V llui en
derrlial elections exhibit the fellow jug ic
Summary of votes in 1B17
750 '9 13
51 1 475
Majority for Jackson
i- 3. Siimmary of v
Fur -Clay
Mcj.irity fur Jn. kton
139 408
dies in 1832
707 217
328 5 1 1
231 720
123 l3
fliiuimary of volci in 1830 '
Pur Van li.neit v 703 5S7
Rnr-Murium Jf.35 72(l
f-'dr White: , , .- u 00 392
For Webster .",. '41 003
Alaiurifv fur Van Mnren . . 25 670
Siiiiiinary nf'voles iirt8-l0 I
For Harrison I274 423,1..
Fur Van Hiuen I 126 122
Miiiorilv fori! irrison, I 10 200
- Summary ul Presidential Periods
VC'.itt ' . Tn. u' vott.s.
1810 . 2 402 0511
18311 . I SOI 208
1832 1 211(1198
1P28 I 102 117
rnic panTc-i rs a"u nious.
The intHllicent editor of the iiionev tip -paritiieul
uf the Nrw Yoik Herald ileelires
the atlenipt to nntke a paniii to have pruveil
'abortive and harmless. ' Ile erys
The p iiiie is about over, and operrtors
have before them an open, clear field,
There does not appear, al present, tu the
politic! Imrr.iiii, Ibe slight'"! nh-iiuriinti
ton free and fearless extension of him ea
nf all kinds. The attempts of spevulalttrs
iu faney Mocks uf alt desi'iiptions, but pal-
liciilarly in the shirk nt delli(Ueut Stales,
have alt pinvid abortive and liarmh-sc
Sitine time previous to the recent political
eonlosl, a set ol operators went exiensivel
inin tin nt r.-htfi-1 f s ocks of the delinquent
western Steles, iu anticipation of lite eleeiin
of Mr Clay and the .Iniiihutitm of puhlii
land proceeds auioitfl tbeSiaiei-. I he eon
lest luvieg heeu d'M-uled eontrary to llieir
xpci-laliiuiH, it nrr.ime ni tes-saiy for tin
cliqtte'of sprrnl:iior to get up a panic in
the stock market to enable then lo maku
up, if possible, nniiio of their tosse s by
operatinns in other fanrie. I be orc;ani-
of these cliques prrd cted rapid and com
iplete ruin in the eouulry, in consequence
juf the election of Mr. Polk, and sirived In
every possible means, to destrov eniirrdent-e
'and break down the market. The eailiu.
wbii! papers in tins city, Boston, Plnltulel
Jpbia. tiuil Baltimore, devotci' their rnluins
to ibis uhjeci. but thier elTurts proved fruit
Ic.'F, and tne operations or traOc and com
metre rnniinupd unrnti-rrupled, and iios
penty ciiiiiintirs to smiles upon us. Tin
Ni-i-nnd uiovinsnt made to advance the
miiiXet piice of these storks was made a
lew dayj since, ibrongb the eolunis nf the
Cnttrier and Enquirer, in advocating the
imiexaiinn of Texas, provided the public
lands of that government were dilributed
among the Slates ot this Union. We see
in this mnvoir.ei a fair sauiph of the con
sislcncy nf these strung party papers; and
these rabid revolutions ate perfectly eon
distent with the character of these journals:
in fact, were ibey to adopl a different
oiiisu, il wdtild be the extreme nf incon
isieiiey. Not haini succeeded iu cleclini.'
the presidential eandidate favor able to llu
distribution of our own public tainls, ihrsr
nicatis seriously advneate the ibe antuxa
lion nf Texas, solely upon - the civiid'ninn
dial lite pub ic hinilx ate distributed anion",
he Stales. Slot k jnbliing is al the foiinil
rilion of all ' these ininc"; and whatever
measured u ill ailvance the inteiew of i.
clique of speculator, find advocates in
these pnrtv journals, anil aie earned tun
with the fi-elii'i; nf partv puliiieians. T
iliime win lake the n iiu-iples uf the parti
leaders an their own, these movements ui.n
seem lerv slsangi-: bill when the-motive t
58 exposed when ihe muiio iufliieuct! i
biiiught to bear lhal wnrke' nieb a revolu
lib") liiin itt lbs rntir-e nf ibe Courier and Eu
I I quirei nu die tiurleil Stales lank tpieslinn
I ihe cause it al once seen, and the em!
- A Juslii e of the Peace in North Carolina
e.nmmiiuicaies lo the Legislature bis recig
nation for the fullowing guod ami substantial
'About seven years since, some of mi
fiieuds then in ihe Leislatine from mo
lives probably knnwn tu llieui (but I am
-ure nut from a belief in my qualifications
lur the office.) thought proper lo uuminatt
ute in ihe utTice of justice of the Peace.
With little or no reflection upon the sub
jeei, the appointment was accepted, and, to
use a eummon term I was 'duly qualified,'
liihoul the fit si qtralilicaiion, except llu
phj steal ability iu M-parate men who wen
.baptised to figli:. During ihe tinio 1 luui
heen in oiliee, I have had seven fights, i.
great number uf quarrels have been inilici
ei! twice and I cunccivu the greatet-t act ol
justice which I can du ihe public and my
-elf, is to resign my said ollice of Justice ol
the Peace.'
This ease is still undergoing investiga
dons in New York, ihe Ecclesiastical Court
tiling in secret. The True Sun, which
-ays its information may be u-lied on, states
thai the meeting of the lliahups, nearly all
of whom were present, the prorejis of l.'ie
investigation whs impeded by the consider
aiiun o tne qm-atiun whether there was nul
a statute of hmilaliiiiis applicable tu charges
of jnng standing, As sume uf these were
it least live j ears wne cunifmled
they should nm be'eonsidered proper sub
jet-is for inquiry now. A huge majority of
be liishoits, iiinyun r.'relitsed lo suacliou
die uhjectinus, Seieral witnesses have,
beei) sworn, the Canons of the Church
permitting the swearing, ami a very rigid
examinaitiin of several' ladies has- -taken
ulacii. Of course, their testimony
I veil.
is not
In Outaher, Mr. Washington Irving, anil
Mr. hcatun were at Parts. Mr. Irvine's
nvalih is much improved,
"-rnuTli v,s i-ti nt ; rr.Ait "
kll'VltD.IV, UKC, 21 IHH
0?fitt('tnl)cr the E'rinlfi'
WIIH T, OATS in WOOD,' will be
eeiveil for debts due u fur subi.criiliiui
A l,o a lew bushels of I OTjtyl OES if
d ctl vei i-d moil
From tlioso who have promlnrd Lnmlirr
inch arid inch rni) a quartet pine boanlg
will be reccivetl if delivered soon.
ANUI3 SOUIBTY will hold Us Annual Couwti.
tian in llio Gurium Cliutch, Illoatinburg, qii
'I'hiii'.ttlilij, the 'id of Jnnuuri, 1815,
Aa unttrrs of sonic moment will bo licfom
Cnnvciilicn, H is dt-nbablo t al there should tie e
lull dvlaailuii.
KJiloi in Iho county will jiIcho publish the
aboe no'.ico.
.Ucsoluiions have been Introduced into the
Missouri Legislainre, declaring that Preci
dent Tyler's treaty, rejected by iIip Senile,
vas a gnnd and proper treaty, ami thai
I'leaty Might lo I e basrs uf that measure.
I'hal the Senatnrs in Congress be instructed
to endeavor lo prorure annexation on thai
basif-, lhal the as-ent of Mexico is nut
nccesaary; ami the people ol Missouri are
aaint the d. vision of Texas, if annexed t i
the Union, into slavciiol'liug Stales, ft i
said that the Legislature will not pass the
resolutions in this shape, and ibey are be
lieved to have been introduced to cmbarus.
ibe action of Mr Denton.
In sume of ihe Eastern paper, says lite
Nashville Union, Dec. 5, we nee lhal it is
supposed thai after the lib of March next.
Tennessee will have two Whig Senators
This is an error the tem of Mr, Foster
expiies on tkc -lib of March, and his sue
ecstor will be chosen by the Legislainre to
be elected next August 'Ve expect to fill
that vacancy with a democrat iho late
Piesidernial vote in Tennessee ihows that
we are now entitled to the place, and our
friends will take special care in secure it iu
August nt xt
Jodiuna Souilor'Vhe election of an V.
S Senator from Indiana has been postpuu
eil until the 29ib insl. .The riiumi from
the ('inriuiiati paper.s that Mr. Marshall tva
elected i limine. The postponement was
hy a strict parly vole 25 to 25 the cast
tng ote of Ihe President given for postpone
'tieitt The tumor prohhbly arose from tho
fact that Mr. Mar .lull was taken up in lao
ms as the e inilidaie.
Cieere, by last aerounts, i iu a most
agitated slaifl. liiMirreelions are as thick
h innsqijitnes in Ntw Orleans tu dug
Rrazil, il i promulgated, has declared
war against Hitenos Aires.
Spain U in a fury.
Mexico is mad and talks of wa to the
The Turks are denying Christians the
light to go abroad in the streets ul the eiiy,
tfter 8 o'clock in ihe evening.
And mil of all this pugnacious natiunality
that same nhi man, Miller, will sigain pre
did Jibe world is sonn lo be destroyed.'
Oov. Donrt at Washington, Francis
C Treadwell, of Portland, Me; was admitted
on Fiiday Uit, :ia attorney and enuneellor
uf the Supreme Court of the United Stales.
Mr Treadwell, the (llnhe sat s has charge
of the case nf Cuv. Dorr, and will probably
move the Court tu day to allow a writ of
habeas corpus, to bring (Jov. Door lo
Washington, and permit him in "person
to petition the enurlof a writ of error.
The Cincinnati'! Chioniele says that al
least 50.000 bogs wilt reach thai city this
season fritm lieniur ky alone. The larger
purtion of them have already anivetl there.
One bouse in Cincinnati cut up two thou
sand begs one day last week,
The Government Express, Tho Ex
press run the whole distance from Washing
ton to New York Willi the Message within
ten hours! The distance is nboul 230 miles
23 miles lin hour.
At a great Whig nioeijng, hed jast veclt
in Harlfordj Ex-Governor Ellsworth gave,
n views uf Native American party, llo
believed the prolongation was nut the re.iuu
118 ""ugnt tne years' prubatiun quiin
long enuueb, Tits eiil was in the frauJu.
.lor. I'iulaiion uf fxitiiii-' aui.