The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 14, 1844, Image 4

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    l'liim ilif Si. Louis itovcilic.
iVtrtniSci or niriUM. ciiinm.i. is Tim jkow
I'oor Tom's tcoW-Shaktpeart.
Strange ami dangeroui adventures hilo
ties of moujHful inlrresl, wild nn! slartlinn
tale of trial, privation, miseiy, bravery
feasting, failing, figluing. scalping, adverse
liansitions, revelry, rivalry, &c, all ruiw
ing in fresh ami viviil colors, may be pick
cJ up by any boily who will carry a hook
ami pencil in his pocket, thick as black
berries, among tho men of ihe mountain;
ami the wblle wanilerers of Ihe Wilderness
Our present skelcli will embody a true an
rr.tlotc of the sufferings of a poor mnunuin
ccr, by the name of Carrafol, who in tin
winter of 1812, wis buried alone, under a
frightful snow storm, and nearly pciish
Carrafel, was sent out from Furl Platte
on Laramie Ford, in February, on an iin
jwrtant express message to the (Jhayenne
Indians, then located on Cliayenne river.
or stream of some Hole, thai assisted
swelling ihe erand current of the Missouri
Roor Rahpael Carraful for such were hit.
api eliatioim in full- sinned in fine epitii
from ihe Fort, upon his ilangei tins eir.ind
in cmnanv with a body of hunters, who
were only venturing out for a few days.
seeking to mako what is tcrmcd'a surround,
This may be understood, il is presumed
without explanation. The burners, on finding
game spread themselves into a circlc& close
in upon the animals they wish to kill. After
nday or two, a successful surround was made
meat obtained, and the whole company
encamped, upon a water course, known as
'Haw Hide Creek,' which glides from llu
Northern Hills, and rolls into the north
foik 01 the l'latte. Snow came down upon
them doling the night, with heavy and in
?r-ftTjug violence, so that it was found im
possible In move ramp in the morning, and
the hunters did not start for their return to
ihe Fort mini the next day.
Here Carrafel was left to pursue his deso.
f ato jiurnry alone; anil off he set, well sup
plied wuh Iresh meal, reaching L'cait qui
Court, or 'Running Water;' in lime lo
rook supper and cache him comfortably for
the night. The snnvr continued, beat
ing down every I hut faster and thicker,
find swelling now fivo feet deep far around
the solidary and trackless wilderness. The
poor fellow found it impossible to proceed.
and remained here two dayp, until, on the
third, finding ihe meat swiftly diminishing
nnii ihe storm growing worse, insiead of ex
liib'niug any indication of a change, he re
solved, desperately, to risk the uhauces;and
attempt to get forward. He was lucky
e otih to Mircrd in reaching a -water o mif e
called 'Hat Ureek,' the same day, the snow
heaiily and steadily increasing; and, start
ing ni'ain tjie next, morning, he finally grew
weak and sick, from long enduranro and
scant provisions, until he dropped in the
snow, anil buriowed for a resting place.
'The storm had now continued eight sue
tessive days, and Carrafel.afier a long sleep,
found strength the next day, lo gel up and
daringly push oti. Not a ihi ig had crossed
him siuce ha left too hunters, and his wild
eye how raved in vain around the white
waste, in seareh of some sign of game.
Another night in the snow, and Cairafcl
awoke in the morning with the liouible
pangs of frost bitten feel I
In this fiightfnl extremity, knowing the
necessity of rousing himself to the utmost,
lo escape ceitrin and speedy death, he fell
to nork beating himself furiously all ovet
the body with his rifle, and striking his
-tortured feet, too, until he roared and sctcaui
ed again in the bleak wild like a famished
dijena. This brave, determined and ex
Inordinary art of presence of mind, beyond
all ilouhl, saved Ihe life of poor,
liad he j ieldeii to ihe pleasant stupor that
'had already eoinmenced stealing througl
'htm, soothing the sharp affliction in his feet
lie would, ineilibl , have sunk into his
last sleep in Ihe mow. Uul this enabled
tiimlo struggle forwaid still, as ho did,
staggering with weakness, ami half blind
with the perpetual glare of thenow. For a
few hours he sustained himself in motion in
lhi manner, falling repeatedly, and some
limes crawling, until the last moment ol
human endurance seemed to hav arrived
when he; foilunaiely, reached a spot favor
able for the construction of a little ahanl
of boughs, .which he soon contrived, am
ihef&lay 'for lluee days, quiie powerless,
and che-irrg llm-ereas" leather that he
wore which, with the snow around him
foimcd his only sustenance.
On the rooming of the (fourth 'day, as the
.miserable express messenger siill lay on his
back in his tittle shelter, his sinking spirit
was aroused by tie unlocked and goy.lold batihelor of.five and-forty, is plocinp
jui apparition ol au oiu, worn down bull;
wandering, (blind perhaps,) within a few
paces of tho hut. Carrafcl rolled to hissi'Jo
and his rifle was levelled over the surfaco of .
tho snow in an instant. Il was a suro and
deadly aim thai tho starving, dying man.
pill upon the hupc bitile, and the gamo was
down on the spot, panting and melting the
snow with its hoi blood. Tho sight was
new life to Outrafel, who dragged himself
from his shitnly & rut into the flesh of the
hull ere ycl tho enormous head had ceased
to roll, the eyes lo glare, or tho limbs to
ramble. Raw! he tore, gnawed, and suck
ed the meat raw, unco ninro reviving his
Ureogth in some measure, with this savage
ustenanrn, but not sufticienily to enable
ilm to butcher the luiigh old bull, and, drag
ing wiih him only pari of a 'fleece,' lie
rgained the shanty, replenished his fire, re
loaded his rifle, and rolled, exhausted, into
Ins liulTilu robe.
Subsisting on this providential supply of
neat for three davi.thu poor mountaineer
ini strength In cis wl,and,after drying some
of the jeiked llesh, he turned and started
li'imeward; making a desperato effort to
reach the Furl. Struggling against his en
feebled and miserable condition, Carrafel
made two miles thai day, and fortunately,
w hen worn down to the last gasp; found a
pot of timber fit for encamping ir. Uut the
exert on had been too mucli for him, and the
next morning he was unable to rise. In
this state the wretched man remained forty
one. days; just managing to fire from his
bed upon such gamo as came near, and so
obtaining food. In the depth of winter:
throughout its most bitter portion, and in
the heart of iho willderness; an unhappy
invalid; prostrate and alone, foity-onu days
in the snow!
Ho once killed a bull so near him during
die night thit the leg ions of wolves immedi
ilely bese tting the carcmg;assailed himself;
so, and he only escaped destruction by
Living them oack file w'nh brands- In the
morning he was glad to serine the marrow
hones, and such meal from the mangled boll
s the voracious dogs of the praiiie had left
him, and drying the flesh, he once more
tempted his way to the Fort. He made
some distance, and reached a creek, which
rose upon him during the night. On the
flood he saw a drowned buffalo calf floating
town; but was too enfeebled to mako an
ffori in securing it: Hut in tho moinine
he eagerly followed the bank of ihe stream
ud had tl-c unhoped for lurk of findine
the calf lodged among drift' wood not fn
from where it had passed him. From ill in
most fortunate chance new supply of pro
vision fell into his hand, as if sent to the
poor staiveling from heaven, for at this time
he had but three rifle charges of ammuni
tion left!
Again, better fortune attended him as he
lowly and wearily made his way bark In
wards his friend, fur iwn elk crossed him,
nil, with two well managed shots, lie killed
them boih, leaving himself now, for the
rest of his deasnlale journey , to depend upon
what meal he could dry and drag with him,
and the last solitary charge in his rifle.
For nino days longer, he resolutely worked
onward, and the poor fellow was saved I
Or.o morning a sudden cry ran through
Fort Platte of 'a bcarl a bear!' and a half a
dozen hunters were out immediately;
making toward tho spot where, from the
walls of Ihe fort they had seen eome living
thing moving through ihe snow. It was
poor Carrafel! crawling feeble homeward
on his hands and knees, gasping with joy
ill once more seeing the for, and fainting at
last at the sight of his fiiends,
Ono day longer, and iho unhappy wan
lerer must inevitably have perished. He
had crawled: literally dragged 'limsrlf.thr
whole distance homeward, over ice and
.iinw,'ilnough streams and broken ravine;,
orlurcd with the pangs of frozen feet, a
starving and debilitated body, and progress
ing only at the misserable rate of from two
o four miles a day. This is ono case of,per
haps, as keen prolonged suffering as was
ever known among rnonutains.
(Jarrafel continues a cripple for life anil a
pensioner at Furl Plntiei having entirely
lost the balls from both feet. He was tin
dcr rare two mouths at the fort before hi
could touch his frost bitten extremities to
he ground al oil, and tho succeeding Sup
lember when he gave; himself, his relation
to the wiiter, he moved on crutches, but;
nherwise quite restored.
A clergyman declared, that hypocrisy is
the mock turtle soup of the Ohr'mian ban
quel, r.nd the, false calves ami bustle of the
wedding garment.
Marrying a buoyant, bright eycd.ros)
c heeked girl of 18 to a ciusiy; uncomely
a jwel in a hog's snout.
The New York iMorcurv tells the follow
ing anecdote: Jonathan walks in, takes
!sc:i( and looks at Sukoy, Sukey rakes up
Iho fiio, blows out Iho candle, and dou'i
look at Jonathan. Jonathatr. hitches and
wriggles about in his chair, and Sukey sits
perfectly still.
At length Jonathan musters courage and
speakelh -Sukey?
Well, Jonshan,
I lovo you like pizen and swcatmeals. ,
Dow lell?
It's a fatl, and no mistakes wi will
now will you have me Sokes!
Jonathan Higgins, what am ycur pol
I'm for Polk straight!
Wall, sir, you can walk right straight
'mm, cors 1 won't have nobodv that aim
for Clay that's flat.
Three cheers for iho 'mill boy of the
slashes, sung nut Jonaihan.
That's your sort! savs Soke v. When
shall we be married, Jonathan?
Soon's Clay's elected!
Ahem? A h-e ml
What's the mailer, Stikey?
Sposin he aim elected?
Jonathan didu'i go awav till next morn
ing, but whether he answereu the last ques
lion, this deponent knowcth not.
The subscribers have established at the
above place, a new MARBLE YARD.
and will always bo ready, at the shortest
notice, to luruish to order,-
or any oilier work in their lino. They an
also prepared to luriiisi WINDOW CAPS
itc. either of Ma. hie, Lime or any kind ol
stone that can be procured in this vicinity.
tO" Having had 'joiiHiIcrable experience
in the business, tiiey pledge their work to
be executed in as haii'lsnine a style as can
be furnished Irom any yard either in the
.city or country; anil on as reasonable terms.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28
Chair manufactory,
THE subscriber continues to carry on
linsiness at the old stand of R- & S. Higen
hueh, where he will be ready al all nines
lo fuiiiiah Frfiii-y Sl Windsor Chairs, Sol
tees, Bunion Rucking Ch airs of even
leseripiion, winch uiav be called lor. ui
short notice and on the most reasouabli
terms. He will also execute 1 1 mine, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior manner,
r rom his experience in the business, mid
his fariliiies of .-uaunfai-turing the various
articles of his line, he Halters himscli thai
he shall bo able to furnish as good work,
and upon as reasonable terms as can In
done in the cntiniry, all of which he will
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. 11- Orders from a distance will be
strictly ai.d punctually attended to.
Bloomsltirg, Dec. 30, 1813
Urag's a good dog,
Bui Holdfast is belter.
THE undersigned would return hi tincrra nnr
humble tliauliB (u the cilfrcu of Ulooin-burf
uud vicinity, foi the favors thus far bestowed upon
Lli.. .....1 1.1 ...! ir .i i .
mm, aim wuuiu nun uiuncr bk a r.oiiliiuiuiico ol
tho Baltic, so long only as satibftiction is rt-ndeied
no wouiu not say, Come one eome all, but come
as many as comeuicntly can. Neither would In
proinUo, (uMothrcs huve,) to do liU work bcttci
than can be done in any other thop in ihe place
but in bliort, ho would neither brag nor banter, but
defy any one who dors brag to do work neater than
he dues, in all catcs. He has also lately received
llic lata
with which he in prepared to do woik ToshlonnMr
and neat, and will guarantee a cooil fit ut all limo
for anv ono who may favor him with a call.
" up i ui iiiu oiu niiiiu occupied ny linn
for a number of years And the lali li oritur will
tie fuund out nt all times. As lo prices he wishc
to bo understood that ho intends to do work as low
us any ot Ins neighbors, and as usunl, all kinds of
country produco taken in exchange for woik dour
ai nis (.nop,
BloomBburg, October 12, 1814 5.
To the Public.
THE subscriber desirous of quilinc bus
mess requests all ihose indebted Id In
mane payment immediaielv.
' lie following prices will bo paid
i iiuiiuwu iii exenange lor his
on hand.
GOOD WHEAT $1 per bushel.
RYE iSiS ris.
CORN lo and SO els.
OATS 25 els.
FLAX SEED $1 25 cts.
ICT Goods sold at com for the cash
But no credit given after this dale.
Sept 0184 1,
tfciiti-nliu Politics and Itciigfon.
iVoto it the very nick of time to subscribe
for the New I far 1 S'15-
IVilh the largest Subscription List in
the World.
For1 tho purpose of facilitating llic fJniiatioii ol
Clubs, ol xkw or otn subscribers not in urreura.Viv
ulVcr the following
Three copies of the Haturday Cotirior, 1 year,
(jtuic copy lor three )e;irn
cWn copies of the Saturday Courier. I vcar
Twelve- do
Seventeen do
1 wo do ond 1
copy of either of tho $3 Mnunzinea 0
Five copies of Iho i'alurday Courier, and 2 co-
pics nfcidier of tho $3 Magazines 10
Five copies ol 1 lie Saturday Couricr.nnd t co-
iy ol frost t new J'iclonal JIutory of A.
merica, a ?5 book, to
(Cj-fn fact, whatever oiler is made, by noy other
Family Jul.inal. at nil iimirn.ichinir in unrih lipntiiv
or pretensions, lo tho feuturduy Courier, will bo fur
nulled oy us.
I ho Uouncr has become so wc and fsvniabh
known through a triumphantly popular courso ol
louriecn years, llial it would bo superfluous to say
uiucli.oii mat bUMcct Here. We mav jcniaik. how
ever, that to tho in Jut-try. talent and
which have for years kept this paper a blight exeni
plar for allots imitators, will constantly bo added
ine prouucuonsui every avaunblo writer, and con
tinned judicious and hbcial ouicudilurcs will con
initially bo made, as well in tho l.itirary as the Ty
pographical dcpartmrjilH, Our means will alwavh
enable us to bo in advance of all others.aiid wo i-liull
1 10 so.
Histories of Modern Republics
new and important announcement for iho com
ing year, in adJilion to our already numerous pop
ular features, will be a borics of Uondt'iised Histo
ries of 1odivii Republics, by a frch and vigorou.
writer' who will impart u world of important in
itructiou to tho rising generation, in this new am
entertaining Romance of History.
Biographies ami notices nf Dislin
guishcil Literati and Scientific Men
Among the intcrcstinj! wmivb and tkrtrhrs ol
value, which wc thall continue to prci-eiil in tie
Courier,will bo a full and intere&ting account of tin
rite, piogrcss. and present cleMitcd standing of at,
distinguished men, of tho Pait and Pre. rut, (in
home or abroad,) in all ilcpaitments of Ail.Scicno
Literature, blalciiuanship, Poetry, Mechauicr
Phoning, Agriculture, Printing, Merchandize, t tc.
This will bo a very inteio-ling featuro for tin
Voung. It will ho a department of 1 1 114 (IniMinr
which it has ever been our aim lo render of inesti
mablc value to those for whom wo feel to deep ai
interest us we do for the Young ,len nf our grea.
and crowing Country. The Lives of DLtiiiguinhri
Men urc of ninth value to thoto who arc yet form
ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact.
ing their parts, corieclly, on the Great Stago ol
InilcsJ. we hopcthot this taiartmcnt .if tb.
Courier will be wmih more (each year) to even
family who have sons and dam-litcrs lo l,n ir.i-nii
than live times llu amount we aek-for a year's sub
rcrijitiou lo the Saturday Courier:
Inciduitt, Hhturici Scenes, B'lttli
Grounds, $c., of. the American and all
other Revolutions
Under this head, fwhirh i., bv tho wav.not at all
new in the Couriei, woshall hereafter give graphic
.mo I'luiijiuiig accouins loccnuou.iuv Uoattt it 1 1 v
illustrated of tho ihrilling incidents, bo profutels
itudileil thrnuph the deeply important history ul
llic American Revolution, and of all other revolu
tions that wo may regard of thn lruft interct m
value iho readers of the Philadelphia haturday Con
rier. This wiil ho of deep comenuencc, nUo. lo
every member of any fan;iiy of Iho Aineiican re
public, who may choose to do Ihemsclves anil us
the favor of securing, regularly, the visits of llu
Courier ut their Faniilv Firrsiilo.
y'Ol'ULAR TOPOGRAPHY To cratitvtlu
growing nppetito for a belicr knowlcdgo of the im.
portant features of our great ami glorious counlrv.
our pat ckortious blull bo redoubled in future to
prevent vivul pictures ol American cities, towns,
iiiouuti'iiis, lakes, rivers, caves, sccucrv. etc.
Our original domestic Tale, Essais, Poenic.
tic. will continue regularly to bo Tarnished "by ihe
minds and pens in the country. Tlieeo chaste
productions are acknowledged In 'bo tho best, foi
useful instruction at iho family fircbido, that oppeor
in any periodical,
Ouu UscnivrNos comprise Bubjeclsln oil bran
ches of Art and Nature, mitablcfor tho family cir
cle, and appear in rapid Hirccssinn,
OUR TRWKLLKR ia constantly traveling
Iho world, in fccarch of Iho wonderful and instruc
Oun AonicuLTcmsr occupies weekly an im
portant space, whh all matters of interest for the
noble tilUrs of the eoil;
Our European Correspondent), in Liverpool,
London, Ireland iho Uust, .to. hero us rcnularlv
advised of ull subjects nf special intrreit.
Our Markets and Prices Currrnt.embrace all the
earliest advices in reference to the prlrrsnf all kinds
of Grain, Produce, Ac, the stuloof Stock e.Ilanks.
.Monoy.uiul'B. ami our extensive arrangement!
will hercalicr render our 'rices Current of inesti
mable value to tho Traveller, Farmer, and all Bu
siness Classes whatever.
Courier Building, 07 Chesnut street, Phila.
Estate of Philip Dodder, late of Orang
township, deceased.
OTIOK is hereby given that letters of admin
iblration, on tho above mentioned rstato.havo
been granted to tho subscriber residing in the
township of OrJiige, All prisons indebted to tho
said estate are hereby notified lo muko immediate
payment, and thorn having claims are requested to
present them pioprrlv authenticated for iclllcmei"
before the first of November next,
Orange tp.Sept. 7, 1844 SO.
rC7JusiiresBlank EXECUTIONS and
SUMMONS just printed und for sale at
his Office
IV-RB M'fitLBilffVY & COo'luu'el'hiB pain! ipiirt shep without agitation or
AVL Just received, and ate now opening
Ijrgn mid cxcusivo assortment of
suitable to tho season, consisting of all Ihe variclie
ever kept in a country sloro, Among their
mcnt may bo found tho following.
Dry Goods.
Broadcloths, of all colors, dualities and price
Ca8imers, ballinetts, and various oilier kinds ol
cloths, tunnels Valencia, .lurscillcs,6ill, anil ollioi
veelings, ! renih Mini Unghsh Merllioes, llomlia
zines. I'ushionablu Calicoes. Irish Linens, Silk
Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, variety ufMlk
and Cotton itockimrs. G ovrsnnd itits lor , rules
tnd Gcnllcinon, kid and leather gloves, hlcochicd
and unbleached Muslin, of olinost every quality
Tirklmrnml ether cotton t hecks, elut cops, I.a
dica ond Children's shoes of all kinds, Men's Ibid,
and thin boots and shoes India Rubber over shoes
4otlon yarn, carpet j uin, candle wick, iVc,
Licjunrs of all kinds, nl'lho bpsl qinlily,Molas.r,
6"UEl of various quality, Culler, 'I'eas,r?pi( es.Speni
and Fish oil, coarse und lino .S'jlt, Candles, Fish,
Jl large assortment of Earthen Queens
a n d Glusswure,ivin clow glass
of all sizes, Looking
Hardiw are,
Case cnives and forks, shoe knives
Hulls and Screws nf all sizes,
Pad and door Locks. Saddle
llarness and Coach Trim
Dungs, Saw Mill and
Handsaws round,
square, and flat tar iron
sheet iron, waggon tire, of
all size, in fact crert thing
in ihe Hardware line from u
euinbric needle up to a blacksmith's
All of which will be sold in rxrhangr frOASH
IiUMUKR, and OFNTRV PliuULCIO of all
kinds, on the most irasonalilrteriiiH. and wc unite
our ftici'dsto call and examine for ihcimchrs.
Nov. 0, 1811 2!).
fTIMlll?. VCING the prebert opportunity ol
'A rxprcrsing his thankfulness- to his fiiends.onil
the public, generally, for Iho liberal patronage he
has heretofore, leeeiveil, iufonns his friends and the
public in general, that he still continueslo carry on
the above business nt his old ctlabhshcd stnnd, on
die corner ol Main and East (-tree's, where he
hopes, by strict attention lo business, to riecivi
jiuI merit n siinie ol public patronage ns herelolore
tic dceuiH it unnecessary logo into I lie gnmo ol
brag, or to ue any soft sodder about his SKILL in
as his shop is of long M.inding, and his work he
Hunks w ill speak tor itscll, and lar more louitci
lliali words. Rut, ho would merrly bay that, he
warrants his work done with neatness, duiability,
mil in the Inlisl fashionable manner, and will en
sure a good fil in all caies.
A'. II. Charges nioderatr to suit the times. All
kinds ef country pioduce taken in exchange lor
woik, at maiket prices.
Uloomsburg, Nov. 0, 1844. 20.
i$7i '. Weekly during the Session of
the Legislature at TWO DOL
Tho Democratic Union will, ns usual, bo pub
lisbed twice a week, during tho coming session of
Ihe Legislature, ninl wcenibracc an (inly orcasiun
lo rnmniend it lo the favor ol tho reading public
Neither pains or expense shall bo spaud lu impuit
to its columiiR additional 7cst uud vigor. Aiiiplc
and correct report of tho pioceedings of ihe two
blanches, togdber with skeleheH of ihe debates on
ull public und important questions, will le lurmsh
cd, competent bleuogra) hers having been eugagnl
lor that purpose. J ho installation ol new ad
ministrations, btato ami iulional;aud Iho dovclopc.
merit of tho measures thev niay propose to the
country, will render tlin coming winter one of on
usual public interest. Persons desirous of obtaining
true and eatly intelligence will always find in tho
Democratic Union a "true sue) honest chronicle.
To Attorneys, Judges, Justice of the r'cace, and
public oiheers generally, il will bo invaluable, ns
he Union executes all tho b 1 A I li 1'HlJS'I'irVC,
and the LAWS of a public and general nature aro
published In it Immediately after their
ully three months beloic promulgated in pamphlet
Tn increase our facilities for the most nromnt
execution of all the tiuhlic nrintinrr. wo are now
propelling our prrssei by ho uid of Steam a moil
important mutter to the leghlutivo body,
A corps of able correspondents havo been cm.
ployed ot Washington Oily, who will keep our
renders constantly apprised of events UainpiriiiB at
the seat of tho National Government.
For tho whole vcBr sn on
Kilt Yo iy, (iwico aweck,) $5 To
,f v . , V,
Any person muling us five mbwriliers for Ihe
session, accompanied bv ten dollars, shsll receive
a copy gralis for his trouble, Payments may lm
liansmittedby mail, and thn i'ost MoMeis aro
permitted a frui.k lattrrsrontaing money for news,
jiapcr suKciiptlons. Addrns) ,
Srandrcth's Pills.
KAl.'lW is chalfiiMil in in it dhVt nl lv
theubience of ill rain, niffcring, or sflVrllnii
ii unv naitof his body: br the Irre and regular tx.
crcis-ofhis functions without ony exception,-.
Tliry consist in having a good uppclito al mini
tinic, an cay digestion, fur evacuations, wiihmit
looret.os or coalitcnces ot least onro In evrrj twen.
ty-fotir hours, and without lieut,diynris, or burin, ij
ul th piiisngo, the fire inue of the water t 1 1 lit lit
ni-riimiiiv or biiriiinL'. and without a rnldhh miIi.
Imrut which is alWaVs a slcn of a piesciit or on ui.
,,,.... muu, ul)0. ,,,,,,, n,orninD. lm
sonnies or disagreeable rising of Ihe ttemaihj n
clean tongue; a sweet luruth; no itching, pimples or '
spots on the skinj no piles; no binning heal upon
any part of tlic body; no excessive ihiist ulci in.
exposed to labor or other known come; no in er.
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain anhcir
pnriodical return.
Where the btalc of llic sjrti m decs not hotrnnn
ivc with the alovo picture nf henllh, il is ol the
greatest importance (hat no limu be lost m tending
lot ii doctor, or in the Use dfliolish li medics ho
oflen llic rrctiltof spiruhilion;iiistriid of ihisretnse
tc a dosr of URAN URLTU'ci PILLS be,
which will not dvrrivc, but will al once icstom
health to the organ or part requires it.
All who wish to preserve their health, all who
arc determined to defend their life against the m
croachlnenlsof diseno which might send llicui pin
maturely to the grave, will, without hesitation, limn
recourse lo iho rnmlrcth Pills, when the state of
U)? system does hot harmonise with the above ic
fuic of health.
Those who live in a country where contagious r
other diseases prevail, should often think of lli.s
true picture ofhealth, ami nhseive himself wilh par
ticular attention, in order lo net accordingly. The
wise und rightly di reeled will foliow ibis udvico
tho unwise uielt.Tt to their own "destruction.
A (. E N T S.
NVashinston Robert M'Kny.
Jersey town L. ot A. T. Wisel.
Danville IL 11. Reymdds St Co.
Cnttawissa C. G. llrobst.
llloomsburg J. R. Moyer.
Limestone Rabbit & M'Ninch.
lluckliorn M. G. Hhoemnker.
Lime Ridgr Andre & .Miller
yerwick J V idles
May 4, 18142.
Thu BIooniisIiiru- EC EC. B. SJ.
"TILL keep constantly on hand, a large ns-
soriincm oi
which they will tell by WHOM'fAJ K und RR.
TAIL, and on as gtwit rim aa the entitle
ciin be cliuhcrc intithutut. Mrichnntb and
olheis, may find it lo iheir iiili rcrt lo cull. .Ml
kinds of grain ri erivrd in pa uirnt.
C!i:i'r iTi:t tin factory.
HI' subscriber having established a .VA' II
( It .T..V i'.ICronV on .Iam-
slnet, near Ihe icsidener of I.. 11, Mnus, hr is now
prepaird In furnish ( nans of every desrrii lien, on
as good terms as they ran le pt.rchasad rlscwheio
llic county.
Such as Bed 1'osts, ll'ougon Hub':,
hose Blocks, cj-c.
This 1 liter branch, from his experience, he believes
bo can do a liltle better ban any oilier person in
(his section.
(j-l'OPLAI? PLANK will be taken in pay
ment ut tho highest ' ,het price
Uloomsburg. duly -1, 184. ! Itf
Tho Credit Sjstoi! Costs too niitcli
Hisnoiv n ai juiowlegedfiicl, that iho
CASH 5b "YS'TBIVX is thn only true
one. belli for iht BUYER and SELLER.
WT, have been selling goods on ihe C.1SII
Si'STIUll sinro last April, and ils uni
versal popularity wilh ull who havo given us
call and sern for themselves, and the immense hav
ing lo their customers, induces them to invito Iho
renders of the Columbia Democrat to a trial of ila
Our stock of Goods consists of all tho varieiy of
usually kept In a country store.
All of which have been purchased in Niw York
and Philadslphia, fur llic CASH ONLV. Uy
1 1; is means, wr pay foi no mini's goodcshul our
own, and wc AK no additional p'ofil from our
eustoniers lo pay bad dehls; ihus having no lossis,
V'D DO IT, loo, bevond all quistion, as every
body knows who have bought ol us.
Our Sinre is in the URIl'K Iho
corner nf Mill Mrert, und Iho llloomsburg load,
opposite Mr. A. Montgomery fclono House.
We invito Uvr.iiY Pj.iison to rail and mo our
goods. We are not afraid lo show them.
Damillo July 4 1844. lSmp4
Come one, come all, give nc a call J
THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks
for the liberal potronago hcrcloforo brslowed
upouhim, and hopes for a continuance of tho same,
with Bn l.icreusc duo the merit of his s ion. He in.
tends sparing neither pain or labour lo render
satisfaction in any earr;nnd will warrrnt his work
dono with taste and duiability, AND ALITTLE
just received Mslinne, lalo rrpoit of Pashions, fmnt
1'liiladelphla, which can br seen at his shop ot nny
'iltlC,' h w,,ich 1,u is.c,,al,,cd to cut according to
tlTTtf li ""A.l'u "
acrordarics to the limes. All kinds of country
produce taken in payment for work ot muikct prica
A very rcusonablo discount for cash,
j g I.KIDV
IS. It, Culling dono wilh die greutM care.n'ml
at the shortest notice.
Rloomslurg, Oct.. 181-,fl '