The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 14, 1844, Image 3
WfJWUJT!!tty 'XnUTII WiTUOCT riAIl s.iriinttJV, dec, ll iwii ?i:inciiihcr (he 1'i'intci. WHEAT CORN in K HULK W HEAT OATS or WOOD uill be re ccived fur rtelils title us fur subscription. AUn n few bushels of 1 OTA'I OKS if delivnicd soon From iIiuho who have promised Lumber nch mill in cb rnl quartet pine burnt! will bo received if delivered soon. fj-Thc COl.UMJJA COUNTY TEMPER. ANCE SOCIETY will hold in Annual Conven jiou In the German Chutch, llloomsburg, on Thursday, the 2d of January, 1815. As mailers of somo moment will bo before the Poiiciittcn, t is desjrablc that there should bo a full dcloaiion. Edftois in the county will ploaso publish the above no'.lce. J. HA.MSEY, JACOIJ KINNKY, SucKi.TJiuxsY TEMPERANCE MEETING. The tmeieiy will Imlil n nerting on Sat lirtl.iv, iilit day of December nlearly run die hu'it. in the Preshy teriuii Church. Air Mo-teller has been nppnintt'il by the soeien lo cl e 1 1 v r a lecture ni that Urn"; anil olhci speakers iimv likewise be expected, ll i (liKir-il'lf that sill llie members should b preitem as mmier of much consequence lo the society will bu train icti-.l. A. FO US IE it, Sect llloomshtiri', Dec. M I8fl FRANK LIN . LITERARY SOCIETY Will meet ;it the AtheeaM'ti in Markei Street on Thursday, h vent njr next, when the following question will he discil sed; Is Universal .luliraije as it extsig hi Pennsylvania, ealeulatetl to perpetuate, out free institutions, Jlppnintmcnt by the Post muster General- Paul R. Haw, Post-Mas ler, al Catlawissa, in the place o Q. A Urobst. William C Wn.ON, E q. lo he Po Master at Milton Not tlimnlft I mil rotiniy, in ihe room of J-onaul Siough ton. AllTKUH'S LADIES' ,lAG55i:i:. The Janr.ary number of this intnrc'tting month!) pdbl'icatioii is now before ll"- mJ it fully c ust.ihis )ti f irmei high character. It 'untains, besides two licautilu spirited phlcs, Joan of Arc,' and the Uiidgo of IJoon,' several interesting literary nrti liuf a btcrltng character, equalled hut by few ol Jillu mblicntioui of the day. c cannot toi strongly recommend it to the notice of our friend The terms are low oi.e ropy, two dollars - 3 co pies, five dollar ! copies, fix dollais 7 copies ten dollars U copies; fifteen dollars 17 eiipitv twenty dollars. The January number commence, a voluiiie. IWI III CO NX: R ESS Assembled on Mnndav of last week, a quorum, lieinij prci-eui 13 both linii-e. Rev Mr Daily, 01 Indiana, ol the M I'. Church, was elected Chaplain, of the lower House Mr Duncan t'avu notice of his in teniion lo bring in a lull providing for tin lliililins el Ihr I'residentuil hlccllon, oil the fame (lav., in all the Slates, aim a hill to 10 extend the jut isdii'iiui of the United i'laies over the Territory of Oregon On the ti'xi day .Mr dainsoffereil n resolution to rescind the 2oih (old ii I t) rule which was adopted, 108 lo 80; Thus is reseind ed, at last, the famous rule under whirl petitions relative, o fcl.ivety were rejeut td. THE VIRGINIA SENATORS. The Governor of Vngiuia, in bis lale mefsage, tayv: 'Tim eotirse of our Sena tors at the but session require our Leijii laiure to innlruet ihem Air. Rives puke fur Texas nnd then voted aoiin-t it. Mr. Archer fiippnrlcd ii neither b) h aijoinein nor his vole. TIiih sovereign sutu i, therefore ealled upon lo insruel her ervunti in their dtitv - Jhcrption cf the Prtsidrdt Elect al A'( f)ille ; Vnt concnnriie of ciiizeim inei Mr. Polk on the 28ih nit , n Nashville, on Iih return from a ii:it lo General Jackson The proreKcion was joined by seven milita ry couipaoies. Mr. Polk was ' addiessed in behalf of the citizens by the Don A. O. P. Nicholxon, lo which tie responded in few brief and appropriate remarks. Tin carrinBO rnntainint; tho President eleci pioteeded to ihe Nnshville Inn, where, foi llie remninder. of the, day, he eoniinueii ''lo receive iho warm c.ongraulations of hi personal and poliiical Triends. After night fall the volunteers turned nut with torch lights wid iiansparencics, nod paraded ihe whole city over, all the ilemoeialic liouset- , of which were elegantly illuminated, ", Uf-K'F. Uutiler if spoken of at ;,(Iiely')o fiildcce.d Mr. Evereli, it ll court, THE POPULAR VOTE. Tltfl ofTieUl returns of ihe Prestdenilal election, from nil the Sialtff, except Afkan- have been receivaJ, ' Tho agirei.iled olo ii over 2.700.000. Includioi; 25.000 Majority in South Candina, which ennilder nil a fail estimate, at, uul of about 03,000 volen, ihn Whi(( party proper polled but 1.054 at the late election, I'o'.k lias 1,372. 104, Clay 1,310,011, Urney 01,000, mak nig Polk's tiiHjutify over both candidalct- 184. In 1810, Ihe ngiregale vole of Ihe Union was 2,402,500. The increase in 1844 ia over 311,000. We ehad pub ish the official vote as soon as it is com plete. MORSE TELEOYAPII. In twenty minutes after President' Menage had been sent in lo the house, oj y nnpsii of it was transmitted to lialiiinore by Morse's Telegraph. OHIO U. S. SENATOR. The LegUiaiure of Ohio, on the 5th ins', elected Tliimma Corwin U. S. Senator. lie leceiveil 00 voles. Ehenezer Lane vas elected, al the same time, Judge of the .Supreme Court of that stale. CARELESS CLERKS. Fifteen town eltrks in New Hunpshir( ire cited lo appc jr before the l.-gisl iiure. tu) show caure why ihey bloinlerfd- so nuirageoiisly in their election returns. HEAVY LOSS. The Globe says a gentleman in Tennes see agreed, for twenty dollars, to give one dollar for ihe first electoral vote Govenor Polk should receive over Mr, Clay, nnd ti double il in geometrical prngiession for ill e naioriiy of 1 lie electoral eollece. The sun lost amoiinls to 830 803,457.407,420,103 231. A knowledge of powers of fig ores would have saved him from (lib Inss. The Nnt'umal Monument Society oj If'aihii'glon, have resolved 'thai 11 com oittee ol three members he appointed U procnie :i suitable design for the oionnnicii ol Washington, with aiiihiirhy lo cuiifei with ihe cummiiiee on Public I i x 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 tr ami Ground'', 01 other periou. in relatioi 10 a proper MU lor s.ilil uioiiiiuleut, am that said cominillee repot 1 10 the board before any fund action ihefeon.' The fnniU in blind amounted 10 $40,000. IMPORTATION OF POTATOES. Wllliin the la-l ten davs there have beer importation-, ol p talons from Engl,nd am' France into N. YurU iiinouniiu!! to sev'cra thousand busliels, and still Inrer quaninie ire expected by the par kets lo arrive duiint this and the next month. The piiees in Liverpool are foi ordinary about 22 els, bushel and from llial for belter qualities ti to 30 and 35 cents. Freight, duty .am1 ilher expenses increase the cost when land ml lo about 45 cents, leaving, at prcsem prices, a i.undtwme pndil 10 Ihe impnr ier. IT1E PRESIDENT ELECT'S FIRS'I SPEECH. Mr. Polk made a speech at Nashvillo 01. Iie28ih ult. on the occasion of his puhln reception in thai ciiy. The following ex ract from ll shows that expeelaimn o1 1 moderaie conriu to he puimnl by .Mr lt I K is likely to tie realizeilr- llie s m nenis eunlHiued in it bmathe inoderHiioi and freedom fiom all clique and puriiet III' hll 8, In i'xchangiig muiial (ongratiilalioiip uib t iien oilier upon llie result of the lalt elci iimi, llie ileioocraliu parly should re , in calmiy reviewing ihe coniesi, hal the pnrlion ofiuir (1 How ciuzens win. nave differed with us in opinion h ,te equir P' lined riglils wiib tiinsees, that minori tit s ns ell as ill joillles are entitled to ihe lull and free exercise of iben jmlgmenu,rniii dial he rights ol nil, whether of unnoniiri ir uii'joritits, us such, are entitled to equal espeel ant) legard, In rejnieiug, ihcrelore over the success of the demoeraiic party tV if tlieir princijiles, in the election, it shoufo ie in no spirit of exultation over Iho de leal of our oppntieins: but it should lie be .iiiihe,as we honestly believe, our pr'iuciplet mil policy ere heller calculated than their o promoie ihe true interest of the whoh imntry In Ihe posnion in which I hiivt ieen placed, by the volunury and iinHifiigh' ufTrages pf'niy fellow citizens, it will bo .nine my dii'y. s i will be my pleasures, ailhfully ami trnely to icprestiil.fn the Ex fcutivu tlepar1111e.1t of the governinenl. the principles &policy of thn great pirlj ofjour eotiniry who bine elevated me 10 ii; bin, s iliu sumo lime, it iv proper llial I shall noi regard mvself'as llie representatives ol i parly only, but of the whole pedplo of the union, and 1 trust; that iho. luiiure policy of the Government may he such as In ee cute the happiness and prosperity of all viihout distinction of party' It in rumored llial John V.m Rtifpn, Esq., son of the ex-President, will lie .1.- . . A. . .. rl .1 ..r .1.. L.i or ur 1 Morocy uuocrai oi me omit: if New Yorl. . , , -. 1 HOW I AltGE IS TFVA?? A 'Texas paper answera tlin interior lory by cIiowuip; llial it IS larii) as nx Slates in ibis Union, vis;; Louisiana, MiNjjsiimpi, AUbima. Gviirwia, Souih Carol'na anil Vlreinia. Tliene Slal'ei .. miles Hilled; contain ,311,000 rquaje IVxis conlains 318,000. Electoral Colk'e of I'mmulvania-r Che llarrixhori' uuir.n uive llie full pro- !eedini;s of llils body Wilson ilc(Jaiitjes E'-q (d I'ltixbnrL', presided, and Col Me- Cahen was aoooinled SecrelHry Isaac. nkney of Somerset, eo., and Christian Kneiifs of I'htliidelphin were nbseui, anil Isaac Hughs ami Horn R Knea8 were ap pointed to fill the vacancies James li l'olk il I enn , and Georuu M Dallas vvuie unan- imiuslv elected , Di Lehman, of the 1st Disiriet wire np pointed.'.o lake lie ceriifioale to Washinu ion The President delivered a valeiliciuty, mil llie Co,ilveitinti adjourned The Dtmo : r a 1 i a Union nays : lu nddilion 10 their nfllniat duiies, we learn Hut llie electors united in pruiinsin H 10 President Polk the distinguished it jAines liue.liaiiau lor Ihe atipoiniiiieui ol Secretary of Siaie his not known that VIr liiiehanan would, under any cireuln ilanees, consent lo relinquish the place, lie so ably tills in ihe Untied Slates Senate The eleeiors, however, seemed anxious 10 ilfer him a spontaneous lestiinniijal of their illll regard, and the irlhlila referred lo was deemed best suited 10 thai purpose Gov. Seele.ol New II inpshire, who I ike ground aniinst the- larllf, is riol inly. a pianiicil ill inof.'lcUin r, hut N at Ins dme lu'ly coi ceioed m tiiaimfair' urmg,. Mr. Sinuiel McAluter Ins a liuildinc. in progress al Natchez, Miss, which h intends for a coitoo facmi). (Ie i now nanufacturioii a stipenor aiucle ot ci On baggioe, fiom trash, cotton. Mr. James Madison, of NewhurnJi, has sum 10 anil sold, in New Yoik,9497 worth of hntte-r ihis season, the. produce if ten cov'. The Mobile Herald Males lliat Ihe nhir lllllllisl .IllliatlHil Walker. uhn ri'.'inlt jiole slaves Irum Pens.ic ola, an'd wtis caugV ni tils way 'ii Na"ali, iiadlr-eu tried and 1111 inlTr il 11 M .is Krnleiiced' 10 he line'. .1150; 10 stand m ihe pillur or. e fuitir,lii hr ' n jirn-iiucd liln'cu davs. 'and tu lie hraudeil ne the uglil hand iVilh the leilers 'S 'S' Ii ol wlm'li, except the liiipnronmeul, ha 'fen executed MILLERiSM AMONG THE CIIERO KEEN. A Cherokee lieu p p t, speaking of Miller s pre'dlenons of ihe ilesiiticiiuu ol ihe world, sat s lhal a Olicrnkt e cnujuriir anil itlpaled ;lie prupliel 'ioe Uilut vt is aa,, ) piihiishiii p'eiln iioim. lit iretlicied that the wmld witil he ilei'ro) eil 111 11 len.rin dij not then lir disiaui, hi vinii and e lor in and Hit- laliine; ill haiUliiu irge as the mortars 10 which was pounded .he com lor making hominy. Tne ileMruc 100 was uul to lie c.oiiiplt'ie; one sma'l spin f s tiiie lea areeij quare, w,i 10 he spare., uul in which, all hIhi lied, would tin'ii 'ecurliy ill the hnlir of Woe and ailiilllllatioi. So Aiinly fixed was tins helicl'.in ihe mind 'il'mao); llial deserillig iheir negroes,, iheii rchaids, &c. they loru iIiciiikivcw. am 0 nire'ines and tears,' from iheir uiilieljetiiit. iiends and skirted lor the reservaituui'loe ed in" thai enuinrv. now in Western Mnrih iJarolina; when ihev lound the end did no orno, ihey leiuined In their senses urn. .vent 10 work again, nevolutiouarii IienntnscenccS) II, Ingalls is now living in MijukUii, who vas ilespalelied uv Oo l'ickeriiiL' lo Hit aid of Washington on the surrender oi t'oruwallis at Yorklowu 10 cairy die lo telhgence, and also 10 hasten 011 cloihine. rom Uosion to West I'oint lor the arun . which was to go 11H0 winter qtrariers. Four French crowns were given him in defray his expense? on this tedious jour ney On his rcniniisirating that the sum vas inadequate, he tvns'lolil ll Was all tin- Colonel could ojvc him and he must makr itdiisiver ihe purtiosu lu il'ie.ui piluic lays of got einineiil palroiMiie, how Ui would four crowiii? go iowrtls furiherint such an enterprise? Supplies fur the army mil government despatches are not luriiirh. ed and forwarded lit quilu so low ii rale now-a days, Cl'RIOUS FACT. In 1832 al the Piesiileulial eleclion to New Yoik, iho counties of Snlliv.10 Jlsiei, , Dmelie., PiHnaril, 0'on, Rocklaiiil, West Chester, New Yo''k, Richmond, kni(s, Quee.ns and StilTilk, lying, loneiher in the soiilhern corner! ' lu flloomsbttrs, nn Thursday last; CATHA R t lite S'ate, gave a riiajuri'y of ,13. .000, LVKia?od 15 ifionths, daughtor of Air,, Ephraim for llie democratic Kleelor. 7'h'iv tans Arni8troii(r.- tt Ihe D.'thocnttic nwhritti in Jhe Stale the tit her counties bent!,' cxucUy (nil. accd. . , At thn I'sto election, these twelve counties navu a nisjoiiiy for llie .Dem ocralic ICIeclo'is ol 5,004,' udiicl) il 10 voles, oinro than the' Democratic majoii iy in thn State; Iho 'cbuntie which were balanced to 1832, now 'gi'ving'a VVhip riajoiiy of 10, v;pte?, ' : '" ' The Hon. John Savage, the prritillne officer of 1I10 New York Electoral Conven linn, iravp an flr,lnrnl vnln fitriv t'(ut4 xirtt w,... p. fur nomas JefTeraoii. lie was the young ,est eieeuu in llie coliego 01 isiil, anil wan iappoiqietf the Mekongei tu beat the vole ol ihe State of New.Yok. ' SENA.TOR HKNTON. The present is t lie Iwontyfoiirtli yenr t ft s Colonel Hoolon has ocriipltMl the same chair in ihe Senate ClianibTj and , , . , . 1 , 1 .. . 1 .. niiuiiiu iiu iiinn ni c iiii'c omri Hie enr for ilje nt w" r r m Ot wln'eli'lu -li jn' heeii-eli'-'u'ii, Ins will o(r.ri,iire have licen a Seo.ill.or' for ihicy yeari (neatly the .ihird, of a ceiiHiry. A VllFlTIOUS CITY. ' 1 . N01 a riersii!) has been convicted of crane for five years, io t he 5.00S inllnli nance 01 ueverty, miss. lnis aruuec either tireat .blindness in dime Jus'ici or reut viriii aiiuni the people. Il is staler! in llie public pres, thai The New Jersey U11I1011I ami Trans poriation Coiupaoy tuns no train "of cat on lbs S 1ih.ii h, exe-pt in cnuoexioi willi ili irjiiSpni 1 iiion of IheMii ,il a-i ir prei'iif.- ami the eunip my sava ii will ru 1 .1.- ..... ... .,r,,n "' p.oviile.l Ho Ijoiied Stales will ilfpeiirt- with the mail -eivice tin lift dav." TEXAS-HIGH LY IMPORTANT. We learn 'hal on Wednesday last Mi M'Duffi" of S iipli-l'-iioliiia nive nolle . . . 1 r I r. . . . . . . 10 nie u. . Mi'iiaie inn lie wmiln v he day IkIIowiih. , inirodiice j'lini imi 'ii"'ion ptovnlii'n for 1 hi: hnniedalv Jlneocutinn of Tents. Collector's Office. Berwick. Detembrr I,' 1841 ,'Thc foljowini; h,m' tbe i mIh. 11 us 0f laital r."ilts. at this Ufhre, (nr ll.e r-r. lealllll z: Moiiih of A prtl Mo n't n of May lonlb of June ; Month n'f Jlily Mouiiriif-' Auiut 1 Monilrof September )onlhy of Oi lobej Month' if November ii VYhnle amount $2 8flts 0 . 7 020, 'If 5,217 5 )( 1,24 til 7 751 41 . 5 420 6 . 8 57!) 0 c,:i8o'e $40 0C7 T, By former Coll'r. Nov 1 843. 231 5 I'ol'il fiVr lh" fiea! vear. ' - JOHN McRCYNOLDS. Cull, Notk. I ast tear, the l Is '.ithesi'ii' due.ivrre $2."i,l53 3fi ' JiVCRE VSE. io fivor of preseni yesr. aver 1813, of S25.058 00 Ip Bicknell's Itepntler, pulilished ?e Philadelphia, the follou iiijr opinion is rx liressed, in relation to ihe - course of the Oinvernor elect, on the tnhjert uf the Siaic ih hi: Mi.. Sliuijk:,ihe Governor elect, ij'jaiil ... u:'. : 1 it. 1 ' .1 . . .. . .. i" in in, iii-i iiii-u in me opinion mat mi credit of Ihe stair- should he sustained m ihv and everv h z.rd We iri,i ilici in hi ' nr sum" Mileeqietit addrtJis In not be able In ponii oiu",. adequate anil .al.aeloi pi in. havi'ur'iiu ihiv die speeiK no ai an o e 1 niilicallnn nl llie !mhor 1 I "ie common we 1I1I1' TO R A I L ROAD CONT R A fJTORS. The Erie Railroad Cluiiplniv; will recent eded proposals iimil ihe 20ih iiiManl; foi he jrraduaiior. ami maonrv of ahotii If; ndes of the line, between Miihllelown nii' ''ori Jcrvis, in the couety of Oranae, Nc's York. Finns and e uill he exhibit "it anil explanaii uid iiven, al the eflicV of he Cu:iiiany, in Pieimon , slier the 12d risl. Th i- lion, joiio Nivme, who nusi- .... .led io tlieEh'C'oril C'iIIho of ,pw York no W'eilni ml ty, iav an el plot 1 oti. ful yeais -mi) fin ThnmsM J ffei -on. He it 'is i ho i, in gut !ecioi ii lie Cule; o1 IS04 ami Was appoiete 'he mis"- i;ei iM h n 'lie vule of io St .le ol AT- w Yoik '.i Va-hii (;lon MAItRcl'.D Dn tho 5th i 1st. bv th Hov Charles Williamson. Mni. MICHAEL C V VNCfc to Alius IM.MIUA, daughter of Isaac Kline, Esq 01 urnujo toivnlnp. (Jj'Wo take srrat pleasure in lelurning our thanks lo the p.irlie. fur the splendid rsVe sccom- panyins thn abme notne. To rrmrnibcr Ihe prin ter in iheir hour nf Joy nil glailjiec-i is a sure evi- lenco of a fcii dly feeling, nnd that they hay heartu that will not only render,the,melves h ippy thrniigh Ihej mrncy nf life, hut that their exertions will mil be wanting to extend a liko b!einu to others. PII.D Iii nionrnt'iuri,'on Tneil iv I st. 1(J. QMKId.N K. daughtvh of I.. D. ftupeit; Cr-q. aped 15 inonlhs. In Mmlinnn. on Friikv. the (1th Innl. Mr. JDHN F.tJNsTON.asetrga. '-'-!n:s&irrm'' CHARLES Xi: RUCK A LEW; Attorney nl SiUir. Office South 'side of Main-st. opposite M.a 'W"""", k... it) t f r t.p'icitTrt rirtiTi.po t rtr H7iiii t 1 1 emu vytjiifviq 111 THE COUNTIES Uf UULUMUIA AND LUZERNE., TH22 HAP.KBT-S. Hi.oomsul'uo, Dec. 11, IS I I. Wliea', 75 . - : 43 .Corp, . " 40 Cloverseetl, 3 50 Flaxseed, . 1 25 ' Bul'cr, .' . 12 OjIji, . Kb 'Pdll.rtV 10 Lull 7 Dneil Apples, fj6 While cans Al' Bees, wax i!5 LAP -yilliVOffKS. A few thousand LA' SHINGLE:!, und a w .. mO HOUSE SLED, for rale; or cxrlinnRo for any kind of Country Pro duce. Bnquire uf tho PRINTER ! FUR ! lit) l.adics of Ilcrwkk "iIch r,n hpldinn n fair on (thn V 5 1 1 1 inrtJiiD "t dio rn. ilo.ny; the proceeds of which ore lobe applied t the licnefit of ihe l'retiyieriaii Church in tins place. A general assortment of Fanrv Arliclca wbl be 'ilfcrcd for sale; also a J'aUle of Knfreslmienls con- intinc of Uyt?rs, IcC'Creuws, lid CnJJcn, $c. Fair will Open at 10 o'clock A. M.sud continue Jufuij the day and rvenincr. I lie public are rci)cctlully invited to attend- Estate nM.ifir FORV.E. tale vf Hit. rteasani township, LulumLia county. (It ceased mTO I K h is hereby eiven. lint the subscriber. I M resilient in Mount l' Tiiwnr-hin. in aiil cfliuity. has ndnii'dtaorcil on the estate of MA UV rullCdeceascd. All persons luvini chin LMiii't Iho estate arc bciebv tequclcd to make kiicwn 1 the Biil-Fctiliir without delay. OKOJiGC KIIAM, Admini'trntor. Mount l'leaant township. Dec. 0,1611. Ck04 reiji-IV CJ1MF. into the cnclonurt oi the subscriber, ntiont the last ol Srpteinbcr. one ltKl) HinKIMi and a RJI) STftEll. with wlnti ficeii, hiippoM d to jl i: about two jcars lAd. Tie i.vtcr is lequtMcil lo prove nroricrtv, nav chariru- 1'id .jko llinni away, or they will lie diapond 01 ijcu'cliti" 10 I.iw. JUlf.N A.NUI;. Umugi; luwnaliip. Drirn.Ur C, lt4-). b-1 , NO I ICE WHERKAS, the undiirsigntd grive bis noli' to William Mcllcnry, dated Ncivcmbei 15; l-S-M, fifty dollars pnjablo six uionlhs fron Jiile, for the iinprevcmrnt u a cerium piece 0. tract ol land, and having sinco ascertained that san: Mc7f nry had nu.title lo the same, I tlto reforc he.c. bv caution nil pcrsous riot lo u cihb' uid nnte u shall refute to pay it utiliEs c mi tllnl l y law. I'tntOU LUXUKIt. ' Occemlcr 13, ISH- TAKE NOTIf -E,-. MI T we bate this dav purchased al ConftJ blc sajc as the properly of I'etir Ktclati, eniar; one clock oue beaureau ono iron kittle -5 ho'si-2 tons of hiy u lie black cow urn infer- nue sonel mare oml grey mare two sett A harness one two horse wanon 500 shaves 1 1 1)1 a id one sled, anil hate left the same in In ..ojai'fcdiun during our pleasure. OANII3I. I'ESLRR 1'1M'B. I.Vlil.AM) jr Firhinge cek October 13 1844 iSi CLOCK & WATCEI ES'UCTFI.I.LY infnnns the cilitcns nf Columbia county, ami the public (tcnemllv liallichax locted hiiiin ll in Ulioiimburn on Mail ticct uppome M funis Church, uhcro he Is piniil u (.hup nnd is now itui'v nnd oupniid t ccciiri audexccuic ad ttork 11 hii- lint ol buiihio. viltli dispatch aiid in a uolkmai.hkc ii.uiii er. . Clocks & Watches if the beit quality, can be had at his ct.tublihinen .n very reasonable term . It EPA I KING & C LEAKING will be done lo lhcFntifactiiiii of the customer, in .tell of Clinks and atehcsHn nf JewcNv, and l.i ill, further, warrant Ids vtnrk lobe te'titeJ 0 .tell 31 any in this (-ection uf Ihe fclu'.o, lie.uil do make to order SUKVEYIXG C031PASSI-S or pocket, nnd in.thnrt, t ill do nil otbctwutk 'n illy none, in a well icgionlcd ttr cclnbln rvliillh1 ment. He hoinr. by eli'ct ollruiion In l.l.birc Old a desire In plcan1, to nccite a lil rial ihnie , natmiiHKe. oniitiv Produce tekrii in linwiici for woik at the 'market p;ii. Uluoinkburg, iSoM'tnbcr 15, 18'H -30. t N OTIC U . Notice is herehv eiven, l!nt we v ibis dav purchased at (loioiialde pale, as llo oroperiy nl VVdliam Ctir.ninehain.ihn foi low inn property In wii:cne,biy hori-e om iirown mare, set ol liori.K (jears, unecnci, mi) Calf, .three sheep, fie hnirs, ore wa i..n nnd bed, two harrows, three ploticlo-. .ne etiinii" box anil K ntre. one rradlii mid c il c one urasn sey lb. one and a half inn ofi.HV, fifi hushe.s of corn in the ours 111 101 oi ciover seeo nan ol feuniieiei. frte in the uroiuul. hall of ix aeren . ulii-Ht in lie ue urul Ittnide'iU. 001 f I , , I. , , f . . one lot 1 1 1 ve the r ' ' . 1 h 1 i 1 ;r Ik PorsiHt. till f I Ml I, huv lef. with said Cut.nii."htim: durice ' i ' r our jiK'i'curr. C. W Ji .I.AZAflUS, j Orarjjf.vil'c Hov. 30, 13jH.. ra ... 3 IteY virtue eliimd'-y vend, eipunaiifi, tornoi.ii recl.d. wiM be exposal 111 tiullii sale, nt Hoi Uuurt llnnnr. In Jantllle. nu B-tuuint ibe iBSi day cf Uwemi'ti, m I, at one oVIuiL, I', Al Its irj)loviT)jt properly, to twi 1 (ei,111 l'lai t (nil, 1 f I txtoM mil iltiidtod Iii Uiictrtesk tOwrti'hlji, Culumb t'( ;uutaijilii more Or'lMjC' Jouildid rjirlliaiiiit by the mjl 'pieban a Jtivr; oirftfi.wifft fiy the rntuti rosJ iVaOilitf fro 11 jtl.ujtll.litlrj to Utrwkk, m d iidjopK 1115 lau 'a .if John jiMHSii mid other Ulids 1,1 de. !' ni'aol, all nl wtiifhls Iji ir hlgh-sliiti.-cidlUa' e'll, wjicrtxj.ii u erected..., ' urtfr Ei time flumlling House, d large iiiink' Harm miiI ihor riut biitldiiiij. Br'ij'cil and Liken Iii eycct.tion ahil L) be eoid os the pitiperty of Gilbert FnwlYn UV virtus, ef a nlil, Vclid. cxf. rt s torhK irerinl will lie expotcJ' I') public nale a.:llhiWitiini siid place, tho fellowinj property, to wit I A errialti lot ju llie icWii of' HVN w lek. dtuate on front utrrct nnd 1iilf ttfvslrfc'i! d sd- j dniiig a lot ol Rol'trt .M'Curdy and othcis, ru tu ..1 ... i'..i.i i. . 1 .1.. . I'lunuii.iu .v.,,,, vTiit-irtiu I,, vricieu u mgu 'SjMM DWIiLLl.Ni fR'US..fcf, autl ,." ' ' and other out huiMings, biifd taken in execution and to tcwld as tho property of Gilbert Fowler. ALSO, BY virtue, nf u writ of icvari fttciay, to me directed, will bt exposed tir public sule, ul the same, tunc and place. A cersin Lo or parcel of ground, si'uitoiu IJIuom township, 111 the countv of Col-, and maructl m utciiaui plan, ol bus laid out by the sdniieislrstera ef ihe cbIuih of Ludwiy Kyer deccactd. eiljning the naiil town ol" hli.tlrih urg, N. 1 (number one) beglmhlj st'e pn t tu the bui(l now owntd by the iit'v, George C. Drake, and Urat trectof nj'ld tuwn, uud rnunin; ilitmo ilonkj the said utreet norlli sixty una degree L, 10 perches and three tenths of a 1 trtli lo poji: dieuce by lot No. 2 in Ihe taid plan cvrniil by uk'i) itar Ion, iu. J l Ui'gric.i, and a trail v, cbi ifit'cn puclii'k lo a potl.uu 11 pine feil clley thitica dons.naid alley soulh.MXty destiei vvctt'.O perjneu 0. d llirec truths lo n pnsl; thuicv alel'.i;; Ihe tut uf aid llcv: U. U. uri'te . .1) deij rit 1.. lillrC 1 crclfcs and ti tcntliB to the plnce of Lerimutu conninini; on acre ttrict tncaturt be the b.-.u.r uoreorliss. Upon the premises is a lr;.-"c Til O TOllY lill IL K HOUSE i'titcd taken ill execulimi mid It, I c sold an the iropcily of Jacob Giouel. v 1I!AM DKltlt Xhrff Shtrff'i Office, Dcmliit.Lu. -1, 1841. New Qiisy Seasonable and Crheap. W'Vj just received from Phikidclpaia.ttid ar now opening a large assortment of lTEW GOOD'S, vhich they oiler to the public at. the inat reduced jriccu for ' 4 CASH OR COUNTRY' PRODCT. ! heir ftock of goods conits in pirUraf Sunerfiin, cununon and luarsc cloths, t iihsiincra, 81'n.c ., MiixliiiH, Si'ks, Satins, MuUM-lino dc I.noc, Lawn's. Mcrinoes,I,ace!i,'Ainarican P'rciY. t brown Hollands, Flannels, .Mil, and tot Ion Velvets, bilk and colton Hnnilker chiiifs.I.ady's audGcntlcinen's I 'u ii colored Hose Gloves and A'tti or ALL SORTS AND SIZ.Ew, 1 fee, c'&c. ,.&(;., Consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES & TEAS nf assorted qualities. MOLASSES. FISH & SPERM OIL Tobacco, Snuff, Spices, Salt,,Soap, Cuidlre.d: & LIVER P OO. L CJIIA.1 Gl.lSfi AD Ouei'Siswtti c if every description that may be ;cjuirr,l. Hard ware, Cutlery &c, OF ALL RINDS. Har, United. Hooj) ' and Hand Irrn nnd Waggon Tire tf ivcry'dtscfiption that may he called for. , A large assortment of Plane bits, chi-els. Filee, hovels and Tongs, Knives & r'oiks, Prtket o'd 'en Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, coflee i!', r'lax eeed Oil, and spirits cf Tuipentine; .necpmn 11 ushe, weavers brushes; shoo brushes, clnU biuilt s. corn broonn, &c. The public are tcquMcd to call and cxtin inc f ' hemselves bcfnrn they purchrto clsev,.cre. Ve -ell cheap and 110 inirtske. Hloanibburg, Nov. 9, 1614. CO, A I) MINIS TR4 TOIV S NO rC E nutate of Conrad cat late of af tnivnuhip deceased. Is hereby givrin that Iciiroi f.i - Its 'i'ril' , niovomerli 1.' niovo merli'i. . lute sid r.Ha'e'iTro hc-elly ii' make in mr lute j a rnrw, an.d lliose. Dating rlairps are rec.uct'td to prc-ei:t thTiu'ytejily ttithenticaird 'a , WILLIAM iJES?, Adm'r. .tovcmliT 16, 1044,-30.