COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. BSCS BR It, 19 t.EL&BllA'ftbN On Thu'rstly. December S? 1544,'lhe democracy bt"ColutHuia epuniy.cnlebra. 'ted Ibe laic HiUMbh 6f the parly . in the election of Jamea K. Polk it George 'M. 'Dallas.for President nJ Vice President -at the United Slates, and Francis R. Bhunk for Govt rnor of Pennsylvania, jy a public dinner, at the houyeof Ch tfoebter, in Bloomsburfc. A large com pany tat down to an excellent and boun- lifulrepsit. and the cloth being remov ed, the company was organized by ap 'iOrlN ROBISON, President. 'Cot. L. L. Tats. J. Fncit.'tiAAC S. Monroe, Robert iloNTCOMEBY,.UcoD 'Demott, Daniel SsrDCB, Vice PieS 1dent. ,S. Pcrtrte, lP S. JtAvtlpton, Secro tun s When the follnwing toasts were dronfk t.cconvpanied by the hearty-cheers of the ,'eomjiaWV. 'C. fchler The 'Democratic Victory Ave'fcelebrate. We hail it as a ftlorious fridrnph of' truth and virtue, over decep lion antl'vice. Weavdr Cot&mbla county. The 3tar of the North.' She has shown at the lite election thai Federalism is 'truly a ""forlorn pope" within her bor Uie'rs. Corporationi and falsehoods can hot diminish her spirit or cut down her .crushing majorities 8. Pearce Democracy, Virtue.Liber. ly and Independence, fair aa the Moon, 'clear as the Sun, and teirible aa an army Wi'h haruipr. J. M'ReynoldfSilas Wright. The -EiAtit standard bearer of the Democratic in (he Empire Stale ! Hone! tal ent meeJs i la tneriled reward in his e!ec lion as Governor. "By J. EycrCol. H. U. Wrig,ht Highly honored heretofore by the De mocracy of the liejs'one and the Union He has deserved it all ! May continu ed testimonials of respect attend him in "future. After thin toast had been drunk & 'the round of applause had subsided with Which it had bren receivd, Mr. Wright rose and returned his hearty thanks fot the kind notice taken of him, and enter tained lhecompany for about half nn Jiotn in ah eloquent address, adverting "to the glorious and brilliant victory late ly obtained by the democracy of Ibe state and nation, and the benificial rc A Protective TaiilT, Identified will' the best interest of Pennsylvania. l.ui t lie people of Pennsylvania stand by it, as one man. 1) utlel Snyder Gen.Willinm- S.Ross May he redeem the pledges Hits day made on Mhe question of the people' ignis In (he county of Colombia. Tin removal nf the S sat of Justice -common honesty demand ft. B. Rupen Djniel Snyder. Faith- ful and fearless as a Representative; ho nc J I i a ciliten, and respected as a man. J. Robinson fljn. B. A. iJidlaek. long life and prosperity to our faithful Congressman. Daniel Gross -The Star of the North May ".he be alwaystruc (o democratic principles as she has been in 1844. Jdhn'Egan Gen. Andrew Jackron. die man of principle, the gift of Divine Providence io iho human family, tin Morning Comet und Meridian lihl, bright evening Star and leading Torch, Ilia! illuminated and defended iho eter nal principle of Kqual Rights on the emblazoned altar of irue liberty. Ma) James K. Polk, the Young Hickory of Tennessee, guide the ship of stale, with ihe same helm lhatOld Hickory Jackson steered with A Horimau The two third rule. 1' saved ibe democracy, and conferred im measurable political blessings on the countiy. Long may the men live who mtaincd it. II. Snvder For the prompt and efficient action taken by H. U. Vtignt, fc.sq.. laie Speaker of the House ol Representatives, rrum Luzerne couniv. in sustaining the rirhti of die citizens of Uolumbia cotinly 1 hope the day is not far distant when he shall ba promoted to the highest office of a fiee and enlightened people of this Common wealth. Jacob Bidelman Daniel Snyder.Esq Our distinguished Democratic citizen nd ex-member of the House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, long may his services be remembered, and we irust bigher honors await him. William S. Thompson-'George M. Dallas, Pennsylvania's noble son, who will discharge bis duties ably. S. Pearco-'Jdckson township, Little hut, 0 Dear. Levi L. Tale The Removal Ques tion. It is the cause of truth and justice. fullest confidence I It at he will cany out! those principles that will ensuie peace, prosperity and happiness to our beloved country. Capt. John HazlelCol. H. U. Wright of Ji.o7.urhc- his set vices to the democratic parly, his talents andprivale worth Will secure to him a seat in the cabinet of James K. Polk. A. B. Hortman James K. Polk His election to the Prrjideney is hailed is the harbinger of the good old demo cratic times of Thomas Jelferson. R. Montgomery The cunvontion that nominated James K. Polk, deserve the thanks of their country. Lvi L. Tale America, the home of the free and an astylum for the op pressed of every nation Nalivcism? alias, old federalism, lo Ihe contrary notwithstanding. G. B. Jackson To the Inn Keeper ofthehotis M-y he not bejled into whieeerv under the cloak of Native OCT y 4 Americans, as many have been under he cloak of Antimasons. The Barbacuu ami the Banner Township. Tho grand Barbacue came o(T in Old Siionrtiu f iiiwnsliin. Luzerne county, on ibo 20lh of November. In life early par' of the day, the Democracy of Sujjarloal nd the adioininc townships assembled it immente nutr.bers. to nariako of a Iloas Ox, and celebrate the great democratic vicUrv. The entertainment was sol u bv Mat. VVn. T. Hhodus: and withon' (latierv lo him. il Wis done in most ex celleni mvtn. Il waa a dav of iilbilec and reioicincr the scene was enlivened, by nu sic and the Urine of the Canun. About 3 o'clock the multitude sal down lo; die le- (last. After the clolli was removed dial veteran democrat. Col. JACOB iDUUM HELLER, was called to preside-f assisted bv JameaiS. Camnbell. Geo. P.: Steele, Abram Drum. John It. Dean, A Corllighl Geo. Ken'm and Williams A. Tubes, as Vice Presidents: and Thomas Voyle, am Sam'l. II. Puterbaii5h,3ecretaries. On motion of Henry Seybeit, a cam tniuee of twentv was appointed on reso'.u lions to wit) Ihnry Seybert. N. Snyilei, A. Miller, Win. I . Khndes, U ItLllnger.w Drumheller. David Linter, Simon S Charles, John Spayd, J. B. Gardner. M. Heller A. Schleppv. and Abram Sjinitn, ol . r o H ti v:i Susarloaf Win. Risner.lleniy 11. Wison, of Hazlo, and Jonas Seiwell, Simon Santeo and Aaron Thomas, of lJuller, who report ed the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted by acclama lion ICcfiOl iitions. Rnsnlved. Thai in the election of JAKKs We confide, with conlidenee for the re. K, p0I(1 and G M the offite i' ol Pietidunt and Vice President of the nf n..r r.nrnsenlaliveB. "nueu oiaie., me ..emot r-uy ...v . Messr. Ross fit unston. Ihe might ry No polilicallvictorv since the eleva and Ihe rigH with the truth must pic- tion of Thomas Jefferann to iho office of II rresiueni, lias ueen so com;ueiB ....... ., . ,i rt ,h , . . umpnani. i-ui u. iiuy v.ii. n. ii. Js' I llesalued. That l i s reso t is tho causes ults that are likely to flow from" them hi services in lh Pennsylvania L-gis-Lf iie honest congratulation of die demucrii Ho the people generally. He closed by ..lure dtm.n. I; a recompense trom tlu cy o, i n. . .ft . r . 1 1. .. .i j.r I'.tliiiilna Aniinlt LVhioh i rtnll ' ' ;presenung inre roirowing seuumeni. tnirii . ,ltn2,m,i t10 world. Ii is, the victo The county of Columbia, rich in he: in their power to give. Jry of Republican freedomthe causa of m: i tu... i i... 'nr,1i S Prentiss Franc i H. Mhun ; the n entile hKiKisi me instiiinus inuuencr ..iiwidi i cnuui i lie v i:au uiuy uc i -' WI" - -.- . w . . . ....... ..... t . ri .. i--. i.:. lol UI09B who iiiiiiune mc iiicriimuuir tleVelrjpetn.)- incriminating and Inci- t"e wemocrauc uovernor eiect, ...ay rifhi of suffrapc-and tho princl.dcs of . l I I . t . 1 I "a.T1.. - . I U 1 w dental pfoleClloh. luture u.iys oe as origin as muse uc- 1770, W. L. Cook The President of the fore ihe election promised. JiesoltleU, l liat mis great ennuici n wte ... r, . r, 1 , t tt...;. ti. .,mio. nf iho Union lias oeen one 01 severe suiie unu lai t-onrention. rennByivania -..u-,u. . f , . 1101.ra(.Vi blll t-xneclf'10 be honored in his person with bia and Lmzerue. JVlay their Union be j 0()l)e anj ,ie republican fliL waives hernetuated a one as their interest h hish on Ihe battlements the emblem t . . ... .u of democratic valor anu tie eienai 01 ue .1 1-1 "sivnh t m 1 torn mArhndn sl h- nnru 1 I 1 1 L! aillllt. I " w '""-J "'v..., v. .nnrralin m I nfli. Clay. Drink it in silencers the less said en. Uoss James uucnanan, out yyM0erf 'I'at nnr opininn the sditp about it the better. lable UniteJ Slates senator. His slrenu iion 0f ,e two third rule, by the IIhImihmp t. Derr The Victory we this day ous exertions in favor of Pennsylvania Convention thereby nominating J-.unes K telebrote a signal triumph of the prin- interest meets our decided approbation. 'K' tManA BfCUr,d lhti mPM. ciples oi Jtffersonian democracy oven Jacob Garrison--The Baltimore Con- jiueg 0r greaj republican party of tin the combined forces of Federalism. Bank vpntinn. Plic four dav.i anent in the! 11 a linn . W and Na,iveism(a Worthy trio for the Lomina.ion.was the seed time of a mi ; " ' " r t l'armet ol Asl.lahtlJ Who has received glorious harvest.. veniion. and as an evidence of i, we refei the veidiet of a just and Indiflilant peo-l W'm. Ever The present Board oil to iho vole of olu Sugarloiif on the 1st day .pie, for the dtseition of democratic Canal CommW.oners.T.lented.energe.. .pnneiple).. lie ar.d capable in their hands the slatr TitsaltieiL That in the election of Francis uyn. -WBhl) ben. Hoss. tur ben- , mriroVpmenl8 will yield to the Com- II. Suusuto the office of Governor of ibis k . . .1 1 .... Morelect. -A iroljle "on of on honored ilK rAMflfts, 1 Uommonwcalih. ihe deniociacy hiiv nm Bv the Comnanv-Our host and host 2"S?Wn 1 h",..?"T . . -... via I I lUHi ii"ii whimh tlH muni i ne.wm -tuny represen. eM- Wo owe them our thanks for th vanUms sUII remain true to tho principle and creed ol their lathers. he interest df his'Cons'llllents. bountiful preparations of thiaday. TheylaJ Ihtolvcd, That we are in favor of iIip tariff of 1844 anil will do all In our power to sustain it bellevinc that il is well cal culaled to advance the best 'interest uf the people of the Key stons State as well as .II I lllli-l-IIVl.llIll liail fUUUJUCU, JCI U ,l,rl.. Inr .nll,.l n . ' II1U3I UC UEIIIIII.I flin I l w l cuv (.ii,.,B,,f RoM roscund responded in a neat and mpnl npver came rrom cooncrV. . )iiir)V aiJdress. and afier tikine a view of the .general matters brought into th, eht.-uen. oaunuers uon li P.0.i.i..ii0i i, .t.,....i .JR. M. Walker they did good servlceM the whole people of the .Union. Il is Iwt f-u. with the .Piesideiit of the Haltimor. P-riff for revenue, and gives inn dental pro .nc.j..ii.u.l,i.-r UJ....I .iimkm ih uwn eit-u- .... , , icction to Ihe great suple of ihis Stale. t ton wk routined, and raid, that ihr rU"v,IIM"i c'"a,n.g i .mi wi j7oue(i. That this was the issue mad ijileilne'niade' by him before the ek-ctioi laa ,ne" services .not do toigot l ai llie polls on-tlie 1st day of Ndvembci, ii V" 1 U . I ..Jtl tM .1 .11. lllen I WO HID l,lllliru IU IVUI'IIIIIICIIU "Ulill Mlll lie w .uvummiviu tnc "U'mOVI.1 - I .,.., Wer f.ill ,,,.,..,,1 hv llm :brj)h in principle and detail," w m, I Jcob'BtliUlman Our hosl ati'dliost. pepe af 'the leertiop7 W( are opposed niid mir! V for e eel onem nir tiiiihh 's. IJiauUs to them lor the Hhlenuui and in tree iraue anu oeueve nn country can ', ashe always had bren, and ,l0 muntrow ilinnerwhlch lhy p.epa.ed ' proipetrlf free trade principles are ol the opinion,"that thu 'claim was ynA n litis tiay oi njoictng. may mey long jt,ohtiL That we do hereby dnsimci -and right, and that no hnpondile exer hve in health, happiness and .proeperi- our Representatives in Congfess and our ilnn t.i u ! I . llepreseiiiaiives m me jsenaie nnit Assem- V f 1 I. .f ilm Ml'ila in wit fur anil lias IllPlr fleet the desired object, and rlostd b W, S. Thompson James 1C. Polk. lnijnence to sustain the larriff of 1812. fcfin$ the fllowiiig sciiiimcnt. J The Democraty of Ihe Union have (he Jlnohtd, That iu the lata contest, Jhe lemee has cone forth that Texas is to be come a part of i.he.. confederacy and we iher;lora recommenu me annrxnun " PcX3a to tile lettltory and puttiii)? it with in the jurisdiction of the United States Let Mho lone star' be added to the glorious conslelUilon of 20. Ilesofvcd, Thai Oregon belongs of rigid to the American Slates and people anu ihit iu our opinion notice should be forth with given by Congress to Grent Britain: that henceforth wo will acknowledge no joint occupation of that Territory in coin 1111)11 Willi tier OUl Hill Hie same uruing to the American people and they arc ready lo protect and defend it at the point nf llip havnlint. licsolvtd, That the foregoing proceed" ings be signed by th officers or Hie meet ing, and be published in the Parmer, Cu liinihia Rnnuiier and Democrat ihe Pa im . am Slate nsner at llarrlktiliri; ami '" r -i - .... .i a the democratic naners in tne aiaie, me Editors of which may feel disposed to do so. Signed by Ihe officers. Toasts. Dy Col. Jacob Druiriheller President. The democratic putty htm in us ruici iiles and ever readv to seive the coiinuv nnd ir.inlHiii in limior. uur uiiviti-iiu-iii io Bufu in llw hillltls (I f I'.-lk. Dallas ami Hv tteorae P. Steele. -V. l'rHSIilent lamfiH 1C. Polk. George M. Dallns anil i, H. S uink in the clevalliin ol ilifaii men iho tieeple have fully sustained md carried out lite true principles m mr nverntneni as expounded by Jeirersnn and lulended by Jackson in ttie lieiu anu cau met. By Andrew Corlrighl, V. P. I he de mocratic nariv can only be sustained by idvocaling tne same pnncipiea which t-i- rnptesenled at the polls no United btatre in'i Hip lurill i O 14 aniiesaii"" "i IVxas and tho exclusive occupation of Ore .mil . . .... . IJv George Itenig. v. i'. uur couniry and its mleiH trie nation is erne in in keeping til' PoUi Dallas and bluinfc juki as tntieh as under the glorious adminutra linn of old llickorv. Hv Henry Seyber-t5ol u. U wngin former Sneaker of the llnuse of Repre. sentativca ol Pennavlvania President of ihe National Convention thai nominated James IC. Polk and George M. Dallas- tuny hit lalenm and services not be forgolicn in the formation of the new Cabinet. By Thomas Voyle I ho people s cr.n lidaies Polk. Dallas Shfcnk; rite country redeemed, & the II ag or '70 woies iriump haul. By Win. T. Rhodes Old Hickory His principles and those of the creai dern ncratic family are saved lei his last days bo glorious. and the sun of Iwa long ami well npciit lift: set wuhoul a cloud. By Michael Heller Our able and lal billed gucot Col. II. B. Wright who can stand higher than he does in lie hearts of ihe people of this county. Bv Abram Miller.--.The Baltimore Con veniion and lile two third nile ibis did the tiunineis and defeated the Federalism. By Col. II. B. Wright. Pennsylvania her coal and iron are the staples lhai reauito discriminative protection. !v John K. Uean I Im I'resiuoni eieci the country looks to him to carry out ilit principle of" Jefferson among Which i. iho doctrine of a tariff for revenue with in idental protection to ilit L'reat staples of the n i) I in I) 1 1 1 r larill oi la-ii. By Thomis M. Dennis.-i here in ihrn dollara a day and that roast nVef? Coot hina Roorbacks gone up sal river. Bv Juo Spavd The democratic pari Conn skins and gourd shells can nevpi hive them from the cause ol populai Bh- ... Hv Henrtro Drum be er folk, l;lla id Shiink ihe peoples camlidaiss; lioblj have the people done their duly ihe conn try is safe, and freedom secured. Hv uev, U. Sallman. American nn land of equal rights, and where civil am rcliuious ibeitv are loleraieil siif cess n he country and us rulers; rolls, Ualla? am Bv David Lintncr James K. Polk ol Pentiessee the firm and unwavering denm tat he has served Ins connlry wi ll iav he be spared lo render it still greaiei icrvice. By Nathan Snyder. 'Ha, In, ha, such n nominee, 4a Jimmy Polk of Tennessel' By Simon S. Charles Tetinesce, tlu mil of the Ilii kories does the whip know who James K. Polk is now? Bv William Kimer. Jumrs K Polk George M Dallas h Col.H.B. Wright will i u rri men democracv is sale. Hv Abraham Drum Old hugarioat Im land nf democrats Mid supporters ol democratic measures and while she is tlx Manner lownehin. she proclaims In locirlncs the tariff of 1812 no Uniteii Slates liank the right ol sulirago I exas and Orecnn. . . .... j l r By Jacob IJarnlngef. Tim tat uay oi Novj told who James K. folk was, Bv John R. Dean Gen. R. M. Satin lers. of North Carolina. Who effected more than he did in the Bltimot (Jonven tinn He.will nol bu forgotten by the new minimal on. Bv David Seaman The 'Keystone the Empire,' and the 'Old Douiininu ' Nob v tiave t hev done batilu In me cause oi democraev snd the neonle. No humbug can drive ihem from the catise of popular rights. " ' Bv Col. II. B. WrinhJ-Hon, B. Bidlack His cotirhe in Cohferess in rela Mnn to l ie erunl interests of his IJ strict, la deservini; of the highest praise. ... ....... . , . t. nv Abr'in a, blftPV May Jamrs K run .thf.vjiuia vhswchat. Polk. Geo M. Dallas, jind I' R Bliutik; re vi. KDm,rrr.- '.u-a. atote the J.fft.sonlan G.Jvrnme..t ' Bv Araham Menri. U-Asli poles aie , r. , ' el.cap no.a..lavs. and conn skin in poor " " i ........ " - mil " 1 ' . ,,r ir.iii t u.' Ilia it are few n hen rill,. lemanU uuicr oirieis snu ""lu " " ." .ii. .i .... .r ...... ,..i. will go a beirutnit ,..-i,r :"' . ... . . i i .i. ii I ... .... I, mum mi iv hnn i-iiiniinri'd wit i hi... .. Bv Win HtlltlH Will lienorricK u ...... WriBlH-the people of .Su,.atloaf feel an 'V At tins day he is a sl.oti-Mfl r.-i,.. h. . , . ..e vcstfiri mv ho snram; into eximeuct in especial inieresi in uo imniiuuiMi m . ... .,i r r. . i . i ii r muiinm iu iniiinrw uu i.mrp .hhi iii. favorite ... ., ...... My Michael Klinger-Our friends a' "'"- '-I'"" ' "e Bal.ininie they saved ll.e party-ttiej " . u. . Mine did well for their countty may lite two 1 . .. i t i . . ,r,u,, tln.d rule he perpetual. vt-,. '"'" " ""'"ni ' 1 ...... t 1 1 i nu it rrani i:q ti fl.l lr if hid li.ihL. ... Hv John GriM-UI'i llicuory lie im- y ' ""i -" ,! I i.l. ... .IuIluIki :iml ,, 11 IBIll III. r III 11 ,mi,i..i, iic o i ici . j HVeU HI 8KB Ilii" 1.1 1 I . I ,, t. , , proui from the old stock tramdered lo tin happy . but alas! aliM II Is o.i.y , 1 , ., . t hiii'iiiary, itin next and all is shrouded ih " l""1 ' I I -l I.:. I.. .!.... i.l.... ...i Bv (i P Steele Hoil B A lllllll''k uarhiu-.. m. ungni iii.ico uiuairu m,,) . i. . l.i .i ... I hiw llnnliiur Hiilrll Hllikli heltlMlll llir u-u.... a true tirmocrainsaiiu iionefi man, mgimi f i " .. : honors await him of disappo.n.rnenl J he prise Pc,l,a,,a ft By Ileniy Sej berl (Jen S-.nnders ol uir.ii oe in urc.. i...m.m..b iur jearB; m North Carolina snd Col II It Wright m pn nv.ui.ui.y v, y v. .urevc, Pennavlvania. who did more Wan lliey """" '-" ' " " " ""'iioiii towards the nomination J Iv Polk? ""Pf I lien uoill lie consioet an.i excljim By Mai S H Puterb.vigh--James K in me language oi me umuo pnei, Polk. George M IJallas and ihe tariff ol How vain am all thingf here Uclow, j gj i now luite anu yeiuow lair i Hv Dr Thornton Success to the old How ofien is it that man m disapnninlnl Dominion -unav die ever piove fatihful to L, ilie issue of his projects Led awav the deinoefaey nl the country a vain imagination, he undertakes that wlnrii Bv Abram Drum Ilnn. li uiiiiuviv. (. !s never able to accomplish, and Ihmih . . , r.i.i.r..!' .....I . . . i.i .. . 1 our member ol uongress launun aim iiuHiii ins boui sorrow, iroume em anguish. nun all o'f which tend to shorten his (lavs. IJv David Seaman-'! he American Lagle! We have had a remaiknble illustration Col H B Wright against ihe worldl iho vanity. haugliMness and supi'ii'ilinuMi,.,, By the Gump my Uur host ami linnet 0j 10fir feeble humanity, in tin- eiuidu. i .1, may prospeniy Hitend them lor ineir ap jiarty ol men (mid I in iy mid nm" n y ,n proprtate entertainment, ami their counting ihts couiiiry called 11 Inus, or ic t..' to their guests word ('oonn, who have exited nn. e . It was a intiJlilV catirrlng ol hip penpir davs u Ilie ruvn ullnn mid em ceniieii Hid the day was one of gener il rejolt ing it ,re older (but not much wis(r) iIij.ii im much glee such an one as old ,L. Mormons or MUUtiIvh I hese - nener saw aeloic. hiuiled uii, celuded creatures t.iippiicl i hev could elec I their gre;.t Lord airl fer Henry Clay President of the L' lJoii.i (iiienilv tfii'V weiil tti wiirk.nipn u The subject of a United .tales Senatm LIUI, iim cnidrcn. each one pcrlorinii ll 1 . .... i. i . . is already beginning to ciainifine ancn- it-r and us aMilgnctl portion ol the grn roll The Columbia demociiAT. iieuiid you lellow en -os ot nu- Ket done, ihe Ec1, the Siiuth, ll.e WeM.ani' the Norlli. The democi acy of tin- .Noti'i .ro bicthi rii vouielve of the re iiliitcui laoitly. veli.iv. t vei Hlooil firm in the i publican cau-e, anil like land of devoted ,-paitni!-. luve lepclled the iiisoleiil asMiuhful tveiy toe. lji-ncn then, lellow cillZeiiH of ilie rHy8lnne,lo lie voice of ihe dtmociaex oi the iNoitl is it lliea across the iron and coal mono- ains, on its way io the Lei.slaiivo hall if this tK-! Has nol Iho West long the imperial tin one Bat Oh ! al.i ! iIipm! ..... . poor Loonmulual, Jog'naliciil, perfirm lers failed and now 'hissed, laughed at, 1 no admitlance into the grcenrooin' thev vi i lion of the people. Western Pennyl- butslcrons, fxctiing. political drama uiiu vani.i. hat bcci: Ihe In. "I to lay Claim lo I liui" jut passed otl the stage ol aciioti thai honoiable distinction of havinn her Thee lofty, sneering, jpolitical, cnnn-di fi."nritP scire, eil. lint slof) a little broil. appeared upon the stage having an i democrats of tho WcslWC of the "s ' orance, ;usnu-e. wjiurui, .,. M..i. i .,., 1 1,,. ,lm. success i u ev uiu n iu supposu iur cm 11UIIII lUWj Ilit'- V.IMIIIU lu hm.i..wi 'tj 1 C .1... tr....Dl.rt Asnnn.r til IIIIWI.lCIJl tlHH II U3 1IIIVU1UIC1 IIIIM II trHlV u . I r i , J probable thai Hie; would fail in th? mien. v. - .... , ilo ttTfl ill Inn iPf Inrm'jtu'P in t ..i . I ..... . I i.n a iui line nn nil .. U M 111 LilUU Ul (III! U IICI pi'tiiMti our Slate. And where has democracy been more ti itimnhantly puccesMUl iu this slaie, than iu ihe iNorth? In inn nitif; over a ol those who might feel Linking benonth an insiippoilabln lo-d highly honoicd hj- beiun elevated to and trouble, in the presence of limb a station, I shall select the name- overwhelming victorious tieinncrary " . .. . ...i .. . ......... ,r,.n ,,iL, ii' riiiiur ni whinhi u vi' in , tiiai i ere coons he democracy of the lCeytone, should night wanderers are so ery sick ? s.i . I'.... I .. ..,,! ... ...n UJ,.i-, A Mill, I 1U11 Ol irOUUIC! ni:ailDB WIUI llllllll ' Itwi inuu.i ... ii. .iiw.. " - "I I - , . ., . ... .... . Illiu. ...I... In L.i.i.1 a wnr. ..;., Iiau l.n.Ml Iti Un, I .mu. It 'I .lli.lli'l l. !in. 1 ll- "IVII nniiii. auui , v v... ...... b- pik. .linn, ... " - ..... , . ...H.......... Ti.i. hve filled various " "" """" vmwY auu r " " " J 1 11. Aif aa n A..I tfwl In .u r O f a tl f V M fit a.,on and -ha, wh honor .. .he,,,- --M Znnw' V stives, ami in. .r cons.. u,r.,. 1 ,. .1vlrav,i1(iv iiec.,lB . iw. MIl uiiui-utitino .lip. nn inoir finiri & m-name hai.ei" .f . , 4.. I t . i .... I II I I .oiih, tie near or nn.ui im-y oe cai lv. allli tt1(. lnPV rc . , iev fe from mi . . . .." ,l .i. . .i.:-l. ' ' -!. ii noin year io year, io -wen me unci, loii-rnost pinnacle ol hope, yes, assnrariii, nine ranks and not he rctii'ineratcd tit down in the lowest ubvss of disannuinm mi .uleclion of une fi irn smunit t heir nuni and hopeless despondency The ilar. ber io fi tie hiuhesl ol hon :i in hwis sudden the fall was cteat andsiie- . f- .. I .1... f ..I 5 I .1 I ..... .. .1... I .... ll,n ttfiinil t, Kl: w . .... 1- IT I ....1 ..... n. I. n. I...C .(...flu lll.l 1'..,, oii.i in,, I'unt piii'l, ..... ,, r,.m iecied coona sore so btufefpublf til tt ill a It i.ttlf 111 lllHfll u Itll A lUIll? " ... , , - c g a I nl k or sing in 1'ieir lichruiH ' Gel out of the way I'm onlnckv, Thc've pent me beck to old Kentm Should you svmpathiZi! with these ' of trotibln and sitlliclion, and arivieo inem bathe in suit water which is nn o.tcelenl rui. .,,1.. 1. 1.. lllJ,,7.P ullll llllil-'l tlll'V 11" troubled, you would incur iu ill probalu"'1 their heated displeasure I ruly they ar1 ufll hvnorlinnilrincal nennle. M'l I' 11 oj'i.ytd Ilie honor of a United State.-j,0 be ,0p-d thai iIipmo aflliciions wiH 'B seualor, ami ino auini: aiMir is iiien i,em anii, f uniloubtcfliy tney win; inv thion in the pelitton of ilie noi'tlicin leach them that the democracy of this mi1"' lemoci acy thai if not in Keepiui!, wtn Ms mii'lity lo Ihe pulling unnn ' . . . . i n I . . . . e i ....! I hu true tmiil of deinoerjcyr Have wt ml nl all lime.. and under all clirum glances, mpiioi led our ntuineiri til in south and WeM i Anil all Dial 111. North now a.ks is, thai even liandei jiitlicc may r igli the rnaitei uripai lially A s a in erii !) i ol Ihe ti tat n puniicai family. nrtupyinR thl iliftinguisliei I'han.bei denoni. nater! the ar of tin North, my fi'fi choice ould naiurally C riiaile VMilinitt Hie Ui linilf nl Ii i Congii'SSiniisl ilif'iicl. am) 'In n line. I iav advanced the name CI IJ.M j until A liid'ack. bin my hieiliern,faitlifi JNoiil iave nariied Jameh K SnOiMlcd. Snifll- I should eveiy democrat of the Ke ... r . i. . . .i: itone lie, II cliner oi i nitre (iiniii:iiiMiei 'eniUinen should he ehcted I'niicil . . .in. Sialeo Senaloi or litis fiale. I)M- I .pIi'n lei m o f office will exiitm will i, Am furl her. Ht them know . i thev nevei profes.ed to know belorr, m tlut is, Who ''JamtB K Polk" is, j. Yours, MAHY- From the Patrol. UNMPEl) STATES SENAT021. Mr Editor. As the duty devolves wp"1 i.p I pni.h.iiirc m iti eomini' ses-nni .. .1,1., nur.nli III ll'liri'SCIlt i'1! nri ti r.i. -... i.- i--- 1 . . ...... .iip n i ih Senate nl tile Ulllteil niau- . .. .......... .!..,( hv v..rv inanv of lite de't ...raltt ill oiIihi Heeiinns uf our coiiiiii" wealth lhai the person lo represent .li.n.l.l I... mlfi'ieil frnm amotiir Ihe lar'l if the (hitnooraic north. All..... ..,n il,.,r..fiiri. to reemnciid t'l ... lion II. B Wricht-of l.nzitll cnini 1 IT (Ml ilfinan everv wav wul oualllic" '1 ' .... 1,3 e i s hat hich yiul impiiriiini trust. .1 . . ..... .III... ..I .U.J ..I I f Nnriliren Penns Ivania H"11 inn ennirJiimi i'i "n r' " " I , . ' . I I I. .1.... ... I. ....... I,... Imii. reus, am thereloie Ills (ICCHIil would mierlVro null no liltor appoim infill. His talilils lis a sialomiiii link imont! those of the fnl claw His cl ai cter, private and public, Hands liiiim licachalile, even Dv IHS polincai iocs. And or Mr. "Snowmen, II may ne sain, that I is reriUlation is of an tletsled character, having enjoyed the confidenrr (. i Wriuht and his activ e eXerimns at of thu convention to amend i lit continu llrnr, for the success of thu great raii"- l nn llin .1,1 IP ill 1'1'M ll. V I Villi ID . Bill I .la m m run V Ulnirun In nil! in BlVllie in1" II f . i . ria. .1" H la.... i. ....... ' li linhi i li ii k io honor him. Ilia cnurse in ihe Let'lslcltirc of Hi iaie has dislirieiiishcd him as a man nf '! . . ,aB died talenis, as well as an ready eioui"i .ml nmvprfnl di-hiitir. I.. I., I. a I. nl l'l II III nil . I r II.. If .' a ..timiunniun ...linnl .'. .The North can'1 I'tunni! her talented sons find one dj .......i.i :.,., ...n.u fiii.f.iriii.ii than wnnS -,,111111 J. "M' of Ihe lio'ise of Renneitiaiives of this slate. All must admit I lint lit; has enjoy ed a largo share nf ptihljc confidence and ihat hie confidence has never been benyed, NUMA. ? gr3 pssecngef . Horn Maiiimore i"' iville. last week, in titee dayi, . A IiOtiiavl icen hours and'tbree 'qurti.