The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 07, 1844, Image 4

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Prom th Lady's Book
ttcrofc- Women of America
Among the American Ladies who have
tlietingiliahcd -tfiomsel vca in the rourso of
uor Revolutionary war by tlie sacrifice til
"self-interest to the public welfare, none if
more celebrated than Mrs. Jamb Motlr, of
Carolina. Tho action by which sho saeri
fined her own properly to tho demands of
patriotism, was en graceful, so generous
and free, thaTlt nan occasioned her praises
to bo celebrated in all the histories of the
tio'.e. Tho incident took place in tho year
1701. when General Greene and ihn active
partisan officers. Lee. Marion and Sump
Irr, were ilispuling with Cornwallis and
llwdon, the possession of the Carolina
Tho first battle 8l Oamilcn had already been
fought, when tho celebrated sicgo at Fori
Motto look place.
Tho now mansion house of Mrs. Motie,
altuated on a high and commanding hill.
somn distance above tho junction of Watetee
mid'Congcreo, had been made the depot of.
'the convovs from Charleston to Camden.
Front Granby and Ninety Six. It was sur
rounded by a deep tranch, which was dp
fended by a strong and lofiy parapet.eroet
ed along its inner maigtn. Captain Mc
pherson commanded the garrison, which
usually consisted of about one hnndred and
fifiv men, out which was now increased by
the accidental arrival of a detarhincnt ol
dragoons.- This body, on its way to Cam
den with the despatches for Lord Rawdon,
had entered the For t a few hours before the
appearance of the American forces, led by
Marion and Lee, to besiege it. On another
'hill, opposite-to the not 111 side of the new
Mansion stood an old frame house, in which
Mrs. Motte had formally resided, and to
which she had been dismissed by Capt.
MnPherson. Upon this height Lee was
stationed with Ills corps, whilst Marion
occupied a position on tlietsastcrn declivity
)fthe lidge on which the fort stood. A
six pounder, despatched by Green to the
aid of Marion: was mounted on a battery
by that officer for the purpose of raking the
north side of tho enemy's parapot which
Lee was preparing to attack. By the 10th
-of May, the works wero in a stale or such
fotwardness that it was determined to sum
inon the commendani' On tho same day
'Ilowden had avacuated Camden and pro
ceeded to Nelson'n Ferry, for the purpose
of crossing the Santee nml relieving Fun
Motie. Green on the other hand, advanced
to the Cougereo to cover tho besiegers
Under these circumstances, McPliorson,
though destitue of artillery, replied to the
-taummons that lie should continue to resist
to tho last moment in his power. In ihe
evening, i courier arrived from Greene,
informing Marion of Rawden's movements.
end urging upon him redoubled activity.
On the 1 till, the British general reached
the country opposite Fort Molte, and at
night encamped to the highest ground in
'his route, that his fires might convey to the
besieged the certainty of his approach.
Tiie large mansion in the centre of the
ireneh left but small part of the ground with
in the works uncovered; burning the house
therefore, must forco them to surrender
Tlie preparation, of bows and arrows with
missive combustible matter was immediate.
Lieutenant Colonel Lee and every officer
of his corps daily experienced the most
cheering and gratifying proofs of the hos
pitality of the owner of the beautiful rnau
hioii doomed to be thus destroyed, whilst
her politeness, her tonderness and her ac
tive benevolence extended lo the lowest in
the ranks.
'he destruction of private proverty was
ttl all times peculiarly distressing to the two
gallant commanders, and these considera
lions gave a new edge to the bitterness ol
the scena. Hut ibey were ever ready to
aacrifiee their feelings to their duty, and
Lee forced himsell to make himself a re
spectful communhion to-lhe lady respecting
her destined loss. When the 'intended
measure was imparled to her, the compla
cent smile settled on her failures at onci
dispelled the embairasemenl of tho agitated
otiicer, wtiiio she declared that she joyfulU
gave her Inuieo to ihe good of her counirv,
and should delight lo see it in flumes
Shortly after, seeing accldenlly, the bow
arrows which had been prepared, she senl
for Colonel Lee, and pulling into his hand
a splendid buw and its aparatus, which bad
bpen presenitd lo her husband by u friend
irom India, beggod lnu substitution of the
probably better ndiplfd to tho purpose
man tnosij provided, Lee was delighted
wiin tins opportune present, hnd quicl.h
prepared to end the scone. -The lines were
411 manned,th8 force at tho battery doubled,
Dr. Irwin was suit with a last summon
to surrender. McPhorson listened partem-
ywnu ejpiaifation, "but remained in
flexibly fixed in his determination of hold
ing out to the last. It was midday of tin
l2ih, and the scorching sun had prepared
(ho shingles for the conflagration. Whei
Irwin returned ihtcc atrows were successive
ly fired at dilVerent pans of ihe roof. Tlx
lirst and third kindled into a blusse. Mr
I'liPrson ordered a party to rrpair to tho lofi
of the house and slop ihe conflagalion b)
knocking oil" tho shingles. Hut Capt. Fin
ly' six plunders completely raked Ihe loft,
the soldiers Wero driven down, and tin
brave Maiton hung out the while flag, and
surrendered Unconditionally, The conquer
ous and ihn competed soon after appeared ai
Mrs. Molie'a where, by invitatiot they
partook together of a sumptuous dinner, in
full view of the smoking ruins the unaf
fected politeness of the patriotic lad,
soothing tho angry feelings which tho con
teM had engendered, and obliterating fiom
tho memory of the gallanl whlgs Iho re
inllectious tif the injuries sho had unavoid
ably suslaiuM nt their hands When Raw
don finally effected the passage of the river.
hp found a ruined post, and patrolled of
ficers.lhe capiors having divided the fnrcesfc
moved oiT. Lee against Fort Granby! anil
Marion to Geotgeiown.
We have 6een in the possession of Geo-
Dencmfi, Esq. of Boston, a splendid tniuia
turo of Mrs, Motto. It is a noble couuien
ancc, indicating strong intellect, and thai
lofty fiankness and courtesy which wero so
remarkably displayed by her during thai
glorious and heroic age of our country, when
American ladies were at once the prompter
md exemplars of brilliant deeds of chiv
The New York Sun relates the follow
ing anecdote of a shrewd Yenkee: 'some
time ago, tho steamboats running between
this city and Hartford carried passepgers
for S2.50, and charged mulling extra for
berths, excepting on Saturday nizhls
when an additional half dollar was demand
ed for his accommodation. A live Yankee
look passage at Hartford one Saturday
afternoon, paying the usual sum of two and
i half dollars lor his ticket; and at an early
hour in tho evening ho was observed dining
in the rabin, with his back against a post,
lasi asleep. He continued in this position
until Iweluc o'clock, when he awoke.
Hrelched himsel!, gave a yawn, pulled off
his boots, and 'turned in' tu iho best berth
i. i i r. . .1 . . . i .
ne cnuiu nnu. as lie nau not taKcn pos
session of it until Sunday morning, he, of
course, had no 'extras' lo pav; and as he
had been 'broken of his rest' in the early
pail of ihe night, he was, of course, justifi
ed in making up for lost time in tho morn
ing. So lie snoozed awoy until ten o'clock
much lo the dissaiisfication of the chamber
maid, and then touk his deparluio, lulling
ihe captain he had 'never made half a
lollar so easy aforo in all his burn
While a number of lawyers were dining
at Viscaset, Maine, a few years since a jol
ly scul from the Emerald Isle appeared and
called for a dinner. The landlord told him
ho should dino when the gentlemen were
done. Lei him crowd in among us,' whis
perod a limb of tho law, (Albert Smith, wo
believe) 'and wo will have some fun with
him.' The Irishman took his seat al the
'You wtro not born in this country, my
'No, sir, I was born in Ireland.'
'Is your father living'
'No, sir, ho is dead.'
'What is your occupation?'
'A hoiae jockey, sir,'
'What was your father's .occupation?'
'Trading horses, sir.'
'Did your father cheat ny one while
'I snpposo he did cheat many, sir.'
'Where do you suppose be went to?'
'To Heaven, sir.'
!And what do you suppose lis is doing
'Trading hoiscs, sir.
'Has ho cheated any one thprp?'
'He has cheated one 1 believe.'
Why did shey not prosecute him?'
'Because they searched tho whole king
do n of Heaven and could'nt find a law
! '..".iihimwiiiiw
'John,' said a rich Quaker to his ex'.rav
agant son, 'I'm afraid thou art gelling to be
a rake.' 'Nay, father,' icturned tho youll,
dryly, Ml is thee that hath raked and I nm
spreading il for theo'.'
'Mson, tell me who wan. the strongest'
man!.' 'Jonah.' 'Why so?' Ueaause the
whale could'nt hold him aftor ho had sol
him don.' 'You neec'nt sludv the catch-
eism any more at present.'
iCHti'alla Politics anil Kcliion
AW is Ihe vcr) nick of liine lo subscribe
for tht New I ear
With the largest Subscription List in
ihe World.
I- or' the purpose of facilitating the formation of,
Clubs, ol Nr W or ottl Subscribers not III arreariMis
otter tno lolloping
Three copies of tho Saturday Courior, 1 year,
or olio copy for three years
Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, I year
Twclvo do
Seventeen do
Two do alltl 1
cony of cither of tho S3 Mnirn7!nc
Five copies of tho Saturday Courier, and 2 co-
men ol either of tho ?3 Magazines
Five copies ol tho Untlirday Cnurler.and 1 co
py ol t rnst s new Pictorial History of A
merira, a $5 book.
rTHn fact, whatever offer is made, bv anv other
i niiiiiY di'uiutii, mini iiiiimificmiiir m woriii.ucaiuv
r i ..'..ii !.;! - ...
or pretensions, to the Saturday Courier, will bo fur
uislicd ny iik.
I ho Coulior has become so well and favorably
known through n triumphantly popular course of
fourteen ycara, that it would bo superfluous to say
much.on that subject here. Wo may
ever, that to the industry, talent and cnlemrise.
which havo fo years kept this paper a bright oxcm
jimr ior auj us iniuaiors, win eonsianuy bo auucil
the productions of every available wrifar, and con
tinned judicious and libcial expenditure will con
tinualiy bo rnndo, as woll in tho Mtcrury as tho Ty
pocraphical departments. Our mcana will ahvavs
ouatiic us to ne in advance ot all otlicrs.nml wo shall
bo so.
Histories of Modern Republics.
A new and important announcement for tlio com-
ins year, in addition to our already numerous pop
ular features, will bo scries of Condensed Histo
ries of Modern Ttepublics, by a fresh and vigorous
writer' who will impart a world of important in
struction to the rising generation, in this neiv and
entertaining Komanco of HiKlory.
Jiiographics and notices of Distin
guisted Literary and Scientific Men.
Among the interesting essays and sketches of
initio, wiuclt wo shall conlinuo to present in the
Couner.will bo a full and interesting account of the
ris-c, piogrons. and prcfcnt elevated slandinir of nil
distinguished then, of Iho Past and Present, (at
homo or abroad,) in all dcpaitrncnts of Art.Sclenco
Literature, ntatcsmanxhip, I'octrv. Mechanics.
naming, Agriculture, rnnling, Merchandize, etc.
This will bo a very interesting fcatum for the
ionng. It will be a department of tho Cornier,
which u nm ever been our ami to render of inesti
i.i. i . .i. , .
limine vhiiir 10 uioso lorwnom wo leel so deep an
interest as we do for tho Youuz Men of our crcat
and f rowing Country. The Lives of Distinguished
Aicn arc ol iucli value to tiioso whoaro vet form
ing their own characters; r r the purpose of enact
ing their parts, correctly, on the Great Stage ofi
Human l.ilr.
Imlesd, wo hope that t ils TJcnarlmcnt of the
(courier will lie worth moro fcach vear to emrv
family who have sons and dauuhtcrs to bo lea-cd.
than five times tin amount we ask for a year's sub
scription to the baturdav Courier!
Incidents, Histories Scenrs, JJulllr
Grounds, c, of the American and all
oilier Kcuotutions,
Under this head, which i,by tho wav.notat all
new in the Courier, wcbhall hereafter gne graphic
nnu i'iu-h-.-hiiih .ivuuuiiirt uccasion.iuy ucauillully
illustrated of iho thrilling incidents, so protu.vely
studded through the deeply important history of
tlio American Itcvolution.miU of nil other rcvolu-
lions that wo may regard of Iho Icnst interest oi
valuolho rcadcisof tho Philadelphia Satuiday Con
ricr. ThU wiil be of deep coiibCcpjencc, also, to
every member of any family of tho American rc-
iuinie, who iiiiiy cuoose 10 oo ijieinscivcs and us
tlio favor of tccunng, regularly, tlio visits of tliu
Courier at their family tircsidu.
J'Ul'UI.AH TOrUUKAPllr To cralitvlhe
growing appetite for a bctier knowledge, of the im.
portant features of uur great ami olorious country.
our past exertions shall bo redoubled in future to
prevent vivid pictures of American cities, towns,
mountains, iaKc3, rivers, caves, scenery, etc,
.,,i,iH,t,uu,,Hii. linen, j.Minja, l ocnts.
iVc. will colitmuo regularly lo bo farms bed hv iho
minds and pens in the country, Tiieso chaste
productions are acknowledged lo'bo the best. Cm
ubcful instruction at Iho family fircnido, that appear
in .my ii-n;uic;u.
Dun I.Niiiuvrxns compnso subiectsin all bran
ches of Art und Nature, suitable for lliu I'amily eir
cle, and appear in rapid succession,
OUU TltWI'M.nit is constanllv travcrsim?
tho world, in search of the wonderful "and instruc
tive. Ouit Aiinicni.Tiuutir occupies weekly an im.
porant snsco, wirh nil matters of iutcrcbt fur tin
iioic tilfr.? of the toil;
Our liurovtun Cdtttnondenlx. in I.ivenin,.l
London, Ireland, tho East, itc. keep Us rcgularh
advised of all jubjects of special intercet.
Our Markets and Prices Currcnt.eml rarn nlliln-
earliest adviee.i in reference to the prices of nil kinds
of Crain. PmJucc, &c, tho slato 6f Stock s.llunks.
.iioney.aiin i,aiu's. nfifi our extensive arrangements
will hereafter render our 'liccs Current of inesti
mable value to tho 'J'ravcllcr. Farmer, and all ltn.
siiicss Clatsea whatever.
Courier Budding, 07 Chcsiiut street, 1'lilla.
fitale of Philip Dodder, late of Oraw
lowmliip, deceased, '
OTICi; is hereby given that letters of admin
istralion, on tho abovo mentioned esintn him
iM-i-n Kninieii to iiio-siiuscrilicr residing in tin
lownsnipoi urancn. All prisons indebted to the
wold estate aro hereby notified to mako immediate
payment, mid those havine claims are rrmiPKteil fn
..,-ni. iiii-iu nuienv Biuneuiieaied lot sCtlltlilci
neiorotlielirbt ol Kovcmber next.
Orange tp. hept. 7, 1814 20.
rrr-Jusiiros Blank E. ECUTIONS and
SUMMONS inst printed and fr.r nut n in
his Oilicu
Tho subset ibcrs hato cslahlished nl ihe
above place, a new MJlUTiJAi YAM),
and will always bo ready, at tho shortest
notice, to furnish to order,
or any other work in their line. Thoy arc
also prepared to lurnish WINDOW CAPS
&c. cither of Mu.blo, Limn or any kind ol
stono that can bo proeurrtl in this vicinity.
fryilaving liatl considerable experience
in tho business, they plcdgu their work to
lie executed in as harblsonic a style as can
be furnished from any yard either in the
city or country; anil on as reasonable Irrms.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1813, ly 28
Chair SVSaimfactory,
THE subscriber continues lo carry on
business al Ihe old aland of Ii. Si S. Hogen
hitch, where' lie will be ready at all times
to luiulsh Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set
lees, Boston Rocking Chairs &c, of every
ascription, which nmv bo called for, at
short nuticn and mi the most reasonable
terms. lie will also execute House, Sicn &
Orniimenial Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior manner,
l'rom Ins experience in tho business, and
his facilities of :uaiiufaelurin tho various
miclnu of his line, he (hitters himselC that
ho shall bo able lo furnish as nood work,
ind upon as reasonabln terms as can he
lonn in the country, all of which he will
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. B- Orders from a distance will be
trictly ur.d punctually attended tn.
Bloomnl.tirc, Dec. 30, 1813
na cspi:ctf(jll
1 v - p . I . 1
Jtv.'nj. nld ,llc travelling public in
;rtf,iVSnenernl. lint tin Im. InLnn
imornis ins irienus
; public in
has taken
2.-l lIlc ahuveiloli l situate in
v, in " "
JR. 7a:5 H!:J7ki the centre of tho town of
AI9. lv.rjH W-Vl
irU Lc--srarr !?y fc U Catawi.-,sa,Columbia conn
SEiSS-- ty Pa. and fonnrlv orcimi
cd by U. Cljrk. AVhcrJ.hc will bo happy to wait
upon uioso who wilt lavor him Willi ibiir custom
Jucyotcli3 largo nml commodious and well
furnished throughout, and no pains will be spared
to renuer general satislaclion,
coHi.t tablo will bo furnished with tho Lest tin
untry can aflord.
HislJar is well stored with tho best of liquors,
Kxcetltmt stabling is alliichnl to the eslabli
input and careful and attentive hostlers are alway
Cattawissa, May in, 18-t:) .1.
IMoornshui'4;, C'otun:!.i;i Co. Pa.
THE subscriber icspeclfully informs his
menus, anil tne putilic. generallyjthal ho ha
taken that well known stand, in Blooms
burg, formerly kept by William Robisor.
and that the House and Stables are under
tiling a thorough repair As his bar will
always be furnished with tho choicest o
Liquors, and his Larder with the best tin
marks! uflords, and having good Stabline
anil attentive hostlers, ho with confident'!
invites ali to call and test his ability as-
caterer l.-r llie palate and s'nmach, and Hal
(era himself lhal none will leave dissatsfi
cd with their treatment,
Tlio worth of the pudding is told m tho eating,
Jomcg'uo il a trial, there will bono cheating;
Deast and Man shall always go away rejoicing,
Swcaiing by the powers.lhey'Ueallon reluming
Juno 8, 18117. am.
To Cite HMtlilic.
TIIE subscriber desirous of quiiinri bus
mens request all tiioso indebted lo him to
make payment immediate v.
t tie loiiowiug prices will bo paid for
i HUUiiKsVj in exchange for his
on hand.
GOOD WHEAT per bushel.
RYE i5;5 eis.
CORN &r and SO cts.
OATS 25 hs.
FLAX SEED $j 25 cts.
tO" Goods- sold at con for iho cash
Bui no credit ghen after this dale.
Sept 0 8-1 1. of ratters
KEMAINING in tho J'ostOllien ot
the quurter ending i'ep. 30, 1841.
Arthur Holicrt
DroekSilnh 8.
JJenglar Andiony
Dcrr John
Prey John
Ijcnninger Daniel
K'nkOM-i John
Kimpln William
Princo Lyeamhr
llohrtatk Win.
Sharpies Jos. or John
Schiueck Daniel
Thomas A. D.
Wilson Alexander
Wanamanchar Jacob
owmau P. L.
Ueiijamin Picdcrick
Jriesborh Yost
Pcdcrolph Adam
Ccaihart Wni. S
Ifpward ilichncl 11.
ICueeht Jacob
Kcm Peter
I'uxtun J. I),
Itlltcr Ucnjamin
Kelcr II in.
yingley John
J anilcusoii Hachel
Ward John
Wall I'hilin
Wnples Itentnn W.
i elter llarbaryann
J'crsou cdtliuir for letters in'ili,. .,l.v.. n..
please say they are udi ertlfcd.
00 19,1844. C'A-no'.',.M.
Under tlio heading of Reae Rend, Read
will be seen mi article in the late Democrai
wiitten, as the writer says, for the purposi-
uf retracting and reasserting, assctiinne
made by the writer, After which he goes
on with n yarn in tlio following manner.
I shall endeavor to perf inn my task accord
ing to iho nature of tlio subject, nnu resl nil
my assertions upon renson.ible and Mil 1 1
foundations, such as cannot be t-hnKcii iV
Aftor which he claims 'o have kept to lln-
truth for once. Had the Honorable e-ml
and 'rest my assertions upon utircauitihW
ind sandy foundations.' it would have hren M'-o ilh theabovu picture of health, it is of tho
J . ... .1 irr.nff.u4 nnnnflnlinft Hint tn lltx.i l.n Init it. - .1:
lioiiCAl end to llie rioint. Ilui 1 stated in
my last unilpr the heading of TRU'I H
WITHOUT FEAR, the truth, the whole
triiln and nothing but the ttuth and there
fore consider il unnecessary to go lo the
trouble of wasting ink and paper, fur the
purpose of answering sur.h arguments as
appealed over llie Hioi.iiture of our Brother
Chip, the ninth part of a num. As 1 said
before, all persons wishing to know
truln can lie sallslicil hv cat linr at mv slion
as I am piepared, as before, to show tin
report mid fashion as I told the ( I N PL 15
MAN. Our worthy sir talks of scuiiiu
the fashion for 'M.but is nm linnrii uioiil
to-say 1 1 and live. Bui we will in I bo llaid
and, will attribute that lo Iih t-hnrttitxs o
breath, as il takes a long winded innn to s:n
-14 anil five, winch is the truth, as lie
lore staled, i tin jhiiiiciiuii kiips uti
dark about the 'IVtt Dollars I ofTi-n d to In
him, afiT deining my hn v jny ll'c N. Yml,
ipporls which I told linn I liml in ihu house
This as well us the rcsi, I am prepared l
prove at ar.y tunc, ami uie lark dare inn
kc me up nor deny it, hut afier a inno
sigh and a twist or two, lie nllowtd he
would not be "luch afraid lo nsk n V thai
I cf-nld not produce the New Yoik reports,
hut took mighty good care not to get out
die money, knowing very well on which
side hit bread was liuMered Recollect old
birds are not lo be catiyht with rhaff; but a
live dollar bill would have n stronger Iciidcn
cy to ketch ihem. I will not go tho tiou
blo of saying he had not tio money (per
haps; lie nail, Out tiiti not Ijke the notion ol
loosing it, by way of a bet of that kind. It
being the fact that tho more truths I nss"r',
tlio muTvJalacioods will lie backed up a
3insl Ihcui. I have for my pari, (so lar)
a3 iiounr to myseti ami to my occupation
win auow nie, determined not lo answer
any more such outlandish untruths, but bs
way of conclusion, I would now and for ihe
last tune, say lo our worthy friend P. after
a resolution ucorilmg to Ins own request lo
keep cool and not swu..r, say (I'urcwcll)
anti may you long live, anu n.ivc tune lo
repent, and enjoy vonrself in this land ol
Peace and Pleniy Ouco more, FARE
IHnomslmrg. Nov. 9, 1811.
Brag's a good doc,
But Holdfast is better.
rtniin undoraigned would return his sincera am!
U liumblc tbanhs tn tli cilizrnsof Ulooinsliuie
and vicinity, for the favors tlnm far bestowed upon
Ititr. n...l 1.1 ..-.11.' I .!. .
i u" ui'i sun MimuT u.K a i-oiiniiuaneo ol
llie same, so one onU i satisl'urlion is r,-i,.l, i,-,l
n ii'.... . ;. ...
iiuiiiu noi say, i nine line cum an, nut c"me
as many as conveniently can. Jcithcr wm Id in
promise, (as others hate,) to do bis work belter
than can be uouo in anv oilier shun in Ihe nbii-e
but in short, ho would m-illn-r brag nor banter, but
lety any one who docs bi.ii; u do work neater limn
no iiues, in all cases. lie has also lalilv nc-eiied
tho lule
rtlCW lOICK ii fif I JT.A DEL-
mill, l, !. . i . i i m ii ..
"' " '" '"I"'"" lu "U1" ' asiuonanic
inu lienl. anil VVI I Pll.unnlnn n rr.tnA f.t n, nll .:.
for any one who may favor him with a call
.".71 ; ; . . b . ' " """"
His shop is at the old stand occunied bv him
for a number of years And tho latch string will
be found out at all times. As lo Prices ho winbn.
io no understood mat lie intends to do work as low
as any ot Ins neighbors, and as usual, all kinds ol
country produce taken in exchange for work done
III 1113 chop.
liniliV Afwi KuPL'KT,
Dlomnsburg, October 12, 1844 ','5.
UslalcofJUIIN BOIVYEII, laic of
monicur lownsinp, uolianoia co
OriCP. is hereby given lhal letters of Ad
iiiiiiiiirauun on mo aiiovo mentioned r.ti,
live been grouted to the subscriber,,,. I..
Mm,... J II . 1 . , ... ..
late arc hereby notified lo make immediate pavmerr
and those lnving claims aio requested to plcsen
iiumuii-i iiuu-nieu lotiiosui l.
ivii,f u-u uMiiiriineiiii'ii, in
.lUJlP. lJIlJ'LIilCH, Administrator.
August 10, ISM. CwI7
is tierroy given to all concerned, iliai 1
nave purchased al Gonsiablo tale, as tin
property ol Genrei! Rice, the ffdlnwino
ni H-iiy, inn iiavuicil lllfl .aillll in Ills nns
I 1 I . r. . i .
session during tny pleasuro. and forbid any
fiercnn Inbinrr il lr.,,,, i...
i , .. ,.,, t-iuiri ov ii 11
iiiucuui iiiin-rn isu, wnnntll my COIlSCIlt.
. i, miiiui ui.iiro, ii ii oav CO I. nm
wiiio and lilaek cow. one red and whin
tieiller, one sled; two plow a. onn harrow-
one ruitiug uox, one half ol twenty ihrr,
utirr oi in uie ground, one in f
seven acics oi rye in ihe ground, fifi,.
acres oi curn, 'JuU sheaves ol oats, h;
-..v , ,.JU . n- oal8) ., ,j( uiiAiA n-IKU in the Post Ollho at Dloonis
800 leaves of rye. half of 2000 sheaves ,,i the .juarter ending Sent, :iO,lfi4-l
Wheal, five tuilS of hav. 0 shrinu ., John llln.L
horse wat-gon. two Kelts of w.,flll ,.,,,
one windmill, one stove, five pieces of pine-
and elbow, one hog, )l0 corlur cul)b' ' ,
anil one manilo clock,
Brahdreth's Pills.
RAIiT7is rhatcriM il In an indhld i sl lv
thoalifcnee of ill pain. suiTering, or afTsctiim
in any paitof Ids body, by tho free and regular ex.
rciso ot his lunctlons without any exception..
They consist in having a good appelito at tninl
lime, on easy digestion, frco evacuations, willunst
looscrcis or coativencas ot least once in e.vcrj twin,
tv-four hours, and without heat.diyliesil, or biituhig
at the pansier, tho free issue of the wnler v lliu hi
icrimony or burning, and without a rrddith kJi.
mailt which ii always a sign of a picscnt or annp
preaching pain; ti ii 1 c t sleep without ngitation cr
liuiililesoino drcamv; no taste of bilo or oilier liml
lastoln tho mouth upon rising in tlio mornine: im
sourness or disagreeable rising of the tlnmarii;
c can tongue; .i sweet tnralli', no itehltig, iimples or
bpilts on t ho skin; no piles; no buiicng heal upon
any part of the body; no cxcctshc thirst when iiii.
v pined i-i labor or other known caurc; no inter,
ruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain al their
iutliidlcal return.
hero the h-lato of tlio system docs not hatmon.
greatest iinrortnnce that no tilnu be lost in cendinc
for n doctor, or in the tiso of foolish remedies too
often tlio result of speculation; instead of tluscnnrro
to a done of IJliANDKBTH'S PILLS bo token,
which will not decc'no, but will nt once rcstoie
health In tho organ or part that requires it,
All who wish to preserve (heir health, ell wlm
are determined lo defend their life against llie eu
crojchincntj of disease w hich might send them pre
maturely to thoirravu. will, without hesitation, hate
recourse to tho randreth 1'ills, when the stale of
lliclthn system docs not harmoniso with lliu abote pic
luiool health
'1'hose wholivo in a country where conlagioui or
other dicascs preiail, should often think of this
tine picluro ofheallh, and obsoivc himself with p.,r. allentinii, in order to act crordiii;ly. 'I .
enliil rightlv dlrecletrwill lolh-w tilt-. ikSvk-c
the unwue arc lift to their own l-t,in l
A G 15 N T S.
W.uhinjlon linbrrt M'Khv
JersevloWn L. A. A.T. JUrl.
Danville H. It. I!en(,Ms A: Co.
Cattawissn C. (!. Minl'st.
llloomsliurs J. II. Mover.
Limestone llalibit A: M'Ninch.
Uiickhorn M. (J. Khct-miikt r.
Linn" Willie Andre A: .Villcr
yjcrwick-J W itilea
May l, 1841 S.
Tlu DSIooiusItiii' SC. EC. B. .
WILL keep constantly on hand, a large av
bortment of
which they will sell by M'JIOLKSAI II and III;.
TAIL, ftiirf n an good Icinm hh the artleln
can be rtnelirrr purrliaivtl. Mnrhauts ami
others, mav find it to ihcir interest to call. .Ml
kinds of grain received in payment.
.msi-MMl HAVrnv n. .
C h a 1 1" ITS n s a 1 1 fa t: i o r y .
rrilH: subscriber having establbhcd a .V.'II it .ir.i.vijfcroit' on .)hw-
street, near tlio residence ol'L. 11. .Mini, lie ij,.-v
prepaied to furnish Chans of every description, im
as good terms ai they can be purcliusad clsi-nliem
ii tho county.
Such as lied Posts, Wamion Iiuhs.
Hose Blocks, 5c.
I'liii latter branch, l'rom his experience, lie biliews
ho nan do a little better than any other person in
this section.
trVPOPLAR PLANK will bo taken in pa-
inent at the highest market price
oA.ill r.L ilAUJwMJl t II
Illooindiurg, July -1, 181 1. iltf
nTVIi: subscriber having eslnblhlud a 'A I'M?
S3 MILL al MILL (illOYK, near iloc-msl nn.
r'olumbiii i-oniity.wlierc he has the latist hiriiui i
,M.k iiini.uv, mid having fullowcd the liUsiness-1,
'"''"'J' years lie is i-onl'Ment he run furnish as good
l'"l'er us any m Iho Country and on as riasoiud'le
,ci,ib to printers, aleichants nml Lawinmr am
pert ous who may want tho article, Jlc also.kiens
r""""' .V" imm rtllumr cap. root's fU,
welter, wriung, J-rmling ami Winjiping paper ot
1 iuFuiuiR-iii oi oinooL yjooi:s
Alto.Ulank Hook. Kilra bound. Pull l,.,ml. n,l
li i. . .. . .
nan iMiunu oi all sizes and, assortment of wr liim
books &c. IIo is ready lo exchauce tho aliucfur
Paper or Hooka, for lings of Sizing.
Jillgrovc; February tiO'18-M if.
NOTICE is hereby eittn. io ihu Snick.
holders in the Company, lor rrrrting a
Bridge over the North Branch of the Sua
qiiehiinna, between ihe town of Gatiawisca
and tho mouth of Fishiriucre i k. th at ll.i)
Board of Managers have this day declared
i dividend nf si'vcnti five cents per nhare.
foi the lasi six moiiiiis (equal to Q pci Ctm
pur auiuiui) which will he paid lo ihe S(M ;
iioldt'is or their legal icpriteiu,itivc?,oi! and
-iiicr uie 20HI tiiMMiu, iv
Ciiltawiss-.i, October Hi. 18-1-1.
ls?M A .-J
mV into my emlosuro. ibn
j.. "v ""u.u, inu uiro part q
M" 1 " 'wo year old.and one ve.irl.
tore part
nig Ilciher. One Ho-. and one oribrm i...i i
While, and ouen ihuk brnwlli. ..-til I.:.... ,.
ength ways of her back. Tho owner is miuested
o prove property, pay charges and take them
Hemlock, Oct 21 1811.
tAat oV Bittern
RBMA1NING in the Pes
Chu.les W. Portlier. Peter lL, T V- L,
rft'!",,n"Bha'" JowP' W, Kcstcr, Pat'.ich Mc".
..McNulu, A. A.
" wmn "nnaid, unaiics Ktitler.
orsuns calling or letters in tho above lift will
Nov. Q, 181.
pledboaay they are achcrtUed.
J. Al. MOYER, P, M.