fries, when ndopfetl in like 'manner by lie wovornmcnf or Texan. In order tU&l hc euhjer iriny bo full v presenretl in all t licari dl's, he cnrtngiion dence which has aken place, In reference to It, iin n Hih adjournment of Congress, be ween Me United tstute, IVnus, and Mex u:u, i herewith tranamitetl. Tup mnondinenw proposed by ho Scnat t he Oonvenion rnniluded between lie iJuireti aues and Mexico on ho aoli ol November, 1813, have been r.iiismicd lintild be imposed (ban sto ncccdsnry for an eeonominai aumiislrouon of the Govern menlf and that whatever exist beyond, Hhould bo reduced or modified. This doc trine docs in no way conflict with the exer no of n sound discrimination in tho selo-? don of the articles to bu taxed, which a dim regard to the publiu weal would at nil limes Miggesl to iho Legislative mind, ll loavc the range of selection undefied; and such 'election should always bo made with an M'o to the groat interests of tho county. hrongh our Minister, lor ho concurrence iCnmnnsed n U iIir ITninn. nf r I... t1..! r . ' . w. .iiu nicAiunn uoveinmcnr, aur, although urged hereo, no a'cinn has yet boen bad on the subject; nor has any answer been given which would anlioriz a favorable conclusion in ho future. Tho Decree of September, 1813, in rcla ion to ho reail trade, ho order for lie ex . . . . I .. : r r i i . . . liuimuu in .orcigners, anu liar ol a more recenZ Uae in regard to pnfspnrs all ol which aro considered as in violaion of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the two countries, have led fo a eoriespon (lonro ol aonsiderable length beween hr indp pendant States, a patriotic Legislature vtit not laii consulting the interests of tho parts, to adopt such course as will be best .llculntcd to advance tho harmony of the whole and thus ensure that nermanenrv in ho policy of the Government without whieh dl efforts to advance tlje public prospoiily iro vain and Iruiilcss. This ereat' nnd vitally important t.tsk rests with Uon-iross ifclhc Executive can do no more than recnm nond tho general principles which should govern in its execution. I refer you to tho repoit of the Secretary iMiuioter for Foroiijn Relations am', our of war, for an exhibition of tho condition Ki'present.iivo at Mexico, but without any 8Htufai-oty result. Thev remain still tin Hiljtiscd; and many and serious inconveni cnees have already rrsulteu fo our citizen in consequence of thern Tho greatly improvod conilition of the TreaMirj of the army and you, 'as woll vnrthey your best consideration, many of ine suggestions it contains. The Secretary in no dogree exaggerates tho great impor lance, of pressing forward, without delay in tho work of electing and finishing the nfl'ords a milijpct lbi general congratulation. The fortifications, to which ho particular alludes Much has been dono towards niacin? our cities and roadsteads in a stato of security Hgatnst the hazards ol Hostile attack, with in the last four years; but considering the new elements which have burn, of late years, employed in the propul I iii; of ship nul the formidable implements of destrun non which nave open timolol into service vo cannot be loo active or vigilant in pte paring ami periecting tne iiiu is ol delenee also, to Ins report for n lull tatcmeut of the condition of iholmliati tribes all paralysis which had fallen on trade atidc.nnmcicc and which subjected the Government to the ncccs ity of resorting to loans, and the is tin of Treasu ry nolo?, to n large amount, lias away; and alter wo payment hi upward ol 7,)Ul),nuU, on account of the interest, and in redemption of morp than $5,000,000 of tho public debt, which falls due on tno 1st ol January noxt, and netting apart up. wards of 'J.000,000 lor the payment of nulstand. big Treasury notes, and meeting an instalmcntof the uebM of the corporate citio of thn district ol Culunibia an estimated nurnlus of onwards nf 7.. ! .. 000,000 over and abovo the existim? unnronrintions 1 (c'tir J' ". will remain in the Treasury at the close of tho fiscal year, "should the Treasury notes contmiio out ""thin our jurituirtinn. I ho i'jxeeulive Btanuin;, ns hcretolorc, that surplus will be consid- has abated no olTiirt in eatrrying into effect iinuiv uuKiiitimeu. .tuiiiiugu an inicrosi nil ccas. t ir wc HKt4h 14 ihi mil u ..f I . .. n,.varn ... . ... .1 ----- I v. ... ..... V.'WII coupi mum; mm ino Lovorumrni nai inviied .. .vi.lM. .,,.. .., .,.,! ,lf liivii tvkuni iu uiu i ii;uuiy, vt illl V lUtllalll (JUL I . I. . . ! . . 1 , . . utaridiiiRuflVir.lin.r rl f;.ihti, i r ,n,n,..,. ...l "'es rosimiiK wiiuin llie limits establishing tho fact that, under u well regulated ,lie sev(lr!,l Slates, beyond Iheso limits; and wstem of finance, the Government has resource. 11 's now enabled to congratulate the conn within ttselt, which render it niilop.mdcnt in time try at Hie prospect of an early Ponsum:i 01 nceu, not ouiy 01 private loan-., oui also ot tunic lion of this nb eel. MatlV of I IB tube It must nlsn lie a mailer of uninincied Lirts of civilized life ami ilirminii it gratifioation, thai, uiwbr the existing finan- ii,in of the schools established anion H.H.n uui aiuiii icaunu u 11. u am ol 1O'J lined t)V 1 lee .ills o lie ninns niMn . i .. . . . i ...... unu tno resolution 01 ibid, the cnrreiie; virtou religious denominaiion who de of the eouniry lias attained a slate ofperfeei vole themselves In ihe lak of their sniindnes; and the rates of exchange between provemeni we may fondly hope that, the uitiereni parts 01 tne union, which in tail remains of the formula!) lo tribos which werp uenoieu iiiuir unornniiB iimouut, the great Dnco masters of this country will, in their depreciation, anil in lact worllilessnees ol the iranxiiinn from the savaon tato. to a f . I f euirenuy in mosiot ine otatfs are now re .lition of refinement and cultivation, ad uueeii to iiiuu more mail tuc mere expense mother briL'.n tr on hv to adorn tho lalmrs of of transporting specie from place to place, and the risk incident to the operation In a new country like that of the United Slates where so many iuduccueut4 are held out for speculation the depositories of ill surplus rcioiuc, consisting ol li.niKs nt am f a well tliioeted phila'nihronv The ar-companying leporl of the Secre lary ol Hie INavy, will explain to you til situation 01 wiat utancii ol the service 1 he present organization of the Depart mrnt, imparts to us operations greai description, when it reaches uny consitlera efficiency; but I concur fully in the propri III u a in o ii ii l , requiie tlie closest vigilauco on the part ol ihe uiwernmeni. All banking institutions under whatever denomin itiun they iruy pass, are governed by an almost exclusive regard lo Die interest of the slock, holders. That interest cont-isls in the augmentation of profits, in the form ol dividends, and a large surplus revenue cn- irusteii lo tneir rusiouy is but ton apt to lead to excessive loans and to extrvagaotly large issues of paper. As a necessary con sequence, pi ices are nominally increased, and tho speculative iii.nii.i everywhere seizes upon the public muni. A fictitious stMo of prosperity for a season exists: and in the language of ibt day, money becomes plenty. Contracts are entered into by in divdiuals, resting on this uiisubstatial stale of things, but the tltdisiou speedily passes away, and the country is overrun with an indebtedness so weighty as lo overwhelm many, and lo visit every department of in dustry with great and ruinous embarrass litem. The greatest vigilance becomes tie cessary on the part of Government to guartl against this stale of things. The depos itories must be given distinctly to under Vnd thai the favors of the Government will be altogether withdiawn, or substan tially diminished, il its revenues shall be regarded as additions to their banking capital, or as the foundation of an enlarged circulation. Tho Govuinmen1, through its revenue has, at all times, an important part to perform in connexion uali the curieiu-y; mid it greatly depends upon its vigilance and care, wether tho country he iuvohed in embarrassment similar to those which it has been recently to encounter; or aidetl by the anion ol the Treasury, shall be preserved in a sound and healthy cundi lion. The dangers to bo guarded against are greatly augmented by loo largo a surplus of revenue When that surplus great!) exceeds in amount what shall be required by a wise and prudent fortcast to meei tinforseen contingencies, the Legislature itself may eomo lo be seized with u dispo Bttion to indulge in extravagant appropria. tinns to objects, many of which oiaj and vmost probably would be found to conflie with tho constitution. A fanciul expedien :y is elevated above ruiistiluiional author)! and a reckless and svastful extravagance but too certainly follows. I he important power nf tixtion which .when exercised in its most restrietid form, is i burden on labor and tiro Jut lion ja esur'.ed to, undei various pretexts for purpose having no tiffinity to llto motives which diluted itt grant and the extravagance of Government "Validates individual extravagance, until the "puitof a wild and ill regulated speculation involves one and all in its unfortunate resuli In view of such fatal conseqoncos, it may be laid down xs an uxioin, founded in mor al and poltical truth, (hat no greater luxe tv of a division of tho llureau of Construe ion, Equipment, Kepurs, into two Ituicaux I he iu ji.'cts, as now arranged are incon jriious, anil require, to a certain extpiu information and qualifications altogether I ne operations of the squadron on the nasi ol Africa have been conducted with ill due attention to the object which led to us orgmiz uion; and I am happy to say thai tne oihcprs and crews liave enioved tne nest possitiiu health, under the system adopted by the oflii:re in command. It beltrved the United States i? theonlv nation which has by its laws subjected to th pu i shment ol death, as pirates, those win may bu engaged m the slave Hade, A sun liar euaeiment on the part of other ua tinns would nut fail to bo attended by bene hcial rpsuils. In consequence of the difficulties which have existed in the way of seeming titles, for the necessary grouniN, operations have mil yet been commenced toivaids the eslab ishtnenl of the Navy Yard at Memphis So saon as the litlo is perfected, no further lelay will be permuted lo intervene. Il 14 well worthy of your consideration, whether Congress should not direct the establish menl of a rope-walk, in connection with the cnntPinplated Navy Yard, :ib a ineasurf not only of economy hut as highly useful uid necessary. 1 ho only establishment if the sort now collected with the service ih located at liostou; and Ihe advantage of a similar establtshmen, convenient in the hemp growing region, must be apparent to ull. l'he report of the Secretary presents other matters to your coimidr ration of an import taut character in connection with Ihe ter "ice. u referring you to the arcompanyine report of the Postmaster Getipral, it affordr me continued c.mise of gratification to bt ihle to advert to ihe fact that the afl'aiis ol the Department, for the last foui years, have been eo roudurled as, from it unaided re "purees, 10 meet its largo expenditures. Oi my coming into office, a debt of nearlj $500,000 existed against the Department, whieh Congress discharged by an appmpri itionlrom the roaeury. I ha Department in the-llh of. March nexl.wtll bo found under die mnniigenienl of its present eflicient head free nf debtor embarrassment, which could only havo been done by ihe observance and practice of the greatest vigilauce&ecnnnniy The laws havo eotiieniplated, throughout, that the department ohou'd bo self sustained but il may become necessary, wilh tho wisest tcgard to the public interosls, 10 in Irodtico amendments and alterations in the system. There is a strong desiro manifest ed in many quarters, so to alter the taiifi'of letter nostago as to rodtice tho amount of tax at present imposed. Should such a measure be carried into effect, to the full extent desired, it cannot well bo doublet! but that, foi tho first years its operation, i di mnished revenue would be cullcclod.lhi supply of whiclrwould necessarilv consti ttile a charge upon iho Treasury. Whehter such a result would bo desirable, it will be for Congress, in lis wisduin to determine. It mat in general bo asierlud. thai radica i.verimii? 111 any systoin suutiiu ratner ye brought about gradually, than by sudden change; and by pursuing this prudent poll cy in tho reduction of letter postage, the Department might still sustain itself through the revenue which would rccute by iho in creso of letters. Tho state and condition of tho public Treasure has, heretofore been such as 10 have pieelttdetl the recommenda tion of any material chango. I ho dif ficullies upon this head have, however, ceas cd, and larger direction us now left to the government. I cannot to stronaly urge the policy of authoriiinc the establUcincnt of a lmcofslOiluU'alHrcguluily tu ply between tills countryand lureiun ports, and upon our own waters, tor tho transportation ol too mail The example of the Urttish Government is well worthy of mutation in this respect. The bcltcl is strongly entertained, lliat the cmolumcnts.arUing from tho transportion of nil matter to foreign countries, would operate of itself as no inducement to causa individual enterprise to u idertako that branch of the task, and tho reinuncritiou of the Government would consist in the addition leaddt made to our steam navy in case of emergency by tho shun so employed, should ibis suggestion meet your approval the propiiely of placing such ships under the comaiand of experienced 0 fibers of '.he navy will not escape your observation. The application of steam to the purposes of naval war- faro, cogently recommend an extensive steam marine us important in estimating tlici defences ot the country, Fortunately, this may be attained by us to o groat exU'litjwilhout incurring any largo amount ot expenditure, oteam vessels lo bo en gaged in tlie transportation of tno mails on our ptiii'.ipal water courses, Ijucs and part of our coast could also be 80 constructed 11 to be eflicient us war vessels, when needed: and would of themselves, conititutu u torinidablc lores in order to repel utluck from abroad. We cannot be blind to the fact that other nations have already added large numbers of steam ships to their naval armaments; and that this now and powerful agent is destined to revolutionize the condition ot tlie world. It becomes the Lulled States, therefore, looking to their security, to aJopi a similar policy, and the plan suggested will enable them to do so at u small comparative cost. I take tho greatest pleasure 111 boa inir testimony to the zeal and untiring industry which has char acterized the conduct of the members of the execu tive Cabinet, l'uch,iu hisappiopriatc sphrre,hasren 'ivc not yet received itsnctlon. but which I can lot but retrard as closelv canuucipd wiili il 11 linMnr tho glory, and still moro enlarged prosperity of the -"unuy, arc uosuncu, ai an early day, to receive dir approval of Congress. Under these ciicuin ftanccs, and with these anticipations, I thall most ;lailly leave to others moro able than inynelf, the noble and plea-dng task of sustaining the public prosperity. I shall carry with mu into retirement tne araiuyilli rtllectlon that, as inv m a o 1 eel throughout has been to advance the public good, I may not entirely havo fni d In i.-nmuJIJ :,. anu inn graiuicaiion H Heightened In no small dogrcn by the fart that when, under a deep and abiding sense of duty, I hac found mv self con- strained to resort to the qtiuliHeil lias neither been followed by disapproval wi the part of the People, nor weakened hi anv degree nflheir attachment to that great conservuttvo features of our uovcrnmcnt. JOHN TYLClt. Washington, Depembcr, 1844. "TtlUTIl WITHOUT FEAU 1 sjiTVUn.iv, ur.Cy i isu Itcincinbcr the Printer- WHEAT COKN UYE HL'CK WHEAT OATS or WOOD will be re- ceived for debts due us for subscription. Also a few bushels of FOTA'I OES if deliveted soon From ihoso who have promised Lumber neb and in ch mil a quarlpr nine board will he received if delivered soon. 'l'he great length of the President's mes age excludes almost every thing else from our paper. Aninng other things tho pro eeumgs of the celebration in lliis villagp on I hursd ay last. ia'EESissyiL&iiio MAKRIEDOn ThuruJ,,,, Pic 1V00. hv the Rev. D J. I ) i. lapkson Thorn is In .1!,s H,.,,l, 7.,' oft, both of Mudhon. f) ',, ,..,. i . . . y ra-11711"- nisi, in trie dored mo the must ctlieieiit aid in cariyit.g on tho m?Je, Mr. John K. Girlon In Mm M, Uovcrument; and it will not, I tiust; appear out .... Iiu.. ,,.,,, . , , , ' T of place, for ino to bear thij public testimony. The ) ,T Y n Z & Ihtl.tle Mr Jo cardinal objects which should ever be held to view MCLlure. o ISloniniibur!. by those entrusted with the administration of public allairs, are rigdly, and without favor or affection, so to intcrpict the natinnul will, expressed in the laws as that injustice shoiilJ he dono to none, justice to all, Tina has been tho rule upon which thuy havo acted; and thu?, it is believed that lew cases, il any, exist, wherein our teltow citizens win, fronil oft to those, whom most wecheiisli here. Death lends his iwirn.T daits, time to timo, have been drawn ts the seat of Govern And calls them soonest to a blighter sphere. ma... r... ...,ilniA..i r ili..i. ....... :.i I die Gragoa- dSSw r?,,''1 "" the testimony has been perfected, and was esteem- "fihe """"a, CHARLES, only ion vf L. Ii. Ilu- ed satisfactory, their claims havo been promptly PCT' aged -l years. audited; and I us in the absence of all favor I tlsm or The dcth vf little Charlc, has crushed the hopei partiality. T he Government which Is not just to ,,..-. . r 1 . ,, . ,, itsown People, can neither claim their ulTection.nor " "'' vfmm,yhearU lh, naturally the respe?tol iho world. At the samo time, the ""'"" ""Jjunuun ana department, gave Mm SHERIFF'S SSALISi P V virtuo of sundry vend.'cxponasrn, to me III- MLw rccuo, win be exposed to public sale, at the youri House, in Danville, on S'tunlay ihe suih oay ol Ueccmber, in t. at one o'clock, l. M. the following property, lo wit : Jl eeiain Plan ion or Trar nl L m, situated in llilcrcreek township, Coluni'di ccuct containing more or less, floumlcd on ihe cat by the .So ipiehanr.o Hiver, on iho west by the main mail leading from lloomsbu g to llcrwifk, and udl m ing lands of John bowman and other finds old..-' fendant, all of which is in t high stale of cultiia lion, whereon is erected a Large Frame Dwelling House, a larc Dank JJarn, and hcr oot buildings. Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold as tho properly of Gilbert r'owler. ALSO, BY virtue of writ of ,'etiuri facias, lo me directed, will lie exposed to public sate, ai the uine time and place. A eerain Lo or mree! nf ground. situate in Uloom township, In the county of Col- umlna, and ma-ked in acritain plan, of tola laid out by tlie administrators of the estate of I.udwig i.jer oreeaseu. iidjoing the said town oi Dlooins,- vara, i. i (numuor one aceinimr at a uost on the land now owned hy tho Uev, GeorRe C. Draltc, and first street of said town, ami rnuning thence alorinj the said street north sixty one depress E, iu percnes aim tnree tenths or u perch to a pout; thence by lot No. 8 in the said plan owned by Jaleb arton, No. 31 degrees, iii.d a half wcl fifiecn perches to a post, on n nine lact alley .thence along said alley soub.sixtv deirrio vot ;o'nor:hes and three tenths to a post; thence along; tho lot of said licv: G. C. Drake S. 29 dceries E. fifteen perches and six tenths to the place of I csinninc cowauung one acre strict measure bo the samo moro or less. Upon the mcmi.tps ii a htrxc TWO rirt-, mm . - oUJtr JJJdUK Hi) USE. Seized taken iu execulion and to be sold as th property of Jacob Grjuc'. IltAM DEKU. Sheriff Sheriff' Office, Danville, Let. , 18-14. NEW C3000&- WM. M'5.iEL,VY & CO f 'g'AVE just received, and are now opci.uij u Jfi largo and c.cmic assortment of Mew closest attention has be been piid to tll03o maltcis immediately to the great con cerns of the country. Older uud efliciency in coch branch of the public service, have prevailcd.accom- pamcd by a systoin ot the most rigid responsibility. on tlie part ot III" receiving una disbursing agents 1 lie tact, in illustration ot tho truth ot this rcniarl descru-s to lo noticed, that the revenues of Ihe Uovernment, amounting, in tho latfour years, to upwards of SISO.OUO.OUO, have been collected and hsliursed, through the numerous Governmental igcns, without the loss, by default, of uny amount worthy ot snous commentary. 1 he appropriations made by Congress for th improvement of the rivcra of tho Wett, and of the harbors on tho lakes, ure iu a course el judicious expenditure under suitable ugenU: and aie destin d, it is hoped, lo realize all the benehls designed tu tic accomplished by Congress' 1 cannot, lion ever, sullicienlly imprets upon Congress, the great iinpoilauce ot withholding uppropiiatmos Irom impro"einonts which are not ascirtaiued, by pre vious examination and survey, to be necessary fur hesheltet and protection ot trade Irom tho danger ul rtornis and tempests. V uhout this prccanlmn Ihe expenditures aro bot too apt to enure to Ihe lienctit of imlividualt; without refcrenco to the onlv consi crution which can render them constitutiona lly public interest and the public good. I cannot too earnestly urgo upon you tho inter ests U tho District over which by tho constitution, Congress lias exclusive jurisdiction. It would bo leeply to bo regretted should there be, at any time, ground tocumplaiu of neglect on tho part of acom muniily, which dctiched as it is from tho parental ruro of the Statea of Viiginia and Maryland, can only oxpect uid from Congress, as its local legisla ture. Amongst tho subjects which claim your at tention, is tho prompt organization of an asylum fur tho insane, who mav bo found, from tunc to timo, sojourning within tho district. Such cuurse also demanded by considerations which apply to liruuchea of tho public service. For the neccsntio iu this behalf, I invite your particular attention to the Ifeport of tho Secretary of tho Navy. 1 havo thus, gentlemen ot tho two Houses ol ougress, presented you a truo and faithful picturt f tho condition of public allairs, both foicign and lomestic. The wants of the public service an nade known to you; and mutters of no ordinan importance are urged upon your consideration. Miull J not bn permuted to congratulate you on tin happy auspices under which you havo uit,cmb!cd irnl at the important change in the condition ol lungs which has occurred in tho last litres years I During that period, questions with foreign powert, t vital importance to tho peace ot our country havo been hrttled and adjusted. A desolating and wasting war with tavago tribes, has been brought to a close. Tho internal tranquility of tho couutrv threatened by agjtnting qucst'ona, have been pre served. Tho credit "f tho Government, which had xperienced a temporary embarrassment, has been thoroughiy restored. Its coffers which, for a boa son, were empty, havo been replenished. A cur rency, ucarly uniform in ita value, has taken the placo of one depreciated and almost woithlcei. Commerce and manufactures, which had suffered common with every other interest, have once rnoro revived, and'tha whole exhibits an aspect of prosperity and happincos. Trade and barter no longer Governed by a wild and spec llativo mania, rest upon & solid and substantial footing ; -and the pld growth of our cities, in every direction, lie- peak most strongly, tho favorablo circumstances by which wo aro surrounded. Mv hoppinoss, iu tho retirement that shortly a- waits mo, Is tho ardent hope which I experience that this state of prosperity is neither deceptive nor destined to be rhort lived; and that measure which warm place in the affections vf ail who hnew him ihe keen anguish which his loss occasions, cm only be moUcralid by the reflection, that ' it is ivell tvith" him ,- that he is safe forever, beyond th cnl tiijluenccs of this ' evil world." THE MARKETS. Hloomsbcku, Dec. 7, ISM. Wheat, 75 45 Corn, .to cioverfecd, 3 SO Flaxseed, l 25 liutier, 12 O.ils. nr. Ettg-, I allow 10 LikI 7 Hi led Apples, SO While 'eans 50 Beeswax 25 CIIAltLiES It. BUCK A LEW? Attorney at Law. Office South side of Afaitust. ojipotitt Kyer $ neyley e more, WILL ATTEND COURTS IN COUNTIES OF COLU.MBIA LUZERNE. IT7 pue VND N OTIC E . Notice is hereby yiven, that we linvi this day pun hnseil at Constable sale, ax ihr iroperty of William Cunningham, the fol owing properly ln' ii:oni'bny horse, one irown mare, set of hnrt-e jjears, one cou me Calf, three eheep, fivo hoga. one w.i jolt and tipd, iwo narrow?, inrcii pimiL'tif no cutting box slid knife, nun eradlu unit inyihe onu gran boyili, one .mil a half tun f hay, fifty luibliule of corn in the part-, me tut of clover fcced, half of tcvtn ,icn if rye in the ground, half of t,ix acres ol wheat in the ground, two uleda, one eloek. one lot of rye in the theaf, one lot nffudcr fifteen bushels Polatoei., all of" which wi have left with said Cunningham; tin line itur pleasure. E. & J. LAZARUS. Orangevil'e, Nov, 30, 18-14. A DiUlXISTRATOlV S NO TIC 11. Estale.of Conruil IJesi late nf Sugarloof township,-deceased. UTK'E is hereby given that letters of admin. Utratiou,on tho aiovu mentioned cstatcliave been granted to-Iho tuUcribcr residing in tlie township of .Sugarloaf. All persons indebted to the said Kstato aro hereby notified to muko immedfate payment, aim tiioso Having claims aro requested tu prcucni tuein propcny autlienlicatcd lo wii.i.iam JlKHH, Adin'r. November 10, 1811. 30. Mew $mml Seasonable and Cheat). AVE just recoived from l'hiladelpaiarid an now opening a largo assortment of 1TEW GOODS, which they olTer to the public ut the most reduced prices for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 heir stock of goods consists in part, jf Superl'iim. common and eoaine cloths, cassimcrs, Sjlinets, .Muilins, anus, balms, .Mouselmo de l.uinos, Lawns, Merinocs.I. aces, American Nankins, brown Hollands, riarmels, .Vill and cot ton VelvcN.Silk androtton Handkor c'-defs.I.adv's aiidGenllemcn's White &i colored Hose Gloves and Mils suitable to the season, coosistiriu of all the vuricMm ever kept in a country storu. Among llii-ir meiit may be found the lolloping. Dry Goods. Broadcloths, of all rotor, qualities and ptrc, (Jassimcrs, Saltinatts, and various other kinds nf cloths, tlinncls Valencia, .Varseillcs.i'ilk. and othrr vestings, I-rendi and English Mcrinocs, UomU rines, Fashionable Calicoes, Iri.h Linens, tfilk. Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, a variety oftidk and Cotton 6'lockiugu, Gloves end .Vila for Lado4 and Gentlemon, kid and leather gloves, Mcuchicd and unbleached .Muslin, of almool every quality, Picking and other cotton checks, Velvet cap, La dies and Children' shoes of ull kinds, Men's line): and thin boots and shoes India Itubber over ihocs, cotton yam, enrpet vain, candle wick, &c. GROCERIES. Liquors ofall kinds, of the best quilily.Molasjcs 6'ugai of various quality, Coffee, Teas.Splcca.fepcnii and Fish oil, coarso and line .Salt, Candles, Fish, &c. CBCOCKEY. 'i larpc assortment of Earthen Queens and Gttissu)nre:,winduw glim of all sizes, Luoan& glusie.t, fyc. Hardware, Case knives and forks, shoe knives Butts and Screws of all size's , Pud and door Locks, Saddle Harness and Coach 7Yt tu rnings, Sow Mill, and Handsaws, round, square, and flat irun sheet iron, wagqon lire', of all size, in fact every I It ing in the Hardware line from a eambric needle up to a blacksmith's anvil. All of w hich will be told hi uxrliamrn OAKIT LU.MBEH, and COLNTUY PKODLX'E of all kinds, on the most reasonable terms, nnd wc invito out friends to call and examine for themselves. rvov. 9, IS 1-1 20. OF ALL itc., SO ITS AND SIZES, &c., etc., Consisiit in pari of SUGARS, COFFEES & TEAS of assorted qualities, MOLASSES, FISH & SPERM OIL Tobacco, Snuff, Spices, Salt.Soap, Candles, &c.&c L1VERPOO L cm a. i a cms 1 1 Kttv CI.As, lWvvlKl of cvory description that may be repaired. Hardware.Cutlery Sec, OF ALL KINDS. liar, Jlolled. Hoop and Bund Iron and ifagjon l ire of every desctiption that may ne eaiita or. A large assortment of Piano bits, chiseli. Flics. Niovelsand longs, Knives & Forks, Pocket and Pen Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, coffee .lills. Flax n-cd Oil, and spiiits cf Turpentine; weeping brushes, weaver brushes; bhoe brushes, cloth biush , corn imiioiiih, tVc. The public ure requeued to call and examine for ,l ..i. i...r .i . . . ... e.i ociurr iney puicuatu eiaevvlicre. We sell cheap and no mistake. IJlMinisburg, iSov.9, 18-J4. SO. CLOCK & WATCH MAKING.'i'A. 1 1- M.iA informs the citizens of Ivolumtila county, and the public cenersllv that he lias located himself iu Uloomsburg.on Main irrci oppnuio at. j-aul'g Church, w hero ho has ipensd a shop, and is now ready and nienarrd in receive muljevreute all work in his line of businets, ilh dispatch and in a workmanlike manner, Clocks & Watches of the best quality, can be had at his establishment on very reabonablo term . IIEPAIKJNG & CLEAM.VG Will llC Jltllt! tO tllL' r-alifrtln)l f ihn r.n(1A,.,. well of Clocks and Watches ns of JcwcUy, and lie' I'lo-d at ''( t win, lurmer, wariaiu tils work In uo exo ulej as well us any in this section of tho tna'o. He will also make to order SUltVEYLVO C0MPASSI-S or pocket, and in short, will do tdl otberwork -jsu. i CHAS.LES . fTMBRXCING the present opiortunilv; ,i.f 14 oxprerting his thankfulnrfB to his fiicnds'and the public generally, for tho liberal THitronnan h has heretofore received, informs his friends and the public iu general, that ho etill continues in cnrtVr.n tin: above business at his' old crtubhbhed Mnud, on Ihe coriUT of Main and Kast ftrrcUi. where ' bu hoprs, by etrict attention to buiinevs, to liieivo and merit a shainot public patronage ecrhcrcfctmc. He deems it unneceksary to go into Ihe guine f brag, or to ue any hoft i-odder hIiouI his SKILL iu the PliOPF.SfclON OF GA'iML'NI' CU'l'l'lNG as his shop is of long standing, nnd Ids wvtk 1m thinks will speak for itself, and far mom -.loinli-r than words. But, ho would merely lay that, b warrants his work dono with ncntnefs. 'duinbililv. and iu the latest fashionable manner, and will in. sure a good fit in all cases. JV 11. Charges modOrato to suit the times. kinds of country pi odttcfl taken iu exchange wuik, at market prices. Illoomsburg, Nov. 9, IS-l'l. 20. All for THE DEMOCRATIC UNION, Semi.ll'eckly during the Session of the L Legislature IRS! at TWO BQL. The Democratic Union will, ar usul. ho r.i.i.. lisbed twice a week, durim: tho conifne tho Legislature, anal we embrace an rally oceiuimi to commend it to the favor nl the reading j nlftic -Neither pains or expense shall be pared lu inipi.t to 'its columns additional ;ct and vicor. An,i,if. and correct report of the proceeding of tho two Planches, together with fkelches ol 'the dcl.iinu . all public and important questions, will U- lurni.di cd, competent monographers bavins bern engaged for that purpose. Tho installation if invv ud. ministrations, Stato and Nationalpnd ihe dcvclope. meet of the ineasurea thev my propose to ihe country, will render tho coming winter one or un usual public interest. Persons desirous cf obtainim- true nnd oailv intelligence will aiweyn Cud iu tlie Democratic Union a -Iruu and honett r-hmnirl,. To Attorneys, Judges, Justice of the f'eare. id public officers gcilerall', it will bo lnvnli,ui,t nJ ho Union eciuic nil tho S'lATE I'lilN'l'ir'C and the LA.Wrj nl a pot h and oeiiecal naturu an. published in it imuiid.nie uhar lioir j aata"c n ully lliiie imui.tln.'i i f. ie n n t ltucd iu ranuMtt form, ' 1 o lucre ise obr fi ii.nirf fi i il .. ,,,,( execution of all tin iil.ii riuiiii.v.. ' propelling our pr c.n.- l il c i ,. mpoiiani mailer to il e u j i r v o' le n "T' 1 1 u i, Ipvc Inn i vl. vill hfl i nrniM i-iiiLut MMi'Hrjiir:)t pxrit it i i readers the scat i il i " J , ii t . i u i j i. . TLL.Ms. For tho. v hole veer. 'or t!..' FCi-sii-r. ci. !yt iv ally done in a well icgulalni rcs citable e.labhfh. scfs.oii, luccn.i unic jfc .,, UIU '" "u "ul'l u) atiniiion t0 tmsincss n mpv gratis for ids tin.b'c ul d 1 I'M i' and a desire to please, lo tcceivc a liberal share of i.imtmiti.-d hv n.nil. inlr.innm! I,... ...... I) 1 , . 1 . . . . ' i ") iwuucB inKt-ii in pavmciu peru.bltd a fruiklultcr rill for work at tho market pliers. e u"-.'irri c A U'-t uiocuiiuurg, .ovc4tUr IJ, ICU .. 30.t . J A.l L t, . , n; l J, . tinrUifc fi. nl nit. if. .11 it 1 r;ji'w Is n i ; v 1 I kt ' ri; i. tv f r