The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 07, 1844, Image 1

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    1 have sworn upon tho Altnr or God, otorual hostility to ovory form of Tyranny over the Ml ml of Man." Thomas JoUcmon
VoUiuue Vill.
Number 33a
ori-osiTi: St. Pawl's Ciiuiicii, Main-st
published every Saturday morning, al
TIl'O 1)0 L I. Ji IIS per annum payable
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollar
J'ljty tent s,ij not paid wit tun the year
Vo subscription will be taken for a .shorter
period than nix months: nor ami discon
tinuance, permit teU,until all arrearages
are Uiseiiargul.
finVIiRTISEiMEXn. not cxcee.dinn
square, will lie conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent nscrtion. CT"fl liberal discount
made, to those, who advertise by the years
f. UTTERS addressed on businvts,mus
be post paid.
My love for thee id like ihe light
That falls upon a summer night,
So pure mill deep and passing bright
It shines upon my heart, Mwy.
It takes a part from every thing
Of joy ami beauty, like the spring
That feeds upon the flowers thai cling
To it, as 1 to iht'G, Alary.
Thy image has become the slar,
Se,en through tho mjniH nf life afar,
A tnusii! 'mid iho unless jar
Has ever been thy voice, Mary.
A blissful spot iti memory's dream,
Like rays of sunshine on the stream,
To guide nic with its richest gleam
To happiness and hope, Mary:
It makes a cadence in the son,'.
A smile amid tin happy throng,
A gushing joy so lull and strong
Heats ever with my pulse, Mary.
That secret tone goes murmuring hy
A3 winds into a summer sky,
Or harp notes when at eve, they die
Upon the listener's ear, Mary.
I look upon thy memory
As stars upon the silent sea,
And ;vatch as calm and liemblingly
The tides of thy pure heart, Mary.
Ami as upon the sea girl shore,
They wash and wash Ibrevermore,
So sets within my soul's deep euro
The stream of love for thoe, Mary.
You gave to life a deeper flush;
And waken'd to a wilder gush
lopes that had ditd upon the blush
Withnut thy smiles of 3c.riiin.Mary,
And though il may he idle all,
As spreading flowers upon pall,
Slill shall thy name be magical
When linked with love and thee, Mary
On ! not in graveyards rank and close
U ithttt the noisome town,
pii! not in gloomy cloisters dark
Would I at death lie down.
Give mo a bed in open field
' Heneaih the breezy sky,
Where flowrcls bloo.n anil forest wave,
And waters murmur nigh;
Where greenly springs tho early grass,
And bilds.sire on ihe bough,
Anil early winds are out at play,
There let ine slumber low!
Em: Sin could blight or Sorrow fade,
Death came with friendly caro,
Tho opening bud to Heaven conveyed;
And bade il blossom there,
If nn anv occasion your wife should
claim lo you, 'Now ihuinble over Iho crad
dlo and break your neck, dor don I you
do it,
Hive tho Countersign.
The New Or'eans Oresccnl lolls the fol
lowing good one which is highly credilulih
to the Tcxian's knowledge of military
tactics: At the Wolf Hunter's camp, neat
Carpus Christi, in Texas, tho guaid qui
night saw somebody a liltle way off, ant!
hailed him. 'Who's there?' No answet
slill. 'Who's there, 1 saj? Whoever you
be, if you don't advance ant! say Texas, I'll
blow' Texas, ihcn, said tho other, if that'
ah you want.' 'Well, why didn't you sat
it snonerf We recollect a similar instance
it Windsor, Canada West dirreetly oppo
site to Detroit, during the distuibatres in
thai country. The colored people hat'
formed themselves into a regiment rum
inonly known as the 'Queen's lllacl
Guards ' One of them being stationed a
a sentinel on a ecrlain t.ight, heard some
body coming, Now this somebody hap
penei! to be a Yankee, and a spy. 'Who
in tla r?' inquired the guard. 'A friend,'
was the answer. 'Gib de countersign."
'Plague lake your countersign, you black
ion of a gun.' 'Gocramighty, you no g i I
do countersign I'll shoot you.' 'You gel
out, you concealed ihurideibolt, shoot si
royalist, wou III vou? Won i n t' von ook
prcttj (' 'Den say U'iloriuV ll'igtoriu
in'.' uestruclion lalie yo. 'Pass,' and tin
Yankee did pass into the very he.irt of lit c
enemy's camp and brought back an abnnd
nice ul'iuforination to the patriots.
I like to sec a woman out in the nnrniup
picking up chips to build a lire, and her bus
baud in bed; it shows she thinks more foi
him than she does for herself.
'1 like to see a merchant and rncchani
iseep lliclr shop iloors and windows closer
until the sun is an hour high; it shows thai
they are independent, and ask no favors ol
ihe customers.
1 like lo see young women walkitiglln
truet on Sunday in their silks, with holei
m their stockings; il shows that they an
mure attentive to things above than be
I like to see men crowding around tin
".i r room Monday morning before sun rise,
il shows their anxiety to get al their week't
employment in good season.
I like lo sue women send their bullet h
oarkel in a dirty i luth; il shows economy
is it saves washing.
'Scared to Death and Tickled toV
Jemima! marm, what d'ye think Sal told
Ned Hobbles hsl night, when ho was a
parkin' her?'
'Shut up, child what arc you talking
No, but I hern her, I did. She told Ned
Hobbles she kinder fell '
Hush, you liltlo rascal! Hush, or
lake your scalp off!' and poor Silly
looked as red as n boiled lobster.
Oh, it out, S,d. I will tell. She told
Ned Hobbles sho kinder fell scared to
death and thklcd tuV
Ned Hobbles got llio milieu next lime
A nilivc of the E.unrland Isle was asked
how he could loll when a man was drunk
Faith,' answered Pat, 'I'd never bo after
.I ., .i
savini? a man was ilrunK ai an, wnnoui i
saw him Irving to light his pipe at a
I feel lo hzy lo work,' said a loafer,
and 1 have no lime lo play, I think I'll
go to bed and split llio difference.
A rorjuetle is a rose from which ever)
hwer plucks a leaf the. thorns are reserved
for her future husband
'I say, Snooks, did you hear Doctor
Racor laal nigh?'
'No, What did !io spoak about?1
About fivo minutes.'
Absqual, Snooks.
The Louisville Democrat intimates that
five women of llio lown, dressed in male
latlitcj voted at the lato clt'ciion,
Il was in the autumn of iho yeai 1800
when the republic at my under Ney,
iMoreau, Limb, Cyr, nod oilier ol II
bravest generals, was pursuing Us vicio
i loin career, anil laying waste some ol
i he-most important towns in Germany,
die circumstance which wo are about lo
relate look place.
The frequent want of stores; ammtin
'ion aod money, in the republican ar
(i i os ami ihe hone of plunder then so
fiequently held out eto the French sol
lief, as the reward of victory, caused
iio inconsiderable alarm in the breast.1'
if Ihe morn peaceable inlxiiiilants of
'hose places which were considered lilt
y lo become Ihe theatre of hostilities.
Among these, the inlnbiianis of.
German lown of consideiable import
nice ind which lor distinction we will
call Ehrislten had ample reasons foi
heir misgivings ihn daily, almost hour.
ly; approach oi the 1 t ench being ex,
The family of Paul Kinmiver,a mor-
ehanl citizen of greal weal'li. was a-
mongsi those most ag'taied hy Ihe afllic
nig intelligence. Hi, household con--isled
of his wife, an only dni)ghter,anl
i few domestics in whom ho could plact
'otifidencn. Mis daiighlei was t he sprint;
which regulated every action of the
merchant's life; she was ihe apple of hi.
ye, Ihe sunshine of his shady places, i'
was for her he had accumulated hi.
wealth, that her rare heau'y might win
with it a btalion of rank and influence:
mil now the hope of a whole lifotim
miirht h( ivrpplml - r l;r t, !
1 1 1 s wife was the first lo suggest ',
dan for Iho r.ooeiMlmeol of their ireas
ires. The mansion was siltaled neai
ihe extiemily of Ihe town, and from i'
i secret passage communicated with
inwer in Ihe garden adjoining; fron
hence in the evening, a man might ea
sily steal tinperceived lo the adjicent
voods; and there she proposed ihat ill
net chant should, at night lime, bun
us treasure; or, at any rale, that li
.hould proceed through the foi est ani
eposite il wi'ti a ri'i.iitnn wi;o was i
be misted, who would ool be supecie'
f possessing so much wealth, and wl).
tsided about I wo tlay' journey fron
he p'ace.
For a lime Paul K timayer tesilei1
Vf-ry importtioiiy of hi' wife. Win
votild piotee.i litem should the anlieipa
I'd attack lakf place in his ahs"iice?
The (lomesiics were old and infirm, Hi''
hey would l,o loo much alaillleil foi
i heir own safely to cire much for otheii
so akin lo them. Hit' when his wife
spoke upon tho future; when she im
pressed on him Ihat it wis wealth onl
ihat would he required of them, soil
hat, deprived of lhat,all lor which lhe
had so long struggled would he scatter
ed in a moment, Ins resolution gave
I go,' he said, 'and leave you in the
tiust of One whose all nowi tfol hand
will protect you; unless indeed, in his
infinite wisdom, he deems it filling thai
the innocent should fall as an example
ind terror lo the guilty.'
Collecting all that was mo?t valuahle
int.1 a small packet, as the evening ap
proached, the merchant was prepared It
depart. One jewel only remained be
hinil il was his own miniature, set In a
blockei, with diamonds of great vaiue.
It was his wedding gift lo Amelia, anil
with it ho hesitated to pail, and he phi
cetl it again around her neck with the
same fervor and alieclion that he tell
when he first presented it. To her am
io his dauuhler. Iho namesake of her
mother, he gave some necessary ilirec
tions for their welfare during Ins ahsoncr
and taking nn alfeclioiiate farewell, h
lenatte. unknown to anv but (hem-
It was on Ihe evening of iho fourth
day afier Ihe merchant had departed
J . . . . I'll
that Iho roll ol Ihe dtums, ine snrni(
voice of the trumpet calling toarms,and
the lumull among lite inhabitants with
out, proclaimed to Iho inmates of the
mansion that the enemy wa lati op.
nroachinii. The town was, indeed,
filled with Austrian troops, hut these
had been so often and lately harrasied
nd defealed by the victorious arms of
the French, that il wob not without rca.
son llio citizens felt strong misgivings in
Ihni.. ..r.ul!c
A chanco of the merchant beinc ena
hied lo reach his house, or even lo ob
tain admittance within (ho lownprevt
ous to llio termination, was now entire
ly shut out. The wife had hut little
doubt ihat his reputed wealth would not
permit Ihe house lo pass unmolested;
and after causing all Ihe doors to be bar
ricaded, and the windows and shutters
H'cuel, sho proceeded, with her dauh
er, io the innermost apattmetit of the
CHAPunu ii.
On Ihe return of (he merchant, the
French army was evacuating the plice,
carrying with ihem the trophies the)
Had wrested from Iheconqjered Auslri
ins. and a large supply of stores and
plunder from the devoted lown. Paul'
heart died wtlhin him as he slealthilj
entered ihe suburb", and proceeded to
wards Ihe place of his own residence.
Within the lown all was confusion
ind dismay; hero were open storehouses
' ifleil of Iheir contents, the very floors
torn from iheir lunges; there, the dim
gardens of the richer classes broken
lown and trampled over; in Ihe mar
ket places were groups of the middle
mil lower classes, loudly complaining
of Ihe excesses of both Aim tin and
France. Still Paul stopped nol lo join
in the general onicry; his only anxiety'
was his own home. At length he reach
ed his dwelling. Willi what a ping of
intense anxiety he rushed through i'ip
ipeti portal! I ite servants Had evt
lenlly lied; the slairs bore the muks of
heavy footsteps. Paul slopped not lo
examine them, or he would hive seen
hat ihey were dneed with gorp.
With Ihe speed of ihoughl ho rushed
oto their accustomed .silling room, and
'here a horrid spectacle awatied him
- - -
he hear'; one hand had fallen hick a
flo protect her from Ihe attack of Ihe
isas,in, while iiir other grasped lightly
i few links of the slight gold chain It.
vhich hid been attached ihe diamond
no. inted pni'Tiit.
Ol hi d nighter i hern were no
Lou My did he cill, aod wildly did In
eek first in his own house, and thei
'trough the whole lown, until it wi
vhispcred dim id ihat he was mud;
nd so, for a lime, he was; hut anxiety
hrotighi weariness and repose led to te
flectiou. How deeply Paul Kinmayer reproach
ed himself foi not taking ihe mioiatiin
villi nther v ilu ibles, need not ho relile
. ...i i. . 'r,
.nice lie nine iiounieii mat ins wile
esistance lopail with it had led to tin
filnl (Mtavltophe. One ledeeiniog tho I
inly dished across his mind, that hy it
HIH11P3' i indeed she had not shared
he fite of her mother he might be
nahled to discover the missing fhuightei
I'd this end he resolved to devote the
whole of his future existence; anil aflei
hp funeral of his wife, he disposed of
his house, the wreck of his household
odds, and prepared to travel, wilhir.
he. knew not, hut any where to fly fiorn
Iho scenes where all his hopes of patih-
'y hanii'liie, had been blighted by tilt
iitthlpss hands of the destroyer.
" And these." he said, as he turner)
from his native town nnil home, "ihes'
ne the deeds perpetrated under the sa
cred bannpr of liberty ! Alas! how is
the divine aid ilntto defect alcd ! How
link', hut the name exists in the hlood
hirsiy dynasty of France !"
Shall we follow ihe steps of Paul Kin
mayor for twelve yeais? Shall we le
lato how he travelled in strange lauds,
oven in Ihe wake of the French army
sometimes in disguise how minuie,bir
yet how cautious were Ins enquiries, anil
alas! how ftuiiless! Shall we nay how
iho hale man grew grey and feeble,
though half a century had passed ovei
his head, in scarcely more lhan a titln
of one. No : for wa could relate noth
ing thai would interest Ihe reader
nothing hut tho patient suffering of a be
reaved man, hoping, hut hopeless, seek
ing.but finding no); until il almo9l seem
ed ihl ihn faculties of the wanderet
ceased lo embrace tho object of bin mis
sion; hut Ihey did not they only slum
bered. It was something beyond twelve
years after Iho scene related in our sec
ond chapter look place, that n Fiench
officer was reciting in one ol the princi
pal cafes of Paris, to an eager crowd of
istoners,thc particulars of ?n inglorious
relreal from Russia, of which ho was
n.,u f , I, . C II.
ui iuc ico auiviviira ins age cool I
not have exceeded thirty; but the dread-
nil Hardship ol ihe Russian campaign
had told feai fully unott his hardened
features. War, however, had nol
ed, hul had evidently added lo, a nalu
.oil., r 1: 1 .
1 -j iiitutiuus uijpusiiioo ; lor tie w.i
detailing, with savage satisfaction tlx
horrid lot merits of the eiiemv. alrnadv
forgetful of the scverilies he"had just es
caped, and to which to many of In.
comrades had fallen a sacrifice."
Among those who listened most at
tentively, was a stranger, who sal, al
most unnoticed, smoking in an obsctin
corner of the room ; an involuntary ex
pression of disgust al lenglh beirayen
him, and all-eyes were immediately turn
ed to where he sal.
" I'll wager a Napoleon," said tlx
ifficer.'lhal the old Gt man never smel
powder but on a review day, and nevet
saw more smoke lhan ihat which nro
eeded from his own meerschaum."
" Heller if othets weie like me .- wlu,
remembering only thai they arc sol diet
urgcl thai Ihey are men."
" flow," exclaimed the officer, start
i"g on Ins feet, 'uch seniiments hen
ne dangerous, but you Germans are ve-
mystical. However, I'll till you n
ueiunti auveniure, so, garcon, jinoihfti
lioitle of roioroli, aod then
" Do you happen to know the Ger
man town of Ebristien c inquired the
The dull eye of the siranger seemed
n'uldeiily lit with a liquid fire, as ho an
swered io the affirmative.
" It was my first csmpiigu,".coniiipU
ed the other; my father had been out
if (he brave he meant oneof the mos
hlood lliiiMyJ leaders of Ihe revolution.
Ills iiilluence ohlained for me a commi
sion and, ct owned with sucees.l found
.1 : ft-- - -1 .
' 1
motion In the aclimi 1 alluded to w
vere allowed but two hours lo mak
pillage we could in the town of Ehtis
tcirt hefoii; we. proceeded onwud k
greater mid more gloiious victories.
Well, iheie was a jewi Her ol giem
wealth, whose house, which was pointer
tiul to me hy an Auxliian prisoner, i
entered, but in which neither j-wel-nor
put table valuables could we find.
The servants fled on oui first endance
he wife and daughter alone remained.
The latter had locked themselves in
room, which we soon hue si open;
lemanded of them ih' ir valuables; tlx
'iiimpet had already soundrtl To Ixusi'
and I was preparing to have the Iihusi
when a gold chain around the neck ci
the ehh r female attracted my attention
rix'to as ;tl Inched to it"
" A portrait ?" asked the siranger, ii
.1 lone of ill-concealed anxiely." 'Dim'
interrupt me,' aid the narrator, Mix
iory is droller lb m many woUd ima
i llll'.
The blood of Ihe stranger came and
went rapidly, and pulling down his pipi
he was obst 1 veil for the moment, feeling
lhonl his pockets,! if in eaich of some
missing article.
" You're right, il was a portrait, and
to a mo! valuable selling. Provoked
at obtaining no booty, I demanded it ol
hei ; she should ha ve had Ihe worthies
mini'ituie, but she wis obstinate. J
ried to force il fiom her, but she resis
led; nay nioie.sht: died lo seize a pislol
roni rny bell, arid in the heat ol my pas
ion 1 stabhrtl her."
"Iliveyoti that poi trait s'ill ?" asked
tho German.
1 have, though il ha been laket
trom ihe siting, in which one of m
own now gliders. You said yon knew
" I did, years ago."
"And probably the original of ihi
uicturu f" said ihe officer, producing
" Well, well !"
" Ah ! is he alive ?"
" He is lo be the tftvenger!'' Am
before a movement was ubseiveil hy ih.
Iij standers, Paul Kiomayer had, will
fatal precision, levelled u pistol at tlx
branch oliicer, ami shot him in tlx
Mortally wounded, but not dead, Ix
who hid braved Iho heal of an hunijr'
bailies, and whom death had spared th.i
he might make a more sititiblo- mom
ment for his guilt, wa carefully ien.
ed to a more firivaio 1 aicnl.
" Paul, who might havo escaped n
the confubiun, did not attempt to do so;
. e . i
..'"" ,v". 01 COtHSG TaKCIl 1010 CUMO
dv, and ii.circeraled in one of the dun
geons of the police. '
Tile following morning he was led
foith for examination; Ihe of fallen
officer, he was told, would be his acctt
ser. Hut he-walked with a firmer step
Jnd a lighter hoart than usual. One
portion of his mi-sion had been accom
plished, he had avenged his wife's mur
der, hill he had found no traces of his
On reaching thft placo of examination
he was commanded lo stand forth, a
shriek a long agnnizmg shriek was
heard, and ihe prosecutrix fell senseless
n the floor.
Restoratives were applied, and her
recovery ihe cause of her agitation was
" Il is my father," she said, and hreik
iog through :he crowd, she again fell
senseless in his arms.
The impetus of her fall caused a lock
t to drop from her bosom, wher it
vi, slill su'pendetl by a chiin. Puu
lvmmayer snalched it up. Yes it wal
he same ihe same circlet of ringletss
hut now it contained the portrait ,
whom? of his daughter's husband
'he murderer of his wife.
Passing her to one of the attend mis,
the old man smole his breast, and called
aloud in his trouble
"Was it for this thou wetl preserved,
my beautiful my pure?"
In consequence of Ihe slate of ihe wit
'ics-j, the examination was postponed,
rxl the same evening tho dying- man
n quested that the prisoner together
with the chief of the police, might ai-
end him.
On their arrival, life was ebbing fat.
The confession of ihe officer was brief,
he fidmilted the murder of Paul's wife,
and the justice of his tetrijuiiion. Iio
altnoit a child, was carried away by the,
o-immon suldiers lo the rear of the army
hat hie was forced from the apartment
previous lo; and knew nothing of her
nxiiher ' fate, and lha ropening of hi
c, he had hrr conveyed to Paris, and
dup-ieil at his own charge. Wih
x 1 yeats her loneliness increased, and
be knowing him ob a benefactor, a al
i'oniicd Ai many him.
This confession was attested and for
ward'd 10 the Ernpeinr. Meanwhile the
friends of the ofli er came fot ward as pros-
uints, his wife refusing to do so. Tho
iini 'dcr in the latter case was fully ptoved
uid 1'iul was sentenced lo death.
On the morning appointed fur his execu
ton he was repiinved, and suffeied lo enter
1 monastery, where he soon sunk under a
irokeii heart.
With his wealth, which was considera
te, he founded a covenant for Ihe 'Sisters
d Mercy' and in the still beautiful abbess
t hose piety and benevolence so ninny havn
s ith justice, lauded and admired, may. Im
lUcovered the unfortunate daughter of Paul
K tin may er.
A child was left upon a gentleman'
thu r step in Rochester, N. Y so mo
as since, nicely packed in a bosket.
and with it a note, containing ten dol-
Ins and these worth, 'Wore will be
nl when this is exh-uisled.' I Ins
gentleman aUs which, 7nore money, or
more babies.
The Legislature of Vermont, now in
session, has passed an act for the geolo-
iical survey of the Slate; one abolishing
he militia system, so far as regards iho
-nrnlled militia; an act relating to deal
rs i 1 spiriltios I quors, lo innkeepers,
ic , providing for iho oloction of thiee
Commissioners in each rouniy, in tlm
mouth of January, to havo control of
he subject of license; an act modilying
he act of 1512, lelative to capital pun
slimem,' so Ihat sentence of death
should nol he executed short of nno
year, and making it ihe duty- of Ihe
Judge lo order execution williin three
months after the year.
'I meant to havo told you of that hole ''
said a man 10 a friend, who stumbled into
i pit full of water. 'No matter now,' sajs
the piher. blowing ihe water from his mouth.
I have found it.'
Scarce. ''VI iio are you going!' 111
quired Jack ai qnaininncci 'To sen
a friend.' 'Well I'll go with you, for If
never saw one yet I'