the BBc rati I aire At n recent meetinif of the democrats o1 Newark; New Jersey, Mr. Melville con eluded his spe-eeh with the following dceph intcrrsting account of his visit to the 'Her milage.' After glancing t the provable result nf the contest in the various Slate:, and icfet ring to the brlllhnt prospect which was pre sented of the speedy triumph of democratic principles, Mr. M. then gave some inter rstlng details of his lato tour in the West, in the comae of which, he spoke of an in terview which he had with the Hern ol the Ilei milage. lie saids And now 1 como to speak of Tennessee tho 'home ol the hickories:' That's a Stale woith talk ing about on many accounts its slrik it g physical features and great natural resources the chivalry and patriotism of lis men and the beauty of its daughters. I can lei t you that the bachelor who goes there has an ordeal to pass throned, which 1, for one, could hardly venture upon again Cheejs and lauchter Why, here if a gentleman offers his hand to a fashionable lady , she icceivcs il in a son of minim pinimy, don'l touch me soil of an air, thai miy perhaps affect him unpleasantly; but these Tennessee 'iris take riant holt! at rj u if ihey meani it, and in a way that is reallj delightful to a plain, backward, bashful man life myself. Great laughter anil oheers1 And then the Tennesseeans of the man sex have peculiarities of manner which aro decidedly interesting and charac teiislic. One of these poculiarilies is, thai Ihey make a man talk such an unconsciorta bletime. If a man gets up to speak,"and they don't happen to like him, they soon shout nut 'Hallo, stranger, you've mis taken your vocation slope!' Roars of laughter. And if he won't slope, they make him. Renewed laughter. Ten nesseo is, indeed, tho land of social de mocracy. I have seen men clad in linsp) wnnlaey garments, and with unshod feet, Vitting in Colonel Folk's parlor, and at the table of Andrew Jackson l.oud cheers1 They aro oer frank and free in expressing ' opinion, be il pleasant ro the hearei or tho reverse. 'On one occasion, after I had addressed a large popular assemblage, a sturdy frontier man, who was about six feet high, without n superfluous ounce of flesh upon his stal Avarl frame mte..of your me.n wlin novp.r turns their backs on their friend or foe, and 'who looked as if he could whip his weight in wild cals laughter strode up to me nnd giasped ny hand with an iron energy that reminded me forcibly of a vice, and suddenly withdrawing his grasp, slapped me on the back with tremendous force sung out 'Old hoise, I love you!' Roars of laughter,epeatcd again and again. Speak ing of western adventure, reminds mo of a scene which I had imagined was reserved forwh geycB alone: 1 crossed that fair famed' stream. Salt-river flaUKhler and cheers. ! looked at it with utter astonish raenl. The upward view waB certainly anything but inviting dark, droary, and dismal and I cuuld not help exclaiming 'l'oor wing! what a sau una weary Toute you-have to pursue next November! Cheers and laughter1 Out, looking down the stream, my surprise was redoubled Thr re I actually saw an ash -pole wilh the fligof Clay and Frelinghuysen' floating from its tops. It is thus clear that so cer tain are the wings ol being compelled to navigate that river in this present month of November, that thoy havo actually taken possession of ils mouth. Tremendous cheering. A few additional remarks, and I will close. 1 liavo already taiKeu to vou nearly three hours, and Ihey mutt be brief Trios of 'go on,' 'go on' Si loud cheers Urief as' ihey must necessarily be Ihey nave reierence to tue sage ni d hero of tho Hermitage. Long continue d cheerine. H Il was a source ol peculiar pleasure lo me, when, in tho an tkipalion of my laie journey to llip, West 1 rclleclcu on tue prospect ol once more looking upon Andrew Jackson. After the great mass convention at Nashville;! bad the honor df receiving ftom him an invitation lo spend some days at the Hermitage, and 1 need hardly say that the impression made by that visit can never be eradicated, II anything had been wanting to resumo the democratic impulses in niy breai,the glance of that old man's eye, the pressuto of thai old man's liana, ine painotum instinct in cvciy line ant lineament of ihatjold man' countenance, would have dono il all. Hr lias numbered seven and eveuty years His life his been one sceno of struggle. On rlie details of that crest lilo 1 -need not lingtr. 'He is now uiy feeble a fetble nets tioi;nrifing Horn a wnnt ot flreugili in his limbs, but because a large portion of his (Jungs is so disorganized that Hie slightest Scene nt exertion produces a linrricdncss and dlf lii'iilty painful lo himself and agonizing lo hose around hi.n. mil he rises from In chair and w;dks without assistance. h ta'ks in Ills guitvn almost daily, and ever; .ibbalh in found in his seal in the house of irayer. lie open mid reads his lettersjlie Xamincs wil'i great Interest the newspa ,)its from ihn prit' points of the Union; ip lakes a trreat, nod eoiutaiit, and all per. vautng inteicsl in this election. Letters hearing bis name have, as you aro aware; been extensively published and commented on of lale, havinir refeieuee chiefly lo the re. annexation ol I exas; l lie wing presses have been disposed to call tlioir authenticity in question. They were each and all cith er winten by his own hand ot dictated by turn hiii! written under his own eye, by Mmjoi Danaldsnn, who was his private secretary diiring'his eiuhl years that he was President of the United Slates. To litem all he has affixed his signaturo with his own hand. Willi the snows of seventy seven winters on his brow, and thoughts and snuggle of a thousand ordinary lives having Is ft their traces on his form, daily awaiting his summons to the crave, his memory, not only ofj events long since transpired; but of those of the most recent dale, is as tenacious and ready, his judg ment as clear, his vi ill as strong, his af fections as warm, his patriotism as ardent, as they ever were. When Andrew Jack son dies he will not drivel iiis path to the grave like a slobbering dotard, as tho whig press falsely call him: but when nc dies when the great soul within shall have utterly consumed ils outer tenement of clay why, then, a man will die! And our children, and children's chik'ien, will go up lo that corner of the lilllo garden at (he Hermitage, where his wife now lies and by whose side he will sleep in death and that will forever be lo us and our descend ants next lo Mount Vernon, the holiest and nost sacred spot on American soil. Loud ho ers continued app'ause. I migil dwell Ions on this fruitful theme, but tunc lor bids. I will only advert to Cencral Jack son's conduct when his pysicians endeavor ed to dissuade him presiding at the greal Nashvillo conveiition;lhcy justly feared that iho great rush and shouting oflhe people as they pressed lo look upon him, would be dangerous to him in his present feeble state He heard this opinion expressed, and afier pause, he lifted up his voice and said his words Tell upon my ear life those of a pa uiarch of old, 'I am very old; I canpot sla; here much longer; I can do little or no good by remaining, so if I can do uny good by presiding at lint convention of the democra ny, carry mo there! Place mo in the chair and I'll die in my seat!' Great manifcsla lion of feeling among the audience. Afier a brief exhortation lo energetic action. and t complimentary allusion lo the ladies who had honored the meeting with their presenci Mr. Melville concluded. MARJUED MEN. The mote married men you have, says Vollaire, ihe fewer crimes there wib bo. Examine the columns of vou' crimnal calendars vou will there find hundred youths executed for one father of family. Marriage renders a man more virtuous and more wise. The father of a family is not willing to blush before his children. KEEP DARK. , . . , , , .1 ... a young oi iss naving accepteu tne oner of a youth lo gallant her home, and after wards fearing that jokes might bn cracked at her expense, if the fact should become public, dismissed him when about half way enjoining secrecy. 'Don't bo afiaid,' said he, nf my sayinr anything about il, for I feel as much as harncd of it as you do.' TURTLE SOUP. Waiter; wial soup is this!' 'Tiirtlp.sir.' 'Why it's very thin, it hasn't been half boiled.' Ob, yes sir, it was on the fire all iiigln.' 'Then what makes it so meagre, and taste so qucerP 'Why, sir, lo tell you the Irulh, the turtle. was sicri.' EQUIVOCAL COMPLIMENT. 'Dick, how is it lhat you ate always possessed of such a storo of funl where did you get ill' 'I manufacture it, 'What do you make of it!' Nothing of any consequence 1 could -make sake,,' fun tf you, bul for friendship' THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER AND iriltESIDK I'ltl KM). Voutriil In I'nlitioH ami Itcligivii NEW YEAR. Now is Ihe vert nick of lime It) subscribe for the New Icar lg.lj. TUB P II I LADELPIIA SATURDAY COUR 1 E 11 With the largest Subscription List in the World. TO NEW SUHSCR1BERS. For tho purpose of facilitating the formation of Clubs, ol nkw or old subscribers not iti nlver tho following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. Three copies of tho Saturday Courier, 1 year, or ono copy for tbrco years Seven copies of tho Saturday Courier, I year Twelvo do Seventeen do Two do and 1 cony of cither of the $3 Magazines Five copies of tho Saturday Courier, mid 3 co- pica ot either ot tho 3 .MnetuiiHM in Kivo copies ol llic Saturday (!ouricr,nnd 1 co- py ol frost h new I'ictorial History of A mcricn, o $5 book, 10 (TWii fact, whatever offer is made, bv anv oilier Family Journal, atlnll approaching in worth.bcautv or pretensions, to tho Saturday Courier, will be fur nisheil hy U4. I ho louncr has become bo well and favorably known through a triumphantly popular course of fourteen years, thot it would ho superfluous to say iiiutii.uii mm nuiiicci ucre. tveniav rcmatK. how ever, that to tlie industry, talent ond enterprise, which nave loi years Kent this nancr a irn? htrxeni plar for nllj its imitators, will constantly bo added the productions of every available writer, and con Ihuicd judicious and bheial expenditures will con tinually ho made, as well in the Literary ns the Ty pographical departments. Our means will alwajf enaoio us 10 oe in nuvancool all olhcrs.and wo thai be so. Histories of Modern Republics. a new and important announcement lor the com ing year, in addition to our already numerous pop ular features, will bo series of Condensed Histo ries of .1odcrn Republics, by a fresh and vigorous writer' who will impart a world of important in struction lo tho rising generation, in this new and entertaining Romance of History. Biographies and notices of List in uished Literary and Scientific icn -Among the interesting esiays and sketches of value, winch we shall continue to present in the Councr.will bo n full and interesting account oflhe rise, piogrcss. and present elevnted standing of nil distinguished men, of tho Fast and Present, (at Home or abroad,) in all depnitments of Art.Scicncc Literature, statesmanship, roetry, Mechanics, Planting, Agriculture, Priming, Merchandize, etc. I Ins will be a very interesting feature for tho Young. Il will bo a department of tho Cornier, which ithas ever been our aim to render of inesti mable value lo tboso for whom wo feci so deep on interest as wo do for tho Young ,1en of our great uiJ growing L-ountry. I he Lues of Distinguished Men iuo of much valuo lo lhoe who ore vet form ing their own characters; for tho purpose of enact ing their parts, correctly, on tho Great Stugo of Human I. He. Inde?d, wo hope that this Jcpnrtmcnt of the Courier will bo worth more (each veurl to cwrv family who haw sons and daughters to bo rea-ed. than fivn times tin amount wo ask for a year's sub- cnption to Iho balurilav Courier; Incidents, Histories Scenes, li title Grounds, Ac, oflhe American and all aincr (evolutions. Under this bead, which is, by the wnv.notat all new in tho Courier, wcshall hereufler give graphic aim I'nen-Miiig accounts occ.isuin.Mly lieaul ilully Illustrated oflhe ihrilling incidents, ho profusely lidded through tho deeply important history of tl.o American Itcvoluiiou, and of all other rcvolu- uiint that wo may regard of llm least interest ol ,'ttluelhe readers of the Philadelphia Saturday Con icr. i ins win no ol deep coiitenucnce. a so. lo every member of any family of tho Ameriemi re. puonu, wiiu may tiiooso 10 no uiciiiseivcs mid us the lavor ol teeming, regularly, the visits of the Jourier at their Family Fircsido. '0 I'D LA If TOPOGKAl'HY. To cratilv the growing appetite for a betler knowledge of iho im portant features uf our great and gloriuus country our pasi exeruons enaii do rcuouhled III luturo to prcvont vivid pictures ot American cities, towns mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc. Our imginul domestic Tiilen, ICstuys, Poena, ivc. win couunuo rcguiariy lo no tjrnished hy ihe minds and pens in the country. Tbcso ch.isti productions aro acknowledged to bo tho bckt. f,,i useful instruction at tho family fireside, Ihul appeal in any periruueui. Uuh hMiiuvrxos comprise subieetain all bran. dies of Art and Nature, suitable for tho family cir cle, uiiu.iippcar in rapiu succession, UUll 1 HWII.I.I.K is constant v travcrsinc tho world, in search of tho wonderful and instruc live. Oun AniucutruiiiHr occupies weekly an im portant space, wih nil matters of interest for tin noble til'ers oj Ihe soil; uur luuropcan oirespondenls, in Liverpool. t.fiiiuiiu. irt-iuriu uio casi.oc. Keen im rruii r U iidvised of all subjects of special iuterrtt. uur Alarlicts and Trices Currrnt.rni brace a tin earliest advices in refcrenco to the nriees of nil kind. of Grain. Produce, &c. tho state of Stoek s.Hanks .ioney,aiid Lam's, and our cxtcnsixo arrangement' will hcrcalter render our 'rices Current o incsti mable valuo to thu Traveller. Farmer, and all Uu slliess Olasses whatever. M'MAKJN y 1I0LDEN. Courier Building, 07 Chesnut street, Phila. A DMIA'IS Til A TO IV S NO TICE Eitnle of Philip Dodder, laic of Orang lownsmp, ueccuseu. mjOTICr. is hereby given that letters of admin islration, on tho above mentioned estate,ba neen granted to the subscriber residing in tb township ol urJtiEO, All peisons indobted to the said estate are hereby notified to mako Immrdinii. payment, and those having claims are requested to iiuM'iit uirin property auincniicaied lor tctlutnei- ueioreiiionrst or riovtmuer next. JOHN I'AnKS.Adm'r Orange tp. Sept. 7, 181420. BLANKS ! ! IJLANKS! ! ICrJtistirpsHlank EXECUTIONS and WMMfnATC ! I .... , . " uujii.Hijiu jiih jiriiueu anu lor sale ai tin U ill co MAR Bli H3 YA R5 The subsctihers have established nt tin abovo place, n new AMliDLIJ YARD, and will always he ready, til tho shortest notice, lo furnish (o order, MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, TOMB-STONES, II E Jill Til JAMBS, MtlNTL ES, PAINT STONES, MALLEUS, &e. or any other work in their line. Thry are also prepared to lurnisi W1INUUW UAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &c. cither of Mn.ble, Lime or any kind ol stone thai can be procured in this vicinity. fi"jtIIaviiig had considerable experience in the business, tney pledge tlicir work to be pxecuted in as handsome a slvlo as ran be furnished from raiy yard either in the city or country; and on as reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG & UUUIJHS. Bloomsbutg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 Chair Manufactory, TII E subscriber continues lo carry on tho CHAIR ilfANUFACTORING business at the old stand of H- & S- Ilagcn buch, where ho will be ready at all times lo lurnisli I'lincy vt indsor Chairs, Set tecs, liostnn iCncKing Uliairs &e, ol every lescription, which may bo called for, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms, lie will also execute House, Sign it Ornamenjal Painting, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From bis experience in thu business, and his facilities nf manufacturing Iho various- slides of Ins line, he flutters himscl' that he shall bo able to furnish as cood work, mil upon as reasonable terms as can he lone in the country, all of which ho will lisposn of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. 11. Orders from a distance will he trtclly puneltiallv attended to. II IIAOENBUCII. Rloomsbnrs, Dec. DO, 18 1H i:spi:ctfi:lly inform, his friend- and the travellingpublic in general, that ho 1ms taken J5J die centre of tho town of wssijr iRtJh f C.ila'isa.(oluinbia conn- LlKvaA-'-"- ty Pa. and fnrnielv oecuni- cd by I). Clark. Where he will bo happy lo wail upon thoso who will favor him with their custom. The otel is largo and commodious and well furnished throughout, and no pubis will bo spared to render general satisfaction. coll is table will bo furnished with the best thr untry can afford. His IJinr is well stored with the best of liquors. Excellent stabling is attached to tho establish ment and careful and attcnlivo hostlers arc ulwayr in aucnu.incc. Cattawis-a, May in, 1813 .1. 9 Ulooiiishui', Coliiiuhiu Co. Pti. THE subscriber resncclfullv informs lib friends, and the public, generally ;that he h., taken lhat well known stand, in Ilium, ... burn, formerly kepi by William Robisor. ano ihul the House anil ataliles are undei suing n thorough repair As his bar wil dwaj h bo furnished wiiji iho choicest r liquor.-, anil bis Lrilei with the bust iln inaik'Jt aH'ordH, and havinir .'iiuil Stahlim nd alteniive hosilere. be with iiml'iilnw, invitee all to call and lest his nbilnv ne : caicrer f,.r the palalo and s'omnch, and Hat lers himself that none will leave dibsatisfi ed with their treatment, The worth of the pudding is told m the eating, yome givo it a trial, thero will bo no cheating; llcastand Man shall always go away rejoicing, Sweating by tho poncrs,they'IIeoll on returning M. SILVfiimiOKN. Juno 8, 18117. 3m. To the Public. THE subscriber desirous uf nuiiinn hm, nes s renuesls' all thuso inileliied to i, iiiake payment immediately. I lie lollowing pines will bo paid fo PRODUCE in exchange for his STOCK OF GOODS uu hind. 0001) WHEAT P" bushel. RYE X.1 cis. P CORN 4,1 and SO cts. OATS 25 cts. FLAX SEED $1 25 cis. tCJ" Goods sold at cost for lb n cash Hut no credit giien alter Ibis daio. U. U. MICCS. Sepl 0 181-1. Ilst of Letter? REM AliVINT. Ill Ibn Pnsl nil'if-n at r-nll.tvio,, the quarter ending Sen. 30, 18-1-1. Arthur llobert Dressier Jonathan II mil; Siloli S. Uenglar Atubuiiy Dcrr John FceyJohn Hennluger Daniel ' Kastovei John Kiniio William Mcars Georgo Plinco Lyiiindtr Itohrhaik Win. Sliarpless Jos, or John fcichincrk Daniel Thomas A. D. Wilson Alexander Waiiamnnclier Jacob Howman F. L. Heijamin Frederick Oriesbaeh Yost Federolnli Ailam (iearliart Wm. 2 Howard Michael II. Knccht Jacob Kern 7'eter Paxton J. 1). Killer Benjamin Keler It rn. yiunlev John Tnmlctison Itachel Ward John Wall Philip wapics urn ton w i ettcr Uarbaryann 7'crson callniL' for letters in iln nfiriL'ik IJtt will pifHBo sty nicy aro auicrlK-ed. Under tho hejiling of Read. Read. Read will be seen nn ariieje In the lale Democrat winten, as tho writer says, (or the mirniui uf relriiciiiiir and rcasserlinir, a$eiiiiius made by tho writer, After which he cue, in with a yarn in tho following manner. I shall endeavor to perf rnn my task accord mg to the nature ol the subject, anil rest nil my assertions upon reasonable ami solu' foundations, such as cannot be shaken Sii After which he rlatms to have kept tu tin truth for once. Had the Honorable paid and 'rest my assertions upon unreasonabh mid sandy foundations,' il would have been honest aail to the point, nut 1 siaiei! n my last under the heading of TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR, the tiulh, iho whol truln and nothing bul the tiuth and there fore consider it unnecessary lo go to the trouble of wasting ink and paper, for the purpose of answering such arguments as. appealed over the sigr.alure of our Urolber Chip, the ninth pari of a man. As 1 said before, all persons wishing to know thi truth ran be satisfied by calling .it my shop as I am pirpared, as before, to show tin report and fashion as I told the GI' N I'LE iMAN. Oxr worthy sir talks ol seeini' the fashion for '-l l.bui is not hnneM nnui to say 11 and five. Hut we will not bo ban' and, will attribute that to his hbortuess o it lakes a long winder! man lo sit) '-14 and five, which is the truth, us he fore stated. The Gentleman keens ten dark about tho Ten Dollars I offered to be him, after denying my having tbn N. Yoik reports which 1 lold him I had at tho lions I his as well as Hie rest, 1 am prepared li prove at any lime, anil the lark darn no' lake me up nor deny it, but after a lone sigh and a twist or two, he allow d In would not be ntch alratil to risk a V lhat I cculd not produce the. New Yoik repnris but took mighty good care not to gel on he money, knowing very well on whicl iido his bread was buttered Recnllec! oic birds aro not to bo caught with chaff; but live dollar bill would havo a stronger lendei ey to ketch them. 1 will not go the it ou ble of aayiug be bail not the money (per haps) ho had, but did not like the notion oi loosing il, by way of a bet of that kind. 1 hoing tho fact thai tho more truths I assort. the more faluehoods will be backed up a iiaiust them. 1 have for mv part, so far is honor to myself and to my ordinandi will allow me, determined not to answei my more tjiit'h ouilandi.ili untruths, hut Im way of "'(inclusion, I would now and for tin ast nine, say to our worthy Irienil P. nfiei i resolution according to his own request it keep cool and not sivc.r, say ( Farewell j mil may you loi.g live, anil li.ive time to repent, nnu t'lnov vuursei! in tins lami oi Peace and Plenty Once more, FAKE- tV ELL. PERN UU) RUPER T. Illoomsbnrg, Nov. !), 1811. "tcj SO YES BJIGHT.a Drag's a onnd dog, lint lloldlxsi is belter. II K undersigned would return bis sinccra am humble thanks to thr citizens of lJloomsburr. mil vicinity, foi the fnvois thus far bestowed upon dm, ami would Mill further ark n cunthiuunce ol ho same, bo long onlj as satisfaction is rendeted Ho would not say, Come one eune (ill, hut conn f many as coiiM ii'eiiily can. ISeilhcr would hi rouiisc, (as other, have,) tu do his woik brttei ban can Im done in any other shop in the place lit in bhort, ho would neither brog nor banter, hut lefy any one who does brag to do wolk neater that io does, in all cases. Ho bus also lately receive he lato SliW YORK & PHILADEL PHIA FASHIONS. villi which be is prepared to do woik Fashionable mil neat, and will guarantee n good fit at all timet for anv one who may favor him with u call. His shop is at tho old stand occupied by him for a number of years And the latch strintr will be found out at all times. As to prices lie wishes to bo understood that ho intends lo do work im low is any of bis neighbors, and as usual, all kinds ol country produco taken in exchange for work don it his shop, HKIINAIU) KUPERT. Hloomsburg, October 15, 184425. NOTICE. Estate of JOHN BO IF FEB, late of Monteur loivnshij), Columbia co deceased. OTICF. is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on tho abovo mentioned Kstati lave been granted to tho subscriber residing in Momettr jiu persons inJebted to tho said iis 'ale are hereby notified lo lnAc imniediato.paymen' ind those having claims arc requested to prcscn hem, properly authenticated, to JOHN 1)I1;T1:1!IC1I, Administrator. Augnst HS 18-14. Cwl7 NOTICE Is hereby given in all concerned, lhat 1 have purchased at Consiahlo sale, as iht oroperiy of George Rice, the following property, mil have left the same in Ins pos -ession during my pleasure, and forbid any ,..i :. r i ...... -., . ' pi-miiii liming u iriint mm, timer ny pur eliaso or otherwise, without my consent. Two sorrel mares, ono hay colt, one woiio anil black row, one red and while lielfTer, one 6led; iwn plows, ono harrow, one culling box, one half of twenty thret acres ol wheal in ihe ground, onti half of seven aeies of rye in ihe ground, fifteen acres ol eern, -ISO sheaves of oals, half of BOO bhcaves of rye, half of 2000 nheaves ol wheal, five ions uf hay, 0 shoau, ono iwn norso wasrgon, two sells ol wnoron ireara. one windmill, one sluve, five pieces of pjpt) uuh ciuiw, nnu niig, one corner etiubourd ami our manlio clock, JACOIJ W0RKI1EISER, Nov. 9,18 H. Brandrcth's Pills.' ncfunr. i'jfhkaii'h. HKAI17ls ibalerlscd in an individ vnl by Ihe absence, of nil pain, fullering, or affection nt uuy pail of Ids body; by the I'rco and regular ex ercise of bis functions without any exception. T.ley consist in having a good appetite at meiil timet, an easy digestion, free oacuations, without Ioocr.c39 or coitivcness at least once in every twen ty-four hours, and without bcat.diynrss, or burning tit iho passiige, tho free issue of the water ilbniit acrimony or burning, and williuiit n trddbh sedi ment which Is always a sign ol a present or nn ap proaching pain; quiet sleep without agitulioii or nuolilcsoiiie drcaim", no taste of bilo or other bm! taste in the mouth upon rising in the mornings no sourness or disagrerablo rising of the stomach; n clean tongue; a sweet bieiitli; no ilrliing, jilmples or spots on the skin; no piles; no burning heat upon -my part ol the hoily; no excessive thirst when un exposed lo labor or other known cause; no inlcr- ruptrori to any natural evacuation, nor pain at their Periodical rctu n. Where the Ult af the syslrm docs ni t Inn moti ve wilh the abovo picture of health, it is ol thr greatest importance that no timu be lost in sending; for a doctor, or in the use of foolish remedies Uio the result of herniation: insleitd of this course) lie a dose of HllANDHKTH'S PILLS bo taken, which will not dcce'ne, but will at once rcetoiu health to thu organ or part that reituires it. All who wish to preserve their health, ell who aro determined to defend ibeir life ngiiiust the en croaehtiientsof discau which might send them pro maturely to Iho grate, will, without hesitation, havn recourse lo the irahdrcth Pills, when the slate of the system decs not harmonise with tho above pic ture of health. Those who livt. in a country where contagious or nlier diseases prevail, should often think of this iruo piiltirti of health, and observe himself with par ticular attention, In onler to act accoiiiingiy. i no wise ami rightly directed will follow this mhico the unwise arc left lo their own destruction. A 0 E N T S. Waihinttou lioberl M'Kay. Jersey town L. & A. T. o'sel. Danville K. ll.Keynolds & Co. Outlaw issa C. O. llrobst. Uloiiinsliurg .1. K. Mnyer. . Limestone UahhiuV M'Nincb. liuckhorn M. (i. iShni-rnnker. Lime Itidge Andre .1iller Berwick --J W Allies May -t, 1811 'J. HAXLS, SPIKES; 8cc7 The Bilooinsljur,-; OS. 86. 1. C- ILL keep constantly on sortment of hand, a large as- .VAILS, SPIKES. AND IliOX- vhirhthev will sell hy WII0LK8A1 H and III" I'AIL, and on as good tcvmii (in the arUtltn ran be. rlrtrhcre jmrcliaicd, Mcicluinls ami others, may find it to tlicir interest lo call. 11 kinds of groin received in payment. JOSLTH PAXTON, Pi.isii.kxt hir ilSaiinlitclory. fJHi; Eiibscriber having cttahlWu-d a .VI? II li .7..7.V'VCTr on 71sin street, near the residence, of L. I'. Mau, he is now prepaid! lo furnish Ciuiis of every description, on as good terms an they run tf purchusad elsewhere, i the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as licit Posts, Wuqgan Hubs, llusc Blocks, .$; SIGN, ORNAMENTAL e HOUSE PAINTING. Also HO USE PAPERING. This latter branch, from bis experience, he believes he uttu do a littlu better ibuu any other person in (his section. rXj-POPLAa PLANK will bo taken in pav uient at ifio highest market price SA.MI'KL HACIKNDUCH Bloomsburg, July 4, 164 j. lllf Till subscriber Inning cslnblbhitl a 'APl'K MILL ut .MILL (iliOVH, near (looinsl wg, (.'oliiinbiii county, where he has the kilt ,1 hi nun 1 1 Maciiinkhv, and having folUwtd thu business for twenty years bo is confident he can furiibh us good paper as any in Iho Country and uu us nasotialilo tenns In jirintcrs, Merehtinls and l.nwveis or any .crsons who may want the article, lie abo,keeps coiistuully on band Attorney's Cap, Fool's Cap, Letter, writing, Printing and Wiupping paper of all kimls Also, an assortment of Sctuioi. 7ooi;h Also.Ulank Hook, llxUa bound, l'ull bound, and half bound of all si?cs and, assortment of writing books &c. He is ready to cxcliango the aboc for Paper or Hooks, for liaps of Sizing. TU O.MAS TRENCH. Iillgrove; February '20 "1811 if. DIVIDEND, CATAWISSA HH1D0E COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby gien, to tlu- .Stock holders in the Company, for preciiiijj u Urulgg over the North flranch of the Sus qiiehanna, between the town of Oattawissrt and the mouth of Fishiniierc k, that tho Hoard of Managers have litis day declared a dividend nf sevenij five cents per chare, foi the last mx months f equal to 0 per cent per annum) winch will be paid to the stoik holders or their lejjal icprtenlaiive?,on and alter the 25'b inManl. bv JAMES PLEASANTS, Tretts. Caiiawirtf.i. October 12. 1811. i-VMU into my enclosure, Iho fore rnrt n iSeiit., last. Two two year old.and une io.,rt. ing lleill'er. Ono llo , and mo ol them Ked Hnd White, and one a daik brindle, with wbito streak length wajs of her hack. The owner is icouestei' lo prove property, pay charges and take them way. JOSEPH MAUST. Hemlock. Oct 2-1 18-1-1. tAst oi' Lc.Hci'M nnMAl.MNC: in the Post Offlco at Illooms burg, for the quarter ending fe'cpl, 30,1814. John Ulockwlgo, Daniel Dorr, William KHinrr ( bailes W. Portlier, Peter JJagcnbucli, 'Phoma ciiuaiigliam Joseph W. Krsler, Patrlch Me. Oortniik 7enneve, John McNullz, A, A. Matkdowell, William Iliihard, Chailcs Sillier. Persons calling tor letters in tho abuve list will p ease say ihey aro advertised. J. M. MOYER, P. M.