Jacob nuil the Doctor. Dr. B. iwl 'o rrWta iomf humnroua an 'cJole o an accentrlc character who lived in.iht old Granite State. Thia imlivUlunl id theDoCtrM.had atj'tiinl way n tlrawine ou hU worils.nd the grave manner which 'nealway atsumrd, enough no cxr.iic ltie afliililte of a nlc. On a certain dm a number flf individual hail awmWfil a the villas corner to drink, eliat, w lionet, AYc, whr-n suddenly this curious nriirinal ma'de hit appearance, anil ateppini? Up to an old acquaintance, taid'lre, Mr. S, can't you lend me your horse a little whl!eV "'How long do you want liim'' taitl tha owner of the animal. 0, otlly uTew minute,"' responded thr, tho atrange genius. Very well, very well, thank you. sir.' replied our brave hero; as Tie mounted the nimble animal and trotted away towards the habitation ol Doctor U , a nnted phv sician, who had recently moved into town On arriving at the Dr's, he inquired of a a voting man al wor1 near the door. Is the doctor at home?' He it over to Mr. C.'s taid the younps Ipr. Thank ye, ir replied Jacob, our hero's Tlame, as ho gallopped away. But before arriving at Mr. C'a, he met the Doctor on liis way home, and wheeling suddenly aMiind, he beckoned the Doctor to follow. Jacob whipped up and the Doctor spurred on; but the Doctor' horse being swifter footed, ha soon came up with Jacob, and vociferated in a hurried manner. What's the tnatterl what's the matter, nUV Drive on Doctor, drive on Doctor,' said Jacob, at the same time urging his horse forward with all his might. WtiaCae matter? what's tha matter Birr said the Doctor as ho camo up again with Jacob. Drivtfon, drWo on, doctor,' said otir hero, who John Gilpin like, laid hold of the horse's mane, trying to outstrip! the Doc, tor, j On arriving at the comer of the road, Jaco'b miilcnly reined in; and observed to I5oclor hai he might go In thete pointing 1o a boosts 'The Doctor quickly dismcmnted.draggiitg his saddta-haga with him, and bolted sud denly into the house without ceremony, while Jacob -slowly rode array. The Doc Ao? Midden presence frightened, almost! Dut of her whs; a nervous lady who was Weeping near the door. What'a the matter here? who's sick? traid the Doctor. Nobody tick her ir ' said the old lady who had dropped the broom in her fright, and stood trembling. la any one sick in the other home?' said the Doctor, hurriedly. No ir, not that I know of,' said the old lady-. Then I haveheen outrageously imposed vpontaid he. ! have driven my horse at -such a tat 1 fear he is spoiled."1 After a little chat, to aubduo the old lady's : right, the Doctor rode hack to the rillape corner, to and the author of the mischief; when lol there hentood with all the gravity tff a judge about lo sentence a criminal lo -the gallows. i ne uocior roue up to mm, aud in an "imperious tone demanded the meaning of ouch imposition. Jacob, putting on a long face, drawled 'out that he meant no imposition. Well, sir, retorted the Doctor. ! must 'have an explanation.' Why-air,' aaid Jacob, 'did'nt you know 'that good horsemanship was a good quati 'fication for a doctor? and I thought I'd try your skill and now I'm well satisfied with your riding, I can recommend ye as a good doctor in that respect. Dot, sir,' caid tha Doctor, who could scarcely command his risibilitiet.at Jacob' r way of talking, ! chalkeeover damages ol you for this.' O. no, I guest you can't get nothing,1 drawlerl nut Jacdh. But did you not tell me to go in at tuch a house,' said the doctor. lI tefd-yoa'that you might go in,' said 'Jacob, 'and 'you could havo done as von 'pleated about it The doctor-finding Ihe character of thtj rgrniua he had to deal with, quietly withdrew 'hall balancing 'hetweet rage and laughter. 'On inquiring about lliii oddity, he laughed heartly el ttie trick, am 'frequently told tho story with a greti rettstt Ptrttlnnd 'Express. Tfatt it high living',' a '.ha poet mic orhea ha ltoed in the garret on three fourths sil cutket. Ioiicrn l'n rents. What can he more tender and beautiful thin the followins simple narrative. As a "irangeT wrnl into the churchyard of h prct iv villagp. he beheld threo children at a newly made grave. A boy tbout ten years nf gp wasTwullv mprfged in placing plants f turf aVnn il, while the girl, who appeal d a year or two yoiingcr.held In her apron i few rimis of wild (lowers. The third "hild, mill yniingpr.wa fitting on the grate watching with ihniighlful looks, tho move tients ohhe other two. They woie pieces if crape on their atraw hals,and a few other 'igna of mourning, such as are sometimes worn hy the poor who struggle between '.heir pnvertv and their afflictions'. The gill son began planting some of her vild flower around the grave, when the stranger addressed them; Whose grave is thin, children, about which you are so busily engaged!' Mother's grave, sir,' said tSo bov. And did your father send you to place these (In wets around your mother a rave?' 'No sir, father lies here too, and little Willy and sister Jane.' When did they did' 'Mil'her war hurried fortnight yeMetday, sir. but father died last winter, they all lie here.' Then who told Yorj to do this?' 'Nobody, sir.' replied the girl. 'Why then, do you do it. They appeared at a loss for an answer: but the stranger looked so kindly at them, than at length the eldest replied, as the leais started into his eyes. '0 we did love them, sir. 'Then you put these grass lurfaand wi'd flowers around where your parents ate bid because you love them!' Yes, sir.' they all eagerly replied. What can be more beautiful than such an exhibition of children honoring the memory of departed parents'. Reader, are you an orphan! never forget tho dear parents who love and cherish you in your infant days Ever remember their parental kindness. Honor theii memory by doing those thing? which you know would pleaso them were they now alive, by a particular regard tn their dying commands; and by carrying oui their plans of usefulness. re your par ents still spared you? Even treat them a yon wish you had done, when you stand r lonply orphan at their graves. How will a remembrance of Kind am! alleclioi ale con duct towards those departed friends, help ti soothe your grief and heal your wounded heart! A BRIGHT CHILD. A New Yorker, who edits a paper, was lately travelling in New Jersey ; while in that State, he came across the brighter ' chap, for his size and age, he ever saw torturing ex-tadpoles in a spring hy the road side, altogether out of sight and hearing of any human habitation. He says: Man is a talking animal, and he must talk. So we, having not had an oppnrtu nity of exchanging a word with a fellow morttl for two hours, couldn't resist thr temptation of talking to this little barehead fid and bare-fooled brat. Where do you live, my son !' inquired we, just as he had stirred n p a big bull frog from the mud, with a mullen stalk. I don't live no where, only homo.' Where is your home?" 'Over tho hill, next house lo Mr. Wag ner s.' 'Have you parents living?" Whai'e them?' I mean have you a father and a mother? Yes, sir: but papa's been dead a good while, and mother says she won't stand il because jt' ton hard for her.' 'What work does she do?' Milks the cow and all sorts of things.' Is your mother a pious woman a good Christian?' No, sir she's a Dutchwoman!' Here the little genius went to stirring tip the frogs again, as much to say 'dnnt dis turb me with fur ther interrogation,' and ai we left hint. Ji Tender Hearted Damsel. 'Pooi things how cold they must be, to have their ccala taken of? this wflather 1' sa.d a tender hearted damsel, to a man skinning eels. Don't il hurt them 7' Not a whit of it, marm they are ued to it; and then you sec we warm'ems direct ly, in fat, an A that heals up their hurts Fat are good -fur-sore. Pasa'em along Bill." Be punctual and methodical in buginete and never procrastinate. THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER AND FlltlUiniS I'll 1 13 M). Nculral lit Politics ami Religion. NEW YEAR. A'oio is the very nick of time to subscribe for the New Itur 1845. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURB E R IVilh the largest Subscription List in the World. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. For the purpose of faciliutlnir the formation of Clutu, ot nkw or old nubsenbers net in arrearage Her llic lollou'inp EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. Three copies of tho Saturday Courior, 1 year, or one copy for three years S5 10 20 Seven copies of the Saturday Courier. 1 year Twelve do -Seventeen do Two do and 1 copy of cither of the S3 Maeazincs Five copies of tho 6'atunlay Courier, and 3 co rilL-rf ol cllller of too $3 Macntincs 10 Five copies ol the Saturday Courier.aud 1 co py ol t rost's new I'ictorial History of A. tunica, a $6 hook, 10 irWn fact, whatever oiler is made, hy anv other rurnuy joumui, ui,au approaciung in worm. beauty or pretensions, to tho Saturday Courier, will be fur nisheil by us. r. !!.. ( . I il I . . I lie Uoulicr lias brcomc o well and favorably known through a triumphantly popular course of lourtecn years, Hint It would bo superfluous to say much.on that subject here. Wo may rcmark.liow ever, that to the Industry, talent and enterprise. Inch have for years kept this paper a brlqlit excm lar for nil its imitators, will constantly bo added the productions of every available writer, and eon tinned judicious and libcial expenditures will con tinually bo made, as well hi tho Library as the Ty- pograpmcai ueparimc.ns. uur means Will nlwayt enable us to be in advance of all others, and we thall be so. Histories of Modern Republics. new and important announcement for the com- ing year, in adJilion to our already numerous pop ular features, will bo a sorics of Condensed Histo ries of (Vodern publics. by a fresh and vigorous writer' who will impail a world of important in struction to tho rising generation, in this new and entertaining Romance of History. Biographies and notices of Dislin- uished Literary and Scientific Men. Among the interesting essays and sketches of value, which we shall continue lo present in the Courier,will be a full and interesting account of the rise. piogress. and present elevated standing of all distinguished mm, of the Past and I'rcient, (al home or abroad,) in all depaitmcnts of Arl.Scieiuc iterature, Btaicr.manhin, roctry, Mechanic. binting, Agriculture, Printing, Merchandize, etc. I Ills will be a very interesting feature for the Young. It will be a department of tho Courier, Inch it has ever been our aim to render of inesti mable value to those for whom we feci go deep an merest as we uo lor me l oung .lcn of our great md prowinir Country. The Lives of DUtiiieuislicd Men are of'jnuch value to those who are vet form. ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact- nig uiuir pans, comxuy, on me ureal Hlago of numan i.nc. Indeed, we hope that this Department of tho Courier will be worth more (each year) to every family who have eons and daughters to be rea-ed, man uve nines uu amount wc ask lor a year s sub- criplloii lo tlic Saturday ouricr! Incidents, Histories Scenes. Buttle Grounds, Ac, of the American and all oilier (evolutions. Under this head, which i.,by the way.notat all new in the Courier, wc shall hereafter give graphic inu riiKiiimiiK ui-cuuiiu, uccnbion.iiiy neauillully lluRtratedj of the .lirilling incidents, so profuM-iy! 1... .Inri tllciMnll hn . ...n .. I. ! ihe American Involution, and of all other revolu tions that wo may regard of the least interest ol value the readers of I lie Philadelphia Saturday Con rier. This will bo of deep consequence, also, lo very member of any family of the American re- mblic, who may chooso to do themselves and uu the favor of lecuring, regularly, the visits of the touncr at their r amily r ircside. 'Ol'UIiAK TOPOGRAPHY. To cratitvlhe in-owing appetite for a bcticr knonledco ol'lbe im. nortant features of our great and clorious connlrv. our past exertions shall be redoubled in future to prevent vivid pictures of American cities, towns, mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc Our original domestic 7'aes, Ussavs, Poems. . -ii ... i.i . . k . . . - o:c. win coiuiuuo reguiariy to no urnmlicd bv t be i ! .u . .... r minus oiiu juiih iii mo country. TIicsg clustl productions are acknowledged lo bo the hiM. f,,i useful instruction at the family liresido, that appear in any pviKAiicm. OUH bNoriivrsos compriso sub ectain nil bran. ches of Art and Nature, suitable for thofainilv -ir. etc, and appear in rapid succcsMon. OUlt TIlWKLliEU is constantly .i ii i. r.l . . o uie woiiii, in beat tu 01 uie wonuerlul and instruc tive. Oca Aonicci.TDiciST occupies weekly an im- porant apace, wih all matters of interest for' the iwble titters of the soil; ' Uur European Isorrespondcnls, in Liverpool, London, Ireland, tho East. Ac. ltren n rrmilarlv advised of all subjects of special interest. Our Markets and Prices Current.enibrare allihe earliest advices in reference to the prices of all kinds of Grain. Produce, &e., the state of Stock s.Ilnnkn. .Money ,aiio i.anrs. aim our cxten.ivo arrangements win nereauer render our 'rices Current of inesti mablo value to tho Traveller, Farmer, and all Uu. sincss Classes whatever. M'MAKIN A IIOLDEX. Courier Building, 97 Chcsuut street, Pliila. ADM1NISTRA TOR' S NO TICE Estate of Philip Dodder, late of Orang lawnstip, ueceuxeu. "JaVrOTICn is hereby given that letters of admin ietralion, on tho above mentioned ctlate.luw been granted to tlio sulxeriber residing in tin township of Or jnoe. All ncieons indebnd in !,.. aid 6Ute are hereby notified to maU immediate payment, and tliosu having claims are requested to uiTOi pioperiy anincjiucatod rut seltlemei before the first of November next, JOHN PARKS.Adm'r. Orange tp. Kept. 7, 181420. J3LANKS ! ! ULANKS ! ! fcyJtiaticsniank EXECUTIONS ami SUMMONS juift printed and for sale at nuts uuice 1 BooiKisliulg 9URBLEJTARD. Tho subscribers have established nt tin abovo place, n new At Jl HOLE VjIIII). and will always be ready, nl the shortest notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TO Alii- 'RUBLES, TOAIB-STONES, HEJ1RTII JAA1BS, MS1NTLES.PJ1INT STONES, AlULLEliS, Sic. or any other work In their IIiip. They are also prepared to furuisn WINDOW CAI'S and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, itc cither of Ma. bio, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity, tryllavinst had considerable rxpcricnci in the business, they pledge their work tn be executed in as handsome n style as can be furnished from snv yard, cither in the city or country; nnd nn as reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG & HUGHES. Bloumaburg, Nuv. 3, 1813. ly 28 Chair Manufactory, I lib subscriber continues to carry on tho CHAIR JfA N U P A C TO K I N G business at the old stand of II- & S- Unpen bucn, where lie will be ready at all limci. to furnish Pwry &. Windsor Chairs, Set tecs, Huston Rucking Clmim &c, of ever description, which innv he called for. al short notice mid nn the most reasonable terms. lie will also execute House, Sign cl Ornamental Painting, and House Papering, in a superior manner, r nun his experience in the business, and his fncililit'fi of :ii;iiiiif;ii-luriiii' the variolic irliflrii of his line, he llallers hiniseIC thai he shall bu able to furnish as cood work. iiul upon as reasonable terms as can he done in the country, all (if which he will dispose r H.r CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B- Orders from n distanre will hi -itrictly ui.d puncluullv attended id. II HAGENI1UCII. Blonmal tin.', Dec. 30, 1813 J, Dl'ER. KXPKCTFULLY informs his friends and lliu travelling public in -505 -"T"" 8 ' lias taken "itLim'flSt iIir nl ,,vn llnlel aWnnli. in . . . ... . .. tho centre nf the Imvn nf silKtilji fatawissa, Columbia come ESi-.- - ty Pa. and forincly occuiii ed by 1). Clartc. Where he will be happy to wait upon those who will lavor Iilm Willi llieir custom I he otel is largo and commodious and well famished throughout, and no pains uill be spared to render general satislactioii. collis table will be furnished with the best thr untry can afford. Ills Liar is well stored with the best of liquors. Excellent stabling is attached to the d.tiihlih ment and careful and attentive hostlers are alnuys m attendance. CntUwUa, May 13, 18433. WrmmMMm Bluomsbitr;, Columbia Co. Pa. THE subscriber tcspectfully informs h' friends, and ihe public generally ;that he bus iiiKcn mat well Known Hand, in Ulooms Iburtr. formerly kept by William Robisoi;. ml that the House and Stables arc under tnine a thorough repair A? his bar will .ilwuj s he furnished with tho choicest ol Liquors, and his Larder with the best tin market affords, and having good Siahlinc and attentive hostlers, he with ronfidenri invites all to call and lest U ability -.is a caterer f.-r the pulnic nud dioninch, unil thu lers himself lhal none will leave dibsaiitfi ed with their treaiinent, The worth of tho pudding is told in the eating, 'omc give it a trial, tiiere will be no cheating; Beast and Man shall always go anoy rejoicing, tsweaiing by tho powers.tbey'lleall on returning. M. SILVERTHOfiN. June 8, 18417. 3m. 'io Jhc Piil)lic7 THE subscriber deeiroiiB of quiiing bus. mess requests nil those indebted lo l.im o make payment immediately. I lie follciwinc nrires wil bo naid for PRODUCE in exrhange fur his STOCK OF GOODS on hand. GOOD WHEAT $1 per bushel. RYE S3 cts. CORN 1,7 and 50 els. OATS 25 cts. FLAX SEED $ 25 eta. IC7 Goods sold al cost for tho cash. Bui no credit given alter this dalo. E. II. BIGGS. Sept 61811. lAbt ori.utlcrs REMAINING in tho PostOlfice at Cattawitsu tlio quarter ending Sept. 20, 1644. Arthur Robert Ureb-blcr Jonathan liiock Silah B. Dcnglar Ainhony Derr Jolm Prey John llriiuingcr Daniel Kaseotei John 'Kimpla William Mears George Prince Lycandtr Rohrback Win. Sharplcss Jos, or John Schineck Daniel Thomas A. D. Wiltion Alexander Wauamancher Jacob ftowman P. L. Ilrnjainiii Fredcrilc ZJrifhluch Yott Folcrolph Adam Geaihart W'm.2 Howard Jichael It. Knccht Jacob Kern i'cter Paxton J. D. Ritter Denjamin Kcler Mm. Singley John Tamleiifiou Rachel Ward John Wull Philip Vaplcu Denton W. l ettcr Uarbaryann J'ersou callins far letters in ih please sny they arc advcrtlecJ. Oct ID, 1644. PROBST,. RIGHT & IjKFTo Under tho liPillne of Rrai'. Rr ml, Reail will be seen an arliele in the lute iViiiin-tiii wiittrn, nil Ihe writer savs, for the iurno,i of relnu-iins; and rcaReriini;. nepriinnf- inade by tho writer, Afipr whirh he sort on w th a yum In thp fiilloWinri mannpr. I shall endeavor tn prrfirm my task nerord ing to tho nature of Iho suhjeet, and rest all my assertions upon rpnson-lilp nd solii' fonndailons, such as cannot hp shaken tfcr After which he claims o have kept in the truth for once. Had the Honorable until and 'rest my assertions upon imrpa-onabli and sandy foundations,' it would havo hepn hnnesi aad to the point. Dm I slated in mv last under tho heading nf TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR, the truth, iho whole iriiln and nothing hut the tinih and there fore ronsidcr il unnecessary to fo to thr trouble nf wasting-ink and pappr, for the purpose of answpring stirh arEtiments as appeared over the signature oftiur Urother Chip, the ninth pan of a man, As 1 said before, all person wishing to know thr trnlh can hc satlsfied by calling at my shop, as I sni prepared, as before, to show tin report and fashion as 1 told the G ! NTLE MAN. Our worthy sir talks of sepintr the fashion for '44. but is not hniipst tnniipl lo'say 44 and fivx.Hut we will not he haul and, will attribute that to his shortness ol hrenth.as it takes a long winded man lo su M l and five, which is the truth, as be fur. staled. Tho Gentleman keens ier dark about the Ten Dollars 1 oflVred to hni him, alter denying my having ihe N. Yoik reports which I loltl him I liar at tho house This as well as ihe rest, I am prepared lo prove at ar.y lime, mid the lark dare nni iak me up nor deny it, but after a long sigh and a twist or two, he allowed hi would not be afraid lo risk :i V thai I ctuld not prmluco the New Yoik renorls. hut took mighty good care not lo get om the money, knowing very well on whicl side his bread was bu'lered Recollect oitl birds are not to be caught with chalT; but live Hollar bill would havo n stronger tender cy to keleh iliem. 1 will not go tho trou ble ot saying lie liad not the money (per haps) he had, but did-not liko the notion ol loosing it, by way of a bet of that kind. Il being the fact at the more t ilhs I assort, the more falucioods will bo backed tip a U3in.it them. 1 have (or mv pari, so far js Honor lo inyseii anil tn my 'occupation will allow me, determined not to answei any more such outlandish untruths, but 1J way of conrlusion, I would now and for the last time, say to our worthy friend P. afiei a resolution hcrordi'ig to his own request to keep eool and not sweir, say (Farewell) anu may you long live, and Have tunc lo repent, anil enjoy vntirself in this land ol Peace and Plenty Once more, FARE WELL. HERN A R I) RUPERT. Uloomsbnrg. Nov. 0, 1844. KITES BIGIIT. Brag's a guod dog, Rut llcildluui is bcticr. II U undersigned would return hix sincero ant humble tbanliM lo tlic citizens of Ulooumburo and iciuily, I'm the favors thus far bestowed upon nun, ano wouiu Mill nuttier ai-K a continuance ol Ihe same, no long oul) at, talitfluelinii i reiideied uu viuuiu hoi cay, l owe one Li,nit cut, nut come as many h foiiviincnllv ran. Neither would hi protnii-e, (a othern have.) to do Iim work better tuaii can ne done in Hiiy other thop in the place- hut in thort, hu would neither btag nor banter, bul ueiy any one who dues mug to do work neuter thai lie does, in ull tuais. He has alto lately received NEW YORK & PHILADEL PHIA FASHIONS. with whirh he is prepared to do woik Taslilonabh mil neat, and will guarantee a good fit at all limit lor anv one who may fiivorhim with a call, Ilia thop is at llic old stand occupied bv hin for a number of yearn And tho latch etrinu will be found out nt all timeii. As to prices ho wishes 10 ne uiKiernioou mat no intend to do work as low as any o lira neighbors, and as usual, all kinds ol country produce taken in exchange for woik dour at his bliop. UK liNAHD RUPERT. Rloomsburg, October 18, 184425. NOTICE. Estate of JOHN BOW FEB, late of jMontcitr township, Columbia co, deceased. TfcTOTICF, is hereby given that letters of A.l J miniatration on the abovo mentioned Estate have been granted to the subscriber residing in f... ....... hi ... .. '"'""" ii iwinuns inuenieu to llio saiu is- tate are hereby notified to make immediate paymeu' md those having claims are requested to jiresen them, proirly autlientieatedto JUlilV UIETEIUCIl, Administrator. Augnst 10, 1814. 6wl7 TRAVERSE JURY-Second Week. Dnercrcek Samuel Kechncr, Joscpn ilanlt i. uiuunro Rloom Robert Hagenbuch oatlawissa William Fox, Ucntamin P. Frick ncorge oiiick, Hiliiam Ucarheart Drrry Thomas Gillcn, Samuel Carnahau Fibhingcrrck John Heeler, jr Greenwood--Philip Reei,e Jtckaou Jhn Ranee Limestone Georce Smith Mifflin Joseph Kirdendall, Baniel Runibold tacon xone, llenry I.ehr, Uhristian Waif Mahoning benjamin Williarua, Thomas woods.jcoli Ulmstead Madison John Bctr, Amos Biscl, Isaac Do "Mi, itonert otout, Jaeoh Wisher Mt Pleasant Robert Nixrn, John Jacoby Montrur John IJoyer, Joseph Mouser.Sam uel Lazarus Roaiingcreck EdwJrd II ughtr, Michael R, Hower Valley James Cary Sugarloa' Jothua Urink Brandreth's Fills; PICTURE OF HEALTH. HE ALT ii clulciijrd tn m ihdiv hi val 1 y the absence of ill pain, Buffering, or affection' in any pallor his body; by the free arid regular ei-' ercistfofhla functions without any eicrption.-J 1 hey consist III having a p,00" appelile at nii-ul timo, an eany digestion, free evacuations, W llioiit loo'ccexa or i-osllvenrsi nt least oni-c in eerj twl( four hours, and without heit,dinen, or Uiiinin at Ihe parage, the lice imne of tho water willioiil acrimony or burning, and without a ndilMi sidi' ment which in always a sign of a present or auup proachlng pain; quiet si up without agitation or Iruoblcsoine drcniiul no Ute of bile or other bad t mto In the mouth upon rising in the morning; no -oumess or disagreeable tlsing of the ttomarh; clean tongue; a sweet lurulli; nn itching, pimplcii or vpots tn the sklu; no piles; i o burning heal upon my purl ol llic body) no excouve thirst when tin. .1iu.-i:ii iu iuiiui in i.iiici iwiiiiivii (Hurt , liu mirr ruption to any natural evacuation, nt r pain at their pirioilic.il return. v here the state of the RyMiln docs not limnien izc with tho abovo picture of health, it irf of the greatest importance that no lima be lost m selidil g for n doctor, or in llic use of foolish remedies too often the rcsultof speculation! Instead of thiseoun-u lo a dose of URANDRETH'S PILLS be taken, which will not deceive, but wtll at onre leetola health to the organ or part that requires it. All who wish to preserve their health, all who are determined to defend thrir life against the en croachmcntsof disense which might semi them pre maturely to the grave, will, without hesitation, haio recourse to tho jlrandreth Pills, when the state of tho xystcin docs not harmonise with Ihe abovo pic. line of health. Those who live in a country where contagious or other diseases prevail, should ollen think of this true picture of health, nml observe himself with par ticular attention, in order to act accordingly. 'I lie wise and rightly directed will folinw this ndwee the unwise arc left to their own destruction. A C E N T S. Washington Robert M'Kay. Jersey town L. & A. T. iUcl. Danville E. 1J. Reynolds Jc Co. Caltawissa C. G. Ilrobst. blooinsbiirg J. R. Moyer. Limestone Uubbit & M'Ninrh. Uuckhorn Al, O. Shoemaker. Lime Ridge Andre fc jVillcr erwick-J W Stiles May 4, 18112. NAILS, SPIKES; Sec. The ISlooiiifcliurg It. IC. 1. - ILL keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment ot NAILS, SPIKES. AND IKON which they will sell by WHOLESAI U and III:. TAIL, and on as good trrmt a the artictr can be tlitchrre jnirchaicd. Meirhanls und others, may find it to thrir interest to tall. .Ml kinds of grain received in payment. JOSEI'lI 1'A.vrON, Piiisirj.fiT Chair Manufactory. THE subscriber having established a JYE W CH.llIt ,T.7.Vf'.JC TUBtV on Mm., t-lreet, near the residenre of L. II. ,Mii, hi- is now prcpaied tofuininh Chaiis of every desi riptii'ii. on as good terms as they can be purchasud eheul.t ie n the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Bed Posts, Waqgon Hub'', Base Blocks, fyc. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL HOUSE PAINTING. Also HO USE PJ1PEEING. This latter branch, from his experience, he believes lie can do a little better than any oilier person in this section. (Cr-POPLAR PLANK will be taken in p) ment at the highest market price SAM PEL HAGE.XULTH Illoom-burg, July 4, lfMf, 1 1 if THE subscriber having rttnblishul u 'API'll MILL at MILL GltUVE, nrHr HU nisi ui, Columbia roiiutv.w In re be liUblbi' hiti,l Imi ii i ' Mai'iiim.uy, und having fullc vwil the 1 iimi ir l' i twenty ears lie iHconfuiint he ran (numb fml puper lib any in llie Cnunlry ni.d mi as rriiM nul le tetms to piinleib, Meirbantb und l.nwj er,,or anv personi who may want the nrtirle. He olni,l.is roiislaully on hand Altnrnry's Cap, PooI'h Cu. Letter, writing, Piinl'iig and Wrujiping paper 1 1 all kinds Also, an assortment of Suiuol o.ii.h Also, blank Hook, E.tra bound. Full bound, ai.d half bound of all sizes and, assortment of writing books &c. Ho is ready to exchange the above for Paper or Hooks, for l!af,R of Si7ing. THOMAS TJJF.NCH. Aillgrove; Fehruary 2C '1844 if. DIVIDEND, CATAWISSA UIMDGE COMPANY.t NOTICE is hereby given, to the Sun k holders in ihe Compatiy. lor errrtiii)! a l)rnJ(s over the North Hranrh nf the Sus qiiehanna, between il.e town of Catiawssa ami the mouth of Fihiii(!crci k, that the Hoard of Managers have this day t'eclarrd a dividend, nf seventy five cents prr ehare, fin the last nix months fequal to 0 iet crui per aiuum) which will he paid to the sunk lioldeis or their legal iepre6entaiivei",oi. and after the 25ih instant, by JAMES PLEASANTS, Treua, Caltawissa, October 12. 1844. Estray. CAME into my enclosure, tho foro part o Sept., last. Two two year oid,aiul one ycarl ing Heilfcr. Ono Re , and ono of thtm Red and Whito, and onea datk brirulle, willi a wliitoktreak length ways of her bark. Tho owner is rriueslel to prove property, pay charges and take them way. JOSEPH MAU8T. v Hemlock, Oct. 241844. lAat ol' Letters REMAINING in the Post Ofllro at. .Wooine. burg, for the quarter ending Spt, 30.1R44. John Ulocksdge, Daniel Dorr, William Ellingrr Charles W. Fortrver, Peter Hagenbuch, Thomas ennaugham Joseph W. Kesler, Patrlch He Cormick Bennevelle, John MeNullx, A. A. Mackdowotl, William Richard, Chark tillcr. Persons calling tor letters in the abovo tiet ;U1 plas jay they are advertised. V J. M. MOYER, P. M,