The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 23, 1844, Image 3

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Wt were Biirnriaei to Httthe article m
tho.llarrishiiri' Argue,' referred to ii the
following Ooiiimunic.aliun fto.n tho Wilkes
tiiirrp Parmer, anil werfl1 Unui to reply id It,
whrn our ve Ml'upon this utile alul juat
defence of the inlerem id the Northern Dp
tnncrac.v. We say sti rprinnl, because wi
' think the West has lipreloforo had innr
than her share incited out to her. of ill
important nfllccs, while the "utieonqucrabli
iJeinncracy of lite North," has often "bat
tied the storm," and saved the party from
tlpfeat and overthrow,, receiving nothing in
ieturn.bat ihe consriousness of having dnm
her duty, and tliP privilege of sustaining
ful some high office, nl the West or South
gentleman refilling in nno of ihc strongest
whig counties in ilie.Siaie. it is now linu
ihpreforo that the 'Democracy of iho Noril
should luke care of hprself, and appropriate
in hor own sons, sonic of the honors of tin
tii'.tury gained by her devotcdness to tlir
cause. Mote especially, when shn ha
those to prespni for the station of United
Slates Senator equal in every tespect, n
lilt in os l gifted sons of the West.
Vroin lie Wilkcsbarrc Farmer.
IVot So.
A western paper, in bringing forward the
name of Wilson M Uandless, Esq. as a can
didatu for U. as. btmalot, in place of J)r
Sturgeon, very complacently assumes ihe
ground that the 'West jg entitled in the
I'lioire.' I'erinil me, in the name of tin
Democratic parly of Northern l'ennsj Iv inn
1 1 tne limit decided terms, agains!
ihis assumption. The west is not cnlilled
to the choice, nor will her claims tn this, a
lit evHiy ihing else, be conceded In her.
Wr. slmnld ill 1 ri k it would tie euiiugli ilia
Allegheny, Willi her Ihree. lliousaiid ledi'la
inajuriiy. has ihu ISovtrnor tied, and 11
Canal Oorninis? inner, wiiliou'. claiiniug tlit
remaining bust nfliru in the Coiiimonwealili;
especially when wt lake into consideration
Ihe facts, that Lancaster, with hei
live thousand federal iiixjnri y. hi.s the nlhei
tienalur; lhat Iiuutiliu'do , llh her lifieei
bundled federal majority, hay tli presem
Goveinor; that Indiana, vvt'.li her one ihnus
and federal inajiiiiiy, has auoilier C-anal
(Jmniiiissiunei, uiitl Cheste with her six
hundred federal 1 1 1 h j 1 r 1 1 y , t lit; Canal Com
intssiuner elect.
Arc the Democratic counties always to
remain unnoticed? Especially is noihiiif!
to be conceited to the North 1 Is she net
er In receive a look, except an imploring
glance just before elecllon, arroni patneil bv
ii supplicating voice, calling upon her n.
pileuus tones, to give her round Democrat
us majorities which invariably save the stale?
'la she yearafier year lo carry I'ennsylvsinia
lor ihe Democratic parly and then be caM
vir without further, attcniiiin until the nex
elcciion T Jusiiep horn r sell icspei 1
coiuiiion (airilifa. s'l say- No !
We would iiilnnn the liberal and honors
bp Democrat abroad. thai I he North laiui
ihe scleciiun of a candidate Inr the U. S
Senator; and tvt uivc i1ic.mii lo limb rlsani
thai she is in earnest about the matter.
We have s lenliceil main ol our wishis .1111
our rights lor the said- til pr.iee; we 1 1 h i' ,
given away often t-i piim,iio 1 1 .1 r u 1 11 y ; tin
the time has arrived when v uium nuke
stand, and let our Demonatic hreihun 11
ihc know th it s.nite limits run- be -l
lo the in gleet mil disregard of Nonhen
l'entw Iviini?,. The Democratic North
mut tie. respected
a northern n is .mock , r.
Eclipse 'I'lieie will he a total eclipse n
me. Mnoii in the 2 idt of tins mouth, visibh
here, beginning in this meridiau at 7 mill
Hies before 5; loial darkness 2 iniutiics pas
0; middle nl eclipse 12 minutes befnit 7
end of total darkness 25 minutes before 6;
.end of the eclipse 17 minutes before 9.
Death in the Pulpit The Rev, Wilson
Conner, a Ittptist minister in Georgia, fel
,dead in the pulpit on the fifth Sidibaih ii
.June last, after pleaching from these word?
'Verily, verily I 6.ay unto you, the hum
,is coming, and now is, when the dead shal.
.hear the voice of the son of God, and thet
that hear shall live,'
' Diseased Potatoes-'h farmer at Port
jllnpe, Canada, had a field of potatoes in
.such a diseased condition that he thought
.that the best plan of dealing with them
.would be to turn into the fields his o, ad
,1et thein help themselves, which ho did
,whcn he shortly discovered that sixteen hd
.died from ihe bad effects of the diseased
Among other consequences of ihe clec
lion of Mr. I', it is said; will be locatrd
in the White House at Vahiiiglon tin
handsomest and perhaps the most accom
plished lady lhat ever presided in stalely
halls'. Mrs. I. has for some years been
lemarkaMp not only for personal beauty;
hut for that greater charm; graceful man
I) or and a highly cultivated mind.
James G. Whiltier, the Quaker Poet, was
the candidate) of the 'Liberty parly in Ames
bury, !)asg. for the Legislature. He failed
pf an ulfpiiui; by four votes only.
From all quarters n pinfixion of compliments
are showered down upon ihe. impregiiahlo olilcita
del, our own indomitutilc Keystone of the Arch.
,1'ha republicans of our sWi stater, without excep
tion, do not lirsitato to make the mngnanimour
icknowlcdgrme lit, lhat to tliP filnincsa and integri
ty of 'cnnaylvania they aro drcply indebted for
iho sUcccFuion of victories which baa crownrd their
nflortk. Upon her dcvol"cd Ihc rcnptmsibilily !
leading tiffin this momentous etrugglo All eyes
were directed lo her, and all hcarlg beat high with
the hope, that she would give n proper Impulse to
the hall lhat was yet lo bn sped by the oilier stales.
tYthfully did she diclnirgo this high rcspoiiMhili.
ty. Nobly d d she rrapoiul to ihesc liigh wrought
anticipations. 'J'he juncture hid come, when thr
decitixe blow was to be struik the blow, that
would bring the upeculations of friuntlx nml foes to
ihc tottch'Stune of reality. It whh slruek by I'onn
ylvania, ami its influence extended with electric
rapidity into the other slates. 'J'he great common
wealth of Now York was inundated with Iho checi
ing intelligence, nnil her gallant sons frankly ac
knowledged its happy elled. Our New York cor
respondents assure us that the result of out clec.
tlon upernted an h charm upon their own. No t.0011
r had it been announced, that Pennsylvania had
repudiated the vile heresies of whiggcry that lid
State, bo confidently rel'ed on by Ilia IVderalists
had taken a bold stand for I'olk and Dallus than
the news spread, us if by magic, from the centre Ii
die circumference, of New York. Everywhere th
result vas cheered iw uneot incalculable maguitud
Had it been othcrwiic, the eiiiseipiences miglit
have been fatally disastrous. Pennsylvania hit
lichee not only achieved much, but idle Irisprevcn
ti'il more. Ily imparting f..o nl le run cut to th
tide of public opinion, at its outset, she has led tin
vay lo the must glorious republican i.lory arhiev
d since the elevatint. of Thiimas JefTerson ,aml has
nrevented Henry Clay and his band of uicrccniirie
from profininir thf nltirs of PiceJom. That cvel
our enemies imputed all their disasters in Ncv
York to tho news from Pennsylvania appears In
the subjoined extract from the New York Tri
Imnc :
' The horrible news poured in upom us froii
rennsvlvama-llie last titnejin-l m scaion fo aiirem
like a pall over Ihe Stale 011 the day before ami da;
ul election- wu. henl u bear up.unger. Our tnei
veterans dkl 11 nobly - many redoubled their excr
Huns in consequence but Ihe timid lovt heart, tin
slou'cst felt ttmt our case was critical, and the mer
unary skulked over to our opponents. We bclici
imp "INativH vote for Ulav in ourcitv alone w it
rdured ut least a thousand by the Pcmisylvnnii'
In view of this cotnni.'Miding p.i-ili.m. what Pcnn
ylvauia docs not feel priiuder, than cut, to hail
I'ioii such as-tale 1 What true hoited son of tin
)ld Keystone does not find his heart overlliminj!
with gladness and giaitude, for the ilorioits devo
ion she has displayed lo the piinciples of emnc
racy 1 Siik hns, indeed, been tried in Ihc furnace
if adversity, and has emerged fiom the ordeal will
uperuodt'd uttrp. Oeui. Union.
.lack Downing savs: ' I'hern i niithii,"
I1.1t greases the wheels of business lil. t
icwspaper advertising. Hear's ib' aiu'i ti
inch to it.'
Paper Millt There are at ihis limi
pwards of GOO paper mills in the United
S. .ilea III lull operation, Ulih a capital 11
10,01)11,(100, and giving maintenance to tip
v ards 1 f sixty thousand persons.
I he latest on (lit among the coons is
tmiihcv purpose contesting the I'ciwis!
v 1111,1 tdeclluii, 011 the ground that 111 ttt tk?
uiuiity Sr-verd hundrifd Democrats voted
(Jcrinan tickets ! The sav it smneks 101
iiik'.Ii (it 'foreign influence.'
We find in the Journal of Health tho fob
owing simple teinedy for this dangerous
disease. Those who have passed uighu
f hopeless agony t the bedside- of loved
children, will treasure it upas an invaluabh
piece of information, If a child is taken
vith croup, instantly apply cold wain, ice
water if possible, suddenly and Iroely to ihe
neck ami chest, with sponge.' The breath
ing will itlmosl inslatuly be relieved. Si.
0011 as possible, let ihe sufferm drink
much as it can: then wipo it dry, cover it
up warm, and soon a quiet slumber will
iclievp. the parent's anxiety, and lead ihe
heal 1 in thankfulness to the Power which
has given in the pure gushing fountain such
medical qualities,
News from Oregon and the Sandwich
Islands comes to us with the St. Louis
Republican ol'lhe 31st tilt; Air. Win. Gilpin
having returned. I he American colon
111 Oregon, now 2000 111 number, was
prospering, A collegcnunicious shools and
diurches, a dozen mills, &c, are auinng the
fruits of their enierprze. An arrival nl
Columbia River brought intelligence "of re
joicings in the Sandwich Islands over theii
recent escape fiom ihrealoned trouble. Mr.
Record, a young lawyer from New ork
city, wlin accompanied the Oregon emigr.v
iioh'of 1813, and passed onward to tho
Islands, had born appointed, Attorney Gen
etal of the Sandwich Islands, by King Turn
The editor of tho Detroit Free Prat
who recently made an axeursion to Mln
residence of General Jackion, tli'us describes
he family vault: '
'One of the most interesting scenes about
the Hermitage, and one eminently cliarnc
teristir. of its distinguished occupant, is the
vjnniiment erected by General Jacksrtn in
his garden to the memory of his deceased
wife. The whole, from lop to base, i
built of marble. First, there is a vault ol
circular twelve or fifteen feet in diame
tor. In the centre stands a pedestal of
square hew.n marble, six or eight feet high
and (he whole is surmounted and sheltered
by a marble roof. ' In the vault, on one side
of ihe pedcMa), arc the remains of his wife,
coveted with a marble slab, on which is en
graved a siiblimo description of her worth
apd virtues. -On the other side is a place
prcparetl for his own remains, wic.h is also
covered with a marble slab, and, on which
there is yet no inscription.'
The Philadelphia Iitquiter op ypsiiM
lay, aiiinngntherielurns tioni Kentucky
'ivp ihe following. "
"Moti'h of Salt Piver, 12 o'clock.
Clay 29, Polk 7 ' '
We have no dotihi i.f the poircclnrs
if ibis iptiirn. In a f w (lays a mud
l,igrr vote foi Mr. CLy, were an elep
1. 111 to lakn place, m'uhl hp ohliioud a
IIih head ol the tivir. In- hcimh lo hi
vrry populai in the Salt Rivti dig!n
II E . I A R K A H L K F E C U N D I T V.
1 1 is said h ''iip papets thai a young
vile Ht Lowell, !-.,) h is ireSenlet
nee husband with live clnlili en in tdcvi i,
iinnlhs' An ctlilor ak, 'who' hii
hat r" II: miglit a.k, who watild
Msli lo heal it? '.
A mosl shocking p,iinltv occurvd ii
Concord, N. II., on Fr'day last vhih
Ihe Di-nioerats weie celt brtiin thp iii-
illiph of P'llk and Dallas 111 Nnv V-nU
iy ihfi filing of cannon. Mr .1 !)
L Iliyncs, of Concord one of tin
ollicets of the Colombian Artilk'iy, hai
11s 1 fi arm alouisl entirely blown of
(it was afleiwaids amputated,) Ins nghl
11 111 dreadlul .sliai lered, ami In- Up
hock 1 on I j1 bin 111 il. in I ic acl of 1 am 11 r ny
Intvn a caiMtHP. The fl ir ha j tuiil,
t r . .
llaCi 111 POIISK1 ll'l C"! Ol till' Veil! III.
hei 11 C 'opped, 111 lln; txciltmcot anr
in1 ry of 1 hi- fi1 ing.
Jl Compliment A London paper says:
W iibitur's American DiPtiomry of tin, is now ordinarily esteem-
id thft best worR of us kind. It forms two
ictavo volumes, containing 85 000 words,
I'hc price is three guineas, and an earliei
late '.ban 1811, should not be purchas
Brtir.i The Sanaum (III) .Immril staif.
hat Hears urn coining down into the Noril
pari ol Illinois from U iseniniu; and tha
several have been killed in WinneliiiL'i
utility. This movement of Hears south
11 is said, betokens a coming hard win
Mrs. Catherine Putnam, widow of iIip
ate Got. Daniel Putnam, of lirooklyn.and
daughter inlaw of Gen. Israel Putnam, died
it Hartford, Ci. ou Thursday, Oct. 31st, in
her 88th year.
The piliinr of the Shipensburg Herald
boasts thai on one evening he kissed fori)
gills without shedt ing a tear! Hard heart
ed w rclch !
1 Poyul Constitution The Rheiisl
Observer sa s ihet it has been ascertained
from undoubted authority; thai the Giam
Duke of Oldflnham is about o give aeon
siiiuiioii to his dominions.
I'hpre is now ipsiding not many mile-
from PonlartlulHis, Cannartheiibhirp, Nonl
Wales; an old man who has completed
his liiOih year; having been born in 17-L
A yniing physician, asking permis-
ion ofa lady to kiss her, she ipplied,
'No, mi; I 01 vei liki to have a doclor f
hill 1 hurst in my lace.'
It i? slated bV persons capable' of
jude.iog, that loh.ipco will supercede (hi
use of opium in Chine.
A National Sabluth Convention ifi lo
assemble at Baltimore, on the 27ih iiibt.
To prevent trouble with your neighbor's
chickens; rail the attention of your conk
to the annoyance. I his has oltcn been
tried with success.
, fcmilp, namei'MO'iKi Parity fell in"
.o' Juiies' Fills, Hallioioie, on Wednes-
ay morning and pprislifd.. Sue miss
pd ihe. hridte, which U a narrow one.
toil not in the ptoper p'ace.
Some person asuming the name and
passing himself for the. son of A. G
Wickliffe, Post-inastei General, has ie.
cent'.yi swindled tho Postmaster of Detroit,
Michigan and Peoria, Illinois, and drawn
drafts on Mr. Wiekliffo, each diaft ac
companied by most alTcclionalo letter,
stating the loss of his baggage on the lakes
itc. M). W. cautious tho otiblic ai'aiusi
, 1-0
tile impostor.
Tea ftrinkihg in Flttmiia. This is the
princtplo luxury, besides brandy, in which
the muuiik indulges, when in his nnwrr.
11 is common 10 see him on these occasions
call fnf h samovar 01 tea uin full of waieri
this he continues pourinir through a small
tea pot containing a pinch of tea, uiilil (he
water is all consumed. He uill aciutllv
thus itnbiho eight, twdve or filteen pints of
1101 liquttl ul billing.
11 V ho 'kes an eel by tl'o toi', 01a
wninin by her woid, may siy, lhat
holds, not hiug.
MARRIED. On Ttipday I .s. t-s
domon Newluii,E.q.,Mr. Wii.i.iam
Ftntitv, ol DloonisHtne. 10 Miss Has
.vaii Fovli:ii, ol linerciepk.
Hy the Itev. D. S. Tobias on tin
21 "i tilt. Me. William Dlkciiku to
Wiss Ei.izAmrrii Kkineut of Mmnur
1 On the 13 h ini. by Iho R-v. Dmit
'i.iher,' Mr. John ' Mluk. . f D-n
td wiii.hip.lo Mis, Mauy Ej.IZV. "uh;!.
r ol I iiomas
' pw'nshipv
., Dl.OOMSllL'IU), N11V, CO, IS-1'I.
W.,...., 7
Uy, !.'
(oio,. 4(.
Clovi'rspptl, .') ,r)(
li'laxsccd, 25
H"l cr, 14
',!, ?,
E..g. 8
TJIow. 10
.LhiI ... 7
Di o d A ;p'r-, ,00
White 7;.'ios SO
D;cw,x 2i
Scmi-Weehhj during the Session of
Ihc LcUlalurc ut TITO DOL
The democratic Union will, as usual, be pub
lished twice a week, during the coming m-uhi o
die I.eeislalure, and wc embrace an early oeeusioi
to coiniueiiil it to the favor ol'lhe reading public,
Neither pains or expense shall be xparrd lo imparl
to its columns additional 7e.-t and igor. Aiuph-
mu correct report nl the procecdnii's ol the tun
iiiaiii'lii'!), together ilh ski li-lit-a of llir tlebalef 01.
all public anil important ourxlinus, will be liirnU
I, coinpetc't sienograplieri. Iiuving lieeu eugugen
lor that purpose. The iin-t jllatiou of new ail-
iiiuu.stralionstMnte ami IN aliunaljanil t tie diMclnne
1111 ut of the measurcH thev may propoc lo tin
rnuutry, "ill ruider iC coining winter out of un
iiniial public interest. Persons desirous i.f nblaiuinc
irue uud rail) intelligence will alway nml 111 tin
Democratic Union a "true and honest chronicle'
'I'd Attorneys, Judges, Justice of the Ccaee, uml
public nll'ucrs generally, it uill be iliMilualile, iih
ho Union executes all the SI A I K PHINTINC.
and the LAWS ofa public and general iiutuie are
published in it immediately after the r pas-sape, on.
t'n IK- three months lie lure promulgated in painplilei
To increase our facilities for the most prompt
execution or all I lie public printing, we are now
nropelhng our prcsse by he mil ol ."rm.M a
inpoilant mailer to Hie legislative lioily,
A corns or able correspondents have been em
ployed at Washington (Jily, who will keep ou
readers constantly apprised orcvenla transpiring 11
the neat of tho Nutioual Cmcrnuicnt.
For the whole year, ?U Ol
'or the session only, ftuicc a neck,) 2 Ol
Any person sending us five subscribers fur 1I11
tc8sidn, accompanied bv ten dollnis, shall 'rirtui
1 copy gratis for his trouble. 1'aymeiils may la
iiuusmitted by mail, and Iho 7'ost Masleia hi-,
ncrmitted a frni.k latlcrscontuing money for neu t
aiier subscriptions. Address:
ISAtt! O. M'KINLl;t & Co.
Conic one, come alt, give vie a cull i
TUH 6ubsciiber returns his ilnccro thatiks
fortbo libnal patronage heretofore besloun
inuuhtrn, and hopes for n continuance of lliet-aim
with an i.icrca.'C, duo the merit of his shop, He in
tends sparine neither pain or labour lo rtndei
iHUilsclion in any raietami win warrcut nib won,
lonq with taste mid dmability.AD Ai.lTTI.I''
07Hi3It&7OI' IK THIS 1'I.AOB. He hih
jurt rctcitcd Mahant, late repoitofl iishinus, fiom
ilhihrjlclplda. which can be seen at his thop at any
time,, by which he is enabled (n rut according to
tlija'ijsl style, or to. order. His priioa aie m
accordance to I lie tunes, All. kinds ol counlrv
produce taken in paj mint for work at market prire
A very reasonable, dibcpunt for rush,
" ' P. iV. IiBIDY.
NcIIi. ("utting done with ihc greatest rau',uud
at the shottcst notice.
P. S J
Ploomslurg. Oct IS1 .."
Seasonable and Cheap.
HVVK jmt rei-oivcd froii) I'lilljdelpaia.tnd nri
now opening it large imsoitmeiil of , . '
Which they offer lo the fillblie at the inmt re,hin ,t
prices for,
1 heir lock of Roods cont in pirl, .ifSupelini
conimon atulroarse clollis, vasibncrs, flalincW,
Mutlins, Silks, Satins, .fou.clinx! tr .?h".
I.avvns, Meriuncs,f,ares, Nankins,
browii llollandi, Klnnnels, Aill and col
ton Velvet, Silk and chiton Ilnmlker
cliiefs.I.ady's aiidGcntlcmcn's While
& colored Hose Olovcs and Mils
i:c ie &c
ib is si n m s '
. Cnnsisiine in pal I of
of assorted qualilies.
Tobacco, SnulT, .Spires. Salt, Soap, Cmdles,d;c.Ai
L 1 V E II P 0 O L-
Ctll.S.I (3I..1SS
of every doseciption thai may be required.
Hardware.Cutlery Slg.
liar Holla) l0np tln, y;()( nni,
II tig ran Tire of every description thm
mm lie tidied for.
A larae'iHflortnieiit nf Plnnp l.hj .t,;.,.t. r:i.
, , 1 , 1 4 ,,li"
hinrUan.) I tings, Kimrs ri Forks, I'nrket ami
V11 Knif.t. 'r,il,(. andTtM Spiioin, roll'ei- MM"
'lax seed Oil. ami spirits cr Turpentine; siveepiii
nis!iPs,e.uert brili'iM; shoe brume-, rUh limf,
1. rorn b minis, fic.
The public are requested to call and c.rimiuc lot
htiirlves ln rum lilt y pirchaue elsewhcie. Wi
ell i lieap nml no niitnUe.
I)lioinnburg, Nov. 9, 1814. SO.
It isnmv em (uhimwlegcdfuct, lhat tin
CJASH SlfSTEIVE is .he only irur
me. both r(,r IP BUYER and SliLLKIL
irsT nncEivcD oun shconu stock of
WGT7I hnvp lircn sejlfng goods i'Oi ihe C.JSH
18 A'1'VTI.MI .:! I... ...!! . i .
1-uii.i- mm njini, nnu us uin
mtmii popularity nith all ulm hasp givin us
uin ami hiM'ii Kir llicmsriirs, and the iilmiriil-e sav
mg lo ll.eir customers, induces them to invile tb
leaders or the Columbia Democrat to 11 trial of it
Our stock of fiouds coiikisls of all the rieiy ol
UO.NNE'IS, &c.
iismilly kepi in a counlrv tlnre.
All of I which have been purchai-ed in New Vo1,
mil riiilailslptua, In r the OAMI OM.V. Ilv
'I. is means, we iih v fm no man's curd I ut m.
ivvn. mid we AiK 11 1 p-olil In ni 011
' UhiouiiTs io,iiav nail iipiiin Hill- having 111. osrr
we ;AN SiKI.I, at .S'MAI.I, A D.VAN CBS, and
VV t. 11(1 lJ,-loo, brvond nil question, as even
'iody knows who have bought u us.
Our Hinre is in ihc 1)I!1CK ibi
corner of .Mill Street, and the Mloomsburg rnai'.
opposite Air. A. Monlgomei y's Mono Hou-e
V e invite J.vkiit J'msov to call and tee nu
,'oods. Wc are not afraid to show llipui.'
Uauvillu July 4 16-1-1. 13ini4
I.S'P.U I FI'I.IjI informs die citizens n,
Cohunbia counlv. and the public ccneralK
lint lie b is locnled binr-elfin Uluonisbnrg on Main
tree! onranile hi. J'oui s (hurch, where lie bus
ipensd a i-hnp, and is now ready and prepared ti
receive aud.rxeculc nil work in his hue of buaincrt.
.vith ilispateli and in u workmanlike miinuer.
CIoclis 6t Watches
r lilt? best quality, can be had ut his csublislimen
in veiy reasonable term .
.vill be done to tho satisfaction of the customer. 11
well of Clinks mid W.itrhosas or Jewelsy, and le
will, fuithcr. warrant his work to be e.xo-utej 11
veil as any in this section ol the Sla .e. lie vvu
Iso mako to order
or pocket, uud in short, will do till other woik -ji
Ily done in a well icgtilated ret pcctalile rttabll
nient. lie hopes by stpct altinlinii lo Inisine.
and a dct.irc to please, to neeivc a liberal i.imo o
patronage, ounlry i'roiiurti liiken 111 1 nv mci
fir woik at the maikit priirs.
HloonisUirg, November 16, ie4-)-30.t
D&tatc of Chhra i Hesi tate of Sugurlonj
townnnifl. defeased,
1 , . . . V
OT1CI! is hereby given that admn
lrntion,on Ihe iuove mi nuoiied i Hatch.
been granted to tin- nibsirilm n sidoif 111 11
Itowiisbipnl iMigarlnaf All I'crnnis 11 ilthted to ll 1
said r.ttateaio hereliv notified to innko imniedial
ay meul,. mil lliosn having clain s sro reqmeij t'
iircscnf them uroncilv nulhentieaird to
1 November I C, 18 M. 30, ,
tV)l. JI'KKl.VV 8c COo
OTWB just received, and otc now ripening a
1J8. Inge and excusivc assortimnt of
Mew Gontlg
ui.tahle to tha f-rason, rotifisting of nil the varieties
ver kept in n country More. Among tjiclr assnrt
nciii may ho found the following.
jury Goods.
Iiroadclolhs, or i)J colors, qualities nnd piircs,
Casshners, fc!gtlinclt3, and svarjints fther kinds of"
Ulhs, llanncls. Valencia, iVarsci)les,Sillc and o her
vesting. Trench and Bnglisli Mciiioc. Doinba
.inea, Fashionable Calicoes, 'Irish Linens, .Silk,
Cotton alid I'dnen Hanilkerchrcls.'a variety of"!1
ind Cotton 6'tockmgs, Olovcs alul I'm- f'.r 1 1 .
ind (cnllcmoti, kwuud leoiiier glove:-, hei
ami unbleached Muslin, -of almost every r,'- I'
kicking nml other cnttpn t hecks. Velvet , -.1 , l
dies and Cldldrcn's shors.of nil kinds. Mi- ,s -1,1 1.
and thin bools am) o!ocn India Kub'ier ier 1. e
eoltoli yarn, carpel v inn, candle wn-k, cit
I.iquijrs of all kinds, of the bwit qml.'v .1,. . 1
Suui ofvormus quality, ( oH'ee, Tea..T hp .
and l'lsh oil, coarse and fmu .Vjjt, t'al. . j '
A large asiorlmcni ff Earthen Qnrc is
a n d GliisMunrt . wi 11 elmv gu.w
of alt sizes, Looking
glasses, fyc.
t'ose knives find forks, shnr h
Jhtlts anil Screwi 0 ( size
Pad and dtuir Locks. Sadtli
Harness rind Coach Tiini
7?7'?i"s. Saw Mill' Unit
Handsaw,' rtnn'id'.'
'rjiiure, and fat lar.'.iri n
sheet iron, waggon tire, if
all size, in fuel cccry llunj
in the Hardware line from a
cambric needle up to a bluicmillt's
All of width will le fold 'n etchange furOASIf
I.UMIIBK, and ( Ol.'NTIiV I'liODUT. of all
tiinds, 011 the mol reasniiiilileleniH. and : invito
our friends to call and c.uiiiinc for themselves;
Nov. 9, 1644211.
g ,t MllK CING the prefect oppertnnily of
i2i exprc.fing his thankfulns,tOfliilrieiiOh,oiid
lie public generally, for Ihe liberal' ialropage ho
ia heretofore received, informs his friends ind the
mblic in general, lhat he Mill continues to ctirt) un
he above business at Jii-r fllil-cAalihf bed Main!. , ,,
lie corner ol Main and Unst slice's, wheie l.u
lopee, by strict atlentimi lo business, to r, ,.-p.c
mil merit a shale of public patraiage as , ic.
lie 1I1 cms it unnecessary to go into li e yume i
c.i"4lw to use auv soft oddcr iibnnt his Mv 'I i in
iifhrj.'orB.v-KN or oa'wu'.ni i ;
is his shop is of lone standing, nnd I i- " 1 r
iluiiks will speak for itself, and far more .
ban words. IJul, he would merely tuv tl ,t. 1
VHrriints his work done with, licatiirrs, ilu"iVl. ly,
uid in the lah st fashionable manner, unit win en
me 11 guild fil in all cac.s.
N'.'U. t'haigcs moderate to tuit tlie limes. All
kinds of country pinduce taken in exchange In
work, at maikit prices.
lilciiinsburg, Atv. 9, 1S44. 9.
V virtue ofa writ of testatum tiera fa. lo n 0
Odirectid will be exposed to- nubtie 11,1
Jouit House, in Danville .011 the IH'th day nl Nov.
it 1 o'clock P. M.
On a certain lot nf ground, initiate ,in t! b
mwn of Jerseytovvn, Madison Ifwnthip, Cu.l. io.
(villaining nne eight ot an acre more ar Itv. 4m 1
.d in 1'iont by iniiiu sticft, and by la'nd ti .'
Welliver and Hichaid Fruit, vvliclc'i,;! . ' ''
Seized taken in e.t'cut cnji d le be nM.i ,
'inperlv o1 Jnmi's rnnel. in 1 '
nuiissi'n'ois .lolin Its'""-' nnd HughJIcEbVlh'.'1
IRA M IJERR, Sheriff
S 1 1 1 . it 1 f 1 's Oi-rici., lJ.iiv.lio
iN.iv.. Oih. 1811.
s herehv uiven m all roiicpriiPil. if I
iv e pun basrd at Constable mile, ns tl.o
impci ty ol Uenryo Kice, the lulluwno
iri'PCtiv, Jiid ha'cleft ihn siiniu in his iio-
'.-sioit "duiiuk.' ii 1 y pleasure, nnd luilnd ,u v
itTMin taking It Irt 111 lniii, euht i- l !'
l).is'e''iu- i'tbi rw ise, w i In i.t my em m im,
'M'wl: sillil nraits, nue' biiv cull, 'I -v
huo and blai k ci.vvj one. ml' jual 1 c,
iiliri r, nnf sletlllwo invs. i'l e ,'. 111 vi
up 1 titunp in s, une half ul 'yr., ' 1 c
en s i.f u hi ii' ill ihe Vr"n''"-x , !"'' ' 1
evru 1CK rMf rp tit ihe prieid, tilmn
ii'ic's nl corn, ISO sheaves ni .' Iis.'l (
il)0 shcavrs nl' rye, II 'II' iT 'JUIH -lei-ves ..I
(he i( ns id' lm O'liMit- ui:p (Hii
smVigm.-l'ij sc id'' nfji n gems,
ni- vVifiii'indl, niip st'.ie, five j ip'Tf id pipt
ud pIIiiiw-, (mip hep, uno corner 'cOblonM
.nd'bnr niVnilc elnek'. '' " '
Ni 0 1 R 1 1 .