The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 23, 1844, Image 2

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    -.2 ; J '.'L- -usm-
. (OOI.NbbS.
Jfy Hon. Stimutl Slick. for the Saturday
OurTierrtipighhor was Srtuiro Pelrg
SahUwd; well; the old Squue anil his fan:,
h," nvjj nil obl'liem the mot 'uwftil passion
Jiv folks that e"fr livcdi W'hm they rlmsc,
nil Ihrn Ihev.euultl Uen w Ihrir Ipmner.'
imd be ai con m ntlutrtimvsj ha eiieiimbi r.
One, tuyhl old Ptlrg, us-be rvas bidlrd.tuldi
,,77, " Vj .
'A burTilog wuuldiaw, Squire, in wood
mi-, . ...whv. .ne u.gcsi sues, uiai one can
I'. - - : ..I .1... 1 . .!.... .1 ...
Kind nr riirry. It lakes a stout jnny ul a bu)
1 Well ns snnn as Oucom goes to fetch
tlie log, the old Squire drags forward the
coal, and fixes the fire so as to (rave a .bed
l'.,r!i mS,..J. C. i.l
... . .., ...... . ....... ...... ,...
.p are. i, rflinm ....oa, n
..... , . ,err ..... ...i
throws lin. Uncle Pelrg gotno.uiHiL, In-tiex-rtid
wind, but jitt -w:ed hM riilm1
".vliio, and gave him b'iiium n awful whip
Ifiin He unned hit hide piwperly ftir him,
vnn may drpend. 'Not ? suis lie, 'go air,
mill bring in a prnprr bmk ln.u.'
' (jocuiii waa clear grit m ut'A tit tlx
old mill, fm he was a rlilj. out of the old
ft)1m-k, and nu iiiistdkn: -?o nut be goes witti
titii so miMili HS-siH1in a word, but iiiuchiI
o jjniw' to the riu1.! he Malkf olf.ilio
geilu-r. and suiil av viglit years, till he
was one and truiy, and his own master
Well m -soon ns lie was rt man grown and
lawmuy on ins ovn hook, Iid look it into
'hrs hrnd one day he'd go to home and set
ins old lather and inulhct agin, and show
them he was alive anil kickiu' fur they
i . i. i. . . . . . J
iiiun i kiiow wneiner tie was Jeati or nol.
never bavin' heard of or from Lim one blcs
eed word all that tune. When iic arii veil
to tliKoi'i Unuec, davliuht wa.i down and
the limits hi, and as he pawed the keepin'
.roum winuer, lie luoKcil in, anu .tursre wac
old Squire sitiin'.in the aine.clmir he w.
olu years afoc, when die oraured in th.
iarklog, and gave him such an oumarcifu
whippin'. So what does CJucom do, bu
tops at the wood pile, and picks up n )o
rtiagiceous log, (fur be had row'd to be i
.muai a iiiumicrm tug ii-ilr ttien,J anr
openin' the dnor he marches in and lays r
down on th hearth, and then looktu' "up.
Ksis hu
Fitber, iho back
(Jncle'Pelpg wa slrurkup all df a heap;
lie couldn't believe hi eyes, that that ureal,'
mx Inoler was the hnv he liad row hided j
iind lie wouldn't he icve ears when
Jieard him -call him .(hI'iccj a jiuii ,froiu tin'
grae wituMii l Imvk-.4ii prised him more
lie as qii(e nrifakilited, and bediimbeil
for a minute. "IJut he came.too tight off.
and was i cd down to a freeziu' point in
do .rime.
Wit.did.lyotmay' sate lis.
' 'l'hat:.l have brouglit you ilulbe bai.'klog
sir, ymi.geni mo out tor.
' Well, then you've been a d d long
ttay. lUriw.she eoals'furwartl, put t tin.
,uiul iIhih go to bed.'
'"Now dial' a fart Squir; I know the
parlies myself and that's hat J do call
.cooJiicst and tto-misiakc !'
'SVeir and Incidents in .Virginia. The
travelling correspondent of the Journal oi
Commirc, wiits an.intotcsting Icttvr from
Winchester. !Ex(racl::
At -Mount Jackson, -twelve mile
oml!iiock,.ived iMr.Jlecnbcrger.the dt-a
r in cattle, of whom much was said n
'4ong ag-J, as having failed and involved men
and batiks to a great extent. li tems thai
thitf man's father was a rich farmer, and
theic are man) German farmet in ibis val
lley that he married the diughtrr of a rid
.farmtr that he engaged largely in the cat
tie trade, burrowrd money lavishly at- tin
u."mr, .rum some oi wntcti ne seems to
diave had a kind of carte blanche for bit-
operations, and got endorsers of 'varioui
wealthy men around him. He got G00,
01)0 ouuol 4bo United States Bank-$300,
uuU'OUi oi otncri and was going on at
iitgn rate, tv licit tne botlei burst, and sad
.havoc did it make
fl saw a vcnnable old gentleman .in Wood
sine wro was pretty much 'ruined 'bv .thic
man, and the penple of the valley believe he
is nownuii. At any rale tie is caul to bt
carrying on in New York, a wholesale bu
i .. at .1 If
Di.ira hi uiu wesscrn iraue. ii yon want
His cnaracter, it may be learned frtrm the
people around Mount Jackson who know
him well.l will not undertake to ptonnunci'
........ : ii... i.. ....ii i i . i
"i.uii ... nu. ne win iung ne remcuiuerril in
the county of bhenandoah, and cJewlifcre
in nn vary .pleasant aueociatinus
Here I hav visited the Iioiifp in wldeli
ikc relobraied (Jen. Daniel Morgan, 4 the
Virginia riflemen, dud qineily in liu Wit
alter a It fa as active, sinrmy and uceful to
.Jiia country as falls to the lot of few men
'A inoiiunteuial ublet rests upon his grave,'Opla ins'-riptiou. 1 have conver.
ned- wtth tjne old gentleman now in his 77ih
esr, wUn.kne.i iluiii rtill, and was with
him iiiHP lam sickness. I thinks the
priimir.ent)r. ns in.tlc.characier of that dis -
Hingiiislipd tfffictr wretvigiliiice and bold
icJ. He ws .never iulep never stir
prised-ever oriiilie .altrt. Nu , wa
.(.ninmirii i h In hi.., m il.u a.... . .
)r ....... ...,wAVMi,.ii uri.eifliwhom I met at UtedUa. am w in h.
espeaully tif .anything .hold, ibiriug and
iil.jiotsilile war lo-ba chieved lie would
spring like a linn on his prey. ,111(0 -the
Mtildit of the enemy. The mannm .in which
he scaled theforliets of Quebec, at the lime
Monigumer-y-WHs killed, is one nf tbe,inom
astonishing instances, of military energy, mi
record. 'I'he noble wildier, always,.icueaK
ful, did hit prt, -and stood in iriuuitdi 011
ibe fortress of the tmemy: but-ihe attack at
the other point failed, in eor.tequpnce of the
iklh ol Aloptjomsry. .Morgan usfd ii
(,), I nvrr Li. Ul.ti. !.. .I.. I....! f I.!.
WincliMifi friends, anil was nol ti.utl. be
yond sixty when he dird. Uo was lull
( muscular arid mighty. Why has his name
''" P.1!"'? .'" A,lrn 8 liiograpliicalDieiionary ;
iIc daJ 111 mn
survtv j n
. , , ....
",,ronrow g '"mta into
crcculwn ia llu uia against the Jew
ui population.
'i-k-"p in em-i.
report .HHiiiMl o
, ' , ,
iirrenoy, through agen
ml brihi il pret.s, that the
.... . ... , w . . , ..,
pen h'd. On this point we will qtiotii tin
words of tlif National, a French i
.j'i ... . . i . .
i ne aiiiikthi nan iierit-ii tne iranitporlH
M lit n txidv of 150,000 Jews, lie line
"-" "niiu una B.iii,i.ii..l-ii
Mllll ..I I ...I ll.i ..I 1. I
,W n.n,P.e ,,f ,1,.!, (, t.x,.cll.fJ,
N,.iller Hpp ,,,, nr hp -mvgH of ,,,,
gu.jpci wll ho alili' to miM.rnd his infa
okiiis roiiMiiniiil. I hp will of one man din
powrs ot the lives and fortunes of 150,000
lit) In? It-llow creatines. ou imagine, nci
liaps, that iho crime of iluine unhappy per
Mint iiiiiji, iniieett, ne great lo merril si
lerritile a rliMSlicuieiil : that ihev have
organised smne van fonspirncy ngiiiimt tin
fprurity of Hie empire, or perhaps that the)
had attempted to rcnrifHte Poland, whiih
is expiring in a lingering agony, nr lint the)
nan expre9eij a wish for emancipation vet
at a remote prrtod. Undeceive yoiirfelve
the uon yoke which presses on ihei
country unes not suller tliem in enteiiiiii
such a noble ambition. Their onlv fnilt t
ilia some of them are addicted lo sinuuglmi
eiiiJ the laud ol the lew is lo be vmiii'd oi
thousands of their fellow citizen. At tin
moment we ate writing these lines the sen
lence i bjeing executed, the gpuiUtion am
ruin of those unl'ni innate men are cuiisuui
mated. 'I'orn with vinlence from their fin-
-ides, obliged lo Hell their properties at coi
-nilcrably less than their value, they are con.
pelled to seek an existenre in ihu tiltn
le.-erls of the interior of ICussia, where the)
viii uispute the possec jumi ol those l in -
inrne wastes with the birds and beasts ol
prey, which are their solo population
There iboy will find their tomb and
presence of this calamity the author
such atrocity relies upan the silence of
IJurope !
Conflict with a Mad Dot'. Mr. Hp
poldt ul ibis c ty, keen a a sportsman ai
skilful a gunsmith, met uith a inUCoilumy it
veek or two since, in the loss of a fini
iioinlir by hydiophnhia, and under circii-ii"
stances of tiiic.iuiiiioii peril to himself. Afiei
'hooting until past mid day, observing Ora
lis dog became dieobedient and exhibited
nipicioiis repugnance lo water Sir tied I
with a handkerchief to a sapling, leaned hi-
un against a tree and ate his luncheon i
few yards i-ff.
On returning inwards his gun, he foum1
i lie dog, evidently mad, in ,he act ofteaiinc
itself loose and making at nun. Withuu
Jeitip Mine to rcacil tllVguii, ..... t, . on in
soma water ttear, and ninnd on a log nun
the Hog having gone out or sight, he wa
returning for hi gun, when suddenly tin
dug rushed upon him over a hillock, and In
only escaped being hiiipn, by seizinu tin
rabid hi imal by the thioat. A struggle en
nu d between them fur more than half ai
hour, requiring the execution of all ibe miir
eular power of ibe availed, while the doe
nangled its own tongue dreadfully and cov
end Mr. II. with foam and blood. Ue
last succeeded in getting off his heli.pumnj.
it arounu uie nog 1 neck, and hiicklmo n :.
the rlrm of a small biuh, regained Ins' gin
and shot the dog. Mr II iho igh hues
eaped fortunately withirut a scrau-h. wa
much exhausii;d, and ihe muscles of In
arms were swollen fiom the i xerlion for Iwo
days after. Charleston Mercury,
I was present at a race in P.-rsia, and
ihcrc was no question about the choic.
of the best luil, or taking precaution
against accident.-, neither was the lac-
limited lo a frw minutes. The winiin
point was at Ihe distance of a few
Kings, mat i", ten or eleven leagues, oi
twenty. six or twenty seven Englisl
miles, across a rocky country, wnlioii
any indicated road; the winner ariivci
ma hour. hen Sir John M'Niel wa
physician to the enihassy a
Tehetan hit went to visit one of In
counlimen, who was ill, a:,
and he asstirtd me that he arrnol ii
four d,ys with his liniurM iho dlstanc
isabout one ami twenty league..
i was fiiowi), in inu .'laliles ol i' tMh-Ah
Shah, the Aiabiau hoire uu which thai
prince came fiom Shir.-z lo succeed ln.
iincU: he liaversud ihe distance in .
much more extracrd niry manner, if
we tieiievo iM-.colm, (or it took Inn
0"'y seven days. This facility of trav-
e"i'"H fr a l time withoui slopping,
,and their gieatabteiniousneKctuses tin
.hoises of ihe province of Ncju lo be par
ticulai ly es-imated. The younn Pol.
I . ... .. "
liavelled thniii r through that couuti)
on his way fiom Bassora. attributed
these qualifications to the IrainitiR ol
the hoises and the difficulty of procuring
toon lor litem. According to him the,
have 10 acrusiom to brackish
water, and to live .upon a .spqeics ol
thistle, the only plant met wth in ihos.
U8sris. rxune out animals o .strong
cmisu uiiou can eniiurn tins regimen
Sarr alive Jnfjiu,
We give below the account ('which is W ""ten In throw before, our rend
extracted from the Philadelphia l'ltblioer I tic following loiter from the great
Ltdgcr) of H, ,. I'cttt, Ulster county; est living liefo and statesmen. It i
New Vork, which took a gold-medal, ,'t)!e,.rc)ill.s-)3ik of llio old flint, (hat lias
a premium offered by Ibe American Inaii-U0 often lit up ihe world with. tlie'ilmni'
tute for iho be si fruit faml.' It appears Mr.'mnn.l li.,ht of nurinlism. O Ail
I'cll has had in view ihe market Jf Kti'rope
by Iniiitcliuig into one tirticjo. nf fruit, the
Newton pippin, that cannnt be jmppeled
with for pioflt in that nVsirkci 'i le has
also kept in view the maikiu nf !lis 'own
Stale in nther fruiinj lor which, ho ilraVcti
awarded ihn premiuin ai . abo(yp, , To. Uhe
Committee oit Fruit Farm: ' ,
Gehllemnn Uciug dcsllouS, fo' compete
for ihu premium lo be 'awarded by the
Americiiii lnslitiitPi nl its sixih-aiUltial fair,
for the brut fmil farm in the Slate, I How
abide its rules, mi l offer, at the' renuusi
of Mr. T. H. W.. its worthv an-'
very usidil sccrelar) , my mode of inan
i.trinu ,J
For some ypats l have been experiment
ing upon ihe aiinle iree. having an orchard
of tiO.OOO Newton pippin apple trees. I
have found it vcrv uniirnfiiiihle lo wail
for what is ti rmed ihe hearing )oar, and
consequently n Ii is been my aim to assin
nature, co as in enahle the tree lo beni
every yeai. I have t.iniued that t bears
more profuelt than anv other tree, and
consequtilly requires the intermediate year
to recover Itsel I. hv rxlraciiiiir rom l ie
ilinoHphcrc and earth the req'uinies in ena
He it to prodiir.c. II iiiiaasinled bv'att, the
inlerveiiing year must necessarily be loft
II however, it is supplied 'tilhlhe proper
nisteminre it will bear every t ear.
I hree ypars ago, in April, I scraped all
he rough bark off a few of the apple tree.
in my orchard, nn I washed the trunks and
limbs wit'iin reach with soft sortp, trimmed
nit all the nrancheH Umt crusted each other
caily in June, and ;niiniid tne wounded
tart with while lead, to keep out the mois
lire ; turn split oppn the hark, bv tunniiiL'
ilium n, ,!,....,! .,f r, l. I ...I
. . '
he first set of limbs, in die
iuiii r Illll II
tne same ninnm, winch prevents the tree
rum becoming balk hound, and gives the
inner wood an opportunity of expanding
in J illy 1 plai ed one
.i peck of ovstl.lSlle1slllU, lhi" hi veiacily like his deplniii.e.
una around earh Ircc, and left it piled.
itjotit the trunk until November., when
I dug the lime in thoroughly. The follow
ina year I collected from those trees 1 709
lariels of fruit, sime of which was fold
New York for St. and the balaiir.e in
London Inr SO per birrel. Sirangn as it
may appear, thev re Im-nllc liHiidtug to
tho ground with the lines! frail I ever' saw.
spfici.ner. of which is bel.irti you. . The
h-r trees in my orchard, mil ire.ateil a
otic, are birren, nexi year being 1 their
In-a ring year.
We learn from the Western Expnsi
on minted al ' iiii.ii(iu.., I
ouiilx.'.Mo., that a .desliiiciivt' -linui
aneti.iitd that section of the Sial.
botii o'clock no the night nfj thr
25 U nil. Is 1 fleet wue lamenlablt
iSHstmus. That ppp .r sat : 'It came
cro.s the praiiie.and ihe wt: heaid
f Us 1 IT cts tv.(s .t the Mission, three
miles from "Wes'norl. hichil ii.iured
nsidi r hly , fiom whence it p,.cd
ver our roon') in a nniih-enst ilircc-
100. s'rikiog ihe r v r about rinei-iudf
mile ah. .v.- Wayn,. C ty,u ' N.- II .It's
mil, and luw heard nf i's k'l'piog
own ll c 1 ivi r for 'Oinn 'miles, hot as
el we have nol heaid whore it oWi-
nenced nor where it ended. It vaVn-d
Iiocti five lo seven litnrdi ed ' t'alvls 'in
width, and pursuul a stfaigiil dl'iVciiiou..
We-give the following lst of'tlVeHed
mil wottniled; . .
Mrs. McClill, Livmgi'nn. illcdW-4
Stone, do, iMi. Kerr had three clildi un
illed, and he himself badly wntu'iilo'l ;
Miss Mary Muldlelon, and Dr.'-iM.r
in's son, ner'ii, killed-
Uranter, who hail been movlnn a
"amilv to Plaltp,!ind etiP.'imi)ed nnnosji-
Owen's I n lintr, was bui id cbal.hi
wagon blown entirely away. Thomas
Hedges had all lit housis and furnlltiri
lown off, and several of his family
ladly ciippled Samuel Limbed,
tousp-, &p. gone, wife and another per
on badly injured J. IKullv. honsps.
"kr. blown oflYI King. do.. Mrs. Iliin.
n do. and herself badly er nnled: Mis
Ragan, do. and negro man. .crippled;
Calvin McCoy do., and s.vcial of his
iinily ciinpleil; Dr. Martin, do. Mis.
Hucklnrt, do; Thnm.ii Smdh, i1t; C.
N. II ill's S I w mill, roof blown
IT, grist mill and houses blown entirely
way damage about SI200
Wu have heard of seveial olhtri kill
d and wounded; and much mormpro.
lerty injured, but do not know ihe
lariiculars. We have no idea th'al the
half ha been told or yet heard of the
ioss 01 lives anu tne (leal. notion of urn-
rty occasioned by this awful tornudo.'
The American Hihle Society has 'i-sued
more copieH of ibe holv Sc fliitnrnV ilnr'nt..
die mouth of October than ' in', any, fni'(in)l,
since the fm matior. of the Snrlety, Tin
number is 47,442. of which 15.320, Were
.csinnuo., anu-i'i copier
nrtliH scriptures for the blind; tlie 'Whole
'wined at $10,455 SD. In seven languages
m: English, :Funch, German. 8pinisfi.
Walsh, Chinese and Indian. The mrreake year, pvqrttle.ast, 'rjidniAd, fii
Ul,l U5, -;i . ''. . '1 ' "
on. JaMison-tlio Tlliit of Tiro.
fltns stnKs deep In the mtifl nl luilera
maligtlily and falsehood, before the Old
srfldier pifrint find Mr.
A'd anis, however is tueil to difeau!
Hr.nMirAOB, Oci? 82; 18 H.
0!Ait Silt.- I, hunk y-Jttlor the copy
of ht .Intelligencer coniaiiiing tint ad
Ircgvjf John Q Adam lo Ihe Young
Men': Club of Boston delivered on the
1t inst.
The address U a labored attempt on
ille part ol Mr Adams to discredit the
leslimnny of Mr. E'wing whose slale
ir.eti!.) were .icferred to in iny letter to
the Hon. A. Blown of Fibiuaiy 12lh.
I SI 3 from a diseased mind, ptove little
else hut iti own weakness and folly.
Uy letter lo Mr. Bown wni publish
ed on ih UO'h of Match 1S5I in Wash
ingion, city, where Mr. Adams wag at
the time. It has been the fiilij el of
comment in the new-piper )ieses of
both parlies in all pornous of the. union
mil the sl'itemem-i of Mr. Eiwing and
the inferences fiom Ihcni hnvo not bteu
dpiined woiihy of tho notice of
Mr. Adams until now, jiitt be
fore the close of the Presidential can
vass he picicudn' to have clicovcied
that g,reai ii.ju.-tice has been done him,
and lie makes a childish appeal lo his
own "di, in" lo set ceo mm Iroin tin
oditnn which has (alien upon his (reach
iiv to the best interests of his cotiulty.
Mr. Adams been seVen moolhs in
ptepaiiog ibis iiue of deception fin
tlln tilllllin. I lilpflilli 1111 null 1. 1 ll. ntc n
. 1 . r J - 1
ad w.l) I I...,. ll,n
papirs noi
in my povscbsion, rt fined m in lb.
Ielt i to piove nol only that Mr. Adatiu
has no caop of complant ag'iinst me.
cannot ue pinppeii up ny iii'-(1ry."
I siy 111 ailvance nl ihu review I sh
Ihke of this rxtiaordiii.try pi oiiiictioo.
thus hi raided hefrue ihe public on tin
eve of the Piesiileiilial election, that lilt
isscrlion of my having advised Ihe Iroat
ly of I S 1 9. i- a h..ieficcd fal.ehood-
tviihooi the sbad'iw 1 1 pioofio susUiin i
lid that 1 he entile ail. Ires it; full ol
-l.nemenis at war with Iruih and ol
-onMineniij hostile to eveiy dictate ol
pati iolisui.
Who but a traitor to his country can
111t1p.1l as Mr. Adams does al the nuih
if Boston at the close of his addiess?
Yi ur uial is ap)ioacbiiig, The spin1
f freedom and the spirit of slavery an
hawing togt thei foi Ihe deadly coo-
fl'C.I l.fnirns i'll- am.r i.l 'IV x, ik
o till. Union Ik the hlal of Ibe Irnomei
l' r a foreign civil, set vile and Indiai
war of which the Govei nmei.t of 1I1.
Llniled Sia'CB. fallen into I'a'nlilis hands.
has alioady given ihe S'goal, fu-t by .
-hameless liealy leji cleil by a iruiou
Senate; and again by the glove of d
liaiict: Inn led by the aposilo of inillific.
tiou at the avowed pol ey of the British
empiie, peiipcfnll) pi ornole ihe tMim-
uon ihiniiiihoiii ilu- vv.ii Id. Ynt in.
uii-ii of Boimi! luiiiish you 1 "Mnni
piepai- lol the ro'.fl 1"; and I s V '
)('U in ihe laogii ige of (J .Igicus in llu
men 11' Bi iliuis, think ufyi-ill f.11 latbei .
Dunk of ) title po el il) .' Wh il i ih h
li'Mi.-ioiiol t hai is woi.e.a dm el attempi
o ,ii.Mise the d. oiniiiu ol Ihu Ameiici'
people thould il be f.vorahle to Ihe. an
ilixalion of lexas lo the United Slales.
I mat be blamicl for spellinij Al'.
Ei ving' iiiiuie w;oni-; but I tills! I
hall never deser ve ihe shame nf mis
sing, the paih olduty. where my conn
trv's rights aro involved. I beleive fiou
he. iliscliiures- m ule 10 me of ihe tian
ictions of 1S10 that Mr. Adams sur-
eiuleied lie. iuleii'Ms, when he to. I
he Sahinn river ,ik the boundary be.
ween us and Spain, where he migh'
nave hoop to the Colorado, if not lo llu
Rio del Node, such was I tie nalural in
ference, fiom the facts staled bv Mi.
Eiving; and iheiu is nothing in the ac-
ount now given nf lint negotiation to
lit r Ibis impression. The addicis h
he contiaiy docs not at nil relieve. Mi
Adams, It proves Dial he was 1 hen, a
now, an alian to ihe Hue mieu-sU ol hi
countiy, but h had not then as now.
he pretext .f co-onpei alion with Great
Biilain, in her poweiful enilcavois to
xiinguish slavery throughout llu
Is there an Ameiican pilriot that can
read the above cxlracls and oilier simi
lar ones that may be taken fiom thi
ihlress nl this monaiclusi in disguist
wifhoin a feeling of luuroi? Giant thai
ihe thousands of those who think, with
mo thai the ,aildilion of Texas to out
Union would be a naiional beiufii an
in error ire wu tube deierred fion,
the expression of ouropinions by threats.
of,arnied opposition? and il io m( lhi
manner thai the peaceful poli6y ofGieu
It.illntu , U. ....!..!! .
...n.., ,n ,u. up uai 1 iki ino execution
hould ihe Ameiican people decide Ilia)
weaieMiot in. enoi?' Or -dues Mi.
Adams mearMo-JnijmHie that ihe. wil
'f 'Off at Biilain should be'l'he 'lavv for
Amciiran' glatesitum, ami will "hi' Wfoi
cec ?t tie jioinl of the bayonet by i host
who tlecemleJ from (lie palrioli of our
revolution? '
Instead of goiqg, 1 'British llls'ory
fur scntimenifl woithvnfihu rentiblican
Vonlll.i f otlr rnilolii'. on.'. -nn ocp.ision
si vittlally ifl cling our naiional safely
III f . I i a.!
inn Honor, t wotilil rf-roniinenil iiinse:
lit tlaf nrra-l I AVihingtoli's Farewqll, Vil-
ireis, ami pat iicuiany it w warning; to
it to avoid eniangliiiK hlliArfres'' wl'l'i
loieiitu n.ttiuitw and vcr is cat
ciliated to create sectional or ieogriph-
tcsl patties at home.
1 -am ..very- truly, your nhiuticnt jet vanl
Gen RonEnr Ahmstiionh.
The Columbia Spy lluts tells llu
story of a young countiyman who called
10 see, Mi. Shiluk while at Columbia, ui.
his recent visit easi. ' Wall, Guv'nei.
hotv aro ye, old Unit! I say, you'rt
the first Guv'ner I ever scon afore, and
I come, all ihe way from Peachhoiloni
lo have a peep al youl I have a fe.lle.
hero, Guv'ner, fiom yonr plac-, that'll
nc 11 ly match you. Jesl slay hcio til
I fetch him.' And with Ibis injunction
our hero stirled olTin seaich. of hi.
friend. In a IV w miiiuies be reiurncd,
iccompanied by his fiiend, who wa
iiideed a in nrh for Mr Shunk, in noiiil
ofs'7.-. '(iiiv'nt r h" 'i that fellei
s'ui he a ta! one? Wniild'l you Iwi.
inaue a biisltn' ynk ?' Uis companion
considering hiinsi If in rather an awk
ward siuialion, w.,s turning to get ou
"he 'fix,' when the red-faced man again
bellowed out .'Stiiul up to hirn.S imp
son: don't bo afraid of Hie Guv'ner
you're as big as him!' Il is needless to
say that this 1 .si sally was accompanied
by a gem ral brust of laugbli r, and
imoi'gt the he.11 lies! ol Iho langlu.-;
whs ilie Governor elect himself.
We have information h hich 'Mules thai
wai had bioken out between the New .Mex
leans and ibe tribes of Ktimw Indians whn
live arntiiid i'ans. Early in Septelnbei sin
ot the hulaw duel, .accompanied by one
bundled warriors, vjsiicd Sania Fe to'oblain
I ruin Gov. tM;iitiin . restitution for denreda
lions comm ttud bi.ii spring on their people,
ny a trapping party ol Spaniards, in the
neigiiborhoinl of ibe A'alt Mountain. The
six chiefs being in budienco with the (Jo
vernor 111 his palace, expressed themselves
diss'iiir-ned with the preAcnis iiffcred to
iliem, ami the leader attempted to pull the
Govcrnnr from his seat by bis luiir when
upon Martin z. seizing his sabre, killed tun
"I'lheui, ami ihe oilier four weic. despatched
ny the guard who iiished 111. I he Iuiii
drcd Wdrriors in retreating to their village
muss lie re 1 d Iv. elt e .iVoxii aio, and n brisk luil wt-en the lo iiiillOiita wns aniicipa
Ola Funcnil Hull in Danger $4 0,000
to $50,000 worth nf Stuik destroyed.
'ruin (he second edition nf the IJosioc
on Tunes ul Tuesday; we copy the follow
About half pasi 4 oVIock th is 111 nr 11 i 11 1' ;i
tire hroke 0111 in tin- exieo-ice Dm" esiah
isluiieiit of .Mr. E.l.tnid llr nicy, Nos. H
mil 4 south side ol Fanenil 11.11 1 il,.
entire snick "I" "'finis ninouninig in viilue n
rom tiiu tiuu i desirnv ed. H'ln
ire broke out in Ihe lui-k part nf the wlor.
cause unknown and the owner was on
V able lo secure b's honks and paper,
U'Mch were ukeu 0111 from llu. einiiiu..,.
rnoiii, in front by breakup) through a win
low. The Fire Department r dlied 10 tin
'cue at once; and by most jiireuilltlng ex
'moils u.j i.ay light this J iiioiuin,
'ucceded in confining the fire, in hs .,ri,
lucalitv. e
'Their labors Wprfl lis ri fit nriliirt nc it.t)
probably saved Old Fanciul Hall, which
was dircctl) opposite, from destruction; as
also the store of J- b (!nnini nmi .1..
balance manufacloiy of Mr. Amos Stevens,
mi mu Hame siue 01 uie street wild Jvr,
uriiucy s store. As it wtis; Fanenil Hall
on the south side vas much scorched and
cnarreu; as also the stores mentioned. We
learn that Mr. Ilrinley was insured fm
StO.000 but bis loss will probably bi
eonjiderably more than this amount.'
The White. House 1791, A Mr.
Wansey, whose published noies of a
lour in this rounirv, in 1704. i,9V,
recently been the subject of notice it
iho American papers, gives the follow
mc discriplion of a breakfast 11 1 the
While Mouse. Will tlm breakfasts ihrir
in these days bear comparison with
'Mrs Washington herself, made tea
and coffee for us. On I tic table were
two small plates of sliced tongue, diy
loisl, bread and htiitor, but no boiled
hVi, as is the genenil custom. . Mi,s
Curtis, her giand-ilatighler, a vn'y
pleasing young lady of about sixteen sal
next 10 her biolher,Gi orge Washington
Curtis, about two yearn older than her-
sell;, Iheie was but litlln '.ippeaia'nce of!
loim; no livery. A silver urn for hot
water Was the only rxnunsivfv. ihln
on llu? table, Mis. W. anneari mu
someihiog oldtr.than ihe Presiderit, ,a.
though bufuioHie same year, short ,j0
s'aiure, rather robust, yorv plain in
her dress,"
pD OB -.X) C23 SXi X-CE9
'thotji WA-riiofT riurt "
- H3HjC3)(2E.3I&,Sr!B(S 8
SJ c'liicmlici' (lie I'rinloi'.
WHEAT OATS or WOOD will be re.
reived tor actus due us Inr suhscrtntinn.
AN i a fit w' bushels of POTATOES if
didivmi'd soon
I.. ... 1. ,. . , ,
I- r. 1 111 iiiiihii .villi 11.1VK rirnitiio.i I a.n.u. ull.l blnll ami t n.....lor ..t..n I . .
will 111! received It delivered soon.
iiiiicBsrc ii nn i.uius.ina are yet in tiunki
as to whom has received their Electoral
Vote, both panic's claiming the stales bv
l I 1 ..! . .
small majorities. Tboy cannot, however
idiange Uie general result.
THE (jllAftU 15ESULT,
AS l-'AIt AS 11I2AIII ritOM.
New York
South Carolina
New Jersey
Rhode Island '
New llampsiiire
North Carolina
Arkanf as
1 8.-1
electoral volC6
William S. AnciiKit, of Virginia, ban
already been named by the siiine of tin-
Native American' papers, as the candidate
of ihe late whig parly (o Micccid President
Daniiu. Wr.nsTKK, of Ma'snchosctis. j
irged by r.noiber portion of the came pu
(en. WiNnruu.n ScoiT. nf New York
is also presented for the honor ,nf marui
dcin, by a small Native urgaii in plulad. !
The United Si-atns Gazelle however, bi'!
hold 1I1 lianee lo ibem all, and conliieies
iis mast-head the 11 ig of Clay and Fm.
Ton caily, by half gentlemen. In ahem
'hrci; years after date the Democracy wnl
give yon a candidate why will distant e tint
entire race of Whigs and Natives, a la Pnk
of Tennessee.
As il is cusiomary, in fashionable
ciiclen, in announce the mnvemeuis ol
distinguished men, we must not until to
mention, that Col. V. Bkst, whilom
of Ilairisburg, has got back again lo
Danville. The last we heard of our ub
iquitous friend., lie was whilmg away
his leisure moments in charging our
paper with a'want of influencea specie
of ciime lo which the legislature has
not yet, to our k owledgo, affixed a
penalty. The infereiirp; as a mailer of
course, is; that our accujei's influence'
is unlimited. This was well tested at
the last October election, when every
Iricnl candidate, who had iho benefit of
his suppoti, from Congress down to
Auditor, was handsomely defeated!
If Mynheer, the Colonel, 'should exer
cise his tremendous influence' a year
ir Iwo longer, the seal of justice will be
removed to "JSoom," for cedain.
Dcm. Union,
Lehman townahin. Pike Count v.on co.
ai me one elections, lor
.... 1 . 1 .. 1 ,
Shunk, Maikle
134 1
Can il bo rnuallrd In anv Inivn.
ship in the Slate 01 Union? Hand hir
A lady in Alleghwnv city, savs Ihe Pitts-
lurg Daily; on Friday presenied her bus
bind with thiee fine boys at one birth.
The father being a Democrat; has named
the first James K. Polk, tlie-second Georgo
M. Dajlas, nd the third Francis R, Shiinlf
The mother apd, .chjldren arc all tuiiij,