The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 16, 1844, Image 4

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A correspondent of llie Now Haven
Oourior, writing from S.tchcm's Head,
were he has been rusticating gives the
following amusing arrounl of nn adventure
whieh occurred within hi hearing whii
Upon my arrival al litis place, I nolired
n pretty girl who, from her youthful appear
nnce and manners 1 supposed to he a can
didate for matrimony. She was acenm
panied by a voting brother and a sister
rather older than licrself. In the course ol
the afternoon a handsome am! well dressd
man of about thirty, alighted from a carriage
and entered the house. Hetween the two
strangers an instant and friendly recognition
took place, mutual inquiries were made
Tim! answcTed tonccr'nine each othei's
Iicallh, family, iic, 1 left the long separa
led lovers together! Tot such 1 at once
surmised them to be, and strolled Blong
brown and black legs a white color, dcx
trrnusly remove the cornea when thicken
ing upon the eye, and cause that incura
ble diseaso, the spavin, to disappear for
ftw days. They understand perfect!
how to hum anil in extract teeth in erdei
to deceive as to the age, lo puff up tho skin
so tint the animal may appear lo bo in
good condit nn, an I to stain tho body and
nar.e to make it look belter. Tho pner
tf the finest soil is about 8100: but in
India 1 have seen some horses fetch as
murh as $000. Narrative of a mission
lo India.
A child beginning to read becomes de
lighted with a newspaper because ho reads
of names and things which are very fatni
liar and ho will make a progress accoiding
ly. A newspaper in one. year (says Mr.
Wcekg is worth a quarters schooling to alTwelve
.Ventral lit Politics and Religion.
Xow is the very nick of lime to subscribe
for the jXcw lcar 1845.
With the largest Subscription List in
the World.
For tho purpose of facilitating the formation of
Clubs, ol new or olu subscribers nut in arrearj.wc
oflrrthe following
Three copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 year,
or one copy for thrco years J5
Seven copies of the Saturday Courier, I year 10
the shore to my favorite seat. I had not LinMan tial information
remained there many minutes, when I hi advancement
child, and every fathci must consider that
do nnd I
is connected wint cony of either of the S3 Magazine 6
Tip mother of t hp I Five copies of the Satunlay Courier, and 2 co-
, , - t.i. . p.. fn n
l. I I ' n...t nnn I .. . . , , I, I lllCtl Ul llllll I 111 IIIU p .,, Iltl llt;g )U
lliscovrreu tno pair anpruai:iiinB nu -""- lamuy rjeine one ul Hi Jieau?; anil naving a p;vo conies ol the Saturday Oouricr.and 1 co,
cealed by a projecting fragment of rock, in(,re immediate charee of children, otiehl py of Frost's new Pictorial History of A.
.1 ' ar, i i. m
surveyed them unobserved. They advan- , be ,ntBigftnt of mind, pure in language, '""". u uuu-
. t ,i . , , , , . (CTlii fact, whatever ofler is inaile, by any other
ced directly to the spot where I was, ami am awaya cheerful and circumspect. An Family Journal, at'all approaching in
stoou o near me inai moir cunveisuuuii i instructor ut her cliiluren biio snoiiiii or pretensions, to mo oaiuiuay courier, win no tur
I niBiicit ny us.
Tho Coulicr has become no well and favorably
agiinsl known through a triumphantly popular course ol
was audible. herself be instructed.
... i
I am rejoiced to hear,' said the girl that occupied becomes fortified
you have succeeded so well in business, ,,e UUoflife, and is braced, for any emer fourteen years, that it would be superfluous to say
. I ' I tviitxli r.r Hint Clllmtl linro V.i nmr a-sinIr Iiaiii
nd I suppose ('she added with a laugh) Lency- Children amusod by reading nrLvcr Jhat to the industry, talent and enterprise,
that you intend taking a wife back with study, are of course, considerate and very which have for years kept this paper a bright cxem
t II I i . .L..A HHn tn (inin lharo -i II .1 1 . 1 I Uiai IUI HJ I'lmafcui n( w ill LUllblUllU Y UV UUUrll
ynu. oeu in ...c unuu.u ui.c .u. easily governed, now many ii.oi.gni.e.s , reductions of every available writer, and con
1 1 i . u ! I.! 1 .1: I I.I 1 1!. !ll
III il I llllUULl jUltlvlUUa UliU UIU'IUI CXpUIHlllUK'S Will COM'
ere plenty of pretty eirl now in
1 shnll not reiurn, Hetty said the flvern or grog shop. wl0 ought to have unuaiiv lo i mime , a we tin tho i,iiirary w the ly-
1 Oft l' o nnrrnnhiml ilermrtmentK. Ilnr inrnn will n u-hv.
other with a smile, 'I intend building a hcen reading! How many parents who Unable us to be inadvoncoof all othors.ond we shall
neat house near your motiier s on me never spent twenty, dollars for books ot PeE2
U lot, and
my plaee ol residence. given thousands to reclaim a son or a mg year, in adJiiion to our alioadv numerous por
Oh!' replied his fair companion, 'that ilauchter who had icnoranlly and thought u,ar features, will be a scries of Condensed Histn-
ii u ul.. ... iti ,,,-Lol, i r I, nen ot rlotlcrn Keputiiics, liy ii Iresh and vigorous
luntcr who will impait a world of important in
Istruction to tho rising generation, in this new and
young men have spent their earnings
will bo very agreeably it will make eSgy fallen into temptation
the neighborhood so lively.'
'I hope it will prove so to yon, Hetty,
for I have indulged the hope,' responded
the genilenun, with a
AMERICAN SERVANTS. entertaining Romance of History.
Numherleis amusing stoiiee arc told Biographies and notices of Dislin
WArinlh WlllCtl I illiialrttnrr lltn ntifitnpec nf nnr rf nil 111 I vvk u I " ' J
V l U...,a I.. .! l,oDl,a f l,i l.. .!... ..I .1 r. 'B ' "B uiiu hl ,
'"""B1" i- .vi.o .... j uuiiia, riiutaicu in uiu uuiiiuy, iui mu n value, which we slinll continuo to present in the
he an tit ul colloquist, and made her retreat a uali on of servants in fashionable circles. & Courier.will be a full and interesting account of the
nxe, piogress. anil present elevated standing ol nil
hl .. ..www.v ItlmitwTtimhpii men. ot the Taut and rrp.rnl. fnt
Bssnsiales from childhood, and our families witticism, is not the worst wo have home or abroad.) in all drnaitmcnt of Art.Sciencc
nhvavs unnn terms of intimacv. llialUpnr- Literature, bt.atcsman.diip, Toetry, Mcchauicf,
j m,-, ... .,.:..h. T), ;.:., mi,.,i;. .,,
... , . , 4luiiiiiii.,k.iikui,ui.,i.iiitiiiK, .'ii.ii.imiiuij,i, . iv
vie siiouiu oc mutually conuucivo 10 eacn A young man Irom Vermont was Inreil This will be a very inteiesting feature for the
other's hapoiness.' by a family who were in ureal want of a Voung. It will be a department of tho Couiicr,
n .'in iU l..t.. .l.nno, r fi . r ii I wiiicn Unas ccr occu our nim 10 renucr oi incsu-
Certainly! returned the lady almost footman. He was a most friendly person mallle vallle(o tho,Bforwhom wc feel so dee,, an
hrcalhless with surprise, 'I tttist that Wve, as willing as he was free and easy, interest us we do for tho Young Men of our great
we shall never cea-o to bo friends. hut he knew nothing of life out of a small I'."1 Erow" Lo,ul"fy- "f, languished
, , . i ,, i i i i I i.mcii arc oi jnutn vaiue io iniic who are yet lorm-
More than friend?, Hetty, rjaculalcil the farrn i0Uge. An evening or two after his ing their on n characters; for the purpose of enact-
lover. Uniual. ilipre was n 'fiiir nnrlv nt ii ing their parts, correctly, on the Great Stage of
.n i ti i. i . .. ... Human l.ilc.
-mercy ii r. ih-uiv, mr "House. lllsmtsiress strove U) impress Indeed we hone that tlii
The subscribers have established at tin
above placo, a new MJ1UHU2 YAH IK
and will always be ready, al the shortest
notice, to furnish to order,
or any olhor work in their line. They are
also prepared to Itiruisi WINDOW CAPS
Sic. cither of Ma.ble, hi inn or ;iuy kind ol
stone that can bo procured in this vicinity.
frTMIaving had considerable expencnre
in the business, they pledge their work to
he executed in as handsome a.stylo as can
be furnished from any yard cither in the
ity or coiiiitrv; and on as reasonable terms,
Bloumsbtitg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28
Chair Manufactory,
I UL, fuoicritier continues to carry on
husincsH at the old slimd of !! Si S. IlAgcn
burn, wIiitc lie will lie ready at all limes
lu futnish Fancy it Windsor Chaiis, Set
tees, Huston Rucking Chairs &e, of every
escription, wliieh may he ciilled lor, al
short nolico and on the most reanonabl
terms. He will also exeeuii Hiiiihp, Sign it
Ornamental I'aiutiug, and House Papering,
in a superior manner,
Itd in his experience in the business, ami
his facilities of manufacturing the various
irticles of his line, he Hatters himscll thai
he shall ho able lo furnish as good work,
ind upon as reasonable lerms as can bt
done in the country, all of which ho will
dispose of lor CASH or COUNTRY
N. H- Orders from a distance will be
mietly ai.d punctually attended to.
Hloomsl urg, Dec. 30, 1813.
J, 13 YE 12.
H"s i:si'i:t;TFtJi,i.
iiiforins his fricni!
and llio travelling public in
jeneral. that lie has taken
f 12 the ;d live Hotel situate in
the centre of the town
Catawisaa'oluinliia conn
i-- ty l'a. and fonnely occiiiii
cd by 1). Oliirk. Wheie he will bo happy lo wait
u lion those who will lavor him with their cni-lniii
The otel is large nnd commodious and well
furnished throughout, nnd no pains will be kpared
to render general satisfaction.
coll is table, will be furnihlied with the best th
unlry can oflord.
His liar is well stored with the best of liquors.
Kxccllcnt stabling is nttuched to the cstahlixh
ment and careful and attentive hostleri are ulway
in attendance.
L'dtlavisa, May 13, 1813 :t.
HKRHAS", the Hon. Joscrn R. Aithont
I'residciitofthc Unnrl of Oyer and Ter,
miner and (Juii-ml Jail Delivery, Court, of (Quarter
sessions of tho Peacc.and Uotirt of Uomnvii nca
and Clrnhniia' Court in the eighth judicial illsinct
composed of thu counties of Norlliuinberlaiu',
Union, Columbia and Incoming; nnd the Hot
William Donaldson and uwri'C Mack, r.s-
luitcs, Associate Judges lu Columbia cnuiity.huM
issued their nr"cenl be.irning dale tho 91th il.iy o
August in I Ii e year ol our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty-four .and to mo directed,for
Jl Court of Oter and Terminer, and Otu
cral Jail JJclivrry, ucnerai quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common Picas
and (Jrnlian a vourt.
IN DANVILLE, in the County of Columbia
on the third Monday of Nov. aext, ileitis the
loth Jay) and to conlirtio two weeks
IMoiKo is therefore hereby civrn to
Inc Coroner, the Justices of the Pence, and Con
tables ol the said county of Columbia. Ihu' they
bo then and Ihero in their proper persons, at 10
clock lu llie toreiinon ol suid day, Willi then
records, inquisitions mid other remembrances, to
llioso things which to their nllices appertain
be done. And llmso that arc bound by recogni
zanrcs, to iiifsecute .igaiiiHt lie prisoners that nie
oc may be in lie Jail ol Mini county ot (oluinlia,
are tone then mid tbeie lo jirosecule ngiiiiikt then
as shall bo just, Juiuisare rrquested to bo piiuu
tuol intlieir attendance, agreeably in their notice
Dated at Danville, tho 2'ith duy of IJitiiin
tho year of our Lord one thousand cighl
hundred and forty-font and in tho C8 jeai
of tho Independence of tho United blalc
of America.
ik am Di:nn ahcij,
Snr.nirr's Orricr, Danville
Oct. SS. 1841
Jenarlment of the
. . i ... . i . - . ... . i .
mean -J una, John, come neiei sain ne I u pon In ni that all he had to do al tea lime. Courier will bo worth inoro (each year) to every
beckoning to her brother and sister, who wi)g (,, follow, with the
and cream.
family who have sons and daughters to be rea-ed,
t Ilbun five times th, uinount we ask for a vears soli.
the waiter who ranied the tea to see thai scription to the Saturday Courier:
very one had the sugar snd cream, and In Incidents, Hinloriei Scenes, Jiutlle
hold hii tongue, lie did his pan with an Grounds. iyc, of the American and alt
are earnest fare, stepping- industriously from oilier Kcuoiuiions.
m !.! Wlipn l.r. Imt n.mlc iI.p Under this head, f w liieli is, by the way ,not at all
,.n r .I,. ,ln, a .1,,1,, Buurl "i"! .""ur "M. T "? ?ff then that well known Hand, in Hlooms
w...i... ...... . .. I AiiM llll'lt mini; uccuunin "ill HMiMl.i 11 I'l'uui 11 Ull . , , , ,.
U'l, a.l.l -liolu.l,, ,..Mm, Iinr ,.!.. ..I....I I. .. r.. .Il.....r, 11 nf ll.n lin i l!,lo.u cr. I ,rnr.icl . " " 1 (I . I II r III C r I V l C ) I OV Vll,llll HOIII-OI
"'! " '";i ,i-v.u.w.ii6 1 nun wiivtni'i a uruiiii 111 1110 111 1 iiium curiiei iiimi"i - n , ,
were a few rods distant.
'I do not u.ideistand you sir.'
'Then you are alieady engaged!'
'No yes why, Mr. .you
jesling are you not aware V
Speak for heaven's sake of what!'
Ifrag's a good dog,
Hut Holdfast is better.
rBTIHrc undersigned would return his sincors am
H humble thaiihs to the citizens of IJ loomt-liu ru
and vicinity, for the favors thus far bestowed upon
turn, and would still lurthcr ak a conlinuanco ol
the same, so long only as satisfaction is rendered
Ho would not my, t ome tine eume all, but conn
as many as conveniently can. Neither would h
promii-e, (as others have,) to do his work bettci
than can tic done in any other shop in tho place-
but in short, he would neither bisg nor banter, but
Icfy any one who does brag to do work neater thai
lie does, in till cans. Ho has also lately receive
the lato
Brandroth's Pills,
TTGAfnU chatorisiil in an indivi.l list by
I jl. the absence of ill pain, Kiilt'erlngi or Direction
hi ony naitof lis bodvi bv tho free and regular rj
rciofhis functions without buy exception,
They consist In having a good appetite st mml
time, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without
looseners or cosllvoncss nl least olice III PVery twenty-four
hours, nnd without hcot.diyness.or burnlnK
it the passage, the free Issue of the water " ithoiit
iicriuionv or hurtling, and without a reddi,h ncdi
ment which is always sign of a present or anap
pro.ichltig paint unlet uleen without agitation nr
tiuoblesonic dreamt; nn taste of lilo or other bad
t.isleln the mouth Upon rising in the morning; nn
snu-ness or dlsagrrcablo rising of lie stomach; it
lean louguc; a sweet btcallil no itching, pimples nr
pots on tho skin! tlo piles! I Hi btirtiing heal upon
any purt of the body; no cxcenslvo thirst when tin-
I'vposeil 10 labor or other known cause; no liner,
ruplion to any natural evacuation, nor pain at their
pinoilical return.
Where the stale of tho system does not hailnnn
izo willi the abovu picture of health, it U of thu
greatest imporlanco that no lime be lost in sending
for n doctor, or in the use of foolish remedies ton
often tho result of speculation; instead of this course
to a dose of IlllANDKF.TH'8 PILLS be token,
which will not deceive, but will nt once icstoio
health lo the organ or part that reipiires it.
All who wih tn preserve their health, sll who
uro determined to defend iheir life against tho en
croachments of disease which might send them pre-
nut u rely to the grave, will, without hesitation, havn
recourse to tho randreth Pills, when the stall1 of
tin system does not harmonist) with tho above pic
tuio of health.
Those, who live in n country where contagious or
ither diseases prevail, should often think of this
true picturo of health, and observe himvelf with par
licnlar attention, in order lo act accoidiugly. Tho
rtiseiind rightly directed will lubow Hits advice
the unwise arc left to their own destruction.
A 0 E N T S.
Washington Robert M'Koy.
Jcrscytown L. it A. 'I'. Wiscl.
Danville li. 11. Reynolds & Co.
Catlawissa C. R. Ilrobst.
Dloomsliurg J. R. Mover.
Limestone Rabbit & M'Ninch.
Ruckhnrn M. (5. Shoemaker.
Lime. Ridge Andre ec .1iller
icrwick J W Stiles
May 4, 18412.
IIlooiiislHirsr, Colninhia Co. I'si
THE subseriber respectfully informs his
friends, and the public general!) ;that he has
composure and ultimately breaking into a 0f tho room hail the benefit of his attention
merry laugh, that I have been a marriedL,,, rasing himself on his toes, and pulling
vioman these six iceeksl his hand iu his month fur a truinnui. he
'Oh 1 ! ' cried out 'I say! ho are ye oil" for sweet
Hut I have no room for more, and if 1 j,' jn ij,at ere corner!'
had, ii is verv doubtful whether 1 ought
to wute It. THE YELLOW DOG.
hurt.', formerly kept
and thai the House and Stables are under
lining a thorough repair As his bar will
wa he lurilitdied with the choicest ol
Liquor, mid his Larder with llie hcH the
tuddcu through the deeply important history ot
the American Revolution, and of all other revolu.
lions that we may regard of tho least interest ol
value the readers of tho Philadelphia Saturday Cou
er. l ms wn. tie ot ueep consequence, ai.o, lo afl.,r(( BmJ ,avinB Bod Slabline
public, who may rh.wbii to do ihcmsclu s and us lm boMlt rs, he wiih roiirtdenee
tho favor of tccurinir. lenulailv. l ie vihits of the invites an to call antl tesl Ills alilllly as a
Courier at their Family Fireside. caterer the palate and stomach, nnd Hal
j'Dt'UiiAK iufutjHAi'iii. Jo grainy the tors himself that none will leave dissatisfi
growing appttllc lor a better knowledge ul tho mi
'1 have observed that artists never givelproaehing a wood chopper by the road
that singular appearance of fatigue andside,the Yankee cries out-Misler,havo yon
n, Mu,l.l ..II. n ,.! ,ln,v nl,n..t ilm ' . " b," ' . " . 7. ." ' . ? " ". "' Kl1 Willi ireauiieni,
Yankee who lost Im yellow dog. An lour jast cxtrtionA fchall he redoubled in future u
p;vuill .l.lii pLiuiia ui .iii.iiiuii iiiit n, o im,
mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc.
Our original domestic Julen, J-.tintn. I'ntms,
hours ago, and you'll find him about a mile t'o- ...
J , i i -i 0a AonicoLTCiiiHT occupies weekly an
and a half, or two m.les a head, with a tall porant spucc, wih all matters of interest for
ahnnt an inch, an inch anil ball, or two nooe lifers or me sou:
vur European orrcponacnis, in i,iverpooi,
inches long.'
one might almost say of illness-whieh is seen a yaller dog agoi,,' along here, about '- . "ZtuXZ
the characlenyio of Arabian horses, and la vear, a year and a half, or two years old!' productions are acknowledged in be tho best, foi
more especially of the mares, when tied 'Yes,, feplied the choppnr, supposing Ysn useful instruction at tho family liriVide, that appeal
up near their masters. Look at that sor kee was quizzing him 'I've seen a yel 0uii Ksonivrns comnriso subiectsin all brun-
ry jtde-standing beside a lance, which shellowdog goin' along here, about a year, a chea of Art and Nature, suitable for tho family cir-
. v. n... i.... ,.:i : i .. l,l. ,., , ana appear in rapid succession.
. b' '-e, . j OUR TK V l'J,l,F, is constantly traversing
--gen, tier ncau uroops, anu irom tier neck about an hour, an nour anu a nan, or iwo tie world, in search ot the wonderful and inttruc
'hangs a long, scanty mane: but let her
master call her, and the faithiul animal
starts, her nostrils expand, she pricks tier
ears, and no soonor has lie mounted her,
'than off she starts, swift as wind, with
tipltlicd head and tail. Instead of holding
his muzzle close to his chest, the Arabian
horse ratries Ins head horizontally He
does not show tial ardor which is lollow
ed by exhaustion; but takes whatever nace
his master pleases, as if llie noble creatute
comprthf ndrd his otderf. If his rider fap
or dismouutu, he keeps eo-e in him, even
on the field of battle. The following me
considered as signs of a good bread; The
back, from the wnhi-rs to the root nf tin
U. must be perfeuf illy horizontal, the
'thighs wide anari and the lower part il
the head somewhat like that of n camel
'that is lo say, so formed that a msu in
easily introduce m- lir mm the niouil
which denotes g-ca facility in liri--0uif
1 here aie, 'besides, many quant rt
Mliich I am ignorant or, mil which
. , I L . I . . .
viouiu oe teuinus in enuineraie, 1 may
odd, tlial the Al "is see-n on i kilful
in the treatment uf l-otsco as mir veierinu
ry rvroftssors ate, I have seen them give
The worlh of the pudding is told in the rating,
'nine give it a trial, there will bono cheating;
lieastund Man shall always go away rejoicing,
Sweating ly the powcrs.tliey'lleall on returning.
Juno 8, 18117. 3m
In the rum bottle, discontent seeks fot
oinfiirt, cowardice for courage, and modes
ty foj impudence!'
Very true, but does he find it? A man
with the glass, is like a fly with tho glass;
die more ean't got through, the mote he
runs his head against It.
London, Ireland' tho East, i,c. keep us regularly
advised ol all jtimecUotspncial inleictt.
Our Markets and Prices Current.cmlracc all tin
earliest adviceB in reference to the prices of akind
of (irain. Produce, &c, the stale ol' Stock s, Ranks.
Money ,uid Lam's, and our cxtciuive arrangements
will herealtcr render our 'rices Current ol inesti
mable value to tho Traveller, Farmer, and all Uu-
siucss Clasbcs whatever.
Courier Huildlng, 97 Olieuiut treet, Phila,
A dealer ill shell fish advertises that his
oysieis am as a young man just out of the
country, and will go down us Goliah when
killt-d by a kling.
A clergyman in the county of Essex,
E"fc , has, it is stai'd, a son only 14 years
ofnge, who is six feet ih i e e inches high,
snd stout in .proportion, hu foot measuring
thirteen and a hall mi lieu. JJ is parents
are specified as being below 'the medium
stature and liu relations all ul a, moderate
Eitute of PhUip Dodder, lute of Orang
township, acccasca.
To the Public.
THE subscriber desirous of qiiiling bus
mess requests all those indebted to him to
nialtp payment immediately.
I lie following pnrcs will be paid for
I'KODUCE in exchange for his
in hind
OOOI) WHEAT lper bushel.
RYE iSX ets. P
CORN 1 5 and .10 els.
OaTS 25 ei-
FLAX SEED $1 25 els.
ICT Goods sold at com for tho cash
Ii u t no credit given alter this dale.
Sept 01811.
1. 1st ofl.cltcis
RUMA1NING in the Post Office at Cattawiksa
the quarter ending S'ep. UO, IBM.
Arthur Robert
ownian F. L.
Benjamin Frederick
Jrirsbarh Yost
Federolph Adam
(icarhart Wni, 'i
llowHid ,1ichucl R,
OTICK n hereby given that letters of admin
istraliou, on the above mentioned ctU',liai
rm triintr.1 to the subscriber rcsidine In tin
township of Orange. All pctsons indoblcd to the I Knccht Jacob
aid estate are hereby notified to mako immediato o-rfn 1 -r
iiavnipftt. nnd thiiKii bsviniF claims ure rennesli-d i,,Paxton J. 1)
present them ptoperly authenticated foi ccttlcmrri ''llfr Henjamin
before tho first of INovcmber next.
Orange lp. Hept. 7, 184420.
Kvler 11 in.
yingley John
Tandcnson Rachel
Word John
Wall Philip
Waples Ronton W,
llreshlcr Jonathan
Ilrock Silali 8.
Denglar Ainhony
Derr John
Henningrr Daniel
Kanovei John
Kimplo William
Mears Georgo
Princo Lycauder
Rohrbaik Win.
Sharplcss Jos. or John
Bchiiirck Daniel
Thomas A. 1).
Wilson Alexander
Wauamaiicher Jacob
Yetter Rarbaryann
The IJIoonihhur EC. BS. 1.
JUAi Keep constantly on hand, a large a-
soriiiiuiu ui
which Ihoy will sell ly WHOLKSAI K and RK-
l Alli, f goott trvniM . Ihr artltlri
can be rlnrlierr purrhmvil. Meichants und
others, may find it to their interest to call. II
kinds of grain received in payment.
JOSKl'H PA.TUi, PMlSini.Nr
with which he is prepared to do vvoik Foshlonabl
and neat, and will guarantee a good tit at all tinu
for anv one who may favor him with a call.
His shop is al tho old stand occupied by bin
for a number ofyears And the latch string vvil
be IouqiI out at all tunes. As lo prices he vvishet
to be understood that he intends to do work as 'ow
as any of his neighbors, and as usual, all kinds nl
country produce tuken in exchange for woik don
at his (.hop.
llloomsburg, October 15, 1814 25.
Register's Notice.
fBO all legatees eredilois, and other persons in
U tcrested in the estates of the respective ucce
ilciil and minors that tho administration ami guar
bans accounts ot the said estates have been hied
the Oll'ice e.f the Register of the county of C'olutnli
nd will be presented fur the eonhtmation and al-
nuance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Jau-
II It-, in and for the counly aforesaid, on Wednes
day the 'Jllth day of Nov. next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
1 The account of Philip Ohristman, ail
iiiinis'.ialor of the estate of Otisper Christ
man, Lite of lilnom towntdiip, deceased
2 I he accounts ol Reuben I'lihrmgi r and
George nunc, administrators ol the esiale ol
iicob b u no, late ol Roatiugcreek tuwnshii
3 The account nf Charles Ctnjsley, atl
ininistrator of the estate of Elizabeth CroSb
lev, late of Hemlock township, deceased
1 I he account ol George Ktlchuer anil
William Kclchner.execulois of the Ia6t will
ud testament of Henry Kelchncr, lato ul
llrierereek township, deceased
) 1 ho account ol Marv lioslcr, atltnin
istraloi of the estate of Frederick Hosier jt
ate or.Mililm township, deceased
b I he account ol J. 1'. bauudersnn ai.d
Riuhard Wison, surviving execulors of the
last will andjtcslament of Samuel Doudjalr
of Liberty township, deceased
7 1 lie final account of Abriham lless
one of tho execulors of Dewalt Ilahn, late
of Mifilin township, deceased
o 1 ho linal supplementary account nl
U,.ra o llavliurst, uilininistratur ol tlic es
tale of Jacob Kostrnb jdtr, lute of Mifilin
township, deceased
I) I he account! of William Iddiugs, Ih
guardian of Mary Cat'iarii o Kreisher mill
nf Rtir.hael Ivrvishcr, two of the eluliliei
ind heirs ol George Kreisher, deceased
10 I he accounts of Davttl Davis hiiiI
Saiiiucl Houdtnaii, executors of the hifcl w ill
lid tebtamenl of Jaiiits I'. Doilduiaii, lali
of Valley township, deceiibed
II I he accounts ol Michael tvandcrs Hint
Michael Weriiiiiin,e.eoiiior of the last wilt
iml tuetcmem of Michael Sanders seti'r, law
nf Montour township, deceased
Chair iTIniiufaciory.
TIIH subscriber having established n V. II
Cll.lllt .T..VZ'.CVYZfl on M;w
street, near the residence of L. 1). Man", he is now
prrpaicd to furnish Cmm ot every dcsenplinii, on
as good terms as they can Ic )iurehaud elsewheru
n the county.
Such as Bed Posts, IVazgon Hubs,
Hose JJlocks, cj-c.
This latter branch, from his experience, he believes
he van do a little belter than any oilier pert-on in
this section.
(TV POPLAR PLANK will be taken in pav-
merit at tho highest market price
Rlooinsburg, July 4. 1 81 j. 1 1 tf
Till-: subscriber having established a 'API. It
MILL at MILL GROVE, near Roonibbur,
Columbia county, where he hostile latcM Imciiuvi i
MAeiii.Ni.iir, and having followed the lusiness for
twenty yearshe is confident lie can furnish as good
paper as any m llio country ami on as reasonaiuo
leniiH to printers, Merchants and Lawyers. or any
persons who may wont tho article. He alm.keeps
constantly on hand Attorney's Oap, Fool's Cap,
Letter, writing, Printing anil Wrapping papcroi
all Hinds Also, an assortment nf School Minus
Also.Ulank Rook, Bxtra lound. t ull bound, ami
half bound of all sizes and, assoilment of writing
books &c. Ho is ready to exchange the iibove for
Paper or Rooks, for Raf,s of smug.
ilillgrovc; February 20 1 811 if.
Ri:aisTF.n Orrici: Uauville,
Oct. 10, 1811:
i....,.. . nt ...i- r? y ti'mi'i'mvo il
fKt 'Av . " v.:, . r : ; : r 1 uro,
SUMMONS just printed and for sale at
this OtRco
J'erson calling for leltrra in the above lift will
Oct 19, 1611,
Est ale. of JOHN BO IV YE R, late of
Monlcur township, Columbia co.
"SL.TOTICF. ia hereby given that letters nf Ad
j ministration on the above mentioned Estate
havo hecii granted to tho subscriber residinir in
Mouteur ill persons indebted to tho said En.
tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment
aim muse niving nanus are rvqucsicu ill prt'beu
them, properly authenticated, to
JOHN DlETEHIUil, Adiniuistrator.
Auc'iH 10, IHtl, c 17
NOTICE is hereby given, lo llie Stork
holders in ihe Ciiinpan, lot eieetini; a
Bridge over the Nnnli Ilr.ineli of the Sti
qiichaiMia, belweeu the town of Caliaiiissii
and ihe iiioinh ol Fislni gi'ircli, tha ibi
Uoard ol Managers have da t'ee and
a dividend if reient) fneeeiits pi r hhre,
foi the last six months (equal lo 0 pel cent
per ain'.uiii) which will he paid to the flni k
linlili'is or tin ir legal tepreseiiuiivei-,oi ami
after the Ufuli insianl. hy
Caiiawiss.i. 0. I- r 1814
"AME into my enclosure, tho fore part of
v'f-'ept., last. Two two vear old, and one vcirl.
iug lleitl'er. One Re , and ono of iheui Red and
White, and nnou dark bundle, with a white streak
length ways of her bark. Thu owner ia requested
lo prove property, pay charges and take them
Hemlock. Oct. 21 18-14.
fast of Letters
REMAINING in the Post Oflko at Dlooms
burg, for tho quarter ending Sept, 110,1811.
John Illocltsdgo, Daniel Dorr, William VAVmgif .
Charles W. Forlncr, Peter Hagenbuch, Thorna
cnnaugliam Joseph W. Kcster, Palrich Mr.
Oormick ienncvello, John McNultz, A, A.
Mackdowcll, William Richard, Charles btitlcr.
Persons calling lor letters in the above lilt will
plcate aay they aro advertUcd.
J. M. MOYER, V. M,