DESTRUCTION OF THE NESTOM AN MISSION. - ,, i ...lin.irif inlpltiirenm i no -.mowing h..-"... wnr.opy from the New York American. Tho edl.nrs say that the Ic.u-r ts from a reliable source- Fxl rue', from u Idler, dated CoNSTANTINon.H, August 28, 1811. 1 write in great haslc, lo inform you that tlic mission at Uroomiali, nan neon i.rnUwii no fthe schools being discontinued) M . .1... U .lien. lliiilliavlvi-M. Willi mar I)V lllu 1 COUM laiia .---i Yohtniiu, (the Hishop who visiteti mo u, Slates) t Uicir head. Man) reasons are usKigniid, but there is a report which ronies from an authoritative source, that ilm Nestorians often begged to have their Si riptures printed for ilium, but instead, the missionaries are continually making and ...iniinir books of their own, and are al ways preaching to them about leaving oil" heir fasts &!. Mar Shimon, (the I'.ilri nrih.) savs they shall be expelled fiooi the iiiuiiry. 'This which follows is ihe exiiact Ifnin his letter : We would farther make you acquainted with what has just happened' in Oio miah, aiming those Americans who ate residing there. Quite a quarrel ha taken place be tween ihe lltshops and ihe people on the one side, and Americans on the other, on Hd'ntinl of tin; improper proceedings: ol the Isller tn ill" siinl uhvii. I Ins led I" a eoiin ell .of the zealous ami true shepbcril-. wnli their .ralnmal sheep, anil tiev i losed up and dibani!ed Ihe vain schools which the' A inericans had established in Ornomiah. We moreover. Iiave wiitleii lo them a letler, undci our seal, that the schools should ir main cloi.ed.aiul that the Americans should be sent away from there.' Melting on Elcutians. Apropo3 ofbei ting here is a speotuwrij from a Michigan paper, which is the best bet on the election we have seen. Some Yankee girl is offer ing to bet on I'nlk's election ivith any re fipectabln. good looking voting man, as fol lows; 'The stakes shall be the parties; it I'olk is elected 1 win, ami marry the geu llcman who bels ag&insl me; K he is not the urnlleuian wins and marries ine.' Till' COST. It s, peiliips, not ixiggeraiion lo cs imalo the cosl of lliu lefenl I'i esidun Hal campaign, lo Iho Wniv, at a sum .greatoi ill hi thai incurred hy Ihe wholi ronniry during her two wars ivilli Great Jlritain. The piifii to coonery ha. been very small compiled wnli tin ou lay. ll wa- going through a great ilral, lo arrive al veiy litiii;,' as til 'rhariy hoy said when lie got lo the end ol ine aipnauui. MAIN LINE. 'I'hi: Cii'nmi'jii)nfr f.r th sile of fl'ock in ihe Pt-iiui Ivania Canal and J t Company, ngi e-able to the ac.i ol ihe Legislature, met at the Exchangt Philadelphia, on Monday la,ind fixed upon Ihe 20 li of January IS 15. as tin day fur ax)0iug said stock lot sale. J. Washington Tvsin. E-q. has lentlpied lo I'rciuVnt Tyler hi resign lion of ihe office of Assitinl Poslmas lei Geneial. With the Piesidenl am all Ihe friends of ihe adminis' riiinn;Mr. T. continue,; io hear Ihe nio-l Irienillji ami i ii i i male relations. Who his suc cessor will he is not yet known. GIANTS. Nathan I.nmpman, of Coxsackiu N. Y., who is now sixteen years of age, and seven eet one inch in height, bids fair to become a man of higher standing in Ihe world dun any man now living, having grown ninri inihes during the pat; and on the usual rules of growth, will probahU reach at least one fool more. He weighs 108 pounds. Jiidgiui! from analogy, in such unuatuial cases, by ihn lime ho gets bu ful) grow th upwards he will begin in become, corpulent, and may :iliain ihu minis. i'r b.illi if IJ;iuh Lambert, if not surpass ii Lambert fas a name nf England, and was buried at Sl.imford. bete livo suits of it is r.loihes are prei-ervud for die iuspectinn flf the curious. Mr. Lambert's hulk did )HH increase above tho ordinary size until lie had reached the sge nf 21. A pair of stockings made for and worn by him measured in circumference, al the ancle, twentyfour inches, and at iho calf nearly forty inchcs.-T0 wei-ht of ,,,j8dly done in a ivell .eHulaled respectablo e.lahli.l.. "o" """.iiiniit. He hones hv fcli'ct alien ion lo hiisiness mars ol mortality was 072 lbs. TART REPLY; Last night, says Saturday's Baltimore Argus, about 12 o'clock, a nuisy brawling whig, who nas iliiliugiiislied himself for his recent whig bacchanalian songs and re joicing?, after hearing the result of New , 'urk State, cried nut under tho window of a gond denincrat in High street, Harruh for Polk and starvation when a lady in tho I10116U raised tho window and replied, Gupi) bye war, prslilcncc and famine,'' David Mllcr Cenvicletl.n.ivU Miller who was recently indiclctl in Ualtimoro, on a charge (if conspiracy to vole fur certain amatSmB fm,ucen or more-win we, . ,,,,,,, ourglli ,ho 3ril. n Haltim'tre, al (lie Governor's election on the 3ud tilt, was tripd a day or two ago, convicted, and sentenced to 0 months' i rri prisonmcnt anil a fine of 9100. A PRESENT. The publishers and bnokcllers of Now York eiiy have caused to bo prepared a hcatitilul rosewood rocking chair, cushiuned and lined with crimson velvet, and finished in the highest style. It wm shipped from thai pori, the oilier day, for England, it being intended as a present to Miss Jane Porter. A suitable letter accompanied thu chair, and it will ho presented through the .old Mavor of London. The Marquis of Cara Irnj", who has re cently assumed the title, through marriage. of Duke of Sinloinayoi, has been appoint ed minister from Spain to the court of Lon don. The duke was born in Philadelphia mid is a son of the Marqus of Oara Irujo.foi many years minister from Spain to tilt United Stales, and who in 1800 married a dauihter of iho lalo Gov. M'Ke.iu ol Penna. WILD PIGEONS. For two morning.", ;ay Ihe Nilivilli Gazttieof the 25 h ul, the skies havi been lner..H' hid from tbe view by jm lifcnse fl icks of wild pigeons so heav 'hat lliey can only he computed b quarc miles and acies IJ011UOWLVG A II AT TO HURRAH WITH. II. C. Wright, in niif of his leltei- fi oni Dublin o Ihe Is ision Lbeialor gives a tloci iplion of a scene which fol lowed O'Coiine'l's libeialion. 'AH lb people.' lie says, 'seemed fantic will oy. Tnosi! who had no hais or caps lo wing and throw up, waved tl:.! taller GA skirls of llieir "Id coils, g.iwns am cloak. One old woman, withered ami dirivelled. and bent all up, who in hei frantic ecuasy could gel hold ol noih ing lo swing, rcaclieii up ner wnneieo arm and seized the hat Pi a well ilressed gentleman who waf pushing his way past her, pulled it off and swtiuo it uhou her head, and gave thiee cheeis; ami huzzis for the Liberator, thru coo icplaced the list again on hid head; Hn gentleman folding his arms and letting ihe old woman swine. Ins hat lo lie.) bean's1 conieii'.' THE MARKETS. IJ1.00.MSIJUI10, Nov, 10, ISM. Wheal, to Rye, Com. '10 Cloverseed, 3 50 Flaxseed, 1 25 Uut'er. 10 Oats, 25 Egg--, 8 Tallow, 10 Lird Diicd App'es, 50 While i'eans SO Ueeswax CltiOCfft & WATCH rSJ'UUTTIJI.LY informs ihe ciliicns ol Columbia county, ami tlui piililic ociiurally tliat lie lias locntcil himself in l)lomlnirn,cjti Alain ptiect oppotiilc Ht. I'litil'n Clinrth, wbrru he has oiciisil a shop, unci in now rearly 11ml prepared to icccivo ami execute all work in liU line nf liiisimv.s, uiih ilispalcli uiiil in u ivorkmaiiliko inauiier. Clocks & Watches of ti 10 lust ijuality, call he bad at Ills establishment on ery reaeonalilo tivm KUPAI1MNG & CLEAMXG will he ilnuo to tlienatUluclion of tbo ruslomer, ai well of ('locks and Watches as of JcwrUy, mid be will, further, warrant his work to ho exo'utoj a well as anv in this section ol tho hla'u. Ho will also iiiaku to order SURVKVl.VfJ COM PASSES or pocket, and in short, will do all other, work 'isu- und a ilesi-o lo please, lo leceive 11 liberal blniro ol patronage. Country Produce taken in payment for work at tlui market prices. llloointiurt', .November IS, IS l-l HO. ADiMiNisrn,n toiv s no tick. Estate of Conrad less late of Sngarloaf township, deceased, NO'VIVV, is hereby Riven that Idlers ol admin istration,ou thu hAovo mentioned ct-tate.havc been (rallied to tho mWriber rcwidiiis In the township of Sugarloaf. All persons hwlcliied to the said I'Istato are hereby notified to mako hiimcdiate payment, and those bavins claims aro rcipn-Htcd to present them propcily authenticated to WIM.IAM BSS, Adm'r. Noicmkr 10, 1811.-30, Grayed or'Wem Geods FKOM the stable of the .Vubscit'ic-, neni Moomsburix, on Saturday nljht, tli j Ulh hut. n snail UAUK BAY WO HSU with a small white spot on Ills forehead, and nino years old. Anypcrnon RiviiiR information where he may lie round, or retu n u him o tho subscriber, 1 1 a 1 1 unreasonably conipcnsateil lor ins irouiao liuun iw.uruviiiii ninomsburg: Nov. 101841. ERE! F ASH ION Alt I. Ij TAILOICINO. Come one, come, alt, give mc a call! rHllli sub.seilhcr rcturin bin unrerc thanks I for the liberal nalrotidcu heretofore bestowed upon him, and hopes for a continuance of the tame, with an i.icreaso uuo 1110 merit 01 1111 snop. jic in tends snariiin neither tiain or labour to render satisfaction in any cate-amd will warrcnt bis work done with tasto und diltiibilily.ANl) AiA'l"J'I.B NKATCIl THAN CAN 11B Ut)NU IN ANY 071U:il01' IN THIS PLACI'.. Ho Ins just received Midians, late rcpoit of I'-ifbions, fiom r In adclnbia. which can he seen nl ins xliop ai any time, by which he is enabled lo cut according lo Ibe la eat stvle. or to order. His nrices ate in accordance to ihe times. All kinds of country produce taken in payment for work at market price , ery reasonable discount lor cai-h. 1. .V. I.KIUY N. II. ('ultinii done wilh ibe greatest cure, anil it the shortest notice. P. S l Uloomsbu rg, Oct.. 181 .. List or Causes. For triti, November Term, 1S4-1. John F. Wolfineer, Ad'lor. do bones lion, ol Francis llM vs. John Ithoiuls. John N. Hart et al. vs ijamuel F. IIcuiI I ct al. William Monliionicrv el al s i-inci I.cidy. William Codncr Vs -loctdi Oibson. Aumislus I'. Willis el al. s JumilleoV, Foils. ville l!ail li'o.ol 1 omiianv. Jacob l.cisiieriii); et ul. vs Henry Fisher, adm et al. Knnwles I.aiicaster et al vg IJenjarnin Morris (!eo.-s;e II. (iehri'; vs Fredeiick t'ridlcy etal. John 'I'. l)ais Asbbel Ii. Wilhon liobert Montgomery vs Daniel S. Monlgomciy ixecutor. John Abarlim; et nl vs Samuel Mebary Moiris Mayor s (icorgo .irlzelet al Afinicl llainsey et nl vs Peter Ilaldy William Hitlerly vs Willinin li. Uighlcr IMwaid C'nrcv vs Isaiah Kliiimau ur 011 W. Wipples s John F. Mann et al James llarre adm'tor vs Samuel Uruglcr Leonard S.incman vs John Mc Williams Samuel F. Shatter et al vs John Shtill'er Samuel ('bides et ul vs Jnsiab (jilbraith Nathan Collin vs David 7'ctrikin Charles James et al vs John Chester ct al C.eorge Kaufman vh Thcinas lirnndou Northampton Dank at al vs Abraham Klotz Uowniau et al vs (Jeorge It. Slackhouseel al John Christophcl rs John Kisliel Sohn Fruit et al vs William liiddle jt al THAI' ERSE J Ull J Second Week. llriercrcck Samuel M. (iilmoru Kechncr, Joscpn lank lllooin Hubert niigenbuch C'atlawissa William Fox, lleniamin F. Frick Ceorge Shick, IVilliam Ccarheart Derry Thomas (ullen, Samuel Larnahan Fishingcrcck J oil 11 Heeler, jr (i recti wood Philip Itecse .lr.i kson Jbn Konce Limestone (ieorge Smith Milllin Joseph Kirdemlull, Vaiiicl !!unibobl laeob Vii he. Henry I.ehr. Chrirlniu all Mahoiiina; lleniamin illidins, Thoma Woods, Jcob Olnistead Madison John Ilcl., Amos Ulsel, Isaac Ue- moll Hubert Stout, Jacob A wisher Ml Pleasant liobert Nixeu, John .Iiicoby Mont ur John lioyer, Joseph .Iousei' (Sam uel l.iuarus lioaiitiL'cieck Edward II uglier, Michael Ii Ilnwer Valley James Cary Suguiloaf Joshua Urink TIM 'LESS JURY-Pint If'eek. Hiiercreek Isaac Vocum, Stephen Mansfield. John Kuorr, Luther llr wu, Jacob 14 ill, Thomas Conner Cattawissa- John Hartnian Drrry Jubn CruVfoid. jr. SumucI Laird, Jo soph Craig 1 islitngcrctk Jiunes hyer Greenwood John Staley, William Fdsar Hemlock Joshua Mcnde 1I10II' John Pursel, Liberty James 'erry, J bomas Uullci, Win. Uavis Limestone Michael Hawk, Willium Urady, ji Jacob fiouer jltidison William Swisher, Jacob Wcllivei Mnboiiiiig William Kitchen, William Hemic. Charles Darns Ml Pleasant Isaac Musgrovo Monleur Andiew Clark Orange Isaac Kline, sen. Koaringerctlt Silas Johnson, Jesse Price, John llogclaud, Peter lloflinan alley U illlain Caldwell, Joseph Mans .11 IKY LIST November 'Perm Grand Jury. lllooin Charles Kiibler Hiiercreek- Samuel llciring, John Frccso Dcrry Tcmpleton Allen Fishingcreck Isaac Hobbins, sen, Jamos Hea- ock Greenwood Nicholas Kindt Hemlock J ihn Cox Jiicksou Chester Smith Liberty Ucorge Sweny, Hugh McWilliuuis Limestunc Daniel Foibncr Madison Levi Disci, Nehomiah Wcllivcr Mahoning-John U. ounor, Henry 1), D. Scchler Ml 'leasant James (irimrs. Joseph Cilbort Moutcur Krum, William Deal .S'ugarloaf Solomon Davis, John Kline, 7avid icivis Vallcj (lalebApjilcinan 9 Seasonable and Cheap. HA'V'H just rcroivcil from Fliiladelpain,ilnl are now opening n large ansoitnicntof 1TEV7" GOODS, which they offer to tho public at tho most reduced prices for CASH OR COUNTRY IM10DUCI2. 1 heir flock of goods conils in pirt, jf Superfiino common ami coarse cloths, cassimcrs, Satinets, Muslins, Silkfi, Satins, Mnuselino de l.alues, Lawns, Merinoes,Laces, American Nankins, brown Hollands, Flannels, i'ill and cot ton Velvets, Silk and cotton Hnndker chicfsj.ady's atidflenllcmcn'sWhito & colored Hose Cloves and Mils or am. sonrs and si.ks, Sic., 'ir,, itc., Sic, IB(SJS33iniBS Consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES & TEAS of assorted qualities. MOLASSES, FISH & SPERM OIL. Tobncco, SnulT, Spices, Salt,4Soap, Caudles, cVc.&c L I V E IIP 0 O L C7.. at..iss' AND lticcnswnrc of every description that may be required. Hardware.Cutlery &c OF ALL KINDS. Ear, Ealltd. I font) and Hand Irmi d IVagjnn ''ire nf every description im may ue tuuea ur, A I---., ..f 111 !.!.. , i imjit ...-.-,.111 iiii iii in 1 nun 011s. tinsel-., 1 ue, ct....l. in. ,r..: ..... .... oiiij.ii-.iiuu 1 niu-s, jmiivcs oc corks, I'ncKit inn I'en Knives, I able mid I ea Simons, eollei' .Will Flax seed Oil, and spirits cf T ilrtieulliie: sMciiin brushes, weavers brushes shoe brushes, t lth hmi cs, corn binoms, &c. The public are requested to call and cxamiui Ihemsehes licloro lliey purcliasu elsewh sell cheap and 110 mistake. Illwiii.-,liurg, Nov.'J, 1811. SU, KB1IT & liKFTo Under tho hctdins of Real', Read, Road, will he seen an arlico in ihe. lale Democrat wiitien, as iho tvrilrr says, fur the purpose nf retracting and reasserlini;, asseittous iiimiIh by tho writer, After which hu cues 111 with a yam in Iho folowiur inauiier. I shnll endeavor lo perfmn my task aerord my to tbe nature of the subject, and rest uli iny asseriiuns upon rcasniiahli! and .'ml 11 foundations, such as cannot ho shaken it Alter which lie claims 'o have kept to tl( iruih for once. Hod the Honorable said mil 'resi my assertions upon unreiiMiiiahh mil sandy foundations,' 11 would have bei bniicnt to the pniut. Ilm 1 suitei 1 11 V last under tho lioadinr nf TRUTH W ITIIOUT FEAR, iho truth, tho v. hoi irtito am! iicihiug but tho uuili- and ilirre lore eoi'SKier u uniieci ssaiy Id rrn to tM rouble ol w asinio ink and imper, lor the purpose of answtrini! suth aituiiienis a.' ippenied out ihe signature of our llioihcr ('hip, lur ninth pan oT a man. As 1 sail before, all persons wi.-hin 10 know iln iruth can Ue saiisfied by callinj,' at my shop, is I am picpared, as before, lo show iln report and l-i.hioii as I lold the (ShNTLH MAN. Oar worthy sir talks of seolnn the fashion for ''II, but is not honest iiiouob i( guv N and live, Hut wo will not be haul mil, will attribute that to his shortness ul breath. as it takes a long winded man 10 sat I I and (he, which is the iruih, as bp fore stated. Tho Gentleman keens 'er dark about tho Ten Dollars I ofl'erfil lo I n him, nlicr denyiii); my having ihe N. Y01I, reports which I told bun I had ul the house I his as wpII as the resi. I am pirparnl 10 prove at ar.y tune, ami Ihr lark dare nm lake me up nor deny it. bin after a loop sij-h and a twist or lo, he nllowtd hi would not be nuch alraul to risk a V iIihi I cr.ultl nut produce ilic New Ymk renoris. hut look inlgliiy gond earn nut lo yet 011 iln money, knowing very well on uhiel side his bread was liu'irreil Rcciillrci oid birds are not to he caught wilh dial'; but a livo dollar hill would have a MroiiL't'r louden ;y to ketch them. 1 will not go iho Hon- hie of saying he had not the money (per haps) he had, hut did not like the notion 01 loosing it, by way of a bet of that kind. It boiug ihn fart thai the more truths I ass1;', ihn more falaehoods will he hacked up a gainsi ihein. I have for my pari, (so far) as honor lo inyst'lf and to my orcupalinn will allow me, delermined not to answer any moio such outlandish untruths, hut b way ul conclusion, I would now and for the last lime, say 10 our worthy friend I. tifier n resolution according to his own request in krep cool anil not swos.r, say (Farewell) and may you long live, and have time 10 repent, and enjoy yourself in this land nf I'naconnd I'lcnly Onco more, FARI5- WKLL. HF.RNARD RUPERT, llloomsburg, Nov. 0, 1811. TALL & WINTER NEW GOODS WM. M'KBLVY & CO; A VH just received, and are now opening n largo and c.xrcnsivc assortment ol Mew Goodie suitable to the season, Consisting nf all the variolic, ever kept hi a country store. Among their astorl incut may be louiul the follo.ving, Dry G-oods. Hroadc.lolbs, of all colors, iiualitics and prices Cassimcrs, Saltlnctts, snd various other kinds ol cUths, flannels Valencia, .ifarscillcs.&'ilk and otbe vcslings, French -uul lOnglish Merinoes, lloinlia 7,'uifs, Fashionable Calicoes, Irish Linens, tfilk Cotton and Linen Handkerchiefs, a variety ufSin and Cotton Stockings, Gloves and Mils for Ladies and Cenlleiuon, kid and leather gloves, bleach ei and unbleached Muslin, of almost every ipuililv Ticking and otliercotlou checks, Velvet caps, La dies and Children's shoes of ull kinds, Men's lliirt and thin boots and shoes India liub'ier over thoc." eoltoti yarn, carpet yam, candle wick, Acc. Liquors of all kinds, of the. hst qU'ility,MolasC' Vncai of various quality, ColVee, Te.ispiees.Spern and Fish oil, coarse und line .S'alt, Caudles, Fish CROCE1UI6Y. ,1 large assortment of Earthen Queens und G tnsswore. window glusx of all sizes, Louting glo.iie.t, fyc. Hardware. Cose knives amlforkx, shoe knives Bulls' and Screws uf till sizes, Pud a oil door Locks. Saddle Harness and Couch Trim mings, Suw Mill and Handsaws, round, square, and flat '.ur ir, n sheet iron, ivuggon tire, nf ull .vccs, in fact even thing in flic Hardware line from a cambric needle up to u blacksmith' anvil. All of which will be sold !n exchange f'.rOASH Ll."MUi:i,and COUNTIIV PliODCtJU of ah kinds, on die most reasonable terms, and we iuvin our friends 10 call and examine ir themselves. Nov. U, 1811 59. J Mill! (T.G the presort opportunity o A evptersiim his thankfulness to hi, friemls.niii Ibe public KClieially. for Ibe liberal pntron,ii;e In' has heretofore received, informs bis friends and tin public in general, that be still continues to com m the above business at his old etahhshed stand, ni Ibe corner ol Main und Fast ttree's, where In hopes, by strict attention lo business, lo receive and merit a shine of public patronajte as hereiot'ore Ho ibems it niiiiece,ary logo into Ihe mmie t bra?, or lo use any soU todder uboul bis SKILL n. tbe PI!()Fi:.Sl(iN' UP ( V'MF.N T CI Tl I.Mi as bis shop is of loin; slandin,', and bis woik I , thinks will speak lor itself, and far moie loudei ihau words. Hut, he would merely sav llutl. he warrants his work done with nealneis. iliii il'ibt.N and in the bilist fiishir .uible manner, und will ci'i- sun- n ,""iil hi in all ca,c. i. l. ( harees modi rale to suit Ihe limes. All kinds ol country pi ndnoe luken in evcliiuijje l,.i woik, at inaiki t pi ires. Ulooiiisluirt', ?o. II, ISM. !). V viilue of ii writ of testatum Horn fa. lo nu ll i reeled will be exposed to luiblie. sale at iln Couit House, in Danville ou the IHMhday of Ao it 1 o ClocK J . .11. On a ccrl tin lot of ground situate in tin town of Jerscytoivu, Madison township. Col. co 'lUtiiitiiuitoiiccigliW't an acre mure or less, hoiitid d in lionl by main sheet, mid bv I1111I of John We'lner and Kichard l'ruit, wbcteoii is eieclcd e Irame feA I) WELLING HOUSE and TIIL:. Hei7ed taken in execut'on and lobe roperlv ot James llunel, in the bauds sold os of his uiiiusjfjto.s John Darii t and Hueh McLlratb IRA .M IJ12RR, Sherif' Siiruin's Ornci:. Dauvillo Nov. Dili, 1811. NOTICE Is hereby given lo all eoneerned, that 1 have purchased al Oonsiahlo sale, ns tin propeity ol lieoroe Itn-o, the Inlluwini property, sod liavu left the 6ume in his pos sessinn during my pleasure, and Inrbul anv person inking it from him, eiibcr bv put base or otherwise, without my consetn. Two sorrel mares, ono bay roll, on. wh'no and black row, one nil and whin heifl'er. one sleili two plows, one harrow nno fulling box, one half of twenty thru H. it s n bent in the grnniu', one half t. ooten acies nf rvo in the grnuml. filirn acies of rorn, -ICO sheaves , f nais hull , i 800 sheavrs or rye. half of 20(11) shetMes i wheal, five Ions nf hay, I) shoals, one iwi horse waifgon. two si ns .,f wagou gpnrs one windmill, one sc n, fno pie- i s i ( ip, nno I'ltinw, one nog, nno corner n.Uioai. I. .1 ...! I. nisi une in mi ni' emeu, JACOIJ ORIUIEISIiR Nov. 0, 181 1. SY virtue nfnumM end. pxftrniBS fo tna ill reeled, will he i-xpiueil to ptihbc sale at iho- art Ilnllse. ill llnnvillr ml Nltllf'.t, . thn Kll! lay of Nnveiiibcr next. t 10-o'clock, A, M. tW oiiowuig property, to wit ! i eortain plar.laiion and tract of land sit lac In llrlcrcrck lownshhi, Columttiii rountyi ouliiinlllg IWn hundied and twelve acres, more or" ss, hounded ou the caul hv the Susquehanna ri' ei, nn Ihe westbv the main road leadins fiom Or" oigevlllc In Berwick, and nrllollihig binds of John ! ..11.1 ...I (..., r . .- ..... 1, f ,. .,...,,...11 mm uiin-r muiis 01 ucieniiani, nil 01 which s 111 11 liijii stnltf ol'cultlVatiJni ivhureon is elected I irge fritilU) Ingo liJNK IL'IEN, ndollieV outbuildings, - : ' Scicn tiikon In execution', mul lo lie jlofd as lJ.i roperly of Gilbert Fowler. - ., ALSO , A certain trad of land situate in' Detrv ovvnoblp, Columbia counlv.adioiniiia lands of John lllec Samuel Irittain. John llenfield, the widow 'ingle's heirs, and others, containing one hundred on Mxly acies, more or less, jrnefeon is erected two Hrr S t,N,: SsSSKa FRAME E.-iRN, a. id oilier out buildings, a glod 111 ii v; 1,1' with the flppcrlenaticcs Sei.ed. taken in execution, and to lo sold as lliu property of Uciijamin Lake. ALSO A rertain tract of land aiiu itp in Fishing reek township, Columbia countv, containinz ono liiindrcd and tumtv nine acres, more or less, ad joining Inndsot Christopher llowman, John Duclt- atwanu others, whereon is erected a small 111 hm: EaOg Barn mil SAW .MILL. Scicd taken in execution, ami to tie eold as inc property of Daniel Iceland. ALSO A certain lot ol'eroun I situate in" ihe v I lige ofOrangeville, Columbia coiuily, eootan.o' ball acre; whereon is erected two rame Houses FRAME S.I'AliEE, lying on main street, numbered in Ihr plan of sui umii, unjoining iiinusui isane lvlme anil others. Beieil, taken in execut'on, and tii he sold iv.s be property of Charles 11. Mchoi-un. 1RA.M DEKK. Shciff. Siir.nirr's Ornci:. Danville, Oct., 20, 1811. SIljERffFF SALE'S, j, virtue of a levari facias to mcdircctcd, w.'II be exposed lo public sale ot the Court Hli.'o o Danville, 011 .Vnturday tin- 1 Bib day of Aotorn. er 10 o'clock A. M. the lollowins pronci---'. to wit . . , All that certain (ract of land, adrnininr- lands rf P. K.Herbine, Adam Maiks, David Ibich man, Philin Vost ami niln-r l.m.U tl... ...i uel i os, continuing 80 ACRES. be ibe uinie more or less. , Seized taken in execution, mul In l.n .t.. -w tu.v. US IHO properly ufbainucl Vost. ?; ALSO -- ' A ceriain one and a half sior'v fr.nin hoiiso or biiildim?. silnate ni llri.-rri, i olninliia countv. near the in i!v. V... .. jjlnomsliuri; lo Dcrwick, adjoining a Ipl of Jose h iMlkcilllllll oil tho linilll. Ilrrn.v .. tl... I I . , , - i no mas Kane on ihe south, and Jesse Kirkct.dall CM ibe west, said bouse conniMne in front eii-blcen bet. and in denth eiebleen r....i ..,! ii... i . i iiiive of "round and cuitlledijc iippcrtcuanl lo snid ....... ,, Seized taken in execution, mul in ), ... -i .V emu b., II o properly of Charles Seidle. 1KAI DERR, Sheriff Siir.niKF's Oi ricL', Danville, Oct. ao, 1811 I TluCKMlil SjM in Ccs.t.. U,o-iV. i v . is now an ueknowh",,! f.,,i : . . , CASKS &"!fi.'T''nftr i, I.... one, boih for the I) U Y li R ami MILLER . JL'ST niiCEIVKD 01.15 SJX'O.N D ST(J(. K C F NEW GOOBS; THIS SEASON. WXJ1' ha'e been selling Boods ou the. CJ&'JI V 1 SWSTK.n fico Aui, mu its .ml. versal pojiulanty with all who have Viv.i, , call and seen for tbeniselits. ing to their customers, imluustbcm in invit,- , leaders of lliu Columbia Democrat to a trial of its I" 111 lit Uur slock of Goods consiss of all the vruicty of DRY r.OODS, G ROGER IKs. ' QUICIONSWARIi:, iiakdw.i i: noors, sunns, ua-p. BO.NNETS, &e. usually kept in n country slore. All of which have Ihcii purchatcd i N . mil Phihiilslpbia, fnr the CASH ii.M', inriins, wt pay f, Wl, , (.,.,-.. , , iwn, mid we -K no additional i oCt f; , , 'Ostium 'y bad dehls; tlui.-luivmirM. u. ..o CAN s-r.Li, .a ,.M I i .UiVANf L-- . I. DO Tl". loo, U qucfctlon '. 4 u-dv kiiews win- haie' bought r( us. oiu n i- in iho HlilCK Jit it l-'.vr; " , I iill hi,, , ;, ami tin II c, , , M ,io it- "1r Mont -will ' , .... U e lin.i. Hi i m ',, l)v ,, Mtf ( pons, U care ooi afraid lo rhow i, Danville July -I I s I J, U'tll