The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 16, 1844, Image 1
The Columbia D niui u' lie tin I havo sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form pr Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas JolTeraon II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Volume VIII. BLOOMSKURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBBU 1G, IVu miter 30o OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT irroaiTc St. Paul's Church, Main-st TERMS : The. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT mil br published even Saturday morning, TWO DOLLARS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or Two hllan rijiy ucnis,ij not puiu iviiain incycui Vo subscription will be taken for a shorter "m 1 than uix months: nor any aiscon i" r? nrr mil led, until all arrearages rLd. K.VES not exceeding iiipiiimusly inserted at 'i Fflums iiiienl nscrtion. VZJA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business,mu be post paid. POETRYo THE LOST SHIP. II V MISS I.AXUON. Drrp in the silent waters. A thousand fathoms lo'v, A gallant ship lies perishing She founded long tgo. There are pule sen-flower wreathing Around her pnrt holes now, ml spars and shining coral Encrust her gallant prow. Upon the old derk bleaching, White bones unburied shine, While in the deep hold l.idden Are casks of ruby wine. There arc pistols, sword and carbine, Hung on the cabin wall, And many a curious daeucr, Hut rust has spoiled the:n nil. And ran this be the vessel That went 60 bohly f firth. With red flag of old England, To bravo tho sloriny north? There were blessing poured upon her When from her port sailed s'io And prayers and anxious weeping Went with her o'er the sea. And once she sent home Inticis, And joyous once were they, Dashed hut with fund remembrance Of friend so faraway. Ah! many a heart was happy That evening. when they rame, And ninny a lip pressed kisses On a I'eloved name! How little those who read them Deemed far below tho wave, That chilil, and sire, and lover. Had found a seaman's grave Hut how tint bravo whip perished, Nunc kiicv, save Him on high N" island heard her rai.non, No otlirr hnrk wis nigh, Wb only knew from E"tjland She nailed far o'er tho mat')- Wn only klo-w in E glvitl Sin' never c'.iiiio h if 1 it . And eyes grew dim with matching, They yet refused to weep! Anil years wen spent in hoping For tidings from the deep. It grow an old mill's story Upon their native shore, God not rest those souls in Heaven, Wli meet on oatth no more ! J- Dr. Cassin having hoard tho famous Thomas Fuller repeat some verses on n scolding wife was so delighted with them as to ask for a copy. There is no necessity for that,' said Ful ler, as you have got the original" The Season. The autumnal season has ever afforded a fruitful thcrno for moralizing. From time immemorial, the 'fall of the leaf lias furnished the nowspaper editor with nn admirable text from which to spin out lengthened essay upon the biief duration and rapid decay of all things earthly. The striking and beautiful similitude between the seasons' changeful round, and the life of mortal man. has been as often and repeatedly dwell upon, as each successive return of the autumnal period suggests the idea Now, we fully annreriiie the so li'iunitv of the lesson thus conveyed to tin mind, and conceive the present a most fii ting season for meditation upon the evan csccnt nature of human life, but there vet another and less snnibrc light in whicl the landscape may bu viewed; and a differ eat and less saddened mood ul iiitnu hi which it may bo mused upon. The Summer linn departed the glorious sci9nn of clear skies and bright sunshine of green field and beauteous flowers when the air genial and balmy when the birds carol blithely and when mere exis tence is of itself a pleasure this jnyoun lesson is now at an end. We see the hange in all around, above beneath; and feel it in every breath we draw. The sk becomes o'erc.asl with clouds, whose du ind leaden line sends a chill through the frame: the sun's rays impart but a fecbl warmth: too veiuurc ot ticiii anil lorest it last decaying, the (lowers droop and die the atmosphere is cold and frosty;thc fealli ercd songsters of tho grove' have winged their flight to southern climes; and Win ter, cold Winter with all his icy terrors, it already upon our thiesholit. Jut what ol II this? We're hearily glad of it, and m ire you, indulgent reader, whom we non address. What is't not so? You shrui' 011 r shoulders with an incipient shier. itive to utter through your chattering teeth, a monosyllable -no.' Hut, don't b nasty, wo aeg ol you. Have a moment p-nieuce, while we reason with vou unoi he matter. Tho love id change is a ptinciple deep ly implanted in the human breast, from ivhtcli we derive a coodlv measure ol arthly onjo mcnl: and among the mani 'old mutations which aie continually lakine place, and which our senses derive pleasure hi experiencing, those ol the seasons an ml among the least' Always summer would make our latitude wholly unendtira ilc, aud cause us to sigh for tho frozen regions of Lapland. The charming land scape wh eh that season presents to the eye, ould be divested of its beauty, from hav- ing naught with which to contrast it. No, no. Let us bid farewell to summer, bright nd joyous though it has been without h pang ut' regrol,aud welcome stern Winter's old approach with real, heartfelt pleasure. tin brings with him in his train all those in door enjoy mcnts without which life loses half its charms. To him wo are indebted ir causing the fmiily fireside to spaikle 11I1 renewed brilliancy, around which wi iw di'liL'hi 10 circle: and home become doubly dear; in the absence of all that can harm without. Then, think ton, of tin orious Sleigh rides, the social parlies and nurry makings, the happy Christmas lime the but we have already enumerated an ample catalogue of W inter's delights, suf iciit in make any but the puny and cner lied inlidlutaut of a tnopieal clime cca6C regrm a change wbieS it fraught with maiiv romfnris and joys. Reading Gazette. QUAINT. A ienll.e nan had, tns'.ead of placing his fork in a sandwich, inserted it into a lady's hand. 'The jnjury was not muohj but the quaininess of tho excuse was what amused the bystanders. 'I beg pardon,' said tho offender with the most 11 nr 11 tiled composure of counten ante; 'but I mistook the hand for white bail.' Write inquiries in dust, 'nut kindness in matble, EMMA LIN DON ; OK THE COUNTERSIGN. BY J. II. INGIl.Yll AM. uiiiarics, who is tnai piain loomng man ou just bowed tor aked a youns; and be.itiliful woman of hei husband, ac they were walking down Summei Hrect. It is a Mr. Nixon; lie is a house car penter, I believe.' W here did you make uch acqtiain ances?' ret-pomled his ic wife, with a toss of her pretty head and it, cloutl of ostrich plumes. He is a member of the Lodge,' an- Hwered Chailes Lindon, with a peculiai half smile. 'Humph, 'said his wife; 'I don't think nuch of an institution that level all tanks as this Odd Fellowship seem In to ; 1 suppose if Mrs. Ho n Carpenter Nixon sees fit to viit me, I must return her call ." I have no doubt Mrs. Nixon is a very worthy .respectable sort of person,' said hor husband with a smile, 'but you need not apprehend seeing her in Ches- mi street.' 'I should hope noi ! There comes a nan with a short jacket, with a pot of paint in one hand and a biush in the oih iil shouldn't wonder if he was another brother.' How do you do. bt other Vinal,' poke and nodded the young man in re ply, as the other pased him. I he painter bowed with a friendly look, mingled with respect I Ins is carrying it too far, Gnarled,' said his wife, between vexation and mei rtment. 'i ou certainly must affect thi coodcscetision to vex me, nod are fat from feeling this coidialily you show outwardly.' ' 1 assure you, Emma, that I do feel his cordiality.' 'Then you are greatly changed; fui you have the reputation of being the nost exclusive person in your set, and know, until lately, vou have prided yourself on this exclusivencss. 1 1 seem- 10 me incredible that you should alter so merely fiom joining an Order which i so objectionable as that of Odd I'ellow- hip. If but one month being an Odn ellow has done all this, I expect to see vou al the end of six months invitini! cobblers and journeymen tailors to dine with you, and I shall have to take ten with your barber's lady ! lam realli vexed that you should have lowered vourself by joining this order ' 1 1 do not agree with yu Limns. I feel that I have elevated myself. I am proud of the designation ol Odd Fellow My only fear is, that I shall not be so worthy a one as I could wish. Jiv this lime they had reached an cle gant milliner in Summer street, whet they were to malic a call, aud entered A few words will give the reader some lea ol these personages of our tale. Charles Lindon was the sou of a weal thy merchant, and the junior paiiiier n tits ialher s rich mercanlilo house. II was rich, intelligent, fashionable, and was very aristocratic; for his family wa one of the oldest in Boston. He had been two years married to a young lad) every wiy nia equal, in until and wealth, and dislingui.'.heil for her wi and beauty. She was a leader in fash ion, ant! reigned fupremo over the em ptre ol taste, JNothing had ever trans pired In cloud their happiness, Charles idolized his wife, and she lived in thi light of his love. Hut he was led to be come an Odd Follow. He had examin ed the arguments for and against tin Order, anil judged rightly of its useful ties-. He untied himself to tho Lodgi without previously acequainting hei with his intention; for he had heard hei one day al dinner, when some one piei- cut introduced the subject, laughingly, yet earnestly, express her positive oppc sition to secret societies, Charles had Ihen said with a smile, 'Whal, Emma, jt 1 Miould becomo an Udd I'ellow?' ' I would hardly speak lo you. don't want my husband to have any se crets he cannot reveal lo me. Tho wile of an Odd Fellow must feel such a sc crct a rival lo herself. I should be jeal ous of it !' Mrs. Lindon soon discovered that hei husband was an Odu Fclluvy, lie jiad been such a hoU-e-huthand.vvlien out ofl hie counting room, that she had all hi. Inisuri! hours. She could account foi he milliner in which he passed every one,ol thorn, blie knew all hu did, where ho wenl, and whom he saw, and wht ihey said; for he wan accustomed 10 relate lo her al home whatever Irans piretl out cf doors. Indeed, she prided hernon her husband's devotion, and on bmg able lo cay that there was no" an hour ol his lime since she had been married she could not account for, that "lieilid not know how it had been speio Chailds Lindon Was 'a pattern of a bus nanu r The evening he had been initialed, hp nanaged in this manner. A friend of his, who lived in Winlhrop Placp, wa.' in Udd l'i'llow,ind to his house Charles nd his wife walked together after tea. Here it was easy for Charles' friend lo propose to hirn a walk, and a call, leav ing the ladles alone. Mrs. Lindon im pre Ffed upon Charles' mind not loin out kmg.and lo be back bv nine o'clock 10 see her home. This he promised his friend having assured him the tniii ition would occupy less than an hour. I wonder where they can be noiou?' sid Mrs. Lindon, when they were led lone. 1 It is Lodge night ; they must !) going there,' said the Odd F. How' wile, oiler a moment's thought. ' l-mtlgYiNinlil?' ' Y$V"Frank i an Odd Fellow. Tin Lodge meets Tuesdays.' ' It is impossible Charles can be unn. there I He is not an Odd Fellow ! I wonder how you would let your bu. band join.' ' I was opposed to il at first. Hut b. brought me the constitution, winch . read, he explained lo me so cleaily hu fiillytho principles ou which i ho instiio lion was established, tlnil 1 gave my coi sent. ' I could never give.mine for Chaile Do vou know I he seciet ?' 'Why, no.' Have vou nnver asked Frank fo Yes, playfully.' ' I should be wretched if Charles be longed lo a secret Older. I should fee I had not hut half his head. It woul eem veiled and covered up from me ! I am rejoiced he is not one. How c.n you exist and not know the socrel tlm s locked up with such mysterious aw. in your husbund's bosom? It is dread iul ! The Odd Fellow's wife lauehed. an Emma joined in the laugh, though will in air ol seiinusness. Uo you think it would be nub! ii me lo press 1' rank lo reveal lo me wha ie has pledged his honor lo keep con ceaieil. 1 would not wish IIIV hiisbanrl to perjure himself for his wile's cuiios .i.. I ..: r.-.i V i. i " ' ""I suisiieu rmiiii loves me hi less; hihI 1 luve seen with pleasu'e, thai since he has become an Oild Fellow, he enteis warmly into my little benevolen ..i r.. .. ... limns nn- i lie poor, which lie never troubled himself about before; that In always now sends money lo the desli Hie families I visit, and sometimes goc wiih me himself. He has taught me In leduco my chanties lo a system, and how lo accomplish the most good witl the lililo means 1 have.' i f .... . l- I . I I 19 i mi aic u ounevoieiii, uiara. lou ire always doinn uond somehow. I believe yon had rather see a loom ful of ragged children, than a conservatoiy full of plauis; you seem lo love and laki aieol and visit the poor families, just is I do my flowers.' Well.tho poor aro mv ulanls.Emma. I love lo water them, and lend litem, nd fee Ihem trow vicorous and healtbv under good apparel and nourishing food I would rather see the crateful smil. hi the poor child's face, than tho bud ling of the brightesl'flower or a ran plant. The conversation then chanced lo tin lashions anil other gossip. At a quar ter past nine tho gentleman returned. AH, truant,' said Emma. m!lini n. Charles entered the room; 'where havi you been? Givo a true account of voui elf.' ' 'Ho has been with mo to meni nm.. fliends,' laid Frank. 'W hero aked Charles' wife, seeiiin him color. Why to tell ihe whole tn,th, Mrs. iindon, Charles has been to the I Willi nwa ' i How can ho go there? Ho la not an Odd r ullow,' 'Yes, he is an O ld Pillow' ' Charles,' cried Mig. Lindon mrprise. 'What, my dear.' will 'Is it true what I' rank has just told nc. ' It is true, Emma. I havo lo nigln leen iuiated.' The youna wife would have eladlv I tt . r, . . " J uuuii angry, uut I'ranK'fl civ manner. and Ilia wife's merriment at her surprise Hove me cioun irom ner orow. 'Well, Charles, if vou have realli been so idle as lo join (his Oider.I can't help it. Clara has been spoaking high ly of it but yet I have prejudices, jjfl Come now, divulne the secret. Snm. clear vnor firf.iii anrl nm..ntnn i r? j w. ....., -hi. ,imii,igiii;c. HI UUUC and I forgive you. 1 he secret is silonce. aimvered Charles gravely. 'Don't tantalize, Chat Ics.. 'What i he secret.' 'The new initialed placed his forefin ger on his lips, and then removing it, aid, impressively. 'It is silence.' How provoking, ' cried his wife. vexed and laughing. 'I declare I am a t a minil lo lo gel up some terrible ecret a an oUsel to yours,' ' Don': fearher, Charle..' f aid his friend. 'She would come and tell il lo Clara here, and Clara would tell it lo ne before we wenl lo sleep, and then 1 eiillltl communicate the Mnrrihl,. nlTiir' to yuii. you know.' ' I daresay I haves secrets Frank, I ever told you,' said his wife archly. 'How provoking these men are,' aitl Mis. Lindon. 'Come Odd Fellow nee if you can put on my shawl.' i ne next luesday evening, at the tea table, alier a little embarrassment and nation, Uiarlcs Lindon said to his wife 'Emma I shall be absent nart nf he evening mini'.' 'Wheie, Charles?' ' It is Lodge nigut. I would like lo ;o in for an hour or two.' Mr. Lindon looked veiy grave, and iignny pouteu. &he did not make any -epiy. 'Shall I go?' 'As you please. Ifjou prefer the ociely of your 'new hi others' lo mine. I have nothing lo say.' 'lou look displeased, I will stay a lome.' 'Io go. You have pxpieesed your nefeience. I am willing you should ollnw it.' ' How can vou be so unreasonable Emma?' Mis. Lindon go! up from the table ind left the room. Chailes remained . I'-w moments thoughtful, and then ton md dep. rind for the Lodge. On In., eluin he found Emma had retired. Oi iscending to her room, he found th loor locKeti wiinin. A piece ol papei ... I. . . . . I I a si ii u it upon i:ie otusiue panel, on which he. read. 'Nuptial Loner, No. 1. No Admittance without Ihe Counter ign.' A I firsl he stood petrified with aston ishmenl. Then ho burst forth into a lottlpial of laughter. There was r irhne.-s and beautiful appropriateness ii hej'i, lint pleased him, though at hi iwo expense, lie Unocked and sanl L'lVO.' 'I hat ii not the pass word. No ad mittance !' said the ttiurnphatit voice of his wnliin. After making one or Iwo moro olhot qtnlly unsuccessful ellorts, he was for ceil lo conless htmsell connueied: anil with an exclamation about 'the wit of woman, hu slowly retiieil from th loor of this L-nlge, from which he wac lebarred,and spent the night on a divan in Ihe parlor, with his cloak far a cover lid. ' Al hra.ikfait next morninc, Mrs iindon was in fine spirits, Charles wa- Iso happy that the humor had taken her thus kindly, and he cheerfully ac knowledged lumsell defeated. After (hey had made themselves suffieienilj merry over the affair, she said seriuui Uut Charles, I still insist Ihi ra cai he no good in an inslilution that keeps a husband away from his wiTu till afar lei o'clock.' ' Your father was a Mason; and have heard him say that al the meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter, or gome such thine, ho sometimes was kept out. ill two o'clock. Did he love his vile ess?' tliut I can't bear lo have ,'you away. I shall always regret your it, lou speak of Ihe advantages. They will do for those who jie poor but you would never think of annU inir for Ilia boinfiis oftho fundi' 'I may havo reverses.' 'iNotwhilel have mv own forlmm secured to me. If you should loso all you are worili.we should still be rich. I can see no good in your joining;' 'I am not eorry I have donn eo. It my be of use lo me some day.' 'I am sure I shall never bo reconcile,! to it.' Th e conversation mention as havimr t? en place in Summer siieet, occuted UV-ee weeks later than this. A few days Afterwards they started ou a journey t0 'he While Mountains with Frank an 1 his wife. Thence (hey exented their journey to the beautiful valhy of tho iveiuieoec. iJesetliNi a lull . . he capiUl, the bolt i the torque ol he carriage fell out. the end of n, i gue dropped to the mound. & ih hnr. stalled al a run down the lull vv..i. great coolness, Charles who h.l ,nr.. to the box and taken the rains from tho :"ca coaenman, guided the vehicle m us rapiu course; snd as ihe only means of saying tho lives ofnll, mrneil it down into the meadow.-Hero I' rank leaped out l0 try and ge.ize t, oils. 1 he carriage rolled li!l il came in contact with a lo;, when the horses broke away with Ihe stvinCa IrpeanH AmnnaA fi i i . ... ' "'i-6cu "mies irom tile box. I hey flew like the wind, leaving him senseless. J he carriage mnvnl h, uf for fifiy yards, and then gradually s'op ped, Chailes was taken un nn,l i,r into town to ihf. iini,.t i..., broken his aim in his leap. were two ladies with wounded 'io-bWis. in i sli.nge town, and at a hotel. Cn.mon ...-i.i. y iii nisi siw nvt'ry afteoiiori' paid to ihem.and the s irgeoni 'efi then under the care of it-ir wives and cn .rli man. They in a day or two became laligued for want of sleep. K.r.mi was bemoaning their being so f.r I om borne, and fearing tl,py would ..J , lor want of attention. 'Theie is a Lodgn here,' sul ( She sent for ihe la, .llonl, a,j iq,, .. ' who was the Noble Grnd. 'Arc the genilemaii 0 i d Fe sKed ihe host ' ) es sir.' 'Then if tfiev arj sick will not want fo'r attention, nr ..,."' ...... trouble." " In less than Iia'f-n hnnr the visiiinC ommiilee of the Lode wailed upo., ihe llllCS. Fur fml. weeb. .1.,.. (M.-.l Jr,., I'Vruk remained confirmed lo ih,r r,..,. hey received the most nffce.ionai . ,ui "'"ri'ig atteniion from the Odd Fe.low. I Me two siraners seemed dm midst of a h-nJ of Drottlers (,,, t.01lj not do loo much for them. And when u Hie end ol four weeks ihey were able in take the steamer for Huston E.nn.n blessed "t only m her lie6rt, but in eloquent "!, iIih Odd Fello IV A. n nL' 1 1 f I It' I n J 1 ,1 n rr ijtat her husband's recovery was owing to the attentive nursiiip and " of the Order. " '1 shall never sntalc nf Odd V.,n, she said to Clara, 'without saytng, .(;u, );,;V',f,m! And af'or this she regarded alt Udd I-cllows with kindlv! never BJio oojecieii io her husband aopakimr i men with paint pots and brushes i- their bands, or ladders on their shoulders: for ho knew the value of finch irinti in ihn of trial. Chinese Proverbs Whoever !,nirn.a to build builds to sell. Love is all even 'Vllhout one good one. We never, m loud or long as when we would hide" our grief. The true wsv of enriclnn i nurcnlvpa is bv outline ofl' our wants. There are no laults truly fatal but those which we will laither aeknowleilffn nor renair. Ii i i,m. ler to fill our barns than our diesis,. What, is a fool who has mado his fortune ? A )ig wnich is eiubarrase.) bv Ins u,. i hIioiiIiI do quickly ih.H which dues not iiress, in order to do slmvlv ilnn 111,1,1. 00s press. 'Cautain I'ldi'l ,nn f'i.i,.M-n Olio and 'Tea talk.) Verii Unetmfartable Wh ill nn llncnm. furtable sitinilion! A seat'on a ofi heun en two beautiful airls; oua with black ci'cs iei ringlets; anil snowy neck Hip oilier; with nit hluR eyes; sunny ringlei.; red cheeks ind lips; both laughing 'and ulkinir to van at the same time, One person obscivei llufyou m'ght as wei( iry In saw a erow"'h'ar with a notched guittu'iiir I, h . r ihlno of winning ihe nfJeclions of a young Ldv wilhoui money. ' r