A GHOST STORY. A few fl'.v sinco our doorkeeper (a now servant) ronifiUiiiril thsl he mil only could not sleep, but ihat lie never slept sinco his arrival moiu limn a few minute? at a time, and tint never could sleep oonsiienilv with liia duly unless the 'effect should be destroyed. He added, that lie came up ffv ni(jht"iiHo tlte upper galtfry leading t ,,r sleeping rooms, sir' ' t r lie found r tiif'ire I I m v e meiJitwtfil, walking inund hikI roinitl tin' tnl!f ry ! fil concluded will 'mi mixtntt request tlixt inv brother would i. rmiH nt Hie phttniotn, say iny i , i .t. hue t,ltas hewi destroyed hi i "h ni' I fiffnMii .Mv urott i-r . .t- ir.'))i-dl, provide'! ilie i'l. ti'ii'"-t bull nor final' shot, v s sod i iiii.'.fiHRt-d, and iva found . i i'.c iii'td, thai ihe doorkeeper was wait' ng t" ascertain whether tho spectie were a saint or ft ikvtl, and had, tharelore, resolved la question hiili at) the ensuing nighljbefore no fired. The niitfit came, and it -vas one of uniisiml ddikiisss. Wo had really for gotten our man's intenlion, although we Were. talking over the subject ol the distur bances until neatly midnight, und specula ting upon the cause, in the room where mv children were happily sleeping, when we Were startled by a tremendous discliatge which was stieeeeded by the deep roarsn voice of llio doorkeeper, exclaiming, There he lies, the accursed ! and a sound as of a creature stniL'ulinc and gasping fot breath, In the next moment, the man loudly called his fellow-servant, crying, 'Come up, the accursed is struck down before me 1' and this was followed by such mysterious sounds that we believed cither a man had been shot and was in his lasi agonies, or that our u,Ui hail accidentally shot himself. My brother went round the ga'lery, while I and my sister-in law Hood like children, trembling, hand in hand, anil ry b'iy meroifuljy slept,-(as young ones do sleep) sweetly and soundly, through a I Vi? confusion mid distress. It appeared that ilie man used, not only ball-cartridge bill pui two charges of powder, with two bjlls, inio the puinl. I will describe the uveni however in his own words. 'The' freei passed me tit the fallery.nnd repass, rd me. when 1 thus addressed it j 'Shall Ave quit this house or will yon do g0 ' 'You shall quit it,' he answered; and pass ing me niiain, he- threw dust Into my right eye, J Ins proved he was a devil." cen tinned the man, "and I wrapped my cloak Hrru.nd me, and watched the sjioctre as it ni iii d. It topped in that corner, and 1 m seritd miemively its appearance. It was ' and pertpi'tty white. I slopped, and ' c' re it moved again, duchaged my ptsto1 ". I lid. I bWure concealed, and ilH KauiM-d ivi,sftruk down before me, and lee tn: the icmniis " So f aying, he 'i -ked up s sin M borni mass, which mv v" r showed t,a .i.,ervards. resembline -i. t ill- sole of a jhoe than .anything else ' ' perfumed' toy (ire in several places, and ie:ahy burnt m a cinder. This the man sertcd (agreeably to a popular opinion; ,!w;j the relic when devil was de f v i (I . and it lay u i3,- gr.iuod uniler s i i the w.d! wheie Hie bullets hid en ire ?. Ttin Mmse which etieceeded' the re and which fuled me with liorror,-is . ! mui eicr remain a mystery. On tin n, ;Wir iiuniiiiig h closely examined the ",'Ot, and found noihiiiu, tlmt r.ould throw uln ritfthf subject. The burnt remains do :il bflrt-5,ijg,,t'p a conclusion. One thins '.cvf, I cannot but believe-, that some ! who had pjsrsonatcij ihe evl one. suf i. ed oW injur.y, ' and that the daikusss fivi.ureri lerta(e. his truly vtry ridie ..iouh in tltef a people to belie e that the ,'C'hmiis of a detfl resemble the sole of an oil eUtn.r-Wits Lane'i Unglishwaman A TENDER HLJ.A UT12I) KA.MSEL Poor thing' how cold iljey miI,( be, to lure tntir enais taKert p(T ibis weajtbtrl said u tendar lieartwd dsfliseli to a man kinnijr eel. IWi it hurt ' themV Not a whit of it; mjrm they are used to it; and then yoiMeein iynrm 'em dir diieet!)'! l fat. and IihmU op thrir liurts. Fat are good fur sorts, l'aes 'em alone; Jiill.' He who profcat-ni mure atiiichment to you than luual has ei.her clecciied youj or withes to do so. To believe that a wttnk ensmy cannot in jure you; is to believe that spcrk enrinni create a contlaiiraiion. A coup's of acirs tiglmrig u duel uitl pistols wei, ahcruirds, denomitiateil A SHOUT STOKY WITH A MORAL young Yankee had Totmcd an attach mcnt fur a ilnughier of a rich old farmer, i rid aficr agreeing with his 'hotmio lassie,' went to thu old fellow to ask consent, am' luring the ceremony whiuh Wis an owk ward one' for Jonathan, hu whittled awav stick. The old imiii watched the move menls of the knife, at the same lime con untied to talk upon the prospects of the fu ture son in law, as m: suppuscd, until the stlckwrc dwindled iIumb to naugh'.He thei' spoke as follows : You havu fine property you have steady habits, good enough look nig, but you oin't have my daughter!' Had you made something no mailer what, of the stick you haio whittled away, you could htive had her; as it is, you cannot Your properly will go as the slick did.littli by liule, uuiil all is gone, and your family reduced to w-mt. I have read yoltr true character, you have my Bnswer.' Jona than conveyed the unhappy news to hi ltijiltltis fair one, who, aficr hearing the stoty burst out 'a crying,' saying, 'Why you larnal fool you, why didn't you say you'd made mitiih on'i if nothing morel Gil out I'll niniry thn first feller that points his eye at me, I will so; boo o o.' IT WON'T 1)0. It isacurious (ays the New York AtlasJ how many thousand tilings there are whicl it won't do to do upon this cosy planet cf ours, whereon w e eat, sleep, and get our linner. For instance It won't do to plunge into a lawsuit, te li ing wholly on the jiiiitice of your cause, aue not equipped beforehand with a briiniiiyij' purse, It won't do tweak n ,nan's nosp,or tell him he lies, unless you are perfectly satisfied he has not spunk enough to resent it by blowing your brains nut, or if y oil havo no brains, cracking your skull, It won't do when riding in a stage coach, to talk of another man whom you have noi personally seen, as being an'all fired seoun drel,' until you are sure he 13 nut sitting before you. Ii won't do, when snow drifts are piled up mountains high, anil slays are eternally upsetting; to ride out with a beautiful live ly, fascinating girl, and not expect to gel smaihcd with her. It won't do for a mas, when a horse kinks liim, to kick back again; It won't do crack jokes on old maids in the presence of unmarried ladies who have passed the age of fortv, It won't do to imagine a legislature, who feed at pubdc crib "ill sit but six weeks u her. twu 'hints ot Hie members have not capacity enough to earn a decent living at home, It nn'i do, when a mosquito bite your la e in .!. t.ijjlii; obiM your cnoium i . pierf III) yi'Or hut. li won't r'oiwheu in a hurry ; to eat souj with a two primmed fork.. . It won't do to lake hold ol" a hair triggei pislol during a fit of the blue;'. It won't do to be desperately cnamorei' of a pretty face nil you have eeeu it at toe 'ireakfasl table. It won't do lo pop the question more than i dozen limes afui a lady has said 'no.' It won't d) lo extol the beauty ofalady' hair before you know whether it did noi onre belong to another lady 's head. THE SHARKS & KILKENNY OATS. Ah the ships sailed into the harboui iho appeatance of a large sIibiIs in her wake caused the louguo of the pilot ti. break adrift.' 'A certain fiitnd of mine,' sid he, 'Nakhuda, of a craft almost ns fast sailor as rny own, which is aeknowhd"rd to be the best in these seas, was. onco upon a time bound from this port lo Mocha, with camels on board. When off.Iahel Jan the high table lurid betwixt the Tujura anC ihn Red Sea, out of the beasts dying was hove overboard. Up came a shark ten lituts the size of that follow, and swa'.lowed .he carcass, leaving on of the hinder leg protuiding from his jaws, and before h had time to ihmk where he was to find stows? for it, up came a second tremi minus monster id bolted his messmate, camel leg and nil In return for this anecdot the old man w treated to the history of the two Ki'keniu nits in Iho sawpp, which fought nnnl notli ing remain-'d of either but the tail and a bit of the fur. 'How could that be?' he retnn ed. seriously, after turning the business over in hia mind. 'Now, Capt. Uashi.yon aro spinning yarns; but, by Allah, the story I have told you is as true as the Holy Koran, and if yo;i don't choose to believe me, there are a dozen persons of unbiem uhed veracity, now in Tajtira who aie rea dy to vouch for its rc cinm.'-77ic Mrh lauds f Ethiopia, aJEAB, UEAD. KJ3AD I It Is a duly inriimbcnt upon mo, to appear nee more in print In order that I may re iraci some assertions (and reaseei l others) mane ny me previous to this, 1 shall en deavor to perform my task according to tin nature of the subject, and rest all mv nsser lions upon reasonable and solid foundations iiuen as cannot ho shaken by such reirurd less denials of facts, us nppeats in the last reply of my worthy competitor, which i imposed of assertions so unroasonable,nud so increilitable, that they are known, I pre siime, by all who visit'his shoo to be false I. therefore, trust the GKNTLEMAN will tie satisfied thai I have for onco kept lo the truth, in his lirst, ho advertised that he had lately received the N. Y. il Philadel phi a Fashions. That being contradicted by me in inv reply, whollv uoon those grounds! I bcinu in bis vhop two days befoio my advertisement came out, anil be asked of me, the directions of the N. Y. Fashions, and further sid that he had nit sent for the Fashions yet. 1 therefore con sidcred it impossible lor him, a(tct my first route out, to have written and receiwd ihein from either plnro. in so short a lime lu his l.ist icply he appears to be above no uoing such untruths as these, and offers lo satisly, upon the point of their f.ilsiiy, ah viio will call at his shop. Aa for mysel ho would willingly show them lo me ol 41 nid 5, if 1 would call, and if not, ho would be still more kind and bring them to me. wuh a pair of Sl'EO I'ACLKS. I accord ng to in viiniiim, and not wishing to giM my antagonist too much trouble, eallti! I'imii on the 28th. 1 found him there, and UMi very corteously received by him. 1 then made known mv errand, and fouini him ready an.1 willing in comply with my leqiiistiiou as f.ir as n was in his power sr hi do. He showed me the l'hiladelDht Fashion of -I I' bui not of '15'. Neithei were there any from New York to be seen lie said he had them at his house. I thei requested him to bring them ai d I would -all in the morning. lie said that he would f ho did not forget it. 1 then related n urn what I knew tu be the fact, that sunn 3 or 10 days ago he wro'.e for llitm. and expressed a hope of receiving then befon I could reply loins TRUTH WITH OUT FEAR! Recollect he said, by tin hey are had, by me they can and aru shown o all who wish to see them. I now leavi diose who visit his shop to decide which n rue. Have any of uu seen Stolts & Wi son's report of Fashions at his shop; or ha he. shown any one of you such a plate? Il he lias, he did, not comply wnh his words bv showing them to me, not even ifter offering to lel htm S5 that he could nnt produce such a pbite. Upon this ('aid cd by his own words to a friend of Ins, that he had written for ihem and expetted then, before 1 could haw time to reply.) 1 rest my assertions and say that he has not go them yet. Hut is expecting t'lero. Thei lie will be able to show them to all win wish to see them, unless he keeps tlicm a die HOUSE, lu conclusion 1 mako n uroposition for ainalgauHtion by applying ny ptnse (empty) deforcing lo his owi. lesi-ripiion, w nh in, purse of bkill. Keep cool Ciook ami On not. Swrnr. I'. S. LEI I) Y. Nov. I. I8M. 11 .1 .ivi..i, till; nun. UHLl'll IJ. y?ITI!(IV -TrrnPAG i. n i t, a J Presidentof the Court of Over tm'1 Ter miner onil General Jail Delivery, Court, of (juaitci sessions t Hie J'cacc.anrt Court ol Conuivm J'leni ;ind Orphans' t'ouit in the piahih inJieial ilielrict composeil ot tho counties ot iSoriluunticrlanr Union, loumlua . and jAconiins; and the Iter m.':..... t jj t nuiiuiu uuuuiusfjii ano iccii;c iwcf, ano iicmr.t Matlt. I.s. innics, Asanciito Judaea in Uolumhia conntv.havi inued their pr'cept hcarniiiR ilntn tlio "lib il,iv ol August in the year of our J.oril one thousand eight hundred and forty-four ,uni to me Uircctcd,l'or noiuing 7 Court of Oyer and Jenniner, and Gen erul Jail Delivtry, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common I'leai ana urphan a Court. IN DANVILLE, in tho County of Columbia on the third Monday of Nov. jext, ibtlns the Jbtn jay) anJ to contiruo two weeks : Notice is therefore hereby civen t( liHi'Ooroncr, iho Justices of tho Peace, and Con ttaMlcsot the s-nd county of Columbia, tha' they be then and there in their proper peisons, at HI clock in ttii! forenoon ot anid day, with their rocord3, inquisiiions and other remembrances, lo nose lnms which to their otlitcs appertain to ie done. And those dial are bound by rocneni unrta, to prosecute jgninst iho prisoners that are ' may be 1.1 the Jail ot haul county of Columbia re to oc then and lliore to prosceulc against thcni is shall be just, Jurors aro requested to bo puno tual in their attendance, agreeably 10 their notice1. Dated at Danville, the 25lh day of Oct. in the year of our Lord one thousand eiulit I 1 , w ... t. . . .. 0 ininiiroinim lony-iour anil 111 inn OM year of tho Independence of tho United blalcs of America, IRAM UMftU Shelf, SilKnirr's Orrrcr, Danville Oct. 5. 16U 4 sH 'vC 1 s s- lAMi: into my enclosure, tho fnre part VSeptIut. T two year uld.and one yearl ing llfilfer. One lte , and one ofthem Itcd and H'hitu, and one a dark brlndlc, with a whitostreak length ways (if her tack. The owner it rronrstet' tu pro,u l'ropcrty, pay chargei and take them ' ' josppil MAUST, j Hemlock, Oct "I-J81L WW SO' MAR SJffiK TAR1. I'hc suhsciibcra have established at tin abovo place, a new MJlHlU.ti l'UlJ and will alway s bo ready, ul the shorlesi notice, lo furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, TOMB-STONES, II 12 Jill Til- MAMS, MONTIES, I'dXT STONES, MULLEHS, &x. or any other work in their line. They are also prepared to liirnisi WINDOW CAPS mil SlU.S, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &e. either of .Mn.blc, Liim; or any kind ol ilono that can he procured in this vicinity fryllaving had 'jonsiderablo exicrience in tho business, they pledge their work lo be executed tn as handsome a style as can he furnished from anv yard either in the city or country ; nod on as reasonable terms. AKMSTKONU & HUGHES. Bloomsbtirg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly '8 Chair sanufactorv. TH E subscriber continues lo carry on the CHAIR M N U FA C TO R I N CJ business at ihe old smnd of R. ,t S. Ha;er liiieh. where he will he reailv at all limes in I li r li i All Fancy & Windsor Chans, Set ees, Bnsion Rocking Chairs &., of even lesenpiion, which may bo called for. ai jhori notice and on the most reasonabh lerms. He will also execute House, Sign it Ornamental Panning, anil House Papering, in a superior manner, From his experience in thu business, and his facilities of manufacturing the various irticlcs of his line, he llatters himsel' thai he shall bo able to furnish as good work ind upon as reasonable terms as can be done in the country , all of which he will dispose of fon CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. li- Orders from a distance will In strictly ar.d punctually attended to. It I1AGENUUCII. Bloomslurg, Dec. 30, 1813. KSI'rjCTFl'l.M inlorrie, his friend- and tlw travelling public Hi ! Vr general, ui.ii nc Inii- token :Ii:rt2 il,n l,..n...i .:..;., :ri't1tbe centre ol the low'., o. a,1,,,Mfli-0lu'nl'ia cnini 'SfasP&ir.i. - ly I'a. and fonnelv occuni- od by T). CIjrK. Where he will lie happy to wait uiinn those who will i'uvor hhn will, tbtir custom. I he 7otc! is lareo and commodious and well fuinii-licd throughout, mid no jiains will he spmd lo render eeneral satisfaction. collis table will lie furnished w'uh thu Lest the unity can uflord. II in liar is well stored wilh tho beft of liquors, llicellentstalilinp; in attached to the establish ment and cornfnl and atlcnlhe hostlers aru always in niieuiifince. ('uttuwissa, May I a, 1813 3. HOUSE, ?tloo:iisbjt5;;, Cluilii:i t'w. THE subscriber icapi etfully informs h friends, and ihe pnblie generalh jihat he has twkeii thai well known stand, 111 Blooms huro. formerlv lu pi by U 1 liam Robisnr. -ind l at i lie House and fliahUs sre under g.iiui! a thorough r pair As his bar wil il ny s ne lurnished wii.'i thu choicest ol Liquor.-, and his Lirder w'nh the lest tin murk"i hfTordf, 'and hawng good lablini. .nid attentive hostlers, he with t nnfiiti ti,.. invitPB ali to call ")md test his ahilny as a caterer 1. r ine paiale and e'omarh. and flat ters Inuitelf tlmt none will leave ilissatitl'i ed with their trunimrnt, The worth of the pmltlhif; is told m the catinrj, y'omo give it a trial, there will be no diVating; Ueuet .'ind Man slull alwaye go away rejoicing, fewcaiing by thcpowcre.ihcy'licullon n turning M. SILVERTHOItN. June 6, ISt 17. am, To ilie B'ulilic. THE subscriber desirous of quiting bus iiicbsi irqursis nil irilise lill( t)l( l to 1, lo make payment immediately. 1 he lollowing pi ii cs will be paid foi riiuuui 1 in exehaiice lr his STOCK OF GOODS 01) 1)111(1. CiOOl) WHEAT $lper bushel. RYK flflf ,is. ' CORN ."5 and 50 ets. OATS Q55 ets. FLAX 8H15J) IX 25 ei: J"- Goods sold ai cost for the cash Hut no credit given alter this dale, 13. II. UIOGS. Sept G 1811. NOTICE. Estate of JOHN BO IVY Eli, lute of lUimleur (turnsup, Culiiiiiiiii co nrceascff. "TJcTOTICI'! is hereby elien that IctlersnrAil 11 ministration on Ihe a bote mentioned Astute haio I cen erauted to the subscriber resitlinir in Monleur .III persons indebted to the .aid i.V tale arc hereby- notified lo make immediate pay men' mm muse imvmg claims are icquestcil tn prcscn oli properly iiiithenliealcd.'lo - J'.m utiiirwuni, Administrator. Gwl7 BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! ! tr-J.,s.ir.sHank FXKCCTIONR and SUMMONS just priiiitd and for tilde t hit OlhcB J SrandroUi'B Pills. nuruiiu t)F liKAii'rii. A 117 is cliitartstiil in nn InclivlJn.il by the absence of 'ill iioin, Millerine, (ir aflrrlluii 111 any paitol'his body; by the free and regular ex ercise of his fuurthms without ahV ejtcfiiition, 1 Hey consist in bauiK a good nppetilo ul me'Jl unios, an easy ingestion, tree evacuations, williom Ickisci es or conllvrnej at least once in lAcrv twel'-'biin, ty-four lionrs.iim wilhout heat.dis liess, or burniiifc' at the pasnsge, the free issue nf the w ater v illrtinl acrimony or burning, and without 11 rcili!ih sedi ment which 1h ulwnys 11 siijii of a present or 1111 it J (roachlng pain; quiet sbi'p wilhobt nginilioii w liuoblosome dreams; no lostc of bile or oilier hull taste lu the inollth upon lisiiq; in Ibe liKirnlne; no sourness or ihsiigrecalile rlsinjj of the ( rnseh; 11 clean tongue; a sweet bicuth; 110 itching. iilnp'es nr spots mi the skim no pile; nn burn-UK heat upon any part of die, body; no eiccniic llnrst when un exptMod to labor nr other know 11 caure; no inter. rupiion tn iiny uuturu! evncuoliuii, nur piln at their periodical lelurn. Where the stiile of the syslfin doc not linrmon ixc with the abovo )Klure of hcallli, il is of the qrnilnet inqiortauev Unit no tirmi be lost 111 sending for n doctor, or in the use of loutish remedies too often ihe resultof speculation; hisleml of this course lea dose or UKAMJKUTII'S 1'II.I.B be taken, wliieh will mil dct eio, hut will ut once rcstoie lio ilili to 1 he urati nr p.irt th t reipiires it. All who wish ti, preserve their health, nil who sro determined lo defend their life 'iRiiiiist the en-criachmeiitsorili.-cii'e which might send llicm jire .11 itiirclv to thejruvo. will, without hcsltntion, hac recourse It) ibe fiandrelh Pills, wliMl the state ofl the system decs mil harmonise with the above pic ttlic 'if health. Those who li vu In a country whciccnntagious cr other di-ease prevail, should ullcn think of this truo iirture ot'iienllb, and observe himself with par ticular attention, in tndcr lo act accordingly. '1 he wise and lightly illreeleil will follow this advice the unwise arc li ft to their own destruction, A O E N T .S. Wa.ihii)iton Kobcrt M'Kay. Jersey town I.. A, A. T. Duel. UaiiMlle II. 1J. Hey ntib's & (Jo. Cittawissa C G. Drobst. Uloomsburg J. It. Aloyer. Iiirm slonc llabbit cV M'Ninch, Huekiiorii jV, 0. bhoeinaker. l.iiuu Iiiclge Andre fi .Wilier Werwick- J W i'tiles May i, 1814 2. JKASSitS, GP.tKBS? s ! .'ge as- ITILI. kep eo'H.lanlly cn hand, h s-oitiueiit ot .VAILS, SPEKKS. AM) lltON- nhnhlliev wUi-cllbv U IIOI.I.SA I V. aid b'l;. PAH.. iir iX tin leactl tui'if ni te )!.".'. ci be ttifLrr .!., titi erf. Mticl iri,s uii't llurs, ma 3Til it to d rr interf-t to call. .Ml kinds of ;iain rere've,! in j ,iveei '. J 'Mi.liI 1-A.VJON, TiirsnirKr Chnii' iltazusrat'sot'y. fiHllIC siilscriber having established 11 .VA; II ffi C'U.lli: .7..V '.( raid' on ilain. stieet, near the lesideiite of I.. M. M ills, he is now prcpjied to furnish Ciiaiis of every ilesni tioo, nn as good terms us they can t c purchased tlsi wheie 11 Ihe county. WOOD TURNING, Such us Bed Busts, Waggon Hubs, Hose Blocks, c-c. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL ty HOUSE I'AI.vriNU. Also HOUSE P.-7PEBLG. rhis latter branch, from his ru-cricucc, he btlicvcs he can do a little better than any other person in this section. TVTOr'l.AR I'LANK will be taken in pey mcnt at the highest imirktt price KAMrKIi llAULMllli;! Dlooaubnrg, July -1, '. ltf i66,doo eiiiCM. FOR S.1I.E BY M II. BIG OS. 17 August 17. m9 OULI") rcspecil'nily infotrn it 1 citizens 01 DiiHiuiMiurt:, ami ns vicinity, that ho Mill continues to catrv on iho above business, at Ids old r shihlished stand on the corner of Main and East- streets, liavint; received Hie i.ji J h a 1 PBIIJ1DELPBIJI and NEW YOKE QSH10NS, m connection with Scott &. Willnon'a Highly Improved patent for cut ins garments in ilie most fashionable man uer, warranted to lit without any possibility of failure, and Iceling assured from his lone experience in the business, that work exr- cuted at his shop, will never bo complaint d 01, lie hopes, tiy strict intention to businese to rcecivu a share ol public patronage a iicietoiort. IfTN, IL CASH, and all kinds ol COUNTRY PRODUCE; only taken in payment for wink done, at tho tuatkei nri res. Ulwece lor work modcraio iu sun the times. ijluoiiisburu, Nov. 3, 1813. 28 rST'lUn subscriber haviiic rstnblislietl a 'APR1J H MILL at MILL (JHOVK, near loonisbur, Columbia county, where he hue the lattst Imi'Iioi rn .n.vriiiM.iiv, anil having lollowid tho businesb foi twenty ycarsho is confiiicnt he can lurnish asKood paper as any iu the Country and on as reasonable teuns to ninters, McrehimtK und Lawyers or any persons who nmy wont tho atticle. He alto.keeps constantly on hand Attorney's dip, Tool's Cap, Letter, ivrithiH, I'llniinE nnd Wiupiiine r.aperol' all Kinds Also, an assoitnicnt of i iiotii. onus Alsn.DlBiik Ilnnk, LMra bound. Full bnimd. and nan nounit 1 1 ail sires alio, an-fttrntl't t,f wiitin 1 I'doo"., taffl M THOMAS 'Ifi:NCH , ,lill?rjvti rcbtuury 20' I8ilf. VT E YlilS K S l SAT. 4 Brag's a good dogi lint HoldldSt is better. rpnllH underiigtir'il would return Ids sinrrro nnit J3 hlitnblc tlinulin lo the eitir-eint nf IIIi.ihih.Iiii,)' ilnj vicinity, loi the favors thus I'nr bestowed 111,11 mid would still further k a cnnllnuamc ii the same, Pn I 11 ; only as snlislatlimi i" rendeini lie It mile! 1 nit nn) , ( 'nine unc utuc all, hut conn! as many as cunieineiitly ran. INeilher would w proiid.e, (asolhtvs have) lo do his work belter than can be done in any nthtr slum lu the place I,. .1 1 1.1 ....!,!.... i.... 1 1 defy any one whu does lung tu do Work neater tlnhi bo dues, in rdl casts. He has also lately rccciud 'u. 1,1 biiuii, in- vtuiiiu vuiu 1 uiiiu 1 11 inn lei. n-i Ibe late SEW YOKK TEIILADKL PflEA FASHIONS- with which he Is prepared to do Woik PnslilntiaMir and neat, and will giunnitci 11 good tit at nil Inma tor anv eno who may hnorhini with .1 call. Ills sisop is al tlio old bland occupied bv him for a number of years And tho latch string will be full ml out at all times. As to pr. cos lie wislie't to be undcrsliiud that lie Intends to do work as lnv as any of his neighbors, and its tuiul, all kinds of country produce taken iu exchange for wink done at his bhoji. IJKIiKAIUHUi'PL'KT, UloiimsburR, October !2, Ifi-i'l 'Iti. Kegister's Notice. fHO all Irisalcrs crcdilius. nnd other persons hi. jj terestod iu the eslutes tif the rcspc tMetleceii. dent and minora that the mlmhiislrntinn mid K'iar ili.ins necnniils ol'tlir mid c-tales lime been filed in Ihe Olliceef the Hegkter of the cuiinly of C olundn.i and will bepiocntrd for the coiifiimalinii and ul. owarice tn the Orphan's CnUrl, to t e held at Z)an .die, in and for the county oforrsiid, on U cdiiPi. Iiy the 211th day of Nov. ne.vt, it ' enii, P. M. 1 The acciiiint of l'lnii Clmstman, ad niuistrator of the esiate of C isper Christ nan. lite of Hlootn township, deceased 2 The accounts of Reuben I'i:rinjrcr and Geortre Siii'.p.mliniuisir,iior ol the estate of Jacob Snne, Liu of Ruaiiuycrcek township deceased .') The account of Charles Cmsrlev, ad minisirator of the esintc of lilizabeth Cross ey, line of Hemlock township, deceased 1 The account of Georcc Ktlchner and William Kelchner.execulois of ilie last wnl md testament of Henry Kelchner, lalo of llriercreek township, deceased 5 The account of Marv Hosier, admin Urjrntoi of Hie estate of b'redenck Hosier ir, 1 ..( 1 nt . . J iirm .111111111 iiiw'nsiji Vti 'ij-eo 1 r I'1''' a 001 o-T. P. iS.,.ii, !erfott and I!' h.i.d W isiin. iiirvivmg exeeutiTs of ihe il will and icslament (if S ,111111 1 I3ond,Li( I Lihcriv lownship, deceased 7 I'lie final account nf Ahiaham IJis, tint. r,f 1 1 1 . ti v ......... ..T 11 ,1. ,.. 1 ... 1 " ' """n 01 iewiiii ijarin, i.tir of Mi til 111 lownship, (lec.ihfil S Tie fiii.il snpplemeiii.irv acerun .( i'l.ra M H . 1'nsi, rt ' in 1 n 1.-1 1 f .is ale ol Jacob l.i,itiii dir. 1 - ' fll . If township, (leci ;i-i d 9 The accounts of William L'- .. ihe iiuaidian nf itlnrv Gnl'iatii v Krcisher mil 'if'Kachael Krvisher, two of the childieu and heirs ol George Kreisher, deceased ( 10 The accntint.s of David Davis md Samuel Houdmaii, exrentors of the last wn mil testainenl of .l.itnrs I'. Ilotldman, lain ol Valley township, deceased 1 1 The accounts of Michael fjanders and Alichacl Wcrtman.exectilors of the last will and lesti nient of Michael Sanders seu'r, late of Moiiionr township, dereasod OHYRLF.S CONNOR, Hegistcr. REotsTHf. OrricK Danville, Oct. 10, 1811: CATAW1SSA IJIUDGK COM'AN'Y. NO riCH is hereby jjnen, 10 the fjiock holders in the Company, lor oreciini! Uruf orer the Norih Uranidi nf the Mus lindianna, between the town of Oaltawis;. nid the mouth of Fishtni.'crer k, that the Hoard of Mamgers have this day I'eelarcil 1 dividend, el seventy fivecenls per share, foi the last six months ('equal to C pel cent per annum! which will ho paid to the stock holdets or their legal iepresenlatives,oi! and after the 25th instant, by JAM US I'LliASAN IS, Trcas. Callawissa, October 12. 1811. r.ist oi ir'Hci's HKMAINING in the Post Ollicc at Caltawi.srf,.. the miartcr ending 4'ep, ;i(), 18-1 1. Arthur Hobeit llrrsslcr Jonathan Jawmaii F. L. Ilenjaiiiin Frederick Jricsbitch Yost Federolph Attain llrui k Silah S, Deiifihr Ainhuny Dcrr John Fi ey Jiiliu Jlcimlnstcr Daniel Kasmvei .loh 11 Kimple William Mears Oeorgo 1'rincc Lyrauder llohrbatk Win. Shurpless Jos. or John Wehuicek Daniel1 'i'linmas A. D. WiLou Alexander Wnnainaiiclivr Jatolr. fi'carhait Win, - Howard .lichael It. Kuccht Jacob Kern 7'i'ter I'BNloll J. I). Hitler llcnjamin Keler Urn. Shipley John Taiiilenson Rachel Ward John Wall l'hilin Wuplt's llentoti W. 1 etter Harbaryaiin 'eison callinc for letters iu the above list wit) plcato say lliey aro adurtised. C. A. BKOBST, 7'. JL fin in. I fill. rrjafelfc Sale. EN pursuance of an onler of the Ophan's Cvtit of Columbia cutinty, on Thursdaij the -Uh dat of Nov. next, it 10 o'cluck in the forenoon, Olie.l F.vcril, Adlniic ulratoi, dc. of Itenjumin Iloone.will expose to sale at Public Vendue, upon the premises, a ceitain unuividfd mofty of unAcro af Land, nnd 11 THREE STORY PKAME GXUST TOLL, with vovh hun ov htd.m:, a Dw ellins House for the Millet pud u Frame Sf.v hie, situate in Hlonm lownsldp, on the waters and near the moulhof Cishingciii k. iidjoiiilnc llio 1'ci sylvai.iii Canal on lltn North Di nieh of Ihe fc'tisr ui'lmiiiia, tniH Aqueduct acrum I isliinpcicf k. laic ! 1 f .ii' of said d "t-i-iI, slnu'c 111 the inwrthip 1 i ! 1 ... ano x'u. ty i.' 'tl JACOflEYKKl.Y, q'k, Danville, Octobrr L 181 J SO.