The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 09, 1844, Image 1

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    I have sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thorn Jolfcrgon
Volume VBBIO
:Vtiniticr 9o
crF03iTi: fir. Paul's Oinincir, Main-kt
i -)lUMBLU)EMOCnj)Tunbt
t shed every Saturday morning, ut
V U'lJ nui.hJiuci per unman payuutt
hulf yearly in advance, or Two Dollun
Fifty Cents,if not paid within thcyeai.
Aro subscription will be taken for a shorter
perioi than nix monlhss'no'r any diseon-
linuance. pe.rmincu,uniii an arrearage.
are discharged
Jini'EllTISEMUXS not excerding a
square will be conspicuously inserte.dat
One Uollurjar tiivjtrst utnv insertions,
and Twent'ii-five rents for every subse
qnent nscrtion. ?i7v liberal discount
made to those who ndvirlhe by the years
Lt: J rJco aaaressea on vusiness,musi
be post paid.
by JAjir.s iius3i:l lhut.ll.
The lich man's son inhortts lauds
And piles nf luii-k anil storm and gold,
Anil he inherits snft while hands
And lender tletdi tlit fearsi lilt! cold,
Nor dares to ivear :i i!armeni uld;
A heritage, II deems lo hip,
One would not care lo liutd in foe.
The rich mau'a son inboiit cares .
The b;ink may break, the factory burn,
Koine breath may burst his bubble fchare
And soft wliilo hands wn.ild hardly cam
A livinp that would soil his turn;
A hcriiiige it serin to hip,
One would not rare to hold in fee,
What does the poor man's Hon inherit?
Sunn muscles ami u sinewy beait,
A hardy frame, n hardier spirit:
King nf two bunds, he doe his part
In every useful (oil and art;
A heritage, it serins to me,
A King might with to hold in fee.
What does the pnnr man's son inlirril?
Wishes o'crjoyed with humble things
A rank adjudged by toil worm meiit,
Content that from employment springs,
A heart that iu his labour sings,
A heritage it seems to me,
A king might wish lo hold in fee.
What does the poor man's con inherit?
A paiieuco learned being poor,
Courage, if sorrow come, to I ear it,
A fellow feeling that it; euro
To make the outrasi hies his door;
A' heritage, it seems lo me,
A lung might wish lu hold in fee,'
Oh, rich man's 6on there it; a toil
That wiih all others lecl slaw e:
Large ebarity doth never Foil,
lint only whitens soft white hands;
This is the best ciop from thy lands;
A lietiiage, it teems to me,
Worth being rich lo hold ir. fee.
Oh, poor man's son, scout not I It y elate,
There is worse wrariurse than lliiue,
In merely being rich and great;
Work only make the tool lo fdiiui ;
And makes rest frngianl and benign:
A heritage, ilseouiB to inn,
Worth being poor to hold in fee.
Holh, heirs lo some six feet of sod,
Are equal in the earth at last
Holh, children of the same dear God,
I'rove iitln lo your heirship vast
Hy leeord of a well filled pasll
A heritage, it seems to me,
Well worth a life lo Imld in fen
S ..... .1 . i i . i. -
' hat s yntir nininer. tonguei saiu nit
Ileinrder to n witness. 'My mother's
ituigue?' said the lattnr.'well.l can't sayjbul
it must bo mighty long1, for my father Bays
llieie' no end lo it,'
Ii is tcrv common for Mormons, in
working miracles, lo practice in the follow
ine manner :
One gne out alone, with tho garb and
with llto appearance of a poor travellei)
calls at the house by which those who are
his confederates may detect bis where
abouts. Another one or more follows nn,
and slops near by, so that in the mornine
he may soon teach the ab'ide of tho first
traveller, lo which place he proceeds
about brcakfat lime, coming there just a
his nrpdecesor needs him. The first
traveller about daybreak make? h piienti
noise, as of one in deep disltess, alnruiinp
tho inmates, and calling trVm arund hi1
bedside. For a while thi sick nun snug
gles with (luetic and apparently dies in t
lit. Jusi at that moment the second iravellei
er.teis announces himself a disctptc of the
Mormons, and declares it in his power to
raise the dead man lo life; and putting nil
aside from tho rouch of death, commence
his necromancy, and soon succeeds in
raising the dead to life.
A couple of these iniportprs went out 01
4u excursion of this kind about two yeai
or mure since, ar.d in the course ot men
travels called at a farm house neat Genesee
l'he forerunner called on the plain look
ing fanner, and icpresciied hitnsell as ;
traveller who was poor, yet on a merciful
rrand; The farmer was an honest haaiteil
Methodist, making less show than some
but no less intelligent ohrisiiaii.or shrewdei
than mosl men. The traveller joined with
the family in their devotions, and talk
ed of God and heiven as a Christian. No
one suspected his hypocrisy.
About four clcok in the- morning (hi
family were awakened by groans proceed
ing from the lodging loom of tho stranger.
I lie farmer went into the room anil wai-
liiile shocked to find his guest apparent!,
n the most intense degree of pain. Ma-
ly remedies were applied but with no el
feel. The sufferer gresv worse every houi
mlil about 7 o'clock he appealed to show
figus of death. Just al that moment a
Knock was heard at the door and anotbei
granger entered, on its being opened. Tin
family had been much frightened, and were
a msequenlly much gratified with the arriv
I of any person, although it should be ii
stranger, lit) was immediately inlormed
of the case, and introduced into the room,
upnn entering which he announced himself
a Mormon priest, and assured tho ai onish
ed Umilv he could raise the dying man
i.) life, oven should he die and in
itdced lo convince them of his power, hi
hopes ho would d'j, which was soon '.he
'.icl lo all appearance. Tho new comer
iheu ordered all present to stand aside, and
nollo touch the corpse or bed, but to send
for neighbors if they pleased, in order li
give full proof cf his wonderful work.
.lust at thai moment il crept into tin
head of tho farmer that a trick was about
being played upon thorn of a blasphemous
haractcr, and he quickly resolved to tern
the same. 'Hold, said he, a moment, iv
lo not take tho miiaele until I return.' fit
went out, look an axe from the wood pile.
uid came in without saving a word walked
ip to the bedside, and addressed the mai
of miracles as folio';
You think him really dead?
'O, yes.'
'Well, then, 1 will juet cut off his head,
to make it sure, foi if you can raite him lo
life from death at all you can (In it n well
with his head off as on!' And suiting Ihe
iction to the word, he tailed Iho axe as il
he would strike, when lo, with a loud
shriek, up jumped the dead man, crjing
murder, murder!' at the top ol his voico.
Uelme tho proper authorities could be
reached, the risen prnphel and the proph
et baulked put out and fled as from a de
voiiring pliiguo in u ah lo tho amusement of
the sensible man who detee'od his imnoti
lions. Since that lime no Mormon he had breathed she had found nn echo
find his way into lint region to remain J? .I'M" which long filled her "reast.
' The letter was lollowed hy others, al
l0"2' virmeis limr-s. which raised still hiehei
Amusement is tho
that cannot think,
happiness of those
CIlAI'TEll I-i . J,
In a rich and luxotious npnrtmoni,
where crimson emu n. etistlv carpet",
raro cabinet pictures, and virion and
licit lu nil Hi re attested thu; of the
owner, a young man, apparently be
tween twenty five and tinny. Buyiot
withstanding the wonmily love of beau
'iful furnituri! which character iz-id hi'
chamber, there was nothing eflemiriate
in his itppeanrcije. In fiiin he was
3 luht, though well pi opunioned, above
the mditim heinhi, ahd wi'h a ilito.f,
which an open eollar tliplnydd, of urea1
b-oiity, Tne faco not, peirlnp,-.
a't(Nomo, but there was som t'nii i
il thai al once aricijieel the; eye-. Tli
forehead broad and enasify; eyebrow
with the bold, classic sweep; a nost
chiielled finely out as if from m.nble; e
small niouih; well cut lips; a chin like
tho Apollo's; aiii the head set on Ihe
neck and shoulders with a grace anc
solidity that reminded you of the bes
lays ol Lticcian sculpture. 11m counte
nance in reporo wore an air of singular
calmness, but as he sal musing, a playfu
4iinle would now and then shoot ti
tcross it, like summer lightning playini:!
up the fnmaticni. In tlie finile as wel'
as in the placid though' fulners of the
brow you saw thai men were not al faull
when they called Horace Vernon n ge
nitis; and though a jet he was knowe
inly as the oiaior tor his age it
Congress, yet he wj. aUo a poet, an
one of no meen repute, tint he tx-r
cised hit vocation in secrL'l,and not evoi
lis mosl intimate ii lends knew that the
sarcastic orator and did - iJi.rJ.HiiUM
'iiowii poet, whoso atinony rhmis vol
lines every body was telkiiij of, wer
ne and ihe sain person.
Horace Veinon indeed was a ?
omiioiiud. In b eyhon I hu had huei
generous to a fault, frank, trusting and
ill ot feeling. 1 J u ' , 1 1 Uo niosi senKitivt
pcrijon", lie had received many real an
f -n c i eel rebuff,-, until at length he sough
reluge in an allecteel colelness ot head,
and in a sarcastic demeanor , us if hi;
whole nature had been changed. IT
s.ion won a repulalion for want of feel
ii4, and even when he entered publn
I fe brcame celebrateil mi-re lor his sat
irical vein of oratory than for an impi.
tinned style.
Hu", though ho thus concealed hi-
fuelines, there be.i, in few bosom', that of Horjce
Vernon. And it yearned for (.j'nipa'llu
and companionship with an undying
longing. Liver since Ins boyhood hp
had thirsted for some one to love, bui,
imid the fair, and fhllercdyhe h nl look
tl in vain for a kindred spirit. Fastid
ious to a fault he saw none who realized
his ideal. Wanting pci.-onal sympalh)
he found vent foi his cravings in the
creation of a fancied being to whom he
secret I y poured out his soul in poeliy;
an I, at length, when a volume had ac
cumulated on his hands, he gave it anon
ynioiisly to Iho world. The tenderness
rid imagination, the lofty notions of the
female character, and tin love for bII
men that breathed through his' poems a
once seemed the unknown author a wide
mreail fame. None suspected Vernon,
for wlui could bu more unlike the feel
ingf of thu s.ucasiic orator ihan the
glowing emotions that burneil on every
pagu of Ihe anony mom poel ? Many,
liowcvt r, were the enquiries made aftei
he author, liui oven tho publis ler was
miioiHiit of him, for all communication1
between the two paed through a secret
The publication of these poems mark
ed an eia in Vernon's life, beciuwe it
was the beginning of a romance that af
fected his destiny. A low weeks afiei
his volume had issued from tho pres",ht
received a letler from ao unknown lailj
breathing all those sentiments which
Vernon wojld have looked for in a wo
man. The wi lier said Hie wrote be
cause it wag improbable lli3t they would
ever meet, and because in iho sentiment
'elOll,s estimiilion of her intellect anil
heatl, for of all men ho atioreil tho lat
ter in vmiien. Ho soon grew Inleretted
in lti..APH..aHnn.ln..i ..ii i- -rr ......
coikiihcii i, oiiu uiauu cutji'i9ijoi9 iiiuit u uiuiy 10 ueillgS 01 a Sllllt
lo discover who she was. But he wat
toiled.f-.All he could learn was that the
etlersFcame from one of Iho eastern
UU-,fand his suspicions pointed him lo
Boslorfae the place of her residence.
lie resolved mentally that, as booh
lia? duties al Washincion should
r, he would proceed to Hoston,
mil mingling in its society, endeavor lo
lispover the anonymous waster, a plain
n which he hoped lo succeeel, since hi
felt there were few who could display
exactly the same raie combination ol
ability anil tenderness which chaeacien
zed his correspondent He would, h
knew, pursue thw search wiih great ad
vantages, since his obje-ct would be un
tMpHcteil, and the lady, if he met hue.
would he her ullatel.
Was- Hueaee Vt fnon in love with tin
inknowii bfi.ig ? H ihoughl n; aiw
low instead ol pouring out ll i lyrics U
tei ideal eieiHire, he erected this strao
er on ihe ihrone of his heart, a u c
hencefoi'i h she became the theme of Ins
oeig. A nd siill she continued writin!
to him; and when lit puhlislictl a poem
ttldiessetl "To the Unknown, "she told
him that she recognized herself in ii
Thus they continued in correspondent
known and yet unknown lo tat-i.
Vernon, 'hough a man of letter r s an-1
i poel, was also a man of buines ami
of iVie woilel; and thus, though one poi-l
ion of the day was spent tn his tulii-...
ir whiled away in dreamy reveries, ,ni-
iiiuci iui nun ui ii IUIIV.IIUH
r to pleasure.
, 1. a m n...tmn r.t ll t,M J lallnln.l lnriiii....'.i:.. .. t
Une evening lie was present at a Ii ill
: I... iu..e f C.i. !.
iveil liy ' lie inc.i K un y ui oiciu nit; nius'
josily enterl tiunienl, it was said, ol th
-eeasun. weaiin, neauiy anu laieni
jroweled the partment,. Music of the
nost he witching harmony kepi linv
villi Ihe dancers; the odor of raro flow
r. filled the air; jnwels blazed, lug!
ligeiiiarees of the land mingled in tin
hiong, and the lovelifst of our coun
ty's lovely el,-,ughtets met the eye,uiiti'
it was elazled with beauty. On tin
tcene Vernon had been g'zing for sev
nal minutes in abstraction, until m
length he was joined hy one of his mos'
intimate friends, a naval officer from tin
"on I h.
Whaf a life these people lead !' he
.aid, itfier ihe ordinal V .salutations had
tr I., i i .i
pissed, 'he-rp are thu young fliriiiig anel
he old nloiling: enemies smilicg on
etch other, while llieir heans are black
villi hatred: women lidetiing lo Hit
onipMinenls of fools, and fooln (luierinL
Lliemsi Ives they are irrrsiotame. 1 am
ick of il. Mark Ihat old dowager wiih
her thiee daughter.--; she never nnss- s i
nil, parly, or soiree Willi hei hi nod; she-
eminds me of a lion going about seek
ing whom he may devour.
'iou aio severe.' paid Ins companion
smiling, 'but how is it that you, whom
I know lo be so full ol leeling, have-
. . f -i Tr
won a character tor sarcasmr njven
body, I find, is talking of it here; yet i'
was not so at school, nor even before 1
mailed on my last Pacific ciuise. You!
ire said to he a second Kaudoiph in bit
icrness, and yelj in all this crowd, ilien
is not one moio sensitive, has a warmer
henri, or pofsses a lithe of ihe imagi
nation which you profess to despise?'
Horace Veinon lurried lo his mend
with a quiet smile, and answered
'.Men laugh ai me imagination as wei
is at lite heart, because knaves dislike-
whatever is good. It would nol benetit
me, it would raiher injure me if I toln
nv real character. Wnilu J scorn them,
they fear nu ; and become my slaves.
Yet, believe me,' hejatlded, sinking his
voice to a still lower whisper than In
had been using, 'I often pine for somi
one to whom I might lay bare my hear1
i hit? wearing a mask forever makes u-
despise ourselves, Hut heavens ! who
is thai?'
The start which accompanied this ex
clatniliou attracled his companion's ey
io a lady who was iusl entering the
oom; and around whom, as around an
cknowlcdged queen, instantly flocked
crowd. The young men hail caught
only a glimpse of her face and person
heforo she was shut in tram their (,igh
by the throngof her admirers. Jlul ihn
glance assured them that she was sur
passingly lovely. And yet it was noi
i ho loveliness of regular features. I
was rather that higher anil ideal bcauiv
which is of the soul, and which appeal'
lo Ihe finest parts of our nature, und p
n, a L. ...... i . : l t . . i .
lar exalted diameter. With the air
one bom to, and to whom ail
ulation belongod of'iglu, she walked
down the room, smiling nud bowing
Wjth a slateliness that reminded you ol
j goddess passing by in triumph.
'Don't you know her?' said the officei
but I forgol ; you are from the north,
and ,she from Caro'ina, though ii's
-imuge" you niiver met jlier "uuihe
springs. She's a splendid
Miellecual ami graceful as beauti.
luljaud, iluugh now as siaitily as,
watl, sh- is al inn s as Wilful as an an
lelop.. On! you mutt know ber;!ie'..
the vtry on you to talk to Hint is
f you can bung any feeling n,io In i
hear', for she jussfs by tn,. name of lb
Jld Gibrit-lle. Anil Ly Hie be she i
en neiress Mave you ne Ver heat el of the-
ich Miss Delacioix.
'Oil, yes but surely this is not Miss
DeLcroix. If so I must know her bu
you need'nt smile I wo ship an ideal
divinity. 1
So you do. Hut takj care the god
dess of ilii imagination is hot deihtoiied
'V the goddess of the senses. And now
inr the trial. Come with me.for I know
the lady, and I'ue no doub', she'll eon
etn 'o a piesrntalion.'
Vernon was a 11 tie p'q ted bv the de
neauor or the lady. Instead of smiling
-villi maiked sweetness or being embjr
rasi. tl as was usually the case with la-
ejus who weie introduced lo him she
gave him a cold and distant, though s!u
liumly civil reception, just as she wouhl
have elone to any one of the herd of sr-
ii i niii v men arounu. in ine conversi-
ji n thai ensued, her remitks wero
char aelerized by sn icy indifference.
,' ii '
Your goddess is, as you icicle.
said he to his friend, 'I don't wish lo
judge hastily, but she looks and talks
like a coquette.'
His fi lend sm iled.
'Ah !' he Siil, 'she has heard of you
s ihe sarcastic Vernon, and tears vou
I ry again'
Veinon lollowed this advice, and found
hat he had indeed dune injustice le
Miss Delacroix. She was a cnq'ielte,i
.t, Irue, bul not a hearth ss one; lor she
only amused heiself with the follies ol
fops anil those she despised. Her mini'
was ol a high onler. Gmelually sh
tequiied an influence ever Vernoi
vhicl) he elated noi aelmil lo himself,
He was first awoke to his feelings In
the declining interest he took in tin
litei of his unknown correspondent.
He no longer opened them with net
veins haste; often they lay on Ins labh
for ihys without being teael. And h
.va ever at ihe side of Gabrielle.beuriiu
wiih her wilfulnei-s, and wailing hei
.lightest comnriiid.
Il was a ilifHi ull task foi him, evei
when he camo lo analyze his feelings, 'e
tel: why ho loveel her. Her charm in
conversation her acknowledged! grace
of manner; ihe applause which she won
worn all; her beauty; her wit, her on-
ginality; none of thtse alono.and scarce
ly a'l of them combined, seemtjd lo him
ufheient causes for his pusion. Ami
then, ihat she could gain this influence
over him, despite his unknown cot res
pondeni, puzzled him. Often did Vei
non wonder at his growing interest ii
Galnielli ; often ho argued with himsell
that she bore no resemblance lo his ideal;
often he conceived a momentary dislikt
u her on account of her wilfulness; bu1
as often would he rise fromlheso exam
inations in'o his breast, with ihe feeling
'ha1 he loved the Carolinian with a pas-
on, such as ho had never felt either foi
n or for his unknown coe
"esponileni. Love is of Ihe heart. not eil
he in'ellect. The. struggle ro'iiiiiue
ling, but i he tiioinph wai comp te.
The real overcame the ideal.
CJIAff fiR Ilf.
Vernon was now continually win
Li.ibrit lie, 1 1 1 s was a nature ihat when
I lovpdr loved deeply; and hi mislres
iccupied every thought that was no' de
voted lo ambition. The symp-.thy hi
'al long desired he now fancied he huel
found, and ho wnrshipptnl Ga'irlell
with an intensity of which few wouhl
have thought him Capable.
And did she love him? This was i
question which might hive puzzled one
less interested than Vernon. Thai she
admired him there could bo no doiibi,as
.well as that lie exercised gie.ii influence
over her- Since her acquaintance with
him she was no longer a coquette, and
he refonnaltoa was evidently in defer
ence m Vernon's opinion. Hut all thin
was computable with a me-e frienilth p
foi him. And besides the re were many
thinns in her demeanor toward hint
which might have led close observers to
tluuljt thai she fell for htm those tentle-
er emotions which cons ituie ihe pass
ion of love. There was no hlush i his
epproach, no Ireinor when ho addsessed
her, no anxiou watching of his e-.very
action; bul, .when the,y mel she; sh- wed
her elelighi i h ii fcTy j riTrtgQt'fv J ijt
nierest: Inn with mil t mbarrnssment.
Ufien, though by naiure snnguitic.iinea
y eloiib .s wotilel cms the mind of Ver-
"" "I el.ily these doubis toruired
him more, until finally, to cluae his su--pense,
he s, iz-d an opportunity, onej
-veiling, when he was aloiit. wnlij.
'nielle, 'o oiler hrr his hand.
For on ne him heiress w,s embarrassed,
Sprprisn was visible in evvn f.jaiure of
her countenance.
Tnis astonishes me,' .slit vvith
s.ime hesilJlion 'I -nv-r diciun-d
believe me. it puns mc. I inv ih(!
highest uste m fur you mi a fi nd
neve r rancieil thai you loetkt el on nu. n
any oiher light,' and he s.opped, uj.
ble lo proceed, anil wnh pai.i tlep ctcd
on evety feature of her coiititenauce.
Vernon wassilem, for Ins jgony was
loogreatjior words. Hi8 cherishe.l
dream was over; the love he had at
length ventu red lo indulge was in va,p.
Oabrielle approached him and laid htr
hand on his arm. Tears were in ,er
eye.: it was the first time Vernon had
ever seen them there.
'Forgive me,' ?he siid in deep omo-
won, -ior ine JUllenng 1 have, caused
I should have seen your feelings, and
tm lo bhme for having encouraged you
thus far. But J fdi the charm of your
society and indulged in il. If f wo
had met under more favoiable circum
stances your suit would not have been
in vain: bul I love anolher.'
A fearful change came over the face
of Vernon, and he staggered against ihe,
wall. Uul mastering his emncoos by
ono of those efforts of which proud men
mly are capable, he saiel.
'Cud bless you, dear Gabrielle; for I
must now bid you an mhTual far-well
To meet again would beoiimunl to niv
jelf God bless you, again, ami agon!'
He look her hand, kiseil il fervently,
tod iuh from the loom. There we'ie
ears an that fair palm when Gahriellu
onl;ed down.
Vernon kepi his wowl, anil stu.lioiiK
y avoided ihepiesence ol his unsuess.
.Jul it was only in coniiexinii wen a
hmige ol' scene, and afiei many a vio
ieiil stniggie Willi himselt he; s iC
'eeeled in conquei ing his pii,i, a,
evei. then it leli hethnil it a -ilnss
-vhich lingeel every act ol his lif. Ik
"till wiote; but a deep melancholy per
vailed his effusions. The .iteiini had
lef r his heart still standmg,bui str.pp el
l.i -! of every lei.
Once more Vernon turned from Hie real
world, and sought in the ideal lor relief.
His old correspondent now reemrrd m him
and he wondered why ho had not heard
Irom her lately. He sought her old letters,
.u.d gradually his former footings for her
revived. Softened by her inim he sat down
and poured forth his feelings in a poem nd
dressed to her, which ,'ie published. In
less than a f.iriuighi u brou. In an unowtr
from her who IihiI been sihin
ou seem in eh.'iers.' saui ihae,.'stf'
as if somi) (lent neniai eulTernig hadj nU
most prosiraiet! ou. Yon pine for tvra
paihy, ami teidudf yourself frum it. I? this
.ujhi? Tnetr are many who tvould bo
iirniid lu share yum antrnwTj I know net
.vnoyoii ate, nor ih extent nor nature of
iuir ilisappumdiieiii, hut I myself nave
.titfeied. and perhaps am even now autTer
ing. lake cheer, Iheiefure; und en
There was much else in the letter in ihei
same tone, and it had a salutary effect on
Vernori. lie fell ashamed nf iho weaknera
He had shewn, and did umre, in iho ensu
mg iiiniiih. to teinuve his passiJti for GabJ
hrielle, than lie hail m i',e precadinrf
six inonihe. "
And nuw
anxious to
rtspomlf ut.
Vernon was uuue than over
discover his, unknown cor
Tho long contemplated jour
ncy to Hoston was
utnlettalieii, where he
sought long and vaiulj for this stranger who.
had so won lis fancy. She eluded his in