The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 02, 1844, Image 3

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Mr.Apvai.Kj Oct. 22, 1811.
On Friiiny week the 4th inet. Mr Kelsy
of UiHineaiil township, Crawford county,
left hit huitsc ostcnwibly fur ilio purti.ic ol
visiting a neighbor. lie did not return thai
n iiflit or ihn next morning, when his wife
heiaine Hlnrined for his safety mill a search
vviin instituted by 80IHO nf the neighbors,
who sunn found him, a siorl distance from
bin bonne, with his throat cut, razor still in
his hand, and life not quito extinct. He wan
carried lioinn and was still living at our lust
The worst part, of the tragedy, however,
remains to be told. Wo learn that an im
pression got abroad, that ho had been linlu
cud to commit the rash act by suspicion" ol
tin wife's fidelity. This information cans
td his wife great uneasiness, am! she told
neutral persons she would not survive the
imputation ngainat her ehasiity. She car
rti'd lier threats into loo faiihlul execution.
She was missed on Tuesday morning the
1 5'h insl., and was soon afterwards found near her residence, havim; destroyed
her lile with poison. Mcadvitle Dem.
U. S. Dragoons Murdered by Indians.
TliR Wisciiisin lleralt, of the I Villi, con
tains a posteript slating that an express had
arrived at Prairie do (Jhien from From Fori
Rnelling. with news of the murder, by a
hand of Snnsatong Indians, often of the do
lachment ol Dragoon- lately sent out from
Fort Atkinson for the purpose of forrctint'
out the perpetrators of the late murders in
that quarter. The Soosatongs arc a small
band of outcasts, that formerly belonged to
Ihn Sioux, who live by robbery and miiidti
and are dreaded by all the other tribes in
that quarter.
The editor of a country nrvvpiper.
sadly in want of eah, thus reasons will,
his delinquent subscribers
Wedon'i want money so clesperalel
had, hut our ercdi'o'8 do And no
doubt thev wvo you. And if vou'll
pay ns we'll pay them, nut! they'll pay
Good logic, certainly, and lie dc
perves to be paid tip to the utmost
In Ihc.Midnighl Giy. of Thursday laM,
is the account of Sister Mallhewson, who
died one day of lingering disease. Pre
vious to her death, Iter spit ii wai caught
lip into Heaven, and then a voice, 'which
she supposed to he titat of her Sivinr.'
told her she must return to eailh Shi
then died, revived in about halfan hour,
and has ever fince, about eighteen weeks,
been proclaiming to nil who will hear.
Mhat the lime is short.' She takes no
food whatsoever, except two cups of tea.
with milk and sugar daily ; exorls sin.
iits all day, and at night converses and
Mng, as slic sap, with the angles
whose forms, encompassing lur bed,
the beholds !
An attorney in linston, n short turn
since, received a very singular letter from a
debtor client who had bncnme a convert ti
the Milleiite faitli. The client in the firs
place, alleged his extreme novel ly -at:
knowledged his indebtedness to his coiinier-
stated that tho world would untlouhtediv
rome to an end on the 2nd of October, bin
that lie fell he could not die in peace, tin
le.s the attorney a mild forgive him the
debt. If assured by the attorney that In
would release him from tho demand, hi
would be fully prepared to meet the appre
hended catastrophe on tho i?Ud iillimn.
The attorney Btatcd in teply, that if the ap
prehensions o( his client should be realized
and the world would certainly he destroyed
at the time specified he Mould forgive the
debt, hut if the world went on as initial aftet
that period, he would expect his rlient li
ral! at his office and pay him at least fifty
cents on me acinar :
t A young man named E. Dyer, aged
20, residing at Gallium Four Coiners,
N. Yoik, was killed a day or livo ago.
while imprudently playing wi'h a gun.
Ho was endeavoring lo flighted several
ladies who weie near hun by pointing
his musket at them, f.iili ng in this, hi
then heroically placed the gun agains
his stomach and his fool on the breach,
and his foot slipping against the lock,
the whole charge entered his bowels
causing instant death.
Tho amouut of Tolls received on the
Pennsyluania Canals and Railroad.',
from the commencement of tho present
year, up lo the first day of October, ic
$050,180 47. The amount during ihr
same period la-t year, 8754;7'll '17
Increase ovet last ycoi 8105,43!).
Northern Texas is fast filling up, em
igrants aie pouring into that section
more radily .than any other portion of
the Republic. Four hundred families
from Missouri and Illinois liavo lately
settled on thu upper Trinity, they are
the old pioneers of tho Western Slate,
are well mined and nrenared lo defend
.cinsolvcs against Mexicans or In-
1 lU.IMi-
The second track of tho Philadelphia
Reading and Poltsvillcllnilioad has been
'.omplt ted, and the opening; of it wat.
Celebrated on tho 16 h inst, quite a large
tumlii r ol persons taking the carajit Rich
inond; the eastern terminus, and going
through to Foltsville, on the new track.
The completion of this Important woik
is a mailer of great Interest juu now, as
much activity prevails in the Schuylkill
mining districts. The Ml. Carbon and
Pott Cm hon railroad, connecting the
eastern portion of the district with the
Reading railroad n rapidly piogicgtng
towairi completion, & when compcletcd
will result in a great increase of trade.
I'lie port Carbon and Tuscarora railroad
is also progressing; a rapidly as ciictim
Glances will admit. Thcte are several
hundred hands employed upon these
wot uw, the hrst of which will bo open
ed in a few weeks.
A terrible ualo on Like Erie. linrMn
, ' rt
ning Friday night, has destroyed a vast
. r . .. , i - i
.mi mini oi properiy anil large numuer
of lives. It extended aleo, as far as
Rochester, where it raged with the vio
enco ul a hurricane. At Iiu I,, In it
commenced about midnight ami rigeii
lor upwards of lour hours. I In- lowei
pa it ol null ilo presents one f-eene ol
wieck and desolation. In the immetli-
tin vicinity ot the city, H is believed, hi
'east two hundred lives were lust; anil
-eveial days will he n quired to ascer
ain any thing like the extent of the da
mane done. Several clp.imhmiH wrr
Ii i veil high and diy upon land; & fiotn
me, tnree men anil a boy, deck passen
iiets.vvcre washed ovei hoard and drown
mi. a greai deal ol damage was also
iM.nnctl iy the sailing cialt in the liar
Dour. A I least (uty canal boa's were
vashoil ashnio, some half a mile fioin
he canal. M my of them were totally
lestroyeil. Of the wharves, aod the
lumber, salt, and other pioperty lying
in tliem, the loss has been immense.
The who'e of the lower floors of the
ivarehou.'es on the birbour have been
submerged, and the propel ly thcrin
loied of course much iniurrtl. In
evi ral instances small dwellings filled
with inmates d ialed across Ihe flat-Uhcn
hrieks, vainly imnloring assistance,
mingling with the wild howl of the
emnest. Alanv of those imhannv
creatures peiished before help could be
Hi ven.
1 he A'tica and Buffalo railroad track
lo: the distance of neaiiv half a mi
finm the depot, is completely bioken
ip. The water filled the depot lo tin
leplh oi above five feet.
The clearness of specie from New
ork, lad week, were to Canton SM,
120, packet lup United Slates, fo
Liveipoor, S100.000, and ship Bur
gundy, for Havre, $61 ").
Ii h expected ill it hef-ne the close o
Hie present season tho toe from I'uhon
ginook to the not th-weslei n hianch n
he St. John, at the point of 43 25 N
lat., thence nji the stteam lo ils souici
n the Highlands, a distance of mon
than iwo hundred and ciehtv nnef
In one h a dense finest, and over a couo-
tiy almost inaccessible from prccipilioti
mountains, will he surveyed and cm
out lo Ihe width of Unity leel. 1 In
monuments intended for the principle
iioiuts ate ten ft el in height. Then
ne six hundred men employ vd in (hit-
The Albany Atlas savs there is in the
noitscsHiou of one of the old Du'ch fami-
let, oflhe city, a panot known to be
ighty-two yeats old! The bird is now
ilinil; hut, notwithstanding, it can walk
o any part of ihe house without clifiicul
y, and recognizes Ihe dtffeienl member-
I' the family by their footsti ps. L
vhi.silos lunes with great oxaclnctS, and
s quite fond of sacred music.
'All coned as usual; Democratic douided
Bi.oomsuuho, Nov,
Dried Apples,
"White cans
IS 11.
l oo
MARRIED-lly tho Rev. I). R. Toblai.
on the 31st October, Mr Purnn IIkini.acii
to Miss Ei.izaui:tii Dailor, Muntuur town
ship Columbia co.
It is a duty incumbent upon appear
once more in print in order that 1 may re
tract some abseriinns (and reassct l others)
mane uy me previous to this, I shall en
deavor lo purlnriu my task accoiding to the
nature of the subject, and rest all my asser
tions upon reasonable and sulid foundations
such ns cannot be shaktin by such regard
less dentals ol tacts, as appears in tbe last
reply of my worthy competitor, which is
composed of assertions so unruasouable,atid
so incredilable, that they are known, I pre.
siimc, by all who visit his shop to be false.
I, therefore, trust the GENTLEMAN will
be satisfied that I have for once kept lo the
truth. In his first, he advertised that he
had lately received the N. Y. & Philadel
phi a Fashions. That being contradicted
by mo in my reply, whollv upon these
grounds 1 1 being in his shop two days
ueioie my ailverliSBineui came out, and he
asked of me, the directions of the N. Y
l'ahimis, and further said that he had not
lent for ihe Fashions yet. I therefore con
snlered it impussible lor biin, alu-i my lirsi
eoinc out, lo have written and received
ihiiin hum either place, in eo shun a time.
In his last teply he appears to be above no
'icing such untruths as thehc, and oilers lo
Jatisly, upon the point of their falsity, all
who will eall at his shop. As for tnvso
he Tould willingly show ihcni to me of -11'
mil 5. il 1 would call, and if nut, he would
be still more kind and bring them lo me.
with a pair of SPECTACLES. I accord
ing to invitation, and not wishing to give
my antagonist loo much trouble, called
down on the 2Sih. I found him there, anil
was very corteously received by him
then made known my errand, and found
him ready and willing lo comply with mj
lequiMtion as far as U was in his power so
lo do. He fdiowed nio ihe Philadelphia
I'usnion ol -i t Out not ol lo . Neithsi
were there any from Now York to be seen
lie said he had ihcm at his house. I then
requested htm to biinc them anil wouhl
call in the morning, lie said that he would
if he did noi forget it. 1 then related to
him what 1 knew lo be the fact, that some
8 or 10 days ago he wro'.e for them, and
expressed a hope of receiving them before
1 could reply to his TRUTH WITH
OUT FEAR! Recollect he haul, by rue
hey are had, by me ihcy can and are shown
io all who wis,li to see them. 1 now leave
those who visit his shop to decide whieh if
true. Have anv-of nil seen Siotts it Wil
son's report of Fashions at his shop; or has
tie shown any one ol you sueh a plate.'
II he has, he did not complv with hi
words by showing them to me, not evei
liter ottering to bet him $5 that he could
not produce such a plate. Upon this aid
ed by his own words to a friend of his, thai
lie hail written for them and expeded then
before 1 could have time lo reply.) I resi
my assertions and say that he has licit got
hem yet. Hut is expecting ibein. Tliei
lie will he able lo show idem to all who
ivish in see them, unless he keeps iheni ai
lie I-KJUbL. In conclusion I make a
proposition fur amalgamation bv applyiu-;
ii V pmse (empty) according to his own
uesi-ripiion, with is purse ot skill.
Keep cool Crook and tin not Swear.
Nov. 1, 1811.
IICRRAS, the Hon. Joiitnt D. ANTiinsr
I'rfMdentof the Court of Oyer and Tit,
miner anil Ocnernl Jail Drlncry, Court, nf tjnuiler
oe&s ions of tint rcjce.and Uourt ot Uoimnoii fleas
and Orphuns' Court in (ho eighth judicial disiricl.
ronipnaed of tho i-ounticH of Norlhunilierliini1
I iiioii, Columbia and Lycoming; and the Hoi.
William Dtintildum mid (Itorge Muck, Us
luiies, Associate Juilgex ill Columbia county, huvi
issued their prTiit beaming dale tho '.Mill day ol
August in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred u..u lorty-lour .and tome dirccletl.foi
Ji Court of Oyer end crminer, and Gen
eral Jail Uehvny, Uencral (Quartet
Sessions of the Peace, Common 'has
anil Orphan's Court.
IN DAN VII. I. U, in Ilia County of Columbhi,
on the third Monday of Nov. aext. 'beiiig the
lelli Jay) anil to conhruo Iwo weeks :
Notice is therefore hereby given to
Inn Coroner, the Justices of tho Peace, mid Con
stables of tho caul county of Columbia. Ilia the)
b then ami their in their proper persons, at It
o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, with their
records, iuipiisilious and other remembrances, to
those things which to their offices appertain to
bo done And thoso that tiro bound hv recogui
zuuees, In prnsecuto Jgaim-t tho prisoners that arc
or may lio lutlieJuil ol sanl county ot Columina
aro to oo then nnd there to prosecute nguinst them
ns tdudl bo just, Jurors am rerpicfrted lo bo punc
tual in (heir attendance, agreeably to their notice),
Ujteil ut UaiiMlle, tho UMh day ot Cel. in
tho year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and forty-four and in tho 08 year
of the Independence of the United Slates
of America.
IKA.M DUIili Shclff,
rJin.nnr's Oincc, Uamillc
Oct. 2o. 1811.
M i
rY virtue of sunllry toiiJ. expona to me dl
ijB iccteit, will bo exposed ibnublic tale ut the
(Juurl lloimo, In Dnnvillo on .Saturday, lli lCth
Iny of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the
followinrj proirrty, to wit ! I
A certain plantation and tract of land sit
uate in llricrcrock townnbin, Columbia county,
containing two hundicd nnd twelve ncrcn, tnoro or
tefl, boiuidi-d on tbe fail by tho Susquehanna ri
ver, on tho west by the main road leading from Or
mgevillc to Berwick, and adjoining lamia of John
owman and other lands of defendant, all of which
is in a high ntalo of cultivation; u hereon is elected
i large framo
and other nut huiUinz.
scizca lakou in execution, and to bo tlu as the
property of Gilbert l owlcr.
" A certain tract of land situate in Dem
ownship, Columbia county ,ndjoiu!iig lands of John
ulec, framiiel onttain, Jolin IlentlelJ, tho widow
I .'ingle's heirs, nnd others, containing one hundred
and mly acus, more or less, whereon is erected
FRAME B.lim,
and other out buildings, a good
i S4 W A
uitli tho appprlciianccs.
Sci.ed taken ill execution, and to be sold as the
propcity ot Deiijjiiiin Lake.
A certain tract of land situate in Fishing
creek lowm.hip,(Jolumbia county, containing one
liuudieu mid twenty rime acres, more or less, ad
joining lands nLljIliriMoplier liowmnu, John llilck
alcw and others, whereon is creeled a small
Frame SEoiinc,
Siitt' oni:
13 ajok isarn
Seined taken in execution, and to nc mid as tin
properlv of Daniel Iceland.
A certain lot of ground situate in the vil
lagc of 0-nngc illc, Columbia county, contiiiuiu;
one half acre; whereon is erected two
Pramfi X5on?ns
una and
lying on main ntreet, numbered in the plan of Miid
town, adjoining lands ot Isjac Kline and others,
Seized, taken in execution, unci to be sold us hi
property of Charles II. Mcr'hcisoii.
I RAM OERR, Sheriff.
Siii:niriJ's Orncu, Danville,
Oct., 2G, 1811.
CJTiY virtue of a levari facias to inc directed, will
jijji) be exposed to public sale at the Cuiirt llousi
mi i;aiiille, on .Saturday the lfith day of Aovem
" 10 o'clock A. M. the following propci
y. to wit .
All that certain tract of land, adjoining
lands ef IV K. Herbinc, Adam Marks, David llach
man, l'hilip Vostand other lands of the said Sam
uel Vost, containing
be the sime more or les.
b'ciicd taken iii execution, and to bo fold as the
iroperly ol S.nnucl Vott.
A certain one nnd a half story frami
house nr building, situate in Ilriercreck timiiilmt,
Columbia county, near the road leading from
Hloounbiirg to l)er ii!;, adjoining a lot of Josepl
Kirkend.ill on ihe noith, Creasy on the i-ai.t, I'lio
mas Kane on the south, and Jesse Kirkend.ill on
the west, said house conaining in front eighteen
leet, and in depth eighteen feet, and tho lot and
piece of ground uud curlilcdgc appcrtcuaiit to said
Seized taken ill execution, and to be sold ns the
iroperly of Charles Scidle.
Dr.KK, Sheriff
Siir.ttirr's Oi rict, Danville, ?
.Oci. 20, 1811 S
Tllt'Crodit Svslcin CubIn ton Jlltc l.
is noto an atknowlcgcd fact, that the
CASES STSTEXWC is Hip only irne
one, botli lor the lib Yi'.K and fc.p.l.l.r.K.
E have been selling goods on tho t'.Ai
.Vl'A''.'.r; smco lata April, and iu. uni-
versa! popularity with all who havo given us a
call and M en for theintclvcs, and tho immcnt.c fhv
ing to their eusiomeiF, induces ihcm to invite the
readers of the Columbia Democrat to a trial of its
Our stock of Goods cout-iuLs of all tho variety ef
usually kept iu a country store.
All of which have been purchased in New Vork'c;, ,fr111,p.i' ,,. ,i,
nd Philadslphia, fur tho CASH ONLY. By jsln , ut Oranse.
;is means, we pay foi no man s goods but our al ' ,lrp . .
uvvu, win vvii iiu iiiHMiiun.ii pioiit iioiu our
ustomers lo pay bad debit.; thus having no losses,
body kiiuvvs who have bought ul us, j
.. .', t'.i. iiu uu .juvniiwii, u, b.,1 Y
1.' llfl I'l' I..,. n.iil n 1 1 nn.l,,i, n..
Our Store is in tint lilUUlv llljl,UIISU,ut the
corner of Mill Street, and tho llloouibburg road,
iippohitn Mr. A. Montgomcry'it Stone House.!
We invite ri.nmv to call and teo our
ijootli., Wc arc not iil'raid In show lliein.
KUSiSlilj tt UfJIEK.
Danville July 4- 1EIL plm!3
AND rmiisIDIi FitlBND.
iVcutt'til in Politic!, ami Koliuiou.
Aoi; is the very nick of Hint la subscribe
for the A'tw I car I 845
Willi the largest Subscription List in
the rfarM.
For the purpose of facilitatintr dir. r.irmniUn
iuos, oi ncw or old tubstribrrrt in in .r.
oiler the following
Thrco copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 year,
or one copy for thieo years
Seven copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 year
Seventeen do
Two do m.1 1
copy of either of the S3 Mn
Five copies of the Saturday Courier, and 2 co-
picaoicimcr oi uio JMugazines
Fivo copies ot the Saturday Courier.and 1 co
py of Frost's new 1'ictorial Hitjry of A-
incnca, a ib liook,
(Tjmi fact, whatever offer is mndr. bv nnu nllipr
P..l.. I... , .ii , . 'J
. ouiiij dukiuui, man a pproacliunr in wort i.beaulv
or pretensions, to tho Saturday Courier, will be fur
nished by us.
I lie Couner has becomo an well nml f.,vnmWi-
known through a triumphantly popular course ot
fourteen years, that it would be superfluous to say
uiuclyin that subject here. We may
ever, that to the industry, talent and cmerprue,
winch Have lot years kept this paper a bright excm
plar for alii its imitators, w ill eonQiiiil u .l,t,i
the productions of every available writer, and con.
im.icujmuciousaiiu liueial expenditures will con
linually be mado, as well in tho Liurary as the Ty
pographical departments. Our means will alwayh
enable us to be in advanceof all others.nnd we shall
Histories of Modem Republics
new and important antiouncenipnt f..r tb mm.
nig year, iu adJilion to our already numerous non-
II xr r..,ifiir.. :il l. - .... . . 1
ries ol 1odern a frehh and vigorous
wntei- who will impart a world of important in-
- .n, uC u scries oi tjoiuii-imi'. iiiat...
Simmon to uie rising generation, in this new and
eiiicrijiniiig Komanco of History.
iiogropnes and notices of Dislin
inched Literary and Scientific Men.
-Among the intcrcstinK essavs nml nl-rtrlc r
value, which we shall
f 'ourier.will bo a full and intercstinn account ofthn
rife, piogiess. and present elevated standing of all
ilii.lwj;uii.htd mm, of the Past and I'rcient, (at
home or abroad,) in all depaitments of Art.Science
interature, Statesmanship, Poetry, Mechanics,
. iimiug, .igricuiiurc, rrmting, .lercliandize, etc.
J ins mil be uvery intciestmii featuro for thr-
ioiing. Il will be a department of the Courier,
niin u ever uccn our aim to render of inesli.
nuule value to thusc for whom we feel bo deep uu
interest ns w e do for the Younir Afen of our rrt
and growing Country. The Lives of Distinguished
Men are of muck valuu to those who arc vet form.
ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact
ing tiicir pans, correctly, on the Ureal Stagu ot
Unman Lite.
Indeed, we hope that this department of tin
Courier will be worth more (each year)' to every
siuiiy who nave sons ami (laughters to be rca-cd
man live times tilt amount wc auk lor a H'ar's-uh
cnptiun lo the Saturday Courier:
incidents, JJatoria Scenes, JJutttt
Gruunds. fyc , of the American and all
timer licvoluli ons.
Under this head, which is.hv ihe wny.notat all
.l. i i i. i t "
new in inu wuunui,j wubiidii ricreaiier give graptue
a.iu i-iuusiiiig uccoiuui uct.'ai.ioii.iiit Icauiilullt
illuhtralcilj of iho ihnlhng incidents, bo proluvIj
studded through tho deeply important litalory ol
the American devolution, aud-of all other rcvolu.
liom. ihat we may legard of tho least nitercki oi
valuutho readeisof Iho l'hiladelphia !aturdaj I'm
rier. This w nl be nf deep consequent i- uKo, w
every member of any foii.ily ot the Amencan re
public, who may thooe lo do thcmnlvcs and in
iho favor of n-cnring, regularly, the vUiu of tin
Courier at their Family 1'irei.ide.
Ol'ULAK TtM'UGKAl'llV. To gratity tin
growing appetite for a bitier knowlnlgu of the im
portant features of our great and glorious couutrv
our past exertions tdiall be redoubled iu future t.
provent vivid pictures of American cities, towns,
mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, etc.
Uur original dumettie Tulex, Emtags, Poems.
fi.c. will continue regularly lo be famished by the
ininili. and pens iu the country. 'I hese chast,
productions are acknowledged In bo the bt-tt, foi
UM't'ul iiit-trilctiou at the family fireside, that appeal
in any periodical.
(Jt ii KM.iuvr.Nos comprise subjectsin all bran
ches of Art and Nature, suitable for the family cir
cle, and appear iu rapid succession.
Olilt Tit WI'LLUK is constantly traveling
tbe world, iu M'aich of the wonderful and instruc
tive. Oeit Anuii'ia-ruinsr occupies weekly an im
poranl space, vvih all matters of interest for the
noble til'ert nf the foil;
Uur litiropcun Uorrapondcnls, in Liverpool,
London, Ireland the Last, yc. ktcp us rcgubrly
iidvised of all subjects of special inlcreet.
Our .Markets and Prices Current.embracc all tin
earliest advices in reference to the prices of all kind.
of Grain. ProJuco, See., the stato of Stock s.llauks
Money.ani l.unrs. and our extensive arrangement
will hcrculter render uur 'nces Current of inesli
Diablo value to the Traveller, Farmer, and all Uu
siurss Clashes whatever.
Courier Huilding, 97 Chesnut street, Phila.
Eitatr of PhUip Dodder, late of Orang
township, deceased.
OTICF. is hereby given Hint Ietteis of admin.
istratton, on the above mentioned (Vtote.biive
tho subscriber residing iu iIip
All peisons indebted l0 thu
said estate arc hereby notified to iuhKo immediate
,,.....,, , i. ..i-:,,,
' . ,',.' . ' ... ' ' i r "l,"',lu
.'A '.' 'JL?"" " ,0' hml"n"'
' '
Orango tp, Sept. '
, HLANKS! ! IJLANKS ! ! ,,
icy jufiticefclllaiik EXECUTIONS and
SUMMONS jitft printed and for sale at
this OHice
Public Sale.
N pursuance nf art order of ill Oplian' Colli
of Columbia county, on
Thursday the ith day of A'ov. next,
at 10 o'clock In tho forellCdh.Obed fcverit, Admin
Htnitoi, Vc. of Itonjsmln I)oonC,lll eitpbs to sU
at Public Vendue, upon the premises, a ceitain
undivided micty of an Acre ef Land, uud
a L'welllng Houcfor the Miller and a Frme Su
de, iluate in Bloom township, on tho wntcr and
eui tbe mouth of rishlngcrcek, adjoining tho Penn
ylvuinn Canal on tAo North Dranch or the Su
qiicliuima, and Aqueduct across FUhlngcreek, lata
ihe estata of said deceased, situate In the township
of bloom and county aforesaid.
Danville, October 4, 1814 26i
List of Letters
HKMAININO in the Post Offlco at DIoomB'
burg, for the quarter ending Sept, 30.1R44.
John Ulockulgc, Daniel Dorr, William Ellingtr
Charlos W. Former, Peter llagcnbuch, 'i'homaa
yennaugham Joseph W. Kcstcr, 1'atrich Mc
Cormick Wcnnevellc, John McNultz, A. A
.Matkdowcll, William Hichard, Charles Stitlct.
Persons calling tor letters in tho above list will
please aay they oro ndvcrtisrd.
J. M. MOYER, T. M,
List of CauC9.
Fur trial, November Term, 184-1.
John F. Wolfinger, Ad'tor. de bones
Francis Ball vs, John Rhoads.
John N. Hart ct al. Samuel F.
ct al.
William Montgomery et al
William Codnor vs Joseph Gibson.
Augustus P. Willis ct al. vs Oanvilloi Poii.
ville Hail Koad company,
Jacob Leisnvsuig et al.vs Henry Fisher adm
et at.
Knowlei Loncaster et al vj Benjamin Morris
George E. Gehrig vs FredciicU Fridley ctal.
John T, Davis " Ashbel 11. Wilbon
Hobert Montgomery vs Daniel S. Moritcomeiv.
John Abarling et al vs Samuel .Mehary
Morris Moyer vg George artzelet al
JJaniel Ramsey cl al vs Peter llaldy
William bitterly vs Willicm 15. RiEhter
Edward Carey vs Isaiah Shuman
yjur on W. Wfipples vs John F. Mann ct al
James TlarreJ adm'tor vs Samuel Uruglcr
Leonard Stineman vsJohn McWillisms
Samuel F. Shaffer et al vs John Shaffer
Samuel Ciddes et al va Joaiah Gilbraith
Nathan Collin vn David I'etrikin
Charles Barnea et al v John Chester ct al
George Kaufman vs Thcmas Drandon
Northampton Bank at ol vs Abraham Klott
Jcsso Bowman et al va George B. Stitc!;houfect
John Christophel rs John Rishol
Sohn Fruit et al vs William Bidc"o at
Tit AVERSE JURY-Second JVctk.
Briercreelt Samuel Kechncr, Jotcrn TJIont,
S. M. Gilmore
Bloom Robert Hajenbuch
Caitawissa William Fox, Bcniflmin P. Trick,
George Shick, IVilliam Gcarheart
Derry Thomas Gillcn.bomuel Carnahan
Fishingcrcel: ohn Bceler.jr
Greenwood Philip Iiccte
Jt-ckson Jhn Ranee
Limestone George Smith
Mifllin Joseph Kirdrndall Dni ie' 'vunbnld
ucob Yoke, Henry Lehr, (. hridian W a I
Mahoning Benjamin William, Tl.srs..-.
Woods, Jcob Olmstead
Madison John Bctz, Amos Disci, Lorn Li-
molt, Robert Stout, Jacob S'wistier
Mt Pleasant Robert Nixen, John Jacoly
Monttur John Boycr, Joseph .Moiifcer,ca:n-
nel Lazarus
Roniingcieek Edward II ughes, Michaet R.
Valley lames Gary
Sugarloa." Jothua Brink
Bricrcreek Isaac Yocuni, Stephen Mansfield,
John Knorr, Luther Br.vvn, Jacob Hill. Thomas
Caitawissa- John Hurtman
.Derry John Crawford, jr. Samuel Laird. Jo
sph Craig
r isliingcreck Janic Dyer
Greenwood John Staloy, William Edkr
Hemlock Joshua Mcnlle ihall' John Pursel,
Liberty Jumea i'crry, 'I'homas Butlci, Ws
Limostonc Michael Hawk, William' Brady, jr
Jacob Gouger
.1adisou William SwUher, Jacob Wcllivei
Mahoning William Kitchen, William Ileurie.
Charles Barns
Mt Pleasant Isaac Musgrove
Monteur Andrew Clark
Orange Isaac Kline, sen.
Roaringcretk Silos Johnson, Jfnc Pricr, Joh
llngelund, Peter Botl'man
Valley William Caldwell, Joseuh Man
A.itient.'' " Pi'n Gra
nioiin Cun r. Kahlcr
llriercrerk- Samuel Hairing, Joitu
IJerry'J'empJeioii Allen. ,
Fishiinitreek lstttt; RobbJns. uen.
cock- , .
Grcenwooil NioliQleji Kindt
Hemlock J ihn Cox
Jacksnn t;hf.ttr Siiilth ' '
Liberty George tftuy, Jluifh yaW-figm..'
Limestune Daii.'e I F ' ,
Madison Levi U' " ,v. -
Mahoning John r-j' ;
Alt 7'leasant Jne . t
Monteur Eli K n: ''t''
Vugailoaf Siiltfipon f)avlst Julm.'Kt'ne, D,vbl
Valley Cale'. Apptcman.