TIMERS' HISTORY. state of his health, to go afloat, Uio duly of m ,. !..i.i.i. r .1. waiting on his Mftjctty lliercfoio ilcvolvcil III leading jiurnal. of ,he Fren h capital n j,. G uruisli so inn curious pal ticiilars (if thu son f association entered into for the publication ', FRANCE, of Mr Thiers 'llisloiio da Consult! el d? -TIic Ktnp, prior to. lib dnpaiture from P Empire' A' partnership fund amounting R,, for Trepnit and England, ;isaoed an . rof'nnn.f , -n.ttnnn .1 ii. 'rilonnnnre dated Lmi. .Oct. -1, granting a to 025,000fra.nc(e4 1,000 .toiling) p,-rdoll , rtfly poilicill pri,ollera. moilly it soems, provided for the payment or the belonging to the Republican party, in copyright and expenses, and the society chiding several who havo been condemned provisionally formed some years ago, was to Imprisonment or transportation for vari o receive si regular working organization. P odg of from six or twenty years. . .v . , , , , , , I ho Frencli opposition papers attribute wucu me aumor suou.u uavo cnmpioitu ,W ,., fc.,r, amJ , furioug al)m), hit man nseript. The society now., by pub mP King',, visit to England. ho act, duclare.i that 'M. Thiers' work Tho Alonileur of Tuesday, publishes n A few months after. Joseph received being m a very dvanced state, ttio members 1181 ,,IB pouuc.ii prisoners who nave uceu the star of honorTrom the hands of hi consider it for their interest at once to begin cl 31 "D"Y 'V co"so(lll11(:e lne amnes -i v... ...n l ..r .. . .. , ?. hy granted by tho King, by the royal or- 1 ' ""vn " r.t. ii in I puniieaiion, i ne nuu.or nai, t; " aiu. dnnnance iained fro. c Chateau d'Eu 'dale Mm, and mnu promoum in , . tf,EiV(.A .T20.000 francs on account nti llip .ltd inatanl 'I'lia lulil nnmfipr fll olhiu work which was to be naid at tho persons liberated is fifty. Of these M tale of. 10,000 francs for each of the Dupoty and two others were implicated in fl. nine volumes, the tenth.and eonelnding n,ri,::,S;mit:di:ix "hers, t volume .entitled him to 110,000 Irancs. rjnco Louis Napelenn's descent en Hntilo ,r I liters receives then, tor copyright gno. I lie principal political prisoners 000,000 francs no loss a sum in hnglish now remaining in the stato prisons ol money than 20,000. France are Piincc Louis Napoleon, who The present postessionu ol France in conunues at Ham. and MM Dhinqui, who Africa cost her fiom two to three WBe implicated in the ntlair of tho 12th millions Verlim; a year, and req lire an 81111 lMn 01 APr"' ,8JJ- L. A TE IlUrmy of 100,000 men. Tlii In surely FRIGHTFUL INUNDATION IN paying too dear for a whistle.' SWEDEN. A nnnr ivnmiin nf Allf.na. I.at! rppnnl I The steamer Acadia, Capt. Harrison, v come into possession of a fortune of ,'et,c" 'rom holm of the 21th ult. JB1, 500,000, by lha death of h s brother -i . ' f 1 J Itn nnvn. Gllflnrp,! spvprnlv Imm .nun. Infi, in who died laloly at Demernr.t. nut, iccovcring tho use of speech, ho hnisl out ,tvilh. "And I liay-o-heon capable of s'upoe" lllg, Ul Bl-UUJllIJJ J"" " - 'Uo not 'say, any :thinu mom Jabou hal, M. ip'ro-irjio lilb'vv Ml reach my 1 JM;,Foi,,'eg',' b6t.t'ho wounffis eicalriZMlTJfiw.' I 4 It will tfVeT h il'rny'rlmemlJranee,, replieil'UiQ'harohj Mnd 'since you wit' not 'bo recompensed in the maunoi which is so 'pinning an I exciting to ofliciotu zeal, t hMI nil rest u.itil you liavoTbceivod the justice which is due to yotlr heroism and tho m.iny v.ilu.iblc services which you Dave perlormeu tllo lieufenancv oltlie liremen,whom in "Ommandcd manv years, exciting theit l.vai'mesl nffi elion and addinit to theii tepntation by inspiring them with a no 'blu desire to imitate his example. Foreign T W ELVE DAYS FROM EUROPE. a arrivpd at Uojlon on Sunday Jv i , uii'inl we have London pa pt.s ci load. Liverpool of the 4th, and liriw, Dublin and ILvre dates ol Urn l-' si 'ii'. Tlv u..r!and Mail brings intelligence that a iiejiy Had been concluded between tho Uoiu- TStiit. s and the- Celestial Em- arrival or run pire, I'Jii 1 upon the tame principle a? to have suffered severely from inundation. but in the greatest ('.cgrce the country bor derin-on the river Rocyo, which rose thirteen feet in les lhan an hour rushing in torrents upon ihe large villugo ol Knnraddlout and its environs, which were submerged; sweeping away all tho house and factories, and S3 windmills, and, in faci "Tnurii wituou? rr.Aii S.1TIIUII.1V, JVOV 'i, 1811. IScmcmJicr lite Friufcr. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, RUCK WHEAT, OATS or WOOD, will be re ceived for debts duo us for subscription. Also, a low bushels of POTATOES, if dclivcicd soon,) From thoso who have promised Lumber men bikI inch anu a tiuartcr tune board)- will be received if delivered soon. 1'ioin the Dally Keystone 1'stra nf Tuculiy, T M 1118 I R li 13 STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION ! EXPLOSION OF THE LUUY WAhKERi 'J'ho Louisville Morning Courier of tin 2 (lb insl. furnishes us with the following account of a most htarl-reniling catastio phc: II is with feeling the most acute & pain ful that we record tho following fearful di- istcr, and the loss of no many vahint If lives. The steamboat Lucy Walker. C apt Vann, left this plar e fur New Oih-am e lerdav, erowdcil with paJsciii'er'?. Whcc ibonl four nr fivo miles below New Albany md iust before sunset, some pail of tier Tho lucky steamship, the Great Western leavim? lioibiiifr but a mess of mins. Ahnm i I I I .M ... ir i- i a n tl?pt.....,l i ...i bi iwp.Pn Rnir and and prriycu ai ixew ioik auoui 1 1 o clocK, on 000 oersons are said to have nor shed. and China in which America will enjoy all Sallir(lay nlSht Oct. 20, having left Liver the loss of propertv is estimated at 800,000 the advantages which Great liritain p.0"1 on 1,10 12lh 'ro seems to be very rix dollars, i?1.200'000 francs. Subsrrip " I 111 U I1UWH. I nno t.H II, n nal .il 1 1, a .nir.i.n,. l,trn Un.. ,,, una , U t lll ll it OlMHIUli, llil.U lltl I, seeureil. It is said the Hi itish Ministry inlend to attack ihe Irish Repeal movement again. Mr. Everett the American Minister, is said to have solicited his recall? The Queen of England, returning to "Scotland, was expected to arrive in Lon don on the 3d little news. I he King of the riench arrived at Wind Upened at Stockholm, at the head of which ior- stands the names of the King and Queen. 1(1(1 VAij ui' 1 11 rJ tvlNU VI THIS wim consiuerablo contributions annex FREFCII. Portsmouth. Tupsilnv. ' I MIt I PDta1 a p i tcs nr im v UllLJIiLjlVlO.tl til 1 I O VlJlilJaV. So soon as daylight broke this morning .1 aiuiiiiit'i wild i ruiicii colors lloiSlrd, w;ib seen at anchor at Spithead, and thice otherb Tho 22d of October being generally re : i r..n . t t.", ...... in V . i - r iseuu ai iuiunur ai opiuiuuu, anu mice olliurb uivuu wu : luuiiuuts ui ruiuoi tinier aim Van Amburg s elephant, last weekpi Lvcre reported a Ions distance off under Hrolher Ilimes, as that on which the world Canterbarg, being annoyed by a trumpe- nieam. Tho steamer at anchor weighed, was to do destroyed, the excitement nc ter in Ihe orchestra, suddenly caught md proceeded to join those in the ofllng. cordingly reached iis climax at the time him with his trunk and lifted him up At six a. m. ihe Admirably flag was hoisted designated For several days before it had in the airyind then let him fall in the on uoatd the Victory, which was saluted im ec" rising in intensity. 1'arcnJs deserted not mediately uy an snips in commission a1 i10" lamiues people closed their stores, Spithead ar.d Si. Helen's. A salute of 19 kavo away their goods, threw iheir valuables !uns was also fired in honor of the arriva 11,10 'be streets, and were guilty of every cavcliif the French Embassador, ihe Count St M100'6' f mildness and insanity that could ivuiaire. as tne nare cleared oir the ship? I wen oe iinaguieu so mur.n so, inueed.iiiai at Spithead appeared dressed out in ibeii somo cases, the aid of the police had to "-MiTivnal (1 n tro' qnil in im m Ihn in ui iL' iil n urngnrun llm tunna fi it is very commonij noj-njo,, were na(.ej me i?tenf,. i.., -VUh Monday, the creat bodv of tliosu deluded siwil'iisf, 1 lie musician was hurt.. The Queen of Spain is dying. The King of France would Treporl lor Eifgland, 5th inst. REt-UDIATION DENOUNCED ET Whitish Coukt. the rumor-ed-in ihe my; that it is the m- snl)i)Uron ,vcre nnw EPnn !inbnPnl, reonle went forth into the onen rmm.rv. i P'08" Pa,l lor ",c 'iur',"se c'""a" leiriio.n of government lo exclode from jne gl Helen's, coinu at a slow rale. vi7.-be prepared f.ir the change uhich was , going to Jerusalem, inienung' to ibsuo i the Uourl ami irom tne iMinisterat the (Joiner, with the French standard at ihe come upon them. I o hills on the western proclamation calling in the Jews, ovei ties parties, alj the loreign JM misters or mam, an hnglish ensign at the fore, and u side ot the bchuyll.ill were selected b whom he was to bj head nil the return ol Charges d'Airnrea, whose governments brench Ensign at the mizen. The Caiman many, and a number of encampments ot Christ upon tho earth which event hi 1 . 4 .. . 1. 1 1 1 it i.iffii!wl iIiaix .,.....1. t ia inn mil iltn IT I i n - -... hlvnii.nL'ii trnrn in hn cumi ifii nn i m ll-..;.-., ,1.-1, ,p,i,ro ion.lr.1 hv the henn.ifnl vM.i h.l., .1.- lli.n U a few miles, were tl i,,. nvnimmnn. believed would lake place forty five year, IIICIHO tIIN UIUH "miiuio in nno wuuii.i - j j ,tiUii,iMi " . irv Siiph a nrocGGdint? would nlare Atnelh. each dressed ou limilar lo lliu Go pvas rshibited. Tlio liowevor, was lrom j- i o I . . ... I ( , . .. ..I ... , l heUniied States renresentative in a mc'' ullM "lt; "xeeptiun ol Hie French siai. 'o11' ami wui itie watchers generally wiih- with reieiencc lo this expedition lie wa.- nun. ns uir riciitu siiinuru i annroat H'li i""- "i ancnui, .iiiu, us uiu Mnir;U uu prnvvnnit ' vinir nt Ii!ir in hi. . iv Ini ' Helena nit, Yi.-...r . Bucn exposure, me to ,ow,ng iGomM lf Ffly, denominated the Ancirn u,, i,v,a v v, ai. i, v 1,1,1 l; n dl lilt 111,1111, "J ' J j 1 u " 1 ' 1 " " 1 ' " 1 ,J Ii 1 1 Ill U 11 J III I , manned their yard, mid s.iluii'd resnenivp linoosition. The old neonln and lim infants ""J18 Iv as tho (ouiir n.nmh iI.pbp lmu A iiiiniciihirlv. hiilli n il i relv . At ii is innn. Uec.rer y , 1 had the fatl from or.o win were returned by the Caiman anil Fihon ''lui 3 Ut-ly thai lim icsoli u( this insine pro. assisted ai thu vioron iuoii divoiced emu: very embarrassing and unenviable posi tion. DrtEADFUXXOSS OP LtPE NEAn Son dehland. Accounts from Snnderland civo account of an explosion in a coal pit at Ilaswell colliciy, about ten mile.s and Llati, and the Riene Amelia. Lbri eeding ill be thu death of many. The .loo's death. This was the Prophet's grand from biinderland.wlnch has the deslruc- arborouch s yacht, the lvtstral, and eevn I iifiiinuni having thus tailed once mnre,uesjff,,. am ,al -n been L'eueralv, ;uon ot nine.y-slx uuman oe.ngsi it ity"'1 "-V"" ' , . . : . ... ,l,w""" slln,7 a,,u known, would, perhaps, have saved otn aa u tlval ai the time ot Ihe accident "" '"'u"11'. wum j;any uecoraicn wnn n-jci-icuiy iu uiuir uccustomeu avnoauons .. . vtl,rPWPre a hundred nersonB in il.JoolaM. The flag of Admiral Sir Chariot U'd. of them, at least, whose heads lavCShlc from the disgrace and lufuiny of perpe nil and. that onlv threo or four hive '",lvlJ was shifted into the Queen, and tht lot been completely turned; but it is to be iraliug so foul a murder. been saved. . ' iauuaru appeared ning ai preouineu, as a . matier oi coutse,tnat the an This lact allords a key to certain move The-repor. I. conHrmed th.l Bohoml. 3, which are otherwise will join lne German Customs Union, brigs ai anchor fired salutes as his Rlajesn day, and that the old routine is to be repeat by way of experiment, for five years. pagsed trough Spithead the French steam While so much of credulous ignoranc. .Ireland. O C'onnell, whoe move er8 only going at a nuarter snced allnwed is exhibited, there will be no lark nf runn Tnerltsr' r-corded with a decree of in- the numerous yachts, and French yacht lo MnS roguery to take advantage of it, for no Clrcnl Muitntagcs of Sleam and 'terest no n'ffnor lo those of royally.jkeep company. They entered the harbour ''0"bt can exist that it has been turned ti Hail Roads. In 1773, tho fust siagi hasMefi th lrrsh metropolis fffr hi? in the same line of sailing.ihe Comer lakino Pro' already. The supply, in th.s mailer, ciaches were eslablihcd betweoi "niountai. home. the lead, hen at the mouth of the bar as in others, i ThOit-teal Kepeal 15anouet to O Con- ,l0,lr u,e Amg oastion nreo a uoyal salute Mnu u people are eager lo ho imposed on ihrough In two days, with a fare ol . . . . . I ll,n I..IA..IH H......I... I.I I I I ln ... t,....:il..... I ...! II. ''. . nell anit I tic other Stite prisoners, look l,ul" ",u ,wumJ i'uiiuer. anu me piat inipuoiur win not uo warning. j,vi inachinery goi out of order, anil .the engine THE WEATHER. was Mopped in order to rep.ir it. While Tho weather throughout the- fall, thus far engaged in in'iking the iiens.,ny repairs with two exeentiniiB has benn verv fine for 'ho filter in the boilers col ton low; and the gathering of the fall ciops On the 20lh about fr o minutes after the engine had of September, we had a snow storm, which ceased working, her Shrce boilers exploded lairly covered tho ground with a white man with tremendous violence, and horrible and tie, and on Wednesday last, we had a con terrific riTer.l. tinued snow throughout tho day, although Tho explosion was upwards, and thai il melted as fast as il fell, 'leaving no traces patl of ihe boat above the hollers was blown behind except rold weather.' into thousands of pieces. Ihe U. b Snag-boat ttcphrr, Capt. I. 15. IJtinham, tCT For several week, our paper hat w-ag aboul two hundred yards distant at the been almost exclusively devoted In political time of Ihe explosion. Capt. Dunham matter, which has rendered it, not as inter was immedi Melv on the spot, rescuing esting )o Ihe inisccllancojs reader as wt those in Ihe water, and with his cre could have wished, the election, being now rendering all the aid in his tiowtr. To him over, we shall have moie lime, and more we are indebted for most of our particulars iijiace in our columns to devolo to them, and He iulorms us that the Lucy Walker w,hh vc shall endeavor hoical'lcr to makcamor.dt, the middle of the river, and such was tin for the past, and make our paper as inter force of the explosion, that 'pans of the ftting, lo say the h-aet, as those of on i boilers and the boat were thrown on shore neighbors. Just after the explosion, the air was filled with human beings-itfragments of human b ingOnc man was blown up fifty yards, &fcll with such a force as to go entirely through the deck ot '.ho hont. Another was nil entirely in two by a picro of the boil We have heard of ninny such heartrending md sickening incidents. Hefore Capt. Dunham reached the place where ihe Lucy Walker was, he saw number of persons who had been throw into the liver, down. lie however saved ihe lives of a large number of persons by (blowing thorn boards uud inpes, and pull ing them on hit,' boat with books. Im mediately after the explosion, the ladies i . if it . i ii eauin iook lire, anu do lore u nau ocen con ed, she sunk in twelve or fifteen feet water. 1 litis is presented the remarkable circumstance of boat exploding, burn ing &. linking, all in the spare nf a few minutes. The streams and exclamations of the females, and ihoso who were not killed, is represented as diMtessing and awlul. We believe none of ihe females on boaid were injured jomc however, may have been rnwned. The books of the boat were leslroyed, and of course it wilt bo impossi ble ever lo ascertain the names of or the number of those killed. There were at least fifty ni sixty persons killed oi mUing, and fifteen or twenty wounded, some dangerously. Capt. Dun ham h fi the wounded at New Albany, jdl of whom were kindly and well cared for by the hospitable and humane citizens of that town. Captain Dunham deserves the thanks of the community for bis humane Az vigorous exertions to save ihe lives of, and bis kindness and attention to the sufferers. lie snipped his boat of every blanket, sheet, and every thing else necessary for their comfort. Mr, John Hixon and Mr. Henry Rebec, passengers on the Lucy Walker, deserve PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 1 8-ldt Status Electors Time of hold 1611 ing Elections. Ohio t 23, " ' November i Pennsylvania U0' t Maine .0. ' 4 :Vcw HamptMft 0 , ,1 Connecticut 0 " , 4 Virginia 1.7 1 Georgia 10 4 Mipsihsippi 4 4 Kentucky 'i 4 Indiana VI 4 Illinois f O 4 Missouri 7 4 Michlgin 5 4 ' m vis 3 4 North Carolina 14 4 Now York 30 ' 5 l.ouisMiia " 0 0 I'ennespce Kf fi New Jersov 7 6 0 Rhode Island 4 0 Massachusetts Vi II Maryland 0 12 illabama 0 1 1 Vermont .0 1 I Delawaro 3 i South Carolina 9 1 THE ELECTION. As the election iu this Sia'c ond Olii 'ook place, yestcrfay, (Friday and lha of New Yoik, is lo be held on Tuesdav we hope to be able to gue the results o il em in our lh'xi. THE GRAND DESIGN. A correspondent at Alton, saya the New Bedford Bulletin, ufier staling that the rcreir murder of Joe Siniih had been followed b) a dispensation of hn followers. gives the fol lowing i nlcicsting iiein?: Mis-Joe Smith it is said, has lost all confidence, (if sin eer had any i in the Mormon faith. Sin I will soon retire to some secure situation, undoubtedly the richest lady in the Wesi joe bad been amassing money for several By tho Legislature. The States in ic voted for Van Ruren in 1810. Kickapoo Copper. The Galena Gazotto says: II the roporls concerning th6 late dis covery of copper ore above Piaitiedu Chi- "li. teferrcd lo in our last, he nut exaggera ted, thai section ol counirv will food excito the attention of great numbers of mining ad- enturers. 'J'ho specimen ol the ore lefi at this office has excited much attention, and is pronounced superior to any thing of thu kind horetofnre seen by most of those who have examined it. 'J'ho remark is pietly general tint there must be more of such mineral in tho vicinity. The country u represented as being broken, hbonnding in high hills and clear springs of water. MORMON ISM AimOAD. Mot monism has made consult rahln progress in Scotland. At a mciilinp, of iho faithful in Glasgow last month, somo live bundled were present, all in ino:n iiij; for the prophet, Joe Smith. Tho Scotch Mormons Conference embraces eighteen churches. EARTHQUAKE IN WESTERN NEW YORK. On 'Tuesday morning last a very percep tible shock of an earthquake was experi enced in the town of Alden, Albion, Alex inder, Attica, Ratavia.Hclhany, Daricn and Elba. A gentleman from Albion states that about 8 o'clock in the morning, while he was nl breakfast, something seemed lo stiike the side of thu house, janing it all over, raiding the dishes on the table. The sound then passed on with a deep rumbling noise like a cat passing over a railroad. At the west nd of the lown. a large brick house was racked ihrough in Iho rentre.and some of the ?toncs in the abutments of the canai fell out. Mr Foiled, assistant pnslmaater at Rata via, says the shcek was lolt there at 7 mm utes past 8, and laMcd about two seconds A gentleman from Elba estimates the do ration of the shock in lhat place at half a minute, and describes il as hard enough to jar open several doori. It came apparent ly from tho southwest and passed lo the lorthcast wholly inexplicable. ittijin (Vic lli oil nnnltinsi nnit tliii pfTiPiAnt l, I....I Wlin.i l llin ninntti f .1.. mll,re I, : " . . .1 1 , I I . . AT.... X .l. !.... "" ' " ' ' " " " '... .V.-Vi. . " " l, I ,r,,i :r li i'ip,,,,l''i iiiuuuiiiuiiii rnnaueipiiia anu iew i oik, rumij: ( ;Xt,rlion8 in saving the lives of drowned NCttll) I Tour rlfillirc fnr nrtn nDianntrpr . llin !! I pCfSOHS .... , .... .... lance is accomtilished in live oi six hour' land at the same fare! pUco-orVtho 20ih ult., in the MuaicH""" tlery also fired a aaluie. which wGuzitle Hall, Dublin, a large square building, V i s .,,BU," mrsfxtiiLn Burroundcdwiil, galleries, which -werV Pn'h,0" D' " " rV0,,, . A CURIOSITY. .... .i ! ., i . , At an early hour, at seven, the Grenadier appropriated to tno use oi ino utiles, ot ctiropanjei( of illc0ili and 70d. Rerinieuts Wc werc "hown Ihe other day a hand wnom uitiB ..Mi,, - ""'fnouccoinpanied by ihe band of the former re "'I ol peas, in Ihe pod, one or two pod .picMJii.. iivcib" ,,ci u gimcni, and commanded by Major Hoven ' wMieli appeared quite diy and Miita nearly that number of uentlernen were ilen, appeared on the narade and wrr in ble to nlani. which wrr.. r3iKrl fr,, .present. Mr. SmitlfO'Hrien filled tin Upecled by the Lieutenant Governor, &ir peas picked in July from vines which chair. Henry Parker; they then proceeded to had grown and borne a lame ouanlitv Spain A letter Irom U.iyonne ol uosport, where they were joined by aeon. 0f this delicious vegetable between thai Whig the H ult. in the Morning .1 -o.i, an-P''"'" , or Vn- ' u' ol ,1,e Pceding will give place lo Governor Hartley eleel Ui hlnl i,ki.r,iirt,i u,, lim Pn,.iti I'nariue, and a portion of other tronns. uW 1 h,s scon1 "P W8B quile (the father.) .r m wi,e.we,,i.ovor.oGo,n0rt. todo'du, u.,r",j''anu a i,.,.iRa ... wm " ' ' . " '" Hie Railway and V.etnall.mr yBrd.' A, ey waa several tlmce applied fiom ,. .war; h.u,.k . . oumm T ci , . 7, wjlh ,)e for ,hc tllbt.. We dnub. f prune" imu imihiiuii iiovi oome time past in readiness cnlctjn,, whether a Fpol of land c,in 'The inauguration of Governor of Ohio, in December next, will present a novel erne. 'The robes of office will bo trans ferred from son to sire from Democrat to acting Governor Hartley (the son) FIIIE IN PROVIDENCE. he found RAILROAD .1 RON. The manufacture of railroad iron .-summary punishment Tor every atlempi LlttPt' to create utstut uance, 'oui -aiso arresicn (themost conppictio'us atnong-lho rioters Among the prisoner.": 'Iitiy- srK in num f.lier'; were tvp,opera-dancei. It will bo seen that Micro has been most destructive fire in Providence The 'Theatre, and some olhcr building1 ire swepi away ; but what is of much greater conjrfucnce, the elegant paint ing and machinery used by Dr. Lardnci in his Icctines, valued at $15,000, and tinsel's I'lunelai mm, woilh ntiiel lit much, whete burnt. Thn 1V,VU Ylil t. TiviM-neo (.ffilria lliol funiaces in blast, eont:oclod wiih a laco lilm mrmn nrtinr,a imvi'n., i,,. u,.-,i rtlI..Mf! I. 1.. ... . . . ...Ill Ill I : .t .... ... . ' O - h .v ..,wK. I inc Ticmrywiisiiresacii in colors, and ' U,""S eie.ui or niuu puddling againM the Right Rev. Hishop Onder- VhadtheAdmirality llagai the .main, and furnaces in full opcialion, -with .which donk, Episcopal Hishop of tho Diocese I"rfl?1chIf 00.1' ... ., . , ; i,ey making railroad .and .other. Iron of New Yo.k, and their reference lo a 1 he,Port Admiral,-being utuble.from.lhc t a rapid ta'c. Icoma.htcc, is entirely f.lse. Il.miiu Ptitlliitnvnu tltiirtli A mil n : -i. i I w i n vt nvliiKii n t C &WBDEM. lopuiai uiaiMioiiicaye ,,, tl10 numerous officers in splendid ami Cundiiy. The seed was a mixture of tlx .HBsiiusH.ivi.iuu, ..jru... .. u. U)tm y whom he was attended at the after common and maiiowfal pea. ATffi' 1111..1.11 . .j ""i uiiimniianci utm Ul 111 U -UOU1CI. I itOllUUIl JlUOOCttlC. in liioi.mji anu uieio were rio ii on itie i nousatins ot petsona-erowded the'King'B SgSih of 'August. -The melhol 0ftheif bastion, die lines facing Ihe ea, the platform ! suppression -was cunous. Thu pblice batiery, and Victoria pier, to witness hit jIiIiaiI a number of assistants. miier-.dav approach; and tho long, loud and vociferous labourers and others, all irflhem tall & 'bceriiig.viih which the people grceledthe COUNTERFEIT SOVEREIGNS. 'The National ImcMigeuccr publishes letlei from London, exposing a new and Inn i v dangerous eouuiurleit sovereign, so closely resembling coinage at the Uritisl Mint thai even the die sinker himself was deceived by if II is composed of coppei 4i.d gold, half and half, gilt but on cutting open ihe edge the redness of the coppei becomes visible, Tho dots on the field Or' in that quarter of tlio shield contain ing the singlo lion, arc more distinct, being crossed or further assundcr than inihn ical coin. 'Tho counterfeit is believed lobt made for circulation in tho United Slates, i..,,vi uiu. ' mi wiiii:i. urn iipiinu nrrp i mi rt .. ,5 i I'- 1 .' ? . . ISUCCPSkllll V ruil'liwl (in nl .1... M... r ...i I .... l. 1 1, .i... rrencn l.inxr..wa COUrleniiB v nckmiw ni a .. J , tuuuin -noncnui II1CM, iiu muiuicu nun uir . ... . ,. :, . : .""; Snrnfii .tvnrkc n..r P, , , ..!.. :..(!. ., I til II 3 UIS VI 'tiunur, ,nuu ,,w w... IichiI, sn'l'buwii g .. ...... ,v w,,di , u i n 1 1 if iuiiiz o , . "jeaiy tepeale.lly bearing ht i0 warl6' lear "mberlan'd iviig to ihe assembled .mulli i 1,0 Loml,ary have two largo si , Md smelling 'The Van Uuren (Ark) Inlelligcnccr ol October Oih, saj: 'We leiiriifiotn a gentleman just fiom 'Texas, lhat iho inhabitants of the northeastern poition nf 'Texas aro Miffei ing really for want of provisions, and that lac water in thai legion has almosi totally failled. I.urgo nun.bi rs of cm igiants aie returning Ihiough this place lo Aii.fipiiri, lhat wnil otl lal tvinici and spiing. THE DEAD-LETTER OFFICE. This office at Washington, wheie letters arc opened and rend, ('the owners of which cannot be foundj that cannot be rewaided aocording to address, is full of curious in terest. A writer in the Baltimore Sun says the amount of money found in ouch leans is very gieat. The sum tccieved during the quarter ending the 30il. of Spiembei last, is 31170; but how much of this amount is counterfeit is not yet ascertained. In every asa wheto money, good or bad, (or other valuables) is found in letters, it is carefully rc-enclnsed and sent lo Ihe Posl Master of iho place whenco it was transmitted, with. direction to that officer to use every elTor1 in finding the writer of the letier. to whom, he should delivei il, and obtain a receipt.. In this way, about nine-tenths of tho amount reverts annually to the owners. If the owner cannot be lyund within forty days, il is again returned to the Department, where il remains subject to (In order of the owner at any subsequent pctiod. EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. A trial in the Supremo oourt, New York, liasjiisl closed, in which Allison U.Idciou was charged with the niin of a- young girl of M, who was placed an an innihto in hi family, and who was entitled to his protec tion, Tha jury in ibis case, although charg ed by tha court that they could bring ill for loss of services, marked their sense of llin transaction by returning a soaled verdict iu , favor of Iho plaiiilill'l'or $'J0OU,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers