!hush up :t .John Smith. One of lite drollest nuil nrlnnl oreuriio ce that rn can recall m bavin.; happened within Oil' citoi )l ( b ci v 10 ,tilli plan m ilio St Charles riientre, one evening Insi wintei, Nearly iippiuile in whole we were silii'iif in the (Ins ciicle wan a remarkabl imj:i,ii frutnieii Irtil v, lioee eyes we could urn lit'lp observing, wire constant)' fixni n our direriiun with a seemingly earnes' anil excited interested. liefnre our vanitj had limo la npprnpriate individiMlly the IwjIjj'k aiteniion, we observed a friend who was selling neat her rise, and make hi' vav around the interior corridor ol the cir 01 n to the boy in which we were sealed. In Hume apprelienmr. about the result we watched his motion, and were relieved at seeing hint address a young friend with whom we were well nrquainted, and who . pit just behind its. The messenger touched 0 if n'lins'li'-.ir.co on the shoulder, and rnur lemnly It'iMiim a way into the lobby. The pMiM'c Ii ij (fined vtrv singular and ntn I'm ineny 'ai awakened. In a few mo. menu tlii1 messenger resumed his sent In the biily. and our triend name hack with ; puzzled expression upon his countenance to bis t eat. A scene excellently acted was going on upon the stage, but in the still continued gaze of the mysterious lady we found'metal more attractive." Leaning back and sddrcssing our friend, we remarked, 'Dick, that's a beautiful wo man sitting in No. 0; who U she?' 'Ilxiig me if I know,' said he. 'but she' a female sprig of the Smith family, and she swears I am her brother ' 'A brother, eh? Oil, then you'll intro duce us ' 'Neirr saw hrr before in my life; I'm not ln'i briiiher; my mime is not Smith. ' 'Hut ji. it'll be a Smith, wool you to oblige n Imlj ; von'll be i lady's brother to i:iln' dtiee H fiiend?' . 'Nunt'SPiise ll' tliilliiinr to joke about: the woman must be rt7 At tis moiiient we p-n eived the lady' fripnd comma inwards us again1 Sir,' said he, exruso me, but yon will confer a great favor on myself and your sister Miss Smith, I should say bj merely stepping to the box a mnmeni;if she could sec you a little nearer ' 'Sir,' interrupted our friend in a half angry tone, I never had not but one sister in my life, and she is married, and has not been inside of a theatre these ten years. Tell Miss Smith I am very sorry, but rp ally I am not the person she takes me for. Feelirg titipquivneal symptnns of burst ing into a roir of Ian gbler, we got up a quick as we could lo the second tier, whence we saw two gentlemen expostulating with our young acquaintance in the I ox below e finally got up and left them, seemingly out of al' patience, and the next moment hp fyiind him approarbing tis up stairs 'Well, Dick.' said wc 'are you going lo introduco us to your sister!' 'Introduce yon'.' said he, 'why that girl down there is mad; she's as mad as n Match hare, and by thunder here she romes!' and sure enough, at that moment Alt's Smith appealed ascending the stairs, attended by the two gentlemen' Dick made a sort of half start lo run, and then turned round upon Miss Smith and tier friends like a wild beast at bay. 'John!' said the lady in a soft appealing lone of voice." Oenilem.in,' said Dick, in a strong de cided manner, 'hold her. and I'll let her h ive a look, if ihat will satisfy her ' 'Ob, i ain't him.' said the poor desert etl sisier, who, from the voice or something else, now repined convinred that she was ininukeii in fane) itig that she had found a loeg lo.t brother Upon my word, I am very sorry, Miss Smith,, said Dick, 'but theie re plenty ol iletil'ch good fellows of the name yon want in New Orleans, anil your friend will find liitlo difficulty in chasing up John Smith for you, if you are particularly anxious.' Dick took our arm, bowing very pnlimly to his would be sister, and we di'scemle.' the siairs together, laughing re-nly to ahskc to pipers t th i.burdiiy of ihe incident. r N 0 I'icpytttit tfj GREEK HEROISM. Mhnles, t tie Greek admira', wins: tltut povtrnment wituei) some money ;eol lecied all tin remains of his own fortune, & distiibnlel it amongst the captains and -sailors; Uf 'I die,' H.ild-he, 'It will be libe lee" to me sud if we rn viciotious, my eoiiutry's safety will be to me an io,ple re waid1' A tlord i)f Advice to ITtnibandt, I.ove n ibni you m n be f.-;ire1 ; r-ilc i h it yen may be hiuinr.til, he r,m iMIideri', eft i.Mi tparh her to abus" ynti. If on sec i built, let your love hhiu it ! if she rtouliniu mi it, let your wisdom reprove it ; rebuke let n.it openly lest she grow bold ; rebuke hpr not tauntingly, lest she grow spiteful liroclaitn not her beauty lest sho grow iroutl ; boast not of her wisdom lest you be ihought foolish ; let her not see your imper fections lest sbe disdain you ; profane not 'ier ears with loose communication lest you defile the sanctity of her modesty An un dcisiandiitg husband will make a discreel vife, and she will make a happy husband. OOINrt THROUGH THE MOTIONS' Thiro was a (ellow who, unfortunately for himself and family, from being a pretty good husbanJ took to drinking, and soon became an idle, irifling vagabond. Coming home one night, after having, as usual, been on a debauch, he began to call lustily 'Wife! wife! I say, give me some Hiipper.'' The poor wife who, while she rnuhi do so, provided fond lor the family by her own toil, informed him, with tears in her eyes, that there was nothing lo gel a supper out 'f. 'What,' said he, 'haven't you a piece of cold meat'' 'No!' 'Give me a crust of bread then.' Ue was told there was none. WTall have y in nothing twitting!' Nothing at all, 'replied the poor wife, 'not even . crumb.' After a pause Very well, very well! five hip a clean plate, knife and fork. By Jupiier! rili'n liro' the motions anjhoio, if I starve afterwards!' Dr. Franklin on Pridi:. In writing t" Samuel Mather, when in his 79th year. Dr. Frinklin relates the following anecdote; 'The ljt time I saw your father (Cotton Mather j was in the begii.ning ofihe vein 1751, when I veiled him after my first trip to Pennsylvania. He tereived me in bit. 'ibrarv, and on taking my leave showed me shorter way mil of the house through s narrow passage, wfiieh was crissed by a beam overhead. We were dill talking: as I withdrew, he accompanied me bphi.n. and I , . .1 . ii .'ii . r I I turning partly towards htm; till I fell m head hit agxinst the beam. Hn was a man m,.j . r .,:... ilia, uu.il 1 lirocu HI1 III uaoilili I'l Lit ' fr 1 tnslrtiction.and upon this lilt said to mo, you iro 'young and have the Horld hefete you! J " 1 stoop as jou go through it, and you wil- miss many hard thumps.' The advice thus heat into my he id, added the doctor, 'has frequently been nf use t tnej and I often think of r '.vhen I ce prb't mortified ind in isfot tunes UrnuJn i p u i people bv their carry, g ilteirs hea.ls i .i mgii HOU' TO WHIG 11 i i i':; moo;,'. It is relaied that the .Moors believe t!.i Finiilis are possessed uf supernatural powei Davidson, the traveller, was bald and won toupet. A body of Arabs, havitij; sur rounded him, hail commtneed plundering his effects, andthreatened even his life.wbei uddenly Davidson; calling upon them l beware how they provoked the Chr slian nower, dashed his false hair to the cround saying' 'Behold my locks; your beards . . . I shall go next!' And the Arabs fled.aban ning the plunder. A COUSIN'S LIPS. Tho lips of a pretty cousin, says the Richmond Star,ire a sort of neutral cronm between a sister's sr.d a stranger's' If yen sip, it is not because you love, not exaeth because you have tho right; nor upm grounds Platonic;nor with the calm satisfac lion that you buss a favorite sister. It is s sort of hocus pocus comingling nf ull, into which each feeling throws its part until the itancatenation is thrilling exciting delicious, and empharically s.ick. Thin Is as ppsi to a philosophical analizatiou as we eat well tome' All the girl's are the editors' ''ousins. A eoriespotideni of the Picayune has such i cold in his bead that he can't wash Ins f.ice wilhiitii freiziitg ibe water. There s rtn old fillow in Nashville who Miores so I unci flint he is oh'lged to sleep at o house in the next street to avoid wak in himself. Tltere i a quaker in New Orleans si. upright in all his" dealings, that he wiui'i etett sit. down to eat his meals. M ... Citing n .Well,' st,,) ,,e lancet; ' l - ------ - Blooms MA il OIL BYA I2D The subset diets have established nt tin above place, n new AUltBLE YAM). and will alw ays bo ready, at the shortest notice, to furnish lo order, MONUMENTS, TOMB. TABLES, TOMB-S TONUS, HEARTH JJMBS, HMNTL ES, PAINT STONES, MULLEliS, Sic. or any other work in their line. They nrt also prepared to furnish WINDOW CWh and SILI.S, DOOIl SILLS and STEPS. fcc. cither of Ala. bio, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity IfTMlaving had considerable experienci in the business, they pledge their work to be executed in as handsome n style as tai be furnished from sny yard cither in tin city or country; and on as reasonable terms. AUMSTKONG & HUGHES. Bloomsbutg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly SB Chair BTanufactory, mil.' ...I....-.!. - ... - ml. cuuaiiiuui Luiiiuiuea iu carry on the CHAIR ilfA N U F A C TO R I N G business at the old stiinil nf !$ Si S. Hugeii btieh. where he will be ready at all lime to luinish Fancy it Windsor Chaiis. Set tees. Boston Rocking Chairs te, of even deMTiption, uhii'li iiihv he ealleil lor, n' short notice to d mi tlie mst reHHiiniihli leriiis. He will also exeeoif lliiusie, Sign Si Oitinme iiial Painting, urn! House Papering, in a superior tnnniier, From his experience in the bnsiiti ss.ninl bis facilities of manufacturing the various article of hip line, lie Halters hlmsi'l' that bp shall he able in furiilsli as giod work, and upon as reasonable terms a can be done in tiip counirv, all of which lie ill dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. H. Ordprs from a distance will bt strictly at.d punrtttallv attended to. 11 HAGENBUCH. Blonntsl urg, Dec 30, 1843. DYER. ESl'JJOTFtJM.Y informs liis frlrnib mid tliu Iravellingpulilic Hi general, thai ho has tukrii the utiove Hotel Mtunte in the centre of the town ol Uotn'i(.sa,C'ijumliia coun ty Pa. and forniely oecuni" ed by D. ('lark. Where he will ho happy to wait ii pon those who will favor him with their custom. The Mitel is larce and commodious and vtcll furnished throughout, and no pains will be spam) llu it-uuri L:unrim kuiuiui null. c0Hi table, will be furnUbcJ with the l.nt lb. untry can nffurd. I It! ii i. .., ., , . ri. ins uar is won hinreu wiui me uri oi iinuorH. i II . . I f i. I. I . .1 . ... i t'.vcpllent fitiililini? l nltarhnt In Ibr phluliliwli. mem und careful and attentive hostlers are always 1"?.uen"'1.ncl - r?nttfliilAkr Cattavvissc, May 13, 1S43 3. (vtrl s Cri:iiltiu V:. .,.,,,' i- n. r ips, ii ctfuily informs b" , ul e p i piallv ;ihal he has e'. I-' ow ii stand. III Blooms nit' I ii t, i.i bv v i liam Robison. nd il-at the llnuiie and Stables are under ji itii! a Ihoroiiph repair As his bar will lwa s be lurnisliPil witji the choicest of l.iqiinrs, and bis Larder with the best (Ik oarkvt affords, and bavinc cood Siablinc tud attentive ho6tlcre, he with confidence nvites all to call and test his ability as a aterer fur the palate and stomncb, and flat ers himself that none will leave dus;nitfi d with their treatment, Tl.- . .1. C .l. 1.1! .1 i'""'s m me enimg, ,'ome give it a trial, there will be no cheating; Ueastand Alan shall always go away rejoicing, Swearing by the powcrs.tliey'Ueallon returning. M. 8IIiVi:nTHOIlN. June 8, 18447. 3m. To the Public. THE subscriber desirous ol quiling bus ness reqnesis all those ii lit Im d to him lo make tiav oipul iiunipiliali.lv The following prices will be paid for PRODUCE in exchange for his STOCK OF GOODS 011 9nd. tiUOl) WHEAT .J. per bushel. H U, Hi) cts. CORN 45 and SO cts. FI.AX KLFD -25 IT Goods sob! at i ost for the easl But uo tudit y ii f ii alter lliii dale. E. II. BIGGS. Sepl 01844. NOTICE fisole of JOHN BO IVY Eli, late, oj iUuutvur township, Columbia cu tlrceancU O'l'IOr. Is hereby given Ihut letters of Ad ministration on tho above mentioned l.otjtc Imvc leen granted to the subscriber residing Monteur III persons indebted tothsai,l tote ure hereby notified to muke immediate, paynieic emu ilium iimiug riuuus arc rcimcstcu to proud hhiu, prupcriv iiiiiiit nic.iieit,lii JUlbN IjID'1 CllK JI, AdmliiUtistnr. Augnst 10, 18M. Cwl7 BLANKS ! ! HLANKS ! ! Cr Jnsti.'-,BUnk EXECUTIONS am SUmiOliS j,,st printed ad for U e hi I IIMC VtllUD .1. Brandroth's Tills. I'lUTIJHt! OF UKAliTll, i-r n 4 I titlM. I 1- l...f!..f.1...1 I.. IJM I. Ml I It IS CUUt'riJUU III Ull llHllviiui.il ir, I5JE. the absence of ill pain, suffering, or affccliuu i fuy paitof tils boilji by tho free and regular cx lsj of his functions w ilhotit nnv exception. I'b.'V consist iu Imvitii! a sood nptirlltc at mcul tihtV'j, an easy digestion, fref evacuations, without looacreJS gr costive ncss at lesit onre iif every twen-ty-rJcrV hoifrft, und vvilliuut best,diyneS, or burning ictne pasiwgp, the free issue vf the wster vitliout icrlniony or burnltitr, and without a teililiih eJi- incnt which is utways a gn of a prcent or snap iiroiichbii; pain: nuiet sleep without aailatinu o tittnblcsonie ilreanu; no tntte of bile or other bail Lutein the nioutli upon rising in the isormug; n oUrni9 or disagrerablu rising of the stimuli; a lean tongue; a sweet lurath; tin itching, pimplcr n pots on the skin; no lilies; no biirubig heal to o: iny part of the boily; no rxcrjsive thirst vvlun on- po-ed Id labor or oilier known eaui-tj no imr- ption. (to any natuial cv.icustlon, nor p.iin it ll.i i riiitlimt return. Where the slate of the sv stem di'cs nut luitii on with the uWv j picture of health, it is ol tin .XTcalest importaiiro that mi tinm be loH m seudiii); lor a doctor, or in tlie use ul lonltsh leuietlics lot ftcn the result of speculation; inli iul of tlti I'min-i a dose of llUAMIItKTH'a 1'II.I.H Iki ulru hich will not deceive, but will at oner rtituii health lo the organ or part that require it. AM who wish to preserve their health, ell who determined to defend their life lgtoust the en- croachniciitsof disease which might n'lid llieui pre maturely to the grave, will, without hesitation, have recourse to tho 7irandrcth Pills, when the statu ol tho system does not harmonise with the ubovo pic tuie of health. Those who live in a country where contagious m other disease prevail, should nflcn think of this truo picturu ofhcalth, and obi.eivc himu'lf with psr- lemur attention, in order In act accordingly. 1 iu iso and rightly directed will follow this outlet the unwise arc left lo their owr destruction. A G E N T S. Washington Kobcrt M'Kuv. .Iciseylown L. & A. V. iUcl. Uanviilc iu. Ii. liryritildn i Oo. (iSttawisi ('. O. Itrulwt, l'liiomsburg J.R. Moyur. Limestone Dnbbit & M'lS'inch. lluckiiorn M. (I, Shnemnlier. Lime Kidge Andre &. jliller 'crwtck - J W ililcs May 4, 18 I t 2. HAILS, SPSIESS? &C. i'lic lllf30tb(ii R. IS. 1. V flTMfTlIiL kep consUiitly on hand, a large at V tt sorti.ient.oT ?, tILS, SP1KGS. ATiT) IRON' hirlithey will sell by WHOI.KSAI IS ,sod HU- TAIIi, niirl on at goad Itvnts an thr articles can be clctvlicrc pureliwctl. MeiebnuU and others, may find ii to their interest to cull. .Ml kinds of grain received in payment. -JOSUl'U j'A.Vi'ON, I'MMi.f.NT Chair ft! an u fss ct o sy . Til B subscriber hiiving established a V.' II Cir.llli .ff..VW.It'rwftr on Maw. trect, near the residenco ol ,. i, hr is rimv prep.iu-d lo furnish C'iiabs of every des-cii; tinli, on good terms us they on te j urchumil tisiviher. the county. , WOOD TURNING, Such as Beit l'nsts, U'tiunon Ilnl.f, JtOSC Jl'lCl'i", fyc. SIGN, ORN A M I5NTA 1 & HOUSE PAINTING. A hi. iioc' -if-: p.iPEiiisv his latter hcun n. iioiri 'ii "M cmcik c, he 1 1 h"i i?r inn .' ! hu.e betlr tltsir any other peon ir i-SCCliill). i-r-l'Ol'I.Ml PI.ANK will be Ukc-i i. tient ul the highest ininket rice JjA.MI till UAULAIJUUlt Blooni6burg, July -1, It'lp lllf 1M FOh BY E. II. uiGos. AtiRustlT. 17 OULD rrspeetfuily inform it. citizens of Blooiusbtirg. and i ieinitv, that he still eontliiUL's to ei'irv i l the above biis'miss, ai bis old sinblisl laud on the curnrr vf Ahtin unit 1'ai.l ilreels. Huviul' rn etveil the JiTES I I'lllLADEU'M.'i mid Mill YOt.h FASHIONS, in connection with Seoti A Willson's Highly Improved paient fori ut ing garments in the most fashionable tutui ner, warranted to fit without any possibility of failure, and feeling assured ft urn bis lour expenenco in the business, that work e.c cutcu at his shop, will never be complained nt, tie nopes, ny strict attention to Imsincsc to reccivo a share ol public patronage u lieretolorr. ric-i, ii, iaoii, nnu an hinds o . i x, I- n i oil i OO UK TRY PRODUCE; only mbtn n payment for work done, at the ma.uet pn ccs. unnrires tor woru nuuieratti to suit tho ttmeB, Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, J 843. 28 3?.&3P;S1 SJisPIsifi 3 II K cubseribcr hnvlnc rstnllislicd a PAW. MILL at MILL CIIOVK. ncor yiloomsl urir C'olumlila county, where he has the lal) et Immiov i i .M.icniM.iii, uuil huvmg fnllnwcd llio business foi twenty j earn be isi) iifident ho chu fuiiiish asgooii popei iiiii in mo louuiry aim on as reasunalil) Icinw to printers, Merchants nd I.rwvers.or im persons who tiny want the article. ! sUo.kscps . rstintly on Vnd Wttomej's Cap, Fool's Cn Letter, mitiug, Printing ami Wrapping psirr of in .. .ii, mu uisuiuiicni m ocitoor, jook .lo, Bltulc IknV. Extra hound. Full bound, nd nan imunu oi oiisiies and, assortment ol writing hooks &c, He is ready to exchange lilt above fo'i raper or dookj, lor lints ot Sizing, THOMAS TRENCH, illgrovcj February 20' 1811 if, mm FWfiiSIDIiiNTIAli purstiince of tb dircclim nail Injunction it mi .et of Hip t eucrst Aseiuhlt of this im unwiallh, the 2.1 day of Fiibruvy, A. D. 13(5 ! i ', relM (Jim mittre, tlist 'in election . 1 I .' i. '1 by the mii.l.er. ' I I.'. ?eiis qii tlineil to vote fnr .1 Vim i.i' i , til irvBinli i It i jim flic uc s in the cMjilt, II 'wiilurnlii i. u:i Friday the Ixl dny of Nov. next ("hot being the full Kridjy preceding the firtl U rihii'mUy iu Decern her.) ut with h time and pla cet will be elected TWENTY cIX PKKiONa.as Electors of a l'retidcnt and Vice President of the L'ml(.d Stales. 'i'he scteial .Indges, Inspectors and (Jlorks, who ihiill attend tho (.lection for Members nf tho Ocm oral Assembly, imoiediutelv meccdiiur litis elec tion, sh'ill attend and perform tho liko dn'ici ut the M l.lCi-tiDii of I, lectors, ami ho subject lo the like penalties fur ncch cl or misconduct, as Ihcy are lin- ileto at the election jf the Members of the General A'sembly. yilooiii trin'mhiii, nt the house ofChailei Doe- bier, lllnotnshiir;. ltiiur eieck towiit,liin,it the town-house in tier wick. Catawissa township. ut tho houso cfStucy Mar ioieni. in tho town of Oulquissn. Oerry township,nt the houfo of Jacob Scidcl, in irtlil b.wi nlilp 1-ihmg eiuek toviiliip, nttho House of Uamcl Pi e'er, in &utl towntnip. I runktui l(.uii'.-liii, nt llionhool house, near the house ofJchli Mrl.ih.i't raid tnwililiip. Ortenwood township, ul the Imuse now occupied by John Lemon, Hemlock tnrvmhin, ut the houue of John Me. IleynolJ, in Raid township. Jackson towmhip,at the house of Jo.-hua Savage in said township. Liberty to. v.nship, at the house of Hugh McKI ralh, in said township. Limeston township, (a seperatc i-tection ilis trict) at th Union School IIoum', in said towm ship. Mttcmnf lewiu-inp, at llio uourt tiouto in Danville. Mifflin township, at the house of John Kellcrjr, in Mid townshin. MaiiiMn luwtiabip.nt )he house now occupied by John nclfttar, m Jerseyluwn. Vsuat Pbtiaut township, nt the house of Fred' crick Miller, in said t.jwn.v'.iiii. Mriitenr ttntisliip, nt the house ef Liouard Lar- rui, m raid Uiwnslup. linnriiig crei k lo'vliship, at (he houso now or cupieil hy Ail.mi Ouble, in said ownship. Oraiigo township iu tlie house of 'iiorge A'ciplc, in the oii of iJiaiignMlli ') he District ivinpond nf thatpnit of Aifilin in-, i.ft'ip. I.udill for u new IriiMishiii. lo be. c.dled P.i tiM ' which, by nu act nf Assembly, passed th Irst ilii (I ;MI, isati, viw estatiltslicd Into a sep.ii.ic elei lion dii-t ict, ut the house of Adam .Mich." 1. iu the siul dintiict. YuKey lowinshlp, ulthe h.iuse nv occupied b -f oh ;i u-. in hVm tMi-hip. At w hi h liinii im I plsce are lo be elected by he Iryrim ii ol lie counU oi Cnlunibia. In I i.r-uniii'i. i.t mi in inf the fieneriil srembly nt llu- 'oi'l i.iiiittc.ihli nf Peillisvlvuiii.1, entitled ' n .1. t ie iiniii to the eleelinnoi this ('eimnoii' Mult!.,' ,.. m.I ib.-Sd day of July, A. A. ISD'J Ni ice m hereby given ''I t ( verv ei .iiii I'li'ri.t justices of the pence l.ii i h. ul! h' .tti ,lTir(if ippointmrn of profit I trust uml.-r the "merriment of tho United Sutes nrof this t'lalo. or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whelliur n crmiinissioned nthcer or otherwise. suboidm.ile einccr or agent, whu is or shall hi- eniplovi.l niiiVr tliu leRihitivp, executive or jut I tary ileturttiient ol this Mutn or nt the L'r.iloi Stiitos, ornf any city or incnrpot.itcd district, anil iilso evcrv member cf I'migifn.nnd of the i"tati Legislature, uuil ot the select or common council ol any city or eomnilst-inriers of any incorporate) listnct, Is, Itv lw. mc:iu!h-ul huldiiirx or exercis ins; at the same time, ihe oD'.ei r urnppnintii'cnl i.( Hidje, tuspectoi, or I lei!;, i.t thu ( umiiionweullb mil thai no inspector, Juilce .vr oilier olllcer of nii uch i lietioii, null I e eh 'il.ie to at v eflicc to li l.eri votr.i f.)i.' And the sai.l Act f Issembly. eiititlnl -an Ai slating l i lb, tleiiunt i.f ilii ( orumnnwc.ilth "tstPil Julv 2d. JS30, fuilher piovidw at follrn wit. Vli.il din h.'i'tcte.s mil 'j.ic clu en r liuietuiil.sii hi ii1 ( I al I'm rei ecli.e rii-.c'S.imu.ii i it for holdinu the i Ifc'i.u Ui ll'hdistni t Ii vthi-i luy respf) livel , belong, hifiire 9 oVA ; thr ,oniin in, Fn day the 1st day (if Nov. uet. mid e rh of fnid lusj oc.tnts shall appoint om who thall lieu ipjalilicdvoler ol suchdis ik, titcl. In case the person who iliull hnvo received the sicoud highest number of the votes tor Inspcctoi shull not ullrnd on tho tiny of any elcctioni tho poi son wlio shall have received theiecond higliestnurn lumber of voles for judgo ot the next preceding elcction.hhal) act as luspecctor in his place, und ii. case the pi rsrm who sh ill have received the second highest number ut votes lor Inspector shall not at tend, the person elected u J udgo shall appeint on iiispcciorio ms piacc; una in caso too ierson elect cda jttdj;ofch.ill not attend then tho Inspector who received tho highest number of votes e!ui appoints JuJrjo iu his plaic;und if any vacancy shall con tipuo in the bunul for Ihe spaco of one hour oftei the time hxed hy law lor llio opening uf the dec- twn, Ihe qiiLitfieil votes of the township, ward oi uisiiui n.f in.i.jt jkU tmeernmil hovo liccn elec td, present at the j lace of election, shall elect out of their namlxir to fill mib cicuncv. u suau ue tne duty ol said assessors respective iy, iv uuctiu m uiu piace oi iiuming every general, special, or townshhi election, duriim tho uhnh time the soid election is kept open for the purpose "Binug iiuiiiiiiiiiiuii io ine inspector and jiulf- ....v.. ..in,, ii, iiiuiiuu io mo rigui oi nnv person assesscn hy them to veto at such election or such oilier matters in relation to tlm sssptimpi. of voteri as thr suid inspector or judge, or either of mrm, snaii irons iiuictu time ri'(uire. o persvii emu le mil Itid In xnt at o.,. clectletssi kforessid Uhei ihan a whiltt frfcuoni,! meret iwsnty.oue vinrs or men, ivhti il.r.l! neve reaiasa in inn state at If nst one j rnt, sen ip uiw finuss unuiii ivuere m t'licrt. to voir at leu' I . n Ammm Imm.JI.i..!. . . . 1. .1 ., ,.....;.Wn..,.M ,iH (, ,, rieriiun, anil wumwj iwe jeer paid am' . ,)Uuty tax, w hi fiinii nsvetieeo tsstvscd nt le.-st ten doys rii;.n cli.timi. Put eitiicnrf tho I i.lnd Hti hud previously Vein s iuii(ied voter of this sts'e and rrtnoved thee, from and nluit.id, and wit V .1..11 1.... .t.ii in ,i, uitn;, .it.,.!., i. to taxes as aiuresniu, euuii ouLiuiiiru iu vine; alter rtf siding in this stato six months; Provided, That thi whits fiecnicu ctt liens l the Unilrd btatesiclwrtni tho agot of twenty -one and twenty two.niirl linvii,, irsideij In this state ONl'l YKAK, nndln I hn rr, , lion district TUN DAYH, an aforsead, shall , entillcd to vote, although they shall not have put taxes. 'No person shall lie ailiuitlad lo vote wlici unrne is not contained In this list of taxjblr InliolJ Hants furnished by the commissioners as aforcstij utiles, Fimr: he produces a receipt for the y' incut within two yesrs, of a stale or county tax.iv srsseil nurrPftlilv In ihn rniiutltiitinti. ami oivt. anti. A l',.f.,..lr nfal.lnL.A. ..ill.,.. ,u. 1.1 n.,ll. fl.. I I nil nr nli mini ntn nllirtnallfili i.t niiiminr. thai I.. I ij. ..rti.l cii.'li nt mi lailurn In ..rrwliw.. 1. i'imiii. linn tiiavf. .tain in ii. iinvnipni iiir.rp.,1, bicuMil-il he claims u right In vole by heme ,m elevt it beivern the uges of liveiity-one und tvvcnl; i vo venri, he sh ill di'iniso on oath or tiilirniittiuri. next licinre his an, hc.nioii, and unit e such proof of.s resijeiice in tliu 0 strict us is leiii.ircd by tin's act:i ami iiiii ue uoej verny ueuuvv, iruui uiu accoutitii given him; that hu is ol llu. rtgc aforesaid, and gitt such other evidence as Is reuuind by I hit act VI' I, nr. .1... ..f .1... ,., ... ..I, ,. !,,.! . vote, shall be inserted in the alphabetical list bv the ,1 llblbll 'Ull ,(,. lll.ll.V VI ..... ll.t.UII DU uuiiniti'M III inspectors, and a note Hindu opposite thereto or writing th word tax il he shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid n tax. er the word age,' it he shall bo admitted to vote on account of hiss age, and in cither cnc;, the reason of such votu sh'illho called out to the clcrks.wlio shall muke tlio like holes hi tho list of votes kept by thciii. lit nil cases where tho mum of the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the commissioners and assessors, or his right to votu whether found thereon or not, is uhjoclrn to by any ijuihlicd citizen, it .shall be the duty uf the inupcctnrs to examine such person oniMtli n lu his quulillculiutis.und il ho claims I.T have lesided ...IlliiM it.,, lulit C.ip mi. vn. i.r ..... .. l,iu ,,.,ll. I.ll bu sutficiciit pioof thereof, but he slitill make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall ben luclihed elector, that lie lias resided within Um district for more tli Jiitcn dsysmxt iiutneUistely pre ceding sjiu election, ami Mull also Iituisclt sweat that his botiulule rrsidtneo ill pursuance ul lug lawful culling, in withllig the di-tiict and that lie tliu i:ut leinovc into said district, for the purpose cf voting thciiu. l.very person imahfied as aforesaid, and who shall muke due proof il requiird cf his'iesidcme and payment taxes, at uforeauid. shall be uduiittcd to vuio iu the towushin, ward ol uistnct in ulutli he shall reside. Ifotiy person shall present or attempt to picvent any olliccrs of an election undci this act from hold ing such slcctions, or use or threaten uny violence iiuv ollicer, or shall interrupt or improperly inter fere with him iu the execution of hi duty, or 'lull block up' or uttempt to block up tho window or tho avenue to uuy window wliere the samo may be holdeii, or shall liotously disturb the peace al such election, or shall use oi practice any intimidation thrcuts, foico or violence with design to influence unduly or overawe uny elector, or to prevent him fiom voting or tu restrain tkefieeilom .if choice, such person on conviction shall be lined iu nnv sum not exceeding Cvc hundred dollais, andl' impiisoiieil for any lime not less than one nor'moru than twelve months. Audif hetlijll be shown In the eouit vi here the trial of such offence shall be hud, that he person so otlendod uus not u resident of the city, ward, dlstrist or township where the suid oUeiico was eoininitied, and nut entitled to vote therein, ti.en on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay arum not less than one hundred nor morn ihun one thousand dulluis, and be .imprisoned nut less thun six months nor more than two years. 'I I uuy person or persons shall make any bet nr wunur iirmn tlu result nf nnv rlrrtinti within till Ciuniuoiiweiltli ur sliull oiler to make und null i j bet or "agar, either by verbal proclamation thereof or by aiiy writen or printed advertisments; chal lenge or invite any person or persons to make such bet or wagor, upon conviction thereof he or tlt-y shall forfeit and pay three times tha amount so bcl, or offered In be bet. 'If any prion shall vote at more tlnn ono elcf. tion district, or othcrwine fraudulently mle more than once on tho some ilay.nr shull fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspettnrs two tiiketsh. gcthcr, with the intent to illegally vote, or shull vote the tuinoor if any shall advhn or procure on other solo do, be or they to cUciiding shall mi conviction be lined in any sum not less thun fifty nor iiir.te llimi Jive hundred dollars', and be impris oned for any term not less than three noi mure than twclvu months. 'If any person not (uulificil to votu in thir com. trionweallh agrreal la to law (except the sons of tpiulified cili7cus) tin II appear al any place of elec .loii fir the purpose ol issuing lickcli, or of influ nciiig the citizens qualified to v cite, he shall oo unvii tion, foileil' and pay any sum not exi ceding uo bundled I'ollars for evc;y stub offence and be niptboiuncMd for any term lift exceeding three i.onlhs ; '! he 'ud.teinrp to muke their returns for the finu (.1 1 olt.mbiu.Ht the Court House ;n IJnn :lli on M ond iy the 4th of duy November, A. U. Otd have the C nin'ofiwcntth 1RAM UERR, Sheriff'. MiKniii' 3 i irrit'K, j;rtiiniie, ; Nov i'j.i8M. ; T livCri'dit Sjhtfrn I'ums io HI IK It is now an acknawlexed fuel, ihat the CASH SYSTEIVS is the onlv Irue one, both for the BUYER and SELLER. JUST RECEIVED OUIi SECO.N'U SI'OLK OF NEW GOODS, THIS SEASON. OSTE nlvo 1)Ccn selling goods on tho C.IHIt WW NVSTEJtt sinco last Anril. uml iki.ni. versal popularity with all who linvn nlrrn ... u call and seen for themselves, and the immense sav- o tusiuiuers, iiiuuces ineni lo invite the reoders of the Columbia Democrat to a trial of iu benefit. Our stock of Goods consists of all the variety of DRY GOODS, GROCKHIF.S. QUEENSWARK, HARDWARE. ROOTS, SHOES, HATS. BONNETS, &c. usually kept in a country store. All of which have been purchased in New York und J'hiladslphia, fur the CASH ONLY. Ilv this means, wo pay fot no man's goods but ciir owu, and we ASK no additional p.olit from our customers lo pay bad debts; thus having no lossn.. wi- UAN fcSEl.L ot .SMALL ADVANCES, and W E 1)0 IT, ton, Icyond all question, os every body knows who have bought ol us. Cur Kir.ro is in Ihe Ullll.'K UlllLDINO.at the r -ie rt ,M II atrcet, ond tho llloomsburg road, opji'.Mtc Mr, A. .Montgomery'! btinie Houtc. U e invite EvKIIT 1'kiisov In mil uml seu nur joods. VV m niA nit r..,!,l 1...... ,v,,r.. . "..v .iu, iti.uiu IU Nlun llMlll. RUSSEl. & ORIER. Dunvillo July 4 144, p4iiil3