. J fa v s l hut ri:)i 'ft. rrrto.i i ocruu, jr"Qf PRESWVXT. JAMES K. POUv. VICE PliliS WENT, (TiKORGR W. DALLAS, PltG&UWNTlJlL EI.ECTOtIS s Wilson NWakbiIcss, ess, A. Scnutoriul Asa Dimock, IJnrHF.SKKTATIVK. 1 fit-orse P. Li-limao " Cliri-tiuii Km-a :i Win. U.Hmidi 4 Joint fi Samuel 13. I.etclt 0 Sacllticl C;ttlli, 7 Jchsm Hlmrp H N. W. Sample 0 Win, llciilriirieh 10 CoithiI liimcr 1 1 Stephen Dalily IS Jonah llrvwsHi 1.1 lii'urKe Hrhtiublc I I NhIIkiiim'I II. I.Uheil 1.1 W.N. tiviiip l(i .1,'IIIICS W'ihmII'UIII 17 llur-li Moiniruiiii'iy IN Uiijc iikiny IS) .lnliii Mnlliuwa 20 Win. I'nlteiMiii '21 Andrew llttikc 22 .Inhn M'CJill 23 CliiiMiun Myers 21 Wil.ertUir YOUNG HICKORY CLOU. 'Die Club will meet on Mom! ay evening Out. ,28 at curly candlelight, attire Acad t'ltiy in llopkiusville. Tin num. The regular meetings of the Clvjii will hereafter he on cvciy Monday evening, a the above place. Hteiiicmbcr fhu Printer. WHEAT. CORN, K YE, IJUCK WHEAT, OATS or WOOD, will he re ceiveti fur debts due ui fur subscription. a so, a lew bushels of POTATOES, if dtlivcied 80nn, ') From (host who have promised I, umber inch mid inch and a quarter pine burril win be received if delivered soon. ELECT. 'Ml A L 'I ICKE Ji j"The Democratic Elector.il Tiukel is now pnnied and ready for any of our frirmb who may call for it at this office. We liopt that some one in every election district will lake U npun themselves to cull and got si srpply. ELECTIONS. Tho recent election in the Sttte of Ohio Iras resulted in the eleotinu of a whig gov ennr by -j small uiajuiiiy, and a whig ma joriu- in both branches of the Legislature The Dcmurra's have elected a majority ol 'be men. Iters r-f Cuugrcs. The Abolition iss in -dial State having loied for the Whip v -.-.tW fur governor, and it being gene i umrKitd l!iat they will sustaili theii wo candidate -for President; our friendl ier .anr.iine of carrying the Statu for folk jni PalU. 'I'l. ' rr iiill of the Congressional clerlion i '(J tgia, which took place on thu 7th Inst, has been as favorable to the Democrat ii: parly as our most sanguine friends anti cipaled. The democrats have elected font members and the whigs four, but the demo cratic majutiiy in the popular vote, in abou 3000, which secures the Slate, vv ithout am loubt, fur Polk and Dallas. Rally! Rally As this paper will be the last which we tdiall publish befuie llio election, we caniiut let the oppotlnuity pass, without again org ing upon the demoi-ram, one end all, ti make ready for the battle on Fiiday next IJvery democrat shnii'd aci as though the veni of the tleclion depended on hi exor tinns am! bis vote. If thn is done, oui tate is flats for Polk and Dallas by ninri than .1(1000 umjnriiy, and the majority in CitluurVu cnniitv increased to 1R00. If we wiTi-H, il cm by dune. Shall it ! We Hunk we hear the rctpoiuc fiom all IT SHALL, DEATH OF MRS. CILLEY. The relict of llio muidi rd Jonathan Ctlley died lat week, al he: residence .in.Miin. Evpr since the death of hei 'iiushanil tier heal'h hat been )ioPti alcil and she lias (icon cuhj e'ed lo occasional abcralions of mind. II' r death was, n tlo'ilit 5PftJief to hei br.iketi heart am Jier dewhled liicside. Yoilx ! llic nnmeof the niuulerei o TUAX ClI.l.KV, YVaI .1- OliAVK.S i i w 'amis ht the head of the Clay Elx lor' Ticket in Kentucky! This s appro Jiiii'c Ii wi Ihnry ("uy who wrote 'In cti .'ti j h it pftnluoed the inclancholv ,'e ' i unl it is light that he man who txecnUd 'U" orders of L I iy slio.i'd In Lui honored! ?C7We Jcain lliat In almost every town ship In thr county, mote or less Democrats "ere not lit the' polls on the 8th insl. Lei his nut lit so rin Friday next. Get every fiun nut, Those who have hmses should provide a convey mite fur those whit have not. It is hut one day, devote it to youi ountry. Look well lo your ticket and sec that you lavr the tight one. He not deceived by '.lisp pretences, kui vote the whole demo i-ratic Electoral Ticket, and suffer not a name lo be snatched from il, or changed. Il is iuiporiaui ih.it hII should he vuled. PROOF OF THE FACT. We have been placed in possession ol iltdeninb'e pronf.saj s the Il itrisburg Union that the FederaliHts nre flooding the country wiib MONEY, in order to HRIHE voters into the suppnrt of Clay. The following is a literal transcript ol a letter wtitten by William U. Ri:ad, the feed attorney of the Lite Hank, to a fellow whig of the interior' Mr K. will not DARE lo deny its aulhen liriiv What think you, Fellow Democrats, if lliiii infamous attempt of the Money I'ow erlo corrupt yon wish GOLD.'WiHyuu not not rush to thn ballot-boxes, and prove your contempt of die men I list would thus 1!UY you, as cattle nre purchased at noon day in the inarkel! Here is iTIr. ICcviI'm Letter. 'PlHLAllKLIMIU.Oct. 10. 1811. Dkar Sir : Mr. Duck has in hand foi V on ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, to b. applied a buggested in our conversation iMtoviuiNo coNvnYAN'ot;8 rou votliu,', can vassixu Tin: cou.vrv, (kc. lie will sem J to you. and WE RELY ON YOU FOR ITS JUDICIOUS AND EFFEO I'lV'E EXPENDITURE. AND VVi- EFFECT. Lehigh must do belter. W. ire all in high ppiriis. 'WILLIAM II. REED. lo Esq, Al leniown, Pa. A beautiful spcriniPii of vhig Uclic;,trul We perceive hyoliicial retuins that ii he county tf Lehigh 2iS Democrat, men at tne recent election. These n i, imposed lo buy up wilh the paltry sum ol )NE II UN II RED DOLLARS! Thi, 'mount divided among ihu givon nuinboi ol uen fixes the relative value of each at a ract on less ihau tiikkk ci:nts and a ialf! Take ibis to heart, )e haul Imcd iionest hearted farmers of the interior. Three cuts fc a half.per head, is I lie price allai hei' o you by the Hank L-irdlitig of the ciiv1 Shame, shame, ilumc ! I'UE LAHORER & THE EMPLOYER The Hailfiinl Tunc imly say, 'Tli. (J'liploypr is a-i di pendent upon the b- 'unci a he. ii upon ihe e mpliiyci.Tne n plover geis Ins livi.ig him! his innntM n a great degi no, Ii oui tin; hbol of thus vltom he hit es- L the labuitr cease t. .vi rk, and wheie would ilie employei lie I'ht) fact h oiio irf dependant upon tin o her, and we hope no laborer will insuh lis employer by altempiing lo force liiu to vole contrary to his opinions, nor enn enl thai the nmployur shall ilieiale lo him in Ibis matter of vnlinj;. Iioth aio in 'lepcndenl at Hie pulls if they clioosi lo ho. POLI I'lCAL DECEPTION- Previous to ihe recent ehiciinn, as On reader of the Enquirer can attest, wt; can tinneii .loiigo MacU, against tin: perfidy nl me uanviiio iHiMion, nml injured h in thai Hiey only encouraged iiiio to run aga'u inn reynmr iioiiiiiicu ol llm ucutocralii: inny lo In-tray ami defeat him. Now for the lrtwj. Mr lleauuioiil received in Mahuuiiii! iimii.i -ii. i voics. winlHt Air. ftlack onlj MirivMii iiw nareiy Mall iiu ll.iuvill Jiiengih Culumbiu Eiiqiihtr. A'VKilTlSE ! A IIVKItTlSK ! ! AllVKK riiK ! ! ! I In ro i b.it one way of do Hig liiisinrf.ii publtcily: nun way gaining poiilirnyadvei tn.iiiens: lb newspaper is llu: lly wheel by which iliu inoiivo pnwi'i ol ciinunei cisil enter- pn.-e i Misiained, and iiioncv the sleain by which the advei lising is kept go '"& UOVKllNOK I'OLK AND TI1F IRON INTEREST. Hy iIip last rendu, it njipeuM, thai next to Pennsylvania, Tennusiiee iri the gti'a"rst 1 1 ii ii Maniifaclui inc Slutu in Hi I'nionj and il is well known llpl (iiivpinor Po k has been ehaiged Willi icing too favorably incliuul low.irds losii i ing jiiiil pioii ciiog thai hi tich uf in i wan 1 ii'iuiiy L"l thu lion men in Puhim Ivjiju icinernbci this. From ilie Stark County fOliiJiDrmocnu' SOME OF CLAY'S OHi lct the I'coplo ItaL l.ANll DISTltmUTION. I am in favor of distribution, hv lilt? aovcrniiM'ui,of (lit? land irvernies among Mweveial btites.' Ilcnrtj Clou in 1811. HKVEIHE. 'I know of no Diinciiilc in tho con- slilitlion Ihal authorizes 1liufed( r il gov- rncnt lo hecomu micli colledtor for ihe Rintes ' Mallory's Clan, v. 1, p 589 TIIK TAIMKF. 'I have oveiy where mainlainnil tl al in adjusling a larWI for n'vpntic,disn imi nation otigli! In lp imilr fr pi utcrliun. ' a letter to coic. ukvi;iimj. 'Duties shall be laid 'vitliotit refeitfiici to proteciioo. The origin il enmpro misu bill. Thcic is no neeessiiy of pro lection for prolnction.' Ife.nrii Clint. We musl reject both thu dnctiinusi of Ircu irado anil of a hiuh .mil cxoibilonl tan If. All parlies might lo bo NilUfied with a Ini ilf fur revumitsanil discrimina lions fur procteclion.' Clays .speech ul luifeijih. A NATIONAL HANK. -'V 'I hflipvu Ihn psiablixliinenl of aMnnk ol tli" Uiiiloil Slates is required. -Clay's inttagi speech. iii'VEusn. . ) 'We am not ompowerpVl It v Ihn con hi 1 1 i i o n In reiif w liiu chatter of the hank.' Clint in 1811. TIIK TAUIl'F. -hoi me iniiy never necomeu an in- l'ural pari uf Ihn prico.' Dullury'x life J "iy vol. 2, p. 33. uevi;i;su. 'Il may bo lakun as a rulo that th Inly upon an articlu forms ;i poitiou o! its piice,' Vul 2. v. 110. pi ice, ruC 8. p. JtlltKCT TAXATION. Who has the lemerily to proprif in ini" of peace, lo rai-o- revi-mie by direct ixatDii."' fi.f 2,p 511. i;i:vi:itsi;. 'I was opposed to loial repeal of llu niornal ruvenu-.' Vol I, p. I00. NATIONAL K X I I ; N 1 1 IT 0 It C S . 'The annuil expeuililin'eK may In nought down In tip.nlv mm third of 510 000 000' '.. 2 p. -Ilio ijt iti:vi:it-i:. 'Sure am I 'hat ihu piny iileilgod ii- elf lo no such rcdiiciioo ul llm iiuliiic xpeiis-". iu- Si 3.000 000 ' Aulurit'x life of Clay vol. 2. p .135 3113 K i; A N N i; A T 1 0 N Ol' TIJXAS. 'I am wholly opposed in iip nnm xa- ion uf Texas In the Union;' Stlb,timc.- I Clay's teller May, IS 1 1. iu:v.i:it!iK, 'I'eHonall y 1 h.ivts no objemion In llu- uiif x iiion nf Ti x'a 1 lioult he gl.nl I W.' ii.-.ltiy, 18 1 1. ANO'niEU EEI'TER FROM HENRY CLAY. Tin: Fedcial pipei,- inc publishing ioiIiim cm matioii from ihe shades' ol Wilaml' in which we find ihe. fnllniv i r'-mai kabli! p.iK"agi', Kcail it laiin. is and Iben give your vnhvf you can, O a man who openly declaies Ihal '" Il ve no need of iiiotuctinn thai mo uctioii is only ncutlcil lo thu overgtown ip lalits and tiianiifaeiiirc-! of Nf w England. Uul heir Heuiv Clay! "The Etibslauct! uf wb..t 1 have said nd which is to he found in uiv publish .1 speechei! is-, that AC R IC I LTUU V. IN' THE IIMTED STATED, 0V. INC TO 0 U IS. DISTANCE FROM EUROPEAN COUNTRIES A'EEDS IUJT LITPLE DIRECT PROTEC IION.' The fat niuis can now seu bow ihei nay expeel to bu liealeil by llm Wlii'.. oibodnniMii. The maniif icliirer ami "apllallst may lock for piuieciion, bu he Jnrnirr lm- im neeil Jur .says Mi ci... i i'i... i..... ii. . J ,. ' . i in- ieni r ik ;i ui i isi i in lii.ii. R Q. iiltllheis. & is daled nil llu liO l nil. We hone Iliu Dan. iJnn. c m il opy ii, for ihe .sake of' illusti iiiin.. Fed tnl iluoi y of pioicclion. THE FIFTY MILLION HANK. Is ii wutth noibini:. fsavs a can riiKiioii deic) that two iifihe'uiiiM laiilifnl anil ca pable oirucis, connecuiil wilh llm lale Hank ol Ihu Uuilid Hlales, Lammion ISnr.ii:. ol hnuth t'liroluiii, and Wm- Mo. Ii.vaim:,o iuw .icrsey, mi! now ilie uiienuiprisiu oppnuentii ol Clay anil a new bank. Tb lidehiy uud ability with which llm lianf was managed under Mi. Clicvis' Pictuien ey ute well known hre. lniontiptilih-hmi sen, ne uuwever, saw enough to salisf) him in inc iiopoMtiniiiiy oi peruiaiieiiily ciiuilue ing such iii3titutinns iiiioii sound iiiincinlci and retiied in digusi, to mukd way foi more pliant agi ills. Mr. Mcllvalne. with drew trniii Ihu Catiliiruhio of llu; Itink. in lfl:ia, ivheu thu systciu uf lui) tug up Ediluih nun mi minis oi coiigrciii, wk adopted llulli tin mi yenilcuii il en imiy il CMlctlly ag iliiM Clay and Ins Filly Milium H,ik x'luiiue, and will miuiioii (i hard iiium-y I'vnmykumun CIA.PS SOUTHERN FACE. 1 . We hive hefoie Uii,(syi .Ihe .Demo critic Union) a copy of a paper called the Louisiana Chioniule, published at St. Fiancisvillf, (Li ,) dated Much 2,'IJ lS'M, anil bearing at his mnsl-heatl the niimu ol Henry Cla) fin ihu Pi csidenry. and the tta in us of thu 'Whig Elictots.' Immediately boneaih the ll.ig,the follow ing ixiract Irom n spuech of Mi, Clay, it cauienn I lie U. hi. Senate as a inoltu; 'Li;t mi; not hi; MisuNtitit'T oi),says Mr. Clay, and i.i:r mi; kntiiuat that I MAI' NO I' III; MISItUI'HIISKNTKl). I AM NOT AllVOCATINO TIIK ltKVIVAL OI' A men l'uoTixTivr. tahiit I AM FOR AIIIDINO UY THE PRINCIPLES OF Til E COMPROMISE ACT. I jiii for doing whsl no Southern man ol i lair and caniliil inicil lias cvr.i ycl duiiiiil, giving lo Ihe cuunlry a luvcntio winch may piovidu for ihu economical iv .in Ib ol the government, 4' at tho saint time give an incidental protection lo out homo indusliy.' Speech, Maich Isl; 1512. 'I III', tin n is Ihe mullein which Clay ami his s Heliiles are fighliug this gieal riesiileuli.il ba'llit. Whilst Ihev aie repiesenting Mr. Clay lo the people of Pennsylvania as Ihe sworn liiuml of a pintcclive ir.iill', hij papers al thu South are p.iiadmg his own publiahed speeches and IcHets: to piovu that ho N 'io ml uueuwg the revival f u igi protective tariff. Hero .ire the twu fjucii made -.0 plain, that the mo-l stipcifici.il can discern ihein. The Pennsylvania pa per leprcm-nt the t.u ill side, the Soulh 'iin pajK'is the anti-tanir side. Now lo test the accuiacy of ihe abovo Southern ii'icil itiun, we huieby olfer a toward of 8500 !o any whig who will disprove its lis guiiuiuues. L t them liy it il i hey lire. The paper can he S'iun at out illice. I'ennsylvunian. SI I UN K AND CI-AY. Some of our Whig fnenils, admilting i he high peisonal claiuu of Mr. Sliunk, lo llieir supported, 'ickiiowlcdiog Dial 1 1 was iiiliuiiLly superior of hit .iiiiagnni.v still excused Ihemsel ves liom voling for him; because; ihey siy: 'He wa--, oi night be opposed, "o the uso ol the Dible in Cumnion Schoo',!' Veiy good, lei ii allow loi the moment that tliH waa a "tillicienl obj-ctiou, and thai its Valulii) was phitnible how are these :neu tu yolo for Mi. C'lai? Mr. Sliunk is' a man ol uuimpeacheil and unimpeachable molality, a ml yel, loi Ihu teasons abov. liioted, iliey could mil suppnil him llow will sheii ohj ctioii't aiply In Oi.i) .Mr. l. has all his Ilie su far as acts go. at k'.ib'i, been in a p isiuic of open hosiil 'V to the Mihli.'. 'Ii in it and again In lias' aiiempted the life of bis enemies be has hi'cn a gauibi"! mil adilie'lid to pioliuiiy! How will one coiiseiiMil ions liicmis reciini'ilu ih mi nfi.sil to vole foi Sliunk, wnh tin: giving ol theii sullnges lo HeniyClj? .Jigm; iCccvpiioii ofi'tlfv. Sliunk. This moi ningntir good lowu inesi tited in iiiiiisii.il appearance nf aiiiin iiioii-lhcri' was j iy on i-vei e.oiiuletiani'e cunllMil- i i u i i I and cunt; ri 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ii upon cvciy tnniMie; lor l'KiClS K. SUIJ4K, SoviMuor eh'c.l of Pt'iiiixylvauia, w,c eumilig aiiioug his' (ild fiieuilsaml ocigli iims in llu- Insl llulli ol vicloi v, lo lull hem of hit,- ailachmMit in the principles if "lie pin D.Miiucracy which ti.nl gain ed him llieir Mill ages'. At ali'mii 10 o'clock Mr. Shuxic ai iveo' escorted by a coinmilioe on hoise- l)ick, and a veiy Luge concouise ol ciii Z-iis on foot. Thu college was headeil iy a iiiiln.ii y band, and iis Lxhiliar.iting ti.iiiw ivi-i'i! le.fic.lKicil m Ui't high liopeP ml 1 1 m i. phaui cheets ol the .Ueniocra Al'ur tnaicliing the pnncipal sliecU-. Ilr pioecKnion hallnd hefoie Buehlci's Hotel, when Mr Siii;.nk addtcssed ihe pr-oph from the step. Ills addiesi; was iiicl bu' exceedingly interesting. Ih baiiKi d Hie people of II in ishtli g with much l filing lor llieir iiioiriit defenc I Ins ptiueiplcs so (oiillv assailed: and 'or having annuiiiiced to llu ir fellow- mlizi'iix thai "hu had nut abindoned the ftiili of his fatheih' -thai he still reveled that II ink nf Monks-, which was tin t light in thiw, anil ihe key for unlocking iju portals lo anoihcr Si hapnii r world.' !l llesi) wero iiboitt his own woids IL eidioiled the Domnciaey tn s'land firn by llieir cause in the coming Presnlen nil runlet,!, and vicloiy would In 'liens'. Dining iliu delivery of liu uldcess h wis lepeatedly iutei i upled by ctiiliti.sias ne rheei ing. i in seemcii in nxreiieni health K spirils .-hmi iippeaieit quito at hoinu among ihe iiontsi nut liirmeis who came in bv i , .. i . ... uunuieiis io le.nuw tin ir ayipi iiutaucp . . . I. . , C t. wiiu 'inr. nttUNi: ris- NEW .IERSI0Y. Sliatlon's miijiniiy js ahnul 1300; ihe vnii uiajoriiy in llm legislature i oi) In I 10. Ihu maioiHv On II ,,,, """" W,H k v i fun vr - " nunc tin ill iioiin ,ir M,i , ii,,,, v,i, ,s nu, -ii.u wm, ,. ,,, - , ,i ,,, J.., ,t . . ," l""y ol Polk and in .1 o Eg, lnre , , 1 io was J7 11V It , ' jiniUl UlijR.lJl'JiM RiT !- A tiii y nu ctt vbi?,' A t c J.6)5ftS woi k ? D i yon fully aipre6i.i tllte'cbnliii); cni est ? Have you sftuii your neighbois ? Hive you impiosid upni tlwin, and upon nil your fncnil, the nccisity o' 'VPty man's luriiiiig out to Ihu p ills ? If you hnve nol ilutie tin su lliings, li hern now ; for thU isdialh si niggle I e twien Iwn opposing principles. If I) inocracy fadn now, a deep ami dea(ll lab will be ii.ll cled upon the peace, tin prospct il i and the cunslitiilion of ou land. I.MPOR I'ANCE OF A SINCLE VOTE The Oincinnaii Alias publislics the foi lowing remarkable instances of the iinpor lauco of ii single vole. One in the city uf New York rnliirned s Republican member to thu Assembly, which made a m ij irity in the Legislature oflhat St He lor Tliomss Jelfersju, and give him the vole ol New Yoik, without whi.'l. he could not have been elected Tile wliolt pihiiy of ihe United Stiles during 1'ie Jellaison and Maili-niu admin straiion, a periuc t f sixteen j o.irc, hung o i that nut vole- Onn vote elected .Marcus Morion Oov nrnnr of Massatduiseii, in an aucruga't popular vote of neatly one huinited tuoii sand. One vote "elected Win. Allci in tin Clnllicolhe Disiriet to CongresH, in 1831. and one vntu siiliHcquenily made him llm tod Stales SuuaVir fur six jcars afier wards. One vole elected Mr. While to Cnngres from Vermont, in I8'2U, and a member wa also ehnseti in 1 82 1 by a singlu vote, in i canvass wlioro ,uboul 0000 were poll id. The following case of tho kind is still more remarkable: In 1830, Din Sumo of ibis city, was a candidate forllio S.alu Legislator. Walk i ig up .iiiiin. street on tne morning ot tin ili!i"ion,hi! overtook an acnuain lance cnim to ihe pells who intended tu vole the oppo slid iickim. Mnne snlicttcil his vne. ' Wt ire all I'rivnds,' said lie, 'and I know V( will shoiv a friend that milk uf kiii'lues?." Party spirit was then I'ouip.iriiively quiet llm voter milled. -Well, Dn. vnu'r i pretty clever fellow I don't care if I do I hat vote elected Hume, and' I'ave i majority nf one in the legislature, uhiei in tile Thomas Ewi ig IJuiied Stales eu itor. Mr. E wing's vole on the nuestion ol cunliriniiig the appoiniuiPiii of Martin Vai ISurcu as Aliiusicr Pltiuipotiiriliiir y to Circa' linlaii, cn ibled the Vice Preidtiiit to I'ivi ihu casting voi agaiini it, and recalled Mr Vni Kmii-ii Iioiiip. I'hat recall made Mr Van Rureii first Vice President, ar.d then President, and determined the ieneral nnlu v ol ihu eiiuutrv fir four e irs One vote accom jili.-lin! all this. LET US RE.4SOM jl OOETU'ER. We ak those in Plill idelpia, ami else where, wbn are nppueil lo ''oreiiMi iifllu nice, and who am disnns -d m vote fm Henry Cay, to n ll.'ci before llloy eoiniui 1 1 act so iiieonsifi ent wiii I leu nrofisions I'o vole for Iltinrv Clay is to vote indireetU in favor of aJS'aiional Hank of fill millions, i -iliu which can only bu o'ltaincd in inonev irules ol Euruiie. and which sad expeneuei leaches, would ireale-i power hi'iitm to tli. principles of repiiblieaniniii, and dangerous io the lib"r'is nf this i onuiry. We put it lo those ho declaitn agiiinsi l-'oreigu inlliiencu, to n.aik well the lacts whioh prekeni iheiiiselvs, in examine the svbolesomi! truths iresented by their even diy experience, and explain if they call, how ii is that eiety llriiisli KniL'sinan en ...ii . ... " "uen io n vine in mis country, will cast lial vote lor Henry Ulay. Wo ak them how it is that every Hrilisl. money denier will east his vole fur Clay, ii i. . i. i , . . .. 3 . . . t ti ,iii ineiii now ti comes mat lintisi' traders generally contend for the election ol Henry Clay. We aak how it is, that while tho federal or whig orators declaim against .lames K. I'olk and the dumocraiiu parly generally. as being in favor of free trade, tho Hiiiish tuipoiters almost to a man are in favor ol Henry Clay, who is attempted to be luld ti as a protective: tat ill man f l'lius putting tin stamp uf falsehood upon their own acts. Wo ask how it comes that everv niii opposed to tho piinciples of mir Cover ineiii, amy themselves in tanks of Clav t oiptiortrrs, il Henry Clay is the friend nl Kiijiuliliciin imitituiioiis us represented In viltiggery, -Wo ask how n friend nf die tariff can fup ion lli-nty Clay, hearts do.siru is a N tiiimal 'lank, llm which, ll'charicred, would otuiale di-imoirically upposiio to the interots of the iniuiiiaeluie,by enabling ihe spceulaiur.as in u.nes pan, lo prey npun Hie couimunny, in I njiluite in inufacttiori ami much inicsjlo ho condition fr-im whim tho sound etitren uy and iibfenoe of wild speculation have tu Hu veil them. W cask how any friend of ihn constitution of.iur country can support Henry Clay, vho proclaims bis iutentiou. il'nlothed with power, lo rob that ins'.iiiinent of tho only i'onurvativQ guarantee against delelciious inlliienccs in our N-iiini.nl Loigslutiou; tuiil we ask ev'ry tulerto rellect hefuni he casts hishdlnt fur lliiniy Clay, Look every, where at the means resorted to by federal whiggery tn obtain power, and ask youiself, reader dour they would ex'icnu it, if oh tuned, ActiO'is speak louder than woido Home would prevent win limn ' i i i . . iV",r"7: 7, y 1 '7 ;'' v'r w,,h pu'v.r, mi'l w'niwil liecuiic t t ixoo U ,,., I... ,,. Reader, ic.Iti' I'XI II lalllg novnt?xou;s election, . ' oqroiiER it)M. 'ftnti&ntr, 1611. .Sluuik, (lAirklc, IstlH Tine, ("(Ull.liDS, Aililim Allegheny AriiMltiinn liuer lleUl.irtl Herki liuiks .Irulliml littler Oailiun JlllW Itllll JlieiltrT yiiluinlila Juiiilicilaud Jiiinliiia wiiiler Oliutii'i Clc.uliclil Olarhiii lllUlpllill Di l.uvaic Drm rllk r'tijelto c'lankli.) (ircciii! 1 1 tl lit l H'-ihill I iJiatia It'll at.li Jlllilul t I II7CI'.0 li.iut'iif nr l.dianoii - beliiali l.ytoiuli'g Aliirill'iiiiit i f, Aleicc- AIiik'oo ai; tiiin AI'Klmii iN'uiiliainnlou iNuitlnuuliiTlaiul I'or.y i'liil i cu. l'liil, city 1'iUu I'uttur SjllllTM't Ht-liiiylHll Mistjui'liaiilM riugu L'nioii Vcll!ll! Voiiiiiij; U'.i. Ijingluii U'iijiiu Warren HYitmurulaiiil Yoik i(io..i(i:i lno.i 1 1 1 rid, 1 li Add Bluing's ii:ijuriiy, in (iili ward, Nut i hern Liberties not ie mriii'd, 108- Shunk's nirij. '5;il7 DIALOGUE. SCKNT. 'I'. ;-J)vinoui uts. Deacon, who will Ik? your whig candidate for the 1'iesiilen )? Dcicoo. Will, I dnn'l know, hut tope it will bu some good mm. I never ean conscientiously vote for a duellrst or a slavu holder. llow false arc all thinly here lielow ' Demon-lit. Ah, is thai yuu, Deacon? Ootid mm mug lad lo seu you. Tim nomination o! Clay cjiiih I isl night. The whigs' . ii ound ' the Exchange aiu . lil of gb-e. Deacon. -.That is capiialjtlianl; Heaven We can heat ) ou now. Democial. Hey ! what! Why, Deacon, you lold mo you could never conscientiously vole for a duellist or a slave holder, did't you? Deacon. Why, yes; no: that i; not "Xactly ; you mistiii thai is lo say, lo peak plauly; I mean he it is line wcallici good bye. I have, an en igenitftit, Portland . (dVcJ Jldvcrli i cr. THE ONE TERM. Can anv one inform tis what h.n be come of this principle of tho universal Uhlgpaily! lias it evaporated! li in not among the trumpery which the conns paiotje ns their pi iuciplru. It is mil on any of their ban nets, niid neither , their speakers or papers' .refer to it in tlio uiofll distant tet ins. They have drnp tied the gteal 'line term principle.' The secret of ibis is- nppiwent the sup 'ers of Mr. Clay Ihu 'aristocracy of ihn w big ptn t) ' lorced the otto Umiii tiiinciii'u unoti Gen. Ilartison. in ouler that their fuvoiiio .night have a cliauco in 1811. Thn Harrison men the Anti Masons of Pennsylvania wete forced (o siibmil to it, sorely agiinsi their will bul now, their masters scoff al the idea of one letm. IJeniy Clay can be hound by no such restrictions, though it was all right enough wilh Gen. Ilatrison. Harrison men do vou not feel llio col-lai? - r)!JT)3 806 ' )0aU J'loV ,. SilOU 27;io ssst :ioir ' I fi Mil) ClUIJ ,ld(ll '" ' sum -ui)' ,781 .Ifi:) M-M 211(1 fino uiyu 3 1 y i, r,iiy :10II8 2'JV1 ll'J'J UB'J aysi m 'Jir, H07 KIU'J (!lt 188!) 7UU iM'i -MU)' 1 1U; 2(1(1!) 22117 :1501 l:)2 tti:i H.ill I 28.')li :j-l I 37U7 225r Man 2(i:tll U22 I'll 7 20!IS 727 017 11S8 IIIS5 i7 is vMjF' s-'UPo sJfdir ' - yildll liMf f);tui -I tut -TU 271,;, Kit) I :t7,- lWft lf.UO I'O :sii7 Ill'iti 2155 iiuy i tins i:it(i isaui) mi as "205 ')2t)2 v Ms f27 202 sisa sir.o ;i-17 2:t!)() 'Ki8 1SU5 lovn mm 1777 2721 ISilll H7:i StIH 751 :ty.r8 :iu!i t I lift!) 811 11(17 8!. 170-1 2; 78 Id!) I 3t!02 I'll, 10 COON. To t!tu citpi icliius ii)iseliievotSiO' t of thu mniikuy,' cays Grind mini in his N i ii' al Il'i'ory, Hbo Riecion mltls :i blond 'hn(y uml viudlitivc spjn. pi'cu liarly Ii s own,' It m ghl have been i.l I 'bat ih Jamms i l the peculiar ii d inuM . (tlicttd .'uljecls of Ills' ileprt- i 'lt)llj. fj